ASPARTAME* Explanation Aspartame was first evaluated by JECFA in 1975 (see Annex, Ref. 37). At that time a special problem was posed by the presence of the conversion product, 5-benzyl-3, 6-dioxo-2-piperazine (diketopiperazine, DKP) and no ADI for man was allocated. It was again considered by JECFA in 1976 and its consideration was deferred in view of the incompleteness of the information available (see Annex, Ref. 40). In 1977 JECFA had evidence that the problem with diketopiperazine was of no significance and concluded that the safety of aspartame had been adequately demonstrated; the Committee was prepared to establish an ADI for man, but because of the assertion that the data base from which the conclusions were drawn required validation the Committee deferred its decision pending an assurance that the toxicological data were valid (see Annex, Ref. 43). In 1979 JECFA was presented with evidence of validation of the toxicological data and accepted the validation; however, the Committee did not have sufficient time to reassess the data on aspartame which were evaluated by the previous meeting (see Annex, Ref. 51). In 1980 JECFA evaluated additional toxicity animal studies and several human studies and an ADI of 0-40 mg/kg bw for aspertame and an ADI of 0-7.5 mg/kg bw for its breakdown, diketopiperazine, were established (see Annex, Refs. 54 and 56). Since that evaluation, additional studies have become available and are summarized and discussed in the following monograph addendum. BIOLOGICAL DATA TOXICOLOGICAL STUDIES Long-term studies Rat In a study designed to evaluate and characterize the effects of long-term administration of aspartame or aspartame and diketopiperazine in Wistar rats, groups of 86 male and 86 female rats were fed a powdered basal diet containing 0, 1, 2, 4 g/kg/day of aspartame or 4 g/kg/day of aspartame and diketopiperazine (3:1). Each group was divided into a main and a satellite group for interim * Monograph addendum to the monograph appearing in Ref. 56 (Annex). clinical and post mortem examination. In satellite groups, 10 males and 10 females were examined after 26 weeks and 16 males and 16 females of each group after 52 weeks. The remaining survivors were killed at 104 weeks. No spontaneous deaths were observed at 26 and 52 weeks. Mortality rate of the various test groups was comparable at 104 weeks. A significant increase in urinary specific gravity and a decrease in urinary pH were noted in the 4 g/kg aspartame and 4 g/kg aspartame plus diketopiperazine groups. Urinary calcium excretion was increased in both male and female at 2 and 4 g/kg aspartame and 4 g/kg aspartame plus diketopiperazine throughout the study. Relative kidney weights were increased at the higher dose levels in both sexes at 26 and 52 weeks. Histopathology of the kidneys revealed a high incidence, over 95%, of chronic nephropathy in all groups including control. The incidence of nephrocalcinosis including pelvic and medullary and metastic mineralization appeared to be increased mainly in the females of the aspartame treated groups when compared to the control group. The spontaneous incidence of nephrocalcinosis in the controls was relatively high, particularly in females (Ishii et al., 1981). The incidence of brain tumours in this study was reported separately. No brain tumours were detected at 26 or 52 weeks. The incidence of brain tumours in rats exposed to the test material for more than one year was as follows: Control - 1/119 (0.8%) - 1 female astrocytoma atypical at 99th week 1 g/kg - 1/119 (0.8%) - 1 male oligodendroglioma at 75th week 2 g/kg - 2/120 (1.7%) - 1 female astrocytoma and 1 female ependymoma at terminal sacrifice 4 g/kg - 1/120 (0.8%) - 1 male astrocytoma at 93rd week 4 g/kg - 1/120 (0.8%) - 1 female oligodendroglioma (APM plus DKP) at 51st week (Ishii, 1981) OBSERVATIONS IN MAN Four normal subjects and four normal obligate PKU heterozygotes received 34 mg/kg aspartame in 8 oz of orange juice in a fasting state. The normal controls were healthy young women varying in age from 20 to 28 years. The PKU heterozygote mothers were selected to match the age of the controls. Blood samples were obtained by venipuncture at 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4 and 8 hours after ingestion and analysed for amino acid content of plasma and erythrocytes. The data on normals revealed that plasma and erythrocyte phenylalanine levels remained within the normal range (6.06-18.18 µm/dl). The values for PKU heterozygotes were higher than for the controls, but were generally within the range considered normal. Peak values occurred between 0.5 and 2 hours and returned to near pretest values during the period of testing. This was generally the case for all the amino acids analysed (Koch & Blaskovics, 1978). Six normal healthy adults (three male and three female) and five female subjects heterozygous for phenylketonuria were administered aspartame at 100 mg/kg bw dissolved in 500 ml of orange juice. Aspartame was administered to subjects in a fasting state. Plasma and erythrocyte amino acid levels were measured at 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 hours after test load. Plasma levels of aspartate were not significantly affected in either group. Similarly, levels of glutamate, asparagine and glutamine, which are readily derived from aspartate, were essentially unchanged. Plasma phenylalanine levels were significantly increased after aspartame load in both groups. Mean maximum phenylalanine levels observed in normal subjects were approximately 20 µmol/dl at 30-90 minutes after loading while those noted for heterozygous PKU subjects were twice as large, ranging from 36.5 µmol/dl at 30 minutes to 41.7 µmol/dl at 90 minutes. Plasma tyrosine levels increased in both groups after loading, with higher levels noted in normal subjects. This is to be expected since heterozygous PKU subjects have a decreased ability to convert phenylalanine to tyrosine. Erythrocyte levels of amino acids followed the same pattern as those reported for plasma (Stegink et al., 1978). A total of 12 infants, aged eight to 12 months, were administered aspartame dissolved in Kool-Aid at 34 and 50 mg aspartame/kg bw (six at each dose level). Blood samples were obtained by heel stick at 0, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120 and 150 minutes. A total of four samples was obtained from each infant (a fasting sample and three subsequent samples). Each blood sample was analysed for plasma and erythrocyte free amino acid levels and blood methanol concentration. Plasma aspartate levels were higher in the infants than previously observed in adults. There was, however, no increase in plasma aspartate after loading with aspartame. No significant changes were noted in erythrocyte aspartate levels. Plasma phenylalanine levels increased slightly when 34 mg aspartame/kg bw was administered, rising from a mean of 6.3 µmol/dl at zero time to 9.7 µmol/dl at 30 minutes. Erythrocyte phenylalanine levels showed a similar, but smaller response. When a 50 mg/kg bw dose was administered plasma phenylalanine rose from 5.7 at zero time to 11.6 µmol/dl at 60 minutes. Erythrocyte phenylalanine values increased but response as lower. Blood methanol levels increased at both loading doses from 0.07 to 0.19 and 0.3 mg/dl respectively, 45 to 90 minutes after loading, followed by a decrease to baseline values. These data show that a one-year-old infant handles aspartame as well as the normal adult at these dosage levels. The failure to increase plasma aspartate, phenylalanine and methanol above post prandial levels would indicate little hazard to the infant from aspartame at the dosage levels studied. Since the infant metabolized aspartame as well as an adult and in previous studies no adverse effects were seen in the adult when given 100, 150 and 200 mg/kg bw of aspartame, this study was extended to giving a loading dose of 100 mg/kg bw of aspartame in Kool-Aid to a total of eight infants, eight to 12 months of age. A fasting and three subsequent blood samples were obtained from each infant. Plasma and erythrocyte aspartate levels were unchanged after aspartame loading. Plasma phenylalanine levels increased from 4.8 to 21.4 µmol/dl at 45 minutes. Erythrocyte phenylalanine showed a similar but somewhat lower response. Blood methanol levels increased from 0.11 mg/dl to 1.02 mg/dl at 90 minutes (Stegink et al., 1977). Comments The Committee evaluated an additional long-term study in rats of aspartame and diketopiperazine impurity and further biochemical studies of aspartame in man. It appears that the increased urinary excretion of calcium as well as the nephrocalcinosis are due probably to the consequence of a protein overload induced by the high intake of aspartame (2-4% in the diet). In accordance with other reported studies, the rat, especially the female, was more prone to the development of both functional and anatomical renal changes attributable to slight imbalance in calcium metabolism. Since neither hypercalciuria nor nephrocalcinosis was observed in mice or dogs with chronic administration of aspartame, the effect in the rat would appear to be species and sex specific. The probability of human renal changes due to aspartame consumption within the limits of the proposed ADI (40 mg/kg) would appear to be remote since this amount would not significantly increase the daily amino acid or protein intake. The incidence of brain tumours between the control and treated groups was comparable. It was concluded that neither aspartame or diketopiperazine caused brain tumours in rats in this study. The evidence available to the Committee when it established an ADI for aspartame at its twenty-fourth meeting was substantial. The additional data summarized in this working paper serves to confirm the previously established ADI. EVALUATION Estimated level causing no toxicological effect in the rat Aspartame: 4 g/kg bw Diketo piperazine: 750 mg/kg bw Estimate of acceptable daily intake for man Aspartame: 40 mg/kg bw Diketo piperazine: 7.5 mg/kg bw REFERENCES Ishii, H. (1981) Incidence of brain tumours in rats fed aspartame, Toxicology Letters (In press) Ishii, H. et al. (1981) Toxicity of aspartame and its diketo-piperazine for Wistar rats in dietary administration for 104 weeks, Toxicology (In press) Koch, R. & Blaskovics, M. (1978) Effect of aspartame on plasma and red cell amino acids of apparently healthy female adults and on presume phenylketonuric heterozygotes. Unpublished report from the Departments of Pediatrics at the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, and the University of Southern California School of Medicine, Los Angeles, submitted to WHO by G. D. Searle & Co. Stegink, L. D. et al. (1977) Effect of aspartame loading upon plasma and erythrocyte free amino acid levels and blood methanol levels in normal one-year-old children. Unpublished report from the Departments of Pediatrics and Biochemistry, University of Iowa College of Medicine, Iowa City, Submitted to WHO by G. D. Searle & Co. Stegink, L. D. et al. (1978) Effect of aspartame loading at 100 mg/kg body weight upon plasma and erythrocyte levels of free amino acids in normal subject and subjects presumed to be heterozygous for phenylketonuria. Unpublished report from the University of Iowa College of Medicine, Iowa City, submitted to WHO by G. D. Searle & Co.
See Also: Toxicological Abbreviations Aspartame (WHO Food Additives Series 15) ASPARTAME (JECFA Evaluation)