International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) - Summaries & Evaluations


VOL.: 41 (1986) (p. 229)

CAS No.: 593-70-4

5. Summary of Data Reported and Evaluation

5.1 Exposure data

Chlorofluoromethane has been reported as an impurity in dichlorofluoromethane, and thus limited exposures may occur.

5.2 Experimental data

Chlorofluoromethane was tested for carcinogenicity in one study in rats by oral administration by gavage at one dose level. High incidences of squamous-cell carcinomas and of fibrosarcomas of the forestomach and stomach were induced in animals of each sex.

No evaluation of the effects of chlorofluoromethane on reproduction or on prenatal toxicity in experimental animals could be made on the basis of the available data.

Chlorofluoromethane was mutagenic to Salmonella typhimurium and to cultured mammalian cells in the presence and absence of an exogenous metabolic system.

5.3 Human data

No data were available to evaluate the reproductive effects or prenatal toxicity of chlorofluoromethane to humans.

No case report or epidemiological study of the carcinogenicity of chlorofluoromethane to humans was available to the Working Group.

5.4 Evaluation

There is limited evidence for the carcinogenicity of chlorofluoromethane to experimental animals.

No evaluation could be made of the carcinogenicity of chlorofluoromethane to humans.

For definition of the italicized terms, see Preamble Evaluation.

Subsequent evaluation: Vol. 71 (1999)


Last updated: 13 April 1999

    See Also:
       Toxicological Abbreviations
       Chlorofluoromethane  (IARC Summary & Evaluation, Volume 71, 1999)