Vamidothion was evaluated by the Joint Meetings in 1973 and 1982
    (Annex 1, FAO/WHO, 1974a and 1983a). A temporary ADI was allocated in
    1982. A toxicological monograph was prepared by the Joint Meeting in
    1973 (Annex 1, FAO/WHO, 1974b) and a monograph addendum was prepared
    in 1982 (Annex 1, FAO/WHO, 1983b).

         Several studies, including a teratogenicity study, a multi-
    generation reproduction study, a delayed neurotoxicity study, and a
    dog study of adequate duration, were required by 1985. Some of the
    required studies and some mutagenicity studies have been submitted and
    are summarized in the following monograph addendum.


    Toxicological studies

    Special studies on embryotoxicity/teratogenicity


         Groups of 20-23 pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats were administered by
    stomach tube vamidothion (technical material; 94.3% purity) dissolved
    in distilled water at dose levels of 0, 5, 10, or 20 mg/kg b.w./day
    from day 6 through day 15, inclusive, of pregnancy. On day 20 of
    pregnancy, the dams were sacrificed and foetuses removed by caesarean
    section for external, visceral and skeletal abnormalities.

         No noteworthy clinical signs were observed. In the highest-dose
    group, one female died on day 16 of preganancy, average body weights
    of dams were significantly lower than those of controls on days 15 and
    20, and decreased food consumption during the treatment and post-
    treatment period was observed.

         Corpora lutea and implantations were comparable in all groups.
    There were no dose-related differences between the control and treated
    groups with respect to resorptions, post-implantation losses, live
    foetuses, male-to-female ratios, or mean body weights of foetuses. No
    dead foetuses were observed. The examination of foetuses for external,
    visceral, and skeletal abnormalities gave no indication of treatment-
    related effects.

         The no-effect level for embryotoxic/teratogenic effects in this
    study was 20 mg/kg b.w./day (Savary & Read, 1985a).


         Groups of 12 to 15 pregnant New Zealand albino rabbits were
    administered by stomach tube vamidothion (technical material; 94.3%
    purity) dissolved in distilled water at dose levels of 0, 5, 10, or
    20 mg/kg b.w./day from day 6 through day 18, inclusive, of pregnancy.
    On day 28 the dams were sacrificed and the foetuses were removed by
    Caesarean section for examination for external, visceral, and skeletal

         Diarrhoea was the main clinical sign observed in the dams during
    the treatment. The frequency of this symptom was dose-related.
    Mortality and abortions were not treatment-related. On day 18 and day
    21 of pregnancy, but not on day 24 and day 28, the average body
    weights of the dams in the highest-dose group were significantly lower
    than those of the controls. Food consumption was lower than in the
    controls for the dams in the highest-dose group only. The numbers of
    corpora lutea and implantations were on the same order for all

         There were no dose-related differences between the control and
    treated groups with respect to resorptions, post-implantation losses,
    live foetuses, male-to-female ratios, or mean body weights of
    foetuses. No dead foetuses were observed. The examination of foetuses
    for external, visceral, and skeletal abnormalities gave no indication
    of a treatment-related effect.

         The no-effect level for embryotoxic/teratogenic effects in this
    study was 20 mg/kg b.w./day (Savary & Read, 1985b).

        Special studies on mutagenicity

    Table 1:  Special studies on mutagenicity with vamidothion

    Test Organism            Test substance      Range tested        Result                   Reference

    S. typhimurium           vamidothion         125-1000            negative                 Benazet &
    TA1535, TA1537           (purity not         µg/plate            *                        Cartier,1977a
    TA98 & TA100             stated)

    S. typhimurium           vamidothion         1-40                positive at 5            Benazet &
    TA1535                   (pure               mg/plate            mg/plate &               Cartier,1977b
                             standard)                               above *

    S. typhimurium           vamidothion         0.1 ml of           a) positive              Shirasu
    a) TA1535                (pure               25% solution        b) negative              et al., 1976
    b) TA1536                standard)           in methyl-
       TA1537                                    ethylketone

    S. typhimurium           vamidothion         50-40,O00           a) sig. dose-            Shirasu
    a) TA1535                (95% purity)        µg/plate            related increase         et al., 1978
       TA100                                                         of revertants at
    b) TA1537                                                        >5000 µg/plate*
       TA1538                                                        b) negative

    S. typhimurium           vamidothion         up to 5000          a) positive              Moriya et
    a) TA1535                                    µg/plate                                     al., 1983
    b) TA1537                                                        b) negative *

    E. coli (WP2             vamidothion         0.1 ml of 25%       positive                 Shirasu et
    try hcr+/hcr-)           (pure               solution in                                  al., 1976
                              standard)          methylethylketone

    Table 1:  (Con't)

    Test Organism            Test substance      Range tested        Result                   Reference

    E. coli                  vamidothion         50-4000             sig. dose-related        Shirasu et
    WP2 hcr                  (95% purity)        µg/plate            increase of revertants   al., 1978
                                                                     at > 5000 µg/plate*

    E. coli                  vamidothion         up to 5000          positive*                Moriya et
    WP2 hcr                                      µg/plate                                     al., 1983

    Chinese hamster          vamidothion         1-5 × 10-3M         dose-related             Tezuka et
    cells in vitro           (standard                               increase in SCE,         al., 1980
                             sample)                                 chromosomal

    Micronucleus             vamidothion         0, 5, 10, or        no sig. differences      Pasquet &
    test on CD1              (400 g/litre        20 mg/kg b.w.       compared                 Fournier,1980
    mice (2 mice)            in methylethyl      (oral)              to control in %
    sex/dose)                ketone (LD50                            of polychromatic
                             =55 mg/kg b.w.))                        erythrocytes with

    B. subtilis              vamidothion         0.02 ml of          positive                 Shirasu et
    H17 rec+/                                    25% methylethyl                              al., 1976
    M45 rec-                                     ketone

    B. subtilis              vamidothion         1000-20,000         dose-related             Shirasu et
    H17 rec+/                (95% purity)        µg/disk             differences in           al., 1978
    M45 rec-                                                         length of inhibitory
    *    With and without S-9 mix
    Special studies on acute toxicity of vamidothion metabolites

    Table 2:  Acute toxicity of vamidothion sulphone

    Species      Sex       Route     (mg/kg b.w.)     Reference

    Mouse        M&F       oral      75               Desmoras et al.,

    Rat          F         oral      140              Desmoras et al.,

    Special studies on the effect of vamidothion on cholinesterase

         In 2 different studies, groups of Wistar female rats (30
    rats/group) were fed diets containing vamidothion at levels of 0 or
    1 ppm for 1 month.

         Serum, RBC, and brain ChE activities, as determined after the
    1-month administration, were not significantly different between the
    treated and the control group. The no-effect level with respect to
    serum, RBC, and brain ChE activities was 1 ppm for female rats (Sato
    et al., 1978; Toyoshima et al., 1978).

    Special study on delayed neurotoxicity


         Groups of SPF White Leghorn hens (10-11 months old; 10-13/group)
    were administered single oral doses (gelatin capsule) of vamidothion
    (99.8% purity) at dose levels of 0, 50, 75, or 100 mg/kg b.w. A
    positive control group received by gavage tri-O-cresyl phosphate at a
    dose level of 500 mg/kg b.w. In a preliminary study all the animals of
    the 75 mg/kg b.w. group and higher, without atropine, died. The
    animals of the 75 mg/kg b.w. group were treated with atropine and
    2-PAM, while the animals of the 100 mg/kg b.w. group received atropine
    alone. The animals were observed for 3 weeks after treatment for their
    clinical symptoms. The animals that died during the experiment and all
    the animals surviving after the 3-week observation period were
    sacrificed for autopsy and histopathological examination.

         Animals of the vamidothion-treatment groups showed symptoms of
    acute intoxication consisting of depression, diarrhoea, and vomiting
    immediately after treatment. In accordance with manifestation of these
    symptoms, body weights, food consumption, and food efficiency were
    markedly reduced compared to the negative controls. Seven animals died
    in the 100 mg/kg b.w. group.

         The surviving animals recovered and the symptoms were alleviated;
    no animal was found significantly abnormal at the termination of the
    experiment. Histopathological examination did not reveal alterations
    in nervous tissues similar to those observed in the positive control

         Animals of the positive control group showed marked motor
    incoordination or paralysis at 3 weeks. Histopathological examination
    of the animals showing such symptoms revealed that they had
    degeneration of the axon and the myelin sheath in the cerebellum,
    medulla oblongata, spinal cord, and sciatic nerve.

         The authors concluded that vamidothion, administered at dose
    levels up to 100 mg/kg b.w., had no delayed neurotoxicity (Yoshida
    et al., 1980).

    Acute toxicity

    Table 3:  Acute toxicity of vamidothion

    Species   Sex     Route            (mg/kg b.w.)   Reference

    Mouse     M&F     oral             45             Desmoras et al.,

    Rat       F       oral             110            Desmoras et al.,

    Rat       M&F     inhalation       LC50:          Coggins et al.,
                      (4 hr. exp.)     1.73 mg/l      1985

    Short-term studies

    Rabbit - dermal

         Groups of rabbits (2 males and 2 females/dose level) were treated
    dermally with vamidothion (as aqueous solution) at dose levels of 0,
    100, 300, or 900 mg/kg b.w. for 2 weeks (5 days/week). The animals
    were observed for mortality for 2 days after the end of treatment. The
    subacute LD50 value was calculated to be 380 mg/kg b.w. Most deaths
    occurred after 3 or 4 applications. The in vivo ID50 was determined
    to be about 240 mg/kg b.w., less than 100 mg/kg b.w., and about 40
    mg/kg b.w. for plasma, erythrocyte, and brain cholinesterase activity,
    respectively (Fournel et al., 1969).

    Observations in man

         Fifteen workers engaged in the industrial synthesis of
    vamidothion or of its precursors for periods of 1-6 months did not
    show health impairment or significant variations of plasma or
    erythrocyte cholinesterase activity (Bioche, 1984).

         Eighteen people using vamidothion on crops were examined. The
    concentration of the product in air was 0.024 mg/m3 50 metres away
    from the point of application. Symptoms recorded were a very slight
    drop in pulse rate and arterial blood pressure in 8 subjects. For 10
    minutes, a reduction of 4-11% in blood cholinesterase was observed
    (Lelievre, 1981).

         A study was carried out investigating the effects of low
    concentrations of vamidothion on the reflex activity of man. The
    product was administered by inhalation, even though vamidothion is not
    very volatile. The results were recorded as encephalograms. The 4
    people subjected to these tests were tested with 2 concentrations of
    vamidothion, 0.009 mg/m3 or 0.016 mg/m3.

         At the higher concentration the product caused significant
    desynchronization of alpha rhythms in all subjects; vamidothion at the
    lower concentration had no effect. On the basis of this study, the
    authors concluded that the maximum acceptable limit of vamidothion in
    atmospheric air of inhabited zones is 0.01 mg/m3 (Lelievre, 1981).


         Several studies, including a teratogenicity study, a multi-
    generation reproduction study, a delayed neurotoxicity study, and a
    dog study of adequate duration were required by 1985.

         Teratogenicity studies in rats and rabbits gave no indication
    that vamidothion has embryotoxic/teratogenic potential at dose levels
    up to 20 mg/kg b.w./day.

         Vamidothion was not mutagenic in some bacterial systems, while in
    some others it was positive only at very high concentration levels.
    Vamidothion induced low SCE and chromosomal aberrations in vitro,
    but in an in vivo micronucleus test no conclusions could be reached
    because of the small number of animals used.

         Delayed neuropathy was not induced in hens.

         Pending the receipt of a 1-year dog study and a multi-generation
    reproduction study, the Meeting decided to maintain the temporary ADI
    at the level set in 1982.



         Mouse: 1 ppm in the diet, equal to 0.137 mg/kg b.w.
         Rat:   1 ppm in the diet, equal to 0.054 mg/kg
         Dog:   5 ppm in the diet, equivalent to 0.125 mg/kg b.w.


         0 - 0.0003 mg/kg b.w.


         1.   Multi-generation reproduction study.

         2.   One-year dog study.


         Observations in man.


    Benazet, F. & Cartier, J.R.: Vamidothion (10465 RP). Study of
    (1977a)   mutagenic activity in Salmonella typhimurium. Unpublished
              report RP/RD/CNG 19228-E from Centre Nicolas Grillet, Rhône-
              Poulenc, submitted to WHO by Rhône-Poulenc Agrochimie,

    Benazet, F. & Cartier, J.R.: Vamidothion (10465 RP). Etude de
    (1977b)   l'activité mutagène vis-à-vis de Salmonella typhimurium.
              Unpublished report RP/RD/CNG No. 19301-E from Centre Nicolas
              Grillet, Rhône-Poulenc, submitted to WHO by Rhône-Poulenc
              Agrochimie, France.

    Bioche, F: Relèves des examens biologiques concernant 15 personnes
    (1984)    ayant été affectées a diverses phases del la synthes du
              vamidothion. Unpublished report EB/HL from Usine d'Elbeuf of
              Rhône-Poulenc, submitted to WHO by Rhône-Poulenc Agrochimie,

    Coggins, C.R.E., Haroz, R.K., Nikiforov, A.I., Fleissner, H., &
    (1985)    Bouvier, C.: Final report on vamidothion LC50. Unpublished
              report from Battelle-Geneva, submitted to WHO by Rhône-
              Poulenc Agrochimie, France.

    Desmoras, J., Fournel, J., Julon, L., Koenig, F., & Pasquet, J.:
    (1967)    Comparaison des activités insecticides et des toxicites
              aigües du vamidothion (10465 RP et du 12284 RP). Unpublished
              report, submitted to WHO by Rhône-Poulenc Agrochimie,

    Fournel, M., Julon, L., Koenig, F., & Mazuret, A.: Vamidothion (10465
    (1969)    RP). Toxicité subaigüe (2 semaines) chez le lapin par voie
              percutanée. Unpublished report No. 13947, submitted to WHO
              by Rhône-Poulenc Agrochimie, France.

    Lelievre, D.: Vamidothion in the environment. Assessment of potential
    (1981)    danger to man. Unpublished report CRV/CNG No. 21190,
              submitted to WHO by Rhône-Poulenc Agrochimie, France.

    Moriya, M., Ohta, T., Watanabe, K., Miyazawa, T., Kato, K., & Shirasu,
    (1983)    Y.: Further mutagenicity studies on pesticides in bacterial
              reversion assay system. Mut. Res. 128, 185-216.

    Pasquet, J. & Fournier, E.: Vamidothion (10465 RP) (solution of
    (1980)    400 g/litre in methylethyl ketone). Micronucleus test in the
              mouse. Unpublished report RP/RD/CNG No. 20553-E from Centre
              Nicolas Grillet, Rhône-Poulenc, submitted to WHO by Rhône-
              Poulenc Agrochimie, France.

    Sato, R., Sato, S., & Motoyama, M.: Consideration on the effect of
    (1978)    vamidothion on cholinesterase. Unpublished report from Nihon
              Experimental Medical Institution, submitted to WHO by Rhône-
              Poulenc Agrochimie, Franceœ

    Savary, M.H. & Read, M.H.: Vamidothion: Assessment of possible
    (1985a)   embryotoxic or teratogenic effects in the rat. Unpublished
              report No. 794 RSR from Centre International de Toxicologie,
              submitted to WHO by Rhône-Poulenc Agrochimie, France.

    Savary, M.H. & Read, M.H.: Vamidothion; Assessment of possible
    (1985b)   embryotoxic or teratogenic effects in the rabbit.
              Unpublished report No. 795 RSL, from Centre International de
              Toxicologie, submitted to WHO by Rhône-Poulenc Agrochimie,

    Shirasu, Y., Moriya, M., Kato, K., Furuhashi, A., & Kada, T.:
    (1976)    Mutagenicity screening of pesticides in the microbial
              system. Mut. Res. 40, 19-30.

    Shirasu, Y., Moriya, M., & Otha, T.: Microbial mutagenicity testing on
    (1978)    vamidothion. Unpublished report from Institute of
              Environmental Toxicology, Tokyo, submitted to WHO by Rhône-
              Poulenc Agrochimie, France.

    Tezuka, H., Ando, R., Suzuki, R., Terahota, M., Moriya, M., & Shirasu,
    (1980)    Y.: Sister-chromatid exchanges and chromosomal aberrations
              in cultured Chinese hamster cells treated with pesticides
              positive in microbial reversion assays. Mut. Res. 18,

    Toyoshima, H., Seto, T., & Fujita, H.: Influence of vamidothion on
    (1978)    cholinesterase. Unpublished report from Department of
              Chemotherapy, Pharmacochemistry Institute, Faculty of
              Medicine, Keio University, submitted to WHO by Rhône-Poulenc
              Agrochimie, France.

    Yoshida, A., Saito, T., Maita, K., & Shirasu, Y.: Vamidothion. 3-week
    (1980)    acute delayed neurotoxicity study in hens. Unpublished
              report from Institute of Environmental Toxicology, Tokyo,
              submitted to WHO by Rhône-Poulenc Agrochimie, France.

    ANNEX 1





    FAO/WHO.   Principles governing consumer safety in relation to
    (1962)     pesticide residues. Report of a meeting of a WHO Expert
               Committee on Pesticide Residues held jointly with the FAO
               Panel of Experts on the Use of Pesticides in Agriculture.
               FAO Plant Production and Protection Division Report, No.
               PL/1961/11; WHO Technical Report Series, No. 240.

    FAO/WHO.   Evaluation of the toxicity of pesticide residues in food;
    (1964)     report of a Joint Meeting of the FAO Committee on
               Pesticides in Agriculture and the WHO Expert Committee on
               Pesticide Residues. FAO Meeting Report, No. PL/1963/13;
               WHO/Food Add./23.

    FAO/WHO.   Evaluation of the toxicity of pesticide residues in food.
    (1965a)    Report of the Second Joint Meeting of the FAO Committee on
               Pesticides in Agriculture and the WHO Expert Committee on
               Pesticide Residues. FAO Meeting Report, No. PL/1965/10;
               WHO/Food Add./26.65.

    FAO/WHO.   Evaluation of the toxicity of pesticide residues in
    (1965b)    food.  FAO Meeting Report, No. PL/1965/10/1; WHO/Food

    FAO/WHO.   Evaluation of the hazards to consumers resulting from the
    (1965c)    use of fumigants in the protection of food. FAO Meeting
               Report, No. PL/1965/10/2; WHO/Food Add./28.65.

    FAO/WHO.   Pesticide residues in food. Joint report of the FAO Working
    (1967a)    Party on Pesticide Residues and the WHO Expert Committee on
               Pesticide Residues. FAO Agricultural Studies, No. 73; WHO
               Technical Report Series, No. 370.

    FAO/WHO.   Evaluation of some pesticide residues in food.
    (1967b)    FAO/PL:CP/15; WHO/Food Add./67.32.

    FAO/WHO.   Pesticide residues. Report of the 1967 Joint Meeting of
    (1968a)    the FAO Working Party and the WHO Expert Committee. FAO
               Meeting Report, No. PL:1967/M/11; WHO Technical Report
               Series, No. 391.

    FAO/WHO.   1967 Evaluation of some pesticide residues in food. FAO/
    (1968b)    PL:1967/M/11/1; WHO/Food Add./68.30,

    FAO/WHO.   Pesticide residues in food. Report of the 1968 Joint
    (1969a)    Meeting of the FAO Working Party of Experts on Pesticide
               Residues and the WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide
               Residues. FAO Agricultural Studies, No. 78; WHO Technical
               Report Series, No. 417.

    FAO/WHO.   1968 Evaluation of some pesticide residues in food. FAO/
    (1969b)    PL:1968/M/9/1; WHO/Food Add./69.35.

    FAO/WHO.   Pesticide residues in food. Report of the 1969 Joint
    (1970a)    Meeting of the FAO Working Party of Experts on Pesticide
               Residues and the WHO Expert Group on Pesticide Residues.
               FAO Agricultural Studies, No. 84; WHO Technical Report
               Series, No. 458.

    FAO/WHO.   1969 evaluations of some pesticide residues in food. FAO/
    (1970b)    PL:1969/M/17/1; WHO/Food Add./70.38.

    FAO/WHO.   Pesticide residues in food. Report of the 1970 Joint
    (1971a)    Meeting of the FAO Working Party of Experts on Pesticide
               Residues and the WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide
               Residues. FAO Agricultural Studies, No. 87; WHO Technical
               Report Series, No. 474.

    FAO/WHO.   1970 Evaluations of some pesticide residues in food. AGP:
    (1971b)    1970/M/12/1; WHO/Food Add./71.42.

    FAO/WHO.   Pesticide residues in food. Report of the 1971 Joint
    (1972a)    Meeting of the FAO Working Party of Experts on Pesticide
               Residues and the WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide
               Residues. FAO Agricultural Studies, No. 88; WHO Technical
               Report Series, No. 502.

    FAO/WHO.   1971 Evaluations of some pesticide residues in food. AGP
    (1972b)    1971/M/9/l; WHO Pesticide Residues Series, No. 1.

    FAO/WHO.   Pesticide residues in food. Report of the 1972 Joint
    (1973a)    Meeting of the FAO Working Party of Experts on Pesticide
               Residues and the WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide
               Residues. FAO Agricultural Studies, No. 90; WHO Technical
               Report Series, No. 525.

    FAO/WHO.   1972 Evaluations of some pesticide residues in food.
    (1973b)    AGP:1972/M/9/l; WHO Pesticide Residues Series, No. 2.

    FAO/WHO.   Pesticide residues in food. Report of the 1973 Joint
    (1974a)    Meeting of the FAO Working Party of Experts on Pesticide
               Residues and the WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide
               Residues. FAO Agricultural Studies, No. 92; WHO Technical
               Report Series, No. 545.

    FAO/WHO.   1973 Evaluations of some pesticide residues in food.
    (1974b)    FAO/AGP/1973/M/9/1; WHO Pesticide Residues Series, No. 3.

    FAO/WHO.   Pesticide residues in food. Report of the 1974 Joint
    (1975a)    Meeting of the FAO Working Party of Experts on Pesticide
               Residues and the WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide
               Residues. FAO Agricultural Studies, No. 97; WHO Technical
               Report Series, No. 574.

    FAO/WHO:   1974 Evaluations of some pesticide residues in food.
    (1975b)    FAO/AGP/1974/M/11; WHO Pesticide Residues Series, No. 4.

    FAO/WHO.   Pesticide residues in food. Report of the 1975 Joint
    (1976a)    Meeting of the FAO Working Party of Experts on Pesticide
               Residues and the WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide
               Residues. FAO Plant Production and Protection Series, No.
               1; WHO Technical Report Series, No. 592.

    FAO/WHO.   1975 Evaluations of some pesticide residues in food.
    (1976b)    AGP:1975/M/13; WHO Pesticide Residues Series, No. 5.

    FAO/WHO.   Pesticide residues in food. Report of the 1976 Joint
    (1977a)    Meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues
               and the Environment and the WHO Expert Group on Pesticide
               Residues. FAO Food and Nutrition Series, No. 9; FAO Plant
               Production and Protection Series, No. 8; WHO Technical
               Report Series, No. 612.

    FAO/WHO.   1976 Evaluations of some pesticide residues in food.
    (1977b)    AGP:1976/M/14.

    FAO/WHO.   Pesticide residues in food - 1977. Report of the Joint
    (1978a)    Meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues
               and Environment and the WHO Expert Group on Pesticide
               Residues. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper 10 Rev.

    FAO/WHO.   Pesticide residues in food: 1977 evaluations. FAO Plant
    (1978b)    Production and Protection Paper 10 Sup.

    FAO/WHO.   Pesticide residues in food - 1978. Report of the Joint
    (1979a)    Meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues
               and Environment and the WHO Expert Group on Pesticide
               Residues. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper 15.

    FAO/WHO.   Pesticide residues in food: 1978 evaluations. FAO Plant
    (1979b)    Production and Protection Paper 15 Sup.

    FAO/WHO.   Pesticide residues in food - 1979. Report of the Joint
    (1980a)    Meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues
               in Food and the Environment and the WHO Expert Group on
               Pesticide Residues. FAO Plant Production and Protection
               Paper 20.

    FAO/WHO.   Pesticide residues in food: 1979 evaluations. FAO Plant
    (1980b)    Production and Protection Paper 20 Sup.

    FAO/WHO.   Pesticide residues in food - 1980. Report of the Joint
    (1981a)    Meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues
               in Food and the Environment and the WHO Expert Group on
               Pesticide Residues. FAO Plant Production and Protection
               Paper 26.

    FAO/WHO.   Pesticide residues in food: 1980 evaluations. FAO Plant
    (1981b)    Production and Protection Paper 26 Sup.

    FAO/WHO.   Pesticide residues in food - 1981. Report of the Joint
    (1982a)    Meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues
               in Food and the Environment and the WHO Expert Group on
               Pesticide Residues. FAO Plant Production and Protection
               Paper 37.

    FAO/WHO.   Pesticide residues in food: 1981 evaluations. FAO Plant
    (1982b)    Production and Protection Paper 42.

    FAO/WHO.   Pesticide residues in food - 1982. Report of the Joint
    (1983a)    Meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues
               in Food and the Environment and the WHO Expert Group on
               Pesticide Residues. FAO Plant Production and Protection
               Paper 46.

    FAO/WHO.   Pesticide residues in food: 1982 evaluations. FAO Plant
    (1983b)    Production and Protection Paper 49.

    FAO/WHO.   Pesticide residues in food - 1983. Report of the Joint
    (1984)     Meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues
               in Food and the Environment and the WHO Expert Group on
               Pesticide Residues. FAO Plant Production and Protection
               Paper 56.

    FAO/WHO.   Pesticide residues in food: 1983 evaluations. FAO Plant
    (1985a)    Production and Protection Paper 61.

    FAO/WHO.   Pesticide residues in food - 1984. Report of the Joint
    (1985b)    Meeting on Pesticide Residues. FAO Plant Production and
               Protection Paper 62.

    FAO/WHO.   Pesticide residues in food - 1984 evaluations. FAO Plant
    (1985c)    Product[on and Protection Paper 67.

    FAO/WHO.   Pesticide residues in food - 1985. Report of the Joint
    (1986a)    Meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues
               in Food and the Environment and a WHO Expert Group on
               Pesticide Residues. FAO Plant Production and Protection
               Paper 68.

    FAO/WHO    Pesticide residues in food - 1985 evaluations. Part I -
    (1986b)    Residues. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper 72/1.

    ANNEX 2


         These figures are additional to, or amend, those recorded in
    Annexes of the reports of earlier meetings. Limits recommended at
    meetings from 1965-1977 inclusive are summarized in document FAO/WHO

         This table includes maximum acceptable daily intake (ADIs),
    maximum residue limits (MRLs) and guideline levels (GLs). These terms
    are defined in Annex 3 of the report of the 1975 meeting. Part 1 lists
    ADIs and MRLs. Some ADIs and MRLs are temporary: in these cases the
    year in which further data are required is specified in parenthesis
    below the ADI and/or following the MRL(s). Part 2 lists GLs.

         New, as distinct from amended, recommendations are identified by
    the symbol * before the commodity or before the ADI. Residue levels
    at or about the limit of determination are followed by the symbol
    **.  Amended recommendations are followed by the previous
    recommendation in parenthesis.

         The table includes the Codex Classification Numbers (CCNs) of
    both the compounds and the commodities listed, to facilitate reference
    to the Guide to Codex Maximum Limits for Pesticide Residues. CCNs for
    commodities are those of the revised Classification (see section 2.7
    of the 1985 Report).

        ANNEX 2


    Pesticides, CCN and      Recommended                                            Recommended
    years of previous        maximum ADI       Commodity                            MRL or ERL
    evaluations              (mg/kg bw)     CCN         Name                        (mg/kg)


    Aldicarb                 0.005          AS 0645     Maize forage                5
    CCN 117                                                                         (fresh weight
    1979, 1982                                                                      basis)
                                                                                    (prev. 20 dry
                                                                                    weight basis)

    Remarks:  MRLs are for the sum of aldicarb, its sulphoxide and its sulphone,
              expressed as aldicarb.

    Azocyclotin:  See cyhexatin/azocyclotin.

    Captafol                 Temporary                                              All MRLs
    CCN 006                  ADI                                                    WITHDRAWN
    1969, 1973, 1974,        WITHDRAWN
    1976, 1977, 1982
    Remarks: Temporary MRLs NOT replaced by GLs.

    Chlordimeform            0.0001
    CCN 013                  (1987)
    1971, 1975, 1977,
    1978, 1979, 1980
    Remarks: Temporary ADI extended at the same level.

    PART 1 (Con't)

    Pesticides, CCN and      Recommended                                            Recommended
    years of previous        maximum ADI       Commodity                            MRL or ERL
    evaluations              (mg/kg bw)     CCN         Name                        (mg/kg)

    Chlorothalonil           0.0005         FB 0269     Grapes                      10
    CCN 081                                                                         (prev. 5)
    1974, 1977, 1978,
    1979, 1981, 1983
    Remarks:  Temporary ADI extended at lower level. The limit for grapes
              remains temporary only because the ADI is temporary. TMRLs are
              for clorothalonil. Metabolites are not included.

    Cyhexatin                0.008          FP 0226     Apples                      2 a/,b/
    CCN 067                                 VP 0526     Beans                       0.2 a/,
    1970, 1973, (as                         VO 0445     Bell peppers                0.5 a/
    tricyclohexyltin                        FC 0001     Citrus fruits               2 a/
    hydroxide), 1974,                       VC 0424     Cucumbers                   0.5 a/
    1975, 1977, 1978,                       VO 0440     Egg plants                  0.1** b/
    1980, 1981, 1982,                       VC 0425     Gherkins                    1 a/
    1983                                    FI 0328     Kiwi fruit                  5 a/
                                            FB 0269     Grapes                      2 b/
                                            MM 0095     Meat                        0.2 a/
                                            VC 0046     Melons                      0.5 a/
                                            ML 0812     Milk of cattle              0.05** a/
                                                        Milk products               0.05** a/
                                            FS 0246     Peaches                     5 a/
                                            FP 0230     Pears                       2 a/
                                            FS 0014     Plums                       2 a/
                                            FB 0275     Strawberries                2 a/, b/
                                            DT 1114     Tea                         2 a/
    and                                     VO 0448     Tomatoes                    2 a/

    PART 1 (Con't)

    Pesticides, CCN and      Recommended                                            Recommended
    years of previous        maximum ADI       Commodity                            MRL or ERL
    evaluations              (mg/kg bw)     CCN         Name                        (mg/kg)

    Azocyclotin              0.003
    CN 129
    1979, 1981, 1982,

    Remarks: MRLs replace separate lists for the two compounds.  They are
             numerically unchanged. MRLs are for the sum of azocyclotin (when
             azocyclotin has been applied), cyhexatin and dicyclohexyltin oxide
             expressed as cyhexatin.

    Cypermethrin             0.05           SO 0089     Oilseeds                    0.2
    CCN 118                                             (except peanuts)
    1979, 1981, 1982                        SO 0697     Peanuts                     0.05**
    1983, 1984                              VD 0541     Soybeans                    0.05**

    Remarks: MRLs are for cypermethrin (sum of isomers). Metabolites are not
             included. The MRL of 0.2 mg/kg previously applied to oilseeds,
             which did not include peanuts in the original Codex Classification.
             The MRLs for peanuts and soybeans replace the MRL for legume
             oil-seeds at the same level.

    Deltamethrin             0.01           SB 0721     Coffee beans                0.02
    CCN 135                                                                         (prev. 2)
    1980, 1981, 1982,

    Remarks: The change is to correct an error in the 1980 report and evaluations.
             MRLs are for deltamethrin. Metabolites are not included.

    PART 1 (Con't)

    Pesticides, CCN and      Recommended                                            Recommended
    years of previous        maximum ADI       Commodity                            MRL or ERL
    evaluations              (mg/kg bw)     CCN         Name                        (mg/kg)

    Dichlofuanid             0.3            DH 1100     Hops, dry                   MRL WITHDRAWN
    CCN 082                                                                         (prev. 1)
    1969, 1974, 1977,                       CG 0640     Barley                      0.1]  (previous
    1979, 1981, 1982,                       CG 0647     Oats                        0.1]  0.1 for
    1983                                    CG 0650     Rye                         0.1]  cereal
                                            CG 0654     Wheat                       0.1]  grains)

    Remarks: MRLs are for dichlofluanid. Metabolites are not included.

    Diflubenzuron            0.02
    CCN 130
    1981, 1983, 1984
    Remarks: Temporary ADI replaced by ADI at higher level. TMRLs replaced by
             MRLs. MRLs are for diflubenzuron. Metabolites are not included.

    Dimethipin               *0.003         SO 0691     *Cottonseed                 0.5  ]
    CCN 151                  (1987)                     *Flaxseed                   0.2  ]
                                            SO 0495     *Rapeseed                   0.1  ]  (1987)
                                            SO 0702     *Sunflower seed             0.2  ]
                                            VR 0589     *Potatoes                   0.1**]

    Remarks: TMRLs are for dimethipin. Metabolites are not included. All
             limits are temporary pending receipt of the required information,
             irrespective of the status of the ADI.

    PART 1 (Con't)

    Pesticides, CCN and      Recommended                                            Recommended
    years of previous        maximum ADI       Commodity                            MRL or ERL
    evaluations              (mg/kg bw)     CCN         Name                        (mg/kg)

    Dithiocarbamate fungicides              VL 0482     Lettuce, head-              5
    CCN 105                                                                         (previously
    1965, 1967, 1970,                                                               1 mg/kg for
    1974, 1977, 1980,                                                               lettuce)
    1983 (propineb and thiram)
    1984 (propineb and thiram)

    Remarks: The recommendation was incorrectly shown as a new proposal in the
             Report 1985. Limits are for residues determined and expressed as
             CS2. Limits no longer apply to propineb or thiram because their
             temporary ADIs were withdrawn by this meeting. TMRLs for propineb
             are withdrawn; those for thiram are replaced by GLs.

    Endosulfan               0.008
    CCM 032                  (1989)
    1965, 1967, 1968,
    1971, 1974,  975,

    Remarks: Temporary ADI extended at same level.

    Ethion                   0.0005
    CCN 034                  (1986)
    1968, 1969, 1970,
    1972, 1975, 1982,

    Remarks: Temporary ADI extended at lower level.

    PART 1 (Con't)

    Pesticides, CCN and      Recommended                                            Recommended
    years of previous        maximum ADI       Commodity                            MRL or ERL
    evaluations              (mg/kg bw)     CCN         Name                        (mg/kg)

    Fenamiphos               0.0003
    CCN 085                  (1987)
    1974, 1977, 1978,

    Remarks: ADI replaced by temporary ADI at lower level. MRLs replaced by

    Fenvalerate              0.02           SO 0697     Peanuts                     0.1
    CCN 119                  (1986)         VD 0541     Soybeans                    0.1
    1979, 1981, 1982,                       ML 0812     Milk of cattle              0.1
    1984                                                                            (prev. 0.01)

    Remarks: TMRLs are for fenvalerate. Metabolites are not included. The
             recommendation for milk was omitted in 1984. The TMRLs for peanuts
             and soybeans replace the TMRL for legume oilseeds at the same level.

    Flucythrinate            *0.02          FP 0009     *Pome fruits                0.5
    CCN 152                                 FB 0269     *Grapes                     1
                                            FS 0246     *Peaches                    0.5
                                            VS 0620     *Artichokes                 0.5
                                            VD 0071     *Beans (dry)                0.5
                                            VB 0400]    *Brassicas, flower-
                                            VB 0404]     head (broccoli,
                                                         cauliflower)               0.2
                                            VB 0041     *Cabbages, head
                                                        (Brussels sprouts;
                                                        savoy cabbages)             0.2

    PART 1 (Con't)

    Pesticides, CCN and      Recommended                                            Recommended
    years of previous        maximum ADI       Commodity                            MRL or ERL
    evaluations              (mg/kg bw)     CCN         Name                        (mg/kg)

                                            VD 0561     *Peas, field (dry)          0.05**
                                            VR 0589     *Potatoes                   0.05**
                                            VR 0591     *Radish, Japanese           0.05**
                                            VR 0596     *Sugar beet                 0.05**
                                            AV 0596     *Sugar beet leaves          2
                                            VO 0448     *Tomatoes                   0.2
                                            CG 0640     *Barley                     0.2
                                            CG 0647     *Oats                       0.2
                                            CG 0654     *Wheat                      0.2
                                            AS 0640     *Barley straw and
                                                        fodder, dry                 5
                                            AS 0647     *Oat straw and
                                                        fodder, dry                 5
                                            AS 0654     *Wheat straw and
                                                        fodder, dry                 5
                                            AG 0645     *Maize forage
                                                        (green)                     0.2
                                            SO 0691     *Cotton seed                0.1
                                            SO 0495     *Rapeseed                   0.05**
                                            SB 0721     *Coffee beans               0.05**
                                            DT 1114     *Tea,dry mftd               20
                                            DH 1100     *Hops, dry                  10
                                            MM 0812     *Cattle meat                0.5 (in the fat)
                                            MM 0814     *Goat meat                  0.5 (in the fat)
                                            ML 0812     *Milk of cattle             0.1
                                            PE 0112     *Eggs of poultry            0.05**

    Remarks: Limits are for flucythrinate. Metabolites are not included.
             Limits for cattle meat, goat meat, milk of cattle and eggs of
             poultry are temporary until required information is provided.

    PART 1 (Con't)

    Pesticides, CCN and      Recommended                                            Recommended
    years of previous        maximum ADI       Commodity                            MRL or ERL
    evaluations              (mg/kg bw)     CCN         Name                        (mg/kg)

    Imazalil                 0.01           FS 0012     *Stone fruits               5
    CCN 110                  (1986)
    1977, 1980, 1984

    Remarks: Temporary ADI extended at same level. TMRLs are for imazalil.
             Metabolites are not included.

    Mecarbam                 0.0005
    CCN 124                  (1986)

    Remarks: Temporary ADI extended at lower level.

    Metalaxyl                0.03           FP 0226     *Apples                     0.05**       ]
    CCN 138                                 FI 0311     Avocados                    0.05**       ]
    1982, 1984                                                                      (prev.0.1**) ]
                                            VB 0402     *Brus.sprouts               0.2          ]
                                            FB 0269     Grapes                      2            ]
                                                                                    (prev.5)     ] (1986)
                                            SO 0691     *Cottonseed                 0.05**       ]
                                            FI 0341     *Pineapples                              ]
                                                         (flesh)                    0.05**       ]
                                            VD 0541     *Soybeans                   0.1          ]
                                            FB 0275     *Strawberries               0.2          ]

    Remarks: MRLs are for metalaxyl. Metabolites are not included. All MRLs
             are temporary pending evaluation of data based on improved
             analytical method.

    PART 1 (Con't)

    Pesticides, CCN and      Recommended                                            Recommended
    years of previous        maximum ADI       Commodity                            MRL or ERL
    evaluations              (mg/kg bw)     CCN         Name                        (mg/kg)

    Methamidophos            0.0006
    CCN 100
    1976, 1979, 1981,
    1982, 1984

    Remarks: Temporary ADI replaced by ADI at slightly higher level. TMRLs
             replaced by MRLs.

    Methiocarb               0.001
    CCN 132
    1981, 1983

    Remarks: The withdrawal by the 1983 meeting of the MRLs for apples,
             blueberries, cherries, currants (red), grapes and peaches is
             now confirmed.

    Omethoate                0.0003
    CCN 055
    1971, 1975, 1978,
    1979, 1981, 1984

    Remarks: Temporary ADI replaced by ADI at slightly lower level. TMRLs
             replaced by MRLs.

    PART 1 (Con't)

    Pesticides, CCN and      Recommended                                            Recommended
    years of previous        maximum ADI       Commodity                            MRL or ERL
    evaluations              (mg/kg bw)     CCN         Name                        (mg/kg)

    Oxamyl                   0.03           FC 001      Citrus fruits               5
    CCN 126                                                                         (prev. 3)
    1980, 1983, 1984                        VP 0526     Beans, kidney               5
                                                                                    (prev. 3)
                                            VP 0534     Beans, Lima                 5
                                                                                    (prev. 3)
                                            VD 0526     Beans, kidney
                                                        (dry)                       0.05** (1986)
                                            VS 0624     Celery                      5
                                                                                    (prev. 3)
                                            VC 0424     Cucumbers                   2
                                                                                    (prev. 0.5)
                                            VO 0445     Pepper, bell                2
                                                                                    (prev. 3 for
                                            VR 0075     *Root and tuber
                                                        vegetables                  0.1

    Remarks: MRLs are for the sum of oxamyl and its oxime, expressed as oxamyl.
             The level of the limit for kidney beans (dry) is confirmed, but the
             limit remains temporary pending confirmation of nationally approved
             uses. Limit for root and tuber vegetables replaces individual
             limits at same level for sugar beets, beets, carrots, potatoes and
             sweet potatoes.

    PART 1 (Con't)

    Pesticides, CCN and      Recommended                                            Recommended
    years of previous        maximum ADI       Commodity                            MRL or ERL
    evaluations              (mg/kg bw)     CCN         Name                        (mg/kg)

    Paraquat                 0.001
    CCN 057                  (1986)
    1970, 1972, 1976,
    1978, 1981, 1982

    Remarks: Temporary ADI extended at same level. It refers to paraquat

    2-Phenylphenol           0.02
    CCN 056                  (1989)
    1969, 1975, 1983

    Remarks: Temporary ADI extended at same level.

    Phorate                  0.0002
    CCN 112
    1977, 1982, 1983,

    Remarks: Temporary ADI replaced by ADI at same level. TMRLs replaced by

    Phosphamidon             0.0005
    CCN 061                  (1986)
    1965, 1966, 1968,
    1969, 1972, 1974,

    Remarks: Temporary ADI extended at lower level.

    PART 1 (Con't)

    Pesticides, CCN and      Recommended                                            Recommended
    years of previous        maximum ADI       Commodity                            MRL or ERL
    evaluations              (mg/kg bw)     CCN         Name                        (mg/kg)

    Pirimiphos-methyl        0.01           FC 0001     Citrus fruits               2
    CCN 086                                                                         (prev. 0.5)
    1974, 1976, 1977,                       MD 0180     *Dried fish                 10
    1979, 1983                              SO 0697     Peanuts (whole)             25
                                                                                    (prev. 50)
                                            SO 0697     Peanuts(kernels)            2
                                                                                    (prev. 5)
                                            OR          Peanut oil                  15
                                                                                    (prey. 10)

    Remarks: MRLs are for pirimiphos-methyl. Metabolites are not included.

    Prochloraz               0.01           CG 0640     Barley                      0.5
    CCN 142                                                                         (prev. 0.05**a/)
    1983                                    CG 0647     Oats                        0.5
                                                                                    (prev. 0.05**a/)
                                            CG 0650     Rye                         0.5
                                                                                    (prev. 0.05**a/)
                                            CG 0654     Wheat                       0.5
                                                                                    (prev. 0.05**a/)
                                            AS 0640     Barley straw and            15
                                                        fodder, dry                 (prev. 0.2a/)
                                            AS 0647     Oat straw and               15
                                                        fodder, dry                 (prev. 0.2a/)
                                            AS 0650     Rye straw and               15
                                                        fodder, dry                 (prev. 0.2a/)
                                            AS 0654     Wheat straw and             15
                                                        fodder, dry                 (prev. 0.2a/)
                                                        Mushrooms                   2

    PART 1 (Con't)

    Pesticides, CCN and      Recommended                                            Recommended
    years of previous        maximum ADI       Commodity                            MRL or ERL
    evaluations              (mg/kg bw)     CCN         Name                        (mg/kg)

                                            FC 0001     Citrus fruits               5 (TMRL)
                                                                                    (prev. 5a/)
                                            MM 0812     *Cattle meat                0.1** (TMRL)
                                            MM 0812     *Cattle meat                0.1** (TMRL)
                                                                                    (in the fat)
                                            MO 0812     *Edible offal
                                                        of cattle                   2 (TMRL)
                                            ML 0812     *Milk of cattle             0.1** (TMRL)


    a/    Previous limits were for prochlorate only.

    Remarks: MRLs for all commodities are now for the sum of prochloraz and its
             metabolites containing the 2,4,6-trichlorophenol moiety, expressed
             as prochloraz. TMRLs for citrus fruits and animal products are
             temporary until required information is provided. Previously
             proposed TMRLs for avocado, banana, mango and rapeseed are no
             longer temporary. Those for stone fruits and papaya remain temporary.
             MRLs for avocado and mango cover cumulative residues from
             pre- and post-harvest treatments.

    Propineb                 Temporary                                              All TMRLS
    CN 105                   ADI                                                    WITHDRAWN
    (dithiocarbamates)       WITHDRAWN
    1977, 1980, 1983,

    Remarks: TMRLs for propineb are NOT replaced by GLs. GLs for
             prophylene-thiourea (PTU) are withdrawn.

    PART 1 (Con't)

    Pesticides, CCN and      Recommended                                            Recommended
    years of previous        maximum ADI       Commodity                            MRL or ERL
    evaluations              (mg/kg bw)     CCN         Name                        (mg/kg)

    Pyrazophos               no ADI
    CCN 153                  See Part 2

    Thiodicarb               *0.01          SO 0691     *Cottonseed                 0.5
    CCN 154                  (1987)         OR 0691     *Cottonseed oil
                                                        (refined)                   0.02**
                                            VD 0541     *Soybeans                   0.2
                                            OR 0541     *Soybean oil
                                                        (refined)                   0.02**
                                            CG 0654     *Maize                      0.05**
                                            AS 0645     *Maize fodder               50
                                            AS 0645     *Maize forage               50
                                            VO 0447     *Sweet corn                 2
                                            VO 0448     *Tomatoes                   1
                                            MM 0812     *Cattle meat                0.02**
                                            ML 0812     *Milk of cattle             0.02**

    Remarks: TMRLS are for the sum of thiodicarb, methomyl and methyl hydroxy-
             thioacetimidate ("methomyloxime"), expressed as thiodicarb.

    Thiram                   Temporary
    CCN 105                  ADI
    (dithiocarbamates)       WITHDRAWN
    1965, 1967, 1970,
    1974, 1977, 1983,

    Remarks: TMRLs converted to GLs. See Part 2.

    PART 1 (Con't)

    Pesticides, CCN and      Recommended                                            Recommended
    years of previous        maximum ADI       Commodity                            MRL or ERL
    evaluations              (mg/kg bw)     CCN         Name                        (mg/kg)

    Triadimefon              0.03
    CCN 133
    1979, 1981, 1983,

    Remarks: Temporary ADI replaced by ADI at higher level.
             TMRLs replaced by MRLs.

    Vamidothion              0.0003         VB 0402     Brussels                    WITHDRAWN
    CCN 078                  (1988)                     sprouts                     (prev. 1)
    1973, 1982                              FP 0009     *Pome fruits                1
                                            FS 0246     *Peaches                    0.5
                                            CG 0080     *Cereal grains,
                                                        rice (hulled)               0.2

    Remarks: Temporary ADI extended at same level. TMRLs are for the sum of
             vamidothion, its sulphoxide and its sulphone, expressed as
             vamidothion. The limit for pome fruits replaces separate limits
             of 2 mg/kg for apples and pears.

    Pesticides, CCN and                                                             Guideline
    years of previous                          Commodity                            level
    evaluations                             CCN         Name                        (mg/kg)

    Binapacryl                              FC 0004     *Oranges                    0.1
    CCN 003                                 DH 1100     *Hops                       0.5
    1969, 1974, 1982
    Remarks: GLs are for binapacryl. Metabolites are not included.

    CCN 098
    1976, 1982
    Remarks: The definition of the residue in commodities of plant origin is
             changed and is now identical to that in commodities of animal
             origin: dialifos.

    Pyrazophos                              FP 0226     *Apples                     0.5
    CCN 153                                 FB 0275     *Strawberries               0.2
                                            VB 0402     *Brussels sprouts           0.1
                                            VC 0424     *Cucumbers                  0.1
                                            VC 0046     *Melons                     0.1
                                            VR 0577     *Carrots                    0.2
                                            CG 0640     *Barley                     0.05
                                            CG 0654     *Wheat                      0.05
                                            DH 1100     *Hops, dry                  10.
    Remarks: GLs are for pyrazophos. Metabolites are not included.

    CCN 105
    1965, 1967, 1970,
    1974, 1977, 1983,
    Remarks: As the temporary ADI has been withdrawn, previously recommended
             TMRLs are converted to GLs. The GLs are determined and expressed
             as CS2.

    See Also:
       Toxicological Abbreviations
       Vamidothion (ICSC)
       Vamidothion (WHO Pesticide Residues Series 3)
       Vamidothion (Pesticide residues in food: 1982 evaluations)
       Vamidothion (Pesticide residues in food: 1988 evaluations Part II Toxicology)