A cooperative agreement among UNEP, ILO, FAO, WHO, UNIDO, UNITAR and

    This report contains the collective views of an international group of
    experts and does not necessarily represent the decisions or the stated
    policy of the United Nations Environment Programme, the International
    Labour Organization, or the World Health Organization.

    First draft prepared by Ms F. Rice, National Institute of Occupational
    Safety and Health, Cincinnati, OH, USA

    Published under the joint sponsorship of the United Nations
    Environment Programme, the International Labour Organization, and the
    World Health Organization, and produced within the framework of the
    Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals.

    World Health Organization
    Geneva, 2000

         The International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS),
    established in 1980, is a joint venture of the United Nations
    Environment Programme (UNEP), the International Labour Organization
    (ILO), and the World Health Organization (WHO). The overall objectives
    of the IPCS are to establish the scientific basis for assessment of
    the risk to human health and the environment from exposure to
    chemicals, through international peer review processes, as a
    prerequisite for the promotion of chemical safety, and to provide
    technical assistance in strengthening national capacities for the
    sound management of chemicals.

         The Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of
    Chemicals (IOMC) was established in 1995 by UNEP, ILO, the Food and
    Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, WHO, the United
    Nations Industrial Development Organization, the United Nations
    Institute for Training and Research, and the Organisation for Economic
    Co-operation and Development (Participating Organizations), following
    recommendations made by the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and
    Development to strengthen cooperation and increase coordination in the
    field of chemical safety. The purpose of the IOMC is to promote
    coordination of the policies and activities pursued by the
    Participating Organizations, jointly or separately, to achieve the
    sound management of chemicals in relation to human health and the

    WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

    Crystalline silica, quartz.

         (Concise international chemical assessment document ; 24)

         1.Quartz - toxicity  2.Quartz - adverse effects
         3.Risk assessment  4.Occupational exposure
         5.Environmental exposure  6.Epidemiologic studies
         I.Programme on Chemical Safety  II.Series

         ISBN 92 4 153023 5  (NLM Classification: QV 633)
         ISSN 1020-6167

         The World Health Organization welcomes requests for permission to
    reproduce or translate its publications, in part or in full.
    Applications and enquiries should be addressed to the Office of
    Publications, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, which
    will be glad to provide the latest information on any changes made to
    the text, plans for new editions, and reprints and translations
    already available.

              (c) World Health Organization 2000

         Publications of the World Health Organization enjoy copyright
    protection in accordance with the provisions of Protocol 2 of the
    Universal Copyright Convention. All rights reserved.

         The designations employed and the presentation of the material in
    this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever
    on the part of the Secretariat of the World Health Organization
    concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city, or area
    or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers
    or boundaries.

         The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers'
    products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the
    World Health Organization in preference to others of a similar nature
    that are not mentioned. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of
    proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters.

         The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and
    Nuclear Safety, Germany, provided financial support for the printing
    of this publication.











         8.1. Single exposure

         8.2. Short-term exposure

         8.3. Long-term exposure and carcinogenicity

              8.3.1. Interaction with other compounds

         8.4. Genotoxicity and related end-points

         8.5. Reproductive and developmental toxicity

         8.6. Immunological and neurological effects


         9.1. Case reports

         9.2. Epidemiological studies

              9.2.1. Silicosis

              9.2.2. Pulmonary tuberculosis and other infections

              9.2.3. Lung cancer

              9.2.4. Autoimmune-related disease

              9.2.5. Renal disease

              9.2.6. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

              9.2.7. Other adverse health effects



         11.1. Evaluation of health effects

              11.1.1. Hazard identification and dose-response assessment

              11.1.2. Criteria for setting tolerable intakes or guidance values for quartz

              11.1.3. Sample risk characterization











         Concise International Chemical Assessment Documents (CICADs) are
    the latest in a family of publications from the International
    Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) -- a cooperative programme of the
    World Health Organization (WHO), the International Labour Organization
    (ILO), and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). CICADs
    join the Environmental Health Criteria documents (EHCs) as
    authoritative documents on the risk assessment of chemicals.

         CICADs are concise documents that provide summaries of the
    relevant scientific information concerning the potential effects of
    chemicals upon human health and/or the environment. They are based on
    selected national or regional evaluation documents or on existing
    EHCs. Before acceptance for publication as CICADs by IPCS, these
    documents undergo extensive peer review by internationally selected
    experts to ensure their completeness, accuracy in the way in which the
    original data are represented, and the validity of the conclusions

         The primary objective of CICADs is characterization of hazard and
    dose-response from exposure to a chemical. CICADs are not a summary of
    all available data on a particular chemical; rather, they include only
    that information considered critical for characterization of the risk
    posed by the chemical. The critical studies are, however, presented in
    sufficient detail to support the conclusions drawn. For additional
    information, the reader should consult the identified source documents
    upon which the CICAD has been based.

         Risks to human health and the environment will vary considerably
    depending upon the type and extent of exposure. Responsible
    authorities are strongly encouraged to characterize risk on the basis
    of locally measured or predicted exposure scenarios. To assist the
    reader, examples of exposure estimation and risk characterization are
    provided in CICADs, whenever possible. These examples cannot be
    considered as representing all possible exposure situations, but are
    provided as guidance only. The reader is referred to EHC 1701 for
    advice on the derivation of health-based tolerable intakes and
    guidance values.

    1 International Programme on Chemical Safety (1994)  Assessing human
       health risks of chemicals: derivation of guidance values for
       health-based exposure limits. Geneva, World Health Organization
      (Environmental Health Criteria 170).

         While every effort is made to ensure that CICADs represent the
    current status of knowledge, new information is being developed
    constantly. Unless otherwise stated, CICADs are based on a search of
    the scientific literature to the date shown in the executive summary.
    In the event that a reader becomes aware of new information that would
    change the conclusions drawn in a CICAD, the reader is requested to
    contact IPCS to inform it of the new information.


         The flow chart shows the procedures followed to produce a CICAD.
    These procedures are designed to take advantage of the expertise that
    exists around the world -- expertise that is required to produce the
    high-quality evaluations of toxicological, exposure, and other data
    that are necessary for assessing risks to human health and/or the

         The first draft is based on an existing national, regional, or
    international review. Authors of the first draft are usually, but not
    necessarily, from the institution that developed the original review.
    A standard outline has been developed to encourage consistency in
    form. The first draft undergoes primary review by IPCS to ensure that
    it meets the specified criteria for CICADs.

         The second stage involves international peer review by scientists
    known for their particular expertise and by scientists selected from
    an international roster compiled by IPCS through recommendations from
    IPCS national Contact Points and from IPCS Participating Institutions.
    Adequate time is allowed for the selected experts to undertake a
    thorough review. Authors are required to take reviewers' comments into
    account and revise their draft, if necessary. The resulting second
    draft is submitted to a Final Review Board together with the
    reviewers' comments.

         The CICAD Final Review Board has several important functions:

    -    to ensure that each CICAD has been subjected to an appropriate
         and thorough peer review;

    -    to verify that the peer reviewers' comments have been addressed

    -    to provide guidance to those responsible for the preparation of
         CICADs on how to resolve any remaining issues if, in the opinion
         of the Board, the author has not adequately addressed all
         comments of the reviewers; and

    -    to approve CICADs as international assessments.

    Board members serve in their personal capacity, not as representatives
    of any organization, government, or industry. They are selected
    because of their expertise in human and environmental toxicology or
    because of their experience in the regulation of chemicals. Boards are
    chosen according to the range of expertise required for a meeting and
    the need for balanced geographic representation.

         Board members, authors, reviewers, consultants, and advisers who
    participate in the preparation of a CICAD are required to declare any
    real or potential conflict of interest in relation to the subjects
    under discussion at any stage of the process. Representatives of
    nongovernmental organizations may be invited to observe the
    proceedings of the Final Review Board. Observers may participate in
    Board discussions only at the invitation of the Chairperson, and they
    may not participate in the final decision-making process.

    FIGURE 1


         This CICAD on crystalline silica, quartz was based on the
    following three extensive peer-reviewed documents on the health
    effects of crystalline silica, including quartz: (1) a review of
    published human studies and reports on the adverse health effects of
    quartz exposure (NIOSH, forthcoming), (2) a review of the
    carcinogenicity studies conducted by the International Agency for
    Research on Cancer (IARC, 1997), and (3) a review of the non-cancer
    health effects of ambient quartz (US EPA, 1996). The source documents
    had different emphases on different end-points, and the CICAD was
    developed to assess all the adverse health effects identified in these
    documents. It is to be noted that despite the different emphases, the
    final conclusions of all source documents were very similar. A
    comprehensive literature search of several on-line databases was
    conducted. Data identified as of March 1999 are included in this

         This CICAD considers the most common form of crystalline silica
    (i.e., quartz). It does not consider experimental studies of the
    effects of other forms of crystalline silica (e.g., cristobalite,
    tridymite, stishovite, or coesite), coal dust, diatomaceous earth, or
    amorphous silica, because their  in vitro toxicities differ from that
    of quartz. Differences in induction of fibrogenicity of quartz,
    cristobalite, and tridymite were demonstrated  in vivo in an early
    rat study. However, there are virtually no experimental studies that
    systematically evaluated exactly the same material to which humans are
    exposed. The IARC Working Group considered the possibility that there
    may be differences in the carcinogenic potential among polymorphs of
    crystalline silica. However, some of the epidemiological studies
    evaluated lung cancer among workers in "mixed environments" where
    quartz may be heated and varying degrees of conversion to cristobalite
    or tridymite can occur (e.g., ceramics, pottery, and refractory brick
    industries), and exposures specifically to quartz or cristobalite were
    not delineated. Although there were some indications that cancer risks
    varied by industry and process in a manner suggestive of
    polymorph-specific risks, the Working Group could reach only a single
    conclusion for quartz and cristobalite. The CICAD reflects the
    discussion and conclusion of that source document; therefore, when
    considering the carcinogenicity of quartz in the occupational setting,
    it does not distinguish between epidemiological studies of quartz and
    those of cristobalite.

         The peer review process for this CICAD was targeted to include
    review by an international group of experts selected for their
    knowledge about the current controversies and issues surrounding
    quartz. Information on the nature of the peer review and the
    availability of the source documents is presented in Appendix 1.
    Information on the peer review of this CICAD is presented in 
    Appendix 2. This CICAD was approved as an international assessment at 

    a meeting of the Final Review Board, held in Sydney, Australia, on 
    21-24 November 1999. Participants at the Final Review Board meeting 
    are listed in Appendix 3. The International Chemical Safety Card 
    (ICSC 0808) for crystalline silica, quartz has been reproduced in 
    Appendix 4 (IPCS, 1993).

         Quartz (CAS No. 14808-60-7) is a frequently occurring solid
    component of most natural mineral dusts. Human exposures to quartz
    occur most often during occupational activities that involve movement
    of earth, disturbance of silica-containing products (e.g., masonry,
    concrete), or use or manufacture of silica-containing products.
    Environmental exposure to ambient quartz dust can occur during
    natural, industrial, and agricultural activities. Respirable quartz
    dust particles can be inhaled and deposited in the lung; however, no
    conclusions have been made about the clearance kinetics of quartz
    particles in humans.

         Quartz dust induces cellular inflammation  in vivo. Short-term
    experimental studies of rats have found that intratracheal
    instillation of quartz particles leads to the formation of discrete
    silicotic nodules in rats, mice, and hamsters. Inhalation of
    aerosolized quartz particles impairs alveolar macrophage clearance
    functions and leads to progressive lesions and pneumonitis. Oxidative
    stress (i.e., increased formation of hydroxyl radicals, reactive
    oxygen species, or reactive nitrogen species) has been observed in
    rats after intratracheal instillation or inhalation of quartz. Many
    experimental  in vitro studies have found that the surface
    characteristics of the crystalline silica particle influence its
    fibrogenic activity and a number of features related to its
    cytotoxicity. Although many potential contributory mechanisms have
    been described in the literature, the mechanisms responsible for
    cellular damage by quartz particles are complex and not completely

         Long-term inhalation studies of rats and mice have shown that
    quartz particles produce cellular proliferation, nodule formation,
    suppressed immune functions, and alveolar proteinosis. Experimental
    studies of rats reported the occurrence of adenocarcinomas and
    squamous cell carcinomas after the inhalation or intratracheal
    instillation of quartz. Pulmonary tumours were not observed in
    experiments with hamsters or mice. Adequate dose-response data (e.g.,
    no-adverse-effect or lowest-adverse-effect levels) for rats or other
    rodents are not available because few multiple-dose carcinogenicity
    studies have been performed.

         Quartz did not test positively in standard bacterial mutagenesis
    assays. Results of genotoxicity studies of quartz conflict, and a
    direct genotoxic effect for quartz has not been confirmed or ruled

         In experimental studies of particles, results may vary depending
    on the test material, particle size of the material, concentration
    administered, and species tested. The experiments with quartz
    particles involved specimens from various sources, using various
    doses, particle sizes, and species, which could have affected the

         Data on the reproductive and developmental effects of quartz in
    laboratory animals are not available.

         The adverse effects of quartz in aquatic organisms and
    terrestrial mammals have not been studied.

         There are many epidemiological studies of occupational cohorts
    exposed to respirable quartz dust. Silicosis, lung cancer, and
    pulmonary tuberculosis are associated with occupational exposure to
    quartz dust. IARC classified inhaled crystalline silica (quartz or
    cristobalite) from occupational sources as a Group 1 carcinogen based
    on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in humans and experimental
    animals; "in making the overall evaluation, the Working Group noted
    that carcinogenicity in humans was not detected in all industrial
    circumstances studied. Carcinogenicity may be dependent on inherent
    characteristics of the crystalline silica or on external factors
    affecting its biological activity or distribution of its polymorphs"
    (IARC, 1997).

         Statistically significant increases in deaths or cases of
    bronchitis, emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
    autoimmune-related diseases (i.e., scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis,
    systemic lupus erythematosus), and renal diseases have been reported.

         Silicosis is the critical effect for hazard identification and
    exposure-response assessment. There are sufficient epidemiological
    data to allow the risk of silicosis to be quantitatively estimated,
    but not to permit accurate estimations of risks for other health
    effects mentioned above. (A pooled risk assessment of epidemiological
    studies of silica and lung cancer is in progress at IARC.)

         The risk estimates for silicosis prevalence for a working
    lifetime of exposure to respirable quartz dust concentrations of about
    0.05 or 0.10 mg/m3 in the occupational environment vary widely (i.e.,
    2-90%). Regarding exposure to ambient quartz in the general
    environment, a benchmark dose analysis predicted that the silicosis
    risk for a continuous 70-year lifetime exposure to 0.008 mg/m3
    (estimated high crystalline silica concentration in US metropolitan
    areas) is less than 3% for healthy individuals not compromised by
    other respiratory diseases or conditions and for ambient environment
    (US EPA, 1996). The silicosis risk for persons with respiratory
    diseases exposed to ambient quartz in the general environment was not

         Uncertainties exist in the evaluation of epidemiological studies
    and the risk assessment of health effects related to quartz dust
    exposure. The difficulties, many of which are inherent to the study of
    respiratory diseases in occupational populations, include limitations
    in the amount and quality of historical exposure data, deficiencies in
    data on potentially confounding factors, such as cigarette smoking,
    and difficulties in the interpretation of chest radiographs as
    evidence of exposure. In addition, occupational exposures to quartz
    dust are complex because workers are frequently exposed to dust
    mixtures that contain quartz and other mineral varieties. Properties
    of the dust (e.g., particle size, surface properties, crystalline
    form) may differ according to geological source and can also change
    during industrial processing. Such variations can affect the
    biological activity of the inhaled dust. The IARC Working Group
    evaluated the carcinogenicity of crystalline silica (including quartz)
    and focused on epidemiological studies that were the least likely to
    have been affected by confounding and selection biases and that
    evaluated exposure-response relationships (IARC, 1997).


         "Silica," or silicon dioxide (SiO2), occurs in either a
    crystalline or non-crystalline (amorphous) form. Crystalline silica
    may be found in more than one form (polymorphism), depending on the
    orientation and position of the tetrahedra (i.e., the
    three-dimensional basic unit of all forms of crystalline silica). The
    natural crystalline forms of silica are alpha-quartz, ß-quartz,
    alpha-, ß1-, and ß2-tridymite, alpha- and ß-cristobalite, coesite,
    stishovite, and moganite (IARC, 1997). This document discusses the
    most common form of naturally occurring crystalline silica -- quartz
    (CAS No. 14808-60-7). Cristobalite (CAS No. 14464-46-1) and tridymite
    (CAS No. 15468-32-3) exist in nature, but they can also be created
    during industrial processes, such as the calcination of diatomaceous
    earth, ceramics manufacturing, foundry processes, silicon carbide
    manufacturing, and any other process in which quartz is heated to high
    temperatures (NIOSH, 1974; Altieri et al., 1984; Virta, 1993; 
    Weill et al., 1994; IARC, 1997).

         Quartz is a colourless, odourless, non-combustible solid and a
    component of many mineral dusts (NIOSH, 1997). It is insoluble in
    water (NIOSH, 1997). When quartz is cut, ground, or milled, the
    crystal is fractured, and Si and Si-O radicals may be generated on the
    cleavage surfaces (Castranova et al., 1996). Trace metal impurities,
    such as iron and aluminium, can modify the surface reactivity of
    quartz (Fubini et al., 1995; Fubini, 1997, 1998; IARC, 1997; Donaldson
    & Borm, 1998).

         Most of the experimental studies described in section 8 used
    Min-U-Sil or DQ 12 quartz. Min-U-Sil is a trade name, and the number
    that follows (e.g., Min-U-Sil 5) describes the particle size of the
    sample (e.g., Min-U-Sil 5 is <5 µm in diameter). The purity is 99%
    quartz (IARC, 1997). However, the geological sources of crystals have
    varied; consequently, the associated impurities may have varied. The
    particle size distributions of Min-U-Sil and several other reference
    standards for the quantification of quartz in coal mine dust have been
    investigated (Huggins et al., 1985), but a comprehensive report has
    not been published on the analytical characteristics of a standard
    sample of Min-U-Sil and the reproducibility of its aliquots 
    (Saffiotti et al., 1993). DQ 12 is a quartz sand that contains 87% 
    crystalline silica; the remaining proportion is amorphous silica, with 
    small contaminations of kaolinite. All DQ 12 samples originate from 
    the same source, but its particle size and composition have not been 
    reported recently (IARC, 1997). Furthermore, many experimental and
    epidemiological studies do not state the source and properties of the
    quartz that is used as a test material or collected in the workplace
    (Mossman & Churg, 1998).

         Additional physical and chemical properties of quartz are
    presented in the International Chemical Safety Card (ICSC 0808)
    reproduced in this document (Appendix 4).


         Mineral dust particles, such as quartz particles, are typically
    described by diameter size (e.g., geometric mean diameter) and
    aerodynamic diameter. Both characteristics are important in
    determining whether the particle is respirable (IARC, 1997). Analysis
    for airborne quartz is usually by X-ray diffraction or infrared
    spectrophotometry in combination with filter collection methods 
    (IARC, 1997). Dust levels can be based on counts from an impinger or 
    on mass collected on a filter (IARC, 1997). Currently, the latter 
    method is more commonly used. Most countries (e.g., the USA, the 
    United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, and Australia) require that the sample 
    be restricted to the respirable fraction (IARC, 1997). The estimated 
    detection limit for quartz in respirable dust samples is 0.005 mg 
    using US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) 
    method 7500 (i.e., X-ray powder diffraction) (NIOSH, 1994a). The 
    estimated detection limit for quartz in respirable dust samples with 
    NIOSH method 7602 (infrared absorption spectrophotometry) is also 
    0.005 mg (NIOSH, 1994b).


         Quartz is abundant in most rocks, sands, and soils (IARC, 1997).
    The extensive natural occurrence of quartz and the wide uses of the
    materials that contain quartz are directly related to potential
    occupational exposures to quartz for workers in many industries and
    occupations. Virtually any process that involves movement of earth
    (e.g., mining, farming, construction), disturbance of
    silica-containing products such as masonry and concrete, or use of
    sand and other silica-containing products (e.g., foundry processes)
    may potentially expose a worker to quartz (IARC, 1997). 


         Environmental exposures to quartz can occur when ambient quartz
    is emitted into the air as a component of particulate emissions
    produced by natural, industrial, and farming activities 
    (US EPA, 1996). These activities include construction and demolition, 
    quarrying and mining, dust from travel on paved and unpaved roads, 
    electrical power generation, agricultural tilling, forest fires, 
    volcanic eruptions, and wind erosion (US EPA, 1996; IARC, 1997).


         Ambient quartz is emitted to the environment as a component of
    particulate emissions. The available data on concentrations of quartz
    in the non-occupational environment (i.e., ambient air), including
    data collected by the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), are
    limited (US EPA, 1996). The US EPA's Inhalable Particulate Network
    provides a data set of quartz concentrations that were collected from
    high-volume or dichotomous samples of ambient aerosols in 25 US cities
    in 1980 (Davis et al., 1984). Average quartz concentrations were
    highest (and most variable) in air masses in continental interior
    sites. Ambient quartz concentrations collected from high-volume filter
    samples of total suspended particulates in 10 US cities ranged from
    0 µg/m3 (Portland, Oregon) to 15.8 µg/m3 (Akron, Ohio) 
    (Davis et al., 1984). Both of those findings were based on one sample 
    in each city (US EPA, 1996).

         Non-occupational inhalation of quartz may occur while using a
    variety of commercial products, such as cleansers, cosmetics, 
    art clays and glazes, pet litter, talcum powder, caulk, putty, paint, 
    and mortar (US Department of the Interior, 1992). Data representing
    quantitative exposure levels of respirable quartz during
    non-occupational uses of commercial products are not available.

         Although quartz particles may be present in water, quantitative
    data on concentrations of quartz in potable or other forms of
    drinking-water are not available (IARC, 1997).

         Occupational quartz dust exposure is probably one of the most
    documented workplace exposures. Nearly every mineral deposit contains
    some quartz (Greskevitch et al., 1992); thus, most quartz exposures
    are to mixed dust with a variable quartz content that must be measured
    by dust collection and analysis (Wagner, 1995). Compliance officers
    for the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration measured
    respirable quartz in 255 industries that were targeted for inspection,
    excluding mining and agriculture. In 48% of the industries, average
    overall exposure exceeded the permissible exposure level (10 mg
    respirable dust/m3 divided by % silica + 2) (Freeman & Grossman,

         Respirable quartz levels exceeding 0.1 mg/m3 have been reported
    in many industries worldwide and are most frequently found in metal,
    non-metal, and coal mines and mills; in granite quarrying and
    processing, crushed stone and related industries; in foundries; in the
    ceramics industry; and in construction and sandblasting operations
    (IARC, 1997). IARC summarized data from the main industries for which
    quantitative quartz exposure levels were available in the published
    literature or where major occupational health studies were conducted
    (IARC, 1997). The IARC review is condensed here and presented by
    industry. Many processes in these industries include potential
    exposures to other substances with known adverse health effects,

    including carcinogenicity. Information about the health hazards for a
    particular industry, the variability of the proportion of quartz found
    in total dust samples from different industries, and the estimated
    proportion of workers exposed to defined concentrations is available
    elsewhere (e.g., IARC, 1984, 1987, 1997; Burgess, 1995; Linch et al.,

         The mean respirable quartz level in mining operations (i.e.,
    underground and surface mining, milling operations) inspected in the
    USA from 1988 to 1992 was usually less than 0.10 mg/m3, but a
    significant percentage of samples exceeded the permissible exposure
    limit (see above) (Watts & Parker, 1995; IARC, 1997). Estimated
    arithmetic mean respirable crystalline silica levels (form of
    "crystalline silica" was not specified) for 1950-1959 and 1981-1987 in
    20 Chinese mines (10 tungsten, 6 iron-copper, and 4 tin) decreased
    about 10-fold between those periods. The estimated arithmetic mean
    level of respirable silica (mg/m3) for the older period and the more
    recent period, respectively, were as follows: underground mining,
    4.89, 0.39; surface mining, 1.75, 0.27; ore dressing, 3.45, 0.42;
    tungsten mines, 4.99, 0.46; iron and copper mines, 0.75, 0.20; and tin
    mines, 3.49, 0.45 (Dosemeci et al., 1995; IARC, 1997). Respirable
    quartz concentrations in underground dust from South African gold
    mines ranged from 0.05 to 0.58 mg/m3 in surveys taken during
    1965-1967 (Beadle & Bradley, 1970). In a copper mine in Finland, the
    mean concentration of respirable quartz in the general mine air was
    about 0.16 mg/m3 until 1965, 0.12 mg/m3 in 1966-1975, and 0.08
    mg/m3 after 1981 (Ahlman et al., 1991).

         Exposure to respirable quartz dust can occur in granite quarrying
    and processing, including crushed stone and related industries.
    Geometric mean air concentrations and air concentrations of quartz
    from personal breathing-zone samples collected during various jobs in
    the granite quarrying and processing industries and crushed stone and
    related industries in Finland, the USA, and the United Kingdom ranged
    from 0.03 to 1.5 mg/m3 and from not detectable to 135 mg/m3,
    respectively (Donaldson et al., 1982; Eisen et al., 1984; Koskela et
    al., 1987; Davies et al., 1994; Kullman et al., 1995; IARC, 1997). In
    US granite quarries and sheds, control measures implemented in the
    late 1930s and the 1940s resulted in 10- to 100-fold reductions of
    formerly high dust levels (Davis et al., 1983; IARC, 1997).

         In India, personal respirable dust levels of 0.06-1.12 mg/m3
    (average 0.61 mg/m3 with a free silica content of 15%; form of silica
    not specified) were generated during the manufacture of slate pencils
    from natural rock. Average personal dust concentrations measured in
    previous surveys in 1977 and 1982 were 10- to 100-fold higher (Fulekar
    & Alam Kham, 1995; IARC, 1997).

         Foundry occupations can involve exposure to quartz-containing
    sands and parting powders (e.g., silica flour). The quartz content of
    sands ranges from 5% to nearly 100% (IARC, 1997). Foundry occupations
    with particularly high potential exposures to quartz (e.g., sand or
    silica flour) are those jobs that involve sand preparation and
    reclamation, knocking-out or shaking-out, cleaning of castings (i.e.,
    fettling, grinding, sandblasting), and furnace and ladle refractory
    relining and repair (IARC, 1997). Mean personal respirable quartz
    levels in iron, steel, aluminium, brass, and other types of foundries
    ranged from 0.19 to 5.26 mg/m3 in Finland (Siltanen et al., 1976;
    IARC, 1997) and from 0.13 to 0.63 mg/m3 in Sweden (Gerhardsson, 1976;
    IARC, 1997); in Canadian iron and steel foundries, the mean personal
    respirable quartz concentration was 0.086 mg/m3 (Oudyk, 1995; IARC,

         IARC presented respirable quartz dust levels for jobs in
    ceramics, brick, cement, or glass industries in China (Dosemeci et
    al., 1995), Italy (Cavariani et al., 1995), the Netherlands (Buringh
    et al., 1990), South Africa (Myers et al., 1989; Rees et al., 1992),
    the United Kingdom (Bloor et al., 1971; Fox et al., 1975; Higgins et
    al., 1985), and the USA (Anderson et al., 1980; Salisbury & Melius,
    1982; Cooper et al., 1993) and noted that jobs involving mixing,
    moulding, glaze spraying, and finishing were associated with higher
    exposure levels, often in the range of 0.1-0.3 mg/m3 (IARC, 1997). In
    ceramic and pottery manufacturing facilities, exposures are mainly to
    quartz, but potential exposures to cristobalite may occur where high
    temperatures are used (e.g., ovens) (IARC, 1997). In refractory brick
    and diatomaceous earth processing facilities, the raw materials
    (amorphous or crystalline silica) are processed at temperatures near
    1000°C, with varying degrees of conversion to cristobalite (IARC,

         In the construction industry, drilling, sandblasting, sawing,
    grinding, cleaning, and many other actions that are applied to
    concrete, mortar surfaces, brick, rock, and other silica-containing
    substances and products can result in the generation of a fine
    airborne dust (Lofgren, 1993; Linch & Cocalis, 1994; NIOSH, 1996; IARC
    1997). Concrete finishers and masons in the USA (Lofgren, 1993),
    caisson workers in Hong Kong (Ng et al., 1987a), and construction site
    cleaners in Finland (Riala, 1988) have had respirable quartz exposure
    levels of at least 0.10 mg/m3, and some exposures were many times

         Sandblasters in US steel fabrication yards were exposed to a mean
    exposure of 4.8 mg/m3 of respirable free silica (type of silica not
    specified). Samples were collected from the workers' breathing zones,
    inside and outside protective hoods. Other yard workers had mean
    respirable free silica exposures ranging from 0.06 to 0.7 mg/m3
    (Samimi et al., 1974).

         In the USA, average personal respirable quartz exposures ranged
    from 0.02 to 0.07 mg/m3 during rice farming activities (Lawson et
    al., 1995), and median airborne quartz levels during fruit harvesting
    ranged from 0.007 to 0.11 mg/m3 (Popendorf et al., 1982; Stopford &
    Stopford, 1995).

         Exposures to respirable quartz have been noted in "miscellaneous"
    operations (IARC, 1997). Studies of US waste incinerator workers
    (Bresnitz et al., 1992), US wildland firefighters (Kelly, 1992;
    Materna et al., 1992), and workers in Canadian silicon carbide
    manufacturing plants (Dufresne et al., 1987) reported respirable
    quartz levels that were generally below 0.1 mg/m3. Gemstone workers
    in Hong Kong (Ng et al., 1987b), US workers involved with refuse
    burning, transfer, and landfill activities (Mozzon et al., 1987), and
    US maintenance-of-way railroad workers (i.e., broom operators and
    ballast regulators) (Tucker et al., 1995) had exposures to respirable
    quartz above 0.10 mg/m3.

        AND HUMANS

         Quartz enters the body as a particle. Usually the particle is
    inhaled, and it may be deposited in the lung. Solid particulates such
    as quartz are often described by size range. For example, "coarse"
    particles are usually described as particles with a diameter more than
    2 µm; "fine" particles are those with diameters in the range of
    0.1-2.0 µm; and "ultrafine" particles are described as particles with
    a diameter less than 0.1 µm. While particle size is often described as
    geometric mean diameter in inhalation studies, the aerodynamic
    characteristics of the particle are important, too. In humans,
    inhalation of "respirable" particles involves exposure to the
    particles in a mineral dust that are able to penetrate into the
    alveolar spaces of the lungs. It is generally considered that
    respirable particles have an aerodynamic diameter of <3-4 µm, while
    most particles larger than 5 µm may be deposited in the
    tracheobronchial airways and thus not reach the alveolar region (IARC,
    1997). Particles deposited in the respiratory bronchioles and proximal
    alveoli are cleared more slowly and are more likely to injure the

         There are few data on quartz dust burdens in human lungs, and no
    conclusions have been drawn about the clearance kinetics of quartz
    particles in humans (IARC, 1997). It has been observed that the
    deposition and clearance of quartz and other inhaled particles in
    other animals vary with species (IARC, 1997; Oberdörster, 1997).
    Short-term inhalation exposures (i.e., <10 days) in rats have shown
    that respirable quartz particles can be deposited in the lung and
    translocated into epithelial cells and to the interstitium and may
    eventually accumulate in the lymph nodes (IARC, 1997). Experimental
    particle inhalation studies of laboratory animals, particularly
    Fischer 344 rats, have demonstrated a phenomenon known as "particle
    overload," which may occur when the pulmonary defences are overwhelmed
    by very high exposures (Donaldson & Borm, 1998) and which may reduce
    the accuracy of linear exposure-response extrapolations to low levels
    (US EPA, 1996). The implications of particle overload for non-rodent
    species, such as humans, are not known, but in rats it is
    characterized by the suppression of particle transport by alveolar
    macrophages and the development of concurrent events such as increased
    interstitial dust uptake and prolonged inflammatory response (Morrow,
    1988, 1992).


         The biological response to quartz particles depends on a variety
    of factors. It is currently thought that the surface of the quartz
    particle is of prime importance in determining its biological effects
    because the surface makes contact with biological molecules and cell
    surfaces (Fubini et al., 1995; Fubini, 1997; Donaldson & Borm, 1998).
    Many experimental  in vitro studies have investigated the surface
    characteristics of crystalline silica particles, including quartz, and
    their influence on fibrogenic activity and have found that a number of
    features may be related to cytotoxicity (Fubini et al., 1995;
    Bolsaitis & Wallace, 1996; Castranova et al., 1996; Fubini, 1997,
    1998; Donaldson & Borm, 1998; Erdogdu & Hasirci, 1998). Some factors
    are inherent to the quartz particle itself (e.g., particle size,
    micromorphology, external surface defects, origin of the sample,
    thermal treatments, and grinding, ball milling, or etching of the
    particles), while other factors are external (e.g., contact,
    association, contamination, or coating by substances other than
    quartz) (Iler, 1979; Fubini, 1998). It has been suggested that
    intimate contact between quartz and carbon or metals could modify the
    nature of the surface sites (Fubini, 1998) and thus affect the
    biological response to quartz. Freshly fractured surfaces are more
    reactive than aged ones (IARC, 1997). Further research is needed to
    associate the surface characteristics with occupational exposure
    situations and health effects (Donaldson & Borm, 1998; NIOSH,
    forthcoming), such as work processes that produce freshly fractured
    silica surfaces (Vallyathan et al., 1995; Bolsaitis & Wallace, 1996)
    or where quartz may be contaminated with trace elements such as iron
    (Castranova et al., 1997). There is also a need for experimental
    studies to fully describe the sources and properties of quartz in
    products used in experimental studies (Mossman & Churg, 1998).

         Experimental studies of the effects of other forms of crystalline
    silica, such as cristobalite, tridymite, stishovite, and coesite, as
    well as coal dust, diatomaceous earth, and amorphous silica, are not
    discussed because their  in vitro toxicities differ from that of
    quartz (Parkes, 1982; Wiessner et al., 1988; Driscoll, 1995; Fubini et
    al., 1995; Donaldson & Borm, 1998; Hart & Hesterberg, 1998).
    Differences in induction of fibrogenicity of quartz, cristobalite, and
    tridymite were demonstrated  in vivo in an early rat study (King et
    al., 1953).

    8.1  Single exposure

         No useful data are available on lethal doses of quartz in
    experimental animals.

    8.2  Short-term exposure

         Evidence of cellular proliferation and 3-fold (or higher)
    increases in the water, protein, and phospholipid content of male rat
    lungs were observed within 28 days after a single 50-mg intratracheal
    injection of quartz (i.e., Min-U-Sil with particle diameter less than
    5 µm) (Dethloff et al., 1986a,b; Hook & Viviano, 1996). Discrete
    silicotic granulomas were observed in rats (both sexes) 21-30 days
    after administration of a single intratracheal instillation of 12 mg
    of quartz (Min-U-Sil; particle size <5 µm in diameter) 
    (Saffiotti et al., 1996). When the same research team administered a 
    single intratracheal instillation of 10 mg of quartz (Min-U-Sil; 
    particle size <5 µm in diameter) to male mice, the histopathological 
    changes were not as pronounced on day 30 as in the experimental rats, 
    but silicotic nodules and some fibrosis were present 
    (Saffiotti et al., 1996). However, hamsters at the same facility had 
    silicotic granulomas, but not fibrosis or epithelial reactions, 
    30 days after a single intratracheal instillation of 20 mg of quartz 
    (Min-U-Sil; particle size <5 µm in diameter) (Saffiotti et al.,

         A short-term inhalation bioassay of the pulmonary toxicity of
    aerosolized quartz particles (Berkeley Min-U-Sil(R) particles with
    mass median aerodynamic diameter of 3.7 µm; particle size range not
    reported) in rats found that brief exposure produced a persistent
    pulmonary inflammatory response and impairment of alveolar macrophage
    clearance functions (Warheit & Hartsky, 1997). Progressive lesions
    were observed within 1 month after a 3-day (6 h per day) aerosolized
    quartz exposure of 100 mg/m3. Two months after exposure, the lesions
    had progressed and developed into a multifocal, granulomatous-type
    pneumonitis. Rats with a 3-day exposure (6 h per day) to 100 mg
    carbonyl iron particles/m3 (negative controls) had no cellular,
    cytotoxic, or membrane permeability changes at any time after exposure
    (Warheit & Hartsky, 1997).

         Silica-induced apoptosis (i.e., programmed cell death) was
    observed in three  in vivo experiments with 60 (Leigh et al., 1998a)
    or 20 (Leigh et al., 1997; Wang et al., 1997a) male Wistar rats that
    were divided into groups of equal size and intratracheally instilled
    with 0.5 ml saline as a control or doses of Min-U-Sil 5 quartz
    suspended in 0.5 ml saline and ranging from 2.5 to 22.5 mg per group.
    Apoptotic cells were observed among lavaged cells (both alveolar and
    granulomatous) at various time periods, ranging from 1 to 56 days
    after instillation. The proportion of apoptotic cells generally
    appeared to increase with increasing quartz dose (Leigh et al., 1997),
    and it was proposed that apoptosis and subsequent engulfment of
    apoptotic cells by macrophages may be involved in the silica-induced
    inflammatory response, both acutely and chronically (Leigh et al.,
    1997; Wang et al., 1997a).

    8.3  Long-term exposure and carcinogenicity

         Several end-points have been selected to measure the fibrogenic
    potential of quartz in animals: pulmonary toxicity, lung weight,
    development of fibrous tissue, collagen content, cytotoxicity, and
    biochemical changes in the lungs (US EPA, 1996; Gift & Faust, 1997).
    Table 1 presents critical non-cancer effects found in subchronic and
    chronic quartz inhalation studies of rats and mice (US EPA, 1996; Gift
    & Faust, 1997). All studies showed either fibrosis, increased
    collagen, and increased elastin content of lungs or impaired
    phagocytic ability of alveolar macrophages. (Table 1 also presents
    estimates of human equivalent concentrations [HECs] for environmental
    exposures, which are discussed in section 11.1.1.)

         Tests of the carcinogenicity of quartz by different routes of
    exposure have been conducted. Different quartz specimens (i.e.,
    Min-U-Sil 5, Novaculite, DQ 12, hydrogen fluoride-etched Min-U-Sil 5,
    Min-U-Sil with polyvinylpyridine- N-oxide, DQ 12 with
    polyvinylpyridine- N-oxide, and Sikron F-300 quartz) with particle
    sizes in the respirable range were tested in five experiments with
    rats by inhalation (Holland et al., 1983, 1986; Dagle et al., 1986;
    Muhle et al., 1989, 1991, 1995; Reuzel et al., 1991; Spiethoff et al.,
    1992) and in four experiments with rats by intratracheal instillation
    (Holland et al., 1983; Groth et al., 1986; Saffiotti, 1990, 1992; 
    Pott et al., 1994; Saffiotti et al., 1996). The results of these
    experiments and others are summarized in Tables 2-4. Significant
    increases in the incidence of adenocarcinomas and squamous cell
    carcinomas of the lung were found in eight of the nine experiments.
    Marked, dense pulmonary fibrosis was part of the response 
    (IARC, 1997). (The IARC Working Group noted that the experiment by 
    Reuzel et al. [1991], in which only one respiratory tract tumour was 
    observed, had a short duration and lacked information on survival; 
    in addition, only a small proportion of the quartz particles was 
    respirable by rats.) (Note: Level of statistical significance of 
    tumour incidence in treated animals compared with control animals was 
    reported only by Groth et al. [1986].  P-value was less than 0.001 
    for their Min-U-Sil 5 and Novaculite experiments.)

         Although pulmonary granulomatous inflammation and slight to
    moderate fibrosis of the alveolar septa were observed in three
    experiments on hamsters that used repeated intratracheal instillation
    of quartz dusts, no pulmonary tumours were observed (Holland et al.,
    1983; Renne et al., 1985; Niemeier et al., 1986).

         In experiments with mice, no statistically significant increase
    was seen in the incidence of lung tumours in a strain A mouse (i.e.,
    male A/J mice from Jackson Laboratories, Bar Harbor, ME, USA) lung
    adenoma assay with one sample of quartz (McNeill et al., 1990) or with
    a sample of quartz in a limited inhalation study of BALB/cBYJ female
    mice (Wilson et al., 1986). Fibrosis was not observed; however, the
    lungs of quartz-treated mice did have silicotic granulomas, and
    lymphoid cuffing was observed around airways (IARC, 1997).

         Thoracic and abdominal malignant lymphomas, primarily of the
    histiocytic type, were found in several studies in rats using single
    intrapleural or intraperitoneal injection of suspensions of several
    types of quartz (Wagner & Berry, 1969; J.C. Wagner, 1970; Wagner &
    Wagner, 1972; M.M.F. Wagner, 1976; Wagner et al., 1980; 
    Jaurand et al., 1987; IARC, 1997).

         It is important to note the species differences observed in the
    tumour response to quartz particles. In rats, quartz is clearly
    carcinogenic, but there is less or no malignant tumour response in
    mice and hamsters (Donaldson & Borm, 1998). Particle-induced lung
    tumours have been noted in rats, but not to the same degree in mice or
    hamsters (IARC, 1997). Currently, there is a limited understanding of
    the mechanisms of quartz toxicity, including mechanisms of the rat
    lung response (IARC, 1997). Several mechanisms for the carcinogenicity
    of quartz in rats have been proposed, included the hypothetical
    inflammation-based mechanism (Figure 1; IARC, 1997). The rat model is
    the best model currently available for studying the effects of quartz,
    because it demonstrates the carcinogenic response observed in some
    human studies (Donaldson & Borm, 1998).

    8.3.1  Interaction with other compounds

         Other tests of carcinogenicity have been conducted using mixtures
    of quartz with known carcinogens. When aerosol concentrations of
    quartz (Dörentrup DQ 12) were administered by inhalation to rats for
    29 days and followed by a single intravenous injection of Thorotrast
    (an alpha-radiation-emitting material) at the end of the inhalation
    period, there was a pronounced interactive effect of Thorotrast with
    quartz (DQ 12) that included the occurrence of tumours in the lung
    (i.e., bronchioloalveolar adenomas, bronchioloalveolar carcinomas, and
    squamous cell carcinomas), liver, and spleen (Spiethoff et al., 1992;
    IARC, 1997). In experiments with hamsters, benzo[ a]pyrene with
    quartz and ferric oxide with quartz were administered by intratracheal
    instillation. No pulmonary tumours were observed in hamsters given
    mixtures of quartz and ferric oxide (1 : 1) (Niemeier et al., 1986).
    However, the number of respiratory tract tumours in hamsters given
    Min-U-Sil quartz and benzo[ a]pyrene or Sil-Co-Sil and
    benzo[ a]pyrene was significantly higher  (P < 0.01) than the
    number found in hamsters that received saline and benzo[ a]pyrene
    (Niemeier et al., 1986). 

        Table 1: Human equivalent concentrations (HECs) for environmental exposures and non-cancer and
    non-tumour effects for LOAELsa reported in subchronic (<3 months) and chronic quartz inhalation
    studies in experimental animals.b

    Species, strain,      Exposure, dose,      LOAEL(mg/m3)     LOAELHECc
    number, sex           duration                              (mg/m3)           Critical effect             Reference

    Rat                   1 mg/m3 of DQ 12     1                0.18              Subpleural and              Muhle et al., 1989
    Fischer 344           for 6 h/day, 5                                          peribronchial
    50/sex                days/week, for                                          fibrosis, focal
                          24 months                                               lipoproteinosis
                                                                                  cholesterol clefts,
                                                                                  enlarged lymph
                                                                                  nodes, and
                                                                                  lesions in the
                                                                                  walls of large bronchi;
                                                                                  doubling of lung
                                                                                  collagen content.
                                                                                  (Quantitative data were
                                                                                  not reported for these

    Mouse                 2 mg/m3 of           2                0.36              Suppressed response to      Scheuchenzuber 
    BALB/c                Min-U-Sil                                               aerosol of Escherichia      et al., 1985
    Female                for 8 h/day,                                            coli (i.e., formation
                          5 days/week,                                            of plaque-forming cells
                          for 150, 300,                                           in spleen) at 150, 300,
                          or 570 days                                             and 570 days; reduced
                                                                                  ability of alveolar
                                                                                  macrophages to
                                                                                  Staphylococcus aureus       
                                                                                  at 570 days; reduced
                                                                                  cytolysis of allogeneic     
                                                                                  tumour cells at 185 days.

    Table 1 (cont'd)

    Species, strain,      Exposure, dose,      LOAEL(mg/m3)     LOAELHECc
    number, sex           duration                              (mg/m3)           Critical effect             Reference

    Mouse                 4932.4 + 235.4       5                0.90              Suppressed response to      Burns et al., 1980
    BALB/c                µg/m3 of Min-U-Sil                                      aerosol of Escherichia
    Female                5 for 6 h/day,                                          coli (i.e., formation of
                          5 days/week, for                                        plaque-forming cells in
                          3, 9, 15, 27,                                           spleen) at 15, 27, 33,
                          33, or 39 weeks                                         and 39 weeks; increased
                                                                                  spleen/body ratios at
                                                                                  15, 21, and 27 weeks;
                                                                                  induced pulmonary fibrosis
                                                                                  (fibrotic nodules of
                                                                                  collagen, fibroblasts,
                                                                                  macrophages) at 39 weeks.

    Rat                   0, 2, 10, or 20      2                0.36              Increased collagen and      Drew & Kutzman,
    Fischer 344           mg/m3 of Min-U-Sil                                      elastin content of lungs;   1984b
    Both sexes            5 for 6 h/day,                                          caused birefringent
                          5 days/week, for                                        crystals in foamy
                          6 months                                                cytoplasm of macrophages    
                                                                                  that had accumulated in
                                                                                  end airway luminal 
                                                                                  spaces; induced Type II 
                                                                                  cell hyperplasia in 
                                                                                  alveolar compartment and    
                                                                                  microgranulomas around
                                                                                  bronchioles in some
                                                                                  animals. Quartz-dependent
                                                                                  increases in collagen and
                                                                                  elastin were 110%, 111%,
                                                                                  and 116% for collagen

    Table 1 (cont'd)

    Species, strain,      Exposure, dose,      LOAEL(mg/m3)     LOAELHECc
    number, sex           duration                              (mg/m3)           Critical effect             Reference

                                                                                  (as hydroxyproline) and
                                                                                  102%, 109%, and 109% for
                                                                                  elastin, respectively, for
                                                                                  each exposure group
                                                                                  relative to controls
                                                                                  (US EPA, 1996).

    Rat                   0, 2, 10, or         2                0.36              Increased weight and        Drew & Kutzman, 
    Fischer 344           20 mg/m3                                                collagen, elastin,          1984a
    Both sexes            of Min-U-Sil 5                                          deoxyribonucleic acid,
                          for 6 h/day,                                            and protein content of
                          5 days/week,                                            lungs (particularly at
                          for 6 months,                                           higher exposures of 10
                          plus 6-month                                            and 20 mg/m3),
                          incubation period                                       indicating continued
                                                                                  tissue proliferation and
                                                                                  fibrogenesis during
                                                                                  incubation; increased
                                                                                  number of silica
                                                                                  particles and
                                                                                  inflammation at end
                                                                                  airways, focal fibrosis
                                                                                  and intralymphatic
                                                                                  granulomata, and overall
                                                                                  severity and frequency of
                                                                                  lesions. Alveolar
                                                                                  proteinosis observed in
                                                                                  the 20 mg/m3 group.
                                                                                  Quartz increases in
                                                                                  collagen and elastin
                                                                                  were 116%, 128%, and

    Table 1 (cont'd)

    Species, strain,      Exposure, dose,      LOAEL(mg/m3)     LOAELHECc
    number, sex           duration                              (mg/m3)           Critical effect             Reference

                                                                                  136% for collagen (as
                                                                                  hydroxyproline) and 107%,
                                                                                  119%, and 130% for
                                                                                  elastin, respectively,
                                                                                  for each exposure group
                                                                                  relative to controls
                                                                                  (US EPA, 1996).

    a LOAEL = lowest-observed-adverse-effect level. No-observed-adverse-effect levels (NOAELs) were not reported.
    b Adapted from Gift & Faust (1997).
    c HEC calculated using methods described in US EPA (1994) and summarized in section 11.1.1. 

    Table 2: Summary of data on lung tumours induced in rats by quartz.a
                                                                                       Incidence of lung tumoursb
    Treatment sample    Exposure conditions               Rat strain        Sex         Treated     Controls        Reference

    Quartz              Intratracheal instillation        Sprague-Dawley    not         6/36c       0/58            Holland
    (Min-U-Sil 5)       (suspended in 0.2 ml saline)                        reported                                et al., 1983
                        of 7 mg weekly for 10 weeks

                        Inhalation (nose only),           Fischer 344       F           20/60d      0/54            Holland 
                        12 + 5 mg/m3 for up to 2 years                                                              et al., 1986

                        Inhalation of 51.6 mg/m3 for      Fischer 344       F           10/53e      0/47            Dagle et al., 
                        various durations; sacrificed                       M           1/47f       0/42            1986
                        at 24 months

                        Intratracheal instillation        Fischer 344       M           30/67g      1/75h           Groth et al., 
                        (volume of suspension not                                                                   1986
                        reported) of 20 mg in left
                        lung, sacrificed at 12, 18,
                        or 22 months or found dead

    Novaculite          Intratracheal instillation        Fischer 344       M           21/72i      1/75h           Groth et al.,
    (i.e.,              of 20 mg (volume of                                                                          1986
    microcrystalline    suspension not reported)         
    quartz)             in left lung, sacrificed at       
                        12, 18, or 22 months or           
                        found dead                        

    Quartz (DQ 12)      Inhalation of 1 mg/m3             Fischer 344       F           12/50j      3/100k (male    Muhle et al., 
                        for 24 months                                       M           6/50l       and female)     1989

                        Inhalation (nose only) of         Wistar            F           62/82m      0/85            Spiethoff 
                        6 mg/m3 for 29 days, followed                                                               et al., 1992
                        by lifetime observation

    Table 2 (cont'd)
                                                                                       Incidence of lung tumoursb
    Treatment sample    Exposure conditions               Rat strain        Sex         Treated     Controls        Reference

                        Inhalation (nose only) of         Wistar            F           69/82n      0/85            Spiethoff 
                        30 mg/m3 for 29 days,                                                                       et al., 1992
                        followed by lifetime

    Quartzo (Sikron     Inhalation of 58.5 + 0.7 mg/m3,   Wistar            F           1/70p       0/70            Reuzel 
    F300 from Quartz    6 h/day, 5 days/week,                               M           0/70        0/70            et al., 1991
    Werke, Frechen,     for 13 weeks

    a Adapted from Saffiotti et al. (1996); IARC (1997).
    b Number of lung tumours per number of rats observed.
    c One adenoma and five carcinomas.
    d Six adenomas, 11 adenocarcinomas, and three epidermoid carcinomas.
    e All epidermoid carcinomas.
    f One epidermoid carcinoma.
    g All adenocarcinomas.
    h One adenocarcinoma.
    i Twenty adenocarcinomas and one epidermoid carcinoma.
    j Two keratinizing cystic squamous cell tumours, two adenomas, and eight adenocarcinomas.
    k Two adenomas and one adenocarcinoma.
    l Two keratinizing cystic squamous cell tumours, two adenocarcinomas, one adenosquamous carcinoma,
      and one epidermoid carcinoma.
    m Eight adenomas, 17 bronchioloalveolar carcinomas, and 37 squamous cell carcinomas.
    n Three adenomas, 26 bronchioloalveolar carcinomas, and 30 squamous carcinomas.
    o IARC Working Group noted that only a small proportion of particles were respirable in rats.
    p One squamous cell carcinoma, 1 year after the end of the exposure period.

    Table 3: Lung tumours induced in Fischer 344 rats by a single intratracheal instillation of quartz.a

    Treatment        Treatment      Sex    Observation   Incidence of       Total number of       Histological
    sample           doseb                 time          lung tumoursc      lung tumoursd         types

    Untreated        None           M      Died after    0/32               0
                                           17 months

                     None           F      Died after    1/20 (5%)          1                     1 adenoma
                                           17 months

    Quartz           12 mg          M      Sacrificed    3/18 (17%)         37                    6 adenomas,
    (Min-U-Sil 5)                          11 months                                              25 adenocarcinomas,
                                                                                                  1 undifferentiated
                                           Sacrificed    6/19 (32%)                               carcinoma, 2 mixed 
                                           17 months                                              carcinomas, and 3 
                                           Died after    12/14 (86%)                              carcinomas
                                           17 months

                     12 mg          F      Sacrificed    8/19 (42%)         59                    2 adenomas,
                                           11 months                                              46 adenocarcinomas, 
                                                                                                  3 undifferentiated 
                                           Sacrificed    10/17 (59%)                              carcinomas, 5 mixed 
                                           17 months                                              carcinomas, and 
                                                                                                  3 epidermoid 
                                           Died after    8/9 (89%)                                carcinomas
                                           17 months

                     20 mg          F      Died after    6/8 (75%)          13                    1 adenoma, 10 
                                           17 months                                              adenocarcinomas, 1 mixed 
                                                                                                  carcinoma, and 1 epidermoid

    Table 3 (cont'd)

    Treatment        Treatment      Sex    Observation   Incidence of       Total number of       Histological
    sample           doseb                 time          lung tumoursc      lung tumoursd         types

    Quartz           12 mg          M      Sacrificed    2/18 (11%)         20                    5 adenomas, 
    (hydrogen                              11 months                                              14 adenocarcinomas, 
    fluoride-etched                                                                               and 1 mixed carcinoma
    Min-U-Sil 5)                           Sacrificed    7/19 (37%)
                                           17 months

                                           Died after    7/9 (78%)
                                           17 months

                     12 mg          F      Sacrificed    7/18 (39%)         45                    1 adenoma,
                                           11 months                                              36 adenocarcinomas,
                                                                                                  3 mixed carcinomas,
                                           Sacrificed    13/16 (81%)                              and 5 epidermoid 
                                           17 months                                              carcinomas

                                           Died after    8/8 (100%)
                                           17 months

    a From Saffiotti et al. (1993, 1996).
    b As mg quartz suspended in 0.3 ml saline.
    c Number of rats with lung tumours per number of rats observed.
    d At all observation times.

    Table 4: Incidence of lung tumours in female Wistar rats after intratracheal instillation of quartz.a

                                                             Number and percentage of rats with primary epithelial lung tumoursb
    Material         Surface    Number of       Number of   Adenoma   Adenocarcinoma   Benign         Squamous        Total  Other 
                     area       instillations   rats                                   CKSCTd         cell            (%)    tumourse
                     (m2/g)     (× mg)c         examined                                              carcinoma

    (DQ 12)          9.4        15 × 3          37          0         1z               11             1 + 1y          38     1

    (DQ 12) + PVNOf  9.4        15 × 3          38          0         1 + 3z           8 + 1x    4 + 1x + 3y + 1z     58     2

    (DQ 12)          9.4        1 × 45          40          0         1                7                 1            23     2

    (Min-U-Sil)                 15 × 3          39          1         4 + 4z           6        1 + 2y + 2z + 1y,z    54     3

    + PVNO                      15 × 3          35          1         2 + 1x           8         5 + 1x + 1y + 1z     57     3

    Sykron (F600)    3.7        15 × 3          40          0         3                5              3 + 1z          30     1

    0.9% sodium
    chloride         -          15              39          0         0                0                 0            0      5

    a From Pott et al. (1994); IARC (1997).
    b If an animal was found to bear more than one primary epithelial lung tumour type, this was indicated as follows: x adenoma;
      y adenocarcinoma; z benign CKSCT.
    c Dusts were suspended in 0.9% sodium chloride solution with ultrasonication for 1-5 min.
    d CKSCT, cystic keratinizing squamous cell tumour.
    e Other types of tumours in the lung: fibrosarcoma, lymphosarcoma, mesothelioma or lung metastases from tumours at other sites
    f PVNO, polyvinylpyridine-N-oxide; PVNO was administered subcutaneously in seven injections of 2 ml each of 2% PVNO in saline.
      No PVNO control group was included.

    8.4  Genotoxicity and related end-points

         Although silica (form not specified) has not tested positive in
    standard bacterial mutagenesis assays (IARC, 1987, 1997; Rabovsky,
    1997), chromosomal changes, including DNA damage, have been observed
    in experimental systems, both  in vitro and  in vivo. (Study results
    are presented in Table 5.) Although the results of some studies
    (Daniel et al., 1993, 1995; Saffiotti et al., 1993; Shi et al., 1994)
    demonstrated that quartz caused damage (i.e., strand breakage) to
    isolated DNA in acellular systems, the IARC Working Group (IARC, 1997)
    stated that the relevance of these assays to assess quartz-related
    genetic effects  in vivo was "questionable." Uncertainties existed
    because the non-physiological experimental conditions did not apply to
    intracellular silica exposure and because very high doses of silica
    were used in the DNA breakage assays (IARC, 1997). However, a recent
    study not included in the IARC review found that by using the alkaline
    single cell gel/comet assay, crystalline silica (Min-U-Sil 5) induced
    DNA damage (i.e., DNA migration) in cultured Chinese hamster lung
    fibroblasts (V79 cells) and human embryonic lung fibroblasts (Hel 299
    cells) at concentrations ranging from 17.2 to 103.4 µg/cm2 (Zhong et
    al., 1997). Since the time of the IARC review, Liu et al. (1996, 1998)
    applied experimental conditions (i.e., Chinese hamster lung
    fibroblasts challenged with dusts pretreated with a phospholipid
    surfactant) to simulate the condition of particles immediately after
    deposition on the pulmonary alveolar surface. Results of the
    experiments showed that untreated Min-U-Sil 5 and Min-U-Sil 10 induced
    micronucleus formation in a dose-dependent manner, but surfactant
    pretreatment suppressed that activity (Liu et al., 1996). A subsequent
    experiment found that surfactant pretreatment suppressed
    quartz-induced DNA damage in lavaged rat pulmonary macrophages, but
    DNA-damaging activity was restored with time as the phospholipid
    surfactant was removed by intercellular digestion (Liu et al., 1998). 

          In vitro cellular transformation systems model the  in vivo
    process of carcinogenesis (Gu & Ong, 1996; Gao et al., 1997). The
    ability of quartz to induce dose-dependent morphological
    transformation of cells  in vitro has been demonstrated in
    experiments with Syrian hamster embryo cells (Hesterberg & Barrett,
    1984) and mouse embryo BALB/c-3T3 cells (Saffiotti & Ahmed, 1995). Gu
    & Ong (1996) also reported a significant increase in the frequency of
    transformed foci of mouse embryo BALB/c-3T3 cells after treatment with
    Min-U-Sil 5 quartz. These studies indicate that quartz can
    morphologically transform mammalian cells. However, further studies
    are needed to determine whether the transforming activity of quartz is
    related to its carcinogenic potential.

    FIGURE 2

        Table 5: Genetic and related effects of silica.a

    Test system                                                       Resultb    Dose           Reference

    DNA strand breaks, gamma-HindIII-digested DNA                     +          30 000d        Daniel et al., 1993

    DNA strand breaks, herring sperm genomic DNA                      +          10 000d        Daniel et al., 1993

    DNA strand breaks, gamma-HindIII-digested DNA                     +          9 500d         Daniel et al., 1995

    DNA strand breaks, PM2 supercoiled DNA                            +          9 500d         Daniel et al., 1995

    GIA, Gene mutation, hprt locus, rat RLE-6TN
    alveolar epithelial cells in vitro                                -          NG             Driscoll et al., 1997

    SIC, Sister chromatid exchange,
    Chinese hamster V79-4 cells in vitro                              -          15e            Price-Jones et al., 1980

    SHL, Sister chromatid exchange, human lymphocytes in vitro        -          100d           Pairon et al., 1990

    SIH, Sister chromatid exchange, human lymphocytes
    and monocytes in vitro                                            -          100d           Pairon et al., 1990

    MIA, Micronucleus test, Syrian hamster embryo cells in vitro      -          18.75f         Oshimura et al., 1984

    MIA, Micronucleus test, Syrian hamster embryo cells in vitro      +          70e            Hesterberg et al., 1986

    MIA, Micronucleus test, Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts
    (V79) in vitro                                                    +          200g           Nagalakshmi et al., 1995

    CIC, Chromosomal aberrations, Chinese hamster lung
    fibroblasts (V79) in vitro                                        -          1 600g         Nagalakshmi et al., 1995

    CIS, Chromosomal aberrations, Syrian hamster embryo
    cells in vitro                                                    -          18.75f         Oshimura et al., 1984

    Table 5 (cont'd)

    Test system                                                       Resultb    Dose           Reference

    AIA, Aneuploidy, Chinese hamster lung cells (V79-4) in vitro      -          15e            Price-Jones et al., 1980

    AIA, Aneuploidy, Syrian hamster embryo cells in vitro             -          18.75f         Oshimura et al., 1984

    AIA, Tetraploidy, Syrian hamster embryo cells in vitro            -          70e            Hesterberg et al., 1986

    TBM, Cell transformation, BALB/3T3/31-1-1 mouse cells in vitro    +          30d,h,i        Saffiotti & Ahmed, 1995

    TBM, Cell transformation, BALB/3T3/31-1-1 mouse cells in vitro    +          60j,k          Saffiotti & Ahmed, 1995

    TCS, Cell transformation, Syrian hamster embryo cells in vitro    +          18e            Hesterberg & Barrett, 1984

    TCS, Cell transformation, Syrian hamster embryo cells in vitro    +          70f            Hesterberg & Barrett, 1984

    TCL, Cell transformation, fetal rat lung epithelial cells
    in vitro                                                          (+)        NGd            Williams et al., 1996

    MIH, Micronucleus test, human embryonic lung (Hel 299)
    cells in vitro                                                    +          800g           Nagalakshmi et al., 1995

    CIH, Chromosomal aberrations, human embryonic lung
    (Hel 299) cells in vitro                                          -          1 600g         Nagalakshmi et al., 1995

    DVA, 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine DNA extract from
    lung tissue, male Wistar rats                                     +          50 × 1 itd     Yamano et al., 1995

    DVA, 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine DNA extract from
    peripheral blood leukocytes, male Wistar rats                     -          50 × 1 itd     Yamano et al., 1995

    GVA, Gene mutation, hprt locus, rat alveolar
    epithelial cells in vivo                                          +          100 × 1 it     Driscoll et al., 1995

    Table 5 (cont'd)

    Test system                                                       Resultb    Dose           Reference

    GVA, Gene mutation, hprt locus, rat alveolar
    epithelial cells in vivo                                          +          5 × 2 it       Driscoll et al., 1997

    MVM, Micronucleus test, albino mice in vivo                       -          500 ip         Vanchugova et al., 1985

    SLH, Sister chromatid exchange, human lymphocytes in vivo         +          NG             Sobti & Bhardwaj, 1991

    CLH, Chromosomal aberrations, human lymphocytes in vivo           +          NG             Sobti & Bhardwaj, 1991

    BID, Calf thymus DNA binding in vitro                             +          200l           Mao et al., 1994

    ICR, Metabolic cooperation using 8-azaguanine-resistant
    cells, Chinese hamster lung cells (V79-4) in vitro                -          50             Chamberlain, 1983

    a Source: IARC (1997). See Appendix 1 of IARC (1997), Test system code words, for definitions of
      the abbreviations used in column 1.
    b Results without exogenous metabolic system: +, positive; (+), weakly positive; -, negative.
    c LED, lowest effective dose; HID, highest ineffective dose; in vitro tests, µg/ml; in vivo tests,
      mg/kg body weight per day; NG, not given; it, intratracheal; ip, intraperitoneal.
    d Min-U-Sil 5.
    e Min-U-Sil unspecified.
    f alpha-Quartz.
    g Min-U-Sil 5 and Min-U-Sil 10.
    h Min-U-Sil 5, hydrofluoric acid-etched.
    i A Chinese standard quartz sample.
    j DQ 12, a standard German quartz sample.
    k F600 quartz.
    l Min-U-Sil 5 or Chinese standard quartz.

         Some studies have demonstrated the ability of quartz to induce
    micronuclei in mammalian cells in culture (i.e., Oshimura et al.,
    1984; Hesterberg et al., 1986; Nagalakshmi et al., 1995) and were
    reviewed by IARC (Table 5). However, other  in vitro studies did not
    observe chromosomal aberration (Oshimura et al., 1984; 
    Nagalakshmi et al., 1995),  hprt (hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl 
    transferase) gene mutation (Driscoll et al., 1997), or aneuploid or 
    tetraploid cells (Price-Jones et al., 1980; Oshimura et al., 1984; 
    Hesterberg et al., 1986).

         Pairon et al. (1990) tested quartz (i.e., Min-U-Sil 5) particles
    for their ability to induce a significant number of sister chromatid
    exchanges in cultures of human lymphocytes plus monocytes or of human
    purified lymphocytes. The results were not "clear cut" for any of the
    three doses tested (i.e., 0.5, 5.0, and 50 µg/cm2) (Pairon et al.,
    1990) (Table 5).

         An  in vivo treatment of rats with quartz induced mutation in
    rat alveolar epithelial cells (Table 5) (Driscoll et al., 1995, 1997).
    Nehls et al. (1997) reported results of tests for DNA modifications by
    quartz that were not reviewed by IARC (1997). Quartz (2.5 mg of DQ 12
    suspended in 0.5 ml of physiological saline) or corundum (2.5 mg), a
    non-carcinogenic particle, was intratracheally instilled into the
    lungs of Wistar rats (10 rats per exposure and per time period).
    Control animals were exposed to saline solution or not treated. Rats
    were sacrificed 7, 21, and 90 days after treatment, then lung tissue
    sections were analysed with immunocytological assay to determine the
    level of 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine in DNA extracts. Reactive oxygen
    species can induce 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine and other mutagenic DNA
    oxidation products, which may be converted to mutations in
    proliferating cells (Nehls et al., 1997). Exposure to quartz induced
    levels of 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine in the DNA of alveolar lung cells
    that were significantly higher  (P-value not reported) at all time
    points than levels found in cells of untreated rats or rats treated
    with corundum or saline. The number of total cells in bronchoalveolar
    lavage fluid was 3-4 times higher in the quartz-treated groups at all
    time points than in corundum-exposed rats and control rats exposed to

         Other  in vivo studies not reviewed by IARC (1997) found that
    quartz induced micronuclei in pulmonary alveolar macrophages of male
    Wistar rats in a time-dependent (Leigh et al., 1998b) and
    dose-dependent manner (Wang et al., 1997b).

         In summary, results of genotoxicity studies of quartz conflict,
    and a direct genotoxic effect for quartz has not been confirmed or
    ruled out.

    8.5  Reproductive and developmental toxicity

         There are no data available on the reproductive or developmental
    effects of quartz in laboratory animals (IARC, 1997).

    8.6  Immunological and neurological effects

         Data on the neurological effects of quartz have not been
    identified.  In vitro studies have shown that quartz can stimulate
    release of cytokines and growth factors from macrophages and
    epithelial cells, and there is evidence that these events may occur
     in vivo and contribute to disease (IARC, 1997). The immunological
    response to quartz in experimental animals is a complex subject with
    uncertain implications for humans, and detailed reviews are available
    elsewhere (i.e., Davis, 1991, 1996; Haslam, 1994; Heppleston, 1994;
    Weill et al., 1994; Driscoll, 1996; Gu & Ong, 1996; Hook & Viviano,
    1996; Iyer & Holian, 1996; Kane, 1996; Sweeney & Brain, 1996; 
    Weissman et al., 1996; Mossman & Churg, 1998).


    9.1  Case reports

         There are many published case reports of adverse health effects
    from occupational exposure to quartz. These health effects include
    silicosis (acute and chronic) and lung cancer. Case reports of
    silicosis and lung cancer are not mentioned further, because these
    diseases have been researched in depth in epidemiological studies
    (section 9.2).

         There are numerous published case reports of several autoimmune
    disorders in workers or patients who had been occupationally exposed
    to crystalline silica, including quartz dust (NIOSH, forthcoming). The
    most frequently noted autoimmune diseases in those reports were
    scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus (i.e., lupus), rheumatoid
    arthritis, autoimmune haemolytic anaemia (Muramatsu et al., 1989), and
    dermatomyositis or dermatopolymyositis (Robbins, 1974; Koeger et al.,
    1991). Case reports have also described health effects that may be
    related to the immunological abnormalities observed in patients with
    silicosis, such as chronic renal disease (Saita & Zavaglia, 1951;
    Giles et al., 1978; Hauglustaine et al., 1980; Bolton et al., 1981;
    Banks et al., 1983; Slavin et al., 1985; Bonnin et al., 1987; 
    Osorio et al., 1987; Arnalich et al., 1989; Sherson & Jorgensen, 1989; 
    Dracon et al., 1990; Pouthier et al., 1991; Rispal et al., 1991; 
    Neyer et al., 1994; Wilke et al., 1996), ataxic sensory neuropathy 
    (Tokumaru et al., 1990), chronic thyroiditis (Masuda, 1981), 
    hyperthyroidism (i.e., Graves' disease) (Koeger et al., 1996), 
    monoclonal gammopathy (Fukata et al., 1983, 1987; Aoki et al., 1988), 
    and polyarteritis nodosa (Arnalich et al., 1989).

    9.2  Epidemiological studies

    9.2.1  Silicosis

         Most, if not all, of the several hundred epidemiological studies
    of exposure to quartz dust are studies of occupational cohorts. The
    majority of studies investigated the occurrence of silicosis morbidity
    or mortality. These studies have conclusively linked occupational
    quartz dust exposure with silicosis. Silicosis (i.e., nodular
    pulmonary fibrosis) is a fibrotic lung disease, sometimes
    asymptomatic, that is caused by the inhalation and deposition of
    respirable crystalline silica particles (i.e., particles <10 µm in
    diameter) (Ziskind et al., 1976; IARC, 1987). 

         A worker may develop one of three types of silicosis, depending
    on the airborne concentration of respirable crystalline silica: (1)
    chronic silicosis, which usually occurs after 10 or more years of
    exposure at relatively low concentrations; (2) accelerated silicosis,
    which develops 5-10 years after the first exposure; or (3) acute
    silicosis, which develops after exposure to high concentrations of
    respirable crystalline silica and results in symptoms within a few

    weeks to 4 or 5 years after the initial exposure (Ziskind et al.,
    1976; Peters, 1986; NIOSH, 1992a,b, 1996). Acute silicosis is a risk
    for workers with a history of high exposures from performing
    occupational processes that produce small particles of airborne dust
    with a high silica content, such as during sandblasting, rock
    drilling, or quartz milling, or any other process with high exposures
    to small particles of airborne dust with a high quartz content 
    (Davis, 1996).

         A recent study of 67 paraffin-embedded lung tissue samples from
    silicotic patients found a significant linear relationship 
     (P <0.001) between lung quartz concentration and silicosis severity in
    gold miners; although several types of mineral particles were found in
    the lungs, quartz was the only significant indicator of silicosis
    severity. The silicosis cases included 39 patients without lung cancer
    and 28 patients with lung cancer. All of the cases were gold miners in
    Canada (Dufresne et al., 1998a,b).

         The epidemiological studies of silicosis usually define the
    profusion of small opacities present in the disease according to a
    standard system used by trained readers and developed by the
    International Labour Organization for classification of chest
    radiographs of pneumoconioses (ILO, 1980). Each reader assesses the
    profusion according to a 12-point scale of severity. Categories 0/-
    and 0/0 are the first and second points on the scale and represent a
    normal chest radiograph. The third point, category 0/1, represents the
    borderline between normality and abnormality, and category 1/0, the
    fourth point, represents definite, but slight, abnormality 
    (Love et al., 1994). The shape (rounded or irregular) and size of the opacities
    can also be described by the readers.

         The critical studies of chronic silicosis, a progressive disease,
    are those occupational epidemiological studies where (1) quantitative
    quartz exposure data were available and used for risk analysis, 
    (2) exposure-response relationships were investigated, or (3) the
    exposure-response relationships were documented with sufficient detail
    for a health effects benchmark, including (4) application of data to
    mathematical models that predicted silicosis prevalence at increasing
    concentrations of cumulative quartz exposure. (The  predicted
    prevalences reported in the studies are discussed in section 11.1.3.)
    Studies that selected workers from a broad spectrum of occupations and
    included many workers that were exposed to different combinations of
    various minerals, such as studies of "dusty trades" workers 
    (i.e., Rice et al., 1986), were excluded from consideration for risk
    assessment of quartz and silicosis. Epidemiological studies that
    provided evidence of an exposure-response relationship for silica and
    silicosis based on other kinds of exposure data (e.g., there is a
    positive relationship between development of chronic silicosis and
    duration of exposure) have been reviewed elsewhere (WHO, 1986;
    Goldsmith, 1994; Hughes, 1995; Rice & Stayner, 1995; Seaton, 1995;
    Steenland & Brown, 1995a; Davis, 1996; US EPA, 1996). 

         The two critical cross-sectional studies (i.e., Kreiss & Zhen,
    1996; Rosenman et al., 1996 -- see Table 6) found that the prevalence
    of radiographic silicosis (ILO category >1/0 or >1/1) was
    dose-related. That is, the prevalence of radiographic silicosis
    increased with average silica dust exposure, cumulative quartz
    exposure, duration of employment, or all of these measures. The actual
    prevalences varied greatly among the studies, and conclusions
    concerning quartz dust concentrations that may or may not induce
    silicosis cannot be drawn from simple "eyeball" analysis of the
    prevalences in the following two worker populations:

    *    Kreiss & Zhen (1996) conducted a community-based random sample
         survey of 134 male residents at least 40 years old, living in a
         hardrock (i.e., molybdenum, lead, zinc, and gold) mining town in
         Colorado, USA. Of the 134 residents, 100 were silica-exposed
         hardrock miners (including 32 silicosis cases) and 34 were
         community "controls" without occupational dust exposure. Nearly
         all (97%) of the dust-exposed subjects were 20 years since first
         exposure. The estimated crystalline silica content (polymorph not
         reported) of the total dust was 12.3%. Exposure was assessed with
         information from occupational histories, gravimetric dust
         exposure data from 1974-1982, and a cumulative silica exposure
         index. Pre-1974 exposure estimates were based on job-specific
         gravimetric data collected after 1974. Exposures were also
         estimated for mines where no exposure data were available (17.1%
         of person-years of follow-up). Thirty-two per cent of the 100
         dust-exposed subjects had silicosis (defined as radiological
         profusion of small opacities of ILO category >1/0). Prevalence
         of silicosis was related to average silica dust exposure. Among
         the 94 dust-exposed subjects with data on cumulative and average
         dust exposures, those subjects with average silica exposure
         <0.05 mg/m3 had 10% prevalence of silicosis; subjects with
         >0.05-0.10 mg/m3 had a prevalence of 22.5%; subjects with
         greater than 0.10 mg/m3 average silica exposure had a silicosis
         prevalence of 48.6%  (P = 0.01). (See Table 6 for  predicted
         prevalences when silicosis was defined as radiological profusion
         of small opacities of ILO category >1/1.) It is not known
         whether the small sample of 134 residents was representative of
         all miners or if the exposure estimates for mines where no
         exposure data were available (17.1% of person-years of follow-up)
         were representative. 

    *    Rosenman et al. (1996) conducted a cross-sectional study in 1991
         of 549 current, 497 retired, and 26 current salaried workers that
         were former production workers in a US grey iron foundry that
         produced automotive engine blocks (total workers = 1072).
         Twenty-eight cases (2.9%) of silicosis, defined as rounded
         opacities >ILO category 1/0, were identified by at least two
         of three "B" readers of a total of 952 chest radiographs. More
         than half (18/28) of the cases were found in retired workers.
         Silicosis prevalence was positively related to mean silica (i.e.,
         quartz) exposure  (P < 0.0001). Of the workers with mean quartz

         exposure less than 0.05 mg/m3, 0.8% had silicosis, while 6.3%
         of foundry workers with mean quartz exposure greater than 0.45
         mg/m3 had silicosis. Silicosis prevalence also increased with
         years of employment at the foundry, cumulative silica exposure,
         work area within the foundry, and cigarette smoking (i.e., smoker
         vs. non-smoker). Exposure estimates were derived from conversions
         of "early silica exposure data" collected by impingers. Quartz
         content of total dust was not reported. Weighted total dust
         exposure from impinger data was converted to an estimate of
         silica exposure in mass units (mg/m3) by multiplying it by the
         average percentage of quartz in bulk samples.

         Results of cohort studies of gold miners in South Africa, Canada,
    and the USA (see Table 7) also demonstrated an exposure-response
    relationship for radiographic silicosis (US EPA, 1996):

    *    A cohort study was conducted of 2235 white South African
         underground gold miners, 45-54 years old at the time of medical
         examination in 1968-1971, who started working after 1938, worked
         >10 years, and were followed until 1991 (Hnizdo &
         Sluis-Cremer, 1993). More than 300  (n = 313) of the 2235 miners
         were followed to the time when radiological signs developed, 658
         miners were followed up to death, and 1264 miners were followed
         to the year of the most recent radiograph. Radiographs were read
         blindly by two independent readers. Silicosis was defined as the
         presence of rounded opacities of ILO category >1/1.
         Radiographs were read blindly by two readers initially, then one
         reader was chosen because his readings more closely matched the
         autopsy data. Mean respirable dust concentrations, after heat and
         acid treatment, in milligrams per cubic metre per shift were
         calculated for nine gold mining occupations. The concentrations
         were based on a study of shift-long dust exposure that measured
         the surface area of the respirable mine dust and the number of
         respirable particles (i.e., incombustible and acid-insoluble dust
         particles) per cubic metre in a random sample of 20 South African
         gold mines (Beadle, 1965, 1971). After heat and acid treatment,
         the respirable dust in South African gold mines was found to
         contain about 30% quartz (Beadle & Bradley, 1970). Cumulative
         dust exposure for the miners was calculated in milligrams per
         cubic metre-year by using data for mean mass respirable dust
         concentrations for the nine occupational categories, the average
         number of hours underground, and the number of dusty 8-h shifts. 

              Of the 2235 miners studied by Hnizdo & Sluis-Cremer (1993),
         313 developed radiologically diagnosed silicosis (rounded
         opacities with profusion of ILO category >1/1) during the
         follow-up period (i.e., 1968-1971 to 1991). The onset of
         silicosis occurred after an average (i.e., mean) of 27 years of

        Table 6: Predicted prevalence of silicosis (ILO category >1/1)
    following exposure to respirable quartz dust based on modelling of cumulative exposure
    at mean concentrations of 0.05 or 0.10 mg/m3 over a 45-year working lifetime.

    Cross-sectional study   Mean concentration of    Predicted prevalence of    Cohort's mean time    Cohort's maximum time
    and cohort              respirable quartz dust   silicosis, ILO category    since first quartz    since first quartz
                            (mg/m3)                  >1/1 (cases per          exposure (years)      exposure (years)
                                                     100 workers)

    Kreiss & Zhen, 1996     0.05                     approx. 30a                silicotic miners:     silicotic miners: 
                                                                                41.6                  66
    100 US hardrock         0.10                     approx. 90a                non-silicotic         non-silicotic
    miners and 34                                                               miners: 33.5          miners: 68
    community controls

    Rosenman et al.,        0.05                     2b,c                       28                    >30
    1072 US grey            0.10                     3b,c
    iron foundry workers

    a Based on cumulative silica exposure model with 10 years of post-employment follow-up.
    b ILO category >1/0.
    c Based on a 40-year working lifetime and controlling for pack-years of cigarette smoking, race,
      and silica exposure other than in the foundry under study.

    Table 7: Predicted number of silicosis cases (ILO category >1/1) following exposure to respirable
    quartz dust based on modelling of cumulative exposure at mean concentrations of 0.05 or 0.10 mg/m3
    over a 45-year working lifetime.

    Cohort study         Mean concentration of     Silicosis cases,       Mean time since first        Maximum time since
    and population       respirable quartz         ILO category >1/1,     quartz exposure (years)      first quartz exposure
                         dust (mg/m3)              per 100 workers                                     (years)

    Hnizdo &             0.05                      13a                    silicotic miners: 36         silicotic miners: 50
    Sluis-Cremer, 1993
    2235 South African   0.10                      approx. 70
    gold miners

    Muir et al.,         0.05                      0.09-0.62a,b           18                           silicotic miners: 38
    Muir, 1991
    2109 Canadian
    gold and
    uranium miners

    Steenland &          0.05                      10c                    37                           73d
    Brown, 1995a
    3330 US gold         0.09                      47c                    

    a Estimate was reported in Rice & Stayner (1995).
    b No post-employment follow-up and no retired miners included. The range includes five estimates
      (one for each reader).
    c The predicted number of silicosis cases does not account for effects of age or calendar time
      (K. Steenland, personal communication, 1997).
    d K. Steenland, personal communication, 1998.

         net service, at a mean age of 56 years. For more than half of the
         miners  (n = 178; 57%), the onset occurred an average of 
         7.4 years (standard deviation 5.5; range 0.1-25 years) after 
         their employment at the mines, at 59 years of age (range 
         44-74 years). For the other miners  (n = 135; 43%), the onset 
         of silicosis occurred while they were still mining, at 51 years 
         of age (range 39-61 years). These results show that the majority 
         of the cases occurred in miners who were no longer employed at 
         the mine and who were at least 50 years old
         (Hnizdo & Sluis-Cremer, 1993). 

    *    Muir and colleagues conducted a study of 2109 current Ontario
         miners from 21 gold and uranium mines who started working and
         worked more than 5 years between 1940 and 1959 and were followed
         to 1982 or to the end of their dust exposure, whichever came
         first (Muir et al., 1989a,b; Muir, 1991). Any uranium miner with
         more than 2 weeks of exposure was also included (Muir et al.,
         1989a). The quartz content of respirable gold mine dust was 6.0%,
         and that of uranium mine dust was 8.4%. Retired and former miners
         were not included in the study. Sources of data for this study
         were full-sized annual chest radiographs taken for all miners
         after 1927 and periodic (pre-1959) and semi-annual mine dust
         measurements obtained with a konimeter (which is an instantaneous
         dust sampler that measures the number of particles per unit
         volume of air; Verma et al., 1989). Konimeter dust measurements
         taken from 1940 to 1952 were expressed in particles per cubic
         centimetre of air (ppcc). Verma et al. (1989) initiated an
         extensive, side-by-side comparison of the konimetric and
         gravimetric (i.e., milligrams of silica per cubic metre) sampling
         to derive a konimetric/gravimetric silica conversion curve. A
         total of 2360 filter (i.e., nylon cyclone-filter assembly in a
         constant-flow pump) samples and 90 000 konimeter samples were
         taken in a 2-year period in two gold and uranium mines, in
         existing conditions as well as in an experimental simulation of
         the high-dust conditions of the past caused by dry drilling
         (Verma et al., 1989). The results of the conversion relationship
         were non-linear and may have reflected the limitations of the
         konimeter in measuring high dust (i.e., high count)
         concentrations and the limitations of the gravimetric sampler in
         measuring low dust concentrations. There were different
         relationships for the gold and uranium mines, possibly because of
         the different fractional silica concentrations in the host rock.
         The conversion of the historical konimeter counts to gravimetric
         respirable silica equivalents was used to derive a cumulative
         respirable silica dose for each miner based on the miner's
         respirable silica dose for each year, mine, and task in his work
         history (Verma et al., 1989).

              Thirty-two of the 2109 hardrock miners studied by Muir and
         colleagues were considered by at least one of five readers to
         have silicosis (small, rounded opacities with profusion of ILO
         category >1/1). However, the results differed among the five
         readers and "complicated the analysis" (Muir et al., 1989b). One
         of the five readers identified only seven cases of silicosis

         (Muir et al., 1989b). The results were presented by individual
         reader and by consensus. A consensus of all of the five readers
         with respect to identification of silicosis was reached on only
         six cases (Muir et al., 1989b). Average respirable quartz dust
         exposure for the cases was not reported.

    *    A cohort study of 3330 white male underground gold miners from
         South Dakota employed for at least 1 year between 1940 and 1965
         and followed through 1990 found 170 cases of silicosis (128 cases
         were identified on death certificates, 29 cases were found during
         X-ray surveys of workers conducted in 1960 and 1976, and 13 cases
         were identified on both X-ray and death certificate). Cases were
         defined as (1) an underlying or contributing cause of death of
         silicosis, silico-tuberculosis, respiratory tuberculosis, or
         pneumoconiosis, and/or (2) ILO category >1/1 silicosis
         identified in the 1976 radiographic survey or "small opacities"
         or "large opacities" identified in the 1960 radiographic survey
         (Steenland & Brown, 1995a). The miners were exposed to a median
         quartz level of 0.05 mg/m3 (0.15 mg/m3 for workers hired prior
         to 1930). The average length of follow-up was 37 years, and the
         average length of employment underground was 9 years. Quartz
         exposure was estimated by converting dust particle counts to
         gravimetric measurements (i.e., mg/m3), based on an estimate of
         13% quartz content of total dust. A job-exposure matrix was
         created to estimate dust exposures for each job over time, then
         average dust exposures for the job categories were calculated
         using existing measurements for each year from 1937 to 1975. The
         estimated daily dust exposures (constant over each year) were
         weighted to account for daily time spent underground. Summation
         of the estimated daily dust levels over time provided an estimate
         of cumulative quartz exposure (Steenland & Brown, 1995a). The
         risk of silicosis was less than 1% for miners with a cumulative
         exposure less than 0.5 mg/m3-years. The risk increased to 68-84%
         for the highest cumulative exposure category (i.e.,
         4 mg/m3-years) (Steenland & Brown, 1995a). Silicosis risk
         estimates could have been affected by (1) combining silicosis
         deaths with silicosis cases detected by cross-sectional
         radiographic surveys, (2) differences in quartz content of dust
         in early years, and (3) lack of dust measurements before 1937.

              A cohort study of a subcohort of the South Dakota gold
         miners described above analysed cases of silicosis that were
         reported as the underlying cause of death on the death
         certificates. Forty cases of silicosis, as well as 49 cases of
         tuberculosis, were ascertained among the 1321 miners employed for
         at least 21 years and followed through 1973. There was a linear
         trend in risk of about 2.4% for each 0.1 mg/m3 of silica
         exposure. However, this study does not meet the criteria for a
         critical study because risk by cumulative quartz exposure was not
         calculated (McDonald & Oakes, 1984).

         In the five critical studies described above, the number of cases
    identified depended upon the definition of silicosis (radiographic
    category and whether irregular opacities were included), the quality
    of the evaluation of the chest radiographs (e.g., number and training
    of readers), the duration of dust exposure, and the duration of
    follow-up after the end of exposure. Interstudy variation exists for
    each of these factors. In addition, exposure assessments in these
    studies were accompanied by uncertainties, such as the use of
    conversion equations (i.e., converting particle count data to mass
    concentrations; application of equations from one industry to a
    different industry) and estimation of quartz content of the dust. It
    is not uncommon for epidemiological studies to lack characterization
    of the source and properties of the mineral dusts collected in the
    workplace (Mossman & Churg, 1998). Nevertheless, the critical studies
    found an exposure-response relationship for respirable quartz dust
    that, when modelled, predicts the occurrence of silicosis cases in
    various industries at exposures close to regulatory levels.

    9.2.2  Pulmonary tuberculosis and other infections

         The association between tuberculosis and silicosis has been
    firmly established by the results of epidemiological studies conducted
    during this century (Balmes, 1990). In recent studies of silicotics,
    the association was well supported by the results of a survey of
    tuberculosis deaths among silicotics in the USA for the period
    1979-1991 (Althouse et al., 1995), a mortality study of 590 California
    silicosis claimants (Goldsmith et al., 1995a), and a retrospective
    study of silicotic miners from the Freegold mines in South Africa
    (Kleinschmidt & Churchyard, 1997).

         In studies of workers without silicosis, there is some limited
    evidence that long exposures or high cumulative exposures to quartz
    dust may increase the risk of developing tuberculosis. Two
    epidemiological studies reported 3-fold higher incidences of pulmonary
    tuberculosis cases in 5424 non-silicotic silica-exposed Danish foundry
    workers employed 25 or more years (Sherson & Lander, 1990) and among
    335 non-silicotic black South African gold miners with a median
    underground employment of 26 years (Cowie, 1994). Westerholm et al.
    (1986) found 13 cases of tuberculosis among 428 silicotic Swedish iron
    and steel workers and one case of tuberculosis in a comparison group
    of 476 Swedish iron and steel workers with normal chest radiographs
    (level of statistical significance not reported). Both groups had been
    exposed to silica for at least 5 years. 

         A study of tuberculosis incidence in 2255 white South African
    gold miners included 1296 miners who had an autopsy. The
    smoking-adjusted relative risk for pulmonary tuberculosis in miners
    without silicotic nodules on autopsy examination  (n = 577) increased
    slightly with quartiles of cumulative dust exposure (relative risk
    [RR] = 1.38; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.33-5.62) for the highest
    quartile of cumulative exposure). For miners without radiologically
    diagnosed silicosis  (n = 1934), the smoking-adjusted relative risk
    increased to 4.01 (95% CI = 2.04-7.88) in the highest quartile of

    cumulative dust exposure (Hnizdo & Murray, 1998, 1999). Radiological
    silicosis was defined as ILO category >1/1; detailed ILO grading
    was not performed (Hnizdo & Murray, 1998, 1999). Tuberculosis was
    diagnosed on average 7.6 years after the end of dust exposure and 
    6.8 years after the onset of radiological silicosis -- a result that
    supports the need for medical surveillance of workers after the end of
    exposure to silica dust (Hnizdo & Murray, 1998). (Miners who developed
    tuberculosis before completing 10 years of underground employment were
    excluded because they were not allowed to continue working underground
    after diagnosis) (Hnizdo & Murray, 1998). It is not clear whether
    "dust" exposure refers to quartz exposure or exposure to gold mine

         Chen et al. (1997) conducted a case-control study (8740 cases;
    83 338 controls) with US National Occupational Mortality Surveillance
    data for the years 1983-1992 that controlled for confounding from age,
    gender, race, socioeconomic status, potential exposure to active
    tuberculosis, and the presence of silicosis and other pneumoconioses.
    The potential for exposure to silica was based on potential exposure
    data from the National Occupational Exposure Survey (Seta et al.,
    1988) and the National Occupational Health Survey of Mining
    (Greskevitch et al., 1996) and was categorized as "high,"
    "intermediate," or "low or no" potential exposure. The study found
    that decedents with potential high exposure to silica and with no
    documentation of silicosis on the death certificate had a 30% greater
    odds of mortality from respiratory tuberculosis than decedents with no
    potential exposure to silica after adjustment by logistic regression
    for the possible confounders mentioned above (odds ratio [OR] = 1.3;
    95% CI = 1.14-1.48). The results also suggested the presence of an
    exposure-response relationship of silica exposure, in the absence of
    silicosis, with death from respiratory tuberculosis (Chen et al.,

         In summary, the relationship between quartz exposure and
    tuberculosis risk in the absence of radiographic silicosis in
    silica-exposed workers has not been well defined or quantitatively
    described by existing epidemiological studies.

         A recent case-control study of tuberculosis and pulmonary disease
    caused by non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) in South African gold
    miners found that radiographic silicosis, focal radiological scarring,
    and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection were significant risk
    factors for NTM disease and for tuberculosis (Corbett et al., 1999).
    Past medical history of tuberculosis treatment (OR = 15.1; 
    95% CI = 7.64-29.93) and current employment in a "dusty job" at the 
    mines (OR = 2.5; 95% CI = 1.46-4.44) were significant risk factors for 
    NTM. The study included 206 NTM patients and 381 tuberculosis patients 
    of known HIV status admitted to a South African hospital and 
    180 controls that were HIV-tested surgical or trauma patients admitted 
    to that hospital during the same time period. Odds ratios for NTM 
    and tuberculosis increased with increasing years of employment 
    (range of ORs: 1.0-9.4 for NTM, and 1.0-4.1 for tuberculosis). 

    9.2.3  Lung cancer

         Lung cancer is associated with occupational exposures to inhaled
    quartz (IARC, 1997).

         Following a comprehensive review of the large body of published
    epidemiological studies, IARC (1997) found that the following
    epidemiological studies provide the least confounded investigations of
    an association between occupational crystalline silica exposure and
    lung cancer risk:

    *    US gold miners (Steenland & Brown, 1995b)

    *    Danish stone industry workers (Guenel et al., 1989)

    *    US granite shed and quarry workers (Costello & Graham, 1988)

    *    US crushed stone industry workers (Costello et al., 1995)

    *    US diatomaceous earth industry workers (Checkoway et al., 1993,

    *    Chinese refractory brick workers (Dong et al., 1995)

    *    Italian refractory brick workers (Puntoni et al., 1988; 
         Merlo et al., 1991)

    *    United Kingdom pottery workers (Cherry et al., 1995, 1997;
         McDonald et al., 1995, 1997; Burgess et al., 1997)

    *    Chinese pottery workers (McLaughlin et al., 1992)

    *    cohorts of registered silicotics from North Carolina 
         (Amandus et al., 1991, 1992) and Finland (Kurppa et al., 1986; 
         Partanen et al., 1994)1

         Although a few of those studies did not find a statistically
    significant association between occupational crystalline silica
    exposure and lung cancer risk, most of the studies did. Some
    non-uniformity of results is not unusual when a large number of
    epidemiological studies are reviewed and a variety of populations and


    1 This list includes studies of diatomaceous earth industry workers
      and workers in the ceramics, refractory brick, and pottery
      manufacturing industries where the primary silica exposure may have
      been to cristobalite rather than quartz. In most studies, exposure
      data for quartz as well as cristobalite or tridymite were not
      available to support that assumption.

    work environments are studied (IARC, 1997). In addition, IARC noted
    that the carcinogenicity of quartz (or cristobalite) "may be dependent
    on inherent characteristics of the crystalline silica or on external
    factors affecting its biological activity or distribution of its
    polymorphs" (IARC, 1997). (A detailed critique of the studies listed
    above is available in Soutar et al., 1997.)

         Some of the least-confounded studies reported that lung cancer
    risk tended to increase with:

    *    cumulative exposure to respirable silica (i.e., Checkoway et al.,
         1993, 1996)

    *    duration of exposure (i.e., Costello & Graham, 1988; 
         Merlo et al., 1991; Partenen et al., 1994; Costello et al., 1995; 
         Dong et al., 1995)

    *    peak intensity of exposure (Burgess et al., 1997; Cherry et al.,
         1997; McDonald et al., 1997)

    *    the presence of radiographically defined silicosis 
         (Amandus et al., 1992; Dong et al., 1995)

    *    length of follow-up time from date of silicosis diagnosis
         (Partenen et al., 1994)

         The observed associations noted above, including the
    exposure-response associations, are unlikely to be explained by
    confounding or other biases; therefore, the epidemiological studies,
    overall, support increased lung cancer risks from occupational
    exposure to inhaled respirable crystalline silica (i.e., quartz and
    cristobalite) (IARC, 1997).

         Three studies published since the IARC review investigated
    exposure-response associations for lung cancer and occupational
    exposure to quartz.

         Cherry et al. (1998) published a final report of the preliminary
    results of a nested case-control study of 52 lung cancer deaths in a
    cohort of 5115 pottery workers (i.e., Burgess et al., 1997; Cherry et
    al., 1997; McDonald et al., 1997). After adjustment for smoking and
    inclusion of a 20-year-, 10-year-, or 0-year lag period, mean silica
    concentration (i.e., estimated daily 8-h time-weighted airborne
    concentrations in µg/m3; polymorph not specified) was associated with
    lung cancer (OR = 1.60, 95% CI = 1.11-2.31; OR = 1.66, 
    95% CI = 1.14-2.41; OR = 1.67, 95% CI = 1.13-2.47, for 20-year, 
    10-year, and 0-year lag periods, respectively;  P < 0.008 for each 
    lag period). However, duration of exposure and cumulative silica dust 
    exposure were not significantly associated with lung cancer mortality, 
    regardless of lag time (Cherry et al., 1998). The presence of small 
    parenchymal radiographic opacities (category >1/0; shape not 

    reported) was not related to lung cancer mortality, before 
     (P = 0.78) or after  (P = 0.68) adjustment for smoking.
    The authors concluded that the results imply "that crystalline silica
    may well be a human carcinogen" (Cherry et al., 1998). The study did
    not differentiate quartz exposures from cristobalite exposures.

         De Klerk & Musk (1998) conducted a cohort study of 2297 surface
    and underground gold miners in western Australia who participated in
    surveys of respiratory symptoms, smoking habits, and lung function in
    1961, 1974, and 1975. Eighty-nine per cent of the cohort was traced to
    the end of 1993 for trachea, bronchus, and lung cancer mortality and
    incidence of compensated silicosis (i.e., compensation awarded by the
    Pneumoconiosis Medical Board). A nested case-control analysis of the
    138 lung cancer deaths found that lung cancer mortality was related to
    log total cumulative silica dust exposure after adjustment for smoking
    (cigarette, pipe, or cigar) and for the presence of bronchitis at
    survey (relative rate = 1.31; 95% CI = 1.01-1.70). However, the effect
    of total cumulative silica dust exposure on lung cancer mortality was
    not significant after adjustment for smoking, bronchitis, and
    compensation for silicosis (relative rate = 1.20; 95% CI = 0.92-1.56).
    Lung cancer mortality was not significantly related  (P > 0.15) to
    other silica exposure variables (i.e., duration of underground or
    surface employment, intensity of underground or surface exposure)
    after adjustment for smoking and bronchitis. Cigarette smoking
    (relative rate = 32.5; 95% CI = 4.4-241.2 for >25 cigarettes smoked
    per day), incidence of a compensation award for silicosis after lung
    cancer diagnosis (relative rate = 1.59; 95% CI = 1.10-2.28), and
    presence of bronchitis at survey (relative rate = 1.60;
    95% CI = 1.09-2.33) were significantly related to lung cancer
    mortality (de Klerk & Musk, 1998). The results of this study do not
    support a relationship between lung cancer and silica exposure in the
    absence of silicosis (i.e., a compensation award for silicosis after
    lung cancer diagnosis).

         Hnizdo et al. (1997) conducted a nested case-control study of
    lung cancer deaths in a cohort of 2260 white South African underground
    gold miners. (A lung cancer mortality cohort study was conducted
    earlier [Hnizdo & Sluis-Cremer, 1991].) The mineral content of the
    rock in the gold mines was mostly quartz (70-90%), silicates (10-30%),
    pyrite (1-4%), and heavy minerals with grains of gold and
    uranium-bearing minerals (2-4%). Seventy-eight lung cancer deaths 
    (69 of the 78 miners had a necropsy) that occurred during 1970-1986 
    were matched by year of birth with 386 control subjects from the same
    cohort (Hnizdo et al., 1997). Lung cancer mortality risk and a
    relationship with cigarette smoking (i.e., pack-years), cumulative
    "dust" exposure (mg/m3-years), years of underground mining, incidence
    of radiographic silicosis (i.e., ILO category >1/1 diagnosed up to
    3 years before death of a matched case), and uranium production or
    uranium grade of the ore in the gold mine were analysed with
    conditional logistic regression models. Radon daughter measurements in
    the gold mines were not available.

         Lung cancer mortality was associated with cigarette smoking,
    cumulative dust exposure (lagged 20 years from death), duration of
    underground mining (lagged 20 years from death), and silicosis. The
    best-fitting model predicted relative risks of 1.0, 3.5
    (95% CI = 0.7-16.8), 5.7 (95% CI = 1.3-25.8), and 13.2
    (95% CI = 3.1-56.2) for <6.5, 6.5-20, 21-30, and >30 pack-years of
    smoking, respectively, and 2.45 (95% CI = 1.2-5.2) for silicosis. The
    authors stated that variables representing uranium mining were not
    significantly related to lung cancer mortality (modelling results for
    these variables were not presented) (Hnizdo et al., 1997). The authors
    proposed three explanations for their results: (1) miners with high
    dust exposure who develop silicosis have increased lung cancer risk,
    (2) high silica dust exposure concentrations may be important in the
    pathogenesis of lung cancer, and silicosis is coincidental, and (3)
    high levels of silica dust exposure may be a surrogate measure of
    exposure to radon daughters (Hnizdo et al., 1997).

         Meta-analyses of the epidemiological studies of silica exposure
    and lung cancer reported a moderate summary risk of 1.3 for
    silica-exposed workers (Steenland & Stayner, 1997) and higher summary
    relative risks of 2.2-2.3 for studies of silicotic workers (Smith et
    al., 1995; Steenland & Stayner, 1997). Tsuda et al. (1997) pooled lung
    cancer risk estimates from 32 mortality studies of pneumoconiosis or
    silicosis (excluding asbestosis) published from 1980 to 1994. The
    estimated rate ratios of 2.74 (95% CI = 2.60-2.90) for all studies,
    2.77 (95% CI = 2.61-2.94) for cohort studies only (25 of 32 studies),
    and 2.84 (95% CI = 2.25-3.59) for case-control studies (5 of 32
    studies) were similar to the estimates reported by Steenland & Stayner
    (1997) and Smith et al. (1995).

         Reasons for the higher risks in silicotics are not known;
    similarly, the question of whether fibrosis is a precursor to the
    development of lung cancer in humans has not been resolved. Various
    hypothetical mechanistic pathways have been proposed to explain the
    occurrence of lung tumours in rats and lung cancer in humans; however,
    there is no convincing evidence for any specific proposed pathway
    (IARC, 1997).

         Selection bias is a common criticism of epidemiological studies
    of lung cancer in compensated silicotics, because workers who sought
    compensation for their disease may differ from the group of all
    silicotics in symptoms, radiographic changes, social and psychological
    factors, and industry (McDonald, 1995; Weill & McDonald, 1996).
    However, Goldsmith (1998) reviewed this question and concluded that
    lung cancer risk estimates were not higher in compensated silicotics
    when results of studies of compensated silicotics were compared with
    results of studies of silicotics ascertained from other clinical
    sources (i.e., hospital or registry data).

    9.2.4  Autoimmune-related disease

         In humans, immune activation by occupational exposure to
    respirable quartz may be linked to scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis,
    polyarthritis, mixed connective tissue disease, systemic lupus
    erythematosus, Sjögren's syndrome, polymyositis, and fibrositis
    (Haustein et al., 1990; Ziegler & Haustein, 1992; Otsuki et al.,
    1998). The cellular mechanism that leads from quartz dust exposure to
    autoimmune diseases is not known (Otsuki et al., 1998; NIOSH,
    forthcoming). One theory is that when respirable silica particles are
    encapsulated by macrophages, fibrogenic proteins and growth factors
    are generated, and ultimately the immune system is activated (Haustein
    et al., 1992; Ziegler & Haustein, 1992; Haustein & Anderegg, 1998).

         Several epidemiological studies have reported statistically
    significant numbers of excess deaths or cases of autoimmune-related
    diseases such as scleroderma (Sluis-Cremer et al., 1985; Steenland &
    Brown, 1995b), rheumatoid arthritis (Sluis-Cremer et al., 1986;
    Klockars et al., 1987), and systemic lupus erythematosus (Steenland &
    Brown, 1995b) in silica-exposed workers.

    9.2.5  Renal disease

         Recent epidemiological studies have found statistically
    significant associations between occupational exposure to crystalline
    silica dust and renal diseases and subclinical renal changes
    (Steenland et al., 1992; Ng et al., 1993; Boujemaa et al., 1994; Hotz
    et al., 1995; Nuyts et al., 1995; Steenland & Brown, 1995b; Steenland
    & Goldsmith, 1995; Calvert et al., 1997).

    9.2.6  Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

         Occupational exposure to respirable crystalline silica dust is
    associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, including
    bronchitis and emphysema. Although these health effects are also
    associated with tobacco smoking, some epidemiological studies suggest
    that they may be present to a significant extent in non-smokers with
    occupational exposure to quartz (Wiles & Faure, 1977; Becklake et al.,
    1987; Holman et al., 1987; Kreiss et al., 1989; Cowie & Mabena, 1991).

    9.2.7  Other adverse health effects

         Cor pulmonale (i.e., enlargement of the right ventricle of the
    heart because of structural or functional abnormalities of the lungs)
    may occur as a complication of silicosis (Green & Vallyathan, 1996)
    and other pneumoconioses (Kusiak et al., 1993). It is usually preceded
    by pulmonary arterial hypertension. An epidemiological case-control
    study of 732 white South African autopsied gold miners reported a
    statistically significant association  (P < 0.05) of cor pulmonale
    with "extensive" silicosis and "slight" silicosis (Murray et al.,

         Other adverse health effects or complications of silicosis have
    been studied or identified in epidemiological studies of workers that
    may have been exposed to quartz dust, but evidence of an association
    with quartz exposure is inconclusive. These adverse effects include
    dental abrasion (Petersen & Henmar, 1988), nasopharyngeal or
    pharyngeal cancer (Carta et al., 1991; Chen et al., 1992), salivary
    gland cancer (Zheng et al., 1996), liver cancer (Chen et al., 1992;
    Hua et al., 1992), bone cancer (Steenland & Beaumont, 1986; Forastiere
    et al., 1989), pancreatic cancer (Kauppinen et al., 1995), skin cancer
    (Partanen et al., 1994), oesophageal cancer (Belli et al., 1989; 
    Xu et al., 1996; Pan et al., 1999), stomach cancer 
    (Parent et al., 1998), cancers of the digestive system
    (Decoufle & Wood, 1979), intestinal or peritoneal cancer
    (Amandus et al., 1991; Costello et al., 1995; Goldsmith et al.,
    1995a), lymphopoietic or haematopoietic cancers (Silverstein et al.,
    1986; Steenland & Brown, 1995b), and bladder cancer (Bravo et al.,


         Terrestrial mammals (i.e., horses, camels) and birds exposed to
    quartz in the natural environment, especially in desert or coastal
    areas, show pathological lesions sometimes described as "silicosis"
    that are similar to those seen in humans with silicosis 
    (Schwartz et al., 1981; Evans et al., 1988; Hansen et al., 1989; 
    Berry et al., 1991; Xu et al., 1993; Green & Vallyathan, 1996). Rats, 
    hamsters, guinea-pigs, monkeys, and mice exposed to quartz under 
    experimental conditions develop lung conditions and nodules similar to 
    those found in humans (reviewed by Green & Vallyathan, 1996).


    11.1 Evaluation of health effects

    11.1.1 Hazard identification and dose-response assessment

         The extensive body of  in vitro and  in vivo research
    evaluating the effects of quartz on mammalian cells is summarized here
    (IARC, 1997; NIOSH, forthcoming). Quartz deposited in the lungs causes
    epithelial and macrophage injury and activation, and it translocates
    to the interstitium and the regional lymph nodes. Recruitment of
    inflammatory cells occurs in a dose-dependent manner. Oxidative stress
    (i.e., increased formation of reactive oxygen species, including
    hydroxyl radicals, or reactive nitrogen species) has been observed in
    rats after intratracheal instillation (Blackford et al., 1994;
    Schapira et al., 1995) or inhalation (Vallyathan et al., 1995) of
    quartz. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the cause of
    the cellular damage by quartz particles (Lapp & Castranova, 1993): 
    (1) direct cytotoxicity of quartz, (2) stimulation of the alveolar
    macrophages by quartz, which results in the release of cytotoxic
    enzymes or oxidants, (3) stimulation of the alveolar macrophages to
    release inflammatory factors (e.g., interleukin-8, leukotriene B4,
    platelet-activating factor, tumour necrosis factor, platelet-derived
    growth factor) that recruit polymorphonuclear leukocytes, which may
    release cytotoxins, (4) stimulation of the alveolar macrophages to
    release factors that initiate fibroblast production and collagen
    synthesis (e.g., interleukin-1, tumour necrosis factor,
    platelet-derived growth factor, fibronectin, alveolar
    macrophage-derived growth factor), and, more recently, (5) induction
    by quartz of apoptosis and subsequent engulfment by macrophages to
    regulate the evolution of inflammation and fibrosis (Leigh et al.,

         Silicosis is indisputably causally related to occupational quartz
    exposure, and the dose-response assessments of the adverse health
    effects of quartz are based on epidemiological studies of occupational
    cohorts with silicosis. To date, there are no known adverse health
    effects associated with non-occupational exposure to quartz dust.
    Silicosis is the critical effect for hazard identification and
    dose-response assessment, for two reasons. First, although IARC
    classified inhaled quartz from occupational sources as a Group 1
    carcinogen, there are very few published risk assessments
    (toxicological or epidemiological) with a quantitative dose-response
    assessment of lung cancer risk at various levels of quartz exposure. A
    pooled exposure-response assessment of a number of epidemiological
    studies with quantitative data for quartz exposures and lung cancer is
    currently being conducted by IARC.

         Secondly, epidemiological studies of quartz-exposed workers
    reported statistically significant numbers of excess deaths or cases
    of renal disease or subclinical renal changes (Steenland et al., 1992;
    Ng et al., 1993; Boujemaa et al., 1994; Hotz et al., 1995; 
    Nuyts et al., 1995; Steenland & Brown, 1995b; Calvert et al., 1997),
    mycobacterial infections (tuberculous and non-tuberculous), or fungal
    infections (Ziskind et al., 1976; Parkes, 1982; Parker, 1994; Althouse
    et al., 1995; Goldsmith et al., 1995a; NIOSH, 1996; American Thoracic
    Society, 1997; Kleinschmidt & Churchyard, 1997; Hnizdo & Murray, 1998;
    Corbett et al., 1999), immunological disorders and autoimmune diseases
    (i.e., scleroderma) (Sluis-Cremer et al., 1985; Cowie, 1987; Steenland
    & Brown, 1995b), rheumatoid arthritis (Sluis-Cremer et al., 1986;
    Klockars et al., 1987), and systemic lupus erythematosus (Steenland &
    Brown, 1995b), but sufficient epidemiological or toxicological data do
    not currently exist for quantitative assessment of the
    exposure-response relationship for these health effects.

         The US EPA calculated lowest-observed-adverse-effect level
    (LOAEL) human equivalent concentrations (HECs) for non-cancer effects
    reported in subchronic (<3 months) and chronic inhalation studies
    that administered less than 20 mg quartz/m3 to experimental rats and
    mice (Table 1). The results varied widely -- from 0.18 mg/m3 (based
    on rat study) to 0.90 mg/m3 (based on mouse study). Some of this
    variation may have been due to differences in dose, species, and the
    quartz specimens. The method for determining the HEC was based on a
    series of empirical equations described elsewhere (US EPA, 1994) and
    summarized here. It represents an example of the calculation of an HEC
    and may not necessarily be a method used worldwide. The equations
    estimate fractional deposition of relatively insoluble particles and
    adjust for dosimetric differences between species by incorporating
    normalizing factors such as body weight or surface area (US EPA,
    1994). In summary:

    NOAEL[HEC] (mg/m3) = NOAEL[ADJ] (mg/m3) × RDDRr


    *    NOAEL[HEC] = the no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) human
         equivalent concentration, dosimetrically adjusted

    *    NOAEL[ADJ] = the NOAEL adjusted for duration: E (mg/m3) × D
         (h/24 h) × W (days/7 days), where E = experimental exposure level

    *    RDDRr = the regional deposited dose ratio of particles for the
         respiratory tract region (r)

    *    RDDR = (RDDTH/Normalizing Factor)A/(RDDTH/Normalizing
         Factor)H, the ratio of regional deposited dose (RDDr) in the
         thoracic (TH) region in the animal (A) species to that of humans
         (H) (US EPA, 1994)

    *    r = region of dose deposition, in this case thoracic

    *    RDDr = 10-6 × Ci × VE × Fr, where:
         Ci = concentration (mg/m3)
         VE = minute volume (ml/min)
         Fr = fractional deposition in region r

         The literature contains a few additional risk assessments of lung
    cancer and quartz, and all were based on results of inhalation studies
    of rats (Collins & Marty, 1995, 1997; Goldsmith et al., 1995b).
    However, human data introduce less uncertainty than extrapolation from
    animals to humans (Goldsmith et al., 1995b; Goldsmith &
    Hertz-Picciotto, 1997). For quartz, the uncertainty can be attributed
    in part to the lack of (1) experimental studies that systematically
    evaluated exactly the same material to which humans are exposed (IARC,
    1997), (2) understanding of the mechanism for induction of rat lung
    tumours (IARC, 1997), (3) understanding of the species differences
    observed in the fibrogenic response (Gift & Faust, 1997), and
    (4) experimental studies that administered doses in concentrations
    similar to known occupational exposures (US EPA, 1996).
    Epidemiological studies that used cumulative exposure estimates
    represent the best currently available source of information for
    characterizing the dose-response relationship for silicosis or lung
    cancer in occupational, as well as non-occupational, cohorts.

         Exposure-response models based on cumulative exposure data can
    provide predictions of silicosis risk for a particular silica dust
    exposure over a period of time. Table 6 presents results of logistic
    regression models of data from the cross-sectional epidemiological
    studies described in section 9.2. The models predicted the prevalence
    of radiographic silicosis (ILO category >1/1 or >1/0) from
    cumulative exposure to respirable quartz. All models predicted the
    occurrence of at least one case of radiographic silicosis per 100
    workers at cumulative respirable quartz dust exposures of 0.05 or 0.10
    mg/m3 over a 45-year working lifetime. Logistic regression assumes
    that the change in the level of quartz exposure affects risk (or
    predicted prevalence) in a multiplicative manner (as compared with
    linear models, which predict deviations from additivity) 
    (Kleinbaum et al., 1982).

         Table 7 displays the results of three studies that followed
    cohorts of miners for silicosis over time or retrospectively. In these
    studies, the miners with silicosis had their first quartz exposure
    18-37 years (mean) prior to radiographic diagnosis. The models applied
    to the data collected in these studies predicted that the risk of
    chronic silicosis increases exponentially with increasing cumulative
    dose of silica dust (US EPA, 1996). Data from the study of South
    African gold miners (Hnizdo & Sluis-Cremer, 1993) and Canadian gold
    and uranium miners were analysed with models that assumed some risk of
    silicosis at any exposure. The study of US gold miners (Steenland &
    Brown, 1995a) estimated silicosis rates (cases per person-time at

    risk) for seven cumulative exposure categories, stratified by 5-year
    age and calendar time intervals. Poisson regression was used to adjust
    the crude rates for age and calendar time. Although age and calendar
    time were highly correlated with exposure, it is not likely that they
    confounded the exposure-response analysis, because silicosis has no
    background rate for non-exposed populations that changes with age or
    calendar time (US EPA, 1996).

         In summary, the risk estimates for silicosis prevalence for a
    working lifetime of exposure to respirable quartz dust concentrations
    of about 0.05 or 0.10 mg/m3 in the occupational environment vary
    widely (i.e., 2-90%). Epidemiological studies varied in the definition
    of silicosis cases, radiographic interpretation methods, cohort
    follow-up periods, and statistical methods. The variability in the
    risk estimates cannot be solely attributed to differences in follow-up
    periods; however, it must be recognized that chronic silicosis is a
    progressive disease. Therefore, the development of silicosis after a
    long latency period and after workers leave employment must be
    accounted for in epidemiological studies. Results of a study of
    autopsied South African gold miners found that the diagnostic
    sensitivity of radiological examination is particularly poor (Hnizdo
    et al., 1993). For example, when the radiological findings for
    profusion of rounded opacities (ILO category >1/1) were compared
    with pathological findings for silicosis in 326 miners with an average
    of 2.7 years between the radiological and pathological examination,
    silicosis was not diagnosed radiographically for at least 61% of the
    miners with slight to marked silicosis at autopsy. The probability of
    a false-negative reading increased with years of mining and the
    average concentration of respirable dust (Hnizdo et al., 1993).
    Experimental studies of rats also reported lack of agreement between
    histopathological indicators of silica dust exposure and radiographic
    readings (Drew & Kutzman, 1984a,b).

         Improved exposure assessment methods and data analyses that
    account for variations and deficiencies in exposure data would improve
    the risk estimates for silica-exposed workers (Agius et al., 1992;
    Checkoway, 1995). Although epidemiological studies that used
    cumulative exposure estimates represent the best available source of
    information for characterizing the dose-response relationship in
    occupational cohorts, peak exposures may predict silicosis risk better
    than cumulative exposures (Checkoway & Rice, 1992), but data are
    rarely available.

    11.1.2 Criteria for setting tolerable intakes or guidance values
           for quartz

         Results of genotoxicity tests of quartz, as well as other
     in vitro and  in vivo evidence, suggest that persistent
    inflammation and epithelial proliferation are related to the tumour
    response in rats. Other pathways for tumour induction, such as a
    direct genotoxic effect, have not been ruled out. Because a pathway
    has not been determined, and it is unclear from results of
    epidemiological studies whether silicosis is a precursor to

    lung cancer, it cannot be assumed that there is a threshold (i.e.,
    tolerable concentration, or TC) at which exposure to quartz would not
    result in silicosis and/or lung cancer. In addition, available data
    indicate that occupational quartz exposure is associated with the
    development of tuberculosis, especially in workers with silicosis;
    however, the association has not been quantified for that outcome or
    for other quartz-related diseases. Therefore, occupational exposure to
    respirable quartz dust should be reduced to the extent possible.

    11.1.3 Sample risk characterization

         It is recognized that there are many different methods for
    assessing the risk to human health posed by environmental and
    occupational substances. The example presented here applies to healthy
    individuals not compromised by respiratory ailments and who breathe
    the ambient air in the USA. It is based on the results of the three
    cohort studies of miners presented in Table 7 (section 11.1.1). Using
    a high estimate of 10% crystalline silica content of particulate
    matter with a mass median aerodynamic diameter not greater than 10 µm
    (PM10) from US metropolitan areas, the highest cumulative crystalline
    silica exposure expected from continuous human lifetime exposure at or
    below the annual US national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS) for
    particulate matter of 50 µg/m3 is 1 mg/m3-year (US EPA, 1996).

         The US EPA applied a mathematical model (i.e., benchmark dose
    [BMD] analysis) to determine a concentration and lower confidence
    bound associated with a predefined effect level (i.e., 1%, 5%, and 10%
    risk of silicosis) (US EPA, 1996). After consideration of
    cross-sectional, longitudinal, retrospective cohort, and case-control
    epidemiological studies, the BMD was conducted on data from the
    previously described study of radiographic silicosis in a cohort of
    2235 South African gold miners (Hnizdo & Sluis-Cremer, 1993). This
    study was selected for several reasons: (1) continuous and
    longitudinal investigation of silicosis, (2) miners had multiple X-ray
    examinations, and (3) autopsy data were available for more accurate
    interpretation of the radiographic results, which lack sensitivity (US
    EPA, 1996).1


    1 The cross-sectional studies described in Table 6 and sections
      9.2.1 and 11.1.1 were not available at the time of the US EPA
      assessment. These studies modelled the cumulative quartz exposures 
      of hardrock miners (Kreiss & Zhen, 1996) and grey iron foundry 
      workers (Rosenman et al., 1996) and predicted a 30% prevalence of 
      ILO category > 1/1 silicosis over a 45-year working lifetime with 
      10 years of post-employment follow-up (Kreiss & Zhen, 1996) or a 
      2% prevalence of ILO category > 1/0 silicosis over a 40-year 
      working lifetime and controlling for pack-years of cigarette 
      smoking, race, and silica exposure other than in the foundry under 
      study (Rosenman et al., 1996). Both predictions are for a mean
      quartz dust concentration of 0.05 mg/m3.

         Using methods described by US EPA (1996), the BMD analysis
    predicted that the silicosis risk for a continuous 70-year lifetime
    exposure to 0.008 mg/m3 (estimated high crystalline silica
    concentration in US metropolitan areas) is less than 3% for healthy
    individuals not compromised by other respiratory diseases or
    conditions and for ambient environment (US EPA, 1996). (Risks were not
    calculated for other groups, such as people with respiratory
    illnesses.) This risk estimate for exposure to ambient quartz may be
    conservative, because quartz particles in the occupational environment
    may be finer or "freshly fractured," occupational exposures may
    involve high "peak" exposures, and, thus, the potential for disease
    development may be greater.


         IARC has classified inhaled crystalline silica (quartz or
    cristobalite) from occupational sources as a Group 1 carcinogen based
    on sufficient evident of carcinogenicity in humans and experimental
    animals. In addition, "in making the overall evaluation, the Working
    Group noted that carcinogenicity in humans was not detected in all
    industrial circumstances studied. Carcinogenicity may be dependent on
    inherent characteristics of the crystalline silica or on external
    factors affecting its biological activity or distribution of its
    polymorphs" (IARC, 1997).

         In 1991, the ILO published a document describing methods for
    prevention and control of occupational lung diseases, including
    silicosis (ILO, 1991), and in 1993, the Office of Occupational Health
    of the World Health Organization (WHO) called for increased medical
    surveillance of workers exposed to mineral dusts to prevent
    pneumoconioses such as silicosis and asbestosis (WHO, 1993). WHO also
    recently published information about risk factors for pulmonary
    tuberculosis, including occupational exposure to respirable
    crystalline silica (WHO, 1996).

         In 1986, a WHO study group recommended a limit of 40 µg/m3
    (time-weighted average of an 8-h shift) for occupational exposure to
    respirable crystalline silica dust (WHO, 1986).


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    IARC (1997)

         Copies of  Silica, some silicates, coal dust and
    para -aramid fibrils (IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of
    Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, Vol. 68) may be obtained from:

         International Agency for Research on Cancer
         150 cours Albert Thomas
         69372 Lyon Cedex 08

         The members of the Working Group on the Evaluation of
    Carcinogenic Risks to Humans of silica (including quartz), some
    silicates, coal dust and  para-aramid fibrils that met in Lyon on
    15-22 February 1996 were:

         M.D. Attfield, National Institute for Occupational Safety and
            Health, USA
         P.J. Borm, University of Limburg, The Netherlands
         H. Checkoway, University of Washington, USA
         K. Donaldson, Napier University, United Kingdom
         M. Dosemeci, National Cancer Institute, USA
         V.J. Feron, TNO Nutrition and Food Research Institute, The
         B.J. Fubini, University of Torino, Italy
         M. Gérin, Université de Montréal, Canada
         E. Hnizdo, National Centre for Occupational Health, South Africa
         A.B. Kane, Brown University, USA
         J.C. McDonald, Imperial College, United Kingdom
         H. Muhle, Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Aerosol
            Research, Germany
         S. Olin, International Life Sciences Institute, USA
         J.-C. Pairon, INSERM, France
         T. Partanen, Institute of Occupational Health, Finland
         C. Shy, University of North Carolina, USA
         E. Tatrai, National Institute of Occupational Health, Hungary
         D.B. Warheit, DuPont Haskell Laboratory for Toxicology and
            Industrial Medicine, USA
         V. Yermilov, N.N. Petrov Research Institute of Oncology, Russia

    US EPA (1996)

         Copies of the US Environmental Protection Agency report entitled
     Ambient levels and noncancer health effects of inhaled crystalline
     and amorphous silica: health issue assessment (NTIS Publication
    PB97-188122) may be obtained from:

         National Technical Information Service
         Springfield, VA 22161

         The document was reviewed in accordance with US EPA policy and
    approved for publication. The principal authors of the document were:

         Dr R.A. Faust, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
         Dr J.S. Gift, National Center for Environmental Assessment, USA
         Dr D.F. Goldsmith, Western Consortium for Public Health, USA
         Dr R. Ruble, Western Consortium for Public Health, USA

         The reviewers and contributors from the US EPA were:

         Dr D.L. Costa, National Health and Environmental Effects Research
            Laboratory (MD-82), USA
         Dr J.S. Dollarhide, National Center for Environmental Assessment
         Dr J.A. Graham, National Center for Environmental Assessment
         Dr A. Koppikar, National Center for Environmental Assessment
         Dr W.E. Pepelko, National Center for Environmental Assessment
         Dr C. Shoaf, National Center for Environmental Assessment
         Mr E.G. Smith, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards
         Dr W. Victery, Region IX

         The external peer reviewers of the document were:

         Dr D. Gardner, Private Consultant, Raleigh, NC, USA
         Ms S. Goodwin, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, USA
         Dr M. Jacobsen, National Institute for Occupational Safety and
            Health, USA
         Dr R. Kutzman, MITRE Corporation, McLean, VA, USA
         Dr J. Rabovsky, California Environmental Protection Agency, USA
         Ms F. Rice, National Institute for Occupational Safety and
            Health, USA
         Dr J.M. Samet, The Johns Hopkins University, USA
         Dr C. Shy, University of North Carolina, USA
         Dr J. Vincent, University of Minnesota, USA
         Dr J. Watson, Desert Research Institute, USA
         Dr H. Weill, Tulane University, USA

    NIOSH (forthcoming)

         When published, copies of the  NIOSH special hazard review:
     Health effects of occupational exposure to respirable crystalline
     silica will be available from:

         National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
         Publications Dissemination
         4676 Columbia Parkway
         Cincinnati, OH 45226-1998

         The draft document has undergone the following NIOSH internal
    reviews in accordance with NIOSH policy: intradivisional review and
    interdivisional review. The external peer reviewers of the document

         W. Beckett, University of Rochester School of Medicine
         H. Checkoway, University of Washington 
         G.S. Davis, University of Vermont College of Medicine
         J. Gift, US EPA
         D. Goldsmith, George Washington University
         E. Hnizdo, National Centre for Occupational Health, South Africa
         J. Hughes, Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
         C. Jones, Mine Safety and Health Administration, US Department of
         W. Kojola, American Federation of Labor and Congress of
         Industrial Organizations
         A.G. Macneski, Environmental Safety and Health, Bechtel National,
         M. Schaper, Mine Safety and Health Administration, US Department
            of Labor
         L. Schuman, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, US
            Department of Labor
         J. Sharpe, National Stone Association
         D.M. Tucker, Norfolk Southern Corporation
         J.A. Ulizio, US Silica Company
         J.L. Weeks, George Washington University Medical Center


         The draft CICAD on crystalline silica, quartz was sent for review
    to institutions and organizations identified by IPCS after contact
    with IPCS national Contact Points and Participating Institutions, as
    well as to identified experts. Comments were received from:

         M. Baril, Institut de Recherche en Santé et Sécurité du Travail
         du Québec, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

         R. Benson, Drinking Water Program, US Environmental Protection
         Agency, Denver, CO, USA

         T. Berzins, National Chemicals Inspectorate (KEMI), Solna, Sweden

         P. Borm, Medical Institute for Environmental Hygiene, Department
         of Fibre and Particle Toxicology, Dusseldorf University,
         Düsseldorf, Germany

         R. Brown, Toxservices, Uppingham, United Kingdom

         R.S. Chhabra, National Institute of Environmental Health
         Sciences/National Institute of Health, Research Triangle Park,
         NC, USA

         S. Dobson, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Cambridgeshire,
         United Kingdom

         K. Donaldson, Department of Biological Sciences, Napier
         University, Edinburgh, Scotland

         J. Heuer, Federal Institute for Health Protection of Consumers
         and Veterinary Medicine, Berlin, Germany

         J. Hurych, National Institute of Public Health, Prague, Czech

         J. Leigh, National Occupational Health and Safety Commission,
         Sydney, Australia

         M. Moore, The Morgan Crucible Company, Windsor, United Kingdom 

         F. Morrall, British Ceramic Confederation, Stoke-on-Trent, United

         D. Muir, Occupational Health Program, McMaster University,
         Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

         M. Wyart-Remy, Industrial Minerals Association - Europe,
         Brussels, Belgium

         P. Yao, Institute of Occupational Medicine, Chinese Academy of
         Preventive Medicine, Beijing, People's Republic of China

         J. Yoshida, Chemical Safety Management, Office of Environmental
         Chemical Safety, Environmental Health Bureau, Ministry of Health
         and Welfare, Tokyo, Japan

         K. Ziegler-Skylakakis, Beratergremium für Umweltrelevante
         Altstoffe, Muenchen, Germany


    Sydney, Australia, 21-24 November 1999


    Dr R. Benson, Drinking Water Program, US Environmental Protection
    Agency, Region VIII, Denver, CO, USA

    Dr T. Berzins, National Chemicals Inspectorate (KEMI), Solna, Sweden

    Dr R.M. Bruce, National Center for Environmental Assessment, US
    Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH, USA

    Mr R. Cary, Health and Safety Executive, Merseyside, United Kingdom

    Dr R.S. Chhabra, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences,
    National Institutes of Health, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA

    Dr S. Chou, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Atlanta,
    GA, USA

    Dr S. Dobson, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Monks Wood,
    Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

    Dr H. Gibb, National Center for Environmental Assessment, US
    Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA

    Dr R.F. Hertel, Federal Institute for Health Protection of Consumers
    and Veterinary Medicine, Berlin, Germany

    Dr J. Kielhorn, Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Aerosol
    Research, Hannover, Germany

    Dr S. Kristensen, National Occupational Health and Safety Commission
    (Worksafe), Sydney, NSW, Australia

    Mr C. Lee-Steere, Environment Australia, Canberra, ACT, Australia

    Ms M. Meek, Environmental Health Directorate, Health Canada, Ottawa,
    Ontario, Canada

    Ms F. Rice, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health,
    Cincinnati, OH, USA

    Dr J. Sekizawa, National Institute of Health Sciences, Tokyo, Japan

    Dr D. Willcocks, National Industrial Chemicals Notification and
    Assessment Scheme (NICNAS), Sydney, NSW, Australia  (Chairperson)

    Professor P. Yao, Institute of Occupational Medicine, Chinese Academy
    of Preventive Medicine, Beijing, People's Republic of China


    Mr P. Howe, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Huntingdon,
    Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

    Dr K. Ziegler-Skylakakis, GSF-Forschungszentrum für Umwelt und
    Gesundheit, GmbH, Oberschleissheim, Germany


    Dr A. Aitio, International Programme on Chemical Safety, World Health
    Organization, Geneva, Switzerland

    Ms M. Godden, Health and Safety Executive, Bootle, Merseyside, United

    Dr M. Younes, International Programme on Chemical Safety, World Health
    Organization, Geneva, Switzerland


    QUARTZ                                                                         ICSC: 0808
                                                                                 October 1997

    CAS#             14808-60-7                Crystalline silica, quartz
    RTECS#           VV7330000             Crystalline silicon dioxide, quartz
                                                   Silicic anhydride

                                                   Molecular mass: 60.1
    TYPES OF HAZARD        ACUTE HAZARDS/             PREVENTION               FIRST AID / FIRE
    / EXPOSURE             SYMPTOMS                                            FIGHTING
    FIRE                   Not combustible.                                    In case of fire in the
                                                                               surroundings, all
                                                                               extinguishing agents allowed.

    EXPOSURE                                          PREVENT DISPERSION
                                                      OF DUST!
    Inhalation             Cough.                     Local exhaust
                                                      or breathing

    Eyes                                              Safety goggles,       
                                                      or eye protection
                                                      in combination with
                                                      breathing protection.


    SPILLAGE DISPOSAL                                 PACKAGING & LABELLING

    Sweep spilled substance into containers;          EU Classification
    if appropriate, moisten first to prevent          UN Classification
    dusting. Wash away remainder with plenty
    of water. (Extra personal protection:
    P3 filter respirator for toxic particles).

    EMERGENCY RESPONSE                                STORAGE

                                       IMPORTANT DATA

    COLOURLESS WHITE OR VARIABLE BLACK, PURPLE,       The substance can be absorbed
    GREEN CRYSTALS                                    into the body by inhalation.

    CHEMICAL DANGERS:                                 INHALATION RISK:
    Reacts with strong oxidants causing fire          Evaporation at 20°C is negligible;
    and explosion hazard.                             a harmful concentration of airborne
                                                      particles can, however, be reached
                                                      quickly when dispersed.

    TLV: 0.1 mg/m3 (respirable dust)                  The substance may have effects on the lungs,
    (ACGIH 1997).                                     resulting in fibrosis (silicosis). This substance
    MAK: 0.15 mg/m3; (1996)                           is carcinogenic to humans.

                                     PHYSICAL PROPERTIES
    Boiling Point:    2230°C
    Melting Point:    1610°C
    Relative density (water = 1): 2.6
    Solubility in water: none
                                      ENVIRONMENTAL DATA

    Depending on the degree of exposure, periodic medical examination is indicated. CSQZ, DQ 12,
    MIN-U-Sil, Sil-Co-Sil, Snowit, Sykron F300, Sykron F600 are trade names.

                                    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

    LEGAL NOTICE        Neither the CEC nor the IPCS nor any person acting on
                        behalf of the CEC or the IPCS is responsible for the use
                        which might be made of this information.


         Le présent CICAD, relatif à la silice cristallisée ou quartz, est
    basé sur trois documents résultant d'un examen approfondi par des
    pairs des effets sanitaires de cette substance, à savoir : 1) une mise
    au point portant sur les études et rapports consacrés aux effets
    nocifs d'une exposition de l'organisme humain au quartz (NIOSH, à
    paraître); 2) une revue critique des études de cancérogénicité
    effectuées par le Centre international de recherche sur le cancer
    (IARC/CIRC, 1997) et 3) un examen des études consacrées aux effets
    sanitaires du quartz présent dans le milieu ambiant, à l'exclusion des
    cancers (US EPA, 1996). Ces différentes sources documentaires
    n'accordant pas la même attention aux divers points d'aboutissement
    toxicologiques, on s'est efforcé, dans ce CICAD, de prendre en compte
    l'ensemble des effets indésirables mentionnés dans les documents de
    base. Il est a noter à cet égard, que même si les trois documents ne
    traitent pas tous les effets de manière aussi détaillée, leurs
    conclusions finales n'en sont pas moins très voisines. On a utilisé
    plusieurs bases de données en ligne pour effectuer une recherche
    bibliographique très complète. Le dernier dépouillement remonte à mars

         Le présent CICAD porte sur la forme la plus commune de silice
    cristallisée, c'est-à-dire le quartz. Il ne prend pas en compte les
    travaux résultant des études expérimentales consacrées aux effets des
    différentes autres formes de silice cristallisée comme la
    cristobalite, la tridymite, la stishovite ou la coésite, ni à d'autres
    variétés comme la terre d'infusoires ou la silice amorphe ni même à la
    poussière de charbon car leur toxicité  in vitro est différente ce
    celle du quartz. Une ancienne étude effectuée sur des rats vivants a
    montré que l'induction de la fibrogénicité était différentes selon les
    différentes formes : quartz, cristobalite ou tridymite. Il n'existe
    toutefois pratiquement aucune étude expérimentale qui ait procédé à
    une évaluation systématique du risque que représentent des matériaux
    identiques à ceux auxquels l'Homme est exposé. Selon le groupe d'étude
    du CIRC, il est possible que les différentes formes cristallines de
    silice n'aient pas toutes le même pouvoir cancérogène. Il est vrai que
    dans beaucoup d'études, l'évaluation a porté sur les
    « environnements mixtes » dans lesquels le quartz a pu être chauffé -
    ce qui est susceptible d'avoir produit une conversion en cristobalite
    ou en tridymite dans des proportions diverses (par ex. dans
    l'industrie de la céramique, de la poterie et de la brique
    réfractaire) - et on n'a pas fait de distinction entre l'exposition au
    quartz et l'exposition à la cristobalite, par exemple. On peut penser,
    au vu de certaines données, que le risque de cancer varie selon le
    type d'industrie et de procédé, et ce, selon des modalités qui
    laissent supposer que ce risque est spécifique de chacune des formes
    cristallines, mais le Groupe n'a pu parvenir à une conclusion que dans
    le cas précis du quartz et de la cristobalite. Ce CICAD reprend
    l'exposé et les conclusions du document de ce Groupe, aussi
    l'évaluation qu'il donne de la cancérogénicité du quartz sur le lieu

    de travail ne fait-elle pas de distinction entre les études
    épidémiologiques portant sur le quartz et celles qui sont consacrées à
    la cristobalite.

         Il a été convenu que l'examen par des pairs de la littérature
    consacrée au quartz en vue de la rédaction du présent CICAD
    comporterait un volet particulier, consistant en une étude critique
    par un groupe international de spécialistes choisis en fonction de
    leur connaissance des controverses actuelles au sujet du quartz. On
    trouvera à l'appendice 1 des indications sur la nature de l'examen par
    des pairs et sur les sources documentaires existantes. Des indications
    sur l'examen par des pairs du présent CICAD figurent à l'appendice 2.
    Ce CICAD a été approuvé en tant qu'évaluation internationale lors de
    la réunion du Comité d'évaluation finale qui s'est tenue à Sydney
    (Australie) du 21 au 24 novembre 1999. La liste des participants à
    cette réunion figure à l'appendice 3. La fiche d'information
    internationale sur la sécurité chimique (ICSC No 0808) relative à la
    silice cristallisée est également reproduite dans l'appendice 4 (IPCS,

         Le quartz (No CAS 14808-60-7) est un constituant solide souvent
    présent dans la plupart des poussières minérales naturelles.
    L'exposition humaine au quartz est la plupart du temps liée à des
    activités professionnelles qui impliquent le déplacement de masses de
    terre, la manipulation de matériaux qui contiennent de la silice
    (pierre à bâtir ou béton par ex.); elle peut aussi se produire lors de
    l'utilisation ou de la fabrication de produits à base de silice. Il
    peut y avoir exposition à la poussière de quartz présente dans
    l'environnement lors d'activités naturelles, industrielles ou
    agricoles. Les particules de quartz respirables peuvent être inhalées
    et se déposer dans les poumons; toutefois on n'a aucune certitude au
    sujet de la cinétique d'élimination des particules de quartz chez

         Le quartz provoque une inflammation cellulaire  in vivo. Des
    études expérimentales à court terme sur des rats, des souris et des
    hamsters ont montré que l'instillation intratrachéenne de particules
    de quartz conduisait à la formation de nodules silicotiques discrets.
    L'inhalation d'aérosols de particules de quartz gêne la fonction de
    nettoyage alvéolaire des macrophages et conduit à des lésions
    évolutives et à une pneumopathie inflammatoire. Un stress oxydatif
    (c'est-à-dire la formation accrue de radicaux hydroxyles et d'espèces
    oxygénées ou azotées réactives) a été observé chez des rats après
    instillation intratrachéenne ou inhalation de particules de quartz. De
    nombreuses études expérimentales  in vitro ont permis de constater
    que les propriétés de surface des particules de silice cristallisées
    influent sur leur activité fibrogène et sur un certain nombre de
    caractéristiques de leur activité cytotoxique. De nombreux mécanismes
    possibles sont décrits dans la littérature, mais en fait les lésions
    cellulaires provoquées par le quartz sont le résultat de mécanismes
    complexes dont la nature n'est pas encore totalement élucidée.

         Les études d'inhalation à long terme effectuées sur des rats et
    des souris montrent que les particules de quartz entraînent une
    prolifération cellulaire, la formation de nodules, la dépression des
    fonctions immunitaires et une protéinose alvéolaire pulmonaire. Des
    études expérimentales sur des rats ont permis de mettre en évidence la
    formation d'adénocarcinomes et de carcinomes spinocellulaires
    consécutive à l'inhalation ou à l'instillation intratrachéenne de
    particules de quartz. Les études sur le hamster ou la souris n'ont pas
    permis de mettre en évidence ce genre de tumeurs pulmonaires. On ne
    dispose pas de données dose-réponse (par ex. dose sans effet nocif ou
    dose minimale produisant un effet nocif) satisfaisantes pour le rat ou
    d'autres rongeurs car peu d'études de cancérogénicité comportant une
    variété de doses ont été effectuées.

         Les tests de mutagénicité classique sur bactérie ne donnent pas
    de résultat positif. Les résultats des études de génotoxicité sont
    contradictoires et il n'a pas été possible de confirmer ou d'infirmer
    l'existence d'un effet génotoxique direct.

         Les résultats d'études sur les particules peuvent donner des
    résultats variables selon le matériau testé, la granulométrie, la
    concentration administrée aux animaux et l'espèce utilisée. Les essais
    effectués avec des particules de quartz ont porté sur diverses espèces
    avec échantillons d'origine, de concentration et de granulométrie
    variée, autant de facteurs qui ont pu avoir une influence sur les

         On ne dispose pas de données concernant les effets que le quartz
    pourrait avoir sur la reproduction ou le développement chez des
    animaux d'expérience.

         Les effets indésirables du quartz sur les organismes aquatiques
    et les mammifères terrestres n'ont pas été étudiés non plus.

         Il existe beaucoup d'études épidémiologiques portant sur des
    cohortes de divers professionnels exposés à des poussières respirables
    de quartz. L'exposition professionnelle à la poussière de quartz est
    associée à la silicose, au cancer du poumon et à la tuberculose
    pulmonaire. Le CIRC a classé la silice cristallisée (quartz ou
    cristobalite) inhalée sur le lieu de travail dans le groupe 1 des
    produits dont la cancérogénicité pour l'Homme et l'animal repose sur
    des preuves suffisantes. Dans son évaluation générale de cette
    substance, le Groupe de travail a noté qu'aucun signe de
    cancérogénicité n'avait été relevé au cours de toutes ses enquêtes
    dans l'industrie. Il est possible que la cancérogénicité de la silice
    cristallisée dépende de certaines propriétés intrinsèques de cette
    substance ou encore de facteurs extérieurs susceptibles d'influer sur
    son activité biologique ou sur la proportion relative des différentes
    formes (IARC/CIRC, 1997).

         On a fait état d'une augmentation statistiquement significative
    des décès ou des cas de bronchite, d'emphysème, de
    broncho-pneumopathie chronique obstructive, de maladies à composante
    auto-immune (comme la sclérodermie, l'arthrite rhumatoïde ou le lupus
    érythémateux disséminé) ou encore de néphropathie.

         En ce qui concerne l'identification du risque et la relation
    exposition-réponse, c'est la silicose qui constitue l'effet
    déterminant. On possède suffisamment de données épidémiologiques pour
    permettre une évaluation quantitative du risque de silicose, mais pas
    pour donner une estimation précise du risque des autres effets
    sanitaires indiqués plus haut (une évaluation groupée utilisant des
    études épidémiologiques consacrées à la silice et au cancer du poumon
    est en cours au CIRC).

         Il y a de grandes variations (par ex. 2 à 90 %) dans les
    estimations du risque relatives à la prévalence de la silicose par
    suite d'une exposition tout au long de la vie professionnelle à des
    particules respirables de quartz de concentration comprise entre 0,05
    et 0,10 mg/m3 sur le lieu de travail. En ce qui concerne l'exposition
    aux particules présentes dans l'air ambiant de l'environnement
    général, une analyse de référence conclut que le risque de silicose
    pour une exposition continue pendant 70 ans à 0,008 mg/m3 (c'est à
    dire la valeur estimative élevée de la concentration de silice
    cristallisée en milieu urbain aux États-Unis), est inférieur à 3 %
    pour les individus en bonne santé ne souffrant pas de pathologie
    respiratoire (US EPA, 1996). Le risque de silicose pour les personnes
    exposées dans les même conditions mais présentant une pathologie
    respiratoire n'a pas été évalué.

         Il existe un certain nombre d'incertitudes concernant
    l'évaluation des études épidémiologiques et l'estimation du risque
    d'effets toxiques résultant de l'exposition à des poussières de
    quartz. Les difficultés, qui pour une grande part sont liées à l'étude
    même des affections respiratoires dans les diverses professions,
    tiennent au nombre et à la qualité des données longitudinales
    d'exposition, à l'insuffisance des informations sur les facteurs de
    confusion possibles - comme le tabagisme à la cigarette, par ex. - et
    à l'interprétation des radiographies thoraciques en tant que preuves
    de l'exposition. En outre, l'exposition professionnelle à la poussière
    de quartz est complexe car les travailleurs sont fréquemment exposés à
    des mélanges qui contiennent du quartz à côté d'autres types de
    substances minérales. Les propriétés de ces poussières (par ex. la
    granulométrie, les caractéristiques de surface, la forme cristalline)
    peuvent varier selon leur origine géologique et se même se modifier
    lors des divers traitements industriels. Ces variations peuvent
    influer sur l'activité biologique des poussières inhalées. Le Groupe
    de travail du CIRC a évalué la cancérogénicité de la silice
    cristallisée (quartz, notamment) et a concentré son attention sur les
    études épidémiologiques les moins susceptibles d'être affectées par
    des facteurs de confusion et des biais de sélection et il en a tiré
    des relations dose-réponse (IARC/CIRC, 1997).


         Este CICAD sobre la sílice cristalina, el cuarzo, se basa en los
    tres amplios documentos siguientes objeto de un examen colegiado sobre
    los efectos en la salud de la sílice cristalina, incluido el cuarzo:
    1) un examen de los estudios e informes publicados sobre los efectos
    adversos en la salud humana de la exposición al cuarzo (NIOSH, de
    próxima aparición), 2) un examen de los estudios de carcinogenicidad
    realizados por el Centro Internacional de Investigaciones sobre el
    Cáncer (IARC/CIIC, 1997) y 3) un examen de los efectos en la salud
    distintos del cáncer del cuarzo presente en el medio ambiente (US EPA,
    1996). En los documentos originales se prestó una atención diferente a
    los distintos efectos finales, y el CICAD se elaboró a fin de evaluar
    todos los efectos adversos para la salud identificados en esos
    documentos. Hay que señalar que, a pesar de esas diferencias, las
    conclusiones finales de todos los documentos originales fueron muy
    semejantes. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica amplia de varias
    bases de datos en línea. El presente examen contiene los datos
    obtenidos hasta marzo de 1999.

         En este CICAD se examina la forma más común de sílice cristalina
    (es decir, el cuarzo). No se tienen en cuenta los estudios
    experimentales de los efectos de otras formas de sílice cristalina
    (por ejemplo, la cristobalita, la tridimita, la estishovita o la
    coesita), el polvo de carbón, la tierra de diatomeas o la sílice
    amorfa, porque su toxicidad  in vitro es diferente de la del cuarzo .
    En un estudio preliminar en ratas  in vivo se pusieron de manifiesto
    diferencias en la capacidad de inducción de fibrogenicidad del cuarzo,
    la cristobalita y la tridimita. Sin embargo, apenas existen estudios
    experimentales en los que se evalúe de manera sistemática exactamente
    el mismo material al que está expuesto el ser humano. El Grupo de
    Trabajo del CIIC examinó la posibilidad de que hubiera diferencias en
    el potencial carcinogénico entre los distintos tipos polimórficos de
    la sílice cristalina. Sin embargo, en algunos de los estudios
    epidemiológicos se evaluó la presencia de cáncer de pulmón entre los
    trabajadores de "entornos mixtos", donde el cuarzo se puede calentar y
    se pueden producir diversos grados de conversión a cristobalita o
    tridimita (por ejemplo, en las industrias de cerámica, alfarería y
    ladrillos refractarios) y no se describieron específicamente las
    exposiciones al cuarzo o la cristobalita. Aunque hubo algunos indicios
    de que los riesgos de cáncer variaban en función de la industria y el
    proceso, de manera que parecía indicar riesgos específicos de los
    tipos polimórficos, el Grupo de Trabajo pudo llegar solamente a una
    conclusión única para el cuarzo y la cristobalita. El CICAD se hace
    eco del debate y la conclusión de ese documento original; por
    consiguiente, al examinar la carcinogenicidad del cuarzo en el entorno
    ocupacional no se distingue entre los estudios epidemiológicos del
    cuarzo y los de la cristobalita.

         El proceso de examen colegiado para el presente CICAD tenía por
    objeto incluir el examen de un grupo internacional de expertos
    seleccionados por sus conocimientos acerca de las controversias y las
    cuestiones actuales en relación con el cuarzo. La información relativa
    al carácter del examen colegiado y a la disponibilidad de los
    documentos originales figura en el apéndice 1. La información relativa
    al examen colegiado de este CICAD se presenta en el apéndice 2. Este
    CICAD se aprobó como evaluación internacional en una reunión de la
    Junta de Evaluación Final celebrada en Sydney, Australia, los días
    21-24 de noviembre de 1999. En el apéndice 3 figura la lista de
    participantes en esta reunión. La Ficha internacional de seguridad
    química (ICSC 0808) para la sílice cristalina, cuarzo (IPCS, 1993),
    también se reproduce en el apéndice 4.

         El cuarzo (CAS No 14808-60-7) es un componente sólido
    presente con frecuencia en la gran mayoría de los tipos de polvo
    mineral natural. La exposición humana al cuarzo se produce sobre todo
    durante las actividades laborales que requieren el desplazamiento de
    tierra, la alteración de productos con sílice (por ejemplo, obras de
    albañilería, hormigón) o el uso o fabricación de productos con sílice.
    Se puede producir exposición al polvo de cuarzo presente en el medio
    ambiente durante la realización de actividades físicas, industriales y
    agrícolas. Se pueden inhalar partículas de polvo de cuarzo
    respirables, que se depositan en el pulmón; sin embargo, no se ha
    llegado a ninguna conclusión acerca de su cinética de eliminación en
    el ser humano.

         El polvo de cuarzo induce inflamación celular  in vivo. En
    estudios experimentales de corta duración en ratas se ha observado que
    la instilación intratraqueal de partículas de cuarzo da lugar a la
    formación de nódulos silicóticos dispersos en ratas, ratones y
    hámsteres. La inhalación de partículas de cuarzo pulverizadas
    dificulta las funciones de limpieza de los macrófagos alveolares y
    provoca lesiones progresivas y neumonitis. Se ha observado una tensión
    oxidante (es decir, una mayor formación de radicales hidroxilo,
    especies de oxígeno reactivo o especies de nitrógeno reactivo) en
    ratas tras la instilación intratraqueal o la inhalación de cuarzo.
    Numerosos estudios experimentales  in vitro han puesto de manifiesto
    que las características de la superficie de las partículas de sílice
    cristalina influyen en su actividad fibrogénica y en varias
    propiedades relacionadas con su citotoxicidad. Aunque en la
    bibliografía se han descrito muchos mecanismos que posiblemente
    contribuyan a esto, la manera en la cual las partículas de cuarzo
    provocan el daño celular es compleja y no se conoce del todo.

         En estudios de inhalación prolongados con ratas y ratones se ha
    comprobado que las partículas de cuarzo inducen proliferación celular,
    formación de nódulos, supresión de las funciones inmunitarias y
    proteinosis alveolar. En estudios experimentales con ratas se notificó
    la aparición de adenocarcinomas y carcinomas de las células escamosas
    tras la inhalación o la instilación intratraqueal de cuarzo.

    En experimentos con hámsteres o ratones no se observaron tumores en
    los pulmones. No se dispone de datos adecuados sobre la relación
    dosis-respuesta (por ejemplo, la concentración sin efectos adversos o
    la concentración mas baja con efectos adversos) para ratas u otros
    roedores, debido a que se han realizado escasos estudios de
    carcinogenicidad con dosis múltiples.

         El cuarzo no dio resultado positivo en las valoraciones normales
    de mutagénesis en bacterias. Los resultados de los estudios de
    genotoxicidad del cuarzo son contradictorios y no se ha confirmado ni
    descartado un efecto genotóxico directo.

         En estudios experimentales de partículas, los resultados pueden
    variar en función del material de prueba, el tamaño de las partículas,
    la concentración administrada y la especie objeto de examen. En los
    experimentos con partículas de cuarzo se utilizaron ejemplares de
    varios orígenes, con diversidad de dosis, tamaños de partículas y
    especies, que podrían haber afectado a las observaciones.

         No se dispone de datos sobre los efectos reproductivos y en el
    desarrollo del cuarzo en animales de laboratorio.

         No se han estudiado los efectos adversos del cuarzo en los
    organismos acuáticos y los mamíferos terrestres.

         Hay numerosos estudios epidemiológicos de cohortes ocupacionales
    expuestas a polvo de cuarzo respirable. La silicosis, el cáncer de
    pulmón y la tuberculosis pulmonar son enfermedades asociadas con la
    exposición ocupacional al polvo de cuarzo. El CIIC clasificó la sílice
    cristalina (cuarzo o cristobalita) de procedencia ocupacional como
    carcinógeno del grupo 1, basándose en pruebas suficientes de
    carcinogenicidad en el ser humano y en los animales experimentales;
    "al hacer la evaluación general, el Grupo de Trabajo observó que no se
    había detectado carcinogenicidad en el ser humano en todas las
    circunstancias industriales estudiadas. La carcinogenicidad puede
    depender de características inherentes a la sílice cristalina o de
    factores externos que afectan a su actividad biológica o a la
    distribución de sus tipos polimórficos" (IARC/CIIC, 1997).

         Se han notificado aumentos estadísticamente significativos de
    muertes o casos de bronquitis, enfisema, enfermedad pulmonar
    obstructiva crónica, enfermedades relacionadas con la autoinmunidad
    (es decir, escleroderma, artritis reumatoide, lupus eritematoso
    sistémico) y enfermedades renales.

         La silicosis es el efecto decisivo para la determinación del
    peligro y la evaluación de la relación exposición-respuesta. Hay datos
    epidemiológicos suficientes para poder efectuar una estimación
    cuantitativa del riesgo de silicosis, pero no estimaciones precisas de
    los riesgos de otros efectos para la salud mencionados anteriormente.
    (En el CIIC se está realizando una evaluación agrupada del riesgo de
    estudios epidemiológicos de la sílice y el cáncer de pulmón.)

         Las estimaciones del riesgo relativas a la prevalencia de la
    silicosis para la exposición durante toda la vida laboral a
    concentraciones de polvo de cuarzo respirable de 0,05 ó 0,10 mg/m3 en
    el entorno de trabajo varían ampliamente (es decir, 2%-90%). Con
    respecto a la exposición al cuarzo presente en el medio ambiente
    general, a partir del análisis de una dosis de referencia se
    pronosticó que el riesgo de silicosis para una exposición continua
    durante una vida de 70 años a 0,008 mg/m3 (concentración de sílice
    cristalina estimada alta en las zonas metropolitanas de los Estados
    Unidos) era inferior al 3% para las personas sanas sin otras
    enfermedades o trastornos del aparato respiratorio y para el medio
    ambiente (US EPA, 1996). No se evaluó el riesgo de silicosis para las
    personas con enfermedades respiratorias expuestas al cuarzo en el
    medio ambiente general.

         Hay incertidumbres en la evaluación de los estudios
    epidemiológicos y en la evaluación del riesgo de los efectos para la
    salud relacionados con la exposición al polvo de cuarzo. Las
    dificultades, muchas de las cuales son inherentes al estudio de las
    enfermedades respiratorias en poblaciones ocupacionales, se deben a
    limitaciones en la cantidad y la calidad de los datos históricos de
    exposición, la falta de datos sobre posibles factores de confusión,
    como por ejemplo el humo de los cigarrillos, y dificultades en la
    interpretación de las radiografías del tórax como prueba de
    exposición. Además, las exposiciones ocupacionales al polvo de cuarzo
    son complejas, porque los trabajadores están expuestos con frecuencia
    a mezclas de polvo que contienen cuarzo y otras variedades minerales.
    Las propiedades del polvo (por ejemplo, el tamaño de las partículas,
    las propiedades de la superficie, la forma cristalina) pueden variar
    en función del origen geológico y también pueden cambiar durante la
    elaboración industrial. Dichas variaciones pueden afectar a la
    actividad biológica del polvo inhalado. El Grupo de Trabajo del CIIC
    evaluó la carcinogenicidad de la sílice cristalina (incluido el
    cuarzo) y se concentró en los estudios epidemiológicos con menor
    probabilidad de verse afectados por sesgos de confusión y selección en
    los que se analizaban las relaciones exposición-respuesta (IARC/CIIC,

    See Also:
       Toxicological Abbreviations