DIMETHYLDICARBONATE (DMDC) First draft prepared by Dr M. Younes Max von Pettenkofer Institute of the Federal Health Office, Berlin, Germany. 1. EXPLANATION Dimethyldicarbonate (DMDC) has not been previously evaluated for acceptable daily intake by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives. DMDC is used as a cold sterilization agent for soft drinks and wines. It has a broad antimicrobial range of action against yeasts, mould fungi, and bacteria. DMDC is unstable in aqueous solution and breaks down almost immediately after addition to beverages. The principal breakdown products in wine and aqueous liquids are methanol and carbon dioxide. Dimethylcarbonate (DMC) and methyl ethyl carbonate (MEC), as well as carbomethoxy adducts of amines, sugars, and fruit acids, are also formed in minor amounts. In the presence of trace quantities of ammonia or ammonium ions (e.g. in wines), DMDC forms trace quantities of methylcarbamate (MC). The data available on DMDC and DMDC-treated drinks, as well as the data on the breakdown products mentioned above, are summarized in the following monograph. DMDC AND DMDC-TREATED DRINKS 2. BIOLOGICAL DATA 2.1 Biochemical effects 2.1.1 Effects on enzymes and other biochemical parameters DMDC, like diethyldicarbonate, has a broad antimicrobial activity when added to drinks. The inactivation of microorganisms proved to be strongly related to the inactivation of enzymes by protein modification, mainly through reaction with nucleophilic groups (imidazoles, amines, thiols) (Ough, 1983). 2.2 Toxicological studies 2.2.1 Acute toxicity studies The results of acute toxicity studies with DMDC is shown in Table 1. Table 1: Acute toxicity studies Species Sex Route LD50 LC50 Reference (mg/kg) (mg/m3) Mouse M Oral 906.5 Steinhoff, 1974 F Oral 752.7 Steinhoff, 1974 M I.P. 44.9 Steinhoff, 1974 F I.P. 44.5 Steinhoff, 1974 M Inhal. (4h) 850 Kimmerle, 1972 F Inhal. (4h) >1477 Kimmerle, 1972 Rat M Oral 496.5 Steinhoff, 1974 F Oral 334.6 Steinhoff, 1974 M I.P. 186.0 Steinhoff, 1974 F I.P. 186.0 Steinhoff, 1974 M Inhal. (1h) approx. 2300 Kimmerle, 1972 M Inhal. (4h) 520 Kimmerle, 1972 Table 1: (contd) Species Sex Route LD50 LC50 Reference (mg/kg) (mg/m3) M Inhal (5x4h) >102 Kimmerle, 1972 F Inhal. (1h) >3017 Kimmerle, 1972 F Inhal. (4h) 1350 Kimmerle, 1972 F Inhal. (5x4h) >102 Kimmerle, 1972 2.2.2 Short-term tests Rat The subchronic toxicity of DMDC-treated beverages was tested in Wistar (SPF) rats (28-32 days of age at the start of the experiment). Groups of 15 male and 15 female rats received orange juice, black currant juice, beer (lager type), or wine (Riesling) without (control groups) or with 4000 mg/l DMDC instead of drinking water for a period of 3 months. The animals were inspected daily. Body weights and food consumption were recorded weekly, drink consumption daily. Clinical chemical tests were performed on five rats of each sex for every group 1 and 3 months after the start of the experiment. Haematological parameters investigated were haemoglobin concentration, haematocrit, erythrocyte and leukocyte counts, mean cell haemoglobin (MCH), mean cell volume (MCV), the reticulocyte count, differential blood count, and, at the end of the experiment, thromboblastin time. Liver function was assessed by measurement of the activities of alkaline phosphatase (AP), glutamate-pyruvate-transaminase (GPT), glutamate-oxalacetate- transaminase (GOT), and glutamate dehydrogenase (GLDH), as well as the concentrations of bilirubin in the blood plasma. Kidney function was assessed by measurement of plasma urea and creatinine concentrations as well as by urinalysis. Blood glucose and cholesterol levels were also determined. Surviving animals were autopsied at the end of the experiment, animals that died earlier were autopsied immediately. Samples from 22 different tissues were fixed for histopathological examinations. Animals receiving DMDC showed no differences in appearance, behaviour, or consumption of drink or food as compared to the corresponding controls. Body weight gain was not significantly different in animals receiving DMDC in comparison with the respective controls. Application of DMDC did not affect mortality. No significant differences in haematological parameters or in parameters of liver and kidney function were observed between rats receiving DMDC and their controls. Also, blood glucose and cholesterol concentrations remained within physiological ranges for all groups. On autopsy, no pathological changes attributable to the treatment were observed in any group. Only slight and randomly distributed differences in organ weights were seen. Histomorphological examination of fixed organs revealed no changes which were attributable to the administration of DMDC-treated drinks. It was concluded that 4000 mg DMDC/l in fruit juice or alcoholic beverage was tolerated by rats without signs of toxicity (Löser, 1978). 2.2.3 Long-term toxicity/carcinogenicity studies Rat Fifty male and 50 female Wistar (SPF) rats (6-7 weeks old at the start of the experiment) received orange juice supplemented with 4000 ppm DMDC as the only liquid over a period of 30 months. Two control groups of the same size received either tap water (water controls) or untreated orange juice (juice controls). Satellite groups consisting of 15 male and 15 female rats each were treated similarly and sacrificed after 6 months for interim examination. The animals were inspected daily for signs of toxicity. Body weights, as well as feed and consumption were recorded weekly. Clinical laboratory tests were done 6, 12, 18, 24, and 30 months after the start of the experiment and covered haematological parameters, clinical chemistry parameters, and urinalysis. At the end of the experiment, all surviving animals were killed and necropsied, as were the animals killed after 6 months and those that died or were killed in moribund state during the experiment. For histopathological examinations, organs were fixed in buffered 10% formalin. Additional liver specimens of rats killed after 6 months were fixed for fat determination. No differences in appearance or behaviour due to consumption of DMDC-treated juice was observed. In both groups receiving orange juice (treated or untreated), feed consumption was lower and liquid intake higher than in the water control group. No major differences in body weight gain were observed which indicated that animals drinking orange juice covered a part of their caloric intake via the juice. No differences in the mortality rates were seen in any groups. Few and randomly distributed changes in haematological parameters were observed in both groups consuming orange juice. However, they were not considered to be of toxicological relevance. Clinical chemical tests and urinalysis showed an increase in urinary protein content in the males of the DMDC/orange juice group after 30 months. In the animals killed after 6 months, brains and adrenal glands of males consuming treated juice were heavier than those of males in the juice control group. In both orange juice consuming groups, occasional elevation of pancreas weight was observed. After 30 months, significantly higher absolute weights of liver, kidney, and adrenal glands were seen in males of the juice control group. However, no differences in the relative weights of these organs were observed. In both groups which received orange juice, an absolute and relative pancreas weight was observed. Gross macroscopic examinations revealed no toxic effects attributable to the intake of DMDC-treated orange juice. Histopathological examinations revealed no treatment-related lesions and no carcinogenic effects of DMDC- treated juice. It was concluded that under the described conditions, the administration of orange juice treated with 4000 ppm DMDC was tolerated with no indication of damage (Löser et al., 1983). The chronic toxicity of wine treated with DMDC was investigated in Wistar (SPF) rats (6-7 weeks old at the start of the experiment). Groups of 50 male and 50 female rats were given either tap water (water control group), untreated wine (wine control group), or wine treated with 4000 ppm DMDC (treatment group) as the only source of liquid for 30 months. Additional groups of 15 rats of each sex were treated similarly, but were sacrificed after 12 months. Animals were inspected daily. Body weight was determined weekly for the first 6 months and biweekly thereafter. Feed and liquid consumption were checked weekly. Clinical laboratory investigations comprising haematological and clinical chemical investigations both in plasma and in urine were performed on 10 male and 10 female animals from each group 6, 12, 18, 24, and 30 months after the start of the experiment. Autopsies were carried out on all animals that died during the experiment, as well as on all animals after 12 or 30 months. The weights of thyroid, pancreas, heart, lungs, liver, spleen, brain, kidneys, adrenals, and testicles or ovaries were determined. Samples of 29 organs and tissues, as well as any organs showing gross alterations, were fixed in buffered 10% formaldehyde. Histological examination was performed on all material, including special staining techniques for tumour classification, as well as fat detection in frozen liver sections from 10 animals per group and sex. No differences in appearance, behaviour, vitality, or coat quality were observed between rats of the three groups. Feed consumption was lower in both wine-treated groups, but no differences were observed between the treatment group and the wine control group. Liquid consumption was higher in the test group as compared to both control groups. No major differences in body weight gain were observed. Among the haematological parameters measured, wine-consuming rats (both treated and untreated) had slightly lower leukocyte counts than the water control group. The males of the treatment group displayed an elevation of the polymorphonuclear neutrophil fraction and a reduced lymphocyte fraction after 18 months. In isolated cases, polychromasia was observed in the treatment group, but this was also seen in the wine control group at the same time and in all animals at the end of the study. These changes were regarded as incidental and of no toxicological importance. No other haematologic effects were observed. Plasma enzyme activities and plasma substrate concentrations showed no toxicologically significant differences between the three groups. All values lay within the range of biological variation. Urinalysis also failed to show marked differences between groups. Also, blood glucose and cholesterol levels were within the normal range of variation of these parameters. No differences in histological findings including the nature, frequency, and time of occurrence of benign and malignant tumours discovered were observed between rats receiving DMDC-treated wine and either the wine control or the water control group. It was concluded that under the described conditions, wine treated with 4000 ppm DMDC was tolerated by rats for 30 months without toxic effects (Eiben et al., 1984). Dog The long term toxicity of DMDC-treated orange juice was examined in a one-year oral study in dogs. Three groups of 6 male and 6 female beagle dogs, 12-15 weeks old, received as drinking fluid either orange juice treated with 4000 ppm DMDC (test group), untreated orange juice (juice control group), or tap water (water control group). The animals were checked daily for health condition and behaviour. Ophthalmoscopic examination was conducted on all dogs in week 0 (before the start of the experiment) as well as in weeks 17, 27, and 51. A number of reflexes were tested at weeks 26 and 52. Body weight and feed and liquid intake were recorded weekly. Haematologic and clinical chemical parameters were determined in blood obtained from the cephalic vein of all dogs in weeks 0, 6, 12, 26, and 51. Urine was collected by cannulation of the bladder in weeks 0, 7, 11, 27, and 50 for urinalysis. At the end of the 52nd week of exposure, all animals were killed and necropsied. Tissue samples were fixed for histopathological examination. No abnormalities in general health and behaviour or in neurological parameters attributable to the consumption of DMDC- treated juice were observed. No statistically significant differences in body weight gain were seen between the DMDC-treated juice group and the juice control group. Both groups showed slightly lower body weight gains as compared to the water control group. The same was true for feed and liquid intake. No differences of toxicological significance in haematological findings were observed between the test group and the juice control group, except for a statistically significant increase in eosinophil number in females of the test group on Day 180. A tendency towards higher values of haemoglobin concentration, red blood cell count, packed cell volume, and reticulocytes was evident in both juice drinking groups as compared to the water control group. These and other incidental changes were considered to be of no toxicological relevance. Among the clinical chemical parameters, higher values for alkaline phosphatase activity and cholesterol concentration, and lower urea concentrations were found in both juice-consuming groups. Changes in plasma protein fractions after electrophoresis were observed, but these were not consistently present and were evident before the start of the experiment already. No treatment related effects were seen in the urine. On autopsy, no statistically significant differences in absolute or relative organ weights among the three groups were recorded. Gross and microscopic examinations of all organs were not available (Lina & Till, 1983). 2.2.4 Reproduction study Rat Groups of 10 male and female Wistar (SPF) rats (5-6 weeks old at the beginning of the experiment) received either tap water (control group), orange juice (juice control group) or orange juice treated with 4000 ppm DMDC (treatment group) as their sole source of liquid. Weight development as well as feed and liquid intake were determined weekly. F0 litters were treated for 70 days before pairing twice in succession. While the F1a litters were killed after 4 weeks, males and females from the F1b litters were selected to form the F1 generation and were treated until the age of 100 days before the first and second mating took place as in the case of the F0 rats. The general condition of the F0 animals was unaffected by treatment. Body weight gain was slightly lower in both groups receiving orange juice until week 6, after which only males from the juice control group continued to display a lower body weight gain. No differences in liquid and feed consumption were seen between the treatment and the juice control groups. No differences in reproduction parameters (fertility index, gestation index, viability index, lactation index, insemination index, litter size, sex ratio) were observed between the treatment group and the control groups. Also, no differences in the rate of mortality, behaviour,and appearance between rats in the different groups were evident. On autopsy of deceased or sacrificed parent and young rats, no evidence of any treatment related organ changes were observed, nor were any changes in organ weights attributable to treatment noted. Histopathological examinations of organs of F1b-parent and F2b offspring, as well as those of deceased animals, did not reveal any damage due to consumption of DMDC-treated orange juice. Thus, no adverse effects on reproduction resulted from the consumption of orange juice treated with 4000 ppm DMDC (Eiben et al., 1983). 2.2.5 Special study on embryotoxicity/teratogenicity Rat The potential of DMDC-treated orange juice to induce pre- implantation damage or to exert embryotoxic and/or teratogenic effects was investigated in FB 30 rat (Long Evans type). Two groups of 25 female rats (2.5-3.5 months of age) were mated with 3-6 month old males by placing one male with two females in cages. From day 0 to day 20 of pregnancy the females were given orange juice only (control group) or orange juice treated with 4000 ppm DMDC (test group) instead of drinking water. On day 20 of pregnancy, Caesarian sections were performed and foetuses were removed and examined. The treated female animals showed no adverse effects due to consumption of DMDC-treated orange juice. Inspection of the litter showed no differences between the test and the control group with respect to implantation quota, litter size, reabsorption quota, average weight of foetuses, average weight of placenta, frequency of underdeveloped foetuses, frequency of foetuses with slight deviations in skeletal development, and deformation quota. Thus, under these experimental conditions, DMDC-treated orange juice had no embryotoxic or teratogenic effect (Shlüter, 1980). Special studies on genotoxicity Table 2: Results of genotoxicity assays on DMDC Test system Test Object Concentration Results Reference Ames Test S. typhimurium 1.6-200 œg/plate Negative Herbold, 1978 (1) TA98, TA100, TA1535, TA1537 (1) Both with and without rat liver S-9 fraction. Table 3: Results of genotoxicity assays on DMDC-treated drinks (1) Test system Test object Concencentration Results Reference Ames test (2) S. typhimurium 25-500 Negative Herbold, 1980 TA98, TA100, µg/plate TA1535, TA1537 Ames test (2) S. typhimurium 250-1000 Negative Herbold, 1989a TA98, TA100, µg/plate TA1535, TA1537 Micronucleus Mouse, bone 50 ml/kg Negative Herbold, 1989b test marrow (in p.o. 24, vivo) 48, 72 h (1) Orange juice treated with 4,000 ppm DMDC (2) Both with and without rat liver S-9 fraction 2.2.6 Special studies on skin irritation Rat Percutaneous application of 1000 µl/kg body weight of DMDC was tolerated by male and female Wistar II rats without any symptoms. Cutaneous absorption was very low (Kimmerle, 1972). Rabbit Attachment of small pieces of wool holding 50 µl DMDC to the skin of rabbits caused swelling and reddening, which were still visible after 7 days. Introduction of DMDC into the conjunctival sac of rabbits caused considerable irritation. The cornea was still entirely cloudy after 7 days (Kimmerle, 1972). The skin-irritant effects of DMDC were investigated in 6 white New Zealand rabbits of both sexes with body weights of 3-4 kg. Approximately 0.5 ml of the substance were applied to the shaved skin of every animal. Exposure times were 30 min or 4 h. At the end of the exposure period, skin areas were washed and dried. Skin changes were recorded at 24, 48, and 72 h, as well as 7 days after the start of the exposure. After an exposure for both 30 min and 4 h, scale formation and necroses passing beyond the application area were observed. The skin reactions were not reversible within the 7- day follow-up observation period. Consequently, DMDC proved to be highly irritant and corrosive to rabbit skin (Pauluhn, 1982). 2.3 Observations in humans No information available. METHANOL 1. EXPLANATION DMDC was added to wine and model solutions, and the methanol produced by hydrolysis of DMDC was measured. The levels produced were linear with dose. Also, the levels of ethyl methyl carbonate formed were found to be linear with substrate concentration and in the low mg/l range (Stafford & Ough, 1976). Hydrolysis of DMDC leads to the formation of 2 moles of methanol and 2 moles of CO2 per mole of DMDC. On a weight basis, this corresponds to 47.8 mg of methanol for every 100 mg of DMDC. At DMDC dosage of 250 mg/l, the methanol content would rise maximally by 119 mg/l. Natural fruit juices contain up to 230 mg/l of methanol in their natural state, while wine may contain up to 350 mg/l. Assuming the consumption of a large amount of a drink treated with 250 mg/l DMDC (e.g., 21), the drink having an abnormally high natural methanol content (e.g. 230 mg/l), the total amount of ingested methanol would be approximately 700 mg/person (corresponding to 10 mg/kg on average). The lowest toxic dose of methanol in primates, i.e., the dose showing evidence of metabolic acidosis, is 1000 mg/kg body weight. Thus, the methanol content of the drink would be smaller than this value by a factor of 100. The most alarming toxic effect of methanol reported in the working environment was impairment of vision at atmospheric concentrations of 1200 ml/m3 (=1560 mg/m3) air and over. This corresponds to an intake of 171 mg/kg/day in man and is 17 times the estimated amount of methanol intake from DMDC-treated drinks. Considering the fact that humans with normal eating habits metabolize 1000 to 2000 mg of methanol per day, it was concluded that there is a large margin of safety between the methanol intake and the amount which can be safely ingested (Bayer AG, 1987). The large body of data available on metabolism and toxicity of methanol cannot be specifically reviewed in this evaluation. DIMETHYL CARBONATE (DMC) AND METHYL ETHYL CARBONATE (MEC) 1. EXPLANATION During the course of purification of DMDC, dimethyl carbonate (DMC) may be formed through release of one mole of CO2 per mole of DMDC both under normal and reduced pressure. Quality control specifications require that DMC be present at no higher a level than 0.2%. Thus, at a level of addition of 250 mg DMDC/l of a beverage, no more than 0.5 mg of DMC would be present. Methyl ethyl carbonate (MEC) is formed when DMDC is added to beverages with a minimum content of 1% (v/v) ethanol. In addition, DMDC added to an ethanol containing beverage reacts with each percent by volume of ethanol present to yield MEC. Thus, if 250 mg of DMDC are added to one liter of a beverage containing 11% (v/v) of ethanol, approximately 1.5 mg of MEC would be formed. 2. BIOLOGICAL DATA 2.1 Biochemical aspects 2.1.1 Biotransformation Incubation of MEC and DMC with liver or kidney homogenates of porcine or human origin resulted in hydrolysis of both compounds, MEC being more readily susceptible to hydrolytic decomposition (Rauenbusch, 1974). 2.2 Toxicological studies 2.2.1 Acute toxicity studies Table 4: Acute toxicity data on DMC Species Sex Route LD50 Reference (mg/kg b.w.) Mouse F oral 10 163 Steinhoff, 1973a F i.p. 3 222 Steinhoff, 1973a Rat F oral 10 349 Steinhoff, 1973a F i.p. 2 848 Steinhoff, 1973a Table 5: Acute toxicity data on MEC Species Sex Route LD50 Reference (mg/kg b.w.) Mouse F oral >15 000 Steinhoff, 1973b F i.p. 3 637 Steinhoff, 1973b Rat F oral >15 000 Steinhoff, 1973b F i.p. 2 885 Steinhoff, 1973b 2.2.2 Short-term studies Rat (DMC) Groups of 20 male and 20 female Wistar (SPF) rats (4-5 weeks of age at the start of the experiment) received dimethylcarbonate (DMC) in their drinking water at doses of 0 (control group), 0.1, 0.3, or 1.0% for 3 months. Doses up to and including 1.0% DMC had no effect on behaviour or mortality of male or female rats. Body weight gain was also not influenced by DMC. Clinical laboratory investigations were carried out 1 and 3 months after the start of the experiment in 5 male and 5 female rats of each group. Haematological investigations revealed no adverse effects of DMC at any dose levels. Clinical historical chemical determinations revealed no marked deviations from the values found in control groups and were all within the biological range. Urinalyses carried out on urines from 5 male and 5 female rats of each group at 1 and 3 months revealed no differences between control animals and dosed groups. Autopsies were performed on all animals which died during the study, as well as those which survived the 3 month treatment period. The following organs were weighed: heart, lungs, thymus, liver, spleen, kidneys, adrenals, testes, and ovaries. Treatment with DMC had no consistent effect on absolute or relative weights of these organs. Samples of 29 tissues and organs were fixed in Bouin's solution for histological examination. In addition, the left lobe of each liver was fixed in formol-calcium for fat detection. Histopathological investigations revealed that neither the males nor the females treated with doses up to and including 1.0% DMC showed any increased incidence of organ changes. Also, no substance- related increase in hepatic fat content was observed. It was concluded that DMC was tolerated by rats for 3 months without damage up to and including a dosage of 1.0% in drinking water (Eiben et al., 1982). Rat (MEC) Groups consisting of 20 male and 20 female Wistar (SPF) rats (28-32 days of age) each were given methyl ethyl carbonate in their drinking water at concentrations of 0 (controls), 0.1, 0.3, or 1.0% over a period of 3 months. The rats were inspected daily for clinical signs of toxicity and body weight, as well as food and drink consumption, which were recorded weekly. MEC had no effect on body weight gain or mortality. Haematological examination carried out on 5 male and 5 female rats of each group 1 and 3 months after the start of the experiment revealed no toxic effect of MEC. Clinical chemical parameters and results of urinalyses gave no indication of liver or kidney toxicity. Also, blood glucose and cholesterol concentrations were not influenced by MEC. All animals were autopsied at the end of the experiment and organs were examined macroscopically. No dose related effects on absolute or relative organ weights were observed. Histopathological examinations of various organs did not reveal any morphological alteration or variation from normal that was considered to be of toxicological significance. It was concluded that methyl ethyl carbonate at concentrations up to and including 1.0% was tolerated by rats for three months without any adverse effect (Löser, 1973). 2.2.3 Special study on embryotoxicity/teratogenicity Rat Groups of pregnant female FB 30 (Long Evans type) rats were given methyl ethyl carbonate in their drinking water at doses of 0% (controls), 0.01%, 0.1%, or 1.0% from day 6 to day 15, inclusive, of gestation. On day 20 of gestation, all animals were killed for examination of their uterine contents. None of the females showed any toxic response, but the liquid intake was lower in the highest dose group. Also, body weight gain was slightly lower in dosed animals. The numbers of implantation sites, resorptions, and viable young, as well as foetal and placental weights, were not influenced by the treatment. Skeletal abnormalities were found in 4 fetuses and were randomly distributed among all groups. No treatment- related malformations were observed. The author concluded that MEC at doses of 1.0% and lower had no embryotoxic or teratogenic effects (Machemer, 1976). 3. Observations in humans No information available. CARBOXYMETHYLATION PRODUCTS 1. EXPLANATION DMDC added to beverages may form side products as a result of reaction with polyphenols, tannins, and amino acids. Most of these adducts result from carboxymethylation of amino or hydroxy groups. These adducts constitute, in general, no more than approximately 4 mg/l of bound DMDC, when the latter is added at levels up to 250 mg/l. 2. BIOLOGICAL DATA 2.1 Biochemical aspects 2.1.1 Absorption, distribution, and excretion Upon oral administration of N-carbomethoxy alanine and N- carbomethoxy proline to rats, a high percentage of the dose was eliminated unchanged in the urine. Enzymolysis of N-carbomethoxy alanine and liberation of the amino acid was observed with rat liver homogenates, while N-carbomethyoxy proline was more resistant towards enzymolysis (Schmidt, 1978). 2.1.2 Biotransformation The hydrolytic decomposition of carbomethoxy compounds formed as reaction products of DMDC with amino acids, phenols, and lactate was investigated using homogenates of pig and human liver, as well as homogenates of pig and human kidney, as enzyme sources. Most carbomethoxy compounds were easily hydrolyzed yielding the compounds from which they were formed. Among the amino acid derivatives, carbomethoxy proline, di-carbomethoxy cystine, E-carbomethoxy lysine, and the aromatic amino acid derivatives were hydrolyzed very slowly and in part yielded different reaction products than the parent amino acids. Carboxymethylated catechols were only partly hydrolyzed (Rauenbusch, 1974). 2.2 Toxicological studies 2.2.1 Acute toxicity studies Table 6 Species Sex Route LD50 Reference (mg/kg b.w.) N-carbomethoxy-tri-gallic acid: Mouse F oral 7 097 Steinhoff, 1973c N-carbomethoxy-glycine: Mouse F oral 6 275 Steinhoff, 1973c Rat F oral approx. 6 000-7 000 Steinhoff, 1973c N-carbomethoxy-glutamic acid: Mouse F oral 6 390 Steinhoff, 1973c F oral 5 345* Steinhoff, 1973c Rat F oral >8 000 Steinhoff, 1973c F oral >15 000* Steinhoff, 1973c N-carbomethoxy-alanine: Mouse F oral 5 534 Steinhoff, 1973c F oral 3 707* Steinhoff, 1973c Rat F oral approx. 6 000-6 500 Steinhoff, 1973c F oral 7 102* Steinhoff, 1973c N-carbomethoxyproline: Mouse F oral 9 115 Steinhoff, 1973c Rat F oral approx. 12 000 Steinhoff, 1973c N-carbomethoxy-asparagine: Mouse F oral >15 000 Steinhoff, 1973c Rat F oral approx. 15 000 Steinhoff, 1973c N-carbomethoxy-proline: Mouse F oral 5 403 Steinhoff, 1973c Rat F oral >6 000 Steinhoff, 1973c N-carbomethoxy-di-cysteine: Mouse F oral 6 397 Steinhoff, 1973c Rat F oral >10 000 Steinhoff, 1973c N-carbomethoxy-phenylalanine: Mouse F oral 6 926 Steinhoff, 1973c Table 6 (contd) Species Sex Route LD50 Reference (mg/kg b.w.) N-carbomethoxy-arginine: Mouse F oral >15 000 Steinhoff, 1973c Rat F oral >15 000 Steinhoff, 1973c N-carbomethoxy-leucine: Mouse F oral 4 633 Steinhoff, 1973c Rat F oral >5 000 Steinhoff, 1973c N-carbomethoxy-monocysteine: Mouse F oral 4 733 Steinhoff, 1973c Rat F oral >4 000 Steinhoff, 1973c * Repeat study using a different batch of the same material. METHYL CARBAMATE (MC) 1. EXPLANATION Methyl carbamate (MC) is formed upon hydrolysis of DMDC in the presence of ammonium ions, which may be present in some wines and fruit juices. In an experimental study, MC formed from DMDC added to model solutions and wines containing various amounts of ammonia at different pH-values was detected (recovery of MC by the analytical method employed was 51%). MC-formation increased with increasing NH3-concentration and with increasing pH-value. Under the most extreme conditions in normal commercial practices (pH < to 3.75; NH3-concentration < to 20 mg/l) less than 10 µg of MC per 1 would be formed following the addition of DMDC at 100 mg/l (Ough & Langbehn, 1976). 2. BIOLOGICAL DATA 2.1 Biochemical aspects 2.1.1 Absorption, distribution, and excretion Rats (100-200 g body weight) were dosed intraperitoneally with 500 mg/kg of methylcarbamate. Urine was collected for estimation of excretion rates. 7.25% of the dose was excreted within 24 h. The authors concluded that MC was not concentrated in the kidneys as the proportion of the dose excreted in 24 h was of the same order as the ratio of urine excreted in 24 h to the total body water. The distribution of methyl carbamate given i.p. to normal rats as well as rats with Walker carcinomata at doses of 500 or 1000 mg/kg body weight was studied. Concentrations of methyl carbamate were determined in blood, lungs, and liver for 144 h. MC was fairly quickly distributed in the body, but the concentrations in the tissues examined fell slowly. An apparent elimination half-life of 24 h was estimated (Boyland & Papadopoulos, 1952). In a comparative study designed to investigate the urinary excretion of carbamic acid esters and their N-hydroxy derivatives, methyl carbamate was injected intraperitoneally (20% solution in water, w/v) into female rats in single doses of 0.3-1.0 g/kg. Their urine was collected from 0-24 h and from 24-48 h following treatment. In the first day, 3.3% of the dose was excreted unchanged, 0.008% as N-OH derivative, while in the second day 4.9% of the dose was excreted unchanged and 0.06% as the N-OH derivative. I.P.-injection with 0.02-0.4 g/kg N-hydroxymethyl carbamate (5% solution in water, w/v) led to a urinary excretion of 29% N- hydroxymethyl carbamate and 4.1% MC in the first 24 h, and 3.9% N- hydroxylated and 5.7% MC in the second 24 h-collection period. This indicates that N-hydroxylation takes place, but that dehydroxylation also occurs (Boyland & Nery, 1965). The renal elimination of methyl carbamate and its effect on activities of some xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes was investigated in rats. Groups of 5 male Wistar rats, as well as groups of 5 male Fischer 344 rats (13-15 weeks of age in both cases) were administered a single oral dose of 1000 mg/kg MC or received 7 daily doses of 800 mg/kg MC by gavage. They were placed in metabolic cages and urine was collected in periods of 24 h. Following a single oral administration, 16.2% of the MC dose was eliminated in the first 3 days in the urine of Wistar rats. Excretion was only slightly lower in Fischer 344 rats (15.5% of dose). Repeated dosing with MC over 7 days resulted in a gradual increase in the proportion of unchanged MC excreted renally reaching a value of 30% in Wistar rats and 32% in F 344 rats. On all other days, Wistar rats excreted slightly higher amounts of MC with the urine. These slight differences were interpreted as a cause of different hepatotoxic responses to MC in the two strains examined. The activities of the of the following enzymes was measured in the 10 000 g supernatants of liver homogenates obtained from control rats and from rats given 7x800 mg/kg MC: 7-ethoxycoumarin deethylase (EOD), aldrin epoxidase (ALD), biphenyl-4-hydroxylase (BH), epoxide hydrolase (EH), and GSH-transferase (GST). Untreated Fischer rats displayed higher activities of BH and ALD and lower activities of EH and GST as compared to untreated Wistar rats. Treatment with 7x800 mg/kg MC led to a slight decrease in hepatic ALD activity in Fischer rats and a slight increase in EOD activity in Wistar rats. No other statistically significant differences were noted (Schmidt & Schmidt, 1987; Bomhard et al., 1989). [Carbonyl-14C]-methyl carbamate was administered to male Fischer 344 rats and male B6C 3F1 mice orally at doses of 40, 400, and 1000 mg/kg, or i.v. at dose of 400 mg/kg (20 µCi/kg body weight in every case). To study the metabolism to CO2, an i.v.-dose of 0.4 mg/kg was applied. Animals were housed in individual glass metabolism cages allowing for separate collection of urine, faeces, CO2 and other volatile compounds. Although the initial distribution of MC was similar in both species, mice metabolized and cleared MC much more rapidly. CO2 elimination accounted for 70% of the dose in 48 h in mice, but only for 18% of the dose in rats. Of the material excreted in urine of both species, the parent compound accounted for 90%. Less than 4% of the dose was excreted in the faeces of either species. Repeated dosing with MC resulted in bioaccumulation of this compound in rats but not in mice, probably due to the lesser ability of the rat to metabolize MC. Covalent binding of MC-derived radioactivity to DNA was detected in mouse liver, while binding to protein was found in muscle and liver tissue from both species (Ioannou et al., 1988). 2.1.2 Effects on enzymes and other biochemical parameters Male NMRI-mice (6-8 weeks of age) were injected with 375 mg/kg [3H]-methyl carbamate, 750 mg/kg [2-3H]-ethyl carbamate, or 375 mg/kg [carboxy-14C]carbamate. They were sacrificed 24 h later and liver RNA was isolated. Radioactivity was incorporated into RNA. Methyl carbamate led to a greater incorporation than ethyl carbamate. Fractionation of RNA showed radioactive esters of cytosine-5-carboxylic acid to be present in the fractions where rapid RNA synthesis had occurred. This, together with the finding that actinomycin D reduced the labelling of RNA, suggests that the cytosine-5-carboxylates were synthesized before incorporation into RNA chains. Alternatively, a greater susceptibility of rapidly synthesized RNA to attack by chemically active metabolites of the carbamates might be postulated. The methyl ester also caused a more rapid breakdown of RNA than ethyl carbamate. Both esters of carbamic acid seemed to increase the RNA synthesis rate (Williams et al., 1971). The binding of [14C]-labelled methyl carbamate to the DNA of mouse liver, lung, and kidney as compared to ethyl, n-propyl, and n- butyl carbamates was studied. Crackenbush mice were injected i.p. with 10 mg [Me-14C]-methyl carbamate (6 µCi) in sterile saline. Animals were killed by cervical dislocation at different timepoints, the organs studied were excised and stored frozen. DNA was extracted from the tissue and analyzed for bound radioactivity. Radioactivity associated with DNA reached a maximum between 6 and 9 h, and could still be detected after 24 h in liver and kidney. Very little DNA-associated activity was seen in the lung. However, the amount of binding was far below that seen with ethyl carbamate, and was considered to be of little relevance (Lawson & Pound, 1973). 2.2 Toxicological studies 2.2.1 Acute toxicity studies Table 7 Species Sex Route LD50 Reference (mg/kg b.w.) Mouse M s.c. 4450 Pound, 1967 ? oral 6200 Srivalova, 1973 M&F oral >2000 National Toxicology Program, 1987 Rat M&F oral >2000 National Toxicology Program, 1987 2.3 Short-term studies 2.3.1 Mouse Groups of 5 male and 5 female B6C 3F1 mice (7-8 weeks old) were administered 12 doses of 0, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, or 4000 mg/kg methyl carbamate p.o. in water over 16 days. They were inspected twice daily and weighed on days 1, 8, and 15. A necropsy was performed on all mice. Histopathological examinations were carried out in the 1000 mg/kg dose groups. Male mice that received 2000 or 4000 mg/kg, female mice that received 4000 mg/kg, and 1/5 female mice that received 2000 mg/kg died. No compound-related gross pathologic or histopathologic effects were seen in mice of either sex that received 1000 mg/kg methyl carbamate (National Toxicology Program, 1987). Groups of 10 male and 10 female B6C3F1 mice were treated orally on five days per week with methyl carbamate at doses of 0, 9.75, 187.5, 375, 750, or 1500 mg/kg (males) or 0, 125, 250, 500, 1000, or 2000 mg/kg (females) over a period of 13 weeks. One of the female mice that received 2000 mg/kg died. The dosed female mice had significantly greater liver weights than the vehicle controls. Final mean body weights of all female mice were 5-10% lower than controls, that of the highest dose male mice 6% lower than controls. Minimal to mild acute multifocal hepatocellular necroses and/or increased mitotic indices were observed in the livers of dosed male mice. A hepatocellular adenoma was found in one high dose male mouse (National Toxicology Program, 1987; Quest et al., 1987). 2.3.2 Rat Methyl carbamate was administered orally in 5 ml/kg tap water at single doses of 0 (control group), 250, 500, and 1000 mg/kg to groups of 5 male Wistar (SPF) rats (initial body weight 199-207 g) daily for seven days. The rats were inspected twice daily. Body weight was determined at the beginning and at the end of the experiment, as were feed and water consumption. One day after the final administration of the test compound, blood samples were collected for determination of plasma activities of alkaline phosphatase, GOT, and GPT and plasma concentrations of bilirubin, total protein, cholesterol, and triglycerides. All animals were then sacrificed and autopsied. Liver, testes, spleen, and sternum with bone marrow from all rats were fixed in 10% buffered formaldehyde, as were all organs with macroscopically visible changes. Histopathological examinations were performed on the livers of all rats of the highest dose group. In addition, frozen sections were stained for fat with Oil Red O. Rats treated with doses up to and including 500 mg/kg MC showed no changes in behaviour or physical appearance. Rats of the highest dose group showed signs of poor condition from the fifth day onwards; in addition, lower water and feed (males only) intake was observed in this group. Rats of the 1000 mg/kg dose group gained less weight than rats from other groups. None of the rats died during the experiment. Apart from a decrease in alkaline phosphatase activity and triglyceride content in the plasma of the 1000 mg/kg dose group, no clinical chemical effects were observed. Absolute and relative liver and spleen weights were significantly reduced in the 500 mg/kg and the 1000 mg/kg dose groups, while no changes were seen at a dose of 250 mg/kg MC and lower. Gross pathological and histopathological examinations revealed no evidence of hepatotoxicity of MC up to and including a dose of 1000 mg/kg. Roughness of the spleen surface was observed at doses of 500 mg/kg and above. It was concluded that under these experimental conditions MC was tolerated at a dose of 250 mg/kg and below without toxic effect (Bomhard & Kalina, 1984). Methyl carbamate was administered by gavage at daily doses of 0, 250, 500, and 1000 mg/kg for seven days to groups of 5 male Fischer 344 rats. In addition, a group of 5 rats received N-methoxymethyl- O-methylurethane (MMU), the main impurity found in MC-preparations, at a daily dose of 100 mg/kg for seven days. Rats were inspected daily. Body weight, feed consumption and water intake were determined on days 0 and 7. Blood samples were taken one day after the final dosing for clinical laboratory tests of plasma enzymes and substrates. One day after the last administration of the test compound, rats were killed, dissected, and examined macroscopically. Livers, spleens, and testes were weighed. Liver, testes, spleen, and sternum (with bone marrow) of all rats, as well as all organs with visible changes were fixed in buffered formalin for histopathological examination. Animals of the 1000 mg/kg dose group displayed a poor general condition with impaired reflexes, uncoordinated movements, and weakness of rear extremities. These signs were not seen in other dose groups. Feed and water consumption, as well as body weight gain, were dose-dependently reduced at doses of 500 and 1000 mg/kg MC and slightly reduced in rats dosed with MMU. None of the rats died during the experiment. Plasma activities of GOT and GPT and concentrations of bilirubin and cholesterol were elevated, the activity of alkaline phosphatase and the concentrations of protein and triglycerides reduced in rats given 1000 mg/kg MC. Changes of GOT, GPT, and cholesterol were also evident in the 500 mg/kg dose group, elevated GPT activities also in the 250 mg/kg dose group. Treatment with MMU led to an elevation of plasma GPT activity and bilirubin and cholesterol concentrations. On autopsy, absolute and relative liver weights were reduced at a dose of 500 mg/kg and above, those of the spleen at a dose of 250 mg/kg and above, and those of the testes of animals in the 1000 mg/kg dose group. Spleen weight (absolute and relative) was reduced in the MMU treatment group. No substance-related gross morphological alterations were observed. Histological examinations revealed treatment-related liver cell necroses (at 500 mg/kg and above), liver cell degeneration (at 500 mg/kg and above), increased fatty infiltration (1000 mg/kg), and iron-related pigmentation of Kupffer cells (1000 mg/kg). In the livers of rats receiving 250 mg/kg MC, only hyaline bodies were found sporadically in hepatocytes. No treatment-related liver changes were seen in MMU- treated animals except for slight accumulation of iron-containing pigments in Kupffer cells. Thus, clear MC-induced hepatotoxic effects were evident in Fischer 334 rats, which cannot be attributed to contamination with MMU, at all doses employed (Bomhard & Karbe, 1985a). Groups of 5 male and 5 female F344/N rats (6-8 weeks old) were administered 12 doses of 0, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, or 4000 mg/kg methylcarbamate in water by gavage over 16 days. They were observed twice per day and were weighed on days 1, 8, and 15. A necropsy was performed on male rats in the vehicle control, 1000, 2000, and 4000 mg/kg dose groups, as well as on all female rats. Histopathological examinations were carried out in the 500 mg/kg dose groups. All rats dosed at 2000 or 4000 mg/kg and 3/5 male rats that received 1000 mg/kg died during the study. No compound-related gross pathologic or histopathologic effects were seen in rats of either sex that received 500 mg/kg (National Toxicology Program, 1987). Groups of 10 male and 10 female F 344/N rats (6-7 weeks old) received methyl carbamate in water by gavage at doses of 0, 50, 100, 200, 400, or 800 mg/kg (males) or 0, 62.5, 125, 250, 500, or 1000 mg/kg (females) on five days per week for 13 weeks. Animals were checked twice daily, moribund animals were killed. Survivors were killed after 13 weeks. A necropsy was performed on all animals except those excessively autolyzed or cannibalized. 5/10 males that received 800 mg/kg and 4/10 females that received 1000 mg/kg died before the end of the experiment. The final body weight of males was 14% or 31% lower than water controls for the 400 mg/kg or the 800 mg/kg dose group, respectively. Females of the 1000 mg/kg dose group had a final body weight that was 22% lower than that of controls. Liver weight to body weight ratio was reduced in the two highest dose groups of males. Compound-related lesions of the liver (toxic hepatitis), spleen (pigmented macrophages), bone marrow (atrophy), and testis (bilateral atrophy) were seen in the two highest dose groups of males and females (National Toxicology Program, 1987). Short-term toxicity of MC was assayed in F 344 rats. MC was administered by gavage five times a week for 13 weeks to male (50, 100, 200, 400, or 800 mg/kg) and female (62.5, 125, 250, 500, or 1000 mg/kg) rats. Each group consisted of 10 animals; control groups received distilled water (5 ml/kg). Animals were observed twice daily for signs of morbidity or mortality and for clinical signs of toxicity. All surviving animals were sacrificed at week 13. Complete histopathological examination was performed on all control and high dose group animals. For those tissues where significant effects were seen at high dose levels, histopathological examinations were also conducted at progressively lower dose levels until a no-effect level was reached. Mitotic index was determined on the liver of each rat (number of mitoses/100 hepatocytes); a minimum of 3000 hepatocytes were counted. Deaths occurred at the highest doses in male (5/10) and female (4/10) rats. Body weight gain was also slightly decreased in both groups. Treatment resulted in dose-related lesions of the liver characterized by proliferative changes in hepatocytes consisting of foci of cellular alteration and frequent mitoses with atypical forms. Toxic alterations consisted of focal hepatocellular necroses, pigmentation of Kupffer's cells, and the presence of basophilic inclusions resembling nuclei in hepatocyte cytoplasm. Furthermore, testicular hyperplasia, bone marrow hyperplasia, and excessive pigmentation of the spleen were observed. Liver changes were observed at doses of 200 mg/kg or higher in males, and at doses of 250 mg/kg or higher in females. The authors concluded that due to the proliferative nature of hepatic lesions observed, MC should be regarded as potentially carcinogenic (Quest et al., 1987). Groups of 5 male and 5 female Wistar (SPF) rats (each 7-8 weeks old at the start of the experiment) received MC by stomach tube at daily doses of 0, 200, 400, or 800 mg/kg for 13 weeks. Two additional groups comprising 5 rats of each sex received 0 or 800 mg/kg MC daily, but were killed after 4 weeks. The rats were inspected daily. Body weight, as well as feed and water intake, were measured weekly. At weeks 4 and 13, blood samples were collected for determination of plasma activities of alkaline phosphatase (ALP), glutamate-oxalacetate transaminase (GOT), and glutamate-pyruvate transaminase (GPT) as well as of plasma concentrations of cholesterol, bilirubin, protein, and triglycerides. Animals were killed at the end of the respective observation period (4 or 13 weeks), dissected, and examined macroscopically. Liver, spleen, and testes were weighed. The following organs of the animals killed after 4 weeks were fixed in 10% buffered formaldehyde: liver, spleen, sternum (with bone marrow), and testes, as well as all organs with macroscopically visible changes. On autopsy of the rats killed after 13 weeks, samples of 36 organs and tissues were fixed in buffered formalin. Livers of all animals were examined histopathologically, including Oil Red O staining for fat. At 400 mg/kg and below, MC produced no changes in appearance, activity, coat condition, or behaviour. Rats receiving 800 mg/kg displayed unspecific symptoms such as apathy, rough coat, poor general condition, and sunken flanks from week 2 onwards. Feed and water consumption were dose-dependently reduced at 400 mg/kg and above, as was the body weight gain. In week 4, one rat of the 800 mg/kg dose group died. Clinical chemical investigations on weeks 4 and 13 revealed slight increases in serum ALP-, GOT-, and GPT-activities, as well as increases of cholesterol and triglyceride contents. Gross pathological examinations revealed yellowish swellings or discoloration of the epididymis in two male rats of the 800 mg/kg dose group. At week 13, no organ damage was found in the 200 mg/kg dose group. At 800 mg/kg, testes, epididymis, and spleen were relatively small. Also, dose- and time-related decreases in the absolute weights of liver, spleen, and testes were observed at 400 mg/kg and above. The same proved true, except for the liver, when relative organ weights were determined. Relative spleen weight was also reduced in males of the 200 mg/kg dose group. At week 4, no abnormalities attributable to treatment and no fat accumulation were observed in the livers of the dosed rats. At week 13, liver of rats receiving 800 mg/kg MC had increased pigment contents, especially in Kupffer's cells. The pigments contained iron. Occasional focal round cell infiltrates, liver cell mitoses, and single cell necroses, as well as accumulation of fat droplets were observed in livers of all groups and were considered not to be treatment- related. An additional group of rats receiving MC with the drinking water to yield an average consumption of about 800 mg/kg MC daily, showed the same response as the group receiving 800 mg/kg MC by gavage. The authors concluded that at a dose of 200 mg/kg, MC was tolerated without adverse effects under the experimental conditions described. The effects on the liver were found to be different than those observed in Fischer 344 rats (Bomhard & Karbe, 1985b). 2.2.3. Long-term/carcinogenicity studies Mouse A lifetime carcinogenicity study with methyl carbamate (>99.9% pure) was carried out in NMRI mice: the exposure was started in utero to increase the sensitivity of the test. Seventy-five male (35 g) and 75 female mice (30 g) were allocated to one of five groups which received 0 (control group), 0.5, 2.5, 12.5, or 62.5 mg/kg/day MC with their drinking water. They were then mated in a ratio of 1:1 under continuation of the treatment, the mating period allowed being 3 weeks. The males were removed after mating, and the females continued to be treated until the end of the 4-week lactation period, after which they were also withdrawn from the experiments. The offspring (F1-generation) were randomized at the age of 4 weeks and treated with the same concentrations of MC which had been received by the parents. Only those litters that contained at least one male and one femals mouse were used, and only one mouse of each sex was chosen from every litter. The number of animals in individual groups ranged therefore between 54 and 64 mice per sex. The treatment was continued throughout the lifespan of the F1- generation. Mice were allowed to die spontaneously or were killed in moribund state. All animals were necropsied, and all tumours, as well as all organs and tissues suspected of containing tumours, were fixed in every case: thyroid with parathyroids, heart, lung, liver with gall bladder, spleen, kidneys, adrenals, testes, ovaries, uterus, bladder, pituitary, stomach, oesophagus, pancreas, brain, and the entire intestine with mesenteric lymph nodes. In addition, nasopharynx, skin from the mammary region, eyes, prostate, seminal vesicle, epididymis, mammary tissue, submandibular salivary glands with lymph nodes, spinal column with spinal cord, femur with muscle, larynx, and trachea of those animals which died or were killed from day 818 of the experiment onwards were fixed. Histopathological examination of these organs was carried out in the case of mice from the two highest dose groups. The authors concluded that because the combined incidence of tumours was not changed in any group, and the variations in tumour incidence were not dose-related, methyl carbamate was not carcinogenic in this study. The shift of tumour spectrum observed was attributed to the normal range of biological variation. It should be noted that organ weights have not been indicated (Steinhoff, 1978). Three groups of Swiss mice (exact number not indicated) were treated as follows: two groups were with treated MC (800 mg/kg p.o.) or ethyl carbamate (EC) (590 mg/kg p.o.) on days 1, 10, and 25 after birth. They were offspring of parent females which had been treated on days 13, 16, and 17 of gestation with the same doses of MC or EC. A third group remained untreated and served as a control gorup, The mice were allowed to live out their lifespan and were then examined for neoplasms. MC did not increase tumour incidence above the level observed in control mice, whereas EC led to the development of multiple lung adenomas, lung carcinomas, and thymomas. However, MC- treated mice displayed a higher mortality rate which might have covered carcinogenic effects. In the opinion of the Committee, this is a major limitation of this study, and the relevance of its results is therefore questionable (Port & Ivankovich, 1979). A long-term toxicity study of MC was conducted by administering O, 500, or 1000 mg/kg methyl carbamate in water by gavage, 5 days per week for 103 weeks, to groups of 50 B6C3F1 mice of each sex. Additional groups of 30 mice of each sex were administered 0 or 1000 mg/kg MC on the same schedule. Ten animals from each group were killed at 6, 12, or 18 months to follow the progressions of lesions. Mice were checked daily for clinical signs of toxicity. A complete necropsy was carried out on all animals that died or were killed in moribund state during the observation period. All organs and tissues were examined for grossly visible lesions. Histopathologic examinations were performed on all high dose and vehicle control mice, on all organs showing grossly visible lesions in all dose groups, and on potential target organs for chemically related effects. Compound-related neoplastic effects were not observed in mice in the 6-, 12-, or 18-month studies. In the 2-year study, the mean body weights of high dose (1000 mg/kg) male mice were about 8%-18% lower than those of the vehicle controls after week 24. The mean body weights of high dose (1000 mg/kg) female mice were 16% lower than those of the vehicle controls after week 16 and 30% lower after week 64. Survival of dosed and vehicle control mice was similar (male: 28/50, 35/50; 28/50; female: 38/50, 36/50; 32/50). In the 2-year studies, multinucleate giant cells in the liver were observed at increased incidence in dosed male mice (14/50; 31/50; 31/49). Adenomatous hyperplasia and histiocytosis of the lung were observed at increased incidence in high dose mice (adenomatous hyperplasia - male: 13/50; 19/50; 24/49; female: 9/49; 10/50; 21/50). There was no evidence of carcinogenic activity in male or female mice given MC at doses of 500 or 1000 mg/kg. Adenomatous hyperplasia and histiocytosis of the lung, however, were observed in dosed mice of both sexes (National Toxicology Program, 1987). Rat The carcinogenic activity of methyl carbamate was studied in Wistar W70 rats. Seventy-five male and 75 female rats each were allocated to one of five dose groups receiving 0 (control group), 0.5, 2.5, 12.5, or 62.5 mg/kg/day of MC in their drinking water. They were then mated in a ratio of 1:1 under continuation of the treatment (a mating period of 3 weeks was allowed). The females continued to be treated until the end of the 4-week lactation period. The young (F1-generation) were randomized at four weeks of age and treated with the doses which had been received by the respective parent animals. The control and test groups consisted of 54-62 rats per sex. The experiment was continued throughout the lifespan of the F1-generation. The rats were allowed to die spontaneously or were killed in moribund state. The mating results did not differ between dosed groups and the control group, except for a slightly lower number of raised young in the highest dose group (in an additional experiment, treatment of rats with 312.5 mg MC/kg/day resulted in a marked reduction of litter size per mother animal and of the number of offspring raised). No changes in appearance or behaviour were observed that were associated with treatment. Also, no differences in survival time were evident between dosed groups and controls. Body weight gain was slightly lower in the highest dose group as compared to the other treatment groups and to the control group. All animals were autopsied at the end of the experiment. All tumours and all organs and tissues suspected of containing tumours were fixed for histopathological examination. In addition, samples of 17 organs and tissues were fixed in every case. Fixed samples were examined histologically in the case of all animals from either the control or the two highest dose groups. There were no macroscopic lesions that were considered to be treatment-related. Furthermore, there was no indication of a carcinogenic effect by MC. The number of benign tumours was even lower in the highest dose group as compared to controls. The authors concluded that lifetime treatment with MC up to a dose of 62.5 mg/kg/day had no carcinogenic effect in Wistar rats (Steinhoff et al., 1977). Six groups of male and female Wistar rats (exact number not given) were treated as follows: two groups were treated orally once on day 1 of life with 3100 mg/kg MC or 1300 mg/kg ethyl carbamate (EC). Three other groups were formed from the offspring of parent females treated with 1300 or 1700 mg/kg MC or 1000 mg/kg EC on day 19 of gestation . A sixth group remained untreated and served as control. The animals were allowed to live out their natural lifespan, and were subsequently examined for neoplasms. There was no indication of a carcinogenic effect of MC. Only rats treated postnatally with EC displayed a marginal carcinogenic effect. In the opinion of the Committee, this study is poorly designed, and its results are therefore not conclusive (Port & Ivankovich, 1979). MC was administered by gavage, 5 days per week for 103 weeks, to groups of 50 F 344/N rats of each sex at doses of 100 or 200 mg/kg. Control groups received distilled water only. To follow the propagation of lesions, additional groups of 30 rats of each sex were administered 0 or 400 mg/kg MC on five days per week. Ten animals of each sex from every group were killed at 6, 12, or 18 months. The rats were checked twice daily and clinical signs recorded once weekly. All animals killed at the end of the respective observation period, as well as those that died or were killed in moribund state were necropsied. All organs and tissues were examined for grossly visible lesions and were preserved in buffered formalin for histopathologic examination. This was carried out on all high dose and vehicle control animals and on low dose rats dying through month 21 of the study. In addition, histopathological examinations were performed on all grossly visible lesions in all dose groups, as well as on potential target organs and tissues in animals of the low dose group. In the 6-month studies, all vehicle control and dosed (400 mg/kg) animals survived. Cytologic alterations and atypical proliferative changes were observed in the livers of all dosed male and female rats, and neoplastic nodules of the liver were observed in 6/10 dosed male and 5/10 dosed female rats. In the 12-month studies, all vehicle control male and female rats and dosed female rats survived. One of 10 dosed male rats died. Neoplastic nodules of the liver were observed in 7/10 dosed male and 9/10 dosed female rats, and hepatocellular carcinomas were observed in 8/10 dosed male and 6/10 dosed female rats. In the 18-month studies, 1/10 dosed male and 8/10 dosed female and all vehicle control rats survived. Hepatocellular carcinomas were observed in 9/10 dosed male and 8/10 dosed female rats. In the 2-year studies, mean body weights of high dose (200 mg/kg) male rats were generally 5%-9% lower than those of the vehicle controls after week 20. Mean body weights of high dose female rats were 5%-8% lower than those of the vehicle controls after week 56. Survival of dosed and vehicle control rats was similar (male: vehicle control, 19/50; low dose, 26/50; high dose, 29/50; female: 29/50; 36/50; 35/50). Chronic focal inflammation and cytologic alteration of the liver were observed at increased incidences in high dose rats of each sex. Hyperplasia of hepatocytes was observed at increased incidence in dosed male and high dose female rats. Neoplastic nodules or hepatocellular carcinomas (combined) in female rats occurred with a significant positive trend (0/50; 0/50; 6/49; P>0.01); the incidence of neoplastic nodules or hepatocellular carcinomas (combined) in high dose female rats was greater (P>0.03) than that in the vehicle controls. Incidence of liver neoplasms in dosed male rats was not significantly increased (4/50; 0/50; 7/49). Inflammation of the Harderian gland was observed at increased incidence in dosed rats (male: 4/50; 11/50; 16/50; female: 7/50; 16/50; 30/50). The lesions were considered to be chemically related. In the 2-year studies in rats, significant decreases in tumour incidence included the following: leukaemia (both sexes), pituitary gland (male), adrenal gland (male), and mammary gland (female). Thus, there was clear evidence for carcinogenic activity for male and female F 344/N rats given MC, as indicated by increased incidence of hepatocellular neoplastic and/or proliferative changes. Also, MC induced an inflammation of the Harderian gland (National Toxicology Program, 1987). Mathematical models (extrapolation to man) Using mathematical models, and assuming an average daily consumption of wine of 250 ml/person/day, and average human lifespan of 70 years, a daily consumption of wine for 50 years, a person's weight of 60 kg, and a methyl carbamate concentration of 0.01876 mg/1 or less, a lifetime average daily dose (LADD) of 55.7x10-6 mg/kg/day was calculated. Under these conditions, the maximum lifetime risk (95% upper confidence limit) was estimated to be 2.98x10-8. If 1 liter of wine is consumed daily instead, the maximum lifetime risk would be 1.2 x 10-7 (Hahnemann & Schmitz, 1986). Using a similar mathematical model, theoretical risk assessment of MC in soft drinks treated with DMDC was carried out assuming the least favourable case (direct genotoxic-carcinogenic potential, high exposure conditions). Based on the assumption that DMDC-treated drinks are consumed in amounts of 1.0 or 1.5 l daily over a lifespan of 70 years, and that soft drinks are treated with 250 mg/l DMDC yielding an average of 6µg MC/l drink, the theoretical maximum lifetime risk was calculated to be smaller than 1x10-7 (Hahnemann, 1987). 2.2.4 Special studies on carcinogenicity Mouse The tumorigenic potential of MC and its covalent binding to DNA from various tissues was investigated in male mice and compared to the activities of several other carbamic acid esters. For tumour induction experiments, groups of 30 mice (Hall strain, 7 weeks of age) were formed. For each substance, one group was pretreated by a single application of 0.25ml of 0.075% (v/v) croton oil solution in acetone over the whole area of the skin of the back 18h before injection of the carbamates, another group was not pretreated. MC and other carbamates were injected at dose of 27mEq/kg. From 3 weeks later onwards, 0.24 ml of croton oil solution was applied once per week for 18 weeks to skin and back, then the dosage of the croton oil was increased to 0.15% (v/v) and the applications continued until week 32. The number of skin tumours was determined at weeks 16, 22, 32, 36, 56, and 78. One half of the animals were autopsied at week 56. The remaining animals were autopsied at week 78, as were all animals that died from week 36 onwards. No differences in tumour incidence or in the number of tumours per mouse were observed between MC treated groups and the control groups with respect to the appearance of skin tumours, hepatomas, lung adenomas, and leukaemia. Binding to DNA was assessed following a single i.p. injection of 6 mg of a carbamate (6µCi) into Crackenbush mice (7 weeks of age). DNA was extracted at different time points and bound radioactivity was measured. MC bound covalently to DNA of the dermis and the epidermis, and maximal binding was observed between 6 and 12 h. Painting of the skin with croton oil 16 h before MC treatment increased the covalent binding of MC to DNA (Pound & Lawson, 1976). The ability of a series of carbamates and aziridines to initiate lung tumours in strain A/He mice was investigated. A group of 16 mice (7-9 weeks old) received 12 intraperitoneal injections (three times per week) of MC in water yielding a total dose of 60 mg. Twenty weeks after the last treatment, mice were killed and inspected for lung tumours. MC-treated mice had a lung tumour incidence of 6% (water vehicle controls: 19%; no-treatment controls: 7%), and the number of lung tumours per mouse averaged 0.1 (water vehicle controls: 0.2; no-treatment controls: 0.1). In contrast to ethyl carbamate and several other derivatives of carbamic acid, MC proved non-carcinogenic in this study (Shimkin et al., 1969). MC was injected intraperitoneally into groups of strain A mice of both sexes, a strain highly sensitive to lung carcinogens, at doses of 0.5 (46 mice), 1.0 (43 mice), and 2.0 g/kg body weight (49 mice). The injections were carried out once weekly for 13 weeks. Two to three weeks after the final injection, the mice were killed and examined for the incidence of lung tumours. The lung tumour incidence was 16, 9, or 22% and the mean number of tumours 0.19, 0.09, or 0.29 for the low, middle, or high dose, respectively. These values were not different from control values observed in this study (tumour incidence: 17%; mean tumour number: 0.18 tumours/mouse). In contrast to ethyl carbamate, which proved carcinogenic in this study, MC showed no carcinogenic potential towards the lung (Larsen, 1974). In a study designed to investigate the skin tumour initiating properties of a variety of compounds, MC was applied topically as a 25% solution to a group of 20 male "S"-mice (7-9 weeks old). Fifteen weekly applications were made yielding a total dose of 1.12 g of MC. Three days following the start of MC-application, croton oil (0.3 ml of a 5% solution in acetone) was applied weekly for 18 weeks. At the end of the croton oil treatment, 18 surviving mice were sacrificed. One of the 18 mice developed a skin tumour as compared to 1 out of 20 control animals treated with croton oil only. Thus, MC showed no skin tumour initiating properties in this model (Roe & Salsman, 1955). The ability of different carbamate derivatives (including methyl carbamate) to initiate skin tumours was investigated in male mice (strain "Hall"). Groups of 40 mice each were given an application of 0.25 ml of a 25% solution of acetic acid in acetone to the right side of the skin of the back. Eighteen hours later, all groups, except for controls, were injected s.c. with a carbamate derivative. MC was given at a dose of 40 mg/kg b.w. In the first set of experiments, the mice received 24 weekly applications of 0.25 ml of a 0.075% solution of croton oil in acetone. One week following the final application, the number of mice with tumours and the distribution of tumours were estimated. In a second set of experiments, mice were treated similarly except that the repeated application of croton oil was omitted. In contrast to several homologous and N-substituted derivatives of ethyl carbamate, MC showed no significant tumour initiating effect (Pound, 1967). The effect of co-administration of homologous carbamates and ethyl carbamate derivatives on skin tumour initiation by ethyl carbamate was studied in mice. Subcutaneous injection of MC at doses of 5, 10, or 20 mg/kg together with ethyl carbamate (25 mg/kg) did not enhance the tumour yield following treatment with ethyl carbamate only. In all cases, the back skin was painted with 0.25 ml of a 0.075% solution of croton oil in acetone once weekly for 28 weeks. The surviving animals were sacrificed at week 50 (Pound, 1972). An unspecified number of random-bred male mice received 3 s.c. injections of 1 mg/kg b.w. MC at 2-day intervals and were observed for 3 months, another group received 3 s.c. injections of 0.1 mg/kg MC and were observed for 6 months. Of those mice observed for 3 months, 3/29 animals had lung adenomas compared with 3/22 controls and 23/27 mice given ethyl carbamate in addition to MC. Of the animals observed for 6 months, 2/26 mice had lung adenomas compared with 0/26 controls and 6/28 mice given ethyl carbamate in addition to MC. In contrast to ethyl carbamate, MC proved non-carcinogenic under the described experimental conditions (Yagubov & Suvalova, 1973). 2.2.5 Special studies on genotoxicity Table 8: Results of genotoxicity assays on methyl carbamate (MC) Test system Test object Concentration Results Reference of MC Ames test S. typhimurium 1 000 µg/plate Negative McCann et (1) TA98, TA100 al., 1975 TA1535, TA1537 Ames test S. typhimurium 1 000 µg/plate Negative Simmon, (2) TA98, TA100, 1979a TA1535, TA1536, TA1537, TA1538 Ames test S. typhimurium 100 & 250 Negative Rosenkranz & (2) TA1535, TA1538 µg/plate Poirier, 1979 Ames test S. typhimurium 100-10 000 Negative National (2) TA97, TA98, µg/plate Toxicology TA100, TA1535 Program, 1987 DNA damage E. coli po1A- 500 µg Negative Rosenkranz & (DNA-polymerase Poirier, deficient) 1979 DNA damage E. coli 5 000 µg/plate Negative McCarrol et (2) WP2uvrA, WP67, al., 1981a CM 611, WP100, p3478 pol a- Table 8 (contd) Test system Test object Concentration Results Reference of MC DNA damage B. subtilis 5 000 µg/plate Negative McCarrol et (2) H17rec- (repair al., 1981b deficient) Bacterial B. subtilis 50 & 60 mg/ml Negative De Giovanni back mutation 168i-(indole et al., 1967 assay requiring) Bacterial E. coli B/Sd- 40-80 mg/ml Negative Demerec et back mutation 4/1,3,4,5 & al., 1967 assay B/sd-4/3,4 (Streptomycin- dependent) Mitotic S. cerevisiae 50 mg/ml Negative Simmon, recombination D3 (homozygous 1979b assay ade2) Gene Mouse lymphoma 2 821-21 208 Negative Amacher & mutation (1) frwd. mutation µg/ml Turner, 1982 L5178Y/TK+/- Gene Mouse lymphoma 1 049-5 000 µg/ml Negative National mutation (2) frwd. mutation Toxicology L5178Y/TK+/- Program, 1987 Unscheduled Primary rat 1-1 000 µg/ml Negative National DNA symthesis hepatocyte Toxicology cultures Program, 1987 Table 8 (contd) Test system Test object Concentration Results Reference of MC Chromosone A. nidulans- 0.4 mg/ml Negative Morpurgo et aberrations P al., 1979 Chromosome Chinese 2000-5 000 µg/ml Negative National aberrations hamster ovary Toxicology (2) cells Program, 1987 Sister Chinese 160-5 000 µg/ml Negative National Chromatid hamster ovary Toxicology exchange (2) cells Program, 1987 Sister Mouse alveolar 165 & 495 Negative Cheng et Chromatid macrophages mg/kg i.p. al., 1981a,b exchange bone marrow & liver (in vivo) Noeplastic Syrian hamster 0.05 µg/ml Negative Dunkel et transformation embryo cells al., 1981 assay Neoplastic F344 rat 12.0 µg/ml Positive Dunkel et transformation embryo cells al., 1981 infected with Rauscher murine leukaemia virus Sex-linked Drosophila 25 000 ppm Negative National recessive (in vivo) (inj.); 35 000 Toxicology, lethal & 50 000 ppm 1987 mutation (feeding) Table 8 (contd) Test system Test object Concentration Results Reference of MC Dominant Mouse (in 200 & 1 000 mg/kg Negative Epstein lethal vivo) i.p. et al., 1972 mutations (1) With rat liver S-9 fraction (2) Both with and without rat liver S-9 fraction (3) Slight mutagenic effects in WP14 (but study design not convincing) 2.2.6 Special study on immunotoxicity Mouse The immunotoxic potentials of methyl carbamate and ethyl carbamate were investigated in mice. Female B6C3F1 (C57 BL)6N x C3H) hybrid mice (5-7 weeks of age) were given daily i.p. injections of ethyl carbamate at doses of 1, 2, or 4 mg/kg or MC at a dose of 4 mg/kg in 0.2 ml of saline over a 14-day period. Immune functions were assessed 3-5 days following the last treatment or after 6 weeks to determine long-term effects. Parameters assessed included bone marrow cellularity and progenitor assays, humoral immunity, cellular immunity, macrophage function, and natural killer (NK) cell activity, as well as susceptibility to tumour cell challenge. MC had no effect on any of the immunological parameters studied, while ethyl carbamate caused severe myelotoxicity associated with a marked depression of NK cell activity (Luster et al., 1982). 2.3. Observations in humans No information available. 3. COMMENTS The Committee reviewed data from acute toxicity studies with DMDC in mice and rats, as well as short- and long-term toxicity studies in rats that received juices and alcoholic beverages, which had been treated with 4 g/l of DMDC in rats and a 1-year toxicity study in dogs. Data from reproduction toxicity, embryotoxicity/ teratogenicity, and genotoxicity studies with DMDC-treated beverages were also examined. It was concluded that there was no evidence of toxic effects in mice and rats due to the consumption of DMDC- treated beverages. The Committee also reviewed data from acute toxicity studies with methylethylcarbonate, dimethylcarbonate, and several carboxymethylation products of amino and hydroxy acids, as well as short-term toxicity studies in rats with methylethylcarbonate and dimethylcarbonate, and an embryo-toxicity/teratogenicity study in rats with methylethylcarbonate. No adverse effects due to the consumption of these decomposition products were observed. In the case of methylcarbamate, the Committee reviewed data from acute toxicity studies in mice and rats, short-term studies in mice and rats, long-term carcinogenicity studies in mice and rats, dermal carcinogenicity and DNA-binding studies in mice, a large number of studies on genotoxicity in bacterial and mammalian cells (including in vivo studies), and a special study on immunotoxicity in mice. Methylcarbamate produced hepatocellular carcinomas in Fischer 344 rats at high dose levels, but did not have such effects in Wistar rats or in mice. Methylcarbamate was shown to be non-genotoxic. The no-observed-effect level for hepatic carcinogenesis in Fischer 344 rats was 100 mg per kg of body weight per day. Since the estimated worst-case exposure of humans to methylcarbamate in beverages would be less than 20 µg/l at the concentrations of DMDC employed, a large margin of safety applies. The Committee concluded, therefore, that the presence of methylcarbamate at the expected levels of use of DMDC (i.e., in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practice) would not be of risk to human health. The concentrations of methanol (up to 120 mg/l) resulting from the use of DMDC are similar to or less than those occurring naturally in many fruit juices and alcoholic beverages. The Committee considered that the concentrations of methanol present after treatment of beverages with DMDC were of no toxicological concern. 4. EVALUATION DMDC was considered acceptable for use as a cold sterilization agent for beverages when used in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practice up to a maximum of 25 mg/l. 5. REFERENCES AMACHER, D.E. & TURNER, G.N. (1982). Mutagenic evaluation of carcinogens and non-carcinogens in the L5178Y/TK assay utilizing postmitochondrial fractions (S9) from normal rat liver. Mutat. Res., 97, 49-65. BAYER AG (1987). 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See Also: Toxicological Abbreviations