Health and Safety Guide No. 44
This is a companion volume to Environmental Health Criteria 106:
Published by the World Health Organization for the International
Programme on Chemical Safety (a collaborative programme of the United
Nations Environment Programme, the International Labour Organisation,
and the World Health Organization)
This report contains the collective views of an international group of
experts and does not necessarily represent the decisions or the stated
policy of the United Nations Environment Programme, the International
Labour Organisation, or the World Health Organization
WHO Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
Beryllium : health and safety guide.
(Health and safety guide ; no. 44)
1. Beryllium - standards I. Series
ISBN 92 4 151044 7 (NLM Classification: QV 275)
ISSN 0259-7268
(c) World Health Organization 1990
Publications of the World Health Organization enjoy copyright
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should be made to the Office of Publications, World Health
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welcomes such applications.
The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this
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concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or
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The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers'
products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the
World Health Organization in preference to others of a similar nature
that are not mentioned. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of
proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters.
1.1. Identity
1.2. Physical and chemical properties
1.3. Composition
1.4. Production and uses
2.1. Human exposure
2.2. Uptake, metabolism, and excretion
2.3. Effects on organisms in the environment
2.4. Effects on animals
2.5. Effects on human beings
3.1. Acute beryllium disease
3.2. Chronic beryllium disease
3.3. Cancer
4.1. Main human health hazards, prevention and protection,
first aid
4.1.1. Advice to physicians
4.1.2. Health surveillance advice
4.2. Explosion and fire hazards
4.2.1. Explosion hazards
4.2.2. Fire hazards
4.2.3. Prevention
4.2.4. Fire-extinguishing agents
4.3. Storage
4.4. Transport
4.5. Spillage
4.6. Disposal
7.1. Exposure limit values
7.2. Specific restrictions
7.3. Labelling, packaging, and transport
The Environmental Health Criteria (EHC) documents produced by the
International Programme on Chemical Safety include an assessment of
the effects on the environment and on human health of exposure to a
chemical or combination of chemicals, or physical or biological
agents. They also provide guidelines for setting exposure limits.
The purpose of a Health and Safety Guide is to facilitate the
application of these guidelines in national chemical safety
programmes. The first three sections of a Health and Safety Guide
highlight the relevant technical information in the corresponding EHC.
Section 4 includes advice on preventive and protective measures and
emergency action; health workers should be thoroughly familiar with
the medical information to ensure that they can act efficiently in an
emergency. Within the Guide is a Summary of Chemical Safety
Information which should be readily available, and should be clearly
explained, to all who could come into contact with the chemical. The
section on regulatory information has been extracted from the legal
file of the International Register of Potentially Toxic Chemicals
(IRPTC) and from other United Nations sources.
The target readership includes occupational health services, those in
ministries, governmental agencies, industry, and trade unions who are
involved in the safe use of chemicals and the avoidance of
environmental health hazards, and those wanting more information on
this topic. An attempt has been made to use only terms that will be
familiar to the intended user. However, sections 1 and 2 inevitably
contain some technical terms. A bibliography has been included for
readers who require further background information.
Revision of the information in this Guide will take place in due
course, and the eventual aim is to use standardized terminology.
Comments on any difficulties encountered in using the Guide would be
very helpful and should be addressed to:
The Manager
International Programme on Chemical Safety
Division of Environmental Health
World Health Organization
1211 Geneva 27
1.1 Identity
Common name: beryllium
Chemical formula: Be
CAS registry number: 7440-41-7
Common synonyms: glycinium; glucinum
1.2 Physical and Chemical Properties
Beryllium is a light, brittle, steel-grey metal that is stable to heat
and also chemically stable. It has a very low density and a very high
melting point. The specific heat, heat of fusion, sound conductance,
and strength-to-weight ratio are also high. Beryllium powder is
explosive and flammable.
1.3 Composition
Beryllium metal, the oxide (beryllia), and various alloys,
particularly the beryllium-copper alloy, are all of commercial
importance. Most beryllium alloys contain up to 3% beryllium.
Beryllia is produced at temperatures ranging from about 500 °C to
1500 °C, and there is ample evidence that the toxicity, and perhaps
the carcinogenicity, of beryllium oxide depend on the firing
1.4 Production and Uses
Beryl and bertrandite are the only beryllium minerals that are of
economic significance. Production takes place only in Japan, the USA,
and the USSR. In other countries, the imported pure metal, alloys, or
ceramic beryllium oxide are processed to end products. World
production of beryllium is estimated to be of the order of 400 tonnes
per year.
Beryllium is mainly used in the form of beryllium-copper and other
alloys in the aerospace, electronic, and mechanical industries for the
production of, e.g., aircraft engine parts, electric contacts and
switches, springs, non-sparking tools, and welding electrodes. Pure
beryllium metal is used in the aerospace, weapon, and nuclear
industries. Applications include special structural materials,
aircraft brakes, heat shields, missile and nuclear reactor components,
and X-ray windows. Beryllium powder is also used as a solid rocket
propellant. Beryllium oxide has many ceramic applications in
electronics and microelectronics.
2.1 Human Exposure
The increasing high-technology application of beryllium is paralleled
by an increase in potential human exposure to beryllium metal,
beryllium oxide, and beryllium-containing alloys. However, providing
that control measures in the beryllium industry are adequate, the
general population is mainly exposed to airborne beryllium from the
combustion of fossil fuel at levels that are usually low. Where
beryllium-containing casting alloys are used for dental prostheses,
skin contact must be considered.
Exposure in the work-place is through inhalation and contamination of
the skin. While exposure to high beryllium concentrations causing
acute effects may occur, standards established by various countries
(see section 7) have drastically reduced concentrations of beryllium
in the work-place. However, these values are not being achieved
2.2 Uptake, Metabolism, and Excretion
In animals, inhaled beryllium is retained in the lung and slowly
absorbed into the blood. A significant part of the inhaled dose is
incorporated into the skeleton, which is the ultimate site of
beryllium storage.
A considerable proportion of absorbed beryllium is rapidly excreted,
mainly in the urine. Part of the beryllium that is inhaled is
eliminated in the faeces, probably as a result of clearance from the
respiratory tract and ingestion of swallowed beryllium.
Because of the long storage of beryllium in the skeleton and in the
lungs, its biological half-life is extremely long. In the human
skeleton, it has been calculated to be 450 days.
2.3 Effects on Organisms in the Environment
Data concerning the fate of beryllium in the environment, including
its effects on aquatic and terrestrial organisms, are limited.
Beryllium levels in surface waters (µg/litre range) and soils (mg/kg
dry weight range) are usually low and probably do not negatively
affect the environment.
2.4 Effects on Animals
Implantation of beryllium compounds and metallic beryllium in the
subcutaneous tissues may produce granulomas similar to those observed
in human beings. Guinea-pigs develop cutaneous hypersensitivity on
intradermal injection of soluble beryllium compounds.
Various animal species develop acute chemical pneumonitis following
the inhalation of beryllium metal or different beryllium compounds.
Long-term, low-level exposure results in chronic pneumonitis
associated with granulomata. This response only partly corresponds to
the chronic disease in human beings.
The inhalation toxicity of insoluble beryllium oxide depends on its
physical and chemical properties. Because the ultimate particle size
and the aggregates formed are smaller, "low-fired" (500-750 °C)
beryllium oxides are toxic, whereas "high-fired" (> 1000 °C)
beryllium oxides appear to be relatively inert.
Beryllium metal exposed to the air develops an oxide coating on the
surface and behaves toxicologically like the low-fired variety.
Soluble beryllium compounds precipitate as the hydroxide after
deposition in the lung. The ageing of these precipitates also yields
a beryllium oxide that toxicologically resembles the low-fired
Beryllium interacts with DNA and causes gene mutations, chromosomal
aberrations, and sister chromatid exchanges in cultured mammalian
somatic cells, though it is not mutagenic in bacterial test systems.
Intravenous and intramedullary injections of beryllium metal and
various beryllium compounds have produced bone cancer in the rabbit,
but not in the guinea-pig, rat, or mouse. Inhalation or intratracheal
exposure has induced lung tumours in the rat, but not in the rabbit,
hamster, or guinea-pig. Despite some deficiencies in study design and
laboratory practice, the carcinogenic activity of beryllium in
different animals has been confirmed.
2.5 Effects on Human Beings
Cases of acute beryllium disease resulting in nasopharyngitis,
bronchitis, and severe chemical pneumonitis have drastically decreased
and, today, may only occur as a consequence of failures in control
systems. Chronic beryllium disease differs from the acute form in
having a latent period ranging from several weeks to more than 20
years and being of long duration and progressive in severity. The
primary effect is on the lung. Granulomatous inflammation of the lung
associated with dyspnoea on exertion, cough, chest pain, weight loss,
and general weakness is the typical feature. Effects on other organs
may be secondary rather than systemic. The great variability in
latency and the lack of dose-response relationships may be explained
by immunological sensitization. The incidence of chronic beryllium
disease has clearly decreased. However, this disease may still occur
among sensitized individuals who have been exposed to concentrations
of around 2 µg/m3.
Depending on individual susceptibility, direct contact with soluble
beryllium salts can cause delayed (contact) dermatitis, occasionally
associated with conjunctivitis. When beryllium compounds are retained
in, or beneath, the skin, chronic granulomatous ulcerations develop.
Several epidemiological studies have provided evidence of an excess
lung cancer risk from occupational exposure to beryllium. The
interpretation of these results has been questioned, but the available
data indicate that beryllium is the most likely explanation for the
excess lung cancer observed in exposed workers.
The health hazards of beryllium are almost exclusively confined to
inhalation exposure and skin contact. Unless beryllium is released
into the environment accidentally, the general population is exposed
only to very low levels of airborne beryllium that do not pose a
health hazard. Because of the high sensitization and allergenic
potential of ionic beryllium, the use of beryllium for dental
prostheses should be reconsidered.
3.1 Acute Beryllium Disease
Occupational exposure to beryllium poses a health hazard that may
result in skin lesions and adverse effects on the respiratory tract.
Acute beryllium disease can be encountered after exposure to
relatively high concentrations of beryllium in fumes and dust
(> 100 µg/m3). Because control measures have improved, such high
concentrations are not expected to occur in today's occupational
3.2 Chronic Beryllium Disease
Hundreds of cases of chronic beryllium disease have been diagnosed in
various countries throughout the world. The vast majority of these
cases have resulted from previous exposure to high concentrations of
beryllium during the extraction and smelting of beryllium, fluorescent
tube production (no longer a source of beryllium exposure), and
beryllium metal production.
More recently, cases of beryllium disease have been diagnosed
following rather low-level exposures (around 2 µg/m3). The results
of recent studies suggest that some degree of immunological
responsiveness to beryllium may be common among workers who have been
exposed for more than 10 years. The present occupational exposure
standards may not exclude the development of chronic beryllium disease
in beryllium-sensitized individuals.
Whatever their occupation, individuals suspected of having
sarcoidosis, should be evaluated for immunological sensitivity to
beryllium, because of possible unawareness of exposure to beryllium.
3.3 Cancer
Many studies on experimental animals have provided sufficient evidence
that beryllium is carcinogenic. The available epidemiological data
indicate that beryllium is the most likely single explanation for the
excess lung cancer observed in exposed workers.
4.1 Main Human Health Hazards, Prevention and Protection, First Aid
Inhalation and skin exposure to beryllium and its compounds can be
extremely hazardous. When handling the metal, alloy, or components,
it must be borne in mind that, unless special care has been taken,
they may be contaminated on the surface with a film of beryllium oxide
powder. The effects of exposure to beryllium, their prevention, and
first-aid recommendations are given in the Summary of Chemical Safety
Information (section 6).
4.1.1 Advice to physicians
Irritant and allergic dermatitis may occur as a result of skin
contact; ulcers and local and distal granulomas may develop following
skin implantation, if adequate debridement is not promptly performed.
Accidental over-exposure to fine particulate beryllium, or its
compounds, may result in acute responses in the upper and lower
respiratory tract, ranging from a mild inflammation of the nasal
mucous membranes and pharynx to tracheobronchitis and to severe
chemical pneumonitis with lung oedema. Cases with acute respiratory
symptoms following acute inhalation of the dust should be admitted to
hospital for assessment.
In subjects who become immunologically sensitized, exposure to
respirable beryllium may produce chronic beryllium disease with a
latent period of a few weeks to several years. Granulomatous
inflammation of the lung associated with dyspnoea on exertion, cough,
chest pain, weight loss, fatigue, and general weakness is the typical
feature; right heart enlargement, cyanosis, and finger clubbing may
also occur. The lung changes are very similar to those that occur in
sarcoidosis or other granulomatous diseases. There is also a possible
risk of lung cancer.
4.1.2 Health surveillance advice
(a) A specialist medical examination should be provided to consider
the fitness of applicants for work that involves exposure to beryllium
or its compounds; special conditions of work might be applied to
The following points should be considered:
(i) Previous or existing lung disease of a recurring or chronic
(ii) Ventilatory function;
(iii) All conditions of an allergic nature;
(iv) Skin conditions that do not permit effective cleansing;
(b) Workers potentially exposed to beryllium or its compounds should
undergo periodic examinations at intervals decided by the doctor.
Examinations might include:
(i) Spirometry, including forced vital capacity (FVC) and
forced expiratory volume at one second (FEV1) and peak
flow measurements;
(ii) An appropriate medical history and examination;
(iii) A chest X-ray taken in accordance with ILO recommendations
on technique in radiography for the pneumonoconioses.
(c) Regular environmental hygiene monitoring should be undertaken to
include, as appropriate, wipe tests, determination of background
levels, and personal monitoring near the breathing zone.
4.2 Explosion and Fire Hazards
4.2.1 Explosion hazards
Very fine particulate beryllium may be explosive.
4.2.2 Fire hazards
On burning, fine particulate beryllium emits bright light and intense
heat (4500°C in oxygen). Beryllium powder reacts with chlorine,
fluorine, bromine, iodine, or phosphorus to form flammable gases or
vapours, and with acids to form hazardous gases or vapours.
4.2.3 Prevention
Use closed systems, local exhaust ventilation, explosion-protected,
well-earthed, electrical equipment and lighting. Prevent beryllium
dust or powders coming into contact with flames or hot surfaces.
4.2.4 Fire-extinguishing agents
Use sand, soda ash, or commercial metal fire extinguishing powder. Do
not use water or carbon dioxide.
4.3 Storage
Store fine particulate beryllium and compounds and alloys of beryllium
in closed, clearly labelled structures or containers. Containers
should be designed and safely handled to prevent accidental breakage.
Access to storage areas should be limited to authorized persons, who
should be provided with, and trained in the use of, protective
equipment appropriate to reasonable foreseeable exposures.
4.4 Transport
Comply with any local requirements regarding movement of hazardous
goods. Check that containers are sound and correctly labelled before
dispatch. In case of accident, stop the engine. If beryllium powder
is released, remove all sources of ignition. Do not smoke. Keep
bystanders at a distance and post hazard signs on the roadway. Keep
upwind. In case of spillage or fire, use the methods advised in
sections 4.5 and 4.2, respectively. Notify the police and the fire
brigade immediately.
4.5 Spillage
If beryllium-containing dust, fume, or mist is released or spilt,
persons not wearing protective equipment should be excluded from the
danger area. Remove ignition sources. Neither dry sweeping nor
compressed air should be used for cleaning up. Only a special
purpose, high-efficiency filter, industrial vacuum cleaner should be
used in decontamination.
4.6 Disposal
Beryllium wastes and scrap should be collected, disposed of in clearly
labelled, sealed bags or other closed containers, and either recycled
or buried in an approved dump. Comply with local regulations.
Beryllium waste should be recycled, whenever possible. Liquid or
solid waste with too low a beryllium concentration to warrant recovery
should be disposed of in special dumps. Prior to disposal, the
beryllium compound involved must be converted into the chemically
inert, but biologically quite active, oxide.
Beryllium powder, and beryllium carbonate, chloride, and selenate
wastes should be converted into inert oxides, using incineration and
particulate recovery techniques. If possible, these oxides should be
recycled; otherwise, they may be disposed of in a landfill.
Beryllium-copper alloys can also be disposed of in a landfill.
Soluble beryllium compounds should be converted to the insoluble
hydroxide before solidification. Beryllium compounds should not be
heated to high temperatures, unless the apparatus is equipped with
absolute filters.
Beryllium does not pose a significant hazard for aquatic and
terrestrial life, except in cases of accident or inappropriate
disposal. Contamination of soil, water, and the atmosphere can be
avoided by proper methods of storage, transport, and waste disposal.
This summary should be easily available to all health workers
concerned with, and users of, beryllium. It should be displayed at,
or near, entrances to areas where there is potential exposure to
beryllium, and on processing equipment and containers. The summary
should be translated into the appropriate language(s). All persons
potentially exposed to the chemical should also have the instructions
in the summary clearly explained.
Space is available for insertion of the National Occupational
Exposure Limit, the address and telephone number of the National
Poison Control Centre, and for local trade names.
(Be) (CAS registry no. 7440-41-7)
Atomic weight 9.01 Light, steel-grey metal; powder is explosive and flammable; it
Boiling point (°C) 2970 reacts with bromine, chlorine, fluoride, iodine, and phosphorus
Melting point (°C) 1278 to form flammable compounds, and with acids to form
Specific density (g/cm3) 1.85 (20°C) hazardous gases or vapours; inhalation and dermal exposure
Water solubility insoluble to beryllium, and its compounds and alloys can be highly hazardous
Vapour pressure (hPa) (°C) 0 (20); 0.000133 (990) for human beings
Potential human carcinogen Prevent dispersion of dust, fume,
or mist; use engineering controls,
work practices, and respiratory
protection to minimize exposure
SKIN: Irritation, redness, lesions Wear clean impervious protective clothing Wash skin with soap and plenty of
following contact; abscess and and gloves; do not wear work clothing water; remove contaminated clothing;
ulcers following contamination of outside the work-place obtain medical attention
EYES: Irritation, redness, pain Wear face shield or goggles Rinse eyes immediately with water for
at least 10 minutes; refer to doctor
INHALATION: Irritation of Avoid inhalation of dusts, fumes, or Remove from contact with beryllium;
respiratory tract; cough, chest mists; use local exhaust ventilation and, obtain medical attention
pain, general weakness, and in case of insufficient engineering
tiredness; pneumonitis and lung controls, wear respirators; remove
oedema may be fatal dust by vacuuming and water-spraying,
not by dry methods; prevent dispersion
of beryllium from clothing
occupational hazard
ENVIRONMENT: May be Apply proper methods of storage,
hazardous for aquatic and transport, handling, and waste
terrestral life in case of accident disposal
or inappropriate disposal
In case of release or spillage of Store materials that may release Very fine dusts or powders of beryllium
dust, fume, or mist remove ignition particulate matter in closed, may be explosive; no open fires, no sparks,
sources; wear protective equipment; well-labelled buildings or containers; no smoking; use closed systems, ventilation,
avoid dry sweeping or compressed prevent breakage of containers; only explosion-protected, electrical equipment;
air for cleaning up; use only a authorized personnel should have make connections to earth; use sand,
specific-purpose, high-efficiency, access to storage areas soda ash, or commercial metal
filtered, industrial vacuum cleaner fire-extinguishing powder; do not use water
or carbon dioxide
Dispose of in clearly labelled sealed National occupational exposure limit: United Nations No.: 1567
bags or other closed containers;
recycle or bury in approved dump;
comply with local regulations
National Poison Control Centre: Labelling:
The information given in this section has been extracted from the
International Register of Potentially Toxic Chemicals (IRPTC) legal
file. A full reference to the original national document from which
the information was extracted can be obtained from IRPTC. When no
effective date appears in the IRPTC legal file, the year of the
reference from which the data are taken is indicated by (r).
The reader should be aware that regulatory decisions about chemicals,
taken in a certain country, can only be fully understood in the
framework of the legislation of that country. Furthermore, the
regulations and guidelines of all countries are subject to change and
should always be verified with appropriate regulatory authorities
before application.
7.1 Exposure Limit Values
Some exposure limit values are given in the table on pp. 24-28.
7.2 Specific Restrictions
In the Federal Republic of Germany, security measures are required in
specified industrial plants and factories to prevent, or to limit, the
effects of incidents in which beryllium could be released, produced,
catch fire, or explode, and cause a public danger.
In the United Kingdom, atmospheric emissions from factories producing,
treating, or processing beryllium or its compounds are controlled.
The responsible person must use the best practicable means to prevent
emission of fumes or dusts into the atmosphere, and to render harmless
and inoffensive any emissions.
The European Economic Community (EEC) requires member states to limit
the introduction of beryllium and its compounds into ground water by
controlling all direct and indirect discharges. The USA classifies
beryllium and its compounds as toxic pollutants for water, for which
the US EPA sets industrial effluent limitation and pretreatment
standards and requires permits for discharge from any point source
into water.
Medium Specification Country/ Exposure limit descriptiona Value Effective
organization date
AIR Work-place Argentina Maximum permissible concentration (MPC) 1979
- Time-weighted average (TWA) 0.002 mg/m3
- Short-term exposure limit (STEL) 0.0025 mg/m3
Austria Threshold limit value (TLV) 0.002 mg/m3 1985 (r)
- Time-weighted average (TWA)
Belgium Threshold limit value (TLV) 1987 (r)
- Time-weighted average (TWA) 0.002 mg/m3
Bulgaria Maximum permissible concentration (MPC) 0.001 mg/m3 1985 (r)
Canada Threshold limit value (TLV) 1980
- Time-weighted average (TWA) 0.002 mg/m3
Czechoslovakia Maximum allowable concentration (MAC) 1985
- Time-weighted average (TWA) 0.001 mg/m3
- Ceiling value (CLV) 0.002 mg/m3
Finland Maximum permissible concentration (MPC) 1985 (r)
- Time-weighted average (TWA) 0.002 mg/m3
German Maximum allowable concentration (MAC) 1985 (r)
Democratic - Time-weighted average (TWA) 0.002 mg/m3
Republic - Short-term exposure limit (STEL) 0.002 mg/m3
Medium Specification Country/ Exposure limit description Value Effective
organization date
AIR Work-place Germany, Technical reference concentration (TRK) 1982 (r)
Federal - Time-weighted average (TWA) 0.005 mg/m3
Republic of (grinding
Carcinogen (no MAK value established) activities)
0.002 mg/m3
(all other
Hungary Maximum allowable concentration (MAC) 1985 (r)
- Time-weighted average (TWA) 0.001 mg/m3
- Short-term exposure limit (STEL) 0.001 mg/m3
(30 min)
Italy Threshold limit value (TLV) 0.002 mg/m3 1985 (r)
- Time-weighted average (TWA) (provisional
Japan Maximum allowable concentration (MAC) 1986 (r)
- Time-weighted average (TWA) 0.002 mg/m3
Netherlands Maximum limit (MXL) 1987 (r)
- Time-weighted average (TWA) 0.002 mg/m3
Poland Maximum permissible concentration (MPC) 1985 (r)
- Ceiling value (CLV) 0.001 mg/m3
Romania Maximum permissible concentration (MPC) 1985 (r)
- Ceiling value (CLV) 0.001 mg/m3
Sweden Hygienic limit value (HLV) 1988
- Time-weighted average (TWA) 0.002 mg/m3
(1 day) (carcinogen)
Medium Specification Country/ Exposure limit description Value Effective
organization date
AIR Work-place Switzerland Maximum work-place concentration (MAK) 0.002 mg/m3 1987 (r)
- Time-weighted average (TWA) (carcinogen)
United Kingdom Recommended limit (RECL) 1987 (r)
- Time-weighted average (TWA) 0.002 mg/m3
USA (OSHA) Permissible exposure limit (PEL)
(regulatory) - Time-weighted average 0.002 mg/m3
- Ceiling concentration 0.005 mg/m3
- Peak concentration 0.025 mg/m3
USA (NIOSH) Recommended exposure limit (REL) <0.0005 mg/m3 1977
(advisory) (potential human
USA (ACGIH) Threshold limit value (TLV) 0.002 mg/m3 1987 (r)
(advisory) - Time-weighted average (TWA) (suspected
USSR Maximum allowable concentration (MAC) 1977
- Ceiling value (CLV) 0.001 mg/m3
AIR Ambient USSR Preliminary safety limit (PSL) 1983
- Peak concentration (1 per day) 0.00001 mg/m3
AIR Emissions Germany, Maximum limit (MXL) 0.1 mg/m3, at 1986
Federal - Time-weighted average (TWA) a mass flow
Republic of of 0.5 g/h
or more, for
all Class I
which includes
Medium Specification Country/ Exposure limit description Value Effective
organization date
AIR Emissions USA Maximum limit (MXL)
- 30-day average 0.01 µg/m3
USA Maximum limit (MXL)
- Rocket applications: 75 µg min/m3
10-60 minutes accumulated during
2 consecutive weeks
- Collected combustion products: 2 g/h or
10 g/day
WATER Surface USSR Maximum allowable concentration (MAC) 0.2 µg/litre 1985
WATER Drinking- USSR Maximum allowable concentration (MAC) 0.2 µg/litre 1985
a TWA = time-weighted average over one working day (usually 8 h).
Beryllium and its compounds are classified as "hazardous waste" for
purposes of import or export by the EEC; transport is supervised and
controlled. Waste containing or contaminated with beryllium or its
compounds is classified by the EEC as "toxic and dangerous waste" and
its disposal is subject to control. In the United Kingdom, waste
consisting of, or containing, beryllium or its compounds is considered
as "special waste" and its production, disposal, or importation is
controlled. The USA permits the burning of beryllium and
beryllium-containing waste (except propellants) only in incinerators
complying with emission standards.
The EEC bans the use and marketing of cosmetic products containing
beryllium or its compounds.
7.3 Labelling, Packaging, and Transport
In the EEC, beryllium and its compounds, with the exception of
aluminium beryllium silicates, are classified as toxic for labelling
and packaging purposes. The label must read:
Very toxic by inhalation and in contact with skin. Irritating
to respiratory system. Danger of very serious irreversible
effects. In case of contact with eyes rinse immediately with
plenty of water and seek medical advice. After contact with
skin wash immediately. In case of accident or if you feel
unwell, seek medical advice immediately.
For marine transport, metallic beryllium powder and beryllium
compounds are classified by the International Maritime Organization
(IMO) as poisonous substances, presenting medical danger. Beryllium
is also classified as flammable. The United Nations classification of
beryllium and beryllium compounds for the transport of dangerous goods
is "poisonous substance" and, for packing, a "substance presenting
medium danger".
ACGIH (1986) Documentation of the threshold limit values and
biological exposure indices, Cincinnati, American Conference of
Governmental Industrial Hygienists.
CLAYTON, G.D. & CLAYTON, F.E. (1981) Patty's Industrial Hygiene and
Toxicology, Vol. 2A, New York, Wiley - Interscience, John Wiley &
Clinical toxicology of commercial products, 4th ed., Baltimore,
Maryland, Williams and Wilkins Company.
safely, 2nd ed., Dutch Association of Safety Experts, Dutch Chemical
Industry Association, Dutch Safety Institute.
IRPTC (1989) Data profile (legal file, waste disposal file,
treatment of poisoning file), Geneva, International Register for
Potentially Toxic Chemicals, United Nations Environment Programme.
New York, Genium Publishing Corporation.
SAX, N.I. (1984) Dangerous properties of industrial materials, New
York, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, Inc.
US NIOSH (1976) A guide to industrial respiratory protection,
Cincinnati, Ohio, US National Institute for Occupational Safety and
US NIOSH/OSHA (1981) Occupational health guidelines for chemical
hazards, Washington DC, US National Institute for Occupational
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