Chloroform (IARC Summary & Evaluation, Volume 1, 1972)

International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) - Summaries & Evaluations
VOL.: 1 (1972) (p. 61)
5. Summary of Data Reported and Evaluation
5.1 Animal carcinogenicity data
The carcinogenicity of chloroform has been investigated only in mice
in experiments involving a small number of animals at risk.
Nevertheless among these the frequency of liver tumours was high.
There is no evidence of carcinogenicity for organs other than the
liver, but the experiments were shorter than the life-span of the
animals. An experiment involving single or a few exposures of newborn
mice gave negative results. An assessment of the carcinogenicity of
chloroform awaits further experimental evidence.
5.2 Human carcinogenicity data
Chloroform entails several sources of exposure for humans. No long-term
follow-up studies in men exposed to chloroform have been reported.
Subsequent evaluations:
Vol. 20 (1979); Suppl. 7 (1987); Vol. 73 (1999)
Last updated: 30 September 1999
See Also:
Toxicological Abbreviations
Chloroform (EHC 163, 1994)
Chloroform (HSG 87, 1994)
Chloroform (ICSC)
Chloroform (WHO Food Additives Series 14)
Chloroform (PIM 121)
Chloroform (CICADS 58, 2004)
Chloroform (IARC Summary & Evaluation, Supplement7, 1987)
Chloroform (IARC Summary & Evaluation, Volume 20, 1979)
Chloroform (IARC Summary & Evaluation, Volume 73, 1999)