This report contains the collective views of an international group of
experts and does not necessarily represent the decisions or the stated
policy of the United Nations Environment Programme, the International
Labour Organisation, or the World Health Organization.
Published under the joint sponsorship of
the United Nations Environment Programme,
the International Labour Organisation,
and the World Health Organization
World Health Orgnization
Geneva, 1990
The International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) is a
joint venture of the United Nations Environment Programme, the
International Labour Organisation, and the World Health
Organization. The main objective of the IPCS is to carry out and
disseminate evaluations of the effects of chemicals on human health
and the quality of the environment. Supporting activities include
the development of epidemiological, experimental laboratory, and
risk-assessment methods that could produce internationally
comparable results, and the development of manpower in the field of
toxicology. Other activities carried out by the IPCS include the
development of know-how for coping with chemical accidents,
coordination of laboratory testing and epidemiological studies, and
promotion of research on the mechanisms of the biological action of
WHO Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
Fully halogenated chlorofluorocarbons.
(Environmental health criteria ; 113)
1.Freons - adverse effects 2.Freons - toxicity
ISBN 92 4 157113 6 0 (NLM Classification: QV 633)
ISSN 0250-863X
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(c) World Health Organization 1990
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1.1. Identity, physical and chemical properties, analytical methods
1.2. Sources of human and environmental exposure
1.3. Environmental transport, distribution, and transformation
1.4. Environmental levels and human exposure
1.5. Kinetics and metabolism
1.6. Effects on the environment
1.7. Effects on experimental animals and in vitro systems
1.8. Effects on humans
1.9. Evaluation of human health risks
2.1. Identity
2.1.1. Technical product
2.2. Physical and chemical properties
2.3. Conversion factors
2.4. Analytical methods
3.1. Natural occurrence
3.2. Man-made sources
3.2.1. Production levels
3.2.2. Manufacturing processes
3.2.3. Loss during disposal of wastes
3.2.4. Release from transport, storage, and accidents Transport and storage Accidents
3.3. Use patterns
3.3.1. Major uses
3.3.2. Release from use: controlled or uncontrolled
4.1. Transport between media
4.2. Environmental transformation and degradation processes
4.2.1. Oxidation
4.2.2. Hydrolysis
4.2.3. Photolysis Photochemistry Environmental transformation
4.2.4. Biodegradation
4.3. Interaction with other physical, chemical, or biological factors
4.4. Bioconcentration and bioaccumulation
5.1. Environmental levels
5.1.1. Air
5.1.2. Water
5.1.3. Food and other edible products
5.2. Occupational exposure
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Terrestrial plants
6.3. Aquatic organisms
6.4. Research needs
7.1. Absorption
7.2. Distribution
7.3. Metabolic transformation
7.4. Elimination and excretion in expired air, faeces, and urine
7.5. Retention and turnover
7.6. Reaction with body components
8.1. Single exposures
8.1.1. Acute inhalation toxicity
8.1.2. Acute oral toxicity
8.2. Short-term exposures
8.2.1. Inhalation exposure
8.2.2. Oral toxicity
8.2.3. Dermal toxicity
8.3. Skin and eye irritation; sensitization
8.4. Long-term exposures
8.4.1. Inhalation toxicity
8.4.2. Oral toxicity
8.5. Reproduction and developmental toxicity
8.5.1. Reproduction
8.5.2. Developmental toxicity
8.6. Mutagenicity and related end-points
8.7. Carcinogenicity
8.8. Special studies - cardiopulmonary effects
8.8.1. Cardiac sensitization in response to exogenous
adrenaline-induced arrhythmia
8.8.2. Cardiac sensitization and asphyxia-induced arrhythmia
8.8.3. Arrhythmia not associated with asphyxia or adrenaline
8.9. Mechanisms of toxicity - mode of action
9.1. Controlled studies with volunteers
9.2. Occupational exposure
9.3. Non-occupational exposures
9.4. Health effects associated with stratospheric ozone depletion
9.4.1. Skin cancer effects
9.4.2. Immunotoxic effects
9.4.3. Ocular effects
9.4.4. Effects on vitamin D synthesis
9.4.5. Exacerbation of photochemical smog formation and
10.1. Evaluation of human health risks
10.1.1. Direct health effects resulting from exposure to fully
halogenated chlorofluorocarbons
10.1.2. Health effects expected from reduction of stratospheric
ozone by chlorofluorocarbons
10.2. Effects on the environment
10.3. Conclusions
Dr B. Gilbert, Company for the Development of Technology
Transfer, Cidade Universitaria, Campinas, Brazil
Professor H.A. Greim, Institute of Toxicology and Biochem-
istry, Association for Radiation and Environmental
Research, Neuherberg, Federal Republic of Germany
Dr L. Hinkova, Toxicologist, Institute of Hygiene and
Occupational Health, Sofia, Bulgaria
Dr Y. Lessard, Laboratory of Medical Physiology, Faculty
of Medicine, University of Rennes, France
Dr M. Morita, Department of Legal Medicine, Sapporo Medi-
cal College, Sapporo, Japan
Dr G. Neumeier, Federal Office for the Environment,
Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany
Professor M. Noweir, Occupational Health Research Centre,
Higher Institute of Public Health, University of
Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt
Dr J. Sokal, Department of Toxicity Evaluation, Institute
of Occupational Medicine, Lodz, Poland
Professor J.C. Van der Leun, Institute of Dermatology,
State University Hospital of Utrecht, Utrecht,
Dr K. Victorin, National Institute of Environmental Medi-
cine, Department of Environmental Hygiene, Stockholm,
Dr W.D. Wagner, National Institute of Occupational Safety
and Health, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Dr R.C. Worrest, Stratospheric Ozone Research Program,
Office of Environmental Processes and Effects Research,
US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.,
Dr D. Mayer, Toxicology Department, Hoechst AG, Frankfurt
am Main, Federal Republic of Germany
Dr H. Trochimowicz, E.I. Du Pont de Nemours, Haskell Lab-
oratory for Toxicology and Industrial Medicine, Newark,
Delaware, USA
Representatives of Host Country
Dr U. Schlottmann, Federal Ministry for the Environment,
Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Bonn, Federal
Republic of Germanyb
Dr V. Quarg, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature
Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Bonn, Federal Republic
of Germanyb
Professor F. Valic, IPCS Consultant, World Health Organiz-
ation, Geneva, Switzerland (Responsible Officer and
Dr S. Lutkenhoff, Office of Health and Environmental
Assessment, US Environmental Protection Agency,
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Dr G. Quélennec, Division of Vector Biology and Control,
World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
a Vice-rector, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Yugoslavia.
b Present for part of the meeting only.
Every effort has been made to present information in
the criteria monographs as accurately as possible without
unduly delaying their publication. In the interest of all
users of the environmental health criteria monographs,
readers are kindly requested to communicate any errors
that may have occurred to the Manager of the International
Programme on Chemical Safety, World Health Organization,
Geneva, Switzerland, in order that they may be included in
corrigenda, which will appear in subsequent volumes.
* * *
A detailed data profile and a legal file can be
obtained from the International Register of Potentially
Toxic Chemicals, Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10,
Switzerland (Telephone No. 7988400 or 7985850).
A WHO Task Group on Environmental Health Criteria for
Fully Halogenated Chlorofluorocarbons met at the Institute
of Toxicology and Biochemistry, Neuherberg, Federal Repub-
lic of Germany, from 21 to 25 November 1988. Professor
H.A. Greim opened the meeting on behalf of the host insti-
tute. Dr U. Schlottmann spoke on behalf of the Federal
Government, which sponsored the meeting. Professor
F. Valic welcomed the members on behalf of the three
cooperating organizations of the IPCS (UNEP/ILO/WHO). The
Task Group reviewed and revised the draft criteria mono-
graph and made an evaluation of the risks for human health
and the environment from exposure to fully halogenated
The drafts of this monograph were prepared by the
Office of Health and Environmental Assessment, US Environ-
mental Protection Agency, under the direction of Dr J.
STARA and Dr S. LUTKENHOFF. The chapter on the ecological
effects of stratospheric ozone depletion was prepared by
Dr R.C. WORREST and the section on the health effects
associated with stratospheric ozone depletion by Dr L.
GRANT, both of the US Environmental Protection Agency.
Professor F. Valic and Dr P.G. Jenkins (IPCS) were respon-
sible for the overall scientific content and editing,
ADI Acceptable daily intake
ADP Adenosine diphosphate
bw Body weight
CFC Chlorofluorocarbon
EC Electron capture
ECG Electrocardiogram
EEG Electroencephalogram
FEV Forced expiratory volume
FI Flame ionization
GC Gas chromatography
HCFH-22 Chlorodifluoromethane (CHClF2)
LDH Lactate dehydrogenase
LOEL Lowest-observed-effect level
MS Mass spectrometry
NMR Nuclear magnetic resonance
NOEL No-observed-effect level
ppb Parts per billion
ppm Parts per million
ppt Parts per trillion
SGOT Serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase
SGPT Serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase
TWA Time-weighted average
UV Ultraviolet
v/v Volume per volume
w/v Weight per volume
1.1. Identity, physical and chemical properties, analytical methods
This monograph concerns only those chlorofluorocarbons
(CFCs) that are derived from the complete substitution of
the hydrogen atoms in methane and ethane with both fluor-
ine and chlorine atoms. Many of these compounds are of
commercial significance and some of them are known to con-
tribute to ozone depletion. Compounds considered in this
report include: trichlorofluoromethane (CFC-11), dichloro-
difluoromethane (CFC-12), chlorotrifluoromethane (CFC-13),
1,2-difluoro-1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane (CFC-112), 1,1-difluoro-
1,2,2,2-tetrachloroethane (CFC-112a), 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-
trifluoroethane (CFC-113), 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2,2-trifluoroeth-
ane (CFC-113a), 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane (CFC-
114), 1,1-dichloro-1,2,2,2-tetrafluoroethane (CFC-114a), and
1-chloro-1,1,2,2,2-pentafluoroethane (CFC-115). Compounds
not containing chlorine have not been considered. Those
compounds containing hydrogen will be reviewed in a sub-
sequent report.
Commercial chlorofluorocarbons rank among the highest
purity organic chemicals available. They are usually
characterized by high vapour pressure and density and low
viscosity, surface tension, refractive index, and solu-
bility in water. The degree of fluorine substitution
greatly affects the physical properties and, in general,
as fluorine substitution increases, the vapour pressure
increases, and the boiling point, density, and solubility
in water decrease.
The chlorofluorocarbons reviewed in this monograph are
reasonably stable chemically and, in the absence of metal
catalysts, exhibit low rates of hydrolysis. They are
highly resistant to attack by conventional oxidizing
agents at temperatures below 200 °C. In general, chloro-
fluorocarbons show a high degree of thermal stability and
are extremely resistant to almost all chemical reagents.
However, they will interact violently with chemically
reactive metals.
Several analytical methods are available for the de-
termination of chlorofluorocarbons in various media. These
include spectrophotometry, gas chromatography with several
quantification methods, and mass spectrometry. The
majority of methods utilize gas chromatography with
various detection techniques, and detection limits are
often of the order of 1 part per trillion (ppt). Methods
for sample collection have been modified to achieve
greater selectivity and sensitivity.
1.2. Sources of human and environmental exposure
The chlorofluorocarbons discussed in this monograph
are not known to occur naturally in the environment, but
practically all chlorofluorocarbons, except those used as
chemical intermediates, are released into the environment.
The estimated world production of the important poten-
tially ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons (CFC-11, CFC-
12, CFC-113) in 1985 was at least a million tonnes. Manu-
facture is not limited to major industrial nations; it
occurs in at least 16 countries. With the implementation
of the Montreal Protocol, the present growth trend in the
production of these chlorofluorocarbons will probably be
The most important method for manufacturing the major
chlorofluorocarbons is the catalytic displacement of
chlorine from chlorocarbons with fluorine by reaction with
anhydrous hydrogen fluoride. Most release to the environ-
ment occurs during the disposal of waste refrigerant-
containing equipment, and not during manufacture, storage,
or handling. The release of propellant chlorofluorocarbons
has decreased as a result of legislative restrictions on
their use in many countries, and the release of blowing
agents is small. Because of the high vapour pressure of
these compounds at ambient temperatures, almost all of the
amount released into the environment eventually accumu-
lates in the atmosphere. The estimated total annual
release of about one million tonnes consisted in 1985
largely of CFC-11 and CFC-12, and the cumulative release
of these chlorofluorocarbons from 1931 to 1985 was about
13.5 million tonnes.
The approximate world use pattern of chlorofluorocar-
bons in 1985 was as follows: refrigerants, 15%; foam-
blowing agents, 35%; aerosol propellants, 31%; miscel-
laneous, 7%, and unallocated, 12%. In the USA, the aerosol
propellant use was much lower because of restrictions.
1.3. Environmental transport, distribution, and transformation
The commercial chlorofluorocarbons are persistent in
the environment because of their chemical stability. The
average residence times in the atmosphere are estimated to
be 65, 110, 400, 90, 180, and 380 years for CFC-11, CFC-
12, CFC-13, CFC-113, CFC-114, and CFC-115, respectively.
These long residence times will ensure diffusion into the
stratosphere where, via photochemically-produced chlorine
atoms, the chlorofluorocarbons will react with the ozone
layer. Additionally, these compounds will contribute to
the greenhouse effect.
1.4. Environmental levels and human exposure
The global distribution of chlorofluorocarbons has
been reported by several investigators. Recent measure-
ments of latitudinal variations of chlorofluorocarbon con-
centrations indicate little difference in CFC-11 and CFC-
12 concentrations between the northern and southern hemi-
spheres. Also there is no significant variation with alti-
tude up to 6 km above the Earth's surface. The measured
concentrations of chlorofluorocarbons in urban/suburban
air are higher than those in rural/remote areas because of
contributions from local sources of emission.
Atmospheric levels of CFC-11 and CFC-12 increased
steadily up to 1985, when combined levels for these two
compounds in the USA were 9120 ng/m3 in urban/suburban
areas and 2720 ng/m3 in rural/remote areas for both com-
pounds. From these data, human inhalation intake has been
estimated at 182 and 54 mg/day in these two types of
The mean surface ocean concentrations of CFC-11 and
CFC-12, reported from three mutually distant locations,
were of the order of 0.2 ng/litre. However, 0.62 ng CFC-11
per litre was measured in the Greenland Sea in 1982 and
values of up to 0.54 ng/litre have been measured in
Japanese coastal waters. The highest value for CFC-12
reported was 0.33 ng/litre in these same coastal waters.
Much higher levels have been measured in fresh water in
Lake Ontario where 249 mg CFC-11 per litre and 572 ng CFC-
12 per litre have been recorded. Chlorofluorocarbons have
not been detected in drinking-water, but have been found
in snow and rain water in Alaska, in Lake Ontario, and in
the Niagara river. CFC-11 has been detected at levels of
0.1-5 µg/kg (ppb) (dry weight basis) in various organs of
fish and molluscs. However, the presence of chlorofluoro-
carbons in processed food has not been documented.
1.5. Kinetics and metabolism
Chlorofluorocarbons may enter the human organism by
inhalation, ingestion, or dermal contact. Inhalation is
the most common and important route of entry, and exha-
lation is the most significant route of elimination from
the body. Controlled studies with volunteer subjects and
experimental animals have provided substantial data from
exposures to a number of the chlorofluorocarbons. These
data indicate that chlorofluorocarbons:
* can be absorbed across the alveolar membrane, gastro-
intestinal tract, or the skin;
* are absorbed rapidly into the blood, following inha-
* are absorbed into the blood at a decreasing rate as
blood concentration increases;
* once in the blood, are absorbed by various tissues;
* will reach a stable blood level if exposure is suf-
ficiently long, indicating an equilibrium between the
air containing the chlorofluorocarbons and the
* are still absorbed by body tissue, after the initial
blood level stabilization, and continue to enter the
Studies with animals indicate that chlorofluorocarbons
are rapidly absorbed after inhalation and are distributed
by blood into practically all tissues of the body. The
highest concentrations are usually found in fatty or
lipid-containing tissues. However, chlorofluorocarbons are
also found in organs with a good blood supply, e.g.,
heart, lung, kidney, muscle.
Results from animal and human metabolic studies have
demonstrated the resistance of chlorofluorocarbons to
breakdown or metabolic transformation in biological sys-
tems. These results suggest that chlorofluorocarbons, in
general, are metabolized to a very small degree, if at
all, following exposure.
Regardless of the route of entry, chlorofluorocarbons
are eliminated almost exclusively through the respiratory
tract via exhaled air. No significant recovery of chloro-
fluorocarbons or their metabolites has been reported in
studies attempting to identify metabolic transformation
products via elimination in urine or faeces.
1.6. Effects on the environment
Certain chlorofluorocarbons, including CFC-11, 12,
113, 114, and 115, are extremely stable under conditions
found in the lower atmosphere. It is not until these
gases migrate into the high-energy radiation environment
of the upper stratosphere that photolytic processes split
the chlorine off from the chlorofluorocarbons. These
chlorine radicals catalytically destroy ozone. Strato-
spheric ozone absorbs solar ultra-violet radiation (UV-B:
280-320 nm wavelength) allowing only reduced UV-B radi-
ation to penetrate to the surface of the earth.
Experimental evidence suggests that increased UV-B
irradiation at the Earth's surface, resulting from ozone
depletion, would have deleterious effects on both terres-
trial and aquatic biota. Despite uncertainties resulting
from the complexities of field experiments, the data cur-
rently available suggest that crop yields and forest pro-
ductivity are vulnerable to increased levels of solar UV-B
radiation. Existing data also suggest that increased UV-B
radiation will modify the distribution and abundance of
plants, and change ecosystem structure.
Various studies of marine ecosystems have demonstrated
that UV-B radiation causes damage to fish larvae and juv-
eniles, shrimp larvae, crab larvae, copepods, and plants
essential to the marine food web. These damaging effects
include decreased fecundity, growth, and survival. Exper-
imental evidence suggests that even small increases in
ambient UV-B exposure could result in significant ecosys-
tem changes.
1.7. Effects on experimental animals and in vitro systems
The acute inhalation toxicity of chlorofluorocarbons
has been extensively studied. The chlorofluorocarbons con-
sidered in this monograph show low acute inhalation tox-
icity. The symptomatology of acute intoxication involves
CNS effects, secondary effects on the cardiovascular sys-
tem, and irritation of the respiratory tract. The limited
information available on the acute oral toxicity of
chlorofluorocarbons indicates low toxicity. When applied
dermally in high doses, CFC-112, CFC-112a, and CFC-113
cause various degrees of irritation but no other signifi-
cant effects.
Short-term inhalation studies have been reported for
CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-112, CFC-113, CFC-114, and CFC-115.
The results showed low toxicity, and the effects observed
were related mainly to the CNS, respiratory tract, and the
liver. Oral toxicity studies have confirmed the low tox-
In a long-term inhalation study, rats were exposed to
CFC-113 at 0.2, 1, or 2% (15.3, 76.6, or 183 g/m3) 6 h
per day, 5 days/week for up to 2 years. No histopathologi-
cal effects or changes in clinical laboratory values were
observed. The only finding considered by the authors to
be treatment-related was a reduction in body weight gain
in the groups exposed to the two highest doses.
The available information indicates that the fully
halogenated chlorofluorocarbons evaluated in this mono-
graph have little or no mutagenic or carcinogenic poten-
tial. Negative results have been obtained in vitro using
bacteria and mammalian cells with or without metabolic
activation and in the dominant lethal test.
Long-term carcinogenicity studies (by oral and inha-
lation routes) with CFC-11 and CFC-12 in rats and mice
showed negative results. Although a tumorogenic response
in the nasal cavity was observed in rats upon inhalation
of CFC-113, this response was considered equivocal. The
tumours were of various morphologies and the incidences
were not dose-related.
Of the eight chlorofluorocarbons reviewed in this
document, developmental toxicity studies have been
reported in the available scientific literature for CFC-
11, CFC-12, and CFC-113. No evidence of embryotoxicity,
fetotoxicity, or teratogenicity has been documented for
any of these three chlorofluorocarbons.
1.8. Effects on humans
Controlled studies of volunteers using CFC-11 and
CFC-12 revealed no observable effects on clinical haema-
tology and chemistry, EEG, or neurological parameters.
At high concentrations, subjects experienced a
tingling sensation, humming in the ears, and apprehension.
EEG changes were noted as well as slurred speech and de-
creased performance in psychological tests. An exposure to
an 11%a (545 g/m3) concentration of CFC-12 for 11 min
caused a significant degree of cardiac arrythmia, followed
by a decrease in consciousness with amnesia after 10 min.
Following exposure to CFC-12 at a concentration of 1%
(50 g/m3) for 150 min, a 7% decrease in psychomotor test
scores was noted, but no effects were observed at 0.1%
(5 g/m3).
In a study in which 10 subjects were exposed to CFC-
11, CFC-12, CFC-114, two mixtures of CFC-11 and CFC-12,
and a mixture of CFC-12 and CFC-114 (breathing concen-
trations between 16 and 150 g/m3) for 15, 45, or 60 sec-
onds, significant acute reduction of ventilatory lung
capacity (FEF50, FEF25) was reported in each case, as well
as bradycardia and increased variability in heart rate and
atrioventricular block.
Psychomotor performance was evaluated using CFC-113 at
concentrations of 0.15% (12 g/m3), 0.25% (19 g/m3),
0.35% (27 g/m3), or 0.45% (35 g/m3) for 165 min. There
was no effect at the lowest concentration, but there was
difficulty in mental concentration and some decrease in
test scores beginning at 0.35% (27 g/m3).
a Throughout this monograph, percentages of chlorofluorocarbons
in air are expressed as the volume of chlorofluorocarbon divided
by the volume of air.
Limited studies indicate that individuals with a prior
history of skin reaction to deodorant sprays containing
CFC-11 or CFC-12 may become sensitized to dermal appli-
cations of certain chlorofluorocarbons. The tracheal
mucociliary function in five non-smokers was not impaired
by exposure to CFC-11.
Two studies suggest that normal occupational exposure
to CFC-113 does not pose a serious health hazard. No
adverse effects occurred at occupational levels as high as
0.47% (36.7 g/m3), with an average level of 0.07%
(5.4 g/m3).
Although chlorofluorocarbons have been used for over
50 years, only one cohort study (539 exposed workers) is
available. No increase in total deaths or tumour deaths
was observed.
Significant acute reduction in the ventilatory lung
capacity of hairdressers using chlorofluorocarbon-contain-
ing hairsprays was observed in several studies. Cases of
neurological effects attributed to occupational exposure
to chlorofluorocarbons have been reported. One case of
neuropathy in a laundry worker, exposed to tetrachloro-
ethene and to undetermined levels of CFC-113 for 6 years,
has been described.
Non-occupational exposure and accidental or abusive
inhalation of aerosols have also been documented, the main
symptoms being CNS depression and cardiovascular reac-
tions. Cardiac arrythmia, possibly aggravated by elevated
levels of catecholamines due to stress or by moderate
hypercapnia, is suggested as the cause of these adverse
responses, which may lead to death.
Increased UV-B radiation is expected to lead to pre-
dominantly adverse effects on human health, but the state
of knowledge varies greatly from one effect to another.
It is virtually undisputed that the incidence of non-
melanoma skin cancers will increase. Projections based on
recent data indicate that the incidence of non-melanoma
skin cancers will increase by 3% for every 1% depletion of
ozone. On this basis, an ozone depletion by 5% would lead,
after several decades, to about 240 000 additional new
cases of non-melanoma skin cancer per year, worldwide.
UV-B radiation appears also to play a role in the for-
mation of the more dangerous cutaneous melanomas. However,
there is insufficient knowledge to determine accurate
dose-response relationships.
The immune system is influenced by UV-B radiation in
various ways. Although the knowledge available is insuf-
ficient to predict the consequences of ozone depletion for
human health, increased incidence of some infectious dis-
eases might be one of the consequences.
The most important effect for the human eye would be
an increase in the incidence of cataracts, a permanent
clouding of the eye lens which leads, even at current
levels of UV-B radiation, to impaired vision and blindness
in many people.
Increased UV-B radiation would be expected to increase
photochemical smog, and this would aggravate the related
health problems in urban and industrialized areas.
1.9. Evaluation of human health risks
The most important direct effects on humans from ex-
posure to chlorofluorocarbons are caused by the excessive
concentrations resulting from industrial accidents or poor
occupational practices and from misuse or abuse of the
chemicals when used as solvents or as propellant gases.
Release of chlorofluorocarbons into the global environment
during use, disposal of wastes, transport, and storage are
an increasing concern because of the potential impact such
uncontrolled releases may have on the future health of
mankind, mainly through the depletion of stratospheric
2.1. Identity
The chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) considered in this
monograph are compounds derived by the complete substi-
tution of the hydrogen atoms in methane and ethane with
both fluorine and chlorine atoms. Chlorofluorocarbons con-
taining hydrogen (designated HCFC) will be reviewed in a
subsequent report. The chemical formulae, relative molecu-
lar masses, common names, common synonyms, and CAS Regis-
try numbers of some of the chlorofluorocarbons reviewed
(CFCs 11, 12, 13, 112, 112a, 113, 113a, 114, 114a, 115)
are given in Table 1.
Chlorofluorocarbons are marketed under many different
trade names, e.g., Algcon, Algofrene, Arcton, Eskimon,
Flugene, Forane, Freon, Frigen, Genetron, Isceon, Osotron,
Khladon. The individual chemical substances are character-
ized by code numbers, as defined in DIN 89 62, which are
very widely adopted and uniformly used.
2.1.1. Technical product
Commercial chlorofluorocarbons rank among the highest
purity organic chemicals sold in the USA (Bower, 1973),
the purity of commercial CFC-11 and CFC-12 commonly ex-
ceeding 99.9% (Hamilton, 1962). The predominant isomers of
the ethane series (CFC-113, CFC-114) are the more symmetri-
cal ones (CCl2F.CClF2 and CClF2.CC1F2). CFC-113 usually
contains no more than a few tenths of 1% of CFC-113a
(CCl3.CF3), while CFC-114 usually contains no more
than 7-10% CCl2F.CF3. Levels of other impurities in the
four major CFCs (CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113, CFC-114) are:
moisture, 10 ppm; residue, a few ppm; acids, much less
than 1 ppm; and non-condensibles (i.e., air components)
100-200 ppm in the liquid phase or 0.5-1.0% in the gas
phase (Hamilton, 1962).
The commercial chlorofluorocarbons may also be formu-
lated with chemicals other than CFCs, such as actone,
ethanol, isopropanol, and methylene chloride. In addition,
nitromethane or other stabilizers are sometimes added to
alcohol-based aerosols (0.3% by weight) (Du Pont, 1980a).
Table 1. Identity and physical and chemical properties of commercially
significant fully halogenated chlorofluorocarbonsa
Chemical formula CCl3F CCl2F2 CClF3 CC12F.CCl2F CCl3.CClF2
Relative molecular 137.37 120.92 104.46 203.82 203.82
Common name trichloro- dichlorodio- chlorotri- 1,2-difluoro- 1,1-difluoro-
fluoro- fluormethane fluoromethane 1,1,2,2-tetra- 1,2,2,2-
methane chloroethane tetrachloro-
CAS registry number 75-69-4 75-71-8 75-72-9 76-12-0 76-11-9
Common synonyms CFC-11, F-11, CFC-12, F-12, CFC-13, F-13 CFC-112, F-112 CFC-112a,
and trade names Freon 11, Freon 12, F-112a
Frigen 11, Arcton, Frigen 12,
Arcton 9 Genetron 12,
Halon, Osotron 2
Physical state liquid at gas gas solid solid
< 23.7 °C
Colour colourless colourless colourless white
Odour faint ethereal nearly ethereal slightly
odourless camphor-like
Melting point (°C) -111 -158 -181 26 40.6
Boiling point (°C) 23.82 -29.79 -81.4 92.8 91.5
Flashpointb NF NF NF NF NF
Density of saturated 5.86 6.33 7.01 7.02
vapour at boiling
point (g/litre)
Solubility in water 0.11 0.028 0.009 0.012
(25 °C) (wt %) (saturation pressure)
Conversion factor 5.71 5.03 4.34 8.47 8.47
(ppm(v/v)-> mg/m3)
(20 °C)
Table 1 (contd.)
Chemical formula CCl2F.CClF2 CCl3.CF3 CClF2.CClF2 CCl2F.CF3 CClF2.CF3
Relative molecular 187.38 187.38 170.92 170.92 154.47
Common name 1,1,2-tri- 1,1,1-tri- 1,2-dichloro- 1,1-dichloro- 1-chloro-1,1,
chloro-1,2,2- chloro-2,2,2- 1,1,2,2-tetra- 1,2,2,2-tetra- 2,2,2-penta-
trifluoro- trifluoro- fluoroethane fluoroethane fluoroethane
ethane ethane
CAS registry number 76-13-1 354-58-5 76-14-2 374-07-2 76-15-3
Common synonyms CFC-113, F-113 CFC-113a CFC-114, CFC-114a, CFC-115, F-115
and trade names Freon 113 F-114 F-114a Freon 115
Physical state liquid liquid gas gas gas
Colour colourless colourless colourless
Odour nearly nearly
odourless odourless
Melting point (°C) -35 14.2 -94 -94 -106
Boiling point (°C) 47.57 45.8 3.77 3.6 -39.1
Flashpointb NF NF NF NF NF
Density of saturated 7.38 7.83 8.37
vapour at boiling
point (g/litre)
Solubility in water 0.011 0.009 0.006
(25 °C) (wt %)
Conversion factor 7.79 7.79 7.11 7.11 6.42
(ppm(v/v) -> mg/m3)
(20 °C)
a From: Du Pont (1980b); Smart (1980); Hawley (1981); and Windholz (1983).
b NF: non-flammable.
2.2. Physical and chemical properties
Chlorofluorocarbons are usually characterized by high
vapour pressure (low boiling point) and density and low
viscosity, surface tension, refractive index, and solu-
bility in water. The common physical and chemical proper-
ties of the commercially significant chlorofluorocarbons
are given in Table 1.
The degree of fluorine substitution greatly affects
the physical properties of chlorofluorocarbons. In gen-
eral, as the number of fluorine atoms replacing chlorine
increases, the vapour pressure also increases, but the
boiling point, density, and solubility in water decrease.
For example, in the chlorofluoroethane series, vapour
pressure increases with fluorination in the sequence:
CFC-112 < CFC-113 < CFC-114 < CFC-115 < CFC-116
The solvent power of the chlorofluorocarbons ranges
from poor for the highly fluorinated compounds to fairly
good for the less fluorinated compounds (Du Pont, 1980b).
Being typical non-polar liquids, they exhibit low water
Apart from their use as chemical intermediates, the
chlorofluorocarbons reviewed find applications that
reflect their chemical stability rather than chemical
reactivity. This chemical stability is a result of the
strength of the C-F bond (Bower, 1973).
Although quite inert, chlorofluorocarbons do exhibit
some chemical reactivity in some applications. For
example, although they exhibit a low rate of hydrolysis
compared with other halogenated compounds, the rate of
hydrolysis is greatly affected by temperature, pressure,
the presence of metals, and the pH of the solution (Du
Pont, 1980a,b). Thus CFC-11 is considered unsuitable for
water-based products packaged in metal containers since
some metals may catalyse the hydrolysis of CFC-11 with
liberation of acid. Sanders (1960) has demonstrated a
free-radical reaction between CFC-11 and alcohols
resulting in dichloromonofluoromethane and small amounts
of tetrachlorodifluoroethane. The reaction is inhibited
by high concentrations of oxygen and, therefore, it is
unlikely that it will occur in nature. In some cases
dechlorination by zinc (also by magnesium and aluminium)
can occur in the presence of polar solvents:
FCl2C-CClF2 -> FClC=CF2 + ZnCl2
Chlorofluorocarbons are highly resistant to attack by
conventional oxidizing agents at temperatures <200 °C
(Downing, 1966; Bower, 1973). In general, they exhibit a
high degree of thermal stability, but when pyrolysis
occurs in the presence of humidity the products usually
include hydrofluoric and hydrochloric acid and, in the
presence of either water or oxygen, phosgene.
The photolysis of chlorofluorocarbons is discussed in
section 4.2.3.
The carbon-fluorine bonds in chlorofluorocarbon com-
pounds are extremely resistant to almost all chemical
reagents. Reduction with hydrogen does not occur until
temperatures are >830 °C, and often the C-C bond is also
cleaved. Strong reducing agents such as lithium aluminium
hydride will not reduce the C-F bond. However, chloroflu-
orocarbons react violently with alkali and alkaline earth
metals, such as sodium, potassium, and barium (Bower,
2.3. Conversion factors
Conversion factors for the chlorofluorocarbons re-
viewed in this monograph are given in Table 1.
2.4. Analytical methods
Several analytical procedures used for the determi-
nation of chlorofluorocarbons are summarized in Table 2.
Methods used include spectrophotometry, gas chromatography
with several quantification procedures, and mass spec-
trometry. However, the majority of methods use gas
chromatography with various detection techniques. Methods
for sample collection have been developed to achieve
greater selectivity and sensitivity.
Table 2. Analytical methods for the determination of chlorofluorocarbons
Sample Samping method/clean-up Analytical method Detection Reference
type limit
Air modified inlet with silicon 100 ppb Collins &
rubber membrane; Utley (1972)
mass spectrometry
Air gas chromatography - electron 50-100 ppb Collins et
capture detection al. (1965)
Air gas chromatography - electron 5-10 ppt Lovelock et
capture detection al. (1973);
Su & Goldberg
(1973); Hester
et al. (1974)
Air sorption on cold (< -50 °C) gas chromatography - electron 1 ppt Paryjczak et
activated carbon capture detection al. (1985)
Air sorption on cold (< -50 °C) gas chromatography - electron 1 ppt Reineke &
Tenax-TA+ activated carbon capture detection Baechmann (1985)
Air cryogenic trapping in porous gas chromatography - electron 1 ppt Rudolph & Jebsen
glass beads capture detection (1983)
Air sorption on cold (liquid gas chromatography - electron 1 ppt Singh et al.
N2) SE-30/glass wool capture detection (1983)
Air sorption on cold (-40 °C) gas chromatography - electron 1 ppt Makide et al.
OV-101 capture detection (1980)
Air sorption on cold (< -50 °C) gas chromatography - 2.6 ppt Crescentini
activated carbon high-resolution et al. (1983)
mass spectrometry
Table 2. (contd.)
Sample Samping method/clean-up Analytical method Detection Reference
type limit
Air absorption spectrometry using Zasavitskii
diode laser et al. (1984)
Air sorption on Tenax GC/ capillary column gas Hanai et al.
activated carbon chromatography - electron (1984)
capture detection
Air spectrophotometry of pyridine 7 ppm Tyras (1981)
(occupational) complex
Sea water dynamic purge and trap gas chromatography - electron 0.003 ng/ Bullister &
capture detection litre Weiss (1983)
Blood head space gas chromatography - electron 0.01-0.01 Ramsey &
capture detection ng/litre Flanagan
3.1. Natural occurrence
The chlorofluorocarbons discussed in this monograph
are not known to occur in nature.
3.2. Man-made sources
Almost all chlorofluorocarbons produced, except for
those used as chemical intermediates, are eventually
released into the environment, whether during manufacture,
handling, use, or disposal. The significance of the
release mechanisms discussed below should be evaluated
with this in mind.
3.2.1. Production levels
The estimated world production of the three important
potentially ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons (CFC-11,
CFC-12, and CFC-113) in 1985 was approximately one million
tonnes, about 30% being in the USA (SRI, 1986). Table 3
indicates some of the major world producers in 1985 (CMA,
1986; CMR, 1986; Rand, 1986; SRI, 1986).
The reported total demand for all chlorofluorocarbons
in the USA in 1985 was 458 000 tonnes (CMR, 1986), a 26%
increase from the demand figure in 1980 (CMR, 1981). Pro-
duction figures for CFC-11, CFC-12, and CFC-113 in the USA
for 1974-1985 are given in Table 4. In 1984, these three
CFCs accounted for 83% of the total chlorofluorocarbons
produced in the USA (US ITC, 1985). Based on the 1980
demand and the strong market position in several appli-
cations, CMR (1986) projected that the demand for chloro-
fluorocarbons in the USA would grow to 458 000 tonnes in
1985 and reach 590 000 tonnes by 1990, a positive growth
in this 5-year period of 5% per year. However, this was
before the Montreal Protocol was signed in September
1987.a The demand for CFC-11, which is used mainly for
a The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the
Ozone Layer, signed by 24 countries in September 1987,
requires a 20% reduction in use and production of the
chlorofluorocarbons 11, 12, 113, 114, and 115 from 1
July 1993 and a further 30% reduction from 1 July 1998.
It stipulates a number of stepwise importation bans
binding on signatories in order to achieve these
reductions (United Nations Environment Programme.
Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone
Layer, Final Act, Montreal, 1987).
foam blowing, was largely anticipated to follow the expan-
sion pattern of the construction industry. Demand for flu-
oropolymers made from CFC-113 (as well as from HCFCs 22
and 142b) is expected to grow at a rate of 10% or more
because of electrical and electronic applications. The
demand for CFC-113 is also expected to grow because of its
use as a solvent in the semi-conductor industry and as a
replacement for chlorinated solvents under regulatory
pressure (CMR, 1986). Between 1964 and 1974, the pro-
duction of CFC-11 and CFC-12 increased at 8 and 9% per
year respectively. At that time, the hypothesis that
certain chlorofluorocarbons that accumulate in the upper
atmosphere could deplete the earth's ozone layer had a
major impact on the fluorochemical industry (Smart, 1980).
The US EPA (1978) ruled that most aerosol products con-
taining CFC-11 and CFC-12 propellants could not be manu-
factured in the USA after 15 December, 1978. As a result,
the production of CFC-11 and CFC-12 fell sharply, stabil-
izing in 1980. However, with the entry into force of the
Montreal Protocol, which progressively limited the pro-
duction of CFCs-11, 12, 113, 114, and 115, the release of
all of these chlorofluorocarbons should decline.
Table 3. Some of the major world producers of chlorofluorocarbons
in 1985a,b
Country Company name
Argentina Ducilo S.A. (subsidiary of Du Pont de Nemours and Co.)
Australia Pacific Chemical Industries Pty. Ltd. (subsidiary of
Atochem S.A.); Australian Fluorine Chemical Pty. Ltd.
Brazil Du Pont do Brasil S.A. (subsidiary of Du Pont de Nemours
and Co.); Hoechst do Brasil Quimica e Farmacêutica S.A.
(subsidiary of Hoechst A.G.)
Canada Allied Canada, Inc. (subsidiary of Allied Corp.); Du Pont
Canada Inc.
France Atochem S.A.
Germany, Hoechst AG (Frigen); Kali-Chemie AG (Kaltron)
Republic of
Greece Société des Industries Chimiques du Nord de la Grèce, S.A.
India Navin Fluorine Industries
Italy Montefluos S.p.A. (Algofren)
Japan Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. (Asahiflon); Daikin Kogyo Co., Ltd.
(Daiflon); Du Pont Mitsui Fluorochemical Co., Ltd. (Flon)
Showa Denko, K.K.
Mexico Quimoleasicos, S.A. (subsidiary of Allied Corp.);
Halocarburos S.A. (subsidiary of E.I. Du Pont de Nemours
and Co., Inc.)
Netherlands Akzochemic B.V.; Du Pont de Nemours (Nederland) B.V.
(subsidiary of E.I. Du Pont de Nemours and Co., Inc)
Spain Ugimica S.A. (subsidiary of Atochem, S.A.); Hoechst
Iberica (subsidiary of Hoechst AG); Kali-Chemie S.A.
(subsidiary to Kali-Chemie AG)
United Imperial Chemical Industries PLC (Arcton); I.S.C.
Kingdom Chemicals Ltd. (Isecon)
USA Allied Corp.; E.I. Du Pont de Nemours and Co. Inc.; Essex
Chemical Corp.; Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corp.;
Pennwalt Corp.
Venezuela Produren (subsidiary to Atochem, S.A.)
a From: CMA (1986); CMR (1986); and SRI (1986).
b Trade names are given in parentheses, where available.
From: Noble (1972) and Smart (1980).
Table 4. Production of the major chlorofluorocarbons
in the USA in thousands of tonnesa
Year CFC-11 CFC-12 CFC-113b
1985 73.9b,c 127.9b,c 73.2c
1984 83.9 152.7 65.9d
1982 63.6 117.0 NA
1980 71.7 133.8 NA
1979 75.8 133.3 NA
1978 87.9 148.4 NA
1977 96.4 162.5 >23.1
1976 116.2 178.3 NA
1975 122.3 178.3 NA
1974 154.6 221.1 29.0
a From: US ITC (1975-85), unless otherwise specified.
b From: Smart (1980), US EPA (1980), and Rand (1986).
c It is assumed that consumption was the same as
production volume.
d Estimated value from the 1985 production data and
the assumption that the 1984 production volume was
10% lower (CMR, 1986).
NA = Not available.
3.2.2. Manufacturing processes
The traditional method for manufacturing the fully
halogenated chlorofluorocarbons is the catalytic displace-
ment of chlorine from chlorocarbons with fluorine by reac-
tion with anhydrous hydrogen fluoride (Hamilton, 1962;
Smart, 1980). Carbon tetrachloride, and hexachloroethane
(or tetrachloroethylene plus chlorine) are commonly used
starting materials for 1- and 2-carbon chlorofluorocar-
bons. Carbon tetrachloride is normally used for producing
CFC-11, CFC-12, and CFC-113. The reaction can occur in
either liquid or vapour phases. The processes use antimony
pentafluoride or an equivalent catalyst, in contact with
which the chlorocarbon and hydrogen fluoride react. Excess
hydrogen fluoride may then be recovered and the chloroflu-
orocarbon stream is neutralised to remove traces of acid
and dried. The chlorofluorocarbons are then separated in
a fractionating column and sent to storage. An alternative
process for the production of the methane-based chloroflu-
orocarbons uses the direct reaction of methane with a
mixture of chlorine and hydrogen fluoride (Noble, 1972).
Other commercially important chlorine-fluorine-substituted
hydrocarbons are manufactured by similar processes
(Lowenheim & Moran, 1975).
The production processes described above give very
high yields. Losses of chlorofluorocarbons are limited to
small mechanical leakage, small amounts leaving with the
by-product hydrogen chloride, and miscellaneous venting.
The total material loss is estimated to be 1% at most
(McCarthy, 1973) for the production operations excluding
transport and storage. Fuller et al. (1976) assumed a
total production loss of 1.5% for the commercially pro-
duced chlorofluorocarbons.
3.2.3. Loss during disposal of wastes
The release of chlorofluorocarbons into the environ-
ment during their disposal arises mainly from pre-fabri-
cated refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment.
Environmental contamination due to chlorofluorocarbon
disposal results principally from the following:
* Unreclaimed refrigerants in the cooling systems of
scrapped pre-fabricated-type refrigeration and air-
conditioning units. Disposal of these old appliances
is usually to scrap yards or waste dumps. Efforts are
made in some countries to remove chlorofluorocarbon
refrigerants before discarding equipment.
* Discarding of vessels containing unused chlorofluoro-
* Time-release of trapped blowing agents in rigid
urethane products. This is a minor source of environ-
mental contamination compared with that of scrapped
Waste disposal streams resulting from manufacturing
operations are very minor contamination sources compared
with scrapped refrigerants.
Because of the high vapour pressure of chlorofluoro-
carbons at ambient temperature, all releases pass eventu-
ally into the atmosphere except in cases where the com-
pounds have been chemically altered.
3.2.4. Release from transport, storage, and accidents Transport and storage
The principal factor required for the transport and
storage of the major chlorofluorocarbons is adequate
design to meet the elevated pressures. The products are
shipped in a wide variety of pressure containers ranging
from 23-litre drums to 91-m3 tank cars.
The containers are fitted with safety valves, rupture
discs, and fusible plugs according to US Interstate
Commerce Commission (ICC) specifications; also included
are requirements for labelling and leak pressure testing.
Loss of product during transport and storage is rela-
tively minor because of the completely closed system used.
Losses are further controlled by monitoring discrepancies,
if any, between product billings and receipts. In
addition, the high cost of the products provides an incen-
tive to control losses. The total industry-wide loss in
transport and storage is <1% of the total quantity pro-
duced. Accidents
Data concerning accidental release are not readily
available. However, it is probable that quantities re-
leased by accident are negligible compared with quantities
released by use and disposal.
3.3. Use patterns
3.3.1. Major uses
Chlorofluorocarbons are commercially important because
of their unique physical and chemical properties and rela-
tively low physiological activity. They are mainly used
as refrigerants, solvents, blowing agents, sterilants,
aerosol propellants, and as intermediates for plastics.
Table 5 lists the estimated use patterns of chlorofluoro-
carbons in the USA for the years 1975, 1978, 1981, and
1985. The aerosol propellant market, which consumed half
of the total chlorofluorocarbon production in 1975, is
currently a minor application because of governmental
Estimated use patterns of CFC-11 and CFC-12 in the USA
and worldwide (excluding eastern European countries) are
given in Tables 6 and 7, respectively (Rand, 1986). The
"unallocated" amounts represent the difference between
the amount of estimated use and the total production data.
According to Rand (1986), part of the unallocated use con-
sists of unreported food refrigeration use and losses
during storage, packaging, and transport.
In countries that signed the Montreal Protocol, the
use of these chlorofluorocarbons will decline.
3.3.2. Release from use: controlled or uncontrolled
The release of CFC-11 and CFC-12 during use has caused the greatest
concern environmentally because of their impact on ozone-depletion.
During the mid-1970s, when aerosol propellant use was the major
chlorofluorocarbon application, aerosols accounted for 75% of the
immediate release of CFC-11 and CFC-12, while refrigerants and
blowing agents accounted for 14% and 12%, respectively (Smart,
1980). Table 8 shows the estimated release of these two
chlorofluorocarbons in 1965, 1970, 1975, 1980, and 1985. CMA (1986)
estimated that the total cumulative worldwide (with the exception
of eastern European countries) release of CFC-11 and CFC-12 as a
result of their use since 1931 amounted to 13.6 million tonnes in
Table 5. Estimated use patterns of chlorofluorocarbons
in the USAa (% total production)
Application 1975 1978 1981 1985
Aerosol propellants 50 24 <1 2
Refrigerants 28 39 46 39
Foam blowing agents b 12 20 17
Solvents 5 11 16 14
Plastics and resins 10 b 7 14
Sterilant gas b b 2 2
Food freezant b b 1 1
Miscellaneous and export 7 14 7 11
a From: CMR (1975, 1978, 1981, 1986).
b Included in miscellaneous category.
Table 6. Estimated use patterns of CFC-11 in the USA and worldwidea
(excluding eastern European countries)
Use USA World
Blowing agent 71% 58%
Refrigeration 6% 3%
Aerosol 5% 31%
Miscellaneous 18% 8%
a From: Rand (1986).
Table 7. Estimated use patterns of CFC-12 in the USA
and worldwidea (excluding eastern European countries)
Use USA World
Blowing agent 11% 12%
Mobile air-conditioning 37% 20%
Retail food refrigeration 4% 3%
Chillers 1% 1%
Home refrigerators 2% 3%
Aerosol 4% 32%
Miscellaneous 10% 7%
Unallocated 31% 22%
a From: Rand (1986).
Table 8. Worldwide production and release of CFC-11 and CFC-12 during use
(thousands of tonnes)a
Release from:
Year Production Refrigeration Refrigeration Blowing agent Other Total
(hermetically- (non-hermetic) (closed-cell sources release
sealed) foam only)
1965 312.9 0.8 44.9 5.7 232.1 283.5
1970 559.2 1.2 68.5 16.3 420.7 506.7
1975 695.1 1.8 103.8 35.4 574.0 715.0
1980 639.8 2.6 156.1 65.0 359.7 583.4
1985 703.1 3.9 188.2 99.4 357.8 649.3
a From: CMA (1986).
4.1. Transport between media
Because of the high vapour pressure of chlorofluoro-
carbons, the major transport medium is the atmosphere. For
example, Lovelock (1972) found that CFC-11 concentrations
in rural southern England and Ireland could be partly
attributed to sources on the continent of Europe.
CFC-11 and CFC-12 introduced into aquatic systems will
most likely volatilize to the atmosphere. Once in the
troposphere, they will eventually diffuse into the strato-
sphere or be carried back to the earth through precipi-
tation (Callahan et al., 1979).
Data pertaining to the adsorption of CFC-11 and CFC-12
onto soils and sediments are inconclusive (Callahan et
al., 1979). However, the octanol/water partition coef-
ficients of CFC-11 (log P = 2.53) and CFC-12 (log P =
2.16) (Hansch et al., 1975) indicate that adsorption onto
organic particulates may be possible. In cases of signifi-
cant sorption to soils, the volatilization of these com-
pounds will be slower than in aquatic systems, though vol-
atilization may still be the major transport process from
4.2. Environmental transformation and degradation processes
4.2.1. Oxidation
No information is available concerning the oxidation
of CFC-11 or CFC-12 in the aquatic environment under ambi-
ent conditions. These two chlorofluorocarbons are known to
be relatively stable with respect to attack by hydroxyl
radicals present in the troposphere (Lillian et al., 1975;
US EPA, 1975; Cox et al., 1976; Hanst, 1978).
4.2.2. Hydrolysis
As a group, chlorofluorocarbons exhibit a low rate of
hydrolysis compared with other halogenated compounds, and
the rates of hydrolysis are greatly affected by tempera-
ture, pressure, and the presence of catalytic materials
such as metals. Should hydrolysis of CFC-12 and possibly
other chlorofluorocarbons occur, it would proceed at a
negligible rate compared with the rate of volatilization
and subsequent photodissociation.
4.2.3. Photolysis Photochemistry
Atmospheric ozone prevents virtually all sunlight of
wavelengths less than 290 nm from reaching the earth's
surface. Since the wavelength of sunlight at altitudes
below 50 km is greater than 280 nm, which is above the
wavelength absorbed by chlorofluorocarbons (Doucet et al.,
1973, 1974), there is no mechanism for direct photoalter-
ation of these chemicals in the lower atmosphere. Environmental transformation
CFC-11 and CFC-12 do not photodissociate in the tropo-
sphere, since they do not absorb radiation at wavelengths
greater than 200 nm (Hanst, 1978). They eventually diffuse
into the stratosphere (NRC, 1976; Hanst, 1978) where they
are broken down by higher energy, shorter wavelength
ultraviolet radiation (Jayanty et al., 1975; Rebbert &
Ausloos, 1975; US EPA, 1975; Hanst, 1978; Isaksen &
Stordal, 1981).
The photodissociation of CFC-11 and CFC-12 each result
in the release of two chlorine atoms, since less energy is
required to cleave the C-Cl bond than the C-F bond
(Rebbert & Ausloos, 1975). According to Jayanty et al.
(1975), the photolysis of CFC-11 in the presence of O2 at
213.9 nm and 25 °C leads to the production of CFClO and,
potentially, chlorine molecules (Cl2), while the pho-
tolysis of CFC-12 under the same conditions leads to the
production of CF2O and Cl2. Chlorine atoms, released
by reactions such as these, are catalysts in the destruc-
tion of the stratospheric ozone layer (US EPA, 1975;
Hanst, 1978; Ember, 1986; Zurer, 1988).
Isaksen & Stordal (1981) rationalized the ozone
depletion by way of a cycle involving the intermediate
formation of chlorine oxide (ClO). The net reaction for
each turn of the cycle is as follows:
Cl + O3 -> ClO + O2
ClO + O -> Cl + O2
Net O + O3 -> 2O2
Other sequences involving ultraviolet radiation and rad-
ical species have also been proposed (Ember, 1986).
4.2.4. Biodegradation
No information on the biodegradability of the commer-
cial chlorofluorocarbons is available (Su & Goldberg,
1976; Callahan et al., 1979).
4.3. Interaction with other physical, chemical, or biological factors
As indicated above, the commercial chlorofluorocarbons
are relatively persistent in the environment because of
their chemical stability, although their degree of per-
sistence has not been determined with accuracy. The
current best estimates for the average residence times in
the atmosphere are 65, 110, 400, 90, 180, and 380 years
for CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-13, CFC-113, CFC-114, and CFC-
115, respectively (NASA, 1986).
Assuming a troposphere-to-stratosphere turnover time
(the time taken for 63% of troposphere air to diffuse into
the stratosphere) of 30 years, tropospheric life-times of
65 and 110 years, respectively, would result in about 86%
of tropospheric CFC-11 and CFC-12 eventually reaching the
stratosphere. The effect of the transport of CFC-11 and
CFC-12 from troposphere to stratosphere has been reviewed
by NASA (1986). The addition of CFC-11 and CFC-12 to the
atmosphere affects the climate in two ways. Firstly, these
compounds have strong absorption bands in the atmospheric
"window" region, that is from 7-13 µm. Therefore, both
CFC-11 and CFC-12 will induce a "greenhouse" warming
effect by direct absorption of terrestrial radiation. The
second effect is due to the depletion of the stratospheric
ozone layer. Mathematical modelling has shown that chloro-
fluorocarbons will reduce the ozone column. For instance,
it has been calculated that a chlorofluorocarbon growth
rate of 3% per year would lead to a 10% ozone depletion
within 70 years (NASA, 1986). Changes of that magnitude,
or even smaller ones, could have important biological
consequences (sections 6 and 9.4). Additions of chloroflu-
orocarbons to the atmosphere are also predicted to modify
the vertical distribution within the ozone column. As a
result of the unique regional meteorology and the presence
of chlorine radicals in the Antarctic stratosphere,
stratospheric ozone reductions of 30-50% have been
recently observed there during the austral spring.
The reduction of stratospheric ozone affects the sur-
face in two ways:
* directly by increasing the penetration of ultraviolet
B radiation (290-320 nm);
* indirectly by enhancing the global warming effects and
altering climatic conditions.
4.4. Bioconcentration and bioaccumulation
Dickson & Riley (1976) have found CFC-11 at levels of
0.6-28 µg/kg (dry weight basis) in various organs of fish
and molluscs. These levels, however, do not necessarily
indicate a potential for bioaccumulation.
Neely et al. (1974) suggested that bioaccumulation is
directly related to the octanol/water partition coef-
ficient (P) of the compound. The experimentally determined
log octanol/water partition coefficients (log P) of CFC-11
and CFC-12 (see section 4.1.1) indicate that the bioac-
cumulation potential in organisms is low.
5.1. Environmental levels
5.1.1. Air
Singh et al. (1979) collected in situ air samples
aboard a US Coast Guard vessel that sailed the Pacific
Ocean from Oakland, California, USA (37 °N) to Wellington,
New Zealand (42 °S). Tyson et al. (1978) made measurements
at latitudes from 74 °N to 62 °S as part of a 1976 NASA
Latitude Survey Mission between Alaska, USA, and New
Zealand. The results of their monitoring are summarized
in Table 9.
Table 9. Global distribution of chlorofluorocarbons in the troposphere (ng/m3)a
Northern hemisphere Southern hemisphere
Chloro- Mean Standard Mean Standard Reference
fluorocarbon deviation deviation
CFC-11 747.5 (113) 75.3 (13.4) 668.8 (119) 65.8 (11.7) Singh et al. (1979)
741.8 (132) 50.6 (9) 696.9 (124) 33.7 (6) Tyson et al. (1978)
CFC-12 1138.5 (230) 126.2 (25.5) 1039.5 (210) 124.2 (25.1) Singh et al. (1979)
1079.1 (218) 54.4 (11) 821.7 (166) 39.6 (8) Tyson et al. (1978)
CFC-113 145.9 (19) 26.8 (3.5) 138.1 (18) 23.8 (3.1) Singh et al. (1979)
CFC-114 83.9 (12) 13.3 (1.9) 69.9 (10) 9.1 (1.3) Singh et al. (1979)
a Figures in brackets are in parts per trillion (by volume).
The increased use of chlorofluorocarbons on a world-
wide basis has resulted in an increase in the global
levels of these compounds. The two most abundant chloro-
fluorocarbons in the atmosphere are CFC-11 and CFC-12
(Guicherit & Schulting, 1985). The annual growth rates in
the 1980s appear to be slower than the growth rates in the
1970s (Rasmussen et al., 1981). The annual rate of in-
crease in CFC-11 global levels during the period 1975-1980
was 8-12% (Rasmussen et al., 1981; Fraser et al., 1983;
Singh et al., 1983), whereas it was 6-7% during 1980-1981
(Brice et al., 1982; Cunnold et al., 1983b; Prinn et al.,
1983; Rasmussen & Khalil, 1986). Similarly, although the
average annual growth rate for global levels of CFC-12
during 1975-1980 was 8-9% (Rasmussen et al., 1981; Singh
et al., 1983), it was only 6% in 1980 (Cunnold et al.,
1983b; Prinn et al., 1983; Rasmussen & Khalil, 1986). Both
CFC-11 and CFC-12 showed an accumulative increase of about
60% during the decade 1975-1985 (Rasmussen & Khalil,
Data on the atmospheric concentrations of chlorofluo-
rocarbons are shown in Table 10. Measurements of atmos-
pheric chlorofluorocarbon concentrations up to an altitude
of 6 km did not reveal any significant concentration
changes with increasing altitude (Rasmussen & Khalil,
1982, 1983, 1986; Robinson et al., 1983). Hunter-Smith et
al. (1983), Rasmussen & Khalil (1983), and Singh et al.
(1983) studied the latitudinal variation in chlorofluoro-
carbon concentrations between the northern and southern
hemisphere and reported inter-hemispheric contrasts (ratio
of concentration between northern and southern hemi-
spheres) of 1.08 for CFC-11, 1.07-1.08 for CFC-12,
1.10-1.25 for CFC-113, and 1.08 for CFC-114. Table 10
reveals that the concentrations of chlorofluorocarbons are
higher in urban areas than in remote areas, this being the
result of local emission sources. The urban concentrations
of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC-11 and CFC-12) in the People's
Republic of China, with the exception of Beijing, are the
same as background levels in the USA. This is probably due
to the less extensive use of these compounds in urban
areas in China (Rasmussen et al., 1982).
Median concentrations of the most abundant compounds,
CFC-11 and CFC-12, in several urban/suburban areas and
rural/remote areas in the USA are reported in Table 10
(Brodzinsky & Singh, 1982). These measurements were made
from 1972 to 1980, the median year being 1975. Median con-
centration values of 1090 and 3420 ng/m3 for CFC-11, and
1630 and 5700 ng/m3 for CFC-12, in rural/remote and
urban/suburban areas, respectively, were projected for
1985, assuming that the average annual growth rate for
both compounds would be 5% (NASA, 1986). Assuming that an
individual inhales 20 m3 air/day, the total inhalation
exposure (CFC-11 plus CFC-12) in 1985 would be 54 or
182 µg/day in rural/remote or urban/suburban areas of the
USA, respectively. Using the 1985 data from Ragged Point,
Barbados, as a basis, the inhalation for combined CFC-11
and CFC-12 in rural/remote areas in late 1985 would have
been 66 µg/day.
Table 10. Some worldwide measurements of the atmospheric
concentrations of chlorofluorocarbons
Concentration of
Location Year chlorofluorocarbons (ng/m3) Reference
CFC-11 CFC-12 CFC-113 CFC-114
Ragged Point 1980 NR 1499 NR NR Cunnold et al. (1983b)
1985 1313 2012 NR NR NASA (1986)
Samoa (American)
Point Matatula 1980 NR 1433 NR NR Cunnold et al. (1983b)
Table 10. (contd.)
Concentration of
Location Year chlorofluorocarbons (ng/m3) Reference
CFC-11 CFC-12 CFC-113 CFC-114
United Kingdom
Harwell 1980 1342 NR NR NR Brice et al. (1982)
Adrigole, Ireland 1980 NR 1564 NR NR Cunnold et al. (1983b)
Phoenix, Arizona 1979 1423 NR 1192 NR Singh et al. (1981)
Los Angeles, 1979 2700 NR 2376 NR Singh et al. (1981)
Oakland, California 1979 1365 NR 381 NR Singh et al. (1981)
USA rural/remote 1973- 685 1911 241 64 Brodzinsky & Singh (1982)
(median concentration) 1980
USA urban/suburban 1972- 1199 3521 1324 199 Brodzinsky & Singh (1982)
(median concentration) 1980
Pacific Northwest 1980 1073 1620 132 NR Rasmussen et al. (1981)
Northern hemisphere 1978 919 1378 101 NR Rasmussen & Khalil (1982)
Northern hemisphere 1978 1062 1534 179 100 Singh et al. (1983)
Southern hemisphere 1978 845 1283 93 NR Rasmussen & Khalil (1982)
Southern hemisphere 1978 982 1418 164 92 Singh et al. (1983)
Arctic 1982 1174 1780 175 NR Rasmussen & Khalil (1983)
Arctic haze 1979 1097 1633 NR NR Khalil & Rasmussen (1983)
South Pole 1980 948 1428 86 NR Rasmussen et al. (1981)
Over Atlantic Ocean 1981 1056 NR NR NR Brice et al. (1982)
Global average 1980 959 NR NR NR Fraser et al. (1983)
NR = not reported.
5.1.2. Water
Singh et al. (1979) measured CFC-11 and CFC-12 concen-
trations in 1977 at various locations in the Pacific
Ocean. The average surface concentration of CFC-11 was
0.13 (± 0.006) ng/litre, while the CFC-12 concentration
was 0.28 (± 0.15) ng/litre. The average concentrations at
a depth of 300 m were 0.06 and 0.21 ng/litre for CFC-11
and CFC-12, respectively. The concentrations of CFC-11 and
CFC-12 at various locations in the eastern Pacific Ocean
(surface waters) during 1979-1981 were 0.22 and 0.25
ng/litre (Singh et al., 1983), in Greenland Sea surface
water in 1982 were 0.61 and 0.21 ng/litre (Bullister &
Weiss, 1983), and in Japanese coastal waters were
0.20-0.54 and 0.19-0.33 ng/litre, respectively (Tomita et
al., 1983).
Samples of water from Lake Ontario analysed for vol-
atile halocarbon contaminants contained mean concen-
trations for CFC-11 and CFC-12 of 249 and 572 ng/litre,
respectively (Kaiser et al., 1983). An alluvial aquifer
in Southington, Connecticut, USA, adjacent to a solvent-
recovery operation was analysed in 1980 for volatile
organic compounds, but CFC-12 was not detected (detection
limit not specified) in water obtained from various depths
(Hall, 1984). CFC-11 and CFC-12 have been detected in sur-
face snow and rainwater in Alaska (Su & Goldberg, 1976).
The detection of chlorofluorocarbons in drinking-water has
not been reported.
5.1.3. Food and other edible products
With the exception of a few scattered reports (section
4.4), chlorofluorocarbons have not been measured in food.
5.2. Occupational exposure
Information on occupational exposure is summarized in
section 9.2.
6.1. Introduction
Speculation on the possibility of stratospheric ozone
reduction first appeared in the early 1970's and focused
on the consequences of large quantities of nitrogen oxides
being injected into the upper atmosphere by supersonic
aircraft flying at high altitudes. Other sources of nitro-
gen oxides originating from the earth's surface were also
considered. These concerns gradually diminished, because
the quantities of nitrogen oxides likely to be involved
were insufficient to cause a serious threat to the ozone
layer. However, concern over halogen pollution of the
upper atmosphere arose during the mid-1970s (section
4.2.3). The halogens of immediate concern were chlorine
and bromine. The main source for chlorine is chlorofluoro-
carbons, which are released worldwide from such sources as
aerosol spray cans, certain plastic foams, refrigerators,
and refrigerative air conditioners.
Many gases emitted as a result of industrial and agri-
cultural activities can accumulate in the Earth's atmos-
phere and ultimately contribute to alterations in the ver-
tical distribution and concentrations of stratospheric
ozone. Among the most important are those trace gases that
have long residence times in the atmosphere. This allows
accumulation in the troposphere and a gradual upward
migration of the gases into the stratosphere where they
contribute to depletion of stratospheric ozone. The atmos-
pheric and chemical processes involved are extremely
complex (US EPA, 1987a). Trace gases of particular concern
include certain long-lived chlorofluorocarbons, such as
CFC-11, CFC-12, and CFC-113 (for atmospheric residence
times see section 4.3). Since the transport of these gases
to the stratosphere is slow, their residence times there
are long, and the removal processes are slow, any effect
on stratospheric ozone already seen is probably the result
of anthropogenic emissions of these gases several decades
ago. Those gases already in the atmosphere will continue
to exert stratospheric ozone depletion effects well into
the next century.
The atmospheric models that predict future ozone
depletion are in a continual process of refinement. Over
the years, predicted decreases in stratospheric ozone have
ranged from 4 to 18%, based on the stratospheric concen-
trations of chlorine expected from the 1974 levels of CFC-
11 and CFC-12 emissions. However, it has gradually been
realized that other gases will influence column ozone and
that the size and direction of the predicted change in
total ozone during the next century depend critically on
the assumption of the multiple trace-gas scenarios. Many
of the modelling scenarios tended to assume relatively
uniform rates of ozone layer reduction widely distributed
above all regions of the Earth. However, areas of dis-
tinctly greater depletion (ranging from 15 to 40% in
recent years) have been identified over the South Polar
region during September to November of each year. The
evidence suggests a likely gradual expansion of this
"Antarctic Ozone Hole" ultimately to extend beyond the
South Polar region, possibly coming to reach over more
heavily populated areas of the Southern Hemisphere. Simi-
larly, it is considered likely that an analogous, though
less intense, zone of upper level ozone reduction will
occur over the North Polar region and expand over popu-
lated areas of the Northern Hemisphere.
Although ozone constitutes a very small proportion of
the stratosphere, it plays a major role in protecting life
on this planet. The result of changes in the density of
the total ozone column could, therefore, be far-reaching.
The natural distribution of ozone in the Earth's atmos-
phere, concentrated most heavily in a diffuse layer in the
stratosphere, is crucial in helping to protect human
beings, other biological systems, and man-made materials
from the harmful effects of certain wavelengths of sun-
light. Stratospheric ozone exerts its beneficial effects
by absorbing ultraviolet radiation in the 200- to 320-nm
range, allowing only reduced amounts of UV-B radiation
(280- to 320-nm waveband) to penetrate to the Earth's
surface. In addition, the vertical distribution of strato-
spheric ozone and relative dryness of the air in the
stratosphere help to maintain the radiative balance of the
Earth. Depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer can,
therefore, be expected to lead to damaging effects on
human health and the environment (i) directly by increased
penetration of UV-B radiation to the Earth's surface and
(ii) indirectly through the influence of changes in the
vertical distribution of stratospheric ozone and water
vapour that contribute to global warming effects and
altered climatic conditions. The possibility of increased
exposure to solar UV-B radiation is a particular cause for
concern because of its effect on humans, other animals,
plants, certain manufactured materials, and photochemical
smog production. Most of the known biological effects of
UV-B radiation are damaging. Detailed discussions of
evolving concern about stratospheric ozone depletion and
assessment of the scientific base underlying such concern
can be found in several recent national and international
expert work group reports or symposia (e.g., US EPA,
1987a; Schneider et al., 1989; WMO/Canada DOE, 1989). The
following sections summarize key points from such sources
and discuss their implications for the development of
effective international efforts to cope with ozone layer
6.2. Terrestrial plants
Increased UV-B irradiation of the Earth's surface due
to ozone layer depletion can be expected to have a nega-
tive impact on both terrestrial and aquatic biota. In as-
sessing the impact of increased exposure to UV-B radiation
for crops and terrestrial ecosystems, it must be recog-
nized that existing knowledge is in many ways deficient.
The effects of enhanced levels of UV-B radiation have been
studied in only a few representative species from some of
the major terrestrial ecosystems. Most knowledge has been
derived from studies that focused upon agricultural crops
and were conducted at mid-latitudes. Despite uncertainties
resulting from the complexities of field experiments, the
available data suggest that crop yields are vulnerable to
increased levels of solar UV-B radiation. Unlike drought
or other geographically isolated stresses, stratospheric
ozone depletion would affect all areas of the world,
including ecosystems whose UV-B sensitivity has not been
Out of more than 200 species and cultivars screened
for UV tolerance, about two-thirds have been found to be
sensitive. Most tests were done in controlled environments
with UV radiation from artificial sources. The UV sensi-
tivity was usually exaggerated when compared to results
obtained by exposure to solar radiation in the field. The
most sensitive plant groups include crops related to peas
and beans, melons, mustard, and cabbage, but there are
large differences in sensitivity between the various crops
studied in the field (US EPA, 1987b). In general, UV radi-
ation causes reduced leaf and stem growth, lower total dry
weight, and lower photosynthetic activity in sensitive
cultivars (Tevini & Iwanzik, 1986). These results were
corroborated in an experiment simulating a 25% enhancement
of solar UV-B radiation (equivalent to 12% ozone
reduction), where UV-B exposure was controlled by an arti-
ficial ozone filter at a high altitude and at a southern
latitude (Tevini et al., 1986). Members of the grass
family were generally less sensitive (with some notable
exceptions), possibly due to protective abilities such as
photorepair or production of screening pigments (Beggs et
al., 1986).
The large variation in sensitivity that exists among
cultivars within each crop species suggests that some
degree of UV tolerance must be present in the existing
gene pool. The genetic basis for differences in UV-B sen-
sitivity is not fully understood. However, it is possible
that selective crop breeding might help mitigate some of
the potentially deleterious effects (Teramura, 1983).
In addition to other factors, the quality of crop
yield may be reduced by increased levels of UV-B radi-
ation. Changes in crop quality have not been specifically
examined in many studies, but reduced quality has been
noted in certain cultivars of tomato, potato, sugar beet,
and soybean. The protein and oil content of specific
cultivars of soybean seeds were reduced by up to 10% when
plants were exposed to UV levels equivalent to a 25% ozone
depletion (US EPA, 1987b).
Increased levels of UV-B radiation may also affect
forest productivity. Only limited data are available on
coniferous species, but in studies by Sullivan & Teramura
(1988) about one-half of the species of seedlings were
adversely affected by UV-B radiation. In loblolly pine
seedlings, growth and photosynthesis were reduced in field
studies simulating a 40% ozone reduction (Teramura &
Sullivan, 1988). However, extrapolation from the results
of seedling studies to forested ecosystems is not poss-
ible, nor is interpolation of predicted results at ex-
posure levels simulating a lower level of ozone reduction.
The existing data also suggest that increased UV-B
radiation will modify the distribution and abundance of
plants, and potentially change ecosystem structure as a
result of an alteration of the competitive balance between
different species. Even small changes in competitive bal-
ance over a period of time can result in large changes in
community structure and composition (Gold & Caldwell,
1983). The shift in competitive balance may occur in
response to subtle changes in plant growth, without large
changes in fundamental physiological processes such as
photosynthesis (Beyschlag et al., 1988). The alteration
of the competitive balance of species is a dynamic process
affected by the competing species and their immediate
environment. Unfortunately, neither a quantitative nor a
qualitative prediction of how these ecosystems might be
altered can be determined from the current knowledge
6.3. Aquatic organisms
Various experiments have demonstrated that UV-B radi-
ation causes damage to fish larvae and juveniles, shrimp
larvae, crab larvae, copepods, and plants essential to the
marine food web. These damaging effects include decreased
fecundity, growth, survival, and other reduced functions
in these organisms (Worrest, 1982; US EPA, 1987c). Evi-
dence indicates that ambient solar UV-B radiation,
although not nearly as important as light, temperature, or
nutrient levels, is currently an important limiting eco-
logical factor, and that even small increases in UV-B
exposure could result in significant ecosystem changes
(Damkaer, 1982).
Effects induced by solar UV-B radiation have been
measured to a depth of more than 20 metres in clear waters
and more than five metres in less clear water. The
euphotic zone (i.e. water depth with levels of light suf-
ficient for positive net photosynthesis) is frequently
taken as the water column that reaches down to the depth
at which photosynthetically active radiation is reduced by
99%. In marine ecosystems, UV-B radiation penetrates
approximately the upper 10% of the marine euphotic zone
before it is reduced by 99% of its surface irradiance.
Penetration of UV-B radiation into natural waters is a key
variable in assessing the potential impact of this radi-
ation on any aquatic ecosystem (US EPA, 1987c).
In marine plant communities a change in species compo-
sition rather than a decrease in net production would be
the probable result of increased UV-B exposure (Worrest,
1983). A change in community composition at the base of
food webs may produce instabilities within ecosystems that
could affect higher trophic levels (Kelly, 1986). The
generation time of marine phytoplankton is in the range of
hours to days, whereas the potential increase in ambient
levels of solar UV-B irradiance will occur over decades.
The question remains as to whether the gene pool within
species is capable of adapting during this relatively
gradual (relative to the generation time of the target
organisms) change in exposure to UV-B radiation. There is
evidence that a decrease in column ozone abundance could
diminish the near-surface season of invertebrate zooplank-
ton populations. For some zooplankton, the time spent at
or near the surface is critical for food gathering and
breeding. Whether these populations could endure a sig-
nificant shortening of the surface season is unknown
(Damkaer et al., 1980).
The direct effect of UV-B radiation on edible fish
larvae closely parallels the effect on invertebrate
zooplankton. More information is required on seasonal
abundances and vertical distributions of fish larvae, ver-
tical mixing, and penetration of UV-B radiation into
appropriate water columns before effects of exposure to
solar UV-B radiation can be predicted. However, in one
study involving anchovy larvae, it was calculated that a
20% increase in UV-B radiation (which would accompany a 9%
depletion of total column ozone) would result in the death
of about 8% of the annual larval population (Hunter et
al., 1982). This one study was performed in the labora-
tory, and even the control animals had significant mor-
tality at the end of the normal larval period. This high-
lights the need for caution when trying to extrapolate
conclusions to natural conditions when those conclusions
are based on results from laboratory studies.
In many countries marine species supply more than 50%
of the dietary protein, and in developing countries this
percentage is often higher. Research is needed to improve
our understanding of how stratospheric ozone depletion
could influence the world food supply. However, effective
steps to minimize stratospheric zone depletion cannot
await the outcome of such research.
6.4. Research needs
Future work concerning UV-B effects on terrestrial
ecosystems must proceed on a broad front. Sensitivity
screenings and dose-response studies must expand to
include representative species from a wider range of eco-
system types and a wider range of plant types within eco-
systems of particular interest. Knowledge of species sen-
sitivities and their geographic ranges can then be com-
bined with information on current and projected levels of
UV-B in order to identify areas of greatest concern. An
understanding of how sensitivity to UV-B is affected by
other environmental factors will aid in this process.
Additional work at the biochemical level is needed to
clarify interactions of UV-B radiation and plant metab-
olism as well as the nature of effects of UV-B radiation
on pests and pathogens.
Ultimately, the information gathered in field and lab-
oratory studies must be put into the context of ecosystem
properties, including primary productivity, nutrient
cycling, resistance to disturbance, and the capacity to
recover from disturbance. Efforts are clearly needed to
integrate what is known about the influences of elevated
UV-B irradiance on plants with what is known about plant
stress associated with other human-induced changes in the
In order to quantify the effects on marine systems of
UV-B radiation on an ocean-wide basis, there is a need for
additional data on the penetration of UV-B radiation as a
function of water mass, concentration of particulates, and
presence of plankton. These data must be combined with
accurate measurements of total incident radiation, as a
function of angle of incidence and time, to arrive at
reliable estimates of both total UV-B radiation dose and
dose rate.
There is a clear need to measure fish-larval sensi-
tivity to UV-B radiation for many resource species, refine
the links between exposure of primary producers to UV-B
radiation and effects on fish, assess the impact of food-
web changes on fish yield, and delineate the mitigating
mechanisms available to the organism.
Studies on changes in population size and diversity as
a result of stress would provide insights for predictions
of the effects of UV-B increases in a given ecological
niche (Worrest et al., 1978, 1981a,b; Worrest, 1983). Data
describing changes resulting from environmental stress,
such as contamination from toxic substances or temperature
change, could be combined with data on the efficiency of
energy conversion between trophic levels, upon which a re-
source species relies, to estimate the potential reduction
in fish catch. To narrow the reliability limits of such
predictions, field investigations into the resiliency of
affected populations are required.
There is a paucity of information on the impact of
UV-B radiation on marine resource species. The fact that
dose-response sensitivity data exist for only a few
species greatly impedes our ability to extrapolate to an
overall assessment of the risk to marine fisheries. It is
important to be able to translate known intracellular
cause-and-effect relationships of UV damage to effects on
simple or single-celled organisms and to population
Knowledge of adaptive or protective mechanisms by
which marine organisms minimize the effects of increased
UV-B radiation in the ocean's surface layers is lacking.
No avoidance mechanisms specific to UV-B radiation have
been described for marine organisms, although avoidance
mechanisms to visible light may lessen the impact of the
concurrent UV radiation. While pigmentation occurs exten-
sively in marine organisms, the degree to which it con-
tributes to UV-B protection is unknown.
The time scale of adaptation or repair, compared to
the time scale of increased UV-B radiation, is an import-
ant factor. Are genetic mechanisms sufficient to obviate
the negative impacts? Do they affect competitor species
over similar time scales? What organisms are pre-disposed
to environmental (i.e. non-genetic) protective behaviour?
These questions must be addressed as part of the framework
of risk assessment.
7.1. Absorption
Chlorofluorocarbon propellants and solvents may pre-
sent a hazard for human beings by inhalation, ingestion,
and dermal absorption. However, because of the physical
properties and uses of these compounds, inhalation is the
most common route of entry, and exhalation is the most
significant route of elimination.
Information concerning chlorofluorocarbon absorption
has been obtained in two types of studies:
* chlorofluorocarbon retention in the lungs;
* chlorofluorocarbon blood levels after inhalation.
The relative amounts of CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113, and
CFC-114 absorbed by human beings have been measured in
breath-holding studies (Paulet & Chevrier, 1969; Morgan
et al., 1972). Retention was measured using radioiso-
topically marked chlorofluorocarbons by subtracting the
radioactivity exhaled 30 min after inhalation from the
amount of radioactivity inhaled with a single breath. In
terms of absorption the following order was obtained:
CFC-11 ~ CFC-113 > CFC-114 ~ CFC-12, with retentions
of 23%, 19.8%, 12.2%, and 10.3%, respectively. Shargel &
Koss (1972) exposed dogs to an equal weight mixture of
CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113, and CFC-114, and obtained similar
In other studies, human volunteers (Aviado & Micozzi,
1981) and dogs (Azar et al., 1973) were exposed to CFC-11
at a concentration of 5710 mg/m3 (1000 ppm) and for a
period of 8 h or 10 min, respectively. The blood levels in
the human volunteers were 4.69 µg/ml and in the dogs
6.5-10 µg/ml. According to a mathematical model developed
for the description of the pharmacokinetics, 77% of the
dose applied was absorbed.
Azar et al. (1973) determined the corresponding data
for CFC-12 in beagle dogs. After an exposure to 5030
mg/m3 (1000 ppm) for a period of 10 min, 1.1 µg/ml was
found in the arterial blood and 0.4 µg/ml in the venous
system. At higher concentrations, the arterial and venous
concentrations were similar. Trochimowicz et al. (1974)
found, under similar conditions (1000 ppm, 1 min inha-
lation period), that the blood level in dogs for CFC-113
was 2.7 µg/ml (arterial) and 1.9 µg/ml (venous), and for
CFC-114 0.4 µg/ml and 0.2 µg/ml, respectively.
In a study by Angerer et al. (1985), three volunteers
were exposed to a CFC-11 concentration of 3750 mg/m3 (657
ppm). The average value of pulmonary retention was 18.9%.
CFC-11 levels in alveolar air and blood were 3066 mg/m3
(537 ppm) and 2.8 µg/ml, respectively.
Further absorption and elimination data from CFC-11
and CFC-12 atomizer administrations indicated that, while
CFC-11 is more readily absorbed by mammals (including
humans) than CFC-12, the degree of preferential absorption
may vary among individuals (Dollery et al., 1970; Allen &
Hanburys Ltd, 1971; Paterson et al., 1971; Shargel & Koss,
1972). Similar information on the different absorption
rates has been obtained from other studies. Chlorofluoro-
carbons were administered to dogs for 5 min at fixed con-
centrations between 0.3 and 10 vol % in the inspired air.
The blood concentrations determined up to 60 min after
exposure indicated that CFC-11 is more readily absorbed
than CFC-12 or CFC-114 (Clark & Tinston, 1972a).
The results of Adir et al. (1975) and Brugnone et al.
(1984) provide additional evidence that CFC-11 is absorbed
to a greater extent than CFC-12 in dogs and rabbits. The
absorption data correlate well with the liquid/gas par-
tition coefficients for these compounds in whole blood,
serum, and olive oil shown in Table 11.
CFC-12 was absorbed 4 times more readily than CFC-114
in a study by Rauws et al. (1973) in which rats were ex-
posed to a mixture of CFC-11, CFC-12, and CFC-114 (weight
ratio of 1:2:1). A similar pattern was also seen in
monkeys by Taylor et al. (1971). In each instance, the
ratio of CFC-12 to CFC-114 in arterial blood was higher
than the ratio of exposure concentrations, indicating that
CFC-12 was slightly more readily absorbed than CFC-114.
The available data on chlorofluorocarbon uptake indi-
cate that chlorofluorocarbons can be absorbed across the
alveolar membrane, gastro-intestinal tract, the skin, and
internal organs. Following inhalation, they are absorbed
rapidly by the blood. Blood-tissue absorption is probably
the rate-limiting step. After an initial, rapid blood
level stabilization, chlorofluorocarbons are still ab-
sorbed by body tissues and continue to enter the body.
Table 11. Partition coefficients of various chlorofluorocarbons
Compound Whole blooda Whole bloodb Serumc Olive
(rat) (human) (human) oilc
CFC-11 1.4 0.87 0.9 27
CFC-12 0.2 0.15 0.2 3
CFC-113 0.8 32
CFC-114 0.15 0.2 5
a From: Allen & Hanburys, Ltd (1971).
b From: Chiou & Niazi (1973).
c From: Morgan et al. (1972).
7.2. Distribution
Allen & Hanburys, Ltd. (1971) found in mice that both
CFC-11 and CFC-12 are taken up by heart, fat, and adrenal
tissue after 5-min inhalation exposures. CFC-11 is concen-
trated from the blood to the greatest extent in the
adrenals followed by the fat, then the heart. A similar,
though less pronounced, pattern is evident for CFC-12 but
CFC-11 is absorbed and concentrated in all of these tis-
sues to a much greater extent than CFC-12. Paulet et al.
(1975) noted that both CFC-11 and CFC-12 are distributed
to the cerebrospinal fluid of dogs after inhalation
Following inhalation exposures lasting 7-14 days,
Carter (1970) noted distribution patterns for CFC-113 in
rats that were qualitatively similar to those noted for
CFC-11 and CFC-12 by Allen & Hanburys, Ltd. (1971). The
major difference from the CFC-11 and CFC-12 results was
that almost all of the CFC-113 concentration occurred in
the fat, while adrenal levels were relatively low and even
decreased as exposure continued (it should be emphasized
that the exposures to CFC-11 and CFC-12 were for only
5 min). The other organ levels did not change signifi-
cantly from a 7-day to a 14-day exposure, which is con-
sistent with the idea that such concentrations will
stabilize as equilibria between ambient air concentration,
blood level, and tissue levels are reached. In rats and
guinea-pigs, shortly after exposure to CFC-113, Furuya
(1979) noted the following tissue distribution in
decreasing order: fat, brain, liver, kidney, heart, lung,
muscle, and blood.
In summary, chlorofluorocarbons are rapidly absorbed
after inhalation and are distributed by blood into practi-
cally all tissues. Relatively high concentrations are
found in fat, but also in organs with good blood supply.
7.3. Metabolic transformation
Of the nine chlorofluorocarbons reviewed in this docu-
ment, some data regarding metabolism exists only for CFC-
11, CFC-12, CFC-112a, and CFC-113a.
Cox et al. (1972a) found no evidence of reductive
dehalogenation of CFC-11 in microsomal preparations from
rats, chickens, or other species. However, the reductive
dechlorination in vitro of CFC-11 to HCFC-21 by rat liver
microsomes was reported by Wolf et al. (1978). In vitro
metabolism studies suggested that CFC-112a and CFC-113a
can be metabolized by reductive dechlorination and that
the reaction is catalyzed by cytochrome P-450 from rat
liver microsomes. However, no metabolites of either
compound were identified (Salmon et al., 1981, 1985;
Nastainczyk et al., 1982a,b).
Published studies on in vivo metabolism exist only for
CFC-11 and CFC-12. Eddy & Griffith (1971) administered
14C-labelled CFC-12 to rats by the oral route and
reported a small amount of metabolism. About 2% of the
total dose was exhaled as 14CO2 and 0.5% was excreted in
urine. CFC-12 and/or its metabolites were no longer
detectable in the body 30 h after administration.
Blake & Mergner (1974) exposed beagle dogs for 6-20
min to CFC-11 (5710 to 28 550 mg/m3; 1000 to 5000 ppm,
v/v) or CFC-12 (40 240 to 60 380 mg/m3; 8000 to 12 000
ppm, v/v) containing up to 180 µCi of 14C-chlorofluoro-
carbon. Virtually all the administered chlorofluorocarbon
was recovered in exhaled air within one hour with either
material. Only traces of radioactivity were found in urine
or exhaled CO2 and may have represented unavoidable
radiolabelled impurities rather than metabolites. The
authors concluded that less than 1% of either CFC-11 or
CFC-12 is metabolized after inhalation. The preceding
results were essentially confirmed in human volunteers by
the same authors (Mergner et al., 1975). Radiolabelled
CFC-11 (571 mg/m3; 100 ppm) and CFC-12 (503 mg/m3; 100
ppm) were given by inhalation to one male and one female
volunteer for 7-17 min. As was the case in dogs, little
or no biotransformation of either chlorofluorocarbon was
observed. Total metabolites were equal to, or less than,
0.2% of the administered dose.
The results of the preceding studies suggest that CFC-
11 and CFC-12 are metabolized to a very small extent, if
at all, in mammals following brief inhalation exposures.
7.4. Elimination and excretion in expired air, faeces, and urine
Regardless of the route of entry, chlorofluorocarbons
appear to be eliminated almost exclusively through the
repiratory tract. Little, if any, chlorofluorocarbon or
metabolite has ever been reported in urine or faeces
(Matsumoto et al., 1963; Blake & Mergner, 1974; Mergner et
al., 1975).
7.5. Retention and turnover
When exposure is terminated, the more readily absorbed
compounds are retained longer. The retention of chloroflu-
orocarbons after inhalation follows the same order as the
amount absorbed during exposure:
CFC-11 ~ CFC-113 > CFC-114 ~ CFC-12
In human studies designed to mimic exposures to
chlorofluorocarbons from atomizers, the initial blood
half-lives for CFC-11 were in the range of 6 seconds to
1 min (Paterson et al., 1971).
In one study, volunteers exposed to CFC-11 at 3751
mg/m3 (657 ppm) for 150-210 min showed half-lives for the
initial and second phases of elimination from venous blood
of 11 min and 1 h, respectively (Angerer et al., 1985).
Half-lives for the initial and second phases of CFC-11
elimination in alveolar air were 7 min and 1.8 h, respect-
ively (Angerer et al., 1985). Average pulmonary retention
at an apparent steady state after 1 h of exposure was
18.2%. Similarly, the data of Brugnone et al. (1984)
indicate a pulmonary retention of 19% for CFC-11 and 18%
for CFC-12 in workers during occupational exposure.
Studies in which dogs were administered CFC-11 or CFC-
12 by intravenous infusion indicated that the elimination
of CFC-11 and CFC-12 from venous blood was triphasic
(Niazi & Chiou, 1975, 1977). A 3-compartment model was
proposed with initial, intermediate, and terminal half-
lives of 3.2, 16, and 93 min for CFC-11 and 1.47, 7.95,
and 58.50 min for CFC-12. Adir et al. (1975) also fitted
their venous blood elimination data to a 3-compartment
model. Estimates of half-lives for the terminal phases of
CFC-11 elimination were 6.30 and 24.75 min for two human
volunteers and 13.86-21 min (mean, 18.34) for four dogs.
For the terminal phases of CFC-12 elimination, the half-
lives were 9.63 min for one human volunteer and 8.45-11.35
min (mean, 9.90) for three dogs.
In dogs exposed to CFC-11 by atomizers, the initial
and terminal half-lives in venous blood were at 0.6 and
4.03 min, respectively (McClure, 1972). The terminal half-
life of 80 min in dogs after exposures to ambient CFC-11
concentrations of 2, 5, and 7.5% (Amin et al., 1979) is
close to the terminal half-lives reported by Niazi & Chiou
Reinhardt et al. (1971a) conducted retention studies
on CFC-113 in human volunteers over occupationally rel-
evant periods. They measured the chlorofluorocarbon con-
centration in the expired air of volunteers exposed to
3835 mg/m3 (0.05%) or 7670 mg/m3 (0.1%) for 3 h in the
morning and 3 h in the afternoon. Although there was no
indication of chlorofluorocarbon accumulation, detectable
levels were retained overnight in four cases at 3835
mg/m3 and in 14 cases at 7670 mg/m3. In one instance,
there was a detectable level on a Monday morning following
a final exposure to 7670 mg/m3 (0.1%) on the previous
7.6. Reaction with body components
Lessard & Paulet (1985) concluded that simple dissol-
ution of CFC-12 in the lipid layer of biological membranes
with ensuing alteration of membrane configuration may
account for its anaesthetic effect and some of its cardiac
effects. Young & Parker (1972), however, suggested that
CFC-12 is bound to the hydrophilic areas of various phos-
pholipids and that potassium chloride may stop adrenaline-
induced arrhythmia in hearts sensitized by CFC-12 by dis-
placing the CFC-12 molecule held by the phospholipid.
CFC-11 has been shown to bind in vitro to liver micro-
somal protein and lipid (Uehleke et al., 1977; Cox et al.,
1972a,b) and to cytochrome P-450 (Cox et al., 1972a,b;
Wolf et al., 1977, 1978). Vainio et al., (1980) also dem-
onstrated binding of CFC-113 to cytochrome P-450. In view
of the very low liver toxicity potential of CFC-11 and
CFC-113, the toxicological significance of the P-450
binding is unknown.
8.1. Single exposures
8.1.1. Acute inhalation toxicity
A number of chlorofluoromethanes and chlorofluoroeth-
anes have been tested for acute inhalation toxicity in
laboratory animals. Because most of the information is of
limited importance for a quantitative risk assessment, it
will not be discussed in detail. The data are presented
in Table 12.
Of the fully halogenated chlorofluoromethanes, CFC-12
and CFC-13 show extremely low acute inhalation toxicity.
CFC-11 also has low acute inhalation toxicity, lethal
concentrations being in the range of 571-1427 g/m3
(100 000-250 000 ppm).
Within the chlorofluoroethanes, CFC-114 and 115 seem
to be of an extremely low acute toxicity, followed by CFC-
113 and CFC-112.
The symptomatology of acute intoxication is character-
ized by central nervous system effects and secondary
effects on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
8.1.2. Acute oral toxicity
Very little information is available on the acute oral
toxicity of chlorofluorocarbons. The lethality data for
some chlorofluorocarbons are summarized in Table 13. With
the exception of a slight increase in liver weight follow-
ing exposure to CFC-112 and CFC-112a at 25 000 mg/kg, no
gross or histological abnormalities were noted by Clayton
8.2. Short-term exposures
In this monograph, short-term exposures are defined as
those involving repeated daily exposure up to 90 days and
long-term studies as those longer than 90 days (see 8.4).
Table 12. Acute inhalation toxicity of fully halogenated chlorofluorocarbons
Compound Conc.a Conc.b Exposure Effects observed Reference
and period
species (min)
Guinea-pig 22-25 125-143 120 tremor, dyspnoea Nuckolls (1933)
45-51 257-291 120 tremor, incipient
100 571 50 deep narcosis Scholz (1961)
250 1427 30 death (LC50) Caujolle (1964)
Paulet (1969)
Mouse 10 57 1440 no clinical signs Quevauviller et al. (1963)
100 571 30 death (LC50) Paulet (1969)
Rat 50 285 120 incipient narcosis Scholz (1961)
90 514 30 deep narcosis Lester & Greenberg (1950)
150 856 30 death (LC50) Paulet (1969)
Hamster 100 571 240 death (LC50) Taylor & Drew (1974)
Cat 100 571 60 death Scholz (1961)
Guinea-pig 540 2716 30 initial effect on Paulet (1969)
900 4527 30 CNS narcosis, but
no mortalities
Mouse 320 1610 30 initial effect Paulet (1969)
on CNS
Rat 200 1006 30 no effect Lester & Greenberg (1950)
300-400 1509-2012 30 tremor
500 2515 30 reduced reflexes
700-800 3521-4024 30 deep narcosis, no
800 4024 360 no mortality
Monkey, 200 1006 420-480 incoordination Sayers et al. (1930)
Guinea-pig 600 2604 120 no effect Weigand (1971)
Rat 600 2604 120 no effect Weigand (1971)
Table 12 (contd.)
Compound Conc.a Conc.b Exposure Effects observed Reference
and period
species (min)
Rat 30 254 40-60 lethal (pulmonary Greenberg & Lester (1950)
5-10 42-85 1080 lethal (pulmonary
Guinea-pig 120 935 60 mortality (LC50) Trockimowitz (1984)
Mouse 90-95 701-740 120 death (LC50) Desoille et al. (1968)
90 701 120 death (LC50) Trockimowitz (1984)
Rat 52.5 409 240 death (LC50) Trockimowitz (1984)
110 857 120 death (LC50)
Rabbit 59.5 463 120 death (LC50) Trockimowitz (1984)
Guinea-pig 20-47 142-334 120 dyspnoea Nuckolls (1933)
400 2844 1440 incoordination Scholz (1961)
Mouse 700 4977 30 no mortality Paulet (1969)
Rat 300 2133 120 incoordination Scholz (1961)
600 4266 120 deep narcosis
720 5119 30 no mortality Paulet (1969)
Rabbit 750 5332 30 no mortality Paulet (1969)
Guinea-pig 600 3852 120 no effect Weigand (1971)
Rat 600 3852 120 no effect Weigand (1971)
a Concentration in parts per thousand.
b Concentration in g/m3.
8.2.1. Inhalation exposure
The results of short-term inhalation studies are sum-
marized in Table 14.
In the case of CFC-11, intermittent exposure to 143
g/m3 (25 000 ppm) (3.5 h/day, 5 days/week for 4 weeks)
did not result in any adverse effects in rats and guinea-
pigs (Scholz, 1962). Similarly, no treatment-related
effects occurred in rats, guinea-pigs, monkeys, or dogs
after intermittent exposure to 58.5 g/m3 (10 250 ppm)
(8 h/day, 5 days/week for 6 weeks) or continuous exposure
to 57.1 g/m3 (10 000 ppm) for 90 days (Jenkins et al.,
1970). Leuschner et al. (1983) exposed groups of dogs to
28.5 g/m3 (5000 ppm) and rats to 57.1 g/m3 (10 000 ppm)
for 6 h/day during 90 days and did not find any treatment-
related changes. The lowest reported effect level for CFC-
11 was 68.5 g/m3 (12 000 ppm), above which pathological
changes in the brain, liver, lung, and spleen of all the
rats were observed (Clayton, 1966).
Table 13. Acute oral toxicity of various chlorofluoroalkanes
to ratsa
Compound Approximate lethal dose (mg/kg)
CFC-11 3725b
CFC-12 >1000c
CFC-112 25 000
CFC-112a 25 000
CFC-113 45 000d
CFC-114 >2250c
a Modified from: Clayton (1966).
b From: Slater (1965).
c Maximum feasible dose of chlorofluorocarbon
dissolved in peanut oil.
d LD50 = 43 000 mg/kg.
The exposure of rats, cats, guinea-pigs, and dogs to
CFC-12 at 503 g/m3 (100 000 ppm) (3.5 h/day, 5 days/week
for 4 weeks) caused no adverse effects (Scholz, 1962).
Fatty infiltration and necrosis in the liver was observed
by Prendergast et al. (1967) after continuous (90-day)
exposure of guinea-pigs to CFC-12 at 4.02 g/m3 (800 ppm)
but not in rats, rabbits, dogs, or monkeys exposed to the
same dose regimen. Exposure to CFC-12 for 90 days
(6 h/day) of dogs at 25.1 g/m3 (5000 ppm) and rats at
50.3 g/m3 (10 000 ppm) was without any toxic effect
(Leuschner et al., 1983).
In most inhalation toxicity studies, CFC-113 caused no
adverse effects, even after a 90-day exposure of rats to
155 g/m3 (20 000 ppm) (Trochimowicz, 1984) and dogs to
40 g/m3 (5000 ppm) (Leuschner et al., 1983). However,
Clayton (1966) reported effects in rats after 30 exposures
(each of 7 h) to 40 g/m3 (5000 ppm) and Vainio et al.
(1980) found changes in liver enzyme activities and pro-
liferation of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum after
exposure of rats to 15.6-31.2 g/m3 (2000-4000 ppm)
(6 h/day for 7-14 days). Enlarged thyroids in monkeys and
increased kidney weights in rats were described after
continuous exposure to 15.6 g/m3 (2000 ppm) for 14 days
(Carter et al., 1970), but these effects were minimal and
could not be reproduced under the same exposure conditions
(Trochimowicz, 1984).
CFC-114 caused no effects in mice, rats, guinea-pigs,
cats, or dogs after intermittent exposure to concen-
trations as high as 711 g/m3 (100 000 ppm). At higher
dose levels (995-1422 g/m3; 140 000-200 000 ppm) signs
of intoxication were noted in guinea-pigs, dogs, rats, and
mice (see Table 13). Rats exposed to CFC-112 at 8470
mg/m3 (1000 ppm) (6 h/day for 31 days) developed slight
liver changes. Exposure to the same concentration for 18
h/day during 16 days caused no toxic effects, whereas CNS
and respiratory signs occurred at higher concentrations
(25 410 mg/m3; 3000 ppm) (Clayton, 1967). In contrast,
CFC-115 at 642 g/m3 (100 000 ppm) was tolerated by rats,
mice, rabbits, and dogs for 90 days (6 h/day) without any
toxic effect (Clayton, 1966).
In summary, it can be concluded that short-term inha-
lation toxicity is low. Toxic effects relate mainly to the
central nervous system, the respiratory tract, and the
Table 14. Short-term inhalation exposures of various animals to chlorofluorocarbons
Species and Exposure Effects Reference
number of g/m3a
Rat (4) 68 (12 000), 4 h/day, 10 days pathological changes in lung, Clayton (1966)
liver, brain, and spleen
Rat (5) 143 (25 000), 3.5 h/day, no adverse effects Scholz (1962)
5 days/week, 4 weeks
Dog (2) 71 (12 500 ppm, 3.5 h/day, no adverse effects Scholz (1962)
5 days/week, 4 weeks
Cat (2) 23 (4000), 6 h/day, 5 days/week no adverse effects Clayton (1966)
Rat (12) 28 exposures
Guinea-pig (2)
Rabbit (1)
Rat (15) 58 (10 250), 8 h/day, no compound-related effects Jenkins et al.
Guinea-pig (15) 5 days/week, 6 weeks (1970)
Monkey (9)
Dog (2)
Rat (15) 5.7 (1008), 24 h/day, no compound-related effects Jenkins et al.
Guinea-pig (15) 90 days (1970)
Monkey (9)
Dog (2)
Dog (6) 28.5 (5000), 6 h/day, no adverse effects Leuschner et al.
90 days (1983)
Rat (40) 57.1 (10 000), 6 h/day, no adverse effects Leuschner et al.
90 days (1983)
Cat (2) 503 (100 000), 3.5 h/day, no adverse effects Scholz (1962)
Rat (5) 5 days/week
Guinea-pig (3)
Dog (2)
Table 14. (contd.)
Species and Exposure Effects Reference
number of g/m3a
Guinea-pig (15) 4.1 (810), 24 h/day, fatty infiltration, necrosis Prendergast et al.
Rat (15) 90 days in the liver of guinea-pigs, (1967)
Dog (2) no treatment-related effects
Monkey (3) in other species
Guinea-pig (15) 4.1 (800), 8 h/day, fatty infiltration, Prendergast et al.
Rat (15) 5 days/week necrosis in the liver (1967)
Rabbit (3) of guinea-pigs, no
Dog (2) treatment-related effects
Monkey (3) in other species
Dog 1006 (200 000), tremor, ataxia, dispnoea, Sayers (1930)
Monkey 7-8 h/day salivation, lacrimation,
no histological changes
Dog (6) 25 (5000), 6 h/day, no adverse effects Leuschner et al.
90 days (1983)
Rat (40) 50 (10 000), 6 h/day, no adverse effects Leuschner et al.
90 days (1983)
Rat 8.5 (1000), 18 h/day, no toxic effects Clayton (1967a)
16 days
25 (3000), 4 h/day, CNS and respiratory signs Clayton (1967a)
10 days
Rat, mouse, 8.5 (1000), 6 h/day, slight liver changes Clayton (1967a)
guinea-pig, 31 days
Rat 16-31 (2000-4000), changes in liver enzyme Vainio et al.
6 h/day, 7-14 days activity, proliferation of (1980)
smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Table 14. (contd.)
Species and Exposure Effects Reference
number of g/m3a
Rat, mouse, 16 (2000), 24 h/day, no adverse effects Trochimowicz
dog, monkey 14 days (1984)
Monkey, rat 16 (2000), 24 h/day, enlarged thyroids (monkey), Carter et al.
14 days increased kidney weight (rat) (1970)
Mouse, dog 16 (2000), 24 h/day, no adverse effects Carter et al.
14 days (1970)
Rat, guinea-pig 195 (25 000), 3.5 h/day, no adverse effects Trochimowicz
20 exposures (1984)
Dog 97 (12 500), 3.5 h/day, no adverse effects Trockimowicz
29 exposures (1984)
Rat, dog, 40 (5100), 6 h/day, no adverse effects Trochimowicz
guinea-pig 20 exposures (1984)
Rat 16-22 (2075-2850), 7 h/day, no adverse effects, reduced
30 exposures rate of body weight gain, pale Clayton (1966)
discoloration of the liver
Rat up to 156 (20 000), 6 h/day, no adverse effects Trochimowicz
5 days/week, 90 days (1984)
Dog (6) 39 (5000), 6 h/day, 90 days no adverse effects Leuschner et al.
Rat (40) 78 (10 000), 6 h/day, no adverse effects Leuschner et al.
90 days (1983)
Cat, rat, dog, 711 (100 000), 3.5 h/day, no adverse effects Scholz (1962)
guinea-pig 20 exposures
Guinea-pig (6) 1002 (141 000), 8 h/day, occasionally slight fatty Yant et al. (1932)
21 days degeneration of the liver
Table 14. (contd.)
Species and Exposure Effects Reference
number of g/m3a
Guinea-pig (6) 1422 (200 000), 8 h/day, occasionally slight fatty Yant et al. (1932)
4 days degeneration of the liver
Dog (3) 1002 (141 000), 8 h/day, at study start incoordination, Yant et al. (1932)
3-21 days tremor, occasionally
convulsions; tolerance from
day 3-5 onwards
Dog (5) 1422 (200 000), 8 h/day, 100% mortality, temors, Yant et al. (1932)
3-4 days convulsions, impaired body weight
gain, haematological changes,
congestion of all organs
Rat (10) 711 (100 000), 2.5 h/day, no adverse effects Paulet & Desbrousses
Mouse (10) 5 days/week, 2 weeks (1969)
Rat (10) 1422 (200 000), 2.5 h/day, slight impairment of body Paulet & Desbrousses
Mouse (10) 5 days/week, 2 weeks weight gain increased lymphocyte (1969)
count, histopathology: alveolar
and bronchiolar stasis
Rat (10) 71 (10 000), 2.5 h/day, no adverse effects Paulet & Desbrousses
Mouse (10) 5 days/week, 2 weeks (1969)
Dog (6) 36 (5000), 6 h/day, no adverse effects Leuschner et al.
90 days (1983)
Rat (40) 71 (10 000), 6 h/days, no adverse effects Leuschner et al.
90 days (1983)
Rat, mouse, 642 (100 000), 6 h/day, no adverse effects Clayton (1966)
dog, rabbit 90 days
a Values in parentheses are exposure concentrations in parts per million.
8.2.2. Oral toxicity
Repeated dose studies of less than 90 days duration
have been reported for CFC-12, CFC-112, CFC-112a, CFC-114,
and CFC-115 and generally confirm the low toxicity of
these chlorofluorocarbons.
In a study by Clayton (1967a), CFC-12 was given orally
to rats at a dose level ranging from 160-379 mg/kg per
day, as well as to dogs at doses of 84-95 mg/kg per day,
for approximately 12 weeks without significant adverse
effects related to nutritional, clinical, laboratory, or
histopathological indices.
Greenberg & Lester (1950) dosed rats with both CFC-112
and CFC-112a at 2000 mg/kg for 23-33 days with no clinical
or histopathological evidence of toxicity. However, when
rats were given CFC-112 or CFC-112a at 5000 mg/kg per day
for 10 days, Clayton et al. (1966) and Clayton (1967b)
found that both chlorofluorocarbons produced tremors,
inactivity, initial weight loss, diarrhoea, a slight liver
weight increase, and slight, reversible histopathological
changes in the liver.
Like CFC-112 and CFC-112a, CFC-114 produced no ad-
verse effects in rats when administered at oral doses of
2000 mg/kg per day for 23-33 days (Quevauviller, 1965).
Clayton (1967a) also reported no evidence of toxicity in
rats given CFC-114 at 1300 mg/kg per day for 10 days.
Clayton (1966, 1967a) fed CFC-115 to rats at doses of
140-172 mg/kg for 5 days/week for two weeks. No clinical
or histopathological effects were seen immediately after
the last dose or two weeks later.
8.2.3. Dermal toxicity
McNight & McGraw (1983) investigated the effects on
the livers of hairless mice of dermal application of CFC-
113. A pad saturated with CFC-113 was applied to an area
corresponding to 10% of the body surface for 5 min, twice
daily, for 10, 20, or 40 days. No changes occurred in the
group exposed for 10 days. Increased vacuolization of
liver endoplasmic reticulum was seen after 20 days ex-
posure, which was less pronounced after 40 days, whereas
swollen mitochondria were only found after 20 days exposure.
CFC-113 applied to rabbit skin at 5 g/kg per day for 5
days caused gross and histological damage to the skin as
well as slight changes in the liver (Clayton, 1966). CFC-
11, CFC-12, CFC-113, and CFC-114 at 40% in sesame oil were
sprayed onto shaved rabbit skin for 12 exposures with no
effect (Scholz, 1962).
When applied to the skin of rabbits at 7.5 g/kg, CFC-
112 caused skin erythema but no systematic or histological
effects. CFC-112a (11 g/kg) caused histological changes in
skin musculature and weight loss (Clayton, 1966).
8.3. Skin and eye irritation; sensitization
Severe local irritation was produced after 5 days by
CFC-113 kept occluded in liquified form at 5 g/kg per day
on shaved rabbit skin (Waritz, 1971). Quevauviller et al.
(1964) and Quevauviller (1965) applied CFC-11, CFC-12,
CFC-114, and mixtures of CFC-11 and CFC-12 and of CFC-11
and CFC-22 to the skin, tongue, soft palate, and auditory
canal of rats, 1-2 times/day, 5 days/week, for 5-6 weeks.
The same compounds were applied once a day, 5 days/week
for 1 month to the eye of rabbits. Slight irritation was
noted only in the skin of the rats and in the eye of the
rabbits. The healing rate of experimental burns on the
skin of rabbits, however, was noticeably retarded by all
of the compounds.
When applied to the skin of rabbits, CFC-112 at 7.5
g/kg caused erythema and CFC-112a at 11 g/kg caused severe
skin irritation, while CFC-113 at 11 g/kg produced only
local irritation. CFC-114 did not produce irritation when
sprayed directly on the backs of guinea-pigs (Clayton,
1966). CFC-112 produced mild irritation but no sensitiz-
ation when applied to the skin of guinea-pigs (Clayton et
al., 1964).
8.4. Long-term exposures
8.4.1. Inhalation toxicity
In long-term inhalation toxicity studies by Smith &
Case (1973), mice and dogs were exposed regularly for
brief periods to high levels of mixtures of CFC-11, CFC-
12, CFC-114, and CFC-113 (25:49:25:1.1) and CFC-11, CFC-
12, CFC-114, and Span 85, an emulsifier, (24.5:50:25:0.5),
respectively. In this study 30 female mice were exposed by
inhalation 5 days/week at levels of 0 or 970 mg/kg (calcu-
lated value) per day for 23 months. No signs of toxicity
were observed during the study and there was no evidence
of lung tumours after the 23 months of exposure. When
adult dogs (three of each sex) were exposed 7 days/week at
levels of 0 or 2240 mg/kg (calculated value) per day for
1 year, some signs of toxicity, such as slight depression
or drowsiness, were observed in dogs immediately after
dosing but lasted only a few minutes. Tissue sections of
the lungs did not show signs of toxicity or irritation
from inhalation. Also, no changes were observed in haema-
tology, blood chemistry, or urinalysis.
Trochimowicz et al. (1988) performed a 2-year inha-
lation toxicity and carcinogenicity study of CFC-113
(technical grade, purity 99.89%) on Cr1:CD(SD)BR rats
(Sprague Dawley-derived). Groups of 100 males and 100
females were exposed to 0, 15.3, 76.6, or 153 g/m3 (0,
0.2, 1, or 2% in air) 6 h/day, 5 days/week, for up to 2
years. Body weight, appearance and behaviour, and clinical
laboratory values (haematology, clinical chemistry, and
urinalysis) were monitored regularly. Comprehensive histo-
pathological examinations were performed on rats in the
control group and in those exposed to 153 g/m3. The only
findings considered by the authors to be treatment-related
were decreases in mean body weight and in body weight gain
among females exposed to 76.6 g/m3 and in both sexes
exposed to 153 g/m3, and a slight, transient increase in
serum glucose levels in males exposed to 153 g/m3.
When rabbits and rats were exposed for a period of 2
years (2 h/day, 5 days per week) to a CFC-113 concen-
tration of about 93 g/m3 (12 000 ppm), three out of six
rats died. In the exposed animals a slight dizziness was
observed. Body weight, growth, and haematology values
remained unchanged. No compound-related effects on mor-
phology were found which could be attributed to exposure
to CFC-113. Also, since three rats died in the control
group and no treatment-related signs were seen in the
surviving animals exposed to CFC-113, the deaths of the
exposed animals were probably not related to the exposure
(Desoille et al., 1968).
8.4.2. Oral toxicity
Long-term oral toxicity studies have been carried out
on CFC-11 and CFC-12. NCI (1978) completed a bioassay of
CFC-11, administered by gavage in corn oil, for possible
carcinogenicity in Osborne-Mendel rats and B6C3F1 mice.
The assay for carcinogenicity was negative for mice and
inconclusive for rats. Time-weighted average doses were
488 and 977 mg/kg per day for male rats, 538 and 1077
mg/kg per day for female rats, and 1962 and 3925 mg/kg per
day for male and female mice. All doses were administered
5 days/week. In both male and female rats, a significant
(P < 0.001) dose-related acceleration of mortality was
noted compared with the vehicle control using the Tarone
test. This increase in mortality occurred as early as 4
weeks in the females receiving the higher dose. This
early mortality, however, could not be related to changes
in body weights, clinical signs, or non-tumour pathology.
Low incidences (2-6%) of pleuritis and pericarditis were
seen in the treated rats of both sexes at both dose levels
but not in the control animals. Chronic murine pneumonia
occurred in control and treated animals at incidences of
almost 90%. In mice, no statistically significant com-
pound-related effects were noted on weight gain, clinical
signs, or non-tumour pathology. In female, but not male,
mice, a significant (P=0.009) dose-related increase in
mortality was noted compared with the vehicle controls
using the Tarone test.
Sherman (1974) conducted long-term oral studies of
CFC-12 on rats and dogs. As part of a multi-generation
reproductive and chronic toxicity study, groups of 50 male
and 50 female Charles River rats of the F1a generation
remained in the test for 2 years, with an interim kill at
1 year. Starting at 6 weeks of age, controls, low-dose,
and high-dose groups were administered CFC-12 in corn oil
or corn oil alone daily by gavage for 6 weeks and 5 times
per week thereafter. Over the course of the study, actual
daily doses of CFC-12 for low-dose males and females de-
clined from 27 to 11 and 25 to 11 mg/kg per day, respect-
ively, and, for the high-dose males and females, declined
from 273 to 130 and 242 to 128 mg/kg per day, respect-
ively. Average doses were 15 mg/kg per day for the low-
dose groups and 150 mg/kg per day for the high-dose
groups. Body weight gain was depressed in the high-dose
groups, particularly among the females, and a slight
decline in food efficiency was noted in high-dose females,
relative to controls. No overt signs of toxicity were
seen, and there were no significant differences between
treated and control groups in survival, periodic measure-
ments of haematological, clinical chemistry, and urinal-
ysis values, or in organ weights and histopathological
findings. No evidence of carcinogenicity was seen.
In the same study, groups of four male and four female
beagle dogs were orally administered CFC-12 (in frozen dog
food) at measured doses of 0, 8, or 80 mg/kg per day for 2
years. None of the dogs died or showed signs of toxicity.
No significant differences between treated and control
groups were found in food consumption, body weight, per-
iodic haematology, clinical chemistry and urine testing,
organ weights, or histopathological findings. An adrenal
function test (urinary 17-ketosteroid excretion) also re-
vealed no effects. There was no evidence of carcino-
genicity (Sherman, 1974).
8.5. Reproduction and developmental toxicity
8.5.1. Reproduction
Effects on reproductive parameters have only been
reported for two chlorofluorocarbons, CFC-12 and CFC-113.
In a three-generation, oral gavage study in rats using
CFC-12 (in corn oil) at average doses of 15 and 150 mg/kg
per day, Sherman (1974) found no adverse effects on repro-
ductive capability as measured by the fertility index
(percentage of matings resulting in pregnancy), gestation
index (percentage of pregnancies resulting in birth of
live litters), viability index (percentage of rats born
that survived four days), and lactation index (percentage
of rats alive at 4 days that survived to be weaned at 21
In a limited one-generation reproduction study, groups
of male and female rats were exposed by inhalation
6 h/day, 5 days per week, for 10 weeks (males) or 3 weeks
(females) to CFC-113 at either 39 or 97 g/m3 (5000 or
12 500 ppm). Each male rat was then paired with two
females for 2 weeks during which time exposure was
6 h/day, 7 days/week. Females that showed positive signs
of mating continued to be exposed 6 h/day until day 20 of
gestation when they were allowed to give birth. The devel-
opment of their offspring was followed for up to 4 weeks.
There were no adverse effects on any of the standard
reproductive indices (US EPA, 1983).
8.5.2. Developmental toxicity
Of the chlorofluorocarbons reviewed in this document,
developmental toxicity studies have been reported for CFC-
11, CFC-12, and CFC-113.
In a study of a mixture (10% CFC-11 and 90% CFC-12),
groups of rats and rabbits were exposed by inhalation on
days 4-16 (rats) or days 5-20 (rabbits) of gestation for
2 h/day at a concentration of 1558 g/m3 (200 000 ppm).
No evidence of embryotoxicity, fetotoxicity, or terato-
genicity was seen when rats and rabbits were sacrificed at
20 days (rats) or 30 days (rabbits) of gestation. In
addition, offspring of the dams that were allowed to
deliver naturally showed no evidence of toxicity relative
to survival or growth (US EPA, 1983).
In another study, groups of 25 to 27 pregnant Charles
River rats were given CFC-12 in corn oil by gavage at
doses of 16.6 or 179 mg/kg per day on days 6-15 of ges-
tation. Neither dose induced any evidence of embryotox-
icity or teratogenicity (Sherman, 1974).
Three unpublished studies on rats and rabbits were
carried out using CFC-113 and were reviewed by the US EPA
(1983). Groups of 24 pregnant rats were exposed 6 h/day
on days 6-15 of gestation to either 39, 97, or 195 g/m3
(5000, 12 500, or 25 000 ppm in air). Some evidence of
maternal toxicity (reduced weight gain, decreased food
intake) was seen at the highest exposure level. However,
there was no evidence of embryotoxicity, fetotoxicity, or
teratogenicity at any exposure level.
Two studies using rabbits were judged to be inadequate
by the US EPA (1983) because of the small number of dams
and fetuses evaluated, the limited exposure time each day,
and excessive maternal toxicity. In the first study
(Hazleton Laboratories, 1967a), groups of 12 rabbits were
exposed to CFC-113 at either 15.6 or 156 g/m3 (2000 or
20 000 ppm in air) for 2 h/day on days 8-16 of gestation.
Signs of maternal toxicity were seen at the highest
exposure level but there was no evidence of embryotoxicity
or teratogenicity attributable to CFC-113.
In the second rabbit study (Hazleton Laboratories,
1967b), groups of eight rabbits were given CFC-113 at
either 1000 or 5000 mg/kg per day by gavage on days 8-11
of gestation. No unusual skeletal or visceral abnormali-
ties were observed at either dose level, but low pregnancy
rates and fetal deaths were seen in control and test
In conclusion, none of the three chlorofluorocarbons
tested (CFC-11, CFC-12, and CFC-113) show any evidence of
reproductive or developmental toxicity. There is no sig-
nificant information on this subject for any of the other
chlorofluorocarbons evaluated in this monograph.
8.6. Mutagenicity and related end-points
The mutagenic potential of the chlorofluorocarbons
reviewed in this monograph has been evaluated, primarily
using the Salmonella assay (Uehleke et al., 1977;
Longstaff et al., 1984) with negative results. Negative
results were also obtained for CFC-11, CFC-12, and CFC-115
in a cell transformation assay (Longstaff et al., 1984)
and for CFC-11 and CFC-12 in a mammalian cell mutagenicity
test (Krahn et al., 1982). CFC-12 was also tested in a
plant assay using Tradescantia, and found to be negative
(Van't Hof & Schairer, 1982).
A dominant lethal assay was performed as part of a
reproduction study on rats using CFC-12 at doses of 15 and
150 mg/kg per day (gavage) for several weeks (Sherman,
1974). Another dominant lethal assay was performed with
CFC-112 and CFC-113 on mice after single intraperitoneal
injections of 200 and 1000 mg/kg (Epstein et al., 1972).
Negative results were obtained in both of these in vivo
assays. The mutagenicity studies are summarized in Table
8.7. Carcinogenicity
Long-term oral carcinogenicity studies of CFC-11 (NCI,
1978) and CFC-12 (Sherman, 1974) gave negative results.
When administered by gavage to groups of 50 male and 50
female B6C3F1 mice (see section 8.4.2), CFC-11 at 1962 or
3952 mg/kg per day, 5 days/week, for 78 weeks, followed by
13 weeks of observation, produced no evidence of carcino-
genicity (NCI, 1978). Gavage administration of CFC-11 to
groups of 50 male and 50 female Osborne-Mendel rats in the
same study also produced no evidence of carcinogenicity,
but the results were considered to be inconclusive by the
NCI (1978) because the numbers of rats surviving long
enough to be at risk from late-developing tumours were
insufficient. In this study, time-weighted average doses
of CFC-11 (488 and 977 mg/kg per day for male rats and 538
and 1077 mg/kg per day for female rats) were administered
5 days/week for 78 weeks, followed by 28-33 weeks of
CFC-11 Reverse mutationa (L) S. typhimurium TA1535 yes negative Uehleke
CFC-11 Reverse mutationa (L) S. typhimurium TA1538 yes negative et al. (1977)
CFC-11 Reverse mutation (G) S. typhimurium TA100 no/yes negatived Longstaff et
TA1535 no/yes negative al. (1984)
CFC-11 Forward mutation (G) CHO cells NA no/yes negative Krahn et al.
CFC-11 Cell transformation (G) BHK21 cells NA yes negative Longstaff et
al. (1984)
CFC-12 Reverse mutation (G) S. typhimurium TA100 no/yes negatived Longstaff et
TA1535 no/yes negative al. (1984)
CFC-12 Forward mutation (G) CHO cells NA no/yes negative Krahn et al.
CFC-12 Cell transformation (G) BHK21 cells NA yes negative Longstaff et
al. (1984)
CFC-12 Forward mutation (G) Trandescantia Clone NA negative Van't Hof &
Blue locus hybrid 4430c Schairer, (1982)
CFC-12 Dominant lethal ratsb Charles NA negative Sherman (1974)
mutation (g.i.) River CD NA negative
CFC-13 Reverse mutation (G) S. typhimurium TA100 no/yes negatived Longstaff et
TA1535 no/yes negative al. (1984)
Table 15. (contd.)
Compound Method or type of Organisms Strain Use of Results Reference
(code) assay (exposures) metabolic
CFC-112 Dominant lethal Swiss miceb ICR/Ha NA negative Epstein et
mutation (i.p.) al. (1972)
CFC-113 Reverse mutation (G) S. typhimurium TA100 no/yes negatived Longstaff et
TA1535 no/yes negative al. (1984)
CFC-113 Dominant lethal Swiss miceb ICR/Ha NA negative Epstein et
mutation (i.p.) al. (1972)
CFC-114 Reverse mutation (G) S. typhimurium TA15351 no/yes negatived Longstaff et
al. (1984)
CFC-115 Reverse mutation (G) S. typhimurium TA1535 no/yes negatived Longstaff et
al. (1984)
CFC-115 Cell tranformation (G) BHK21 cells NA yes negative Longstaff et
al. (1984)
a Ames assay performed with pre-incubation for 60 min in closed vials under nitrogen gas.
b See text for dose information.
c Heterozygous for blue locus.
d Longstaff et al. (1984) stated that all the fluorocarbons tested gave negative results in
S. typhimurium TA1538 and TA98 in the absence or presence of a metabolic activating system.
NA = not applicable; G = gas; L = liquid; g.i. = gastric intubation; i.p. = intraperitoneal;
BHK21 = permanent cell line of baby hamster kidney fibroblasts; CHO = Chinese hamster ovary;
HGPRT = hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyl transferase.
CFC-12 administered by gavage at doses of 15 or 150
mg/kg per day for 2 years to groups of 50 male and 50
female Charles River rats of the F1a generation in a
multi-generation study (see section 8.4.2) produced no
evidence of carcinogenicity (Sherman, 1974).
Data on the carcinogenicity of inhaled CFC-11 and
CFC-12 by Sprague-Dawley rats and Swiss mice have been
reported by Maltoni et al. (1988). When administered to
groups of 90 male and 90 female rats and 60 male and 60
female mice at concentrations of 1000 or 5000 ppm (57 or
285 g CFC-11/m3; 49 or 247 g CFC-12/m3), 4 h/day, 5
days/week, neither compound was found to have induced
statistically significant differences in the incidence of
total benign or malignant tumours when compared with
groups of unexposed rats or mice. The authors also stated
that the incidence of all tumours and of some particularly
frequently occurring spontaneous tumours in mice showed a
tendency to increase in animals exposed to CFC-11 and CFC-
12 and that the increased incidence was usually observed
in one sex and was not always dose related, possibly due
to a longer survival of the treated mice compared with
Trochimowicz et al. (1988) conducted a 2-year inha-
lation toxicity and carcinogenicity study of CFC-113 in
Cr1:CD(SD)BR rats. In this study, groups of 100 males and
100 females were exposed to CFC-113 (technical grade,
purity 99.89%) at 0, 152, 760, or 1520 g/m3 (0, 2000,
10 000, or 20 000 ppm), 6 h/day, 5 days/week, for up to 2
years. The toxic effects, which were minimal, are reviewed
in section 8.4.1. Primary nasal tumours were found in one
male rat exposed to 1520 g/m3 and in three male rats and
one female rat exposed to 760 g/m3. The five nasal
tumours were classified as an adenoma, an undifferentiated
sarcoma, an early carcinoma, a carcinoid-like neoplasm,
and a papilloma. The authors noted that spontaneous nasal
tumours were rare in the control rats. Female rats exposed
to 1520 g/m3 showed a statistically significant increase,
relative to control females, in the incidence of pancre-
atic islet cell adenomas. The incidence of this tumour in
the females of the highest dose group was 5.8%. Because
the nasal tumours found in the treated rats were of vari-
ous morphological types and the incidences were not dose
related, the authors concluded that the occurrence of this
tumour was not related to CFC-113 exposure. However, as
indicated in section 8.3, CFC-113 is a local irritant at
high concentrations. Thus the neoplasms found in the nasal
cavity may be the consequence of the local irritation
caused by CFC-113 in the peculiar anatomical configuration
of this cavity in the rat. In addition, because the inci-
dence of pancreatic islet cell adenomas in the females
exposed to 1520 g/m3 was "within the anticipated inci-
dence of this finding among untreated Cr1:CD(SD)BR rats,"
the increased incidence in this group, relative to matched
controls, was not considered to be related to CFC-113
CFC-112 and CFC-113, at a dose of 0.1 ml 10% (v/v)
solution injected subcutaneously into the neck of neonatal
mice, were not carcinogenic. However, when injected in
conjunction with a 5% (v/v) solution of piperonyl
butoxide, hepatomas were induced in male mice. This was
particularly marked with CFC-113. The apparent synergistic
hepatocarcinogenicity of these chlorofluorocarbons with
piperonyl butoxide cannot be explained at present. The
investigators speculated that piperonyl butoxide may
interfere with the metabolism of chlorofluorocarbons
(Epstein et al., 1967a). The significance of this effect
is difficult to interpret because of the lack of follow-up
studies in other species (Tomatis et al., 1973) and with
other chlorofluorocarbons.
8.8. Special studies - cardiopulmonary effects
8.8.1. Cardiac sensitization in response to exogenous adrenaline-induced
A variety of hydrocarbons, with and without halogen
substitution, have long been known to sensitize the heart
to adrenaline-induced arrhythmias including ventricular
fibrillation (Hermann & Vial, 1935; Garb & Chenoweth,
1948; Hays, 1972; Reinhardt et al., 1973). At various con-
centrations, chlorofluorocarbons have been shown to
produce this effect. Because this arrhythmogenic action
may be related to a variety of human health hazards, a
great deal of research has been stimulated in this area,
focused primarily on determining the minimum concentration
of chlorofluorocarbons and adrenaline required to produce
arrhythmias in various mammals. The reader is referred to
Zakhair & Aviado (1982) for a review of the literature on
this subject.
Reinhardt et al. (1971b) exposed dogs to varying con-
centrations of CFC-12 for periods of 0.5-10 min and found
that a minimum concentration of CFC-12 in air of 250
g/m3 (5%) was necessary to sensitize the heart to an
intravenous dose of adrenaline (8 µg/kg body weight) and
that increasing the period of exposure to lower concen-
trations did not result in arrhythmias. However,
increasing the chlorofluorocarbon concentration resulted
in a reduction of the sensitizing concentration threshold
of exogenous adrenaline. In dogs exposed to normal oxygen-
ation and CFC-12 at 500 g/m3 (10%) (which resulted in
75 µg CFC-12/ml in arterial blood), the exogenous adrena-
line concentration related to arrhythmia was 3 µg/kg per
min, while it was only 2.5 µg/kg per min at a CFC-12 con-
centration of 1000 g/m3 (20%) (resulting in 155 µg CFC-
12/ml in arterial blood) (Lessard et al., 1977b). For the
same CFC-12 concentration (1000 g/m3, 20%, resulting in
155 µg/ml in arterial blood), arrhythmias occurred in
rabbits only at the concentration of 8 µg/kg per min of
exogenous adrenaline, the arrhythmogenic threshold
depending also on the animal species (Lessard et al.,
1977a). For the most part, the comparative arrhythmogenic
potencies of chlorofluorocarbons are similar to those
noted in standard inhalation studies: as fluorination
increases within a homologous series, toxicity tends to
decrease. Thus, for the chlorofluoromethanes, the arrhyth-
mogenic potency of CFC-11 seems to be greater than that of
CFC-12. A similar pattern is seen in the fully halogenated
ethanes (CFC-113 > CCF-114 > CFC-115) (Reinhardt et al.,
1971b, 1973; Clark & Tinston, 1972a,b; Wills, 1972).
That a critical blood level of chlorofluorocarbon is
needed to cause sensitization indicates that differences
among the chlorofluorocarbons may primarily reflect dif-
ferences in absorption characteristics rather than any
toxic mechanisms on the molecular level (Jack, 1971;
Taylor et al., 1971; Clark & Tinston, 1972a; Azar et al.,
1973). The similarities in lowest venous blood concen-
trations associated with cardiac sensitization in these
various studies suggest that these compounds act in a
similar and perhaps non-specific manner in causing
arrhythmias. This type of speculation is at least circum-
stantially supported by the basic similarities in cardiac
effects caused by these and other halo-substituted hydro-
8.8.2. Cardiac sensitization and asphyxia-induced arrhythmia
Studies by Taylor & Harris (1970a) indicated that
inhaled chlorofluorocarbons are toxic to the hearts of
mice, as shown by the rapid onset of sinus bradycardia and
atrioventricular (AV) block induced by a degree of partial
asphyxia sufficient to cause tachycardia in unexposed
mice. However, four other groups of investigators (Azar
et al., 1971; Jack, 1971; Egle et al., 1972; McLure, 1972)
failed to confirm these findings. They found that the
effects caused by chlorofluorocarbons do not vary signifi-
cantly from those caused by nitrogen asphyxia controls.
These authors concluded that the bradycardia and AV block
were actually due to asphyxia, not to chlorofluorocarbon
exposure. Although the preceding controversy was never
resolved, it is important to note that no reports have
been found that confirm the work of Taylor & Harris
The mechanism by which arrhythmia is related to the
severity of asphyxia is at present unknown. However, it
may be related to the degree of adrenaline stimulation or
myocardial depression associated with a given level of
asphyxia (Zakhair & Aviado, 1982). This mechanism is also
probably related to the nature of the chlorofluorocarbon,
since induced changes in heart rate depend on chloroflu-
orocarbon concentrations and the animal species. For
example, inhalation of CFC-12 (concentrations of CFC-12 in
gas mixture are given in brackets; animals anaesthetized
unless stated otherwise) has been reported to cause:
* bradycardia in mice (1006 and 2012 g/m3, i.e. 20 and
40%) (Aviado & Belej, 1974), rats (1006 g/m3, 20%)
(Doherty & Aviado, 1975), and dogs (concentration not
given) (Flowers & Horan, 1972);
* no change in cardiac rate in monkeys (251 and 503
g/m3, i.e. 5 and 10%) (Belej et al., 1974), rats
(from 0-2515 g/m3, i.e. 0 to 50%) (Friedman et al.,
1973), cats (1257 g/m3, 25%) (Harris et al., 1971),
or rats (503, 1006, and 2012 g/m3, i.e. 10, 20, and
40%) (Watanabe & Aviado, 1975);
* tachycardia in monkeys (251-503 g/m3, i.e. 5-10%)
(Aviado & Smith) and in unanaesthetized rats (503,
1006, and 2012 g/m3, i.e. 10, 20 and 40%) (Watanabe
& Aviado, 1975).
According to Lessard et al. (1977a), CFC-12 causes
tachycardia in anaesthetized rabbits at concentrations of
1006 g/m3 (20%) or more and in anaesthetized dogs at con-
centrations of 503 g/m3 (10%) or more (Lessard et al.,
1977b). After surgical removal of baroreceptors in rabbits
and dogs, CFC-12 at any concentration causes bradycardia.
Thus, the tachycardia is due to the baroreflex secondary
to the fall in arterial blood pressure (Lessard et al.,
Hypoxia is also known to potentiate the myocardial
depression due to CFC-12 in isolated papillary muscle of
rats (Kilen & Harris, 1972, 1976) and in the heart of
anaesthetized rabbits (Taylor & Drew, 1974).
Hypoxia associated with high concentrations of CFC-12
(4778 g/m3, i.e. 95%, in gas mixture or 1475 µg/ml in
arterial blood) is needed to cause fatal arrhythmia in
anaesthetized dogs (Flowers & Horan, 1975).
8.8.3. Arrhythmia not associated with asphyxia or adrenaline
Some chlorofluorocarbons have been found to affect
cardiac function under conditions of adequate oxygenation
or in the absence of elevated adrenaline levels. Arrhyth-
mia, in the absence of hypoxaemia or hypercarbia, has been
demonstrated in dogs (CFC-12, 3974 g/m3, i.e. 79%, re-
sulting in 725 µg/ml in arterial blood, Lessard et al.,
1978; CFC-12 concentration not mentioned, Flowers & Horan,
1972), monkeys (CFC-12, 1509 g/m3, 30% + CFC-114, 453
g/m3 (9%): Taylor et al., 1971) and rabbits (79% CFC-12
resulting in 855 g/ml in arterial blood: Lessard et al.,
1978). However, Lessard et al. did not obtain arrhythmia
in either dogs or rabbits, exposed to the same concen-
trations of CFC-12, after surgical removal of barorecep-
tors, showing that these arrhythmias were related to
reflex endogenous adrenaline delivery (Lessard et al.,
8.9. Mechanisms of toxicity - mode of action
Studies concerning cardiac arrhythmias caused by
chlorofluorocarbons at high concentrations (see section
8.8) may be interpreted in two ways (Taylor et al., 1971).
Firstly, the chlorofluorocarbon gases may be exerting some
direct effect on the myocardium. Secondly, they may have
sensitized the ventricular myocardium to endogenous
catecholamines (see Aviado & Belej, 1974). This latter
interpretation is consistent with the blocking of arrhyth-
mias by propranolol. The two interpretations are supported
by the more recent results of Lessard et al. (1980),
Lessard & Paulet (1985), and Lessard & Paulet (1986). On
the basis of an electrophysiological analysis of the
action of CFC-12 on different types of cardiac cells from
rats and sheep, these authors conclude that:
* the cardiac depression observed during inhalation of
CFC-12 (and many other volatile liposoluble compounds)
is the consequence of a non-specific impairment of the
membrane properties and notably the inhibition of
trans-membrane ionic currents;
* CFC-12 action on ionic currents is variable: at high
concentrations, depending on the type of cardiac cell,
it can oppose or favour the action of adrenaline,
giving rise to many factors that lead to arrhythmia.
In a review of the toxicity of chlorofluorocarbons,
Aviado (1978) proposed a combination of mechanisms for the
cardiopulmonary effects of fluorocarbons. Disintegration
of normal alveolar surfactant was implicated in the death
of an adolescent after abuse of a chlorofluorocarbon-
propelled aerosol (Fagan et al., 1977).
Several investigators have attempted to determine if
chlorofluorocarbons affect oxidative phosphorylation.
Griffin et al. (1972) showed that CFC-12 and CFC-114 do
not markedly affect oxygen consumption or oxidative
phosphorylation in mitochondria isolated from the liver,
lung, brain, heart, or kidney of rats exposed to about
7.5% chlorofluorocarbons prior to mitochondrial isolation.
Further in vitro studies were conducted with liver and
heart mitochondria in which measurements were taken during
exposure of the mitochondria to CFC-12 at 990 g/m3 (20%)
(time of exposure not specified). No effects on either
oxidation or phosphorylation were noted (Griffin et al.,
9.1. Controlled studies with volunteers
The studies reported by Stewart et al. (1978) are
among the more comprehensive attempts to characterize the
effects of CFC-11 and CFC-12 on human volunteers under
controlled conditions. A number of biological end-points,
including clinical haematology and chemistry, ECG, EEG,
pulmonary function, neurological parameters, and cognitive
tests were monitored. Single exposures to CFC-11 or CFC-
12 at concentrations of 0.025% (CFC-11, 1.4 g/m3; CFC-
12, 1.2 g/m3), 0.05% (CFC-11, 2.8 g/m3; CFC-12, 2.5
g/m3), and 0.1% (CFC-11, 5.6 g/m3; CFC-12, 5 g/m3),
for 1 min to 8 h, induced no observable effects. There was
a statistically-significant decrease in cognitive test
performance in subjects exposed to CFC-11 at 5.6 g/m3, 8
h/day, 5 days/week, for 2-4 weeks, but not in subjects ex-
posed to CFC-12 at 5 g/m3. Although the authors regarded
this effect as "spurious", the similar effects observed
on acute exposures to CFC-12 (Kehoe, 1943; Azar et al.,
1972) and CFC-113 (Stopps & McLaughlin, 1967), as well as
the behavioural effects of CFC-21 on baboons (Geller et
al., 1977), suggest that psychomotor impairment may be a
general effect of fluorocarbons, which precedes signs of
definite toxic effects.
Kehoe (1943) exposed one subject to CFC-12 at concen-
trations of 198 g/m3 (4%), 297 g/m3 (6%), 347 g/m3
(7%), and 545 g/m3 (11%) for periods of 80, 80, 35, and
11 min, respectively. A second subject was exposed to 198
g/m3 for 14 min, immediately followed by 99 g/m3 (2%)
for 66 min. At 198 g/m3, the subject experienced a
tingling sensation, humming in the ears, and apprehension.
EEG changes were noted as well as slurred speech and de-
creased performance in psychological tests. In the subject
exposed to higher concentrations, these signs and symptoms
became more pronounced with increases in concentration.
An exposure to 545 g/m3 for 11 min caused a significant
degree of cardiac arrhythmia, followed by a decrease in
consciousness with amnesia after 10 min. At a concen-
tration of 50 g/m3 (1%) for 150 min, Azar et al. (1972)
noted a 7% decrease in psychomotor test scores, but no
effect at 5 g/m3 (0.1%) over the same period. Valic et
al. (1977) exposed 10 subjects to CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-114,
two mixtures of CFC-11 and CFC-12, and a mixture of CFC-12
and CFC-114 (breathing concentrations between 16 and 150
g/m3) for 15, 45, or 60 seconds, and found significant
acute reduction of ventilatory lung capacity (FEF50,
FEF25) on exposure to each chlorofluorocarbon, as well as
bradycardia and increased variability in heart rate in
seven subjects, negative T-waves in two subjects (one was
exposed to CFC-11 and CFC-12), and atrioventricular block
in 1 subject (CFC-114). Mixtures exerted stronger respir-
atory effects than individual chlorofluorocarbon at the
same level of exposure.
In another study, 11 subjects (7 being maintenance
technicians of large cooling and refrigerating systems)
were exposed for 130 min to CFC-12 (weighted exposure
0.46, 49.9, and 87.7 g/m3), HCFC-22 (0.71 and 18.9
g/m3), and CFC-502 (a mixture of 4 g CFC-115/m3 and
1.4 g CFC-22/m3 or of 23.4 g CFC-115/m3 and 10.5 g CFC-
22/m3). This led to acute reduction of ventilatory lung
capacity only at the two highest CFC-12 concentrations,
under which conditions a significant decrease in the heart
frequency was also observed (Valic et al., 1982).
CFC-113 has been tested on human subjects by Stopps &
McLaughlin (1967) and Reinhardt et al. (1971a). Psycho-
motor performance was evaluated with exposures to 12 g/m3
(0.15%), 19 g/m3 (0.25%), 27 g/m3 (0.35%), and 35 g/m3
(0.45%) for 165 min (Stopps & McLaughlin, 1967). At the
lowest level, no effect was noted, but at 19 g/m3 there
was difficulty in concentrating and some decrease in test
scores. These effects were more pronounced at 27 g/m3,
and at 35 g/m3 performance in various tasks was decreased
by between 10 and 30%. These decreases coincided with sen-
sations of "heaviness" in the head, drowsiness, and a
slight loss of orientation after shaking the head from
left to right. Reinhardt et al. (1971a) exposed four human
subjects to CFC-113 at concentrations of 8 g/m3 (0.1%)
and 4 g/m3 (0.05%) for 180-min periods in the morning and
afternoon on 5 days. No decreases in psychomotor ability
were noted. No abnormal findings were noted during post-
exposure physical examination, haematological and blood
chemistry tests (conducted 3 days after final exposure),
and steady-state measurements of diffusing capacity of
lungs and fractional uptake of carbon monoxide.
Skuric et al. (1975) exposed 17 volunteers for 2 min
to 8 household sprays containing CFC-11 (19-54 g/m3),
CFC-12 (12-106 g/m3), or both. They observed significant
reductions in ventilatory lung capacity in each case
(relative reductions: FEV1, 3.3-7.4%; FEF50, 5.3-11.2%;
FEF25, 12.1-20.9%). However, the reductions on exposure
to sprays were greater than those measured in separate
exposures to chlorofluorocarbons only (at corresponding
breathing concentrations), suggesting that other spray
components were mainly responsible for the changes in ven-
tilatory function. Similar findings of acute ventilatory
capacity reductions on exposure to hair-sprays were
described by Zuskin et al. (1974, 1981) and Swift et al.
(1979), but exposure levels were not given in these
Graff-Lonnevig (1979) reported a study of the effects
of chlorofluorocarbons on bronchiolar tone in asthmatic
children. Forced expiratory volume (FEV), a measure of
bronchial tone, was measured in 18 children with a history
of asthma, before and after inhaling aerosols of the ß2-
receptor agonist, fenoterol, or a mixture of CFC-11, CFC-
12, and CFC-114, and in the absence of treatment. The
levels of exposure were not reported. Exposure to the
chlorofluorocarbon mixture significantly reduced FEV for
2 h, relative to "no treatment", and for 8 h relative to
exposure to fenoterol (containing CFC-11 and CFC-12). The
results suggest that chlorofluorocarbons can decrease
bronchial tone in asthmatic patients, but that this effect
is transient and of a sufficiently small magnitude to be
superseded by the dilating effects of fenoterol when both
fenoterol and chlorofluorocarbon propellants are inhaled
Van Ketel (1976) reported allergic contact eczema in
patch tests performed on three patients that had a prior
history of skin reactions to deodorant sprays. All three
patients showed strong positive reactions to 11 deodorant
sprays and mild to strong reactions to CFC-11. One patient
showed a mild reaction to CFC-12. Fifteen controls (with-
out prior history of allergy to deodorants) showed no
response to either CFC-11 or CFC-12. These results suggest
that individuals may become sensitized to certain chloro-
fluorocarbons applied repeatedly to the skin surface.
9.2. Occupational exposure
Two studies (Imbus & Adkins, 1972; NIOSH, 1980)
suggest that frequent occupational exposures to CFC-113 do
not pose a serious health hazard. No adverse effects
occurred at levels as high as 36.7 g/m3 (0.478%) and
averaging 5.4 g/m3 (0.07%).
Significant acute reductions in the ventilatory lung
capacity during a work shift of hairdressers using chloro-
fluorocarbon-containing hair-sprays were observed in sev-
eral studies (Zuskin & Bouhuys, 1974; Valic et al., 1974;
and Zuskin et al., 1974).
Several cases of accidental death attributed to occu-
pational exposure to chlorofluorocarbons have been
reported. May & Blotzer (1984) described three cases of
death from exposure to CFC-113. In each case, the individ-
uals succumbed to high concentrations of CFC-113 vapour.
A level of 997 g/m3 (128 000 ppm) was estimated in one
case and, in another, death occurred within 15 min after
exposure to an estimated 47-288 g/m3 (6000-37 000 ppm).
Cases of neurological effects attributed to occu-
pational exposure to chlorofluorocarbons have been re-
ported. Raffi & Violante (1981) described a case of neuro-
pathy in a laundry worker exposed to tetrachloroethylene
for 6 years and to undetermined levels of CFC-113 for
7 years prior to reporting symptoms. Both dermal and inha-
lation exposure probably occurred. The individual experi-
enced pain, paraesthesia and weakness of the legs, and
decreased motor nerve conduction velocity. She was
instructed to avoid contact with CFC-113 and to rest; her
clinical condition improved without treatment in one
A similar case concerning a refrigerator repair worker
was reported by Campbell et al. (1986). Symptoms included
pain, paraesthesia, and weakness in the legs, and low
nerve conduction velocities. The case was subsequently
followed up with a study of 27 refrigerator repair
workers. The refrigerator workers and a reference group of
14 pipe fitters and insulators were given a medical exam-
ination that included measurements of nerve conduction
velocities. The refrigerator workers reported a signifi-
cantly elevated incidence of "lightheadedness" and pal-
pitations, but no differences in nerve conduction vel-
ocities were observed.
In another study, 89 workers were examined during
their work with refrigerant equipment. The refrigerants
used were mainly CFC-12 (in 56% of the cases) and HCFC-22
(32%), the rest being CFC-11, CFC-500 (a mixture of CFC-12
and HCFC 152a), and CFC-502 (a mixture of CFC-115 and
HCFC 22). The mean exposure time was 10 min. Chlorofluoro-
carbon concentrations in the breathing zone were measured
for each person individually. The levels exceeded 750 ppm
at least once (as one minute mean values) for 60 of the 89
individuals. Cardiac arrhythmias were registered before,
during, and after the exposure by means of a portable ECG
instrument connected to a tape recorder. No statistically
significant difference was found between exposed and non-
exposed periods, nor was there any dose-related trend for
different individuals when grouped into different exposure
groups. In this study, possible effects on the central
nervous system were also studied by means of simple reac-
tion time measurements before and after the exposure. No
impairment was seen (Edling & Ohlson, 1988).
Szmidt et al. (1981) investigated death rates among
539 workers exposed occupationally in constructing and
repairing refrigeration equipment. The chlorofluorocarbons
used were CFC-12, HCFC-22, and CFC-502 (a mixture of CFC-
115 and HCFC-22). No increase in total deaths (18 cases)
was seen among those employed more than 6 months, compared
to the expected number (26 cases), nor was there any stat-
istically significant increase in total tumour deaths or
deaths caused by lung cancer or cardiovascular diseases.
When the study was restricted to those exposed for more
than 3 or 10 years, still no significant increases were
seen. No data on exposure levels were given.
Thomas (1965) reported that workers who spilled a
large volume of CFC-11 were exposed to high concentrations
and developed narcotic effects. In one case, unconscious-
ness occurred, and in another, potentiation of the endo-
genous adrenaline effect and tachycardia.
Yonemitsu et al. (1983) reported an industrial acci-
dental death due to exposure to CFC-113 used as a solvent
for cleaning a washer tub filter. A large quantity of
liquid CFC-113 was found at the bottom of the washer tub
in which the filter had been cleaned. The concentration
of the CFC-113 was 935-1091 g/m3 (12-14%). Death was
attributed to inhalation of the highly concentrated CFC-
113 vapour in the washer room.
The US National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health (May & Blotzer, 1984) reported the deaths of
12 workers due to asphyxiation or cardiac arrhythmia
resulting from excessive occupational exposure to CFC-113
while working in confined spaces or areas with insuf-
ficient ventilation. Uncontrolled use of CFC-113 as a
solvent was reported as the primary cause for these
deaths. This report contains recommendations for control-
ling exposure to CFC-113.
9.3. Non-occupational exposures
Only two cases of accidental ingestion of chloroflu-
orocarbons have been reported. Clayton (1966) reported
that 1 litre of CFC-113 was accidentally released into the
stomach of an anaesthetized patient, causing transient
cyanosis. For the next 3 days, the patient experienced
severe rectal irritation and diarrhoea.
A study by Marier et al. (1973) involved a group of 20
housewives who were given 13 household products containing
chlorofluorocarbon propellant (CFC-11, CFC-12, and CFC-
114) to be used during 4 weeks in conformity with a pre-
scribed protocol. The only effect noted was an increase
in lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) during the exposure period,
which nonetheless remained within normal limits.
Exposure to CFC-11 and CFC-12 has been associated with
the abusive inhalation of aerosols. Bass (1970) concluded
that deaths associated with abusive aerosol inhalation
were probably caused by cardiac arrhythmia, possibly
aggravated by elevated levels of catecholamines due to
stress or by moderate hypercapnia. This deduction was
subsequently supported by a variety of investigators who
found that many chlorofluorocarbons can sensitize the
hearts of various mammals to adrenaline, resulting in
serious arrhythmias or death (section 8.8).
There are three possible explanations for deaths among
asthmatics after using anti-asthmatic drug aerosol formu-
lations containing chlorofluorocarbons as propellant:
ineffectiveness of the anti-asthmatic drug; drug overdose;
toxicity of CFC-11 and other chlorofluorocarbon propel-
lants. However, the amount of chlorofluorocarbon contained
in the inspired aerosols when used correctly for the
intended purpose is small compared to that used in the
animal experiments of Taylor & Harris (1970b), or under
conditions of severe abuse. This is supported by the
animal experiments on the dose-dependent relationship
between cardiotoxic effects of chlorofluorocarbons and
adrenaline described in section 8.8.1.
9.4. Health effects associated with stratospheric ozone depletion
There is undisputed evidence that the atmospheric con-
centrations of chlorofluorocarbons deplete ozone in the
stratosphere. A reduction in ozone concentration will
result in increased transmission of solar ultraviolet
radiation through the stratosphere. Many significant
adverse effects of such an increase in exposure to this
radiation have been identified.
The information summarized below indicates that
stratospheric ozone depletion has the potential to exert
very substantial effects on human health.
9.4.1. Skin cancer effects
One of the most well-defined human health effects re-
sulting from stratospheric ozone depletion is an increase
in the frequency of skin cancer expected as a result of
even small increases in UV-B radiation (280-320 nm)
reaching the earth's surface (US EPA, 1987a; Kripke, 1989;
van der Leun, 1988).
The most definitive evidence links the incidence of
non-melanoma basal and squamous cell carcinomas to UV-B
radiation. These carcinomas occur most frequently on the
sun-exposed skin of light-skinned Caucasian people and
their incidences increase with age. The geographical dis-
tribution data suggest a relationship to cumulative life-
time exposure to sunlight (Urbach, 1969). Increases in
skin cancers during the past few decades in the USA are
probably partly due to increasing exposure to natural and
artificial sources of UV-B radiation and partly to greater
longevity allowing for the appearance of such cancers
after long latencies (several decades). Although this long
latency makes it unlikely that the increases already ob-
served in skin cancer rates are due to the small decreases
in stratospheric ozone observed during the past decade,
there is extensive evidence for predictions of further
increases in basal and squamous cell skin cancer rates if
stratospheric ozone depletion continues. Such depletion
will result in greater increases in UV-B radiation near to
280 nm rather than in the upper end of the affected wave-
length range (320 nm). Skin cancers are mostly induced by
UV radiation at around 300 nm, as demonstrated by exper-
imental animal studies. Tumour incidence is a function of
the dose received regularly and the period over which
doses occur (frequently corresponding to age). There is no
evidence of any threshold. A greater-than-linear growth of
cancer incidence rate can be predicted due to several fac-
tors including optical amplification and bioamplification
(van der Leun & Daniels, 1975).
The optical amplification factor indicates the per-
centage increase in the carcinogenically effective radi-
ation caused by a 1% decrease in total ozone column. It
depends on the wavelengths involved in the induction of
skin cancer by UV radiation because, when ozone levels de-
crease, the shorter wavelengths in the UV-B range increase
more steeply than the longer wavelengths. The optical am-
plification also depends on the pathlength of the UV radi-
ation through the ozone layer. This makes the optical am-
plification to some extent dependent on geographical lati-
tude, i.e. it increases from the equator to the poles.
The biological amplification factor indicates the per-
centage increase in skin cancer incidence caused by a 1%
increase in the carcinogenically effective radiation. It
is not directly proportional to the UV-B radiation, but
follows a higher power of the radiation (Fears et al.,
On the basis of a recently determined action spectrum
for UV carcinogenesis in hairless mice (Slaper, 1987), it
can be calculated using both amplification factors that
with a 1% decrease in total ozone column, effective UV-B
radiation will increase by 1.6%, the incidence of basal
cell carcinomas by 2.7% and of squamous cell carcinomas by
4.6% (van der Leun, 1989). In many registries, basal cell
carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas are still con-
sidered together, as non-melanoma skin cancers. For a 1%
depletion of ozone, the overall incidence of non-melanoma
skin cancer would increase on average by about 3%. With a
5% decrease in stratospheric ozone, the incidence of basal
cell carcinoma would increase by 14%, squamous cell carci-
noma by 25%, and non-melanoma skin cancer in general by
16%. The lighter-skinned white populations of the world
would be most affected, with 45 000 new cases of non-
melanoma skin cancer per year (worldwide) following 1%
stratospheric ozone depletion and 240 000 new cases annu-
ally following 5% ozone depletion (van der Leun, 1989).
The full importance of such numbers is difficult to
define at present. Non-melanoma skin cancers, if detected
early, have a very high cure rate. The current death rate
is about 1% of known cases and reduced exposure (e.g.,
decreased everyday outdoor activities, decreased rec-
reational sun exposure, use of more extensive protective
clothing by farmers or other outdoor workers) could help
to reduce skin cancer increases due to ozone depletion.
Sufficient evidence exists to show that sunlight also
plays a role in the much more dangerous (often fatal)
melanoma forms of skin cancer. A key uncertainty is the
extent to which UV-B radiation, versus other sunlight
components, may specifically contribute to the induction
of cutaneous melanomas. The lack, until very recently, of
any viable experimental animal model in which to study
these light-activated skin pigment cell cancers has
impeded progress. However, UV-B radiation has been shown
to increase melanomas in two animal models (Setlow, 1988;
Ley, 1988), and Kripke (1989) has noted that much greater
growth of melanomas occurs when transplanted into the skin
of UV-irradiated animals, suggesting that UV radiation may
not only initiate melanomas but have promoter effects as
well. Thus, it is prudent to consider melanoma skin
cancers among potential health effects of ozone layer
depletion (US EPA, 1987d).
9.4.2. Immunotoxic effects
Another potential effect of stratospheric ozone de-
pletion is suppression of immune function. UV-B radiation
appears to modify immune function in irradiated mice in
different ways both locally at the point of skin irradi-
ation and systemically. Locally-induced effects include
impairment of Langerhans cells and abnormal endogenous
cancer cells (Kripke, 1989; Stingl et al., 1983). After
exposure to UV-B radiation, Langerhans cells no longer
present antigens to the helper T-lymphocytes. Consequently
when contact allergens are applied to UV-B-exposed skin,
no contact allergy ensues. Instead, suppressor lymphocytes
are activated, which prevent any subsequent immune re-
sponse to the same antigen. Suppressor T-cell lymphocytes
are normally involved in regulating the magnitude and
duration of immune responses. Their activation by UV-B
radiation prevents the development of natural immune
responses against UV-B-induced skin cancers and thereby
contributes to their growth and spread to other parts of
the body (Daynes et al., 1986). In addition, circulation
of UV-B-activated suppressor lymphocytes throughout the
body, and an associated reduction in helper lymphocytes,
results in a general, systemic suppression of certain
immune functions. Thus, UV-B-irradiated mice not only fail
to exhibit contact allergy responses to chemicals applied
to irradiated skin but they also have impaired ability to
respond to chemicals applied to non-irradiated skin. In
addition, they have decreased lymphocyte-mediated immune
responses to foreign substances injected under the skin
(i.e. delayed hypersensitivity reactions) (Noonan et al.,
1981). The systemic suppression of immune function due to
UV radiation has been demonstrated to (a) occur in several
animal species, (b) increase as a function of increasing
UV-B dosage, and (c) persist beyond the initial period of
UV exposure (Giannini, 1986; Howie et al., 1986; Kripke,
1988). Two studies of infectious agents showed that UV-B
radiation resulted in suppressed immune response in mice
to Herpes simplex that lasted for several months (Howie et
al., 1986) and that UV-B-irradiated mice infected with
Leishmania failed to exhibit the delayed hypersensitivity
immune responses that were induced in non-irradiated mice
(Giannini, 1986). However, insufficient evidence exists to
make a quantitative estimation of the dependence of poten-
tial increases in the incidences of specific types of
infectious diseases in humans on stratospheric ozone
9.4.3. Ocular effects
Adverse occular effects resulting from the exposure to
UV-B radiation may also be the consequence of strato-
spheric ozone depletion (US EPA, 1987a; van der Leun,
1988,1989). One effect, "snow-blindness", is typically
transient, lasting only a few days, but its possible
increase at higher (snowier) latitudes is of interest. Of
much more concern, however, is evidence that UV-B radi-
ation increases cataract formation (Pitts et al., 1986)
and the suggestion that 1% stratospheric ozone depletion
would increase cataract prevalence by about 0.25 to 0.6%
(roughly equivalent to about 24 000 to 57 000 more cases
in the USA per year at present population levels) (US EPA,
9.4.4. Effects on vitamin D synthesis
Skin exposure to UV-B radiation causes the formation
of vitamin D3. It has been suggested that some popu-
lation segments that suffer from vitamin D deficiency,
e.g., dark-skinned children in northern cities, children
in families with strict macrobiotic diets, elderly people
living mainly indoors (Aaron et al., 1974), and especially
children, might gain some benefit from increased UV-B
radiation resulting from stratospheric ozone depletion.
Excess production of vitamin D3 in other groups would be
unexpected since its formation is self-limiting (Holick,
9.4.5. Exacerbation of photochemical smog formation and effects
Increased UV-B radiation would be expected to facili-
tate tropospheric ozone formation and acid aerosol forma-
tion, the latter due to increased surface hydrogen per-
oxide concentrations. The health effects associated with
both tropospheric ozone and acid aerosols would then be
expected to occur with greater frequency and severity (US
EPA, 1986; Lippmann, 1989; Grant, 1989).
10.1. Evaluation of human health risks
10.1.1. Direct health effects resulting from exposure to fully halogenated
The kinetics and metabolism of chlorofluorocarbons are
characterized by rapid pulmonary absorption and distri-
bution. There is no indication of any accumulation. Meta-
bolic transformation of the chlorofluorocarbons considered
in this monograph is negligible, if it occurs at all.
Therefore, toxic effects of metabolites are very unlikely.
The acute toxicity of chlorofluorocarbons is very low, as
demonstrated in studies on various animal species and by
different routes of administration. It is characterized by
effects on the heart, the respiratory system, and
occasionally the liver. The effects are in accordance with
the symptomatology observed in acute intoxications in
After repeated exposure, comparable clinical symptoms
can be observed. Alterations in the liver and kidney occur
occasionally. In humans, CNS, cardiovascular and respirat-
ory symptoms occur in cases of severe abuse and in uncon-
trolled or accidental occupational exposure. Under con-
ditions of use involving short-term exposures of up to
1000 ppm, no adverse health effects would be expected.
An evaluation of the animal studies indicates no car-
cinogenic risk to human beings. This is underlined by the
fact that the chlorofluorocarbons discussed in this mono-
graph are devoid of genotoxicity in different mutagenic
end-points and cell transformation. In a limited cohort
study with 539 exposed workers, neither increased deaths
nor increased tumour ratios were reported. Studies on the
influence of reproduction (fertility, embryotoxicity,
fetotoxicity, teratology) and general effects on develop-
mental processes in experimental animals were consistently
negative. Effects on human reproduction, including intra-
uterine and post-natal development, have not been
Mean concentrations in the ambient air in urban/sub-
urban areas of 3.4 µg/m3 for CFC-11 and 6 µg/m3 for
CFC-12 have been measured. In remote/rural areas, the
corresponding levels were 1.0 µg/m3 for CFC-11 and
1.6 µg/m3 for CFC-12.
These exposure levels are considered negligible in
comparison with the concentrations of 25 000 to 50 000 µg/m3
(~5000 to 10 000 ppm) that cause initial signs either of
functional or morphological changes in laboratory animals.
They are particularly negligible in comparison with the
very high exposure levels that cause functional changes in
10.1.2. Health effects expected from reduction of stratospheric ozone by
During the last decade, increasing concern has been
focused on the consequences of a reduction of ozone in the
upper atmosphere, with the concomitant increase of UV-B
radiation at the surface of the earth. Model calculations
predict, for the next 50 years, ozone depletions of
between 1 and 10%, depending on the scenario used for the
release of chlorofluorocarbons and other trace gases.
Among the effects on human health, the induction of
non-melanoma skin cancer has been investigated exten-
sively, both in human epidemiology and in animal exper-
imental work. It is a generally accepted conclusion that
the incidence of non-melanoma skin cancer will increase as
a result of ozone depletion. An estimation based on recent
data predicts that a decrease of atmospheric ozone by 1%
would lead to an increase in the incidence of non-melanoma
skin cancers by 3%. An ozone depletion by 5% would lead to
an increase of the incidence by 16%. This latter increase
would mean a worldwide increase of about 240 000
additional new patients with non-melanoma skin cancer per
year, predominantly light skinned people.
Indications are increasing that UV-B radiation also
plays a role in the induction and growth of cutaneous
melanomas, a more dangerous type of skin cancer. Uncer-
tainty, however, especially with regard to the dose-effect
relationship, makes quantitative predictions very diffi-
cult. The possibility of an increase in cutaneous melanoma
should therefore be taken into consideration.
The immune system of experimental animals is sup-
pressed in specific ways by UV-B radiation. This results
in a decreased resistance to implanted UV-B-induced
tumours and an increased growth of such tumours in mice,
in the suppression of sensitization by contact allergens,
and the response to allergens in sensitized animals. It
also results in the impairment of the immune response
against certain infectious agents; this has been demon-
strated for Herpes simplex and Leishmania sp. There are
indications that similar suppression of the immune re-
sponse by UV-B radiation may occur in humans. The antigen-
presenting Langerhans cells in the skin are damaged and
allergic responses are depressed. Although much still has
to be learned through further research, the possibility
that immune suppression effects and a consequent increase
in the incidence of some infectious diseases might occur
as a result of stratospheric ozone depletion should not be
There are indications that UV-B radiation increases
cataract formation, an important cause of blindness
especially in areas with limited medical facilities.
10.2. Effects on the environment
Other than the theory that chlorofluorocarbons con-
tribute to the "greenhouse" effect, there is no evidence
available of other direct ecological effects produced by
the chlorofluorocarbons discussed in this monograph.
Studies addressing the effects of UV-B radiation on
plants have concentrated on crop plants and have usually
been conducted at temperate latitudes. This represents
only a small portion of the major ecosystems of the world.
Although there are many uncertainties resulting from the
complexities of the experiments, the data now available
suggest that crop yields are potentially vulnerable to
increased levels of solar UV-B radiation. Out of more than
200 species and cultivars screened for UV tolerance, about
two-thirds have been found to be sensitive. The most sen-
sitive plant groups include crops related to peas and
beans, melons, mustard, and cabbage. Members of the grass
family are generally less sensitive.
Experimental evidence indicates that there is some
degree of tolerance to UV-B radiation in the gene pool.
This is based on the high degree of variation in sensi-
tivity to UV radiation among crop cultivars. The genetic
basis for the sensitivity has yet to be determined.
The effect of enhanced levels of UV-B radiation on the
quality of crops has been studied. The protein and oil
content of selected cultivars of soybean seeds were
reduced by up to 10% when plants were exposed to UV levels
simulating a 25% ozone depletion.
Studies regarding the effects of UV-B radiation on
forest productivity are limited. There are results only
for seedlings, and they are for levels of exposure equiv-
alent to a 40% ozone reduction. These studies showed a
reduction in growth and photosynthesis following the
exposure of loblolly pine seedlings. There is experimental
evidence that increased UV-B radiation levels can cause
shifts in community structure.
Exposure to UV-B radiation has been shown to affect
both plant and animal components of marine ecosystems.
These effects include decreases in fecundity, growth, sur-
vival, and other parameters.
10.3. Conclusions
The available toxicological data on the fully halogen-
ated chlorofluorocarbons reviewed in this monograph show a
low acute and chronic toxicity and indicate no mutagenic
or carcinogenic potential. The human health risks are
mainly confined to occasional high exposures that may
occur when handling these substances. In contrast, the
indirect effects on human beings from the accumulation of
these substances in the stratosphere may lead to substan-
tial effects on human health, mainly due to the depletion
of stratospheric ozone resulting in an increase in effects
from UV-B radiation. The projected increase in the inci-
dence of non-melanoma skin cancers, a possible increase in
melanoma skin cancers, and immunotoxic and ocular effects
all lead to the conclusion that immediate and effective
international cooperation is necessary to reduce further
stratospheric ozone depletion.
1. The toxicity data base for some chlorofluorocarbons,
especially those containing hydrogen, is inadequate for
quantitative risk assessment. Additional information on
the chronic toxicity, carcinogenicity, and teratogenicity/
reproductive effects of these compounds, especially by
inhalation exposure, is needed.
2. An assessment of the effects of increased UV-B radi-
ation is summarized in Table 16.
Table 16. Potential effects of increased UV-B radiation
resulting from decreased stratospheric ozonea
Effects State of knowledge Potential global impact
Skin cancer Moderate to high Moderate
Immune system Low High
Cataracts Moderate Lowb
Plant lifec Low High
Aquatic lifec Low High
Climate impactsd Moderate Moderate
Ambient ozone Moderate Lowe
a Modified from SAB-EC-87-025 Review of EPA's Assessment of the Risks
of Stratospheric Modification by the Stratospheric Ozone
Subcommittee, Science Advisory Board, US Environmental Protection
Agency, March, 1987.
b A more recent consideration of the influence of ozone depletion on
the incidence of catar-acts suggests that the impact in this respect
may be more serious (US EPA, Assessing the Risks of Trace Gases that
can modify the Stratosphere, Chapter 10, December 1987).
c See section 6.
d Contribution of both stratospheric ozone depletion itself and gases
causing such depletion to climatic changes, including sea level rise.
e Impact could be high in selected urban or rural areas typified by
local or regional scale surface-level ozone air pollution problems.
More research is needed in those areas where knowledge
is lacking and the potential global impact is high. These
include the following eight specific areas of future
research and assessment that are especially important for
understanding and dealing with stratospheric ozone
depletion effects on human health:
* the investigation of mechanisms of immunosuppression
in animal models and humans;
* the identification of infectious diseases that include
a stage or process that could be worsened by exposure
to UV-B radiation, and the development of models to
explain these diseases;
* the investigation of wavelength dependence and the
development of dose-response information for humans
concerning the effects of UV-B exposure on the inci-
dence of infectious diseases;
* the determination of the impact of UV-B immunosup-
pression on vaccination efficacy;
* the clarification of the role of immunological changes
in the induction of melanomas and non-melanoma skin
cancers by UV radiation;
* the determination of the action spectra and dose-
effect relationships for the induction of the various
types of melanoma by UV radiation;
* the establishment of a better definition of the action
spectra for the induction of squamous cell carcinoma,
and especially basal cell carcinoma, by UV radiation;
* the investigation of the biology and epidemiology of
cataracts, and of methods to reduce the risk of eye
3. The use of CFC-11 and CFC-12 as propellants for the
disinsection of aircraft by aerosol sprays is still rec-
ommended by some authorities. There is urgent need for a
new non-ozone-depleting, non-flammable, safe, non-irritant
propellant for this use, since the older propellants are
already banned in many countries.
4. Effective international cooperation is necessary to
reduce future stratospheric ozone depletion, and for this
purpose cuts in the emission of ozone-depleting chloroflu-
orocarbons of at least 80-90% are necessary. The first
priority is to find substitutes and the second to devise
adequate disposal procedures for existing waste chloroflu-
orocarbons. It is recommended that all countries take
steps to reduce the use of chlorofluorocarbons with high
stratospheric ozone-depletion potential.
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1. Identité, propriétés physiques et chimiques, méthodes d'analyse
La présente monographie ne traite que des chlorofluo-
rocarbures (CFC) obtenus par substitution de la totalité
des atomes d'hydrogène du méthane et de l'éthane par des
atomes de fluor et de chlore. Nombre de ces composés ont
un intérêt commercial et certains d'entre eux contribuent
à la diminution de la couche d'ozone. Les composés
examinés dans ce qui suit sont les suivants: le trichloro-
fluorométhane (CFC-11), le dichlorofluorométhane (CFC-
12), le chlorotrifluorométhane (CFC-13), le difluoro-1,2-tétra-
chloro-1,1,2,2-éthane (CFC-112), le difluoro-1,1-tétrachloro-
1,2,2,2-éthane (CFC-112a), le trichloro-1,1,2-trifluoro-1,2,2-
éthane (CFC-113), le trichloro-1,1,1-trifluoro-2,2,2-éthane
(CFC-113a), le dichloro-1,1,2,2-tétrafluoro-1,1,2,2-éthane
(CFC-114), le dichloro-1,1-tétrafluoro-1,2,2,2-éthane (CFC-
114a) et le chloro-1-pentafluoro-1,1,2,2,2-éthane (CFC-115).
Les composés qui ne contiennent pas de chlore (comme le
CFC-134a et le CFC-116) ne sont pas examinés. Quant aux
composés qui contiennent de l'hydrogène (comme le chloro-
difluorométhane), ils feront l'objet d'un rapport
Les chlorofluorocarbures du commerce comptent parmi
les produits organiques les plus purs qu'on puisse
obtenir. Ils se caractérisent en général par une tension
de vapeur et une densité élevées ainsi que par une vis-
cosité, une tension superficielle, un indice de réfraction
et une solubilité dans l'eau faibles. Le degré de substi-
tution par le fluor modifie fortement les propriétés
physiques et en général à mesure qu'il augmente, la
tension de vapeur augmente et le point d'ébulition, la
densité et la solubilité dans l'eau diminuent.
Les chlorofluorocarbures examinés dans la présente
monographie sont assez stables chimiquement et, en
l'absence de catalyseur métallique, leur vitesse d'hydro-
lyse est faible. Ils sont très résistants aux oxydants
classiques aux températures inférieures à 200 °C. En
général, les chlorofluorocarbures présentent une grande
stabilité thermique et sont extrêmement résistants à la
presque totalité des agents chimiques. Toutefois ils
réagissent violemment sur les métaux de forte réactivité
Plusieurs méthodes d'analyse sont utilisables pour le
dosage des chlorofluorocarbures dans divers milieux. Il
s'agit de la spectrophotométrie, de la chromatographie en
phase gazeuse avec plusieurs variantes et de la spectro-
métrie de masse. Dans la plupart des cas on utilise la
chromatographie en phase gazeuse avec différents modes de
détection; dans ce cas, les limites de détection sont
généralement de l'ordre d'une partie par trillion (ppt).
Les méthodes de prélèvement des échantillons ont été
modifiées pour obtenir une sélectivité et une sensibilité
2. Sources d'exposition humaine et environnementales
Les chlorofluorocarbures étudiés dans la présente
monographie n'existent pas à l'état naturel mais presque
tous, sauf ceux qui sont utilisés comme intermédiaires
chimiques, sont libérés dans l'environnement. En 1985, on
estime que la production mondiale des chlorofluorocarbures
les plus importants susceptibles de provoquer une diminu-
tion de la couche d'ozone (CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113) était
d'au moins un million de tonnes. La production n'est pas
limitée aux grands pays industriels puisqu'au moins 16
pays en fabriquent. La mise en oeuvre du Protocole de
Montréal va probablement provoquer un renversement de la
tendance actuelle qui est à l'accroissement de la pro-
La méthode la plus importante pour la préparation des
principaux chlorofluorocarbures consiste dans le déplace-
ment catalytique du chlore des chlorocarbures par le fluor
en présence de gaz fluorhydrique anhydre. La plupart des
émissions dans l'environnement se produisent lors de la
mise au rebut de matériel de réfrigération plutôt que
pendant la fabrication, le stockage ou la manipulation de
ces produits. Les restrictions imposées par la loi à
l'utilisation de ces produits dans de nombreux pays ont
réduit la libération dans l'atmosphère des chlorofluoro-
carbures utilisés comme gaz propulseurs; quant aux
émissions d'agents de soufflage, elles sont faibles. En
raison de la forte tension de vapeur de ces produits à la
température ambiante, presque toute la masse libérée dans
l'environnement finit par s'accumuler dans l'atmosphère.
On estime qu'en 1985 les émissions annuelles totales de
chlorofluorocarbures, principalement du CFC-11 et du
CFC-12, atteignaient environ un million de tonnes, les
émissions cumulées de ces produits entre 1931 et 1985
s'élevant à environ 13,5 millions de tonnes.
En 1985, les différentes utilisations dans le monde
des chlorofluorocarbures se décomposaient comme suit:
réfrigérants 15%, agents de soufflage 35%, gaz propulseurs
pour aérosols 31%, divers 7%, sans utilisation définie
12%. Aux Etats-Unis d'Amérique, la proportion de chloro-
fluorocarbures utilisés comme gaz propulseurs était
beaucoup plus faible en raison des restrictions imposées à
leur utilisation.
3. Transport, distibution et transformation dans l'environnment
Les chlorofluorocarbures du commerce persistent dans
l'environnement en raison de leur stabilité chimique. La
durée moyenne de persistence dans l'atmosphère est estimée
à 65, 110, 400, 90, 180 et 380 ans pour le CFC-11, le
CFC-12, le CFC-13, le CFC-113, le CFC-114 et le CFC-115
respectivement. Cette longue persistance permet une
diffusion dans la stratosphère où les chlorofluorocarbures
donnent naissance par voie photochimique à des atomes de
chlore qui réagissent sur la couche d'ozone. En outre, ces
composés contribuent à l'effet de serre.
4. Niveaux dans l'environnement et exposition humaine
Plusieurs chercheurs ont fait état de la distribution
mondiale des chlorofluorocarbures. Des mesures récentes
portant sur la variation en fonction de la latitude de la
concentration en chlorofluorocarbures ont montré qu'il n'y
a guère de différence entre l'hémisphère nord et l'hémis-
phère sud pour ce qui concerne le CFC-11 et le CFC-12.
Il n'y a également guère de variations en fonction de
l'altitude jusqu'à 6 km au-dessus de la surface terrestre.
Les concentrations mesurées dans l'air des villes et des
banlieues sont plus élevées que celles qu'on observe dans
les régions rurales ou écartées en raison d'émissions
Les concentrations atmosphériques de CFC-11 et CFC-12
ont augmenté régulièrement jusqu'en 1985 où leurs concen-
trations globales aux Etats-Unis d'Amérique atteignaient
9120 ng/m3 dans les zones urbaines et suburbaines, et
2720 ng/m3 dans les zones rurales ou écartées. A partir
de ces données, on estime que l'exposition humaine par
inhalation dans ces deux types de secteur s'établissait
respectivement à 182 et 54 mg/jour.
A la surface des océans, la concentration moyenne de
CFC-11 et de CFC-12 mesurée dans trois secteurs éloignés
s'est révelée de l'ordre de 0,2 ng/litre. Toutefois on a
mesuré des concentrations de 0,62 ng de CFC-11/litre dans
la Mer du Groenland en 1982 et des valeurs atteignant
0,54 ng/litre ont été observées dans les eaux côtières du
Japon. En ce qui concerne le CFC-12, la plus forte concen-
tration dans ces mêmes eaux était de 0,33 ng/litre. Des
valeurs beaucoup plus élevées ont été obtenues dans les
eaux douces du Lac Ontario où on a mesuré des concen-
trations de 249 mg de CFC-11 par litre et de 572 ng de
CFC-12 par litre. On n'a pas décelé de chlorofluorocar-
bures dans l'eau de boisson mais ils étaient présents dans
la neige et dans l'eau de pluie en Alaska, dans le Lac
Ontario et dans le Niagara. Du CFC-11 a été décelé à des
concentrations de 0,1 à 5 µg/kg de poids à sec (parties
par milliard) dans divers organes de poissons et de mol-
lusques. Toutefois la présence de chlorofluorocarbures
dans les préparations alimentaires n'est pas attestée.
5. Cinétique et métabolisme
Des chlorofluorocarbures peuvent pénétrer dans
l'organisme humain par inhalation, ingestion ou contact
cutané. C'est l'inhalation qui constitue la voie de péné-
tration la plus fréquente et la plus importante, la voie
d'élimination principale étant l'air exhalé. Des études
contrôlées sur des volontaires et des animaux d'expérience
ont fourni des données substantielles relatives à l'expo-
sition à un certain nombre de chlorofluorocarbures. Ces
données montrent que les chlorofluorocarbures:
* peuvent être absorbés au niveau de la membrane alvéo-
laire, des voies digestives ou de la peau;
* passent rapidement dans le sang après inhalation;
* passent dans le sang d'autant moins vite que leur con-
centration y est plus élevée;
* une fois dans le sang, sont absorbés par divers tis-
* finissent par atteindre une concentration sanguine
stationnaire au bout d'une durée d'exposition suf-
fisante, ce qui indique qu'un équilibre s'établit
entre l'air chargé de chlorofluorocarbures et le
* continuent à être absorbés par les tissus après
stabilisation du taux sanguin initial et continuent de
pénétrer dans l'organisme.
L'expérimentation animale montre que les chlorofluoro-
carbures sont rapidement absorbés après inhalation et sont
amenés par le sang à la presque totalité des tissus. C'est
dans les tissus adipeux ou lipidiques qu'ils atteignent en
général les concentrations les plus élevées. Toutefois on
trouve également des chlorofluorocarbures dans les organes
bien irrigués comme le coeur, les poumons, les reins et
les muscles.
Les résultats fournis par des études métaboliques sur
l'animal et sur l'homme montrent que les chlorofluorocar-
bures résistent à la dégradation ou à la métabolisation
par les systèmes biologiques. En fait, après exposition,
les chlorofluorocarbures sont généralement très peu ou pas
du tout métabolisés.
Quelle que soit la voie de pénétration, les chloro-
fluorocarbures sont éliminés presque exclusivement dans
l'air expiré. Lors d'études visant à rechercher
d'éventuels produits de transformation métabolique dans
les urines ou les matières fécales, on n'a pas récupéré
ces produits ou leurs métabolites en quantités notables.
6. Effets sur l'environnement
Certains chlorofluorocarbures, notamment les CFC-11,
12, 113, 114 et 115 sont extrêmement stables dans les con-
ditions qui règnent dans la basse atmosphère. Ce n'est
qu'après être parvenus dans la haute atmosphère qu'ils
perdent des atomes de chlore par photolyse sous l'influen-
ce des rayonnements de haute énergie qui y pénètrent.
Ces radicaux chlore provoquent la destruction catalytique
de l'ozone. L'ozone stratosphérique absorbe le rayonne-
ment ultra-violet solaire (UV-B de 280-320 nm de longueur
d'onde), de sorte que seule une partie de ce rayonnement
parvient jusqu'à la surface de la terre.
L'expérience montre qu'un acroissement du rayonnement
UV-B à la surface de la terre par suite de la diminution
de la couche d'ozone aurait des effets délétères sur les
organismes terrestres et aquatiques. Malgré les incerti-
tudes tenant à la complexité de l'expérimentation sur le
terrain, les données disponibles montrent que le rendement
des récoltes et la productivité des forêts auraient à
souffrir d'un accroissement du rayonnement UV-B solaire.
Il semble également que l'accroissement de ce rayonnement
puisse modifier la répartition et l'abondance des végétaux
ainsi que la structure de l'écosystème.
Différentes études portant sur des écosystèmes marins
ont montré que le rayonnement UV-B pouvait être nocif pour
les larves de poissons et les alevins, les larves de
crevettes et de crabes, les copépodes ainsi que les
végétaux qui sont essentiels au réseau alimentaire marin.
Parmi ces effets nocifs, on peut citer une réduction de la
fécondité, de la croissance et de la survie. L'expérience
montre que même une faible augmentation de l'exposition au
rayonnement UV-B ambiant pourrait entraîner une modifi-
cation sensible de l'écosystème.
7. Effets sur les animaux d'expérience et les systèmes in vitro
On a largement étudié la toxicité aiguë des chloro-
fluorocarbures après inhalation. Ceux qui sont envisagés
dans la présente monographie sont faiblement toxiques
lorsqu'ils sont inhalés. Les symptômes d'une intoxication
aiguë comportent des effets sur le système nerveux
central, des effets cardiovasculaires secondaires ainsi
qu'une irritation des voies respiratoires. Le peu de
données dont on dispose au sujet de la toxicité aiguë par
voie orale des chlorofluorocarbures montrent que celle-ci
est faible. Appliqués sur la peau à hautes doses, le
CFC-112, le CFC-112a et le CFC-113 provoquent une irri-
tation d'intensité variable mais pas d'autres effets
Des études d'inhalation de courte durée ont été
effectuées sur le CFC-11, le CFC-12, le CFC-112, le CFC-
113, le CFC-114 et le CFC-115. Les résultats indiquent
que la toxicité est faible, les effets observés s'exerçant
principalement au niveau du système nerveux central, des
voies respiratoires et du foie. Les études de toxicité par
voie orale confirment la faible toxicité de ces produits.
Lors d'une étude d'inhalation à long terme, des rats
ont été exposés à du CFC-113 aux doses de 0,2, 1 ou 2%
(15,3, 76,6 ou 183 g/m3) six heures par jour, cinq jours
par semaine pendant des périodes allant jusqu'à deux ans.
Aucune anomalie n'a été observée, ni sur le plan histo-
logique ni en ce qui concerne les résultats des analyses
biologiques. La seule anomalie que les auteurs ont imputée
à ce traitement était une réduction du gain de poids cor-
porel chez les groupes exposés aux deux doses les plus
Les données disponibles indiquent que les chlorofluo-
rocarbures complètement halogénés examinés dans la
présente monographie ont une activité mutagène ou cancéro-
gène faible ou nulle. A cet égard des résultats négatifs
ont été obtenus in vitro sur des bactéries et des cellules
mammaliennes avec ou sans activation métabolique.
L'épreuve de létalité dominante a également donné des
résultats négatifs.
Des études de cancérogénicité à long terme (par voie
orale et par inhalation) effectuées avec du CFC-11 et du
CFC-12 sur des souris et des rats ont donné des résultats
négatifs. Chez les rats, on a observé une réaction
tumorigène au niveau de la cavité nasale après inhalation
de CFC-113 mais cette réaction a été jugée douteuse. Les
tumeurs présentaient une morphologie diversifiée et
l'incidence n'était pas liée à la dose. Bien qu'on
utilise des chlorofluorocarbures depuis plus de 50 ans, il
n'existe qu'une seule étude de cohorte (539 travailleurs
exposés). Elle n'a pas révélé d'augmentation de la mor-
talité globale ni de la mortalité par cancer.
Sur les huit chlorofluorocarbures examinés dans le
présent document, seuls le CFC-11, le CFC-12 et le CFC-113
ont fait l'objet d'études de toxicité sur le développement
publiées dans la littérature scientifique. Il n'existe de
preuve d'embryotoxicité, de foetotoxicité ou de térato-
génicité pour aucun de ces trois produits.
8. Effets sur l'homme
Des études contrôlées sur des volontaires à qui l'on
avait administré du CFC-11 et du CFC-12 n'ont pas révélé
d'effets observables sur les paramètres hématologiques et
biochimiques, le tracé électrocardiographique et électro-
encéphalographique, la fonction pulmonaire ni les para-
mètres neurologiques.
A forte concentration, les sujets ont ressenti des
picotements et des bourdonnements d'oreille et ils ont
éprouvé de l'appréhension. On a noté des modifications du
tracé électroencéphalographique en même temps que des
difficultés d'élocution et une réduction des performances
dans les tests psychologiques. L'exposition à une concen-
tration de 11% (545 g/m3) de CFC-12 pendant 11 minutesa
a provoqué une arythmie cardiaque notable suivie d'une
baisse du niveau de conscience et d'une amnésie au bout de
10 minutes.
Aprés exposition à du CFC-12 à la concentration de 1%
(50 g/m3) pendant 150 minutes, on a observé une réduc-
tion de 7% dans les résultats d'épreuves psychomotrices,
en revanche aucun effet n'a été noté à la dose de 0,1%
(5 g/m3).
Dans une étude au cours de laquelle 10 sujets ont été
exposés à du CFC-11, du CFC-12, du CFC-14, deux mélanges
de CFC-11 et de CFC-12 et ainsi qu'à un mélange de CFC-12
et de CFC-114 (concentrations dans l'air inspiré comprises
entre 16 et 150 gr/m3) pendant 15, 45 ou 60 secondes, on
a observé une réduction sensible de la capacité venti-
latoire pulmonaire (FEF50, FEF25) dans chaque cas, ainsi
qu'une bradycardie, une irrégularité accrue du rythme
cardiaque et un bloc auriculo-ventriculaire.
Après exposition à des concentrations de 0,15%
(12 g/m3), 0,25% (19 g/m3), 0,35% (27 g/m3) et 0,45%
(35 g/m3) de CFC-113 pendant 165 minutes, on a procédé à
l'évaluation des performances psychomotrices. Aucun effet
n'a été constaté à la concentration la plus faible; en
revanche, les sujets éprouvaient une difficulté à se
concentrer et les résultats des tests ont été un peu moins
bons à partir de 0,35% (27 g/m3).
D'après des études de portée limitée, il semblerait
que les sujets ayant déjà eu des réactions allergiques
cutanées aux déodorants en aérosol contenant du CFC-11 ou
du CFC-12, puissent être sensibilisés à des applications
cutanées de certains chlorofluorocarbures. Chez cinq non-
fumeurs, l'exposition à du CFC-11 n'a pas perturbé la
fonction muco-ciliaire trachéenne.
D'après deux études, il semblerait qu'une exposition
professionnelle normale au CFC-113 ne comporte aucun
risque sérieux pour la santé. Aucun effet indésirable n'a
été noté à des taux d'exposition professionnelle attei-
gnant 0,47 (36,7 g/m3), le taux moyen d'exposition
étant de 0,07% (5,4 g/m3).
a Tout au long de la présente monographie, les pourcentages de
chlorofluorocarbures dans l'air sont exprimés au moyen du quotient du
volume de chlorofluorocarbures par le volume d'air.
Plusieurs études ont fait état d'une diminution
importante de la capacité ventilatoire chez des coiffeurs
qui utilisaient des bombes aérosol contenant des chloro-
fluorocarbures. On a signalé des effets neurologiques
après exposition professionnelle à des chlorofluorocar-
bures. C'est ainsi qu'on a décrit un cas de neuropathie
chez un employé d'une blanchisserie exposé à du tétra-
chloroéthylène et à des concentrations indéterminées de
CFC-113 pendant six ans.
Des cas d'exposition non-professionnelle accidentelle
ou abusive consécutive à l'inhalation d'aérosols sont
également attestés, les principaux symptômes étant une
dépression du système nerveux central et des effets
cardiovasculaires. Ces réactions indésirables, suscep-
tibles parfois de conduire à la mort, sont attribuées à
une arythmie cardiaque éventuellement aggravée par une
élévation des catécholamines imputables au stress ou par
une hypercapnie modérée.
L'accroissement du rayonnement UV-B devrait entraîner
des effets essentiellement nocifs pour la santé humaine
mais notre connaissance de ces divers effets est très
variable. Pratiquement personne ne conteste que l'inci-
dence des cancers cutanés non-mélanomateux augmenterait.
Des projections basées sur des données récentes montrent
que l'incidence de ces cancers augmenterait de 3% pour une
diminution de 1% de la couche d'ozone. Il s'ensuit qu'une
diminution de 5% de la couche d'ozone entraînerait chaque
année dans le monde, au bout de quelques décennies,
200 000 cas supplémentaires de cancers cutanés non mélano-
Le rayonnement UV-B joue également un rôle dans la
formation des mélanomes cutanés qui sont encore plus
dangereux. Toutefois on n'est pas encore en mesure de
dégager des relations dose-réponse précises.
Le rayonnement UV-B peut influer de diverses manières
sur le système immunitaire. Bien que, faute de connais-
sances suffisantes, on ne soit pas encore en mesure de
prévoir quelles seraient exactement les conséquences d'une
réduction de la couche d'ozone pour la santé humaine, il
est probable qu'il s'en suivrait une augmentation de
l'incidence des maladies infectieuses. Au niveau de
l'oeil, l'effet le plus important serait un accroissement
de l'incidence des cataractes, une opacification perma-
nente du cristallin qui, même au niveau actuel de rayonne-
ment UV-B, entraîne chez un grand nombre de personnes une
réduction de l'acuité visuelle, voire la cécité.
En outre, l'accroissement du rayonnement ultra-violet
favoriserait la formation du smog photochimique, ce qui
aggraverait encore les problèmes de santé qui lui sont
liés dans les agglomérations urbaines et les zones indus-
9. Evaluation des risques pour la santé humaine
Les effets directs les plus importants pour l'homme
d'une exposition à des chlorofluorocarbures proviennent
des concentrations excessives qui résultent d'accidents
survenus dans l'industrie ou d'une utilisation défectueuse
ou abusive de ces produits comme solvants ou gaz propul-
seurs. La libération de chlorofluorocarbures dans
l'environnement général lors du rejet de déchets ou au
cours du transport et du stockage est une source crois-
sante de préoccupation en raison des conséquences que ces
émissions incontrôlées pourraient avoir pour l'avenir de
1. Evaluation des risques pour la santé humaine
1.1 Effets directs sur la santé résultant d'une exposition à des
chlorofluorocarbures complètement halogénés
La cinétique et le métabolisme des chlorofluorocar-
bures se caractérisent par une résorption pulmonaire et
une distribution rapides. Rien n'indique qu'il y ait la
moindre accumulation. Les chlorofluorocarbures examinés
dans la présente monographie ne subissent qu'une métaboli-
sation négligeable, si tant est qu'elle se produise. En
conséquence, les effets toxiques d'éventuels métabolites
sont très improbables. Les chlorofluorocarbures ont une
très faible toxicité aiguë comme le montrent les études
effectuées sur diverses espèces animales et par diverses
voies d'administration. Cette toxicité se caractérise par
des effets sur le myocarde, sur le système respiratoire et
occasionnellement, sur le foie. Ces effets correspondent
à la symptomatologie observée lors d'intoxications aiguës
chez l'homme.
Des expositions répétées conduisent à des symptômes
cliniques comparables. On observe parfois des anomalies
au niveau du foie et des reins. Chez l'homme, un sérieux
abus de ces substances ou une exposition incontrôlée ou
accidentelle d'origine professionnelle peuvent conduire à
des symptômes neurologiques centraux, cardiovasculaires et
respiratoires. Dans des conditions d'emploi où l'expo-
sition, de brève durée, ne dépasse pas 1000 ppm, il ne
devrait pas se produire d'effets indésirables sur la
D'aprés les études effectuées sur l'animal, on estime
qu'il n'existe pas de risque cancérogène pour l'homme.
Cette conclusion est corroborée par le fait que les
chlorofluorocarbures étudiés dans la présente monographie
sont dépourvus de génotoxicité ainsi que le montre l'étude
des différents paramètres de la mutagénèse et de la trans-
formation cellulaire. Lors d'une étude de cohorte limitée
à 539 travailleurs exposés, on n'a pas constaté d'accrois-
sement de la mortalité ni de la proportion des tumeurs.
Des études portant sur l'influence de ces produits sur la
fonction de reproduction (fécondité, embryotoxicité,
feototoxicité, tératogénicité) et sur les effets exercés
au niveau du développement en général, ont donné des
résultats systématiquement négatifs. On n'a pas connais-
sance d'effets sur la reproduction humaine, notamment
pendant la vie intra-utérine ou au cours du développement
On a observé dans l'air ambiant de zones urbaines ou
suburbaines des concentrations moyennes de l'ordre de
3,4 µg/m3 pour ce qui concerne le CFC-11 et de 6 µg/m3
pour le CFC-12. Dans les régions rurales ou écartées, les
valeurs correspondantes se situaient pour le CFC-11 à
1,0 µg/m3 et pour le CFC-112 à 1,6 µg/m3.
Ces taux d'exposition sont considérés comme négligea-
bles par rapport aux concentrations de 25 000 à
50 000 µg/m3 (équivalents à 5000 à 10 000 ppm) néces-
saires pour faire apparaître les premiers signes d'ano-
malies fonctionnelles ou morphologiques chez les animaux
de laboratoire.
1.2 Effets sur la santé découlant d'une réduction de l'ozone
stratosphérique sous l'action des chlorofluorocarbures
Au cours de la dernière décennie, une inquiétude
croissante s'est manifestée quant aux conséquences d'une
réduction de la couche d'ozone dans la haute atmosphère,
qui entraînerait du même coup un accroissement du rayonne-
ment UV-B à la surface du globe. Selon le scénario adopté
pour les émissions de chlorofluorocarbures et d'autres gaz
en traces, les modèles utilisés permettent de prévoir que
d'ici une cinquantaine d'années, la réduction de la couche
d'ozone sera de 1 à 10%.
Parmi les effets possibles sur la santé humaine, on a
très largement étudié l'induction de cancers cutanés non
mélanomateux, tant du point de vue épidémiologique chez
l'homme qu'au laboratoire sur l'animal. On admet en
général que l'incidence des cancers non mélanomateux
augmentera par suite de la réduction de la couche d'ozone.
Selon une estimation fondée sur des données récentes, on
prévoit qu'une réduction de l'ozone atmosphérique de 1%
conduirait à une augmentation de 3% de l'incidence des
cancers cutanés non mélanomateux. Une réduction de 5% de
la couche d'ozone augmenterait l'incidence de ces cancers
de 16%. Cette dernière valeur signifie qu'au niveau
mondial, on enregistrerait plus de 200 000 nouveaux cas de
cancer de ce type chaque année, principalement chez les
individus à peau claire.
On a de plus en plus de raisons de penser que le
rayonnement UV-B joue également un rôle dans l'induction
et le développement des mélanomes, un cancer cutané
beaucoup plus grave. Toutefois les incertitudes qui
subsistent quant à la relation dose-effet rendent très
difficiles les prévisions quantitatives. Il faut en tout
cas prendre en compte la possibilité d'une augmentation de
la fréquence des mélanomes.
Chez l'animal d'expérience, le rayonnement UV-B
produit divers types d'immunosuppression. Celle-ci se
traduit: (a) par une moindre résistance aux tumeurs
implantées induites par les UV-B et par un plus grand
développement de ces tumeurs chez les souris; (b) par la
suppression de la sensibilisation par les allergènes de
contact et (c) par la suppression de la réaction aux
allergènes chez les animaux sensibilisés. On constate
également une perturbation de la réponse immunitaire
contre certains agents infectieux, qu'on a pu mettre en
évidence dans le cas d' Herpes simplex et de Leishmania
sp. On peut en déduire qu'une immunosuppression du même
type pourrait se produire chez l'homme par suite d'expo-
sition au rayonnement UV-B. Les cellules langerhansiennes
cutanées qui présentent l'antigène sont endommagées et il
s'ensuit une dépression des réponses allergiques. Bien
qu'on ait encore beaucoup à apprendre sur ces phénomènes,
il ne faut pas négliger la possibilité d'effets immunosup-
presseurs et, par voie de conséquence, une augmentation
dans l'incidence de certaines maladies infectieuses par
suite d'une diminution de l'ozone stratosphérique.
On a des raisons de penser que le rayonnement UV-B
favorise la formation de cataractes, une cause importante
de cécité, en particulier dans les régions peu médica-
2. Effets sur l'environnement
A part la théorie selon laquelle les chlorofluorocar-
bures contribuent à l'effet de serre, on ne dispose
d'aucune preuve d'effets écologiques directs imputables
aux chlorofluorocarbures examinés dans la présente mono-
graphie. Les études relatives aux effets du rayonnement
UV-B sur les végétaux sont essentiellement consacrées aux
plantes cultivées et ont généralement été menées sous des
latitudes tempérées. Ces régions ne représentent qu'une
faible part des grands écosystèmes de la planète. Bien
qu'en raison de la complexité des études expérimentales,
il subsiste un grand nombre d'incertitudes à cet égard,
les données qui sont d'ores et déjà disponibles montrent
que le rendement des récoltes aurait à souffrir d'un
accroissement du rayonnement UV-B solaire. Sur plus de
200 espèces et variétés dont on a étudié la tolérance au
rayonnement ultra-violet, les deux tiers environ s'y sont
révélés sensibles. Parmi les plantes les plus sensibles
figurent les pois, les haricots, les melons, la moutarde
et le chou. Les membres de la famille des graminées sont
généralement moins sensibles.
On peut observer expérimentalement qu'il existe une
certaine tolérance au rayonnement UV-B dans le patrimoine
génétique. Cette conclusion est tirée du fait qu'il existe
des variations importantes dans la sensibilité au rayonne-
ment UV parmi les diverses variétés de plantes cultivées.
Les fondements génétiques de cette sensibilité restent à
On a étudié l'effet d'un accroissement du rayonnement
UV-B sur la qualité des récoltes. En exposant diverses
variétés de soja à un rayonnement UV qui résulterait d'une
réduction de 25% de la couche d'ozone, on a constaté que
la teneur en protéines et en huile des graines de soja
diminuait dans une proportion pouvant atteindre 10%.
Les études relatives aux effets du rayonnement UV-B
sur la production forestière restent limitées. Les résul-
tats obtenus ne concernent que les jeunes plants et cor-
respondent à des niveaux d'exposition qui résulteraient
d'une réduction de 40% de la couche d'ozone. Ces travaux
font état d'une réduction de la croissance et de la photo-
synthèse après exposition de plants de Pinus taeda. L'ex-
périence montre qu'un accroissement du rayonnement UV-B
peut provoquer une modification dans la structure des
populations arborales.
On a montré que le rayonnement UV-B pouvait affecter
les constituants végétaux et animaux des écosystèmes
marins. Ces effets se traduisent par une réduction de la
fécondité, de la croissance, de la survie et d'autres
3. Conclusions
Les données toxicologiques sur les chlorofluorocar-
bures complètement halogénés examinées dans la présente
monographie montrent que ces produits n'ont qu'une faible
toxicité aiguë et chronique et qu'ils sont dépourvus
d'activité mutagène ou cancérogène. Les risques pour la
santé humaine sont limités aux cas d'exposition occasion-
nelle à de fortes concentrations susceptibles de se
produire lors de la manipulation de ces produits. En
revanche, les effets indirects résultant de l'accumulation
de ces substances dans la stratosphère pourraient
entraîner des effets non négligeables sur la santé humaine
dus principalement à l'accroissement du rayonnement UV-B
résultant de la réduction de la couche d'ozone stratos-
phérique. L'accroissement prévisible de l'incidence des
cancers cutanés non mélanomateux, la possibilité d'une
augmentation des mélanomes ainsi que les effets immunosup-
presseurs et ophtalmologiques, sont autant d'éléments qui
incitent à conclure à la nécessité d'une coopération
internationale immédiate et efficace pour éviter que la
couche d'ozone ne se réduise davantage.
1. La base de données toxicologiques relative à certains
chlorofluorocarbures, en particulier ceux qui contien-
nent de l'hydrogène, est insuffisante pour permettre
une évaluation quantitative du risque. Il faudrait
obtenir davantage de renseignements sur la toxicité
chronique, la cancérogénicité, les effets tératogènes
et les effets sur la fonction de reproduction de ces
composés, en particulier par suite d'expositions par
2. On trouvera résumée au Tableau 16 une évaluation des
effets exercés par l'accroissement du rayonnement
Tableau 16. Effets potentiels d'un accroissement du rayonnement UV-B
résultant d'une diminution de la couche d'ozone stratosphériquea
Effets Niveau des Impact planétaire
connaissances potentiel
Cancers cutanés Moyen à élevé Moyen
Système immunitaire Faible Elevé
Cataracte Moyen Faibleb
Florec Faible Important
Faune et flore aquatiquesc Faible Important
Impact climatologiqued Moyen Moyen
Ozone ambian Moyen Faiblee
a Tiré, avec des modifications, de SAB-EC-87-025 Review of EPA's
Assessment of the Risks of Stratospheric Modification par le
Stratospheric Ozone Subcommittee, Science Advisory Board, US
Environmental Protection Agency, Mars 1987.
b Une réflexion récente à propos de l'influence de la réduction
de la couche d'ozone sur l'incidence de la cataracte conduit à
considérer que l'impact pourrait en être plus grave (US EPA,
Assessing the Risks of Trace Gases that can modify the
Stratosphere, Chapitre 10, Decembre 1987).
c Voir section 6.
d Influence de la réduction de l'ozone stratosphérique elle-même
et des gaz qui sont à l'origine de cette réduction sur le
climat, y compris l'élévation du niveau des mers.
e L'impact pourrait être important dans certains secteurs urbains
ou ruraux caractérisés par des problèmes de pollution par
l'ozone au niveau du sol, à l'échelon régional ou local.
Il faut poursuivre les recherches dans les secteurs où
les connaissances restent insuffisantes et où l'impact
potentiel au niveau planétaire est important. Il s'agit
de huit secteurs où une évaluation sera nécessaire dans
l'avenir et qui sont particulièrement importants pour la
compréhension des effets dus à la réduction de l'ozone
atmosphérique et la conduite à tenir devant ces phénomè-
nes; il faut donc:
* étudier les mécanismes de l'immunosuppression sur des
modèles animaux et chez l'homme;
* déterminer quelles maladies infectieuses comportent un
stade ou un processus susceptibles d'être aggravés par
une exposition au rayonnement UV-B et mettre au point
des modèles pour expliquer ces pathologies;
* étudier les effets d'une exposition au rayonnement
UV-B sur l'incidence des maladies infectieuses et en
particulier examiner dans quelle mesure elles dépen-
dent de la longueur d'onde et établir des relations
dose-réponse chez l'homme;
* déterminer l'impact de l'immunosuppression par le
rayonnement UV-B sur l'efficacité des vaccins;
* clarifier le rôle des modifications immunologiques
dans l'apparition des mélanomes et des cancers cutanés
non mélanomateux sous l'action du rayonnement ultra-
* déterminer le spectre d'action et les relations dose-
effet dans le cas de l'induction de différents types
de mélanomes par le rayonnement ultra-violet;
* mettre au point une meilleure définition des spectres
d'action relatifs à l'induction des épithélomas spino-
cellulaires et en particulier des épithéliomas cutanés
baso-cellulaires par rayonnement ultra-violet;
* étudier la biologie et l'épidémiologie de la cataracte
et développer des méthodes permettant de réduire le
risque d'affections oculaires.
3. Certaines autorités recommandent encore l'utilisation
du CFC-11 et du CFC-12 comme gaz propulseurs dans les
bombes aérosol utilisées pour la désinsectisation des
aéronefs. Il y a nécessité urgente à mettre au point
un gaz propulseur d'un type nouveau, ininflammable,
sûr, non irritant et qui se s'attaque pas à la couche
d'ozone car les anciens produits sont d'ores et déjà
interdits dans de nombreux pays.
4. Une coopération internationale efficace est nécessaire
pour éviter que la couche d'ozone stratosphérique ne
se réduise davantage et pour cela, il faut réduire
d'au moins 80 à 90% les émissions de chlorofluorocar-
bures qui détruisent l'ozone. Il faut en premier lieu
trouver des substituts à ces produits, après quoi l'on
devra imaginer des méthodes qui permettent d'éliminer
dans de bonnes conditions les déchets de chlorofluoro-
carbures existants. Il est recommandé à tous les pays
de prendre des dispositions pour réduire l'utilisation
de chlorofluorocarbures ayant une forte tendance à
détruire l'ozone stratosphérique.
1. Identidad, propiedades físicas y químicas, y métodos analíticos
La presente monografía trata sólo de los clorofluoro-
carbonos (CFC) derivados de la sustitución completa de los
átomos de hidrógeno del metano y el etano por átomos de
flúor y cloro. Muchos de esos productos tienen importancia
comercial y se sabe que algunos de ellos contribuyen a la
disminución del ozono. Los productos examinados en el
presente informe son los siguientes: triclorofluorometano
(CFC-11), diclorodifluorometano (CFC-12), clorotrifluoro-
metano (CFC-13), 1,2-difluoro-1,1,2,2-tetracloroetano (CFC-
112), 1,1-difluoro-1,2,2,2-tetracloroetano (CFC-112a), 1,1,2-
tricloro-1,2,2-trifluoroetano (CFC-113), 1,1,1-tricloro-2,2,2-
trifluoroetano (CFC-113a), 1,2-dicloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-
etano (CFC-114), 1,1-dicloro-1,2,2,2-tetrafluoroetano (CFC-
114a) y 1-cloro-1,1,2,2,2-pentafluoroetano (CFC-115). No se
examinan los productos que no contienen cloro (como el
CFC-134a y el CFC-116). Los productos que contienen
hidrógeno (como el clorodifluorometano) se considerarán en
un informe ulterior.
Los clorofluorocarbonos comerciales figuran entre los
productos químicos orgánicos de mayor pureza disponibles.
Se caracterizan habitualmente por una presión de vapor y
una densidad elevadas y por valores bajos de viscosidad,
tensión superficial, índice de refracción y solubilidad en
agua. El grado de sustitución por flúor influye grande-
mente en las propiedades físicas y, en general, a medida
que aumenta la sustitución por flúor, se eleva la presión
de vapor y disminuyen el punto de ebullición, la densidad
y la solubilidad en agua.
Los clorofluorocarbonos examinados en la presente
monografía son razonablemente estables desde el punto de
vista químico y, en ausencia de catalizadores metálicos,
presentan bajas tasas de hidrólisis. Son muy resistentes
al ataque por los agentes oxidantes convencionales en tem-
peraturas inferiores a 200 °C. Por lo general, los cloro-
fluorocarbonos presentan un elevado grado de estabilidad
térmica y son extremadamente resistentes a casi todos los
reactivos químicos. Sin embargo, reaccionan violentamente
con los metales dotados de reactividad química.
Se dispone de varios métodos analíticos para la deter-
minación de los clorofluorocarbonos en distintos medios.
Comprenden la espectrofotometría, la cromatografía de
gases con varios métodos de cuantificación y la espectro-
metría de masa. La mayor parte de los métodos emplean la
cromatografía de gases con distintas técnicas de detec-
ción; los límites de detección suelen ser del orden de una
parte por billón (ppb). Se han modificado los métodos de
recogida de muestras para aumentar su selectividad y sen-
2. Fuentes de exposición humana y ambiental
Conforme a los conocimientos actuales, los cloroflu-
orocarbonos examinados en la presente monografía no
aparecen naturalmente en el medio ambiente, pero casi
todos los clorofluorocarbonos, excepto los utilizados como
productos intermedios químicos, pasan al medio ambiente.
La producción mundial estimada de los clorofluorocarbonos
con posibilidades importantes de reducción del ozono
(CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113) en 1985 fue por lo menos de un
millón de toneladas. La fabricación no se halla limitada
a los principales países industriales y se realiza por lo
menos en 16 países. Al aplicarse el Protocolo de Montreal
probablemente se invertirá la actual tendencia al aumento
en la fabricación de esos clorofluorocarbonos.
El método más importante de fabricación de los princi-
pales clorofluorocarbonos es el desplazamiento catalítico
del cloro presente en los clorocarbonos por flúor mediante
la reacción con fluoruro de hidrógeno anhidro. La mayor
parte de la liberación al medio ambiente se produce
durante la eliminación del equipo de desecho que contiene
refrigerante y no en el curso de la fabricación, el
almacenamiento ni la manipulación. La emisión de cloroflu-
orocarbonos propulsantes ha disminuido como resultado de
las restricciones legislativas impuestas a su uso en
numerosos países, y la liberación de agentes de relleno es
escasa. Dada la elevada presión de vapor de esos productos
en las temperaturas ambientales, casi toda la cantidad
liberada al medio ambiente se acumula en definitiva en la
atmósfera. La emisión anual estimada en alrededor de un
millón de toneladas en 1985 consistió principalmente en
CFC-11 y CFC-12, y la liberación acumulativa de esos
clorofluorocarbonos de 1931 a 1985 fue de 13,5 millones de
toneladas aproximadamente.
La distribución mundial aproximada del uso de cloro-
fluorocarbonos en 1985 fue la siguiente: refrigerantes,
15%; agentes de relleno de espuma, 35%; impulsores de
aerosoles, 31%; varios, 7%, y sin designar, 12%. En los
Estados Unidos de América, el empleo de impulsores de
aerosoles fue muy inferior debido a las restricciones
3. Transporte, distribución y transformación en el medio ambiente
Los clorofluorocarbonos comerciales persisten en el
medio ambiente debido a su estabilidad química. Los
tiempos medios de presencia en la atmósfera se calculan en
65, 110, 400, 90, 180 y 380 años para el CFC-11, el
CFC-12, el CFC-13, el CFC-113, el CFC-114 y el CFC-115,
respectivamente. Esos prolongados periodos de presencia
aseguran la difusión a la estratosfera, en donde los
clorofluorocarbonos reaccionarán con la capa de ozono por
medio de los átomos de cloro liberados por un mecanismo
fotoquímico. Además esos productos contribuirán al efecto
de invernadero.
4. Niveles ambientales y exposición humana
Varios investigadores han señalado que los cloroflu-
orocarbonos presentan una distribución mundial. Se han
medido recientemente las variaciones latitudinales de las
concentraciones de clorofluorocarbonos y se han hallado
escasas diferencias en las concentraciones de CFC-11 y
CFC-12 entre los hemisferios septentrional y meridional.
Tampoco hay una variación notable en relación con la alti-
tud hasta 6 km por encima de la superficie de la tierra.
Las concentraciones medidas de clorofluorocarbonos en el
aire de las zonas urbanas-suburbanas son superiores a las
registradas en las zonas rurales-remotas debido a la con-
tribución de las fuentes locales de emisión.
Las concentraciones atmosféricas de CFC-11 y CFC-12
aumentaron constantemente hasta 1985, año en el que los
niveles combinados de esos dos productos en los Estados
Unidos de América eran de 9120 ng/m3 en las zonas
urbanas-suburbanas, y de 2720 ng/m3 en las zonas rurales-
remotas para ambas sustancias. Partiendo de esos datos se
ha calculado que la inhalación humana es de 182 y 54
mg/día en esos dos tipos de zonas.
Las concentraciones medias en la superficie oceánica
de CFC-11 y CFC-12, registradas en tres emplazamientos
distantes entre sí, eran del orden de O,2 ng/litro. Sin
embargo, se midieron valores de 0,62 ng de CFC-11 por
litro en el mar de Groenlandia en 1982 y hasta de
0,54 ng/litro en las aguas costeras del Japón. En esas
mismas aguas se registró el valor máximo de CFC-12:
0,33 ng/litro. Se han medido niveles mucho más altos en
las aguas dulces del lago Ontario: 249 mg de CFC-11 por
litro y 572 ng de CFC-12 por litro. No se han detectado
los clorofluorocarbonos en el agua de beber, pero se han
hallado en la nieve y el agua de lluvia en Alaska, el lago
Ontario y el río Niágara. Se ha detectado la presencia de
CFC-11 en concentraciones de 0,1-5 µg/kg (ppb) (peso en
seco) en distintos órganos de pescados y moluscos. Sin
embargo, no se ha probado la presencia de clorofluorocar-
bonos en los alimentos tratados.
5. Cinética y metabolismo
Los clorofluorocarbonos pueden penetrar en el organ-
ismo humano por inhalación, ingestión o contacto cutáneo.
La inhalación es la vía de entrada más corriente e import-
ante, mientras que la espiración es la forma de elimina-
ción del organismo más significativa. Los estudios con-
trolados con voluntarios y animales de experimentación han
proporcionado datos interesantes respecto a la exposición
a distintos clorofluorocarbonos. Esos datos indican que
los clorofluorocarbonos:
* pueden absorberse por la membrana alveolar, el tracto
gastrointestinal o la piel;
* pasan con rapidez a la sangre, después de la inhala-
* pasan a la sangre a una tasa decreciente al aumentar
la concentración sanguínea;
* una vez presentes en la sangre, son absorbidos por
distintos tejidos;
* alcanzan una concentración sanguínea estable si la
exposición es suficientemente larga, indicando la
existencia de un equilibrio entre el aire que contiene
clorofluorocarbonos y la sangre;
* se absorben todavía por los tejidos orgánicos después
de la estabilización inicial de la concentración
sanguínea, y siguen penetrando en el organismo.
Los estudios efectuados en animales muestran que los
clorofluorocarbonos se absorben con rapidez después de la
inhalación y se distribuyen a través de la sangre en casi
todos los tejidos del organismo. Las mayores concentra-
ciones se encuentran habitualmente en los tejidos adiposos
o que contienen lípidos. Sin embargo, los clorofluorocar-
bonos se hallan también en órganos bien irrigados, por
ejemplo, el corazón, los pulmones, los riñones y la
Los resultados de estudios metabólicos efectuados en
el hombre y los animales han demostrado la resistencia de
los clorofluorocarbonos a descomponerse o experimentar una
transformación metabólica en los sistemas biológicos. Esos
resultados permiten pensar que los clorofluorocarbonos se
metabolizan en general en cuantía escasa o incluso nula
después de la exposición.
Cualquiera que sea la vía de entrada, los clorofluoro-
carbonos se eliminan casi exclusivamente por las vías
respiratorias en el aire espirado. No se ha señalado una
recuperación significativa de clorofluorocarbonos o de sus
metabolitos en los estudios que han tratado de identificar
productos de transformación metabólica eliminados en la
orina o las heces.
6 Efectos en el medio ambiente
Ciertos clorofluorocarbonos, en particular los CFC-11,
12, 113, 114 y 115, son extremadamente estables en las
condiciones reinantes en la atmósfera baja. Los procesos
fotolíticos que separan el cloro de los clorofluorocar-
bonos no se producen hasta que esos gases emigran al medio
de radiación de alta energía de la estratosfera superior.
Entonces los radicales cloro destruyen el ozono por
catálisis. El ozono estratosférico absorbe la radiación
ultravioleta solar (UV- B: 280-320 nm de longitud de
onda), permitiendo que penetre hasta la superficie de la
tierra sólo una cantidad reducida de radiación UV-B.
Los datos experimentales indican que un aumento de la
irradiación UV-B en la superficie terrestre, resultante de
la disminución del ozono, ejercería efectos nocivos en los
biotas terrestres y acuáticos. Pese a las incertidumbres
resultantes del carácter complejo de los experimentos
prácticos, los datos actualmente disponibles permiten
pensar que el rendimiento de las cosechas y la producti-
vidad de los bosques son vulnerables al aumento de la
radiación de UV-B solar. Los datos existentes indican
también que el incremento de la radiación UV-B modificará
la distribución y abundancia de las plantas y cambiará la
estructura del ecosistema.
Varios estudios de los ecosistemas marinos han
demostrado que la radiación UV-B produce daños en las
larvas de los peces y los peces de poca edad, las larvas
de camarones y cangrejos, los copépodos y las plantas
indispensables para la red alimentaria marina. Entre los
efectos dañinos figuran el descenso de la fecundidad, el
crecimiento y la supervivencia. Los datos experimentales
indican que incluso pequeños aumentos de la exposición a
la radiación UV-B ambiental pueden dar lugar a cambios
notables del ecosistema.
7. Efectos en animales de experimentación y sistemas in vitro
Se ha estudiado ampliamente la toxicidad aguda por
inhalación de clorofluorocarbonos. Los clorofluorocarbonos
examinados en la presente monografía presentan una escasa
toxicidad aguda por inhalación. La sintomatología de la
intoxicación aguda comprende efectos en el sistema
nervioso central (SNC), efectos secundarios en el sistema
cardiovascular e irritación de las vías respiratorias.
Los limitados datos disponibles sobre la toxicidad oral
aguda de los clorofluorocarbonos muestran que es baja.
Cuando se aplican en la piel en dosis altas, el CFC-112,
el CFC-112a y el CFC-113 provocan distintos grados de
irritación, pero ningún otro efecto notable.
Se han comunicado estudios de inhalación a corto
plazo del CFC-11, el CFC-12, el CFC-112, el CFC-113, el
CFC-114 y el CFC-115. Los resultados muestran una baja
toxicidad y los efectos observados guardan relación
principalmente con el SNC, las vías respiratorias y el
hígado. Los estudios de toxicidad oral han confirmado la
reducida toxicidad.
En un estudio de inhalación a largo plazo se expuso a
ratas al CFC-113 al 0,2, 1 ó 2% (15,3, 76,6, ó 183 g/m3),
6 horas por día, 5 días por semana, hasta 2 años. No se
observaron efectos histopatológicos ni modificaciones de
los valores de laboratorio clínico. La única observación
que los autores consideraron relacionada con el trata-
miento fue la disminución del aumento de peso corporal en
los grupos expuestos a las dos dosis más altas.
Los datos disponibles muestran que los clorofluorocar-
bonos totalmente halogenados evaluados en la presente
monografía tienen escaso o nulo potencial mutágeno o
carcinógeno. Se han obtenido resultados negativos in vitro
utilizando bacterias y células de mamífero, con o sin
activación metabólica, en la prueba letal dominante.
Los estudios de cancerogenicidad a largo plazo (por
vía oral y por inhalación) con CFC-11 y CFC-12, efectuados
en ratas y ratones, dieron resultados negativos. Se
observó una respuesta tumorígena en la cavidad nasal en
ratas sometidas a la inhalación de CFC-113, pero esa
reacción se consideró equívoca. Los tumores presentaron
distintas morfologías y las incidencias no guardaban
relación con la dosis. Aunque se utilizan los clorofluoro-
carbonos desde hace más de 50 años, sólo se dispone de un
estudio de cohorte (539 trabajadores expuestos). No se
observó ningún aumento de la mortalidad total ni de las
defunciones por tumores.
Entre los ocho clorofluorocarbonos examinados en el
presente documento, en las publicaciones científicas
disponibles se han recogido estudios sobre efectos tóxicos
en el desarrollo en los casos del CFC-11, el CFC-12 y el
CFC-113. En ninguno de esos tres clorofluorocarbonos se
han registrado indicios de embriotoxicidad, fetotoxicidad
o teratogenicidad.
8. Efectos en la especie humana
Los estudios controlados de voluntarios que utilizaron
CFC-11 y CFC-12 no mostraron efectos observables en los
parámetros hematológicos y químicos clínicos, el ECG, el
EEG, la función pulmonar o la exploración neurológica.
En concentraciones altas, los sujetos experimentaron
una sensación de picazón, zumbidos de oídos y aprensión.
Se observaron modificaciones del EEG, alocución difícil-
mente inteligible y disminución de la habilidad en las
pruebas psicológicas. La exposición a una concentración
del 11%a (545 g/m3) de CFC-12 durante 11 minutos pro-
vocó un grado importante de arritmia cardiaca, seguido de
un descenso de la conciencia con amnesia al cabo de 10
a En la totalidad de la presente monografía, los porcentajes
de clorofluorocarbonos en el aire se expresan como el volumen de
clorofluorocarbono dividido por el volumen de aire.
Tras la exposición al CFC-12 a una concentración del
1% (50 g/m3) durante 150 minutos se observó un descenso
del 7% en los índices de pruebas psicomotrices, pero
ningún efecto con una concentración del 0,1% (5 g/m3).
En un estudio en el que 10 sujetos estuvieron
expuestos al CFC-11, el CFC-12 y el CFC-114, dos mezclas
de CFC-11 y CFC-12, y una mezcla de CFC-12 y CFC-114
(concentraciones en el aire respirado comprendidas entre
16 y 150 g/m3) durante 15, 45 ó 60 segundos, se registró
en cada caso una reducción aguda importante de la capa-
cidad pulmonar ventilatoria (FEF50, FEF25), así como
bradicardia, aumento de la variabilidad del ritmo cardiaco
y bloqueo auriculoventricular.
Se evaluó la habilidad psicomotriz utilizando el
CFC-113 en concentraciones de 0,15% (12 g/m3), 0,25%
(19 g/m3), 0,35% (27 g/m3) ó 0,45% (35 g/m3) durante
165 minutos. La concentración más baja careció de efecto,
pero se produjeron dificultades para la concentración
mental y cierto descenso en los resultados de las pruebas
a partir de la dosis de 0,35% (27 g/m3).
Los limitados estudios efectuados muestran que en las
personas con antecedentes de reacción cutánea a los deso-
dorantes en pulverización que contienen CFC-11 o CFC-12,
la aplicación cutánea de ciertos clorofluorocarbonos puede
provocar una sensibilización. En cinco personas no fuma-
doras, la función mucociliar traqueal no se alteró por la
exposición al CFC-11.
Dos estudios permiten pensar que la exposición pro-
fesional normal al CFC-113 no plantea un riesgo grave para
la salud. No se observaron efectos adversos en niveles
profesionales de hasta el 0,47% (36,7 g/m3), con una
concentración media del 0,07% (5,4 g/m3).
En varios estudios se ha observado una disminución
aguda importante de la capacidad pulmonar ventilatoria en
los peluqueros que utilizan pulverizaciones para el pelo
que contienen clorofluorocarbonos. Se han registrado
casos de efectos neurológicos atribuidos a la exposición
profesional a los clorofluorocarbonos. Se ha descrito un
caso de neuropatía en un trabajador de lavandería expuesto
al tetracloroeteno y a concentraciones indeterminadas de
CFC-113 durante seis años.
Se ha notificado también la exposición no profesional
y accidental o la inhalación por uso indebido de aero-
soles, siendo los principales síntomas la depresión del
SNC y las reacciones cardiovasculares. La arritmia car-
diaca, agravada posiblemente por los niveles altos de
catecolaminas provocados por el estrés o por la hiper-
capnia moderada, se considera la causa de esas respuestas
adversas, que pueden conducir a la muerte.
Es de suponer que la mayor radiación de UV-B conducirá
a efectos predominantemente adversos en la salud humana,
pero el estado de conocimientos varía grandemente de un
efecto a otro. Casi todos los autores admiten que aumen-
tará la incidencia de los cánceres cutáneos distintos del
melanoma. Las previsiones basadas en datos recientes
muestran que esa incidencia se incrementará en un 3% por
cada 1% de pérdida de ozono. Sobre esa base, una pérdida
de ozono del 5% conduciría, al cabo de varios decenios, a
la aparición cada año de más de 200 000 casos adicionales
de cánceres cutáneos distintos del melanoma.
La radiación UV-B parece intervenir también en la for-
mación de los melanomas cutáneos, tumores de mayor gra-
vedad. Sin embargo, los conocimientos son insuficientes
para establecer con precisión las relaciones dosis-
El sistema inmunitario experimenta la influencia de la
radiación UV-B de distintos modos. Aunque no se dispone
de conocimientos suficientes para predecir las consecu-
encias de la disminución de ozono en la salud humana, se
observará probablemente una mayor incidencia de enfer-
medades infecciosas.
El efecto más importante para el ojo humano será un
aumento de la incidencia de la catarata, enturbiamiento
permanente del cristalino del ojo que conduce, incluso con
los actuales niveles de radiación UV-B, a alteración de la
visión y ceguera en muchas personas.
Puede esperarse que el aumento de la radiación UV-B
incremente el "smog" fotoquímico, lo que agravaría los
problemas de salud conexos en las zonas urbanas e indus-
9. Evaluación de los riesgos para la salud humana
Los efectos directos más importantes que provoca en el
ser humano la exposición a los clorofluorocarbonos se
deben a las concentraciones excesivas resultantes de
accidentes industriales y del uso indebido o excesivo de
esas sustancias como disolventes o gases impulsores. La
liberación de clorofluorocarbonos en el medio ambiente
mundial en el curso de la eliminación de desechos y del
transporte y almacenamiento son motivo de creciente
preocupación, debido a los posibles efectos que esas
liberaciones incontroladas pueden ejercer en la salud
futura de la humanidad.
1. Evaluación de los riesgos para la salud humana
1.1 Efectos directos en la salud resultantes de la exposición
a clorofluorocarbonos totalmente halogenados
La cinética y el metabolismo de los clorofluorocar-
bonos se caracterizan por la absorción y la distribución
pulmonares rápidas. No hay indicio de ninguna acumulación.
La transformación metabólica de los clorofluorocarbonos
examinados en la presente monografía es despreciable, si
es que realmente existe. Por consiguiente, los efectos
tóxicos de los metabolitos son muy improbables. La tox-
icidad aguda de los clorofluorocarbonos es muy baja, como
se demuestra en estudios efectuados en distintas especies
animales con diferentes vías de administración. Se carac-
teriza por los efectos en el corazón, el sistema respi-
ratorio y a veces el hígado. Esos efectos concuerdan con
la sintomatología observada en intoxicaciones agudas en
Tras la exposición repetida pueden observarse síntomas
clínicos comparables. Se producen a veces alteraciones
hepáticas y renales. En el hombre aparecen síntomas en el
SNC, el sistema cardiovascular y el aparato respiratorio
en los casos de uso indebido intenso y de exposición pro-
fesional incontrolada o accidental. En las condiciones de
uso que suponen la exposición a corto plazo a una concen-
tración de hasta 1000 ppm, no son de esperar afectos
adversos en la salud.
La evaluación de los estudios efectuados en animales
de experimentación no muestra que haya riesgo de cancero-
génesis para el ser humano. Lo subraya el hecho de que
los clorofluorocarbonos examinados en la presente mono-
grafía están desprovistos de genotoxicidad en distintos
puntos finales mutagénicos y transformaciones celulares.
En un estudio de cohorte limitado que comprendió 539
trabajadores expuestos, no se registró aumento de la mor-
talidad ni de la frecuencia de tumores. Los estudios sobre
la influencia en la reproducción (fecundidad, embriotox-
icidad, fetotoxicidad, teratología) y sobre los efectos
generales en el desarrollo en animales de experimentación
han sido constantemente negativos. No se han registrado
efectos en la reproducción humana, incluido el desarrollo
intrauterino y posnatal.
Se han medido concentraciones medias en el aire de las
zonas urbanas-suburbanas de 3,4 µg/m3 de CFC-11 y de
6 µg/m3 de CFC-12. En las zonas rurales-remotas, los
niveles correspondientes fueron de 1,0 µg/m3 para el
CFC-11 y de 1,6 µg/m3 para el CFC-12.
Esos niveles de exposición se consideran despreciables
en comparación con las concentraciones de 25 000 a
50 000 µg/m3 (~5000 a 10 000 ppm) que causan signos
iniciales de alteraciones funcionales o morfológicas en
los animales de laboratorio.
1.2 Efectos en la salud previstos provocados por la reducción del
ozono estratosférico causada por los clorofluorocarbonos
En el último decenio se ha producido una creciente
preocupación por las consecuencias de la disminución del
ozono en la atmósfera superior, con el aumento consigui-
ente de la radiación UV-B en la superficie de la tierra.
Los cálculos en modelos predicen, para los próximos cinco
años, una pérdida de ozono comprendida entre el 1% y el
10%, en función del supuesto utilizado para la liberación
de los clorofluorocarbonos y de otros gases en oligocon-
Entre los efectos en la salud humana se ha investigado
ampliamente la inducción de cánceres cutáneos distintos al
melanoma, tanto en epidemiología humana como en animales
de experimentación. En general se ha aceptado la con-
clusión de que la incidencia de esos cánceres aumentará
como resultado de la disminución del ozono. Una estimación
basada en datos recientes prevé que una reducción del
ozono atmosférico del 1% conduciría a un aumento de la
incidencia de cánceres cutáneos distintos del melanoma del
3%. Una reducción del ozono del 5% llevaría a un incre-
mento de la incidencia del 16%. Este último supondría un
aumento mundial de más de 200 000 casos nuevos de cánceres
cutáneos distintos al melanoma por año, sobre todo en las
personas de piel clara.
Aumentan los indicios que permiten pensar que la radi-
ación UV-B interviene también en la inducción y prolifer-
ación del melanoma cutáneo, tipo más grave de cáncer de la
piel. Sin embargo, la incertidumbre existente, en particu-
lar en lo que respecta a la relación dosis-efecto, hace
que las predicciones cuantitativas sean muy difíciles.
Ahora bien, debe tomarse en cuenta la posibilidad de un
aumento del melanoma cutáneo.
La radiación UV-B produce distintos tipos de supresión
específica del sistema inmunitario en los animales de
experimentación. Se observa una disminución de la resist-
encia a los tumores implantados inducida por la radiación
UV-B y un mayor crecimiento de tales tumores en los
ratones; además se suprime la sensibilización por los
alergenos de contacto y la respuesta a los alergenos en
los animales sensibilizados. También se altera la res-
puesta inmunitaria frente a ciertos agentes infecciosos,
como se ha demostrado en los casos del virus del herpes
simple y de las leishmanias. Existen indicios de que la
radiación UV-B puede producir en el hombre una supresión
análoga de la respuesta inmunitaria. En la piel, las
células de Langerhans de presentación de antígenos quedan
lesionadas y disminuyen las respuestas alérgicas. Aunque
todavía queda mucho por aprender en ulteriores investi-
gaciones, no deben ignorarse los posibles efectos de
supresión inmunitaria y el aumento consiguiente de la
incidencia de ciertas enfermedades infecciosas que podrían
resultar de la disminución del ozono estratosférico.
Ciertos datos muestran que la radiación UV-B aumenta
la formación de la catarata, importante causa de ceguera,
en particular en las zonas que poseen limitados servicios
2. Efectos en el medio ambiente
Aparte de la teoría de que los clorofluorocarbonos
contribuyen al efecto de "invernadero", no se dispone de
datos que señalen otros efectos ecológicos directos
provocados por los clorofluorocarbonos examinados en la
presente monografía.
Los estudios sobre los efectos de la radiación UV-B en
las plantas se han concentrado en los cultivos y se han
realizado en general en latitudes templadas. Estas
representan sólo una pequeña porción de los principales
ecosistemas del mundo. Aunque existen numerosas incerti-
dumbres resultantes del carácter complejo de los exper-
imentos, los datos actualmente disponibles permiten pensar
que los cultivos son posiblemente vulnerables a mayores
niveles de radiación UV-B solar. Entre más de 200 especies
y cultivares examinados respecto a la tolerancia a la
radiación ultravioleta, alrededor del 65% resultaron
sensibles. Entre los grupos de plantas más sensibles
figuraban los cultivos de guisantes, judías, melones,
mostaza y coles. Los miembros del sistema de la hierba son
en general menos sensibles.
Los datos experimentales muestran que el patrimonio
genético presenta cierto grado de tolerancia a la radi-
ación UV-B. Se basan en el alto grado de variación en la
sensibilidad a la radiación UV observada en los culti-
vares. Todavía tiene que determinarse la base genética de
la sensibilidad.
Se ha estudiado el efecto de los mayores niveles de
radiación UV-B sobre la calidad de las cosechas. El con-
tenido en proteínas y aceite de cultivares seleccionados
de semilla de soja se redujo hasta en el 10% al exponer
las plantas a niveles de radiación UV que simulaban una
pérdida de ozono del 25%.
Se han realizado limitados estudios sobre los efectos
de la radiación UV-B en la productividad forestal. Sólo
se dispone de resultados relativos a los plantones y
corresponden a niveles de exposición equivalentes a una
reducción del ozono del 40%. Esos estudios muestran una
disminución del crecimiento y de la fotosíntesis después
de la exposición de plantones de Pinus taeda. Ciertos
datos experimentales muestran que el aumento de los
niveles de radiación UV-B puede producir cambios en la
estructura del conjunto del bosque.
Se ha observado que la exposición a la radiación UV-B
afecta a los componentes vegetales y animales de los eco-
sistemas marinos. Entre los efectos figuran los descensos
de la fecundidad, el crecimiento, la supervivencia y otros
3. Conclusiones
Los datos toxicológicos disponibles sobre los cloro-
fluorocarbonos totalmente halogenados examinados en la
presente monografía muestran que la toxicidad aguda y
crónica es baja y no indican que tengan capacidad mutágena
ni cancerígena. Los riesgos para la salud humana están
principalmente limitados a exposiciones altas ocasionales,
que pueden producirse al manipular esas sustancias. Por
el contrario, los efectos indirectos que aparecen en el
hombre por la acumulación de tales productos en la
estratosfera pueden conducir a alteraciones notables de la
salud humana, producidas sobre todo por la disminución del
ozono estratosférico, que da lugar a un aumento de los
efectos de la radiación UV-B. El aumento previsto en la
incidencia de los cánceres cutáneos distintos del mela-
noma, el posible incremento del melanoma, y los efectos
inmunotóxicos y oculares conducen a la conclusión de que
es necesaria una cooperación internacional inmediata y
eficaz para reducir toda nueva pérdida del ozono
1. La base de datos sobre la toxicidad de algunos cloro-
fluorocarbonos, en particular de los que contienen
hidrógeno, es insuficiente para efectuar evaluaciones
cuantitativas del riesgo. Se necesita información
adicional sobre la toxicidad crónica, la cancerogeni-
cidad y la teratogenicidad/efectos reproductores de
los productos, en particular en el caso de la expo-
sición por inhalación.
2. En el cuadro 16 se resume la evaluación de los efectos
del aumento de la radiación UV-B.
Cuadro 16. Posibles efectos del aumento de la radiación UV-B
resultantes del descenso del ozono estratosféricoa
Efectos Conocimientos Posible impacto
disponibles mundial
Cáncer cutáneo Moderados a altos Moderado
Sistema inmunitario Escasos Alto
Catarata Moderados Bajob
Vida vegetalc Escasos Alto
Vida acuáticac Escasos Alto
climáticasd Moderados Moderado
Ozono ambiental Moderados Bajoe
a Modificado de SAB-EC-87-025 Review of EPA's Assessment
of the Risk of Stratospheric Modification, Stratospheric
Ozone Subcommittee, Science Advisory Board, US
Environmental Protection Agency, marzo de 1987.
b Un estudio más reciente sobre la influencia de la pérdida
de ozono en la incidencia de la catarata permite pensar
que puede ser más grave (US EPA, Assessing the Risks of
Trace Gases that can modify the Stratosphere, Capítulo
10, diciembre de 1987).
c Véase la sección 6.
d Contribución a los cambios climáticos, incluido el
aumento del nivel del mar, de la propia pérdida del
ozono estratosférico y de los gases que causan esa
e El impacto puede ser alto en determinadas zonas urbanas
o rurales en las que son habituales los problemas de
contaminación atmosférica por el ozono en el nivel
superficial en escala local o regional.
Se necesitan más investigaciones en los sectores en
los que faltan conocimientos y en los que el posible
impacto mundial es elevado. Incluyen ocho sectores con-
cretos de futuras investigaciones y evaluaciones que
tienen particular importancia para conocer y afrontar los
efectos en la salud humana de la pérdida del ozono
* investigar los mecanismos de la inmunosupresión en
modelos animales y en el hombre;
* identificar las enfermedades infecciosas que com-
prenden una fase o proceso que puede empeorar por la
exposición a la radiación UV-B y elaborar modelos para
explicar esas enfermedades;
* investigar la dependencia respecto a la longitud de
onda y obtener datos de dosis-respuesta para el hombre
relativos a los efectos de la exposición a la radi-
ación UV-B sobre la incidencia de las enfermedades
* determinar el efecto de la inmunosupresión por la
radiación UV-B sobre la eficacia de la vacunación;
* aclarar la función de los cambios inmunológicos en la
inducción de melanomas y de cánceres cutáneos dis-
tintos al melanoma por la radiación UV;
* determinar el espectro de acción y las relaciones
dosis-efecto para la inducción de distintos tipos de
melanoma por la radiación UV;
* establecer una definición mejor del espectro de mec-
anismos para la inducción del carcinoma escamocelular,
y en particular del carcinoma basocelular, por la
radiación UV; e
* investigar la biología y epidemiología de la catarata,
y los métodos para reducir los riesgos de enfermedades
3. Algunos organismos recomiendan todavía el empleo del
CFC-11 y del CFC-12 como propulsores para la desinfec-
ción de aeronaves por pulverizaciones en aerosol. Se
necesitan urgentemente para ese uso nuevos propulsores
que no reduzcan el ozono, ininflamables, inocuos y no
irritantes, puesto que los antiguos gases propulsores
están ya prohibidos en muchos países.
4. Esnecesaria la cooperación internacional efectiva para
reducir la futura pérdida del ozono estratosférico, lo
que exige reducciones del 80%-90% por lo menos en la
emisión de clorofluorocarbonos reductores del ozono.
La primera prioridad consiste en hallar productos de
sustitución y la segunda en elaborar procedimientos de
evacuación apropiados para los actuales clorofluoro-
carbonos de desecho. Se recomienda que todos los
países adopten medidas para reducir el empleo de los
clorofluorocarbonos con altas posibilidades de reduc-
ción del ozono estratosférico.