UNITED NATIONS ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANISATION WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMME ON CHEMICAL SAFETY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CRITERIA 188 Nitrogen Oxides (Second Edition) This report contains the collective views of an international group of experts and does not necessarily represent the decisions or the stated policy of the United Nations Environment Programme, the International Labour Organisation, or the World Health Organization. First draft prepared by Drs J.A. Graham, L.D. Grant, L.J. Folinsbee, D.J. Kotchmar and J.H.B. Garner, US Environmental Protection Agency Published under the joint sponsorship of the United Nations Environment Programme, the International Labour Organisation, and the World Health Organization, and produced within the framework of the Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals. World Health Organization Geneva, 1997 The International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) is a joint venture of the United Nations Environment Programme, the International Labour Organisation, and the World Health Organization. The main objective of the IPCS is to carry out and disseminate evaluations of the effects of chemicals on human health and the quality of the environment. Supporting activities include the development of epidemiological, experimental laboratory, and risk-assessment methods that could produce internationally comparable results, and the development of manpower in the field of toxicology. Other activities carried out by the IPCS include the development of know-how for coping with chemical accidents, coordination of laboratory testing and epidemiological studies, and promotion of research on the mechanisms of the biological action of chemicals. The Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals (IOMC) was established in 1995 by UNEP, ILO, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, WHO, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (Participating Organizations), following recommendations made by the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development to strengthen cooperation and increase coordination in the field of chemical safety. The purpose of the IOMC is to promote coordination of the policies and activities pursued by the Participating Organizations, jointly or separately, to achieve the sound management of chemicals in relation to human health and the environment. WHO Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Nitrogen oxides - 2nd ed. (Environmental health criteria ; 188) 1.Nitrogen dioxide 2.Nitrogen oxides I.Series ISBN 92 4 157188 8 (NLM Classification: WA 754) ISSN 0250-863X The World Health Organization welcomes requests for permission to reproduce or translate its publications, in part or in full. Applications and enquiries should be addressed to the Office of Publications, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, which will be glad to provide the latest information on any changes made to the text, plans for new editions, and reprints and translations already available. (c) World Health Organization 1997 Publications of the World Health Organization enjoy copyright protection in accordance with the provisions of Protocol 2 of the Universal Copyright Convention. All rights reserved. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers' products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the World Health Organization in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters. The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Germany, provided financial support for, and undertook the printing of, this publication CONTENTS ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CRITERIA FOR NITROGEN OXIDES Preamble 1. SUMMARY 1.1. Nitrogen oxides and related compounds 1.1.1. Atmospheric transport 1.1.2. Measurement 1.1.3. Exposure 1.2. Effects of atmospheric nitrogen species, particularly nitrogen oxides, on vegetation 1.3. Health effects of exposures to nitrogen dioxide 1.3.1. Studies of the effects of nitrogen compounds on experimental animals Biochemical and cellular mechanisms of action of nitrogen oxides Effects on host defence Effects of chronic exposure on the development of chronic lung disease Potential carcinogenic or co-carcinogenic effects Age susceptibility Influence of exposure patterns 1.3.2. Controlled human exposure studies on nitrogen oxides 1.3.3. Epidemiology studies on nitrogen dioxide 1.3.4. Health-based guidance values for nitrogen dioxide 2. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES, AIR SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS, TRANSFORMATIONS AND TRANSPORT IN THE ATMOSPHERE 2.1. Introduction 2.1.1. The nomenclature and measurement of atmospheric nitrogen species 2.2. Nitrogen species and their physical and chemical properties 2.2.1. Nitrogen oxides Nitric oxide Nitrogen dioxide Nitrous oxide Other nitrogen oxides 2.2.2. Nitrogen acids Nitric acid Nitrous acid 2.2.3. Ammonia 2.2.4. Ammonium nitrate 2.2.5. Peroxyacetyl nitrate 2.2.6. Organic nitrites and nitrates 2.3. Sampling and analysis methods 2.3.1. Nitric oxide Nitric oxide continuous methods Passive samplers for NO Calibration of NO analysis methods Sampling considerations for NO 2.3.2. Nitrogen dioxide Chemiluminescence (NO + O3) Chemiluminescence (luminol) Laser-induced fluorescence and tuneable diode laser absorption spectrometry Wet chemical methods Other methods Passive samplers Calibration 2.3.3. Total reactive odd nitrogen 2.3.4. Peroxyacetyl nitrate 2.3.5. Other organic nitrates 2.3.6. Nitric acid 2.3.7. Nitrous acid 2.3.8. Dinitrogen pentoxide and nitrate radicals 2.3.9. Particulate nitrate 2.3.10. Nitrous oxide 2.3.11. Summary 2.4. Transport and transformation of nitrogen oxides in the air 2.4.1. Introduction 2.4.2. Chemical transformations of oxides of nitrogen Nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide and ozone Transformations in indoor air Formation of other oxidized nitrogen species 2.4.3. Advection and dispersion of atmospheric nitrogen species Transport of reactive nitrogen species in urban plumes Air quality models Regional transport 2.5. Conversion factor for nitrogen dioxide 2.6. Summary 3. SOURCES, EMISSIONS AND AIR CONCENTRATIONS 3.1. Introduction 3.2. Sources of nitrogen oxides 3.2.1. Sources of NOx emission Fuel combustion Biomass burning Lightning Soils Oceans 3.2.2. Removal from the ambient environment 3.2.3. Summary of global budgets for nitrogen oxides 3.3. Ambient concentrations of nitrogen oxides 3.3.1. International comparison studies of NOx concentrations 3.3.2. Example case studies of NOx and NO2 concentrations 3.4. Occurrence of nitrogen oxides indoors 3.4.1. Indoor sources Gas-fuelled cooking stoves Unvented gas space heaters and water heaters Kerosene space heaters Wood stoves Tobacco products 3.4.2. Removal of nitrogen oxides from indoor environments 3.5. Indoor concentrations of nitrogen oxides 3.5.1. Homes without indoor combustion sources 3.5.2. Homes with combustion appliances 3.5.3. Homes with combustion space heaters 3.5.4. Indoor nitrous acid concentrations 3.5.5. Predictive models for indoor NO2 concentration 3.6. Human exposure 3.7. Exposure of plants and ecosystems 4. EFFECTS OF ATMOSPHERIC NITROGEN COMPOUNDS (PARTICULARLY NITROGEN OXIDES) ON PLANTS 4.1. Properties of NOx and NHy 4.1.1. Adsorption and uptake 4.1.2. Toxicity, detoxification and assimilation 4.1.3. Physiology and growth aspects 4.1.4. Interactions with climatic conditions 4.1.5. Interactions with the habitat 4.1.6. Increasing pest incidence 4.1.7. Conclusions for various atmospheric nitrogen species and mixtures NO2 NO NH3 NH4+ and NO3- in wet and occult deposition Mixtures 4.1.8. Appraisal Representativity of the data 4.1.9. General conclusions 4.2. Effects on natural and semi-natural ecosystems 4.2.1. Effects on freshwater and intertidal ecosystems Effects of nitrogen deposition on shallow softwater lakes Effects of nitrogen deposition on lakes and streams 4.2.2. Effects on ombrotrophic bogs and wetlands Effects on ombrotrophic (raised) bogs Effects on mesotrophic fens Effects on fresh- and saltwater marshes 4.2.3. Effects on species-rich grasslands Effects of nitrogen on calcareous grasslands Critical loads for nitrogen in calcareous grasslands Comparison with other semi-natural grasslands 4.2.4. Effects on heathlands Effects on inland dry heathlands Effects of nitrogen on inland wet heathlands Effects of nitrogen on arctic and alpine healthlands Effects on herbs of matgrass swards 4.2.5. Effects of nitrogen deposition on forests Effects on forest tree species Effects on tree epiphytes, ground vegetation and ground fauna of forests 4.2.6. Effects on estuarine and marine ecosystems 4.2.7. Appraisal and conclusions 5. STUDIES OF THE EFFECTS OF NITROGEN OXIDES ON EXPERIMENTAL ANIMALS 5.1. Introduction 5.2. Nitrogen dioxide 5.2.1. Dosimetry Respiratory tract dosimetry Systemic dosimetry 5.2.2. Respiratory tract effects Host defence mechanisms Lung biochemistry Pulmonary function Morphological studies 5.2.3. Genotoxicity, potential carcinogenic or co-carcinogenic effects 5.2.4. Extrapulmonary effects 5.3. Effects of mixtures containing nitrogen dioxide 5.4. Effects of other nitrogen oxide compounds 5.4.1. Nitric oxide Endogenous formation of NO Absorption of NO Effects of NO on pulmonary function, morphology and host lung defence function Metabolic effects Haematological changes Biochemical mechanisms for nitric oxide effects: reaction with iron and effects on enzymes and nucleic acids 5.4.2. Nitric acid 5.4.3. Nitrates 5.5. Summary of studies of the effects of nitrogen compounds on experimental animals 6. CONTROLLED HUMAN EXPOSURE STUDIES OF NITROGEN OXIDES 6.1. Introduction 6.2. Effects of nitrogen dioxide 6.2.1. Nitrogen dioxide effects on pulmonary function and airway responsiveness to bronchoconstrictive agents Nitrogen dioxide effects in healthy subjects Nitrogen dioxide effects on asthmatics Nitrogen dioxide effects on patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Age-related differential susceptibility 6.2.2. Nitrogen dioxide effects on pulmonary host defences and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid biomarkers 6.2.3. Other classes of nitrogen dioxide effects 6.3. Effects of other nitrogen oxide compounds 6.4. Effects of nitrogen dioxide/gas or gas/aerosol mixtures on lung function 6.5. Summary of controlled human exposure studies of oxides of nitrogen 7. EPIDEMIOLOGICAL STUDIES OF NITROGEN OXIDES 7.1. Introduction 7.2. Methodological considerations 7.2.1. Measurement error 7.2.2. Misclassification of the health outcome 7.2.3. Adjustment for covariates 7.2.4. Selection bias 7.2.5. Internal consistency 7.2.6. Plausibility of the effect 7.3. Studies of respiratory illness 7.3.1. Indoor air studies St Thomas' Hospital Medical School Studies (United Kingdom) Harvard University - Six Cities Studies (USA) University of Iowa Study (USA) Agricultural University of Wageningen (The Netherlands) Ohio State University Study (USA) University of Dundee (United Kingdom) Harvard University - Chestnut Ridge Study (USA) University of New Mexico Study (USA) University of Basel Study (Switzerland) Yale University Study (USA) Freiburg University Study (Germany) McGill University Study (Canada) Health and Welfare Canada Study (Canada) University of North Carolina Study (USA) University of Tucson Study (USA) Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society Study (Hong Kong) Recent studies 7.3.2. Outdoor studies Harvard University - Six City Studies (USA) University of Basel Study (Switzerland) University of Wuppertal Studies (Germany) University of Tubigen (Germany) Harvard University - Chestnut Ridge Study (USA) University of Helsinki Studies (Finland) Helsinki City Health Department Study (Finland) Oulu University Study (Finland) Seth GS Medical College Study (India) 7.4. Pulmonary function studies 7.4.1. Harvard University - Six City Studies (USA) 7.4.2. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Study (USA) 7.4.3. Harvard University - Chestnut Ridge Study (USA) 7.4.4. Other pulmonary function studies 7.5. Other exposure settings 7.5.1. Skating rink exposures 7.6. Occupational exposures 7.7. Synthesis of the evidence for school-age children 7.7.1. Health outcome measures 7.7.2. Biologically plausible hypothesis 7.7.3. Publication bias 7.7.4. Selection of studies Brief description of selected studies Studies not selected for quantitative analysis 7.7.5. Quantitative analysis 7.8. Synthesis of the evidence for young children 7.9. Summary 8. EVALUATION OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH NITROGEN OXIDES 8.1. Sources and exposure 8.2. Evaluation of the effects of atmospheric nitrogen species on the environment 8.2.1. Guidance values - critical levels for air concentrations of nitrogen oxides 8.2.2. Environment-based guidance values - critical loads for total nitrogen deposition 8.3. Evaluation of health risks associated with nitrogen oxides 8.3.1. Concentration-response relationships 8.3.2. Subpopulations potentially at risk 8.3.3. Derivation of health-based guidance values 9. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PROTECTION OF HUMAN HEALTH AND THE ENVIRONMENT 10. FURTHER RESEARCH REFERENCES RESUME RESUMEN NOTE TO READERS OF THE CRITERIA MONOGRAPHS Every effort has been made to present information in the criteria monographs as accurately as possible without unduly delaying their publication. In the interest of all users of the Environmental Health Criteria monographs, readers are requested to communicate any errors that may have occurred to the Director of the International Programme on Chemical Safety, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, in order that they may be included in corrigenda. * * * A detailed data profile and a legal file can be obtained from the International Register of Potentially Toxic Chemicals, Case postale 356, 1219 Châtelaine, Geneva, Switzerland (Telephone No. 9799111). Environmental Health Criteria PREAMBLE Objectives In 1973 the WHO Environmental Health Criteria Programme was initiated with the following objectives: (i) to assess information on the relationship between exposure to environmental pollutants and human health, and to provide guidelines for setting exposure limits; (ii) to identify new or potential pollutants; (iii) to identify gaps in knowledge concerning the health effects of pollutants; (iv) to promote the harmonization of toxicological and epidemiological methods in order to have internationally comparable results. The first Environmental Health Criteria (EHC) monograph, on mercury, was published in 1976 and since that time an ever-increasing number of assessments of chemicals and of physical effects have been produced. In addition, many EHC monographs have been devoted to evaluating toxicological methodology, e.g., for genetic, neurotoxic, teratogenic and nephrotoxic effects. Other publications have been concerned with epidemiological guidelines, evaluation of short-term tests for carcinogens, biomarkers, effects on the elderly and so forth. Since its inauguration the EHC Programme has widened its scope, and the importance of environmental effects, in addition to health effects, has been increasingly emphasized in the total evaluation of chemicals. The original impetus for the Programme came from World Health Assembly resolutions and the recommendations of the 1972 UN Conference on the Human Environment. Subsequently the work became an integral part of the International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS), a cooperative programme of UNEP, ILO and WHO. In this manner, with the strong support of the new partners, the importance of occupational health and environmental effects was fully recognized. The EHC monographs have become widely established, used and recognized throughout the world. The recommendations of the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development and the subsequent establishment of the Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety with the priorities for action in the six programme areas of Chapter 19, Agenda 21, all lend further weight to the need for EHC assessments of the risks of chemicals. Scope The criteria monographs are intended to provide critical reviews on the effect on human health and the environment of chemicals and of combinations of chemicals and physical and biological agents. As such, they include and review studies that are of direct relevance for the evaluation. However, they do not describe every study carried out. Worldwide data are used and are quoted from original studies, not from abstracts or reviews. Both published and unpublished reports are considered and it is incumbent on the authors to assess all the articles cited in the references. Preference is always given to published data. Unpublished data are only used when relevant published data are absent or when they are pivotal to the risk assessment. A detailed policy statement is available that describes the procedures used for unpublished proprietary data so that this information can be used in the evaluation without compromising its confidential nature (WHO (1990) Revised Guidelines for the Preparation of Environmental Health Criteria Monographs. PCS/90.69, Geneva, World Health Organization). In the evaluation of human health risks, sound human data, whenever available, are preferred to animal data. Animal and in vitro studies provide support and are used mainly to supply evidence missing from human studies. It is mandatory that research on human subjects is conducted in full accord with ethical principles, including the provisions of the Helsinki Declaration. The EHC monographs are intended to assist national and international authorities in making risk assessments and subsequent risk management decisions. They represent a thorough evaluation of risks and are not, in any sense, recommendations for regulation or standard setting. These latter are the exclusive purview of national and regional governments. Content The layout of EHC monographs for chemicals is outlined below. * Summary - a review of the salient facts and the risk evaluation of the chemical * Identity - physical and chemical properties, analytical methods * Sources of exposure * Environmental transport, distribution and transformation * Environmental levels and human exposure * Kinetics and metabolism in laboratory animals and humans * Effects on laboratory mammals and in vitro test systems * Effects on humans * Effects on other organisms in the laboratory and field * Evaluation of human health risks and effects on the environment * Conclusions and recommendations for protection of human health and the environment * Further research * Previous evaluations by international bodies, e.g., IARC, JECFA, JMPR Selection of chemicals Since the inception of the EHC Programme, the IPCS has organized meetings of scientists to establish lists of priority chemicals for subsequent evaluation. Such meetings have been held in: Ispra, Italy, 1980; Oxford, United Kingdom, 1984; Berlin, Germany, 1987; and North Carolina, USA, 1995. The selection of chemicals has been based on the following criteria: the existence of scientific evidence that the substance presents a hazard to human health and/or the environment; the possible use, persistence, accumulation or degradation of the substance shows that there may be significant human or environmental exposure; the size and nature of populations at risk (both human and other species) and risks for environment; international concern, i.e. the substance is of major interest to several countries; adequate data on the hazards are available. If an EHC monograph is proposed for a chemical not on the priority list, the IPCS Secretariat consults with the Cooperating Organizations and all the Participating Institutions before embarking on the preparation of the monograph. Procedures The order of procedures that result in the publication of an EHC monograph is shown in the flow chart. A designated staff member of IPCS, responsible for the scientific quality of the document, serves as Responsible Officer (RO). The IPCS Editor is responsible for layout and language. The first draft, prepared by consultants or, more usually, staff from an IPCS Participating Institution, is based initially on data provided from the International Register of Potentially Toxic Chemicals, and reference data bases such as Medline and Toxline. The draft document, when received by the RO, may require an initial review by a small panel of experts to determine its scientific quality and objectivity. Once the RO finds the document acceptable as a first draft, it is distributed, in its unedited form, to well over 150 EHC contact points throughout the world who are asked to comment on its completeness and accuracy and, where necessary, provide additional material. The contact points, usually designated by governments, may be Participating Institutions, IPCS Focal Points, or individual scientists known for their particular expertise. Generally some four months are allowed before the comments are considered by the RO and author(s). A second draft incorporating comments received and approved by the Director, IPCS, is then distributed to Task Group members, who carry out the peer review, at least six weeks before their meeting. The Task Group members serve as individual scientists, not as representatives of any organization, government or industry. Their function is to evaluate the accuracy, significance and relevance of the information in the document and to assess the health and environmental risks from exposure to the chemical. A summary and recommendations for further research and improved safety aspects are also required. The composition of the Task Group is dictated by the range of expertise required for the subject of the meeting and by the need for a balanced geographical distribution. The three cooperating organizations of the IPCS recognize the important role played by nongovernmental organizations. Representatives from relevant national and international associations may be invited to join the Task Group as observers. While observers may provide a valuable contribution to the process, they can only speak at the invitation of the Chairperson. Observers do not participate in the final evaluation of the chemical; this is the sole responsibility of the Task Group members. When the Task Group considers it to be appropriate, it may meet in camera. All individuals who as authors, consultants or advisers participate in the preparation of the EHC monograph must, in addition to serving in their personal capacity as scientists, inform the RO if at any time a conflict of interest, whether actual or potential, could be perceived in their work. They are required to sign a conflict of interest statement. Such a procedure ensures the transparency and probity of the process. When the Task Group has completed its review and the RO is satisfied as to the scientific correctness and completeness of the document, it then goes for language editing, reference checking, and preparation of camera-ready copy. After approval by the Director, IPCS, the monograph is submitted to the WHO Office of Publications for printing. At this time a copy of the final draft is sent to the Chairperson and Rapporteur of the Task Group to check for any errors. It is accepted that the following criteria should initiate the updating of an EHC monograph: new data are available that would substantially change the evaluation; there is public concern for health or environmental effects of the agent because of greater exposure; an appreciable time period has elapsed since the last evaluation. All Participating Institutions are informed, through the EHC progress report, of the authors and institutions proposed for the drafting of the documents. A comprehensive file of all comments received on drafts of each EHC monograph is maintained and is available on request. The Chairpersons of Task Groups are briefed before each meeting on their role and responsibility in ensuring that these rules are followed. WHO TASK GROUP ON ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CRITERIA FOR NITROGEN OXIDES Members Dr K. Bentley*, Health and Environment Policy Section, Department of Community Services and Health, Canberra ACT, Australia Dr S. Dobson, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Monks Wood Experimental Station, Abbots Ripton, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom Dr L. van der Eerden, Centre "De Bom" Wageningen, The Netherlands Dr L. Folinsbee, Health Effects Research Laboratory, US Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA (Rapporteur) Dr L. Grant*, National Center for Environmental Assessment, US Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA Mr L. Heiskanen, Health and Environment Policy Section, Department of Community Services and Health, Canberra ACT, Australia Mr G.M. Johnson, CSIRO, Division of Coal and Energy Technology, Centre for Pollution Assessment and Control, North Ryde, NSW, Australia Dr J. Kagawa, Professor of Hygiene and Public Health, Tokyo Women's Medical College, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan Dr R.R. Khan, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Paryavaran Bhawan, New Delhi, India Dr D.B. Menzel, University of California, Department of Community & Environment and Medicine, California, USA Dr L. Neas, Department of Environmental Health, Environmental Epidemiology Program, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, USA Dr S.E. Paulson, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles, California, USA Dr P.J.A. Rombout, Department for Inhalation Toxicology, National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Hygiene, Bilthoven, The Netherlands (Chairman) * Invited, but unable to attend Dr W. Tyler, Veterinary Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of California, California, USA Dr K. Victorin, Karolinska Institute, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Stockholm, Sweden Dr A. Woodward, Department of Community Medicine, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia Dr R. Ye, Deputy Director, National Environmental Protection Agency, Xizhimennei Nanziaojie, Beijing, People's Republic of China Observers Professor M. Moore, National Research Centre for Environmental Toxicology, Nathan, Australia Dr M. Pain, Department of Thoracic Medicine, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne VIC, Australia Dr P. Psaila-Savona, WA Department of Health, Perth WA, Australia Mr B. Taylor, Policy and Planning Group, Public and Planning Group, Public Health Commission, Wellington, New Zealand Mr B. Saxby, AGL Gas Companies, North Sydney NSW, New Zealand Secretariat Dr B.H. Chen, International Programme on Chemical Safety, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland (Secretary) Dr M. Younes, WHO European Centre for Environment & Health, Bilthoven, The Netherlands ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CRITERIA FOR NITROGEN OXIDES A WHO Task Group on Environmental Health Criteria for Nitrogen Oxides met in Melbourne, Australia from 14 to 18 November 1994. The meeting was hosted by the Clean Air Society of Australia and New Zealand and the Victorian Departments of Health and Environment, Australia. Dr B.H. Chen, IPCS, opened the meeting and welcomed the participants on behalf of the Director, IPCS, and the three IPCS cooperating organizations (UNEP/ILO/WHO). The Task Group reviewed and revised the draft criteria monograph and made an evaluation of the risks for human health and the environment from exposure to nitrogen oxides. The first draft of this monograph was prepared by Drs J.A. Graham, L.D. Grant, L.J. Folinsbee, D.J. Kotchmar and J.H.B. Garner, US EPA. Drs W.G. Ewald, T.B. McMullen and B.E. Tilton, US EPA, contributed to the preparation of the first draft. The second draft was prepared by Dr L.D. Grant incorporating comments received following the circulation of the first draft to the IPCS Contact Points for Environmental Health Criteria. Drs R. Bobbink, L. Van der Eerden and S. Dobson prepared the final text of the environmental section. Mr G.M. Johnson contributed to the final text of the chemistry section. Dr B.H. Chen and Dr P.G. Jenkins, both members of the IPCS Central Unit, were responsible for the overall scientific content and technical editing, respectively. The efforts of all who helped in the preparation and finalization of the document are gratefully acknowledged. Financial support for this Task Group meeting was provided by the Department of Community Services and Health, Australia, Victorian Departments of Health and Environment, Australia, and the Clean Air Society of Australia and New Zealand. ABBREVIATIONS ADP adenosine diphosphate AM alveolar macrophages AQG Air Quality Guidelines BAL bronchoalveolar lavage BHPN N-bis (2-hydroxypropyl) nitrosamine CI confidence interval CLM chemiluminescence method COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ECD electron capture detection FEF forced expiratory flow FEV forced expiratory volume FTIR Fourier transformed infrared FVC forced vital capacity GC gas chromatography GDH glutamate dehydrogenase (c)GMP (cyclic) guanosine monophosphate GS glutamine synthetase HNO2 nitrous acid HNO3 nitric acid LIF laser-induced fluorescence MS mass spectrometry N2 nitrogen (elemental) NH3 ammonia NH4+ ammonium ion NHy the sum of NH3 and NH4+ NiR nitrate reductase NK natural killer NO nitric oxide NO2 nitrogen dioxide NO2- nitrite ion NO3- nitrate ion N2O nitrous oxide N2O5 nitrogen pentoxide NOx nitric oxide plus nitrogen dioxide NOy gas-phase oxidized nitrogen species (except nitrous oxide) NPSH non-protein sulfhydryl NR nitrate reductase O3 ozone PAN peroxyacetyl nitrate PBzN peroxybenzoyl nitrate PEF peak expiratory flow PFC plaque-forming cell PMN polymorphonuclear leukocyte ppb parts per billion (10-9) ppm parts per million (10-6) ppt parts per trillion (10-12) pptv parts per trillion (by volume) PSD passive sampling device Raw airway resistance ROC reactive organic carbon RUBISCO ribulose 1,5-biphosphate carboxylase SD standard deviation SES socioeconomic status SGaw specific airway conductance SO2 sulfur dioxide SOy sulfur oxides SPM suspended particulate matter SRaw specific airway resistance TDLAS tuneable diode laser absorption spectrometry TSP total suspended particulate VOC volatile organic carbon 1. SUMMARY 1.1 Nitrogen oxides and related compounds Nitrogen oxides can be present at significant concentrations in ambient air and in indoor air. The types and concentrations of nitrogenous compounds present can vary greatly from location to location, with time of day, and with season. The main sources of nitrogen oxide emissions are combustion processes. Fossil fuel power stations, motor vehicles and domestic combustion appliances emit nitrogen oxides, mostly in the form of nitric oxide (NO) and some (usually less than about 10%) in the form of nitrogen dioxide (NO2). In the air, chemical reactions occur that oxidize NO to NO2 and other products. There are also biological processes that liberate nitrogen species from soils, including nitrous oxide (N2O). Emissions of N2O can cause perturbation of the stratospheric ozone layer. Human health may be affected when significant concentrations of NO2 or other nitrogenous species, such as peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN), nitric acid (HNO3), nitrous acid (HNO2), and nitrated organic compounds, are present. In addition, nitrates and HNO3 may cause health effects and significant effects on ecosystems when deposited on the ground. The sum of NO and NO2 is generally referred to as NOx. Once released into the air, NO is oxidized to NO2 by available oxidants (particularly ozone, O3). This happens rapidly under some conditions in outdoor air; in indoor air, it is generally a much slower process. Nitrogen oxides are a controlling precursor of photochemical oxidant air pollution resulting in ozone and smog formation; interactions of nitrogen oxides (except N2O) with reactive organic compounds and sunlight form ozone in the troposphere and smog in urban areas. NO and NO2 may also undergo reactions to form a range of other oxides of nitrogen, both in indoor and outdoor air, including HNO2, HNO3, nitrogen trioxide (NO3), dinitrogen pentoxide (N2O5), PAN and other organic nitrates. The complex range of gas-phase nitrogen oxides is referred to as NOy. The partitioning of oxides of nitrogen among these compounds is strongly dependent on the concentrations of other oxidants and on the meteorological history of the air. HNO3 is formed from the reaction of OH- and NO2. It is a major sink for active nitrogen and also a contributor to acidic deposition. Potential physical and chemical sinks for HNO3 include wet and dry deposition, photolysis, reaction with OH radicals, and reaction with gaseous ammonia to form ammonium nitrate aerosol. PANs are formed from the combination of organic peroxy radicals with NO2. PAN is the most abundant organic nitrate in the troposphere and can serve as a temporary reservoir for reactive nitrogen, which may be regionally transported. The NO3 radical, a short-lived NOy species that is formed in the troposphere primarily by the reaction of NO2 with O3, undergoes rapid photolysis in daylight or reaction with NO. Appreciable concentrations are observed during the night. N2O5 is primarily a night-time constituent of ambient air as it is formed from the reaction of NO3 and NO2. In ambient air, N2O5 reacts heterogeneously with water to form HNO3, which in turn is deposited. N2O is ubiquitous because it is a product of natural biological processes in soil. It is not known, however, to be involved in any reactions in the troposphere. N2O participates in upper atmospheric reactions contributing to stratospheric ozone (O3) depletion and is also a relatively potent greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming. 1.1.1 Atmospheric transport The transport and dispersion of the various nitrogenous species in the lower troposphere is dependent on both meteorological and chemical parameters. Advection, diffusion and chemical transformations combine to dictate the atmospheric residence times. In turn, atmospheric residence times help determine the geographic extent of transport of given species. Surface emissions are dispersed vertically and horizontally through the atmosphere by turbulent mixing processes that are dependent to a large extent on the vertical temperature structure and wind speed. As the result of meteorological processes, NOx emitted in the early morning hours in an urban area typically disperses vertically and moves downwind as the day progresses. On sunny summer days, most of the NOx will have been converted to HNO3 and PAN by sunset, with concomitant formation of ozone. Much of the HNO3 is removed by deposition as the air mass is transported, but HNO3 and PAN carried in layers aloft (above the nighttime inversion layer but below a higher subsidence inversion) can potentially be transported long distances in oxidant-laden air masses. 1.1.2 Measurement There are a number of methods available to measure airborne nitrogen-containing species. This document briefly covers methodologies currently available or in general use for in situ monitoring of airborne concentrations in both ambient and indoor environments. The species considered are NO, NO2, NOx, total reactive odd nitrogen (NOy), PAN and other organic nitrates, HNO3, HNO2, N2O5, the nitrate radical, NO3-, and N2O. Measuring concentrations of nitrogen oxides is not trivial. While a straightforward, widely available method exists for measuring NO (the chemiluminescent reaction with ozone), this is an exception for nitrogen oxides. Chemiluminescence is also the most common technique used for NO2; NO2 is first reduced to NO. Unfortunately, the catalyst typically used for the reduction is not specific, and has various conversion efficiencies for other oxidized nitrogen compounds. For this reason, great care must be taken in interpreting the results of the common chemiluminescence analyser in terms of NO2, as the signal may include many other compounds. Additional difficulties arise from nitrogen oxides that may partition between the gaseous and particulate phases both in the atmosphere and in the sampling procedure. 1.1.3 Exposure Human and environmental exposure to nitrogen oxides varies greatly from indoors to outdoors, from cities to the countryside, and with time of day and season. The concentrations of NO and NO2 typically present outdoors in a range of urban situations are relatively well established. The concentrations encountered indoors depend on the specific details of the nature of combustion appliances, chimneys and ventilation. When unvented combustion appliances are used for cooking or heating, indoor concentrations of nitrogen oxides typically greatly exceed those existing outside. Recent research has shown in these circumstances that HNO2 can reach significant concentrations. One report showed that HNO2 can represent over 10% of the concentrations usually reported as NO2. 1.2 Effects of atmospheric nitrogen species, particularly nitrogen oxides, on vegetation Most of earth's biodiversity is found in (semi-)natural ecosystems, both in aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Nitrogen is the limiting nutrient for plant growth in many (semi-)natural ecosystems. Most of the plant species from these habitats are adapted to nutrient- poor conditions, and can only compete successfully on soils with low nitrogen levels. Human activities, both industrial and agricultural, have greatly increased the amount of biologically available nitrogen compounds, thereby disturbing the natural nitrogen cycle. Various forms of nitrogen pollute the air: mainly NO, NO2 and ammonia (NH3) as dry deposition; and nitrate (NO3-) and ammonium (NH4+) as wet deposition. NHy refers to the sum of NH3 and NH4+. Another contribution is from occult deposition (fog and clouds). There are many more nitrogen-containing air pollutants (e.g., N2O5, PAN, N2O, amines), but these are neglected here, either because their contribution to the total nitrogen deposition is believed to be small, or because their concentrations are probably far below effect thresholds. Nitrogen-containing air pollutants can affect vegetation indirectly, via photochemical reaction products, or directly after being deposited on vegetation, soil or water surface. The indirect pathway is largely neglected here although it includes very relevant processes, and should be taken into account when evaluating the entire impact of nitrogen-containing air pollutants: NO2 is a precursor for tropospheric O3, which acts both as a phytotoxin and a greenhouse gas. The impacts of increased nitrogen deposition upon biological systems can be the result of direct uptake by foliage or uptake via the soil. At the level of individual plants, the most relevant effects are injury to the tissue, changes in biomass production and increased susceptibility to secondary stress factors. At the vegetation level, deposited nitrogen acts as a nutrient; this results in changes in competitive relationships between species and loss of biodiversity. The critical loads for nitrogen depend on (i) the type of ecosystem; (ii) the land use and management in the past and present; and (iii) the abiotic conditions (especially those that influence the nitrification potential and immobilization rate in the soil). Adsorption on the outer surface of the leaves takes place and may damage wax layers of the cuticle, but the quantitative relevance for the field situation has not yet been proved. Uptake of NOx and NH3 is driven by the concentration gradient between atmosphere and mesophyll. It generally, but not always, is directly determined by stomatal conductance and thus depends on factors influencing stomatal aperture. There is increasing evidence that foliar uptake of nitrogen reduces the uptake of nitrogen by the roots. Uptake and exchange of ions through the leaf surface is a relatively slow process, and thus is only relevant if the surface remains wet for longer periods. NO is only slightly soluble in water, but the presence of other substances can alter the solubility. NO2 has a higher solubility, while that of NH3 is much higher. NO2- (the primary reaction product of NOx), NH3 and NH4+ are all highly phytotoxic, and could well be the cause of adverse effects of nitrogen-containing air pollutants. The free radical *N=O may play a role in the phytotoxicity of NO. More-than-additive effects (synergism) have been found in nearly all studies concerning SO2 plus NO2. With other NO2 mixtures (NO, O3 and CO2), interactive effects are the exception rather than the rule. When climatic conditions and supply of other nutrients allow biomass production, both NOx and NHy result in growth stimulation at low concentrations and growth reduction at higher concentrations. However, the exposure level at which growth stimulation turns into growth inhibition is much lower for NOx than for NHy. Evidence exists that plants are more sensitive at low light intensity (e.g., at night and in winter) and at low temperatures (just above 0°C). NOx and NHy can increase the sensitivity of plants to frost, drought, wind and insect damage. An interaction exists between soil chemistry and sensitivity of vegetation to nitrogen deposition; this is related to pH and nitrogen availability. The relative contribution of NO and NO2 to the NOx effect on plants is unclear. The vast majority of information is on effects of NO2 but available information on NO suggests that NO and NO2 have comparable phytotoxic effects. Air quality guidelines refer to thresholds for adverse effects. Two different types of effect thresholds exist: critical levels (CLEs) and critical loads (CLOs). The critical level is defined as the concentration in the atmosphere above which direct adverse effects on receptors, such as plants, ecosystems or materials, may occur according to present knowledge. The critical load is defined as a quantitative estimate of an exposure (deposition) to one or more pollutants below which significant harmful effects on specified sensitive elements of the environment do not occur according to present knowledge. According to current practice, critical levels have been derived from assessment of the lowest exposure concentrations causing adverse effects on physiology or growth of plants (biochemical effects were excluded), using a graphical method. To include the impact of NO, a critical level for NOx is proposed instead of one for NO2; for this purpose it has been assumed that NO and NO2 act in an additive manner. A strong case can be made for the provision of critical levels for short-term exposure. However, currently there are insufficient data to provide these with sufficient confidence. Current evidence suggests a critical level of about 75 µg/m3 for NOx as a 24-h mean. The critical level for NOx (NO and NO2 added in ppb and expressed as NO2 in µg/m3) is considered to be 30 µg/m3 as an annual mean. Information on organisms in the environment is almost exclusively restricted to plants, with minimum data on soil fauna. This evaluation and guidance values are, therefore, expressed in terms of nitrogen species effects on vegetation. However, it is expected that plants will form the most sensitive component of natural systems and that the effect on biodiversity of plant communities is a sensitive indicator of effects on the whole ecosystem. Critical loads are derived from empirical data and steady-state soil models. Estimated critical loads for total nitrogen deposition in a variety of natural aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems are given. Possible differential effects of deposited nitrogen species (NOx and NHy) are insufficiently known to differentiate between nitrogen species for critical load estimation. The great majority of ecosystems for which there is sufficient information to estimate critical loads are from temperate climates. The few arctic and montane ecosystems included, which might be expected to be representative of higher latitudes, have the least reliable basis. There is no information on tropical ecosystems and little on estuarine or marine ecosystems in any climatic zone. Nutrient-poor tropical ecosystems such as rain forests and mangrove swamps are likely to be adversely affected by nitrogen deposition. The lack of both deposition data and effect thresholds make it impossible to make risk assessments for these climatic regions. The most sensitive ecosystems (ombrotrophic bogs, shallow soft- water lakes and arctic and alpine heaths) for which effects thresholds can be estimated show critical loads of 5-10 kg N.ha-1.year-1 based on decreased biological diversity in plant communities. A more average value for the limited range of ecosystems studied is 15-20 kg N.ha-1.year-1, which applies to forest trees. The atmospheric chemistry of nitrogen oxides includes the capacity for ozone generation in the troposphere, ozone depletion in the stratosphere, and contribution to global warming as greenhouse gases. Nitrogen oxides and ammonia contribute to soil acidification (along with sulfur oxides) and thereby to increased bioavailability of aluminium. The phytotoxic effects of nitrogen oxides on plants have little direct relevance to crop plants when concentrations marginally exceed the critical level. However, the role of NOx in the generation of ozone and other phytotoxic substances, e.g., organic nitrates leads to crop loss. Nitrogen deposited on growing crops will represent a very small increase in total available nitrogen compared to that added as fertilizer. 1.3 Health effects of exposures to nitrogen dioxide A large number of studies designed to evaluate the health effects of NOx have been conducted. Of the NOx compounds, NO2 has been most studied. The discussion in this section focuses on NO2, NO, HNO2 and HNO3, while nitrates are mentioned briefly. 1.3.1 Studies of the effects of nitrogen compounds on experimental animals Extrapolating animal data to humans has both qualitative and quantitative components. As summarized below, NO2 causes a constellation of effects in several animal species; most notably, effects on host defence against infectious pulmonary disease, lung metabolism/biochemistry, lung function and lung structure. Because of basic physiological, metabolic and structural similarities in all mammals (laboratory animals and humans), the commonality of the observations in several animal species leads to a reasonable conclusion that NO2 could cause similar types of effects in humans. However, because of the differences between mammalian species, exactly what exposures would actually cause these effects in humans is not yet known. That is the topic of quantitative extrapolation. Limited modelling research on the dosimetric aspect (i.e., the dose to the target tissue/cell that actually causes toxicity) of quantitative extrapolation suggests that the distribution of the deposition of NO2 within the respiratory tract of animals and humans is similar, without yet providing adequate values to use for animal-to-human extrapolation. Unfortunately, very little information is available on the other key aspect of extrapolation, species sensitivity (i.e., the response of the tissues of different species to a given dose). Thus, from currently available animal studies, we know which human health effects NO2 may cause. We are unable to assert with great confidence the effects that are actually caused by a given inhaled dose of NO2. With the above issues in mind, the animal toxicology database for NO2 is summarized below according to major classes of effects and topics of special interest. Although it is clear that the effects of NO2 exposure extend beyond the confines of the lung, the interpretation of these systemic effects relative to potential human risk is not clear. Therefore they are not summarized further here, but are discussed in later chapters. Although interactions of NO2 and other co-occurring pollutants, such as O3 and sulfuric acid (H2SO4), can be quite important, especially if synergism occurs, the database does not yet allow conclusions that enable assessment of real-world potential interactions. Biochemical and cellular mechanisms of action of nitrogen oxides NO2 acts as a strong oxidant. Unsaturated lipids are readily oxidized with peroxides as the dominant product. Both ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) inhibit the peroxidation of unsaturated lipids. When ascorbic acid is sealed within bilayer liposomes, NO2 rapidly oxidizes the sealed ascorbic acid. The protective effects of alpha-tocopherol and ascorbic acid in animals and humans are due to the inhibition of NO2 oxidation. NO2 also oxidizes membrane proteins. The oxidation of either membrane lipids or proteins results in the loss of cell permeability control. The lungs of NO2-exposed humans and experimental animals have larger amounts of protein within the lumen. The recruitment of inflammatory cells and the changes in the lung are due to these events. The oxidant properties of NO2 also induce the peroxide detoxification pathway of glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. Following NO2 exposure the increase in the peroxide detoxification pathway in animals follows an exposure-response relationship. The mechanism of action of NO is less clear. NO is readily oxidized to NO2 and peroxidation then occurs. Because of the concurrent exposure to some NO2 in NO exposures, it is difficult to discriminate NO effects from NO2. NO functions as an intracellular second messenger modulating a wide variety of essential enzymes, and it inhibits its own production (e.g., negative feedback). NO activates guanylate cyclase which in turn increases intracellular cGMP levels. A possible mechanism of action of nitrates may be through the release of histamine from mast cell granules. Acidic nitrogenous air pollutants, particularly HNO3, may act by alteration of intracellular pH. PAN decomposes in water, generating hydrogen peroxide. Little is known of the mechanism of action, but oxidative stress is likely for PAN and its congeners. Inorganic nitrates may act through alterations in intracellular pH. Nitrate ion is transported into alveolar type 2 cells acidifying the cell. Nitrate also mobilizes histamine from mast cells. HNO2 could also act to alter intracellular pH, but this mechanism is unclear. The mechanisms of action of the other nitrogen oxides are unknown. Acute exposure to NO2 at a concentration of 750 µg/m3 (0.4 ppm) can result in lipid peroxidation. NO2 can oxidize polyunsaturated fatty acids in cell membranes as well as functional groups of proteins (either soluble proteins in the cell, such as enzymes, or structural proteins, such as components of cell membranes). Such oxidation reactions (mediated by free radicals) are a mechanism by which NO2 exerts direct toxicity on lung cells. This mechanism of action is supported by animal studies showing the importance of lung antioxidant defences, both endogenous (e.g., maintenance of lung glutathione levels) and exogenous (e.g., dietary vitamins C and E), in protecting against the effects of NO2. Many studies have suggested that various enzymes in the lung, including glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase and catalase, may also serve to defend the lung against oxidant attack. Effects on host defence Although the primary function of the respiratory tract is to ensure an efficient exchange of gases, this organ system also provides the body with a first line of defence against inhaled viable and non- viable airborne agents. An extensive database clearly shows that exposure to NO2 can result in the dysfunction of these host defences, increasing susceptibility to infectious respiratory disease. The host-defence parameters affected by NO2 include the functional and biochemical activity of cells in lungs, alveolar macrophages (AMs), immunological competence, susceptibility to experimentally induced respiratory infections, and the rate of mucociliary clearance. Alveolar macrophages are affected by NO2. These cells are responsible for maintaining the sterility of the pulmonary region, clearing particles from this region, and participating in immunological functions. Functional changes that have been reported include the following: the suppression of phagocytic ability and stimulation of lung clearance at 560 µg/m3 (0.3 ppm) 2 h/day for 13 days; a decrease in bactericidal activity at 4320 µg/m3 (2.3 ppm) for 17 h; and a decreased response to migration inhibition factor at 3760 µg/m3 (2.0 ppm) 8 h/day, 5 days/week for 6 months. The morphological appearance of these defence cells changes after chronic exposure to NO2. The importance of host defences becomes evident when animals have to cope with laboratory-induced pulmonary infections. Animals exposed to NO2 succumb to bacterial or viral infection in a concentration- dependent manner. Mortality also increases with increased NO2 concentration or duration of exposure. After acute exposure, effects are observed at concentrations as low as 3760 µg/m3 (2 ppm). Exposure to concentrations as low as 940 µg/m3 (0.5 ppm) will cause effects in the infectivity model after 6 months. Both humoral and cell-mediated defence systems are changed by NO2 exposure. In the cases in which the immune system has been investigated, effects have been observed after short-term exposure to concentrations > 9400 µg/m3 (5 ppm). The effects are complex since the direction of the change (i.e., increase or decrease) is dependent upon NO2 concentration and the length of exposure. Effects of chronic exposure on the development of chronic lung disease Humans are chronically exposed to NO2. Therefore, such exposures in animals have been studied rather extensively, typically using morphological and/or morphometric methods. This research has generally shown that a variety of pulmonary structural and correlated functional alterations occur. Some of these changes may be reversible when exposure ceases. Pulmonary function may be altered following chronic NO2 exposure of experimental animals. Impaired gas exchange occurred following exposure to 7520 µg/m3 (4.0 ppm) NO2 for four months and this was reflected in decreased arterial O2 tension, impaired physical performance and increased anaerobic metabolism. Although NO2 produces morphological changes in the respiratory tract, the database is sometimes confusing due to quantitative and qualitative variability in responsiveness between, and even within, species. The rat, the most commonly used experimental animal in morphological assessments of exposure, appears to be relatively resistant to NO2. Short-term exposures to concentrations of 9400 µg/m3 (5.0 ppm) or less generally have little effect in the rat, where similar exposures in the guinea-pig may result in some centriacinar epithelial damage. Longer-term exposures result in lesions in some species with concentrations as low as 560 to 940 µg/m3 (0.3 to 0.5 ppm). These are characterized by epithelial remodelling similar to that described above, but with the involvement of more proximal airways and thickening of the interstitium. Many of these changes, however, will resolve even with continued exposure, and long-term exposures to levels above about 3760 µg/m3 (2.0 ppm) are required for more extensive and permanent changes in the lungs. Some effects are relatively persistent (e.g., bronchiolitis), whereas others tend to be reversible and limited even with continued exposure. In any case, it seems that for either short- or long-term exposure, the response is more dependent upon concentration than duration of exposure. There is substantial evidence that long-term exposure of several species of laboratory animals to high concentrations of NO2 results in morphological lung lesions. Destruction of alveolar walls, an essential additional criterion for human emphysema, has been reliably reported in lungs from animals in a limited number of studies. The lowest NO2 concentration for the shortest exposure duration that will result in emphysematous lung lesions cannot be determined from these published studies. Potential carcinogenic or co-carcinogenic effects NO2 has been shown to be mutagenic in Salmonella bacteria, but was not mutagenic in one study with a mammalian cell culture. Other studies using cell cultures have demonstrated sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) and DNA single strand breaks. No genotoxic effects have been demonstrated in vivo concerning lymphocytes, spermatocytes or bone marrow cells, but two inhalation studies with high concentrations (50 760 and 56 400 µg/m3, 27 and 30 ppm) for 3 h and 16 h, respectively, have demonstrated such effects in lung cells. Literature searches revealed no published reports of NO2 studies using classical whole-animal chronic bioassays for carcinogenesis. Research with mice having spontaneously high tumour rates was equivocal. In one study, NO2 at 18 800 µg/m3 (10 ppm) slightly enhanced the incidence of lung adenomas in a sensitive strain of mice (A/J). Although several co-carcinogenesis investigations have been undertaken, conclusions are precluded because of problems with methodology and interpretation. Reports on whether NO2 facilitates the metastasis of tumours to the lung are also inadequate to form conclusions. Other investigations have centred on whether NO2 could produce nitrates and nitrites that, by reacting with amines in the body, could produce nitrosamines. A few studies suggest that nitrosamines are formed in animals treated with high doses of amines and exposed to NO2, but other studies have indicated that nitrosamine formation is unlikely. Age susceptibility Investigations into age dependency are inadequate and results so far are equivocal. Influence of exposure patterns Several animal toxicological studies have elucidated the relationships between concentration (C) and duration (T) of exposure, indicating that the relationship is complex. Most of this research has used the infectivity model. Early C × T studies demonstrated that concentration had more impact on mortality than did duration of exposure. An evaluation of the toxicity of NO2 exposures cannot be delineated by C × T relationships. 1.3.2 Controlled human exposure studies on nitrogen oxides Human responses to a variety of oxidized nitrogen compounds have been evaluated. By far, the largest database and the one most suitable for risk assessment is that available for controlled exposures to NO2. The database on human responses to NO, HNO3 vapour, HNO2 vapour and inorganic nitrate aerosols is not as extensive. A number of sensitive or potentially sensitive subgroups have been examined, including adolescent and adult asthmatics, older adults, and patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and pulmonary hypertension. Exercise during exposure increases the total uptake and alters the distribution of the deposited inhaled material within the lung. The relative proportion of NO2 deposited in the lower respiratory tract is also increased by exercise. This may increase the effects of the above compounds in people who exercise during exposure. As is typical with human biological response to inhaled particles and gases, there is variability in the biological response to NO2. Healthy individuals tend to be less responsive to the effects of NO2 than individuals with lung disease. Asthmatics are clearly the most responsive group to NO2 that has been studied to date. Individuals with COPD may be more responsive than healthy individuals, but they have limited capacity to respond to NO2 and thus quantitative differences between COPD patients and others are difficult to assess. Sufficient information is not available at present to evaluate whether age and sex play a role in the response to NO2. Healthy subjects can detect the odour of NO2, in some cases at concentrations below 188 µg/m3 (0.1 ppm). Generally, NO2 exposure did not increase respiratory symptoms in any of the subject groups tested. NO2 causes decrements in lung function, particularly increased airway resistance in resting healthy subjects at 2-h concentrations as low as 4700 µg/m3 (approx.2.5 ppm). Available data are insufficient to determine the nature of the concentration-response relationship. Exposure to NO2 results in increased airway responsiveness to bronchoconstrictive agents in exercising healthy, non-smoking subjects exposed to concentrations as low as 2800 µg/m3 (approx.1.5 ppm) for 1 h or longer. Exposure of asthmatics to NO2 causes, in some subjects, increased airway responsiveness to a variety of provocative mediators, including cholinergic and histaminergic chemicals, SO2 and cold air. The presence of these responses appears to be influenced by the exposure protocol, particularly whether or not the exposure includes exercise. These responses may begin at concentrations as low as 380 µg/m3 (0.2 ppm). A meta-analysis suggests that effects may occur at even lower concentrations. However, an unambiguous concentration- response relationship is observed between 350 to 1150 µg/m3 (approx.0.2 to 0.6 ppm). The implications of this overall trend are unclear, but increased airway responsiveness could potentially lead to increased response to aeroallergens or temporary exacerbation of asthma, possibly leading to increased medication usage or even increased hospital admissions. Modest increases in airway resistance may occur in COPD patients from brief exposure (15-60 min) to concentrations of NO2 as low as 2800 µg/m3 (approx.1.5 ppm), and decrements in spirometric measures of lung function (3 to 8% change in FEV1 (forced expiratory volume in 1 second)) may also be observed with longer exposures (3 h) to concentrations as low as 600 µg/m3 (approx.0.3 ppm). Exposure to NO2 at levels above 2800 µg/m3 (approx.1.5 ppm) may alter the numbers and types of inflammatory cells in the distal airways or alveoli. NO2 may alter the functioning of cells within the lungs and production of mediators that may be important in lung host defences. The constellation of changes in host defences, alterations in lung cells and their activities, and changes in biochemical mediators is consistent with the epidemiological findings of increased host susceptibility associated with NO2 exposure. In studies on mixtures of NO2 with other pollutants, NO2 has not been observed to increase responses to other co-occurring pollutant(s) beyond that which would be observed for the other pollutant(s) alone. A notable exception is the observation that pre-exposure to NO2 enhanced the ozone-induced change in airway responsiveness in healthy exercising subjects during a subsequent ozone exposure. This observation suggests the possibility of delayed or persistent responses to NO2. Within an NO2 concentration range that may be of interest with regard to risk evaluation (i.e., 100-600 µg/m3), the characteristics of the concentration-response relationship for acute changes in lung function, airway responsiveness to bronchoconstricting agents or symptoms cannot be determined from the available data. On the basis of an effect at 400 µg/m3 and the possibility of effects at lower levels, based on a meta analysis, a one-hour average daily maximum NO2 concentration of 200 µg/m3 (approx.0.11 ppm) is recommended as a short-term guideline. NO is acknowledged as an important endogenous second messenger within several organ systems. Inhaled NO concentrations above 6000 µg/m3 (approx.5 ppm) can cause vasodilation in the pulmonary circulation without affecting the systemic circulation. The lowest effective concentration has not been established. Information on pulmonary function and lung host defences consequent to NO exposure are too limited for any conclusions to be drawn at this time. Relatively high concentrations (> 40 000 µg/m3) have been used in clinical applications for brief periods (< 1 h) without reported adverse reactions. Nitric acid levels in the range of 250-500 µg/m3 (97-194 ppb) may cause some pulmonary function responses in adolescent asthmatics, but not in healthy adults. Limited information on HNO2 suggests that it may cause eye inflammation at 760 µg/m3 (0.40 ppm). There are currently no published data on human pulmonary responses to HNO2. Limited data on inorganic nitrates suggest that there are no lung function effects of nitrate aerosols at concentrations of 7000 µg/m3 or less. 1.3.3 Epidemiology studies on nitrogen dioxide Epidemiological studies on the health effects of nitrogen oxides have mainly focused on NO2. Many indoor and outdoor epidemiological studies designed to evaluate the health effects of NO2 have been conducted. Two health outcome measurements of NO2 exposure are generally considered: lung function measurements and respiratory symptoms and diseases. The evidence from individual studies of the effect of NO2 on lower respiratory symptoms and disease in school-aged children is somewhat mixed. The consistency of these studies was examined and the evidence synthesized in a combined quantitative analysis (meta-analysis) of the subject studies. Most of the indoor studies showed increased lower respiratory morbidity in children associated with long-term exposure to NO2. Mean weekly NO2 concentrations in bedrooms in studies reporting NO2 levels were predominantly between 15 and 122 µg/m3 (0.008 and 0.065 ppm). Combining the indoor studies as if the end-points were similar gives an estimated odds ratio of 1.2 (95% confidence limits of 1.1 and 1.3) for the effect per 28.3 µg/m3 (0.015 ppm) increase of NO2 on lower respiratory morbidity. This suggests that, subject to assumptions made for the combined analysis, an increase of about 20% in the odds of lower respiratory symptoms and disease corresponds to each increase of 28.3 µg/m3 (0.015 ppm) in estimated 2-week average NO2 exposure. Thus, the combined evidence is supportive for the effects of estimated exposure to NO2 on lower respiratory symptoms and disease in children aged 5 to 12 years. In individual indoor studies of infants 2 years of age or younger, no consistent relationship was found between estimates of NO2 exposure and the prevalence of respiratory symptoms and disease. Based on a meta-analysis of these indoor infant studies, subject to the assumptions made for the meta-analysis, the combined odds ratio for the increase in respiratory disease per increase of 28.2 µg/m3 (0.015 ppm) NO2 was 1.09 with a 95% confidence interval of 0.95 to 1.26, where mean weekly NO2 concentrations in bedrooms were predominantly between 9.4 and 94 µg/m3 (0.005 and 0.050 ppm) in studies reporting levels. The increase in risk was very small and was not reported consistently by all studies. We cannot conclude that the evidence suggests an effect in infants comparable to that seen in older children. The reasons for these age-related differences are not clear. The measured NO2 studies gave a higher estimated odds ratio than the surrogate estimates, which is consistent with a measurement error effect. The effect of having adjusted for covariates such as socioeconomic status, smoking and sex was that those studies that adjusted for a particular covariate found larger odds ratios than those that did not. Although many of the epidemiological studies that involved measured NO2 levels used measurements over only 1 or 2 weeks, these levels were used to characterize children's exposures over a much longer period. The standard respiratory symptom questionnaire used by most of these studies summarizes information on health status over an entire year. The 28.2 µg/m3 (0.015 ppm) difference in NO2 levels used in the meta-analyses relates to a difference in the household annual average exposure between gas and electric cooking stoves. Some studies measured NO2 levels only in the winter and may have overestimated annual average exposures. This would tend to have underestimated the health effect of a 28.2 µg/m3 (0.015 ppm) difference in the annual NO2 exposure. A study based on a household annual average exposure measured in both the winter and summer found a stronger health effect than many of the other studies. The true biologically relevant exposure period is unknown, but these exposures extended over a lengthy period up to the entire lifetime of the child. The association between outdoor NO2 and respiratory health is not clear from current research. There is some evidence that the duration of respiratory illness may be increased at higher ambient NO2 levels. A major difficulty in the analysis of outdoor studies is distinguishing possible effects of NO2 from those of other associated pollutants. Several uncertainties need to be considered in interpreting the above studies and meta-analysis. Error in measuring exposure is potentially one of the most important methodological problems in epidemiological studies of NO2. Although there is evidence that symptoms are associated with indicators of NO2 exposure, the quality of these exposure estimates may be inadequate to determine a quantitative relationship between exposure and symptoms. Most of the studies that measured NO2 exposure did so only for periods of 1 to 2 weeks and reported the values as averages. Few of the studies attempted to relate the observed effects to the pattern of exposure (e.g., transient NO2 peaks). Furthermore, measured NO2 concentration may not be the biologically relevant dose; estimating actual exposure requires knowledge of pollutant species, levels and related human activity patterns. However, only very limited activity and aerometric data are available that examine such factors. The extrapolation to possible patterns of ambient exposure is difficult. In addition, although the level of similarity and common elements between the outcome measures in the NO2 studies provide some confidence in their use in the quantitative analysis, the symptoms and illnesses combined are to some extent different and could indeed reflect different underlying processes. Thus, caution is necessary in interpreting the meta-analysis results. Other epidemiological studies have attempted to relate some measure of indoor and/or outdoor NO2 exposure to changes in pulmonary function. These changes were marginally significant. Most studies did not find any effects, which is consistent with controlled human exposure study data. However, there is insufficient epidemiological evidence to draw any conclusions about the long- or short-term effects of NO2 on pulmonary function. On the basis of a background level of 15 µg/m3 (0.008 ppm) and the fact that significant adverse health effects occur with an additional level of 28.2 µg/m3 (0.015 ppm) or more, an annual guideline value of 40 µg/m3 (0.023 ppm) is proposed. This value will avoid the most severe exposures. The fact that a no-effect level for subchronic or chronic NO2 exposure concentrations has not yet been determined should be emphasized. 1.3.4 Health-based guidance values for nitrogen dioxide On the basis of human controlled exposure studies, the recommended short-term guidance value is for a one-hour average NO2 daily maximum concentration of 200 µg/m3 (0.11 ppm). The recommended long-term guidance value, based on epidemiological studies of increased risk of respiratory illness in children, is 40 µg/m3 (0.023 ppm) annual average. 2. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES, AIR SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS, TRANSFORMATIONS AND TRANSPORT IN THE ATMOSPHERE 2.1 Introduction Nitrogen oxides are produced by combustion processes and are emitted to the air mainly as NO together with some NO2. Natural biological processes and lightning also emit NO and N2O. In the atmosphere nitrogen oxides undergo complex chemical and photochemical reactions; NO is oxidized to NO2 and other products and eventually to HNO3 and nitrates. Nitrogenous species are removed from the air to the ground by wet and dry deposition processes. Oxidized nitrogen compounds can have impacts on human health and the environment, and are important to the formation of photochemical smog and tropospheric ozone. In this chapter the properties of nitrogen compounds are briefly described and techniques for their sampling and analysis outlined. Atmospheric chemical reactions that cause the oxidation of NO to NO2 and the production of ozone, organic nitrates and HNO3 are described. The differences between night-time and day-time chemistry and the composition of the atmosphere are discussed. The nature of the nitrogen species and their chemical reactions in urban regions, in chimney plumes such as those from power stations, in air advected away from urban regions and in rural and remote areas are described. The role of nitrogen oxides in photochemical smog production and the effects of nitrous oxide on stratospheric ozone are briefly discussed. 2.1.1 The nomenclature and measurement of atmospheric nitrogen species There are several methods available for determining nitrogen species, but many of these techniques are nonspecific. To denote various mixtures of nitrogen species, the terms NOx, NOy and NOz are often employed. It is customary to refer to the sum of NO and NO2 emitted from a source as NOx, the unit of measure for NOx being the NO2 mass equivalent of the NO plus NO2. The term NOy is frequently used to denote the sum of the gas phase oxidized nitrogen species (except N2O) and NOz to denote the sum of NOy plus the oxidized nitrogen present as particulate matter. Measurement of NOz requires a combination of particulate and gas phase sampling and analysis. A confusion arises because one of the most commonly used methods for determining NO2 in ambient air (thermal conversion of NO2 to NO and measurement of the resultant NO by chemiluminescent reaction with O3) is nonspecific and responds to several gaseous species in addition to NO2. These include organic nitrogen compounds and, depending on the converter, HNO3, although HNO3 can be readily lost to the sampling system. Therefore, depending on the composition of the air being sampled, the results from this type of instrument can be representative of NOy rather than NOx (or NO2) concentrations. This technique is used in most routine determinations of ambient NOx and NO2 concentrations but the discrepancy between these values and true NOx and NO2 can be considerable for air in which the pollutant emissions have undergone substantial exposure to sunlight. Nitrous oxide is ubiquitous in the atmosphere because it is a product of biological processes in soil as well as anthropogenic activities. It is not involved to any appreciable extent in chemical reactions in the lower atmosphere, but it is an active "greenhouse" gas. In the stratosphere N2O forms NO by reaction with excited oxygen atoms, and this NO then acts to deplete the stratospheric O3 concentration. Although NO3, dinitrogen trioxide (N2O3), dinitrogen tetroxide (N2O4), and N2O5 may play a role in atmospheric chemical reactions leading to the transformation, transport, and ultimate removal of nitrogen compounds from ambient air, they are present in very low concentrations, even in polluted environments. NH3 is generated during decomposition of nitrogenous matter in natural ecosystems and may be locally produced in high concentrations by human activities such as intensive animal husbandry and feedlots. Under suitable conditions NH3 can react with oxidized nitrogen species to form ammonium nitrate aerosol. 2.2 Nitrogen species and their physical and chemical properties There are seven oxides of nitrogen that may be present in ambient air, namely: NO, NO2, N2O, NO3, N2O3, N2O4 and N2O5. In addition these can be present as HNO2, HNO3 and various organic nitrogen species, such as PAN, other organic nitrates and particles containing oxidized nitrogen compounds (particularly adsorbed nitric acid). Of these species, NO and NO2 are the ones most often measured and are present in the greatest concentrations in urban and industrial air. The chemical and physical properties of individual nitrogen species are given below and are summarized in Table 1. Table 1. Some physical and thermodynamic properties of oxides of nitrogen and other nitrogen compoundsa Oxide Relative Melting point Boiling point Solubility in water Thermodynamic functions molecular (°C)b,c,d (°C)b,c at 0°C (cm3 per 100 g)b (Ideal gas, 1 atm, 25°C) mass (g/mol) Enthalpy of Entropy formation (cal/mol-deg) (kcal/mol) NO 30.01 -163.6 -151.8 7.34 21.58 50.35 NO2 46.01 -11.2 21.2 Reacts with H2O forming 7.91 57.34 HNO2 and HNO3 N2O 44.01 -90.8 -88.5 130.52 19.61 52.55 N2O3 76.01 -102 47 Reacts with H2O forming 19.80 73.91 (decomposes) HNO2 N2O4 92.02 -11.3 21.2 Reacts with H2O forming 2.17 72.72 HNO2 and HNO3 N2O5 108.01 30 3.24 Reacts with H2O forming 2.7 82.8 (decomposes) HNO2 HNO2 47.01 - - - - - HNO3 63.01 -42 83 -32.1 63.7 Table 1. (Con't) Oxide Relative Melting point Boiling point Solubility in water Thermodynamic functions molecular (°C)b,c,d (°C)b,c at 0°C (cm3 per 100 g)b (Ideal gas, 1 atm, 25°C) mass (g/mol) Enthalpy of Entropy formation (cal/mol-deg) (kcal/mol) PAN 121.06 - - - - - (CH3COOONO2) NH4NO3 80.04 169.6 210 at 118.3 g/100 cm3 -87.37 36.11 11 torr H2O at 0°C a Adopted from: US EPA (1993) b Matheson Gas Data Book (Matheson Company, 1966) c Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (Weast et al., 1986) d At 0°C and 1 atm pressure 2.2.1 Nitrogen oxides Nitric oxide NO is a colourless, odourless gas that is only slightly soluble in water. It is a by-product of combustion processes, arising from (i) high temperature oxidation of molecular nitrogen from the combustion air, and (ii) from oxidation of nitrogen present in certain fuels such as coal and heavy oil. Nitrogen dioxide NO2 is a reddish-orange-brown gas with a characteristic pungent odour. The boiling point is 21.1°C, but the low partial pressure of NO2 in the atmosphere prevents condensation. NO2 is corrosive and highly oxidizing. About 5 to 10% by volume of the total emissions of NOx from combustion sources is usually in the form of NO2, although substantial variations from one source type to another have been observed. In the atmosphere, photochemical reactions involving ozone and organic compounds convert NO to NO2. NO2 is an efficient absorber of light over a broad range of ultraviolet (UV) and visible wavelengths. Because of its brown colour, NO2 can contribute to discoloration and reduced visibility of polluted air. Photolysis of NO2 by sunlight produces NO and an oxygen atom, which usually adds to an oxygen molecule to produce ozone. Nitrous oxide N2O is a colourless gas with a slight odour at high concentrations. It is emitted to the atmosphere as a trace component from some combustion sources and from the consumption of nitrate by an ubiquitous group of denitrification bacteria that use nitrate as their terminal electron acceptor in the absence of oxygen (Delwiche, 1970; Brezonik, 1972; Keeney, 1973; Focht & Verstraete, 1977). At atmospheric concentrations N2O has no significant physiological effects in humans, although at higher concentrations it is employed as an anaesthetic. N2O does not play a significant role in atmospheric reactions in the lower troposphere. In the stratosphere it reacts with singlet oxygen to produce NO, which participates in O3 decomposition in the stratosphere. These reactions are of concern because of the possibility that increasing N2O concentrations resulting from fossil fuel use, and also from denitrification of excess fertilizer, may contribute to a decrease in stratospheric O3 (Council for Agricultural Science and Technology, 1976; Crutzen, 1976) with consequent potential for adverse impacts on ecosystems and human health. Also of concern is the fact that N2O absorbs long-wave radiation, and therefore serves as a radiatively important greenhouse gas that may contribute to global warming. Other nitrogen oxides Other nitrogen oxides can be present in trace quantities in the air. NO3 has been identified in laboratory systems containing NO2/O3, NO2/O and N2O5 as an important reactive transient (Johnston, 1966). It is likely to be present in photochemical smog. In the presence of sunlight, NO3 is rapidly converted to either NO or NO2 (Wayne et al., 1991). Nitrogen trioxide is highly reactive towards both NO and NO2. Its expected concentration in polluted air is very low (about 10-6 µg/m3). However, traces of NO3 may play an important role in atmospheric chemistry, especially at night when it may serve as a reservoir for NOx (Wayne et al., 1991). In the atmosphere N2O3 is in equilibrium with NO and NO2. It reacts with water to form HNO2. N2O4 is the dimer of NO2, formed in equilibrium with NO2 molecules, and it readily dissociates to NO2. N2O5 can be a trace night-time component of the air because it is formed by a reaction between NO2 and NO3. Since NO3 can exist in appreciable quantities only in the absence of sunlight, N2O5 is only important at night, when its reaction with water can be a significant source of nitric acid. 2.2.2 Nitrogen acids Nitric acid HNO3 is the most oxidized form of nitrogen. In the gaseous state it is colourless. It is photochemically stable in the troposphere. HNO3 is volatile, so that at typical concentrations and temperatures in the atmosphere the vapour does not coalesce into aerosol and is not retained on particles unless the aerosol contains reactants such as sodium chloride or ammonium salts to react with the acid, when it produces particulate nitrates (Wolff, 1984). In the aqueous phase (e.g., rain drops), HNO3 dissociates to form the nitrate ion (NO3-). Because nitrate is chemically unreactive in dilute aqueous solution, nearly all of the transformations involving nitrate in natural waters result from biochemical pathways. The nitrate salts of all common metals are quite soluble. Nitrous acid HNO2 is formed when NO and NO2 are present in the atmosphere, as a result of their reaction with water. In sunlight, the dominant pathway for HNO2 formation is the reaction of NO with hydroxyl radicals. During the daytime, atmospheric concentrations of HNO2 are limited by the photolysis of HNO2 to produce NO and hydroxyl radical. Nitrous acid is a weak reducing agent and is oxidized to nitrate only by strong chemical oxidants and by nitrifying bacteria. 2.2.3 Ammonia NH3 is the completely reduced form of nitrogen. It is a colourless gas with a pungent odour. It is extremely soluble in water, forming ammonium (NHy+) and hydroxyl (OH-) ions. In the atmosphere, NH3 has been reported to be converted into NOx by reaction with hydroxyl radicals (Soederlund & Svensson, 1976). In the stratosphere, NH3 can be dissociated by irradiation with sunlight at wavelengths below 230 nm (McConnell, 1973). 2.2.4 Ammonium nitrate Gas-phase ammonia reacts with nitric acid to form ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3). Ammonium nitrate is a solid at room temperature. Like ammonia, it is very soluble in water and hence will be absorbed by any water droplets present. Thus it readily forms an aerosol in the atmosphere. Pathways to aerosol formation include nucleation and condensation on existing particles. The presence of NH4NO3 particles can result in a visible haze. 2.2.5 Peroxyacetyl nitrate Of the various peroxy nitrates found in ambient air, peroxyacetyl nitrate (CH3COOONO2), or PAN, is found at the highest concentrations. PAN undergoes a temperature-dependent decomposition to its precursors, NO2 and acetyl peroxy radicals. At low ambient temperatures PAN can have a substantial lifetime in the atmosphere (Cox & Roffey, 1977). In polluted air PAN concentrations can reach several parts per billion. 2.2.6 Organic nitrites and nitrates A wide variety of organic nitrites (RNO2) and nitrates (RNO3), where R denotes CH3, CH2CH3, benzyl, etc., may be found in ambient air. Some of these are emitted directly while others are formed by photochemical reactions in the atmosphere. 2.3 Sampling and analysis methods This section outlines methods for measuring nitrogen-containing species in the atmosphere. The main focus is on methodologies currently available and in general use for monitoring concentrations in both ambient and indoor air. Table 2 summarizes sampling and analytical methods for selected species and addresses relevant characteristics, including the type of method (i.e., in situ, remote, active, passive, continuous or integrative), the stage of development of the method, sampling duration, precision, accuracy and detection limits. 2.3.1 Nitric oxide Nitric oxide continuous methods Nitric oxide reacts rapidly with O3 to give NO2 in an excited electronic stage. The transition of excited NO to the grand state can be accompanied by the emission of light in the red-infrared spectral range. When this chemiluminescent reaction occurs under controlled conditions, the intensity of the emitted light is proportional to the concentration of the NO reactant. This provides the basis of the chemiluminescence method (CLM) for analysis of NO. This method is a continuous technique and is the most commonly used method for measuring NO in ambient air. Commercial instruments for measuring NO and NO2 are available with detection limits of approximately 5 ppb and response times of the order of minutes. CLM measurement of NO2 can also be accomplished by firstly converting the NO2 of the sample to NO. This is discussed in section Other NO analytical methods include laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) (Bradshaw et al., 1985), absorption spectroscopy (e.g., tuneable diode laser absorption spectroscopy, TDLAS) and passive samplers. Passive samplers for NO Passive samplers are used for air with higher-than-typical ambient concentrations, which may be found indoors or in the workplace. They are often used to obtain data at a large number of sites. Sampling typically lasts a few hours. The Palmes tube is a passive sampler that relies on diffusion of an analyte molecule through a quiescent diffusion path of known length and cross-sectional area to a reactive surface where the molecule is captured by chemical reaction (Palmes et al., 1976). The Palmes tube does not measure NO directly. Two tubes are required; the first one has reactive grids coated with triethanolamine (TEA) to collect NO2, the second tube is similar but has an additional reactive surface coated with chromic acid to convert NO to NO2, which is in turn collected by the TEA-coated grids. The NO concentration of the air is determined from the difference in the results from the two tubes. The data is corrected for the effects of the different diffusivities of NO and NO2 molecules. To ensure reliable results, contact between the chromic-acid-coated surface and the TEA-coated grids for longer than 24 h must be avoided. Analysis of the material contained in the TEA Table 2. Selected instruments and methods for determining oxides of nitrogen in ambient air (from: Sickles, 1992) Species Methodsa Typeb Development Sample Performance Comments References stagec duration Precision Accuracy MDLd NO CLM I, A, C C 5 min < 10% < 20% < 9 ppb - Finlayson-Pitts & (NO + O3) Pitts (1986) TP-LIF I, A, C R 30 sec - 16% 10 ppt - Bradshaw et al. (1985); Davis et al. (1987) TDLAS I, A, C R, C 60 sec - - 0.5 ppb 40-m path length NASA (1983) PSD I, P, IN C 24 h - - 70 ppb-he NO2 CLM I, A, C C 5 min 10% 20% 9 ppb Commonly used Finlayson-Pitts & (NO + O3) method; many Pitts (1986) interferences CLM I, A, C R < 100 sec 20 ppt 30% 10-25 ppt Uses thermal or Helas et al. (1987); (NO + O3) photolytic Fehsenfeld et al. converters (1987) CLM I, A, C C 100 sec 0.6 ppb - 10 ppt Interferences: (Luminol) PAN, HNO2, O3 TP-LIF I, A, C R 2 min 20 ppt 16% 12 ppt - Davis (1988) TDLAS I, A, C R, C 60 sec - 15% 100 ppt 150-m path length NASA (1983) DOAS R, A, C R, C 12 min - 10% 4 ppb 800-m path length Platt & Perner (1983) Bubbler I, A, IN RM 24 h 6 ppb 10% 8 ppbe Purdue & Hauser (1980) Table 2. (Con't) Species Methodsa Typeb Development Sample Performance Comments References stagec duration Precision Accuracy MDLd TEA I, A, IN L 24 h 15% 10% 0.2 ppbe Interferences: Sickles et al. (1990) filter PAN and HNO2f Guaiacol I, A, IN L 1 h 4% - 0.1 ppbe Stability of Buttini et al. (1987) Denuder extract uncertain DPA I, A, IN L 8 h 8% - 0.1 ppbe DPA may volatilize; Lipari (1984) Cartridge interferences: HNO2 and PAN TEA PSD I, P, IN L 24 h 30% - 30 ppb-he Similar to Palmes Tube; interferences as abovef NOy CLM I, A, C R 10 sec - 15% 10 ppt CO with Au Fahey et al. (1986) (NO + O3) reducing catalyst PAN GC-ECD I, A, IN R, RM 15 min - 30% 10 ppte Sensitivity can be Vierkorn-Rudolph enhanced by using et al. (1985) cryogenic sampling and capillary columns GC-CLM I, A, IN L - - - - CLM (NO + O3) and (Luminol) reported Other organic GC-ECD/MS I, A, C R 24 h - - 1 ppte Sample collected Atlas (1988) Nitrates on charcoal Table 2. (Con't) Species Methodsa Typeb Development Sample Performance Comments References stagec duration Precision Accuracy MDLd NHO3 Filter I, A, IN R, RM 24 h 10% 20% 8 ppte May be nylon or Finlayson-Pitts & calcium chloride Pitts (1986) impregnated filter; subject to artifactsf Denuder I, A, IN R, RM 24 h 8% - 8 ppte Not subject to Sickles (1987); above artifactsf Sickles et al. (1989) TDLAS I, A, C R, C 5 min - 20% 100 ppt 150-m path length NASA (1983) HNO2 Denuder I, A, IN R, RM 24 h 15% - 10 ppte Annular denuder Sickles et al. (1989); preferredf Vossler et al. (1988) LIF I, A, C R 15 min - - 20 ppt OH detected following photo- fragmentation DOAS R, A, C R, C 12 min - 30% 600 ppt 800-m path length Biermann et al. (1988) Table 2. (Con't) Species Methodsa Typeb Development Sample Performance Comments References stagec duration Precision Accuracy MDLd NO3 DOAS R, A, C R, C 12 min - 15% 20 ppt 800-m path length Platt & Perner (1983) Particulate Denuder/ I, A, IN R, RM 24 h 10% - 40 ng/m3e Use of denuders Vossler et al. (1988) NO3 Filter(s) avoids artifacts; denuders collect HNO3 and NH3; teflon and nylon filters used N2O GC-ECD I, A, IN R, RM 15 min 3% - 20 ppbe - a CLM (NO + O3) = Chemiluminescent using NO + O3 reaction b I = In situ TP-LIF = Two-photon laser-induced A = Active TDLAS = Tuneable diode laser absorption spectroscopy C = Continuous TTFMS = Two-tone frequency modulated spectroscopy P = Passive PSD = Passive sampling device IN = Integrative CLM (Luminol) = Chemiluminescent using reaction with Luminol R = Remote DOAS = Differential optical absorption spectroscopy DIAL = Differential absorption lidar c C = Commercially available TEA = Triethanolamine R = Research tool DPA = Diphenylamine L = Laboratory prototype GC-ECD = Gas chromatography with electron capture detector RM = Routine method CG-CLM = Gas chromatography with CLM detector LIF = Laser-induced fluorescence d MDL = Minimum detection limit GC-MS = gas chromatography with mass spectrometer e Depends on the sampled air volume (i.e., flow rate and sampling duration) f Uses ion chromatographic or colorimetric analytical finish is accomplished by extracting the grids into solution and analysing the extract for NO2- by the use of the spectrophotometric or ion chromatographic method (Miller, 1984). The colorimetric analysis is calibrated by dilution of gravimetrically prepared nitrite solutions. The Palmes Tube method was proposed for sampling occupational exposures where the dosage does not exceed 25 ppm for 8 h (i.e., 200 ppm-h). The reliability of this method for measuring NO in the field at the parts-per-billion or parts-per-million level remains to be demonstrated. A badge-type sampler similar to the Palmes tube has been devised by Yanagisawa & Nishimura (1982). This device uses a series of 12 layers of chromium-trioxide-impregnated glass fibre to oxidize NO to NO2. This technique is claimed to be more sensitive by approximately a factor of 10 than the Palmes tube and to have a lower limit dosage of 0.07 ppm-h. Calibration of NO analysis methods Calibration of CLM, TP-LIF and TDLAS measurement systems for NO all rely on compressed gas mixtures of known concentration being available. Typically compressed gas mixtures are supplied in passivated aluminium/stainless steel gas bottles certified by the manufacturer and with NO diluted with N2 concentration in the rage of 1 to 50 ppm (Schiff et al., 1983; Carroll et al., 1985; Bradshaw et al., 1985). Calibrations are performed by dynamic dilution of the reference NO/N2 mixture with air to give NO concentrations within the range of 0.1 to 5 ppm. For passive NO samplers, only the analysis portion of the procedure is routinely calibrated (using gravimetrically prepared nitrite solution). Sampling considerations for NO Oxides of nitrogen are reactive species and exhibit various solubilities (Table 1). The most inert materials (i.e. glass and TeflonTM) are recommended for use in sampling trains. Since ambient air contains water vapour that may be sorbed on sampling lines, surface effects may influence the integrity of air samples containing the more reactive and more soluble NOy species. In hot, humid conditions condensation in the sample lines of liquid water from the air can cause difficulties when analysis equipment is installed in an air-conditioned environment. To minimize contamination of the system by dust and foreign matter, it is common practice to sample through an inert (teflon) sample inlet filter. Of the NOy species, NO is probably the least susceptible to surface effects, whereas surface effects are very important in the sampling of HNO3. Nitric oxide reacts rapidly with O3 to form NO2. In the presence of sunlight NO2 in air photolyses to yield NO and O3. Thus in daylight NO, O3 and NO2 can exist simultaneously in ambient air in a condition known as a "photostationary state". The relative amounts of the three species at any time are influenced by the intensity of the sunlight present at that moment. Photolysis ceases when a sample is drawn into a dark sampling line, but NO and O3 can continue to react to form NO2. Therefore residence times in sampling lines must be minimized to maintain the intensity of the NO/NO2 ratio of the sample. 2.3.2 Nitrogen dioxide Airborne concentrations of NO2 can be determined by several methods including CLM, LIF, absorption spectroscopy, including differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) and TDLAS, bubbler and passive collection with subsequent wet chemical analysis. The most common techniques are chemiluminescence and passive sampling. Chemiluminescence (NO + O3) Instruments discussed in this section do not detect NO2 directly. They sample continuously and rely on the conversion of some or all of the NO2 in the air sample to NO, followed by the CLM reaction of NO and O3. The NO2 concentration is calculated from the difference in the signal given by the sample after passing through the converter compared to that when the converter is by-passed. Several methods have been employed to reduce NO2 to NO (Kelly, 1986). They include catalytic reduction using heated molybdenum or stainless steel, reaction with carbon monoxide over a gold catalyst surface, reaction with iron sulfate at room temperature, reaction with carbon at 200°C, and photolysis of NO2 to NO by light in the wavelength range of 320 to 400 nm. CLM instruments for the determination of NO2 are readily available commercially. Field evaluation of nine instruments showed that the minimum detection limits (MDLs) ranged from 5 to 13 ppb (Michie et al., 1983; Holland & McElroy, 1986). Converters may be non-specific for NO2 and may convert several other nitrogen-containing compounds to NO, giving rise to overestimates for NO2 concentrations. Using commercial instruments, Winer et al. (1974) found over 90% conversion of PAN, ethyl nitrate and ethyl nitrite to NO with a molybdenum converter, and similar responses to PAN and n-propyl nitrate with a carbon converter. With a stainless steel converter at 650°C, Matthews et al. (1977) reported 100% conversion for NO2, 86% for NH3, 82% for CH3NH2, 68% for HCN, 1% for N2O and 0% for N2. Using a commercial instrument, Joseph & Spicer (1978) found quantitative conversion of HNO3 to NO with a molybdenum converter at 350°C. Similar responses to PAN, methyl nitrate, n-propyl nitrate, n-butyl nitrate and HNO3, substantial response to nitrocresol, and no response to peroxybenzoyl nitrate (PBzN) were reported with a commercial instrument using a molybdenum converter at 450°C (Grosjean & Harrison, 1985). These results were confirmed for PAN and HNO3 by Rickman & Wright (1986) using commercial instruments with a molybdenum converter at 375°C and a carbon converter at 285°C. Interference from species that do not contain nitrogen have also been reported. Joshi & Bufalini (1978), using a commercial instrument with a carbon converter, found significant apparent NO2 responses to phosgene, trichloroacetyl chloride, chloroform, chlorine (Cl2), hydrogen chloride, and photochemical reaction products of a perchloroethylene-NOx mixture. Grosjean & Harrison (1985) reported substantial responses to photochemical reaction products of Cl2-NOx and Cl2-methanethiol mixtures and small negative responses to methanethiol, methyl sulfide, and ethyl sulfide. Sickles & Wright (1979), using a commercial instrument with a molybdenum converter at 450°C, found small negative responses to 3-methylthiophene, methanethiol, ethanethiol, ethyl sulfide, ethyl disulfide, methyl disulfide, hydrogen sulfide, 2,5-dimethylthiophene, methyl sulfide and methyl ethyl sulfide, and negligible responses to thiophene, 2-methylthiophene, carbonyl sulfide and carbon disulfide. Methods of sample trapping followed by batch measurement of NO and NO2 in the desorbed sample using a chemiluminescence instrument have been reported. Gallagher et al. (1985) used cryosampling of stratospheric whole-air samples, and Braman et al. (1986) used copper(I) iodide coated denuder tubes to sample NO2 in ambient air. Chemiluminescence (luminol) A method for the direct chemiluminescence determination of NO2 was reported by Maeda et al. (1980) and is based on the CLM reaction of gaseous NO2 with a surface wetted with an alkaline solution of luminol (5-amino-2,3-dihydro-1,4-phthalazinedione). The light emission is strong at wavelengths between 380 and 520 nm. The intensity of the light can be proportional to the NO2 concentration in the sampled air, and the NO2 concentration can be determined by calibration of the instrument with air of known NO2 concentration. Since the introduction of the luminol method by Maeda et al. (1980), improvements have been made to develop an instrument suitable for use in the field (Wendel et al., 1983), and additional modifications have been made recently to produce a continuous commercial instrument (Schiff et al., 1986). Detection limits of 5 to 30 ppt and a response time of seconds have been claimed, based on laboratory tests (Wendel et al., 1983; Schiff et al., 1986). Recent laboratory evaluation of two instruments has revealed a detection limit (i.e., twice the standard deviation of the clean air response) of 5 ppt, and 95% rise and fall times of 110 and 15 seconds (Rickman et al., 1988). Field tests of the same instruments have shown an operating precision of ± 0.6 ppb. Laser-induced fluorescence and tuneable diode laser absorption spectrometry Two newer techniques that show considerable promise for measuring NO2 specifically are photofragmentation/2-photon LIF and TDLAS. The LIF and TDLAS techniques provide specific spectroscopic methods to measure NO2 directly and compare favourably to the sample photolysis- chemiluminescence technique (Fehsenfeld et al., 1990; Gregory et al, 1990b). For NO2 concentrations above 0.2 ppb, no interferences were found for TDLAS (Fehsenfeld et al., 1990). Wet chemical methods Most wet chemical methods for measuring NO2 involve the collection of NO2 in solution, followed by a colorimetric finish using an azo dye. Many variations of this method exist, including both manual and automated versions. These include the Griess-Saltzman method, the continuous Saltzman method, the alkaline guiacol method, the sodium arsenite method (manual or continuous), the triethanolamine-guaiacol-sulfite (TGS) method and the TEA method. These methods have been reviewed by Purdue & Hauser (1980). Other methods Several other methods for the determination of NO2 have been reported. Atmospheric pressure ionization mass spectrometry has been investigated for the continuous measurement of NO2 and SO2 in ambient air (Benoit, 1983). Methods employing photothermal detection of NO2 have been reported (Poizat & Atkinson, 1982; Higashi et al., 1983; Adams et al., 1986). A portable, battery-powered analyser specific to NO2, which uses an electrochemical cell as the detector, is commercially available. By careful selection and design of the cell, levels down to approximately 0.1 ppm (v/v) can be detected, although with uncertainties of approximately 20-50%. The detection cell has a finite life, dependent on the time integral of the NO2 concentrations measured. When the cell deteriorates, the instrument typically develops a gradual drift. Passive samplers Passive samplers are frequently used in industrial hygiene, indoor air and personal exposure studies and are less frequently used for ambient air analysis. Namiesnik et al. (1984) have provided an overview of passive samplers. One type of passive NO2 sampler for ambient application is the nitration plate. It is essentially an open petri dish containing TEA-impregnated filter paper. Mulik & Williams (1986) have adapted the nitration plate concept by adding diffusion barriers in their design of a passive sampling device (PSD) for NO2 in ambient and personal exposure applications. The device employs a TEA-coated cellulose filter paper, two 200-mesh stainless steel diffusion screens and two stainless steel perforated plates on each side of the coated filter to act as diffusion barriers and permit NO2 collection on both faces of the filter paper. After sampling, the paper is removed from the PSD, extracted in water, and analysed for NO2- by ion chromatography. A sensitivity of 0.03 ppm-h and a rate of 2.6 cm3/second were claimed. Comparison of PSD results with chemiluminescence determinations of NO2 in laboratory tests at concentrations between 10 and 250 ppb showed a linear relation and high correlation (i.e., r = 0.996) (Mulik & Williams, 1987). Interference from PAN and HNO2 would be expected (Sickles, 1987). Results of TDLAS and triplicate daily PSD NO2 measurements in a 13-day field study showed good agreement between the study average values but a correlation coefficient for daily results of only 0.47 (Mulik & Williams, 1987; Sickles et al., 1990). The Palmes tube described in section has been used to sample air in the workplace and indoor environments to assess personal exposure to NO2 (Palmes et al., 1976; Wallace & Ott, 1982). Calibration Calibration methods for NO2 use permeation tubes or gas-phase titration (GPT) to generate known concentrations of NO2. Calibrations are performed dynamically using dilution with purified air. GPT employs the rapid, quantitative gas-phase reaction between NO, usually supplied as a known concentration from a gas cylinder, and O3 supplied from a stable O3 generator, to produce one NO2 molecule for each NO molecule consumed by reaction. When O3 is added to excess NO in a titration system, the decrease in NO concentration (and O3) is equivalent to the increase in NO2 produced (US EPA, 1987b). Use of cylinders of compressed gas containing NO2 for calibration purposes (Fehsenfeld et al., 1987; Davis, 1988) is unwise because of the uncertain stability of the NO2 concentrations delivered; this is a consequence of its relatively high boiling point. 2.3.3 Total reactive odd nitrogen In this monograph, gas-phase total reactive odd nitrogen is represented by NOy. Individual components comprising NOy are gas phase NO, NO2, NO3, N2O5, HNO2, HNO3, peroxynitric acid (HO2NO2), PAN, and other organic nitrates. NH3 and N2O are not components of NOy. Researchers have successfully combined highly sensitive research- grade CLM NO detectors with catalytic converters that are sufficiently active to reduce most of the important gas phase NOy species to NO for subsequent detection (Helas et al., 1981; Dickerson, 1984; Fahey et al., 1986; Fehsenfeld et al., 1987). 2.3.4 Peroxyacetyl nitrate Several methods have been used to measure the concentration of PAN in ambient air. Roberts (1990) has provided an overview of many of these methods. A well-developed method is gas chromatography using electron capture detection (GC-ECD) (Darley et al., 1963; Smith et al., 1972; Stephens & Price, 1973; Singh & Salas, 1983). 2.3.5 Other organic nitrates Other organic nitrates (e.g., alkyl nitrates, peroxypropionyl nitrate and PBzN) can also be present in the atmosphere, but usually at lower concentrations than PAN (Fahey et al., 1986). In general, similar methods for sampling, analysis and calibration may be used for other organic nitrates as are used for PAN (Stephens, 1969). FTIR, GC-ECD and GC-MS may be used to measure these compounds. 2.3.6 Nitric acid Several methods are available for the determination of HNO3 concentrations in the atmosphere. These include filtration (Okita et al., 1976; Spicer et al., 1978a), denuder tubes (Forrest et al., 1982; De Santis et al., 1985; Ferm, 1986), CLM (Joseph and Spicer, 1978) and absorption spectroscopy (Tuazon et al., 1978; Schiff et al., 1983; Biermann et al., 1988). Many of these techniques carry significant uncertainties, which have been compared by Hering et al. (1988). 2.3.7 Nitrous acid Available techniques for the measurement of HNO2 in ambient atmospheres employ denuders (Ferm & Sjodin, 1985), annular denuders (De Santis et al., 1985), CLM (Braman et al., 1986), PF/LIF (Rodgers & Davis, 1989), absorption spectroscopy (Tuazon et al., 1978; Biermann et al., 1988) and FTIR (Finlayson-Pitts & Pitts, 1986). 2.3.8 Dinitrogen pentoxide and nitrate radicals N2O5 is readily reduced to NO at temperatures above 200°C and may be measured nonspecifically as NO2 with CLM NO2 analysers (Bollinger et al., 1983; Fahey et al., 1986). Ambient concentrations of the NO3 radical have been measured using DOAS; concentrations between 1 and 430 ppt have been observed (Atkinson et al., 1986). 2.3.9 Particulate nitrate Many methods are available for sampling ambient aerosols, including impactors, filtration, and filtration coupled with devices to remove particles larger than a specified size (e.g., elutriators, impactors and cyclones). Particulate nitrate samples are generally collected by filtration, extracted, and analysed directly or indirectly for nitrate by ion chromatography or colorimetry. 2.3.10 Nitrous oxide The most commonly used analytical method for N2O employs GC-ECD. It has a detection limit of 20 ppb (Thijsse, 1978) and a precision of ± 3% at the background level of 330 ppb (Cicerone et al., 1978). 2.3.11 Summary Gas-phase CLM instruments have replaced manual (wet) methods to a large extent in air quality monitoring network applications. Gas-phase CLM measurement technology permits the determination of NO, NO2 and NOy in the low ppt range. Although CLM NO detectors coupled with catalytic NO2 to NO converters are still not specific for NO2, they have proved to be useful for measuring NOy. CLM NO detectors coupled with photolytic NO2 to NO converters have shown improved specificity for NO2. Most ambient NO2 monitoring data reported are from the nonspecific thermal conversing technique. Passive samplers for NO2 have been used primarily for workplace and indoor applications, but hold promise for averaged ambient measurements as well. GC-ECD is useful in the determination of PAN, other organic nitrates and N2O. 2.4 Transport and transformation of nitrogen oxides in the air 2.4.1 Introduction Oxides of nitrogen are transformed by and removed from the atmosphere by a complex web of reactions that are fundamental to the formation and destruction of ozone and other oxidants. The predominant form of oxidized nitrogen (NO, NO2, HNO3, etc.) in the lower atmosphere varies, depending upon sunlight intensity, temperature, pollutant emissions, period of time since these emissions occurred and the meteorological history of an airmass. 2.4.2 Chemical transformations of oxides of nitrogen Nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide and ozone The dominant source of nitrogen oxides in the air is combustion processes (see chapter 3); 90-95% of these nitrogen oxides are usually emitted as NO and 5-10% as NO2. NO may be oxidized to NO2 by atmospheric oxygen according to reaction 2-1: NO + NO + O2 -> 2 NO2 (2-1) However at low NO concentrations this reaction is slow and is important only when NO > 1 ppm (Boström C, 1993). NO concentrations greater than 1 ppm are not frequently found in ambient air, but they may possibly occur in indoor air and in plumes from industrial sources (see Chapter 3). When concentrations are below 1 ppm, NO is oxidized to NO2 by two types of reaction. The first type of reaction is given in equations 2-2 to 2-4. NO can react with O3: NO + O3 -> NO2 + O2 (2-2) Also O3 is formed when NO2 is photolysed, forming NO plus an O atom NO2 + hnu -> O + NO (2-3) and O atoms react rapidly with O2 to form ozone: M O + O2 -> O3 (2-4) Thus reactions 2-2, 2-3 and 2-4 recycle O3 rather than producing a net increase in O3 concentrations, where the "M" represents a third molecule such as N2, O2, etc., that absorbs excess vibrational energy from the newly formed O3 molecules. However, a second oxidation path involving the reaction of organic species can lead to increases in O3 concentrations and in the conversion rate of NO to NO2 (2-9 and 2-10). Organic compounds in the air are commonly referred to as VOC (volatile organic carbon), ROC (reactive organic carbon) and non-methane hydrocarbons (NmHC). Urban areas are usually characterized by significant sources of both nitrogen oxides and ROC emissions. With suitable atmospheric conditions this can lead to the formation of photochemical smog. The smog-forming reactions are initiated by photolytic reactions which produce free radicals, for example: (i) the photolysis of O3 O3 + hnu -> O2 + O* (2-5) O* is an excited form of atomic oxygen, which can react with water to produce the hydroxyl radical (OH): O* + H2O -> 2OH (2-6) (ii) the photolysis of aldehydes, which also results in the production of OH. Aldehydes are emitted in motor vehicle exhaust and are produced in the air by reaction of ROC species with OH. OH is the most important oxidizing agent in the lower atmosphere; it can react with all organic compounds, usually forming water and producing an organic radical. For a generalized organic compound, R-H (R = CH3, CHO, CH2CH3, etc.), the principal elements of the reaction sequence are: R-H + OH -> H2O + R (2-7) M R + O2 -> RO2 (fast) (2-8) RO2 provides a pathway to oxidize NO to NO2 without destroying O3 (unlike reaction 2-2): RO2 + NO -> NO2 + RO (2-9) RO can undergo reactions that form additional HO2 or RO2. HO2 reacts with NO to form NO2 and regenerate OH: HO2 + NO -> NO2 + OH (2-10) In the case of photochemical smog episodes, the quantity of NOx emitted into the air determines the ultimate quantity of O3 that may be produced. The ROC concentration and sunlight intensity are the major determinates of the rates at which NO will be oxidized to produce net increases in NO2 and O3 concentrations. Ozone production is terminated when NO and NO2 are consumed by reaction to form products such as HNO3 (see below), resulting in insufficient NO concentration for reactions 2-9 and 2-10 to proceed at significant rates. In large cities with sunny climates and poor dispersion of emissions (e.g., Los Angeles and Mexico City), O3 concentrations in excess of 200 ppb are not uncommon. Transformations in indoor air Oxides of nitrogen in indoor air arise from two sources: a) outdoor air; and b) indoor sources, such as combustion appliances and heaters. Photochemical reactions do not take place under artificial lighting, so chemical transformations are limited by the amounts of oxidizing species (HO2, O3, etc.) that arrive in outdoor air, or are generated by combustion sources. Formation of other oxidized nitrogen species Oxidation products of NOx arising from tropospheric photochemical reactions include HNO3, HO2NO2, HNO2, peroxyacylnitrates (RC(O)O2NO2), N2O5, nitrate radical (NO3) and organic nitrates (RNO3). Fig. 1 shows a summary for the interconversion pathways for oxides of nitrogen. These pathways govern urban and indoor air, as well as "clean" air, but the partitioning between the nitrogen oxide species varies according to the specific conditions characteristic of each type of airmass. a) Nitric acid Nitric acid is a strong mineral acid that contributes to acidic deposition from the air. In terms of atmospheric chemistry, HNO3 is a major sink for active nitrogen. In daylight, HNO3 is formed by the reaction of NO2 with the OH radical: M NO2 + OH -> HNO3 (2-11) This reaction is a chain-terminating step in the free radical chemistry that produces urban photochemical smog and it removes reactive nitrogen as well as the hydroxyl radical. Reaction 2-11 is a relatively fast reaction that can produce significant amounts of HNO3 over a period of a few hours. At night, in polluted air containing significant ozone concentrations, the heterogeneous reaction between gaseous N2O5 and liquid water is thought to be a source of HNO3 (N2O5 is produced from NO3 (see section and NO2). This pathway to HNO3 production is negligible during daytime, because the NO3 radical photolyses rapidly and is not present in sufficient quantities to react with NO2. The NO3 radical can also abstract a hydrogen atom from certain organic compounds (such as aldehydes, dicarbonyls and cresols) to provide another night-time source of HNO3. Logan (1983) has estimated a lifetime of 1 to 10 days for HNO3 in the lower troposphere. The primary removal mechanism is deposition. The loss of HNO3 by rain-out is subject to precipitation frequency while the loss rate by dry deposition varies with the nature of the ground and vegetation and atmospheric mixing characteristics of the boundary layer. Chemical destruction mechanisms for HNO3 also exist, but their importance is not well understood and is suspected to be minor for the lower troposphere. In the presence of NH3, HNO3 may form the salt, ammonium nitrate: HNO3(g) + NH3(g) -> NH4NO3 (2-12) Ammonium nitrate gas readily condenses to the particulate phase. Ammonium nitrate aerosol can be responsible for significant visibility reduction and particulate pollution, e.g., where nitric acid is produced in air from urban areas and this interacts with NH3 emitted from agricultural operations. b) Nitrous acid HNO2 is produced from the reaction of NO and OH: M NO + OH -> HNO2 (2-13) In indoor air other reactions (particularly surface reactions) may be important sources of nitrous acid. There have been a few measurements of nitrous acid in urban environments (Harris et al., 1982; Winer et al., l987). Daytime levels of nitrous acid are expected to be low because it photolyses rapidly, yielding NO and ·OH. This reaction probably serves as a source of OH radicals during the morning in urban regions, where nitrous acid may form (from NO, NO2 and H2O) and accumulate during the night-time hours. Reaction 2-13 may lead to a build up of nitrous acid in urban air only during the late afternoon and evening hours when sunlight intensities are low but some OH radicals are still present. c) Peroxynitric acid While peroxynitric acid (HO2NO2) has never been measured in the atmosphere, it is expected to be present in the upper troposphere. Models suggest concentrations in the 10 to 100 ppt range at altitudes above 6 kilometres (Logan, 1983; Singh, 1987). HO2NO2 is thermally unstable, so that boundary layer concentrations are expected to be extremely low (< 1 ppt). Peroxynitric acid is formed through the combination of a hydroperoxy (HO2) radical with NO2. In the upper troposphere, HO2NO2 is destroyed by photolysis or by reaction with OH radicals. d) Peroxyacyl nitrates Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) is the most abundant of this family of organic nitrates. The second most abundant homologue, peroxypropionyl nitrate (PPN), is generally less than 10% of the PAN concentration, and species with higher relative molecular mass, such as PBzN, are expected to have even lower concentrations. PAN is a strong oxidant and is known to be phytotoxic; it is formed from the reaction of acetylperoxy radical with NO: CH3C(O)OO + NO2 +M -> CH3C(O)O2NO2 +M (2-14) PAN is thermally unstable and so its lifetime is very dependent on ambient temperature. For example, PAN lifetimes of about 5 and 20 h have been calculated for 20°C and 10°C, respectively. In cold conditions PAN can serve as a reservoir for reactive nitrogen, which is liberated when the temperature of the air is increased. PAN can be lost from the atmosphere by dry deposition over land, but it is very likely that a significant fraction of PAN produced in urban plumes can be transported into the regional environment. e) Nitrate radical The nitrate (NO3) radical is a short-lived species formed mainly by the reaction of NO2 with O3, although other sources of NO3 radicals exist (Wayne et al., 1991). NO2 + O3 -> NO3 + O2 (2-15) NO3 also reacts with NO2 to form N2O5 M NO2 + NO3 -> N2O5 (2-16) Nitrate radicals rapidly photolyse, resulting in a lifetime of about 5 seconds at midday. They also react rapidly with NO, which limits their lifetime both during the day- and night-time hours. At night if atmospheric NO concentrations are approximately 320 pptv, then the lifetime of NO3 radicals is similar to that at midday (about 5 seconds). At night, NO3 concentrations range from about 0.3 ppt in clean tropospheric air to 70 ppt in urban areas (Biermann et al., 1988). In clean background environments, it has been reported that measured NO3 radical levels are significantly less than those predicted by the above reactions. Several loss mechanisms have been suggested (Noxon et al., 1980; Platt et al., 1981): (i) NO3 radical reaction with organic compounds; (ii) heterogeneous losses of NO3 radicals and/or N2O5 on particle surfaces; (iii) reactions of NO3 radicals with H2O vapour; and (iv) reaction of NO3 radicals with NO. f) Dinitrogen pentoxide N2O5 is formed from NO3 and NO2 (reaction 2-15). Since NO3 is present only at night, N2O5 is also primarily a night-time species. N2O5 is thermally unstable, decomposing to NO3 and NO2 (reaction 2-15). At high altitudes in the troposphere, where temperatures are low, N2O5 can act as a temporary reservoir for NO3. Dinitrogen pentoxide photolyses at wavelengths less than 330 nm to give NO3 and NO2. Dinitrogen pentoxide reacts heterogeneously with water to form HNO3. This serves as the main night-time production mechanism for HNO3 and it provides an important route for removal of oxidized nitrogen from the atmosphere, since HNO3 is readily removed by dry and wet deposition. Other atmospheric reactions of N2O5 include its reaction with gas-phase water to form HNO3 and possible reactions with aromatic VOCs such as naphthalene and pyrene (Pitts et al., 1985; Atkinson et al., 1986). Nitroarenes appear to be the product of N2O5-aromatic reactions. 2.4.3 Advection and dispersion of atmospheric nitrogen species The transport and dispersion of the various nitrogen species is dependent on both meteorological and chemical parameters. Advection, diffusion and chemical transformations dictate the atmospheric residence time of a particular trace gas. Nitrogenous species that undergo slow chemical changes in the troposphere and are not readily removed by depositional processes can have atmospheric lifetimes of several months. Gases with lifetimes of the order of months can be dispersed over continental scales and possibly even over an entire hemisphere. At the other extreme are gases that undergo rapid chemical transformation and/or depositional losses limiting their atmospheric residence times to a few hours or less. Dispersion of these short-lived species may be limited to only a few kilometres from their point of emission. Surface emissions are dispersed vertically and horizontally through the atmosphere by turbulent mixing processes. These processes are dependent to a large extent on the vertical temperature structure of the boundary layers and on wind speed. In the vertical dimension, transport occurs as follows (see also Fig. 2.): a) the daytime and/or night-time mixed layer; this layer can extend from the surface up to a few hundred metres at night or to several thousand metres during the daytime; b) a layer that can exist during the night-time above a low level surface inversion and below the daytime mixing height; this layer generally is situated between 200 and 2000 m altitude; c) the free troposphere; this transport zone is above the boundary layer mixing region. During the warm, summertime period, vertical mixing follows a fairly predictable diurnal cycle. A surface inversion normally develops during the evening hours and persists throughout the night- time and morning period until broken by sunlight heating the surface of the earth. While the inversion is in place, surface NOx emissions can lead to relatively high local concentrations because of restricted vertical dispersion. Following the break-up of the night-time surface inversion, vertical mixing will increase and surface-based emissions will disperse to higher altitudes. The depth of the vertical mixing during the daytime is often controlled by synoptic weather features. Temperature inversions aloft, associated with high pressure systems, are common in many parts of the world. The dispersion processes described above, coupled with the chemical transformations of reactive nitrogen compounds, determine the distances oxidized nitrogen will be transported in the troposphere. A reasonable understanding exists concerning the short-term (daylight hours) fate of NOx emitted in urban areas during the morning hours. As described above, NOx emitted in the early morning hours in an urban area will disperse vertically and move downwind as the day progresses. On sunny summer days, most of the NOx will have been converted to HNO3 and PAN by sunset. Much of the HNO3 will be removed by depositional processes as the air mass moves along. After dusk, an upper portion of the daytime mixed layer will be decoupled from the surface because of formation of a low-level radiation inversion. Transport will continue in this upper level during the night-time hours and, although photochemical processes will cease, dark-phase chemical reactions can proceed. Peroxyacetyl nitrate and HNO3, if carried along in this layer, can be transported long distances. Transport of reactive nitrogen species in urban plumes Overall removal rates for reactive nitrogen species during daytime at mid-latitudes have been measured or calculated for a few areas. For example, in the plume from Boston, USA, after correction for dilution, removal rates ranged from 0.14 to 0.24 h-1 on 4 days (Spicer, 1982, Altshuller, 1986). In Los Angeles and Detroit, the removal rate has been estimated to be 0.04-0.1 h-1 (Calvert, 1976; Chang et al., 1979; Kelly, 1987). Formation and removal of HNO3 is thought to be the rate-controlling step for removal of reactive nitrogen. Air quality models Air quality models are mathematical descriptions of pollutant emissions, atmospheric transport, diffusion and chemical reactions of pollutants. However, air quality models are very complex and difficult to test for validity. Inputs include emissions, topography and meteorology of a region. Air quality models represent an integration of knowledge for the chemistry and physics of the atmospheric system; they offer some predictive capability for the effectiveness of pollution control strategies. Models have also been developed for indoor air. Regional transport Transport of reactive nitrogen species in regional air masses can involve several mechanisms. Mesoscale phenomena, such as land-sea breeze circulations or mountain-valley wind flows, will transport pollutants over distances of ten to hundreds of kilometres. On a larger scale, synoptic weather systems such as the migratory highs that cross the eastern USA and other areas of the world in the summertime influence air quality over many hundreds of kilometres. The accumulation and fate of nitrogen compounds will differ somewhat between the mesoscale and synoptic systems. Mountain-valley and land- water transport mechanisms have dual temporal scales because of their dependence on solar heating. However, in the larger-scale synoptic systems, reactive nitrogen species can build up over multiday periods. The residence time of air parcels within a slow-moving high pressure system can be as long as 6 days (Vukovich et al., 1977). In many cases, the transport mechanisms mentioned above are interrelated. Mountain-valley or land-water breezes can dictate pollutant transport in the immediate vicinity of sources, but the eventual fate of reactive nitrogen species will be distribution into the synoptic system. 2.5 Conversion factor for nitrogen dioxide 1 ppm = 1.88 mg/m3 1 mg/m3 = 0.53 ppm 2.6 Summary Combustion provides the major source of oxides of nitrogen in both indoor and outdoor air, producing mostly NO with some NO2. The sum of NO and NO2 is generally referred to as NOx. Once released into the air, NO is oxidized to NO2 by available oxidants, particularly O3, and by photochemical reactions involving reactive organic compounds. This happens rapidly under some conditions in outdoor air; for indoor air, it is generally a much slower process. Nitrogen oxides are a controlling precursor of ozone and smog formation; interactions of nitrogen oxides (except N2O) with reactive organic compounds and sunlight form ozone in the troposphere and smog in urban areas. In both indoor and outdoor air, NO and NO2 may undergo reactions to form a suite of other nitrogenous species including HNO2, HNO3, NO3, N2O5, PAN and other organic nitrates. The complete suite of gas-phase nitrogen oxides is referred to as NOy. The partitioning of nitrogen among these compounds is strongly dependent on the concentrations of other oxidants, sunlight exposure, the presence of reactive organic compounds and the meteorological history of the air. A sensitive, specific and reliable analytical method exists for measuring NO (by the chemiluminescent reaction with ozone), but this is an exception for NOy species. Chemiluminescence is also the most common technique used for NO2, which is first reduced to NO. Unfortunately, the method of reduction usually used is not specific for NO2, and it has various conversion efficiencies for other oxidized nitrogen compounds that may also be present in the air sample. For this reason, care must be taken in interpreting the NO2 values given by the common chemiluminescence analyser, as the signal may include responses from interfering compounds. Additional difficulties arise from nitrogen species such as HNO3 that may partition between the gas and particulate phases both in the atmosphere and in the sampling procedure. 3. SOURCES, EMISSIONS AND AIR CONCENTRATIONS 3.1 Introduction Oxides of nitrogen can have significant concentrations in ambient air and in indoor air. The types and concentrations of nitrogenous compounds present can vary greatly from location to location, with time of day, and with the season. The main sources of nitrogen oxides emissions are combustion processes. Fossil fuel power stations, motor vehicles and domestic combustion appliances emit nitrogen oxides, mostly in the form of NO but with some (usually less than about 10%) in the form of NO2. In the air chemical reactions occur which oxidize NO to NO2 and other products (chapter 2). Also, there are biological processes in soils which liberate nitrogen species, including N2O. Emissions of N2O can cause perturbation of the stratospheric ozone layer. Human health may be affected when significant concentrations of NO2 or other nitrogenous species, such as PAN, HNO3, HNO2 and nitrated organic compounds, are present. In addition, nitrates and nitric acid can cause significant effects on ecosystems when deposited on the ground. Indoors, the use of combustion appliances for cooking and heating can give rise to greater NO and NO2 concentrations than are present outdoors, especially when the appliance is not vented to the outside. Recent research has shown that in these circumstances nitrous acid can reach significant concentrations (Brauer et al., 1993). This chapter discusses both ambient and indoor sources of nitrogenous compounds, their emissions, and the resulting concentrations that may directly affect human health or participate in atmospheric chemical pathways leading to effects on human health and welfare. Nitrogen-containing compounds are also of particular interest because of their secondary impacts. For example, production of photochemical smog and ozone pollution depends on emissions to the air of nitrogen oxides together with volatile organic compounds. Nitric acid, which is produced in the air by the reaction of hydroxyl radicals (OH*) with NO2, is one of the major components of acidic precipitation. As well as being present in the gas phase, oxidized nitrogen can, by reaction and adsorption, become incorporated into aerosol particles. Graedel et al. (1986) identified 20 inorganic nitrogen-containing species detectable in the atmosphere. Near cities and urban regions the species usually present in greatest concentrations are NO and NO2, and these are the most reliably measured and frequently monitored nitrogen oxide species. Knowledge of emission patterns and concentrations of nitrogenous compounds is critically important for air quality planning and human health and environment risk assessments. Because nitrogen oxides and their reaction products have lifetimes of several days in the atmosphere, they can be transported long distances by the wind and give rise to environmental impacts far from their source of emission. 3.2 Sources of nitrogen oxides Combustion systems emit NO and NO2 and together these species are usually denoted as NOx. When NOx emissions are expressed in mass units, the mass is expressed as if all the NO had been converted to NO2. Another convention adopted in some of the following sections is to report the emissions on a mass basis in terms of the nitrogen content. 3.2.1 Sources of NOx emission Fuel combustion Annual production of NOx from combustion of fossil fuels is typically estimated from emission factors for various combustion processes, combined with worldwide consumption data for coal, oil and natural gas. Logan (1983) provided a tabular summary of emission factors, which has been updated by the US National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program (Placet et al., 1991). Owing to variations in process operating conditions, the emission factors must be considered to be uncertain by about ± 30%. Table 3 provides a summary of global emission estimates for NOx according to fuel type. The estimates of Logan (1983) are slightly higher than those of Ehhalt & Drummond (1982), the largest discrepancies being in emission estimates for the transportation sector. The differences arise because Logan (1983) based estimates of emissions on fuel usage, while Ehhalt & Drummond (1982) scaled the totals somewhat indirectly by using world automobile population numbers. Dignon (1992) has assembled a database for mapping (with a resolution of one degree in latitude and longitude) and estimated global NOx and sulfur oxides emissions from their common principal anthropogenic source, i.e. fossil fuel combustion. For 1980, the global total was estimated to be 22 million tonnes, as nitrogen. Countries heading the list (in millions of tonnes of nitrogen per year) were: USA, 6.4; USSR, 4.4; China, 1.7; Japan, 0.80; and Federal Republic of Germany, 0.66. An estimated 95% of NOx emissions from fossil fuel combustion originates in the northern hemisphere. For oceanic regions, shipping is a source of NOx emissions. Aircraft also emit nitrogen oxides and this may be significant for the upper troposphere and stratosphere. Table 3. Estimates of global emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) from combustion of fossil fuels and biomass (from: US EPA, 1993)a Source type Annual consumption Emission factorsb Global source strength (106 tonnes, unless indicated otherwise) (106 tonnes nitrogen/year) (E & D) (L) (C et al.) (E & D) (L) (E & D) (L) (C et al.) Fossil fuelsc Hard coal 2150 2696 - 1.0-2.8 2.7 3.9 (1.9-5.8) 6.4 - Lignite 810 - 0.9-2.7 1.6 (0.8-2.3) - Light fuel oil 300 1.39 - 1.5-3.0 2.2d 0.7 (0.5-0.9) 3.1 - Heavy fuel oil 470 1.5-3.1 1.1 (0.7-1.5) - Natural gas 1.04 1.2 × 109 m3 - 0.6-3.0 1.9d 1.9 (0.6-3.1) 2.3 - Industrial sources - - - 1.2 - Automobiles (4.1-5.4) 1.0 × 109 m3 - 0.9-1.2e 8.0d 4.3 (3.7-6.4) 8.0 × 1012 km Total 13.5 (8.2-18.5) 19.9 Biomass burningf Savanna (6-14) × 103 2000 1200 1.0 1.7 3.1 (1.8-4.3) 3.4 2.1 Forest clearings (2.7-6.7) × 103 4100 2700 1.0-1.6 2.0 2.1 (0.8-3.4) 8.2 4.7 Fuel wood - 850 1100 - 0.5 2.0 (1-3) 0.4 0.5 Agricultural waste - 15 1900 - 1.6 4.0 (2-6) 0.02 3.3 Total 11.2 (5.6-16.4) 12.0 10.6 a Estimates according to Ehhalt & Drummond (1982) (E & D) and Logan (1983) (L). Ranges are given in parentheses. b Emission factors refer to grams of nitrogen per kg of fuel consumed, unless indicated otherwise c Petroleum refining and manufacture of nitric acid and cement; global emissions were obtained by scaling USA emissions for each industrial process d Grams of nitrogen per m3 of fuel consumed e Grams of nitrogen per km f For biomass-burning, Crutzen et al. (1979) (C et al.) have given annual consumption rates differing somewhat from those of the other authors. The data of Crutzen et al. (1979) and the resulting nitrogen oxides production rates are included for comparison Biomass burning Table 3 includes a breakdown of estimates for release of NOx from burning of biomass. In natural fires and the burning of wood, temperatures are rarely high enough to cause oxidation of nitrogen molecules of the air. The emissions are thereby more closely related to the fixed nitrogen content of the fuel. Logan (1983) reviewed a number of experimental determinations of nitrogen emission factors that indicate yields are highest for grass and agricultural refuse fires (1.3 g nitrogen/kg fuel), less for prescribed forest fires (0.6 g nitrogen/kg fuel), and still lower for burning of fuel wood in stoves and fireplaces (0.4 g nitrogen/kg fuel). The values roughly reflect differences in nitrogen content of the materials burned. Biomass burning is mainly associated with agricultural practices in the tropics, which include plant, slash, and shift practices as well as natural or intentional burning of savanna vegetation at the end of the dry season. Forest wildfires and use of wood as fuel make a lesser contribution. Lightning Thunderstorm activity has been viewed as a major NOx source since 1827, when Von Liebig proposed it as a natural mechanism for fixation of atmospheric nitrogen. Electrical discharges in air generate NOx by thermal dissociation of nitrogen molecules due to ohmic heating inside the discharge channel and shockwave heating of the surroundings. Laboratory studies by Chameides et al. (1977) and Levine et al. (1981) indicate an NOx yield of 6 × 1016 molecules per joule of spent energy. Great uncertainties exist, however, about the total energy generated by lightning in the atmosphere. Noxon (1976, 1978) first studied the increase of NOx in the air during a thunderstorm. His results provide the basis for many of the estimates shown in Table 4. Reviews by Kowalczyk & Bauer (1981) Borucki & Chameides (1984) and Albritton et al. (1984) provide a best estimate of annual generation by lightning: 1 million tonnes of NOx in North America and 13 million tonnes globally (Placet et al., 1991). Soils The biochemical release of NOx from soils is poorly understood, and the flux estimates must be viewed with caution. Both rely on the observations by Galbally & Roy (1978), who used the flux box method in conjunction with chemiluminescence detection of NOx. They found average fluxes of 5.7 and 12.6 µg nitrogen/m2*h on ungrazed and grazed pastures, respectively, where NO was the main product. More recent measurements of Slemr & Seiler (1984) indicate that the release of NOx from soils depends critically on the temperature and moisture content of the soil, which in turn complicates the estimate of the global emissions. Slemr & Seiler (1984) also found an average release rate of 20 µg nitrogen/m2 per h for uncovered natural soils, evenly divided between NO and NO2. Grass coverage reduced the escape flux, whereas fertilization enhanced it. Ammonium fertilizers were about five times more effective than nitrate fertilizers. This suggests that nitrification as a source of NOx is more important than denitrification. According to Slemr & Seiler (1984), an annual global flux of 10 million tonnes of nitrogen represents an upper limit to the release of NOx from soils. Galbally et al. (1985) presented more detailed estimates for arid lands, and Table 4 provides a compilation of current literature used to develop the global budgets. Soil is also a source of N2O and NH3 emissions. In the presence of low concentrations, plants can emit NH3, rather than absorb it. This is especially true with scenescing and with highly fertilized plants (Grünhage et al., 1992; Holtan-Hartwig & Bockman 1994; Fangmeijer et al., 1994). Release to the atmosphere of N2 and NO by plants has also been reported. In some cases this was part of the response following exposure to nitrogen-containing pollutants, but other mechanisms are involved (Wellburn, 1990). NO and N2O are emitted in significant quantities by the soil. The reason why the deposition velocity of NO is relatively low see (see Table 5) is partly due to the fact that the downward flux (and uptake by the canopy) is "mathematically" compensated by soil emissions. In other words: a low deposition velocity does not always mean that the uptake by the vegetation is low. In the case of N2O, soil emissions are mostly larger than deposition; this emission is the result of denitrification and is positively related to the nitrogen and water content and the temperature of the soil. This is why the release of nitrogen from the ecosystem in the form of N2O is dependent on the ecosystem type, climate and land use (fertilization and water table height). Skiba et al. (1992) estimated for the United Kingdom the NO and N2O emissions from agricultural land to be 2-6% of the nationwide NOx emissions and 16-64% of the N2O emissions, respectively. Table 4. Global and North America natural emissions (average and range) of nitrogen oxides (NOx) from lightning, soils and oceans Global North America Reference (106 tonnes/year) (106 tonnes/year) Lightning 8.6 (2.6-26) Borucki & Chameides (1984) 18 1.7 Albritton et al. (1984) 13 (7-26) 1 (0.3-2) Kowalczyk & Bauer (1981); Placet et al. (1991) Soils 50 (as NO2) Lipschultz et al. (1981) 30 (as NO) Levine et al. (1984); Galbally & Roy (1978) 36 Slemr & Seiler (1984) 2 Placet et al. (1991) Oceans 0.35 Zafiriou & McFarland (1981); Logan (1983) Table 5. Deposition velocity of nitrogen-containing gases and aerosols Deposition velocity Reference (mm/second) NO2 0.1-10 Grennfelt et al. (1983); Anonymous (1991) NO 0.2-1 Prinz (1982) NH3 12 (-5 - +40) Grünhage et al. (1992); Sutton et al. (1993); Fangmeijer et al. (1994); Holtan-Hartwig & Bockman (1994) NH4+ 1.4 (0.03-15) Fangmeijer et al. (1994) Estimates of global emissions of N2O and ammonia are summarized in Table 6. Table 6. Annual global estimates (average and range) of N2O and NH3 emissions to the troposphere (106 tonnes of nitrogen) Source N2O NH3 Reference Soils 10 (2-20) 15 Dawson (1977); Boettger et al. (1978) Ocean 26 (12-38) Hahn (1981) Biomass burning 2 2-8 Crutzen et al. (1979); Crutzen (1983) Fossil fuels 1.6 0.2 Weiss & Craig (1976); Boettger et al. (1978) Fertilizer 0.1 3 Boettger et al. (1978); Crutzen et al. (1979); Crutzen (1983); Stedman & Shetter (1983) Domestic animals 22 Soederlund & Svensson (1976) Boettger et al. (1978); Crutzen et al. (1979); Crutzen (1983); Stedman & Shetter (1983) Oceans There have been few measurements of NOx, N2O or NH3 fluxes over the ocean, and current literature suggests that the sea is a negligible source of NO. Zafiriou & McFarland (1981) observed a supersaturation of seawater with regard to NO in regions of relatively high concentrations of nitrite, owing to upwelling conditions. The excess NO must, in this case, arise from photochemical decomposition of nitrite by sunlight. Logan (1983) estimated a local source strength of 1.3 × 1012 molecules/m2 per second under these conditions. Linear extrapolation results in an annual global flux estimate of 350 000 tonnes of nitrogen. 3.2.2 Removal from the ambient environment Wet precipitation and dry deposition provide two of the major mechanisms for removal of NOx from the atmosphere. The addition to the plant soil ecosystem of nitrate (and ammonium) by rainwater constitutes an important source of fixed nitrogen to the terrestrial biosphere, and until 1930 practically all studies of nitrate in rainwater were concerned with the input of fixed nitrogen into agricultural soils. Eriksson (1952) and Boettger et al. (1978) have compiled many of the available data. Despite the wealth of information, it remains difficult to derive a global average for the deposition of nitrate, because of an uneven global coverage of the data, unfavourably short measurement periods at many locations, and inadequate collection and handling techniques for rainwater samples. In addition, the concentration of nitrate in rainwater has increased in those parts of the world where the utilization of fossil fuels has led to a rise in the emissions of NOx, i.e. primarily western Europe and the USA. Dry deposition is important as a sink for those gases that are readily absorbed by materials covering the earth surface. In the budget of NOx, the gases affected most by dry deposition are NO2 and HNO3. The deposition velocity of NO is too small and the concentration of peroxyacetyl nitrates is not high enough for a significant contribution. According to Grennfelt et al. (1983) and Wellburn (1990), NO3- and HNO3 have a higher deposition velocity then NH3, but this was not quantified. HNO2 is assumed to have a deposition velocity equal to SO2: 1-30 mm/second (Table 5). There are several other nitrogen-containing air pollutants with relatively high deposition velocities. These generally add only small amounts to the total nitrogen deposition, because most of the time their ambient concentrations are relatively low. Atmospheric nitrogen deposition can significantly change the chemical composition of the soil. In the rooting zone these changes have an impact on vegetation. The changes in deeper soil layers are particularly relevant if groundwater is used as a source of drinking-water. Groundwater under fertilized agricultural land can be heavily polluted with nitrate (and aluminium), but this is beyond the scope of this chapter. Due to atmospheric nitrogen deposition, the groundwater under forests and other non-fertilized vegetation can become polluted with nitrate. For instance, in 20% of the forested area of the Netherlands, the nitrate concentration in phreatic groundwater is higher than 50 mg/litre (the EC drinking-water standard); in 37% it is higher than 25 mg/litre (Boumans & Beltman, 1991). The average annual nitrogen deposition in the Netherlands is 45 kg/ha; approximately 10 kg/ha is from dry deposition of NOx. The nitrate concentration in groundwater is strongly related to the soil type. With the same atmospheric deposition, the nitrate concentration increases as follows: peaty soils < moderately drained sandy soils < well-drained rich sandy soils (Boumans, 1994). A distinct relation also exists concerning the age of the trees: tree stands in Wales showed nitrate leaching (measured in the stream water draining the catchments), but only with stands older than 30 years. Younger trees used the nitrogen as nutrient, but the nitrogen demand of the older trees was lower. The annual nitrogen deposition in that region was estimated to be 20 kg/ha (Emmett et al., 1993). 3.2.3 Summary of global budgets for nitrogen oxides The principal routes to the production of NOx are combustion processes, nitrification and denitrification in soils, and lightning discharges. The major removal mechanism is oxidation to HNO3, followed by wet and dry deposition. In developing Table 7, the dry deposition velocities for NO2 over bare soil, grass and agricultural crops were assumed to fall in the range of 3 to 8 mm/second. However, over water the velocities are significantly smaller, so that losses of NO2 by deposition onto the ocean surface can be ignored. The absorption of nitric acid by soil, grass and water is rapid, and dry deposition correspondingly important, but the global flux is difficult to estimate because information on HNO3 mixing ratios is still sparse. Logan (1983) adopted NO mixing ratios of 50 pptv over the oceans and 100 pptv over the continents. The mixing ratios assumed for NO2 were 100 and 400 pptv, respectively. Allowance was made for higher mixing ratios in industrialized areas affected by pollution. Logan (1983) included the deposition of particulate nitrate over the oceans, using a settling velocity of 3 mm/second. This process contributes 2 million tonnes nitrogen/year to a total dry deposition rate of 12 to 22 million tonnes nitrogen/year. Efforts by Boettger et al. (1978), Ehhalt & Drummond (1982), Galbally et al. (1985) and Warneck (1988) to quantify the sources and sinks have led to an improved understanding of the global budget of NOx, in which the flux of NOx into the troposphere and the rate of nitrate deposition are approximately balanced. Ehhalt & Drummond (1982) relied on the detailed evaluation of data by Boettger et al. (1978). Their analysis emphasized measurements from the period 1950 to 1977, and they prepared a world map for nitrate deposition rates, which were then integrated along 5° latitude belts. Logan (1983) considered recent network data from North America and Europe; Galloway et al. (1982) reported measurements of nitrate in precipitation at remote locations in Alaska, South America, Australia and the Indian Ocean. Both estimates gave wet nitrate deposition rates in the range of 2 to 14 million tonnes nitrogen/year for the marine environment and 8 to 30 million tonnes nitrogen/year on the continents. An earlier appraisal by Soederlund & Svensson (1976) led to rather similar values, i.e. 5 to 16 and 13 to 30 million tonnes nitrogen/year, respectively, although it was primarily based on Eriksson's (1952) compilation of data from the period 1880 to 1930. Table 7. Global budget (average and range) of nitrogen oxides in the troposphere (from US EPA, 1993)a Type of source or sink Global flux (106 tonnes nitrogen/year) Ehhalt & Logan (1983) Drummond (1982) Production Fossil-fuel combustion 13.5 (8.2-18.5) 21 (14-28) Biomass burning 11.2 (5.6-16.4) 12 (4-24) Release from soils 5.5 (1-10) 8 (4-16) Lightning discharges 5.0 (2-8) 8 (2-20) NH3 oxidation 3.1 (1.2-4.9) uncertain (1-10) Ocean surface (biologic) - < 1 High-flying aircraft 0.3 (0.2-0.4) - Stratosphere 0.6 (0.3-0.9) approx. 0.5 Total production 39 (19-59) 50 (25-99) Losses Wet deposition of NO3-, land 17 (10-24) 19 (8-30) Wet deposition of NO3-, oceans 8 (2-14) 8 (4-12) Wet deposition, combined 24 (15-33) 27 (12-42) Dry deposition of NOx - 16 (12-22) Total loss 24 (15-40) 43 (24-64) a Derived from estimates according to Ehhalt & Drummond (1982) and Logan (1983) On continents, one should also consider the interception of aerosol particulates by high growing vegetation. The interception of nitrate is expected to be particularly effective. Hoefken & Gravenhorst (1982) studied the enrichment of nitrate in rainwater collected underneath forest canopies compared to that collected in open areas outside forests. The effect is caused by the wash-off of dry-deposited material from foliage. Hoefken & Gravenhorst (1982) found that, in a beech forest, nitrate was enhanced by a factor of 1.4, whereas in a spruce forest enhancement by a factor of 4.1 occurred. Unfortunately, they were unable to differentiate between contributions of particulate nitrate versus gaseous nitrate to the total dry deposition. If losses of NO2 and HNO3 by dry deposition are included in the total budget of NOx, one obtains a reasonable balance between the sources and sinks, as Table 7 shows. Ehhalt & Drummond (1982) noted that an appreciable part of their dry deposition is already included in their wet deposition rates, because rain gauges frequently are left open continuously, so that the collection of nitrate occurs during both wet and dry periods. For NO2, they estimated a dry deposition rate of 7 million tonnes nitrogen/year. Because of the uncertainty, they chose to include it in the error bounds and not in the mean value of total NOx-derived nitrogen deposition. Clearly, the total budget of NOx is far from being well defined. Moreover, in view of the relatively short residence times of chemical species involved in the NOx cycle, it is questionable whether a global budget gives an adequate description of the tropospheric behaviour of NOx and its reaction products. Supplemental regional budgets could be more appropriate. 3.3 Ambient concentrations of nitrogen oxides Because cities usually have an aggregation of emissions sources ambient concentrations of NO and NO2 tend to be greatest in cities. High concentrations of NO are common in street canyons, owing to motor vehicle emissions. In rural areas the emissions may have spent considerable time in the atmosphere and have undergone reactions to produce significant concentrations of other species, such as HNO3 and PAN. 3.3.1 International comparison studies of NOx concentrations Data for monthly average concentrations of NOx collected by the World Meteorological Organization at five background locations in Europe for the period 1983 to 1985 are summarized in Fig. 3 (WMO, 1988, 1989). Fig. 4 presents published monthly averages of NO2 in 1987 for 12 stations in a cooperative network under the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (Grennfelt et al., 1989). These two figures show that concentrations of both NOx and NO2 tend to be higher during winter months. Measurements of NO2 in several countries during the late 1970s and early 1980s are summarized in "Assessment of Urban Air Quality" (WHO, 1988). The trends in composite annual averages for urban NO2 monitoring stations in five countries are portrayed in Fig. 5 for the period 1975 to 1985. The trend in the Canadian data appears to have been downward, but essentially stable trends were evident for data from the other countries. Annual averages in the 1980-1984 period for 42 cities around the world are summarized in the same report (WHO, 1988). During that period, only one city, Sao Paulo, reported an annual average greater than 0.053 ppm (100 µg/m3). Short-term peak values (1-h or 30-min maxima, or 98th or 95th percentile values) have been reported for 18 cities during the 1980-1984 period (WHO, 1988). Ten of these cities (Amsterdam, Brussels, Hamilton, Hong Kong, Jerusalem, Montreal, Munich, Rotterdam, Tel Aviv and Toronto) reported values above the WHO 1-h guideline level of 400 µg/m3 (0.21 ppm) for at least one year during that 5-year period. For eleven cities in the WHO report, both the annual average and a "1-hour" peak statistic were reported for the 1980-1984 period. Fig. 6 compares these two statistics. It shows that three cities, Amsterdam, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, reported an average peak value above the WHO 1-hour guideline value of 400 µg/m3 (0.21 ppm). It should be kept in mind that the peak-value statistic is more susceptible to undetected spurious measurements than is the annual average. Data from the remaining eight cities place them in the quadrant below the target levels for both the annual average and the 1-hour peak. A similar situation is seen in the majority of cities in the USA and is discussed in the next section. More recent data on NO2 trends in the world's largest cities have been reported by WHO/UNEP (1992) in the monograph "Urban Air Pollution in Megacities of the World". Such trends for six selected cities from various regions of the world are illustrated in Fig. 7, a composite of figures extracted directly from the WHO/UNEP (1992) report. In general, the overall trends appeared to be relatively stable for most of the cities (and/or specific neighbourhoods). However, there were a few exceptions, e.g., an apparent decrease in the late 1980s for Bombay and an apparent increase during the same period for some areas of Moscow. There are substantial differences in the concentrations reported for different cities. Table 8 summarizes emissions of nitrogen oxides and ambient monitoring data from the WHO/UNEP (1992) report for the years indicated. Included are estimates for total emissions and percentages attributed to mobile sources, primarily private motor vehicles and public land transport systems. However, the quality and type of information contained in the report is mixed, reflecting a variety of monitoring methods and reporting policies in different countries. Ambient data in some cities was reported as NOx, and in others as NO2; reporting periods varied from one hour to one year. Table 8. Estimated mobile and stationary source emissions of nitrogen oxides in megacities (from: WHO/UNEP, 1992)a City Total emissions of Mobile source Ambient concentration nitrogen oxides contribution (µg/m3) (tonnes/year) (%) Bangkok 60 000 (1990) 30 max 1 h NOx (as NO2) 270 at one site; < 320 at three stations (1987) Beijing na Bombay 56 000 (1990) 52 NO2 70-85 (annual 98th percentile, 1990) Buenos Aires 27 000 (1989) 48 na Cairo 24 700 (1989) 23 NOx 380-1400 (1979, monthly means; single study) Calcutta 36 550 (1990) 29 Delhi 73 000 (1990) 20 NO2 500 (1990, 8 h) (mostly diesel) Jakarta 20 500 (1989) 75 NOx 28 (1990, annual mean) Karachi 50 000 (1989) 38 38-544 (12-13 June 1988; single study) Table 8. (Con't) City Total emissions of Mobile source Ambient concentration nitrogen oxides contribution (µg/m3) (tonnes/year) (%) London 79 000 (1983) 75 (1984) NO2 max 1 h 867; > 600 for 8 h; > 205 for 72 h (episode 12-15 Dec. 1991); 98th percentile > 135; 50th percentile > 50 (1989); NO recorded but not reported Los Angeles 440 000 (1987) 76 NO2 max 1 h 526; > 400 at 8 out of 24 stations (1990) Manila 119 000 (1990 - 90 na dubious accuracy) Mexico City 177 300 (1991) 75 NO2 hourly maxima 301-714 (1986-91) Moscow 210 000 (1990) 19 NO2 max daily means 100-150 New York 120 000 New York na NO2 1 h max 402; daily City; 513 000 New max 160; annual mean 87 York metropolitan (1990) area (1985) Rio de Janeiro 63 000 (1978) 92 na Sao Paulo 245 000 (1988) 82 NO2 max 1 h 600-1500 (1988) Table 8. (Con't) City Total emissions of Mobile source Ambient concentration nitrogen oxides contribution (µg/m3) (tonnes/year) (%) Seoul 270 000 (1990) 78 NO2 annual means only Shanghai 127 000 (1983); na NOx annual mean 50; 1991 emissions indoor level 90 assumed 50% higher, i.e. approx. 190 000 Tokyo 52 700 (1985) 67% from motor daily mean 98th percentile vehicles; 5% from > 115 tolerable level at ship and aircraft 25% of stations a na = not available As shown in Table 8, of importance for air quality management is the large contribution of NOx from motor vehicles reported for some cities and the continuing growth in this contribution. For example, emissions from vehicles in Bombay (about 29 000 tonnes per year in 1990) are expected to increase by an additional 14 600 tonnes/year by the year 2000 (WHO/UNEP, 1992). Estimates for Jakarta attribute some three-quarters of NOx emissions to motor vehicles, which is comparable with London, Los Angeles and Mexico City. Data from Manila indicate that some 90% of NOx originates from motor vehicles. 3.3.2 Example case studies of NOx and NO2 concentrations Data from a range of countries and locations are given in Table 9 (Agra, India) and Tables 10 and 11 (various cities in China). Table 9. Concentrations of NO2 measured in the vicinity of the Taj Mahal, Agra Indiaa Year Mean monthly concentration range (µg/m3) 1987 5.5 to 41.9 1988 6.3 to 33.1 1989 4.2 to 15.2 a Highest concentrations tend to occur in winter Personal communication from R.R. Khan, Ministry of Environment and Forests, New Delhi, India (1994) In urban areas in the USA, hourly patterns at fixed-site ambient air monitors often follow a bimodal pattern of morning and evening peaks, related to motor vehicular traffic patterns. Sites affected by large stationary sources of NO2 (or NO that reacts to produce NO2) are often characterized by short episodes at relatively high concentrations, as the plume moves to downwind areas. Since 1980, the annual average level among NO2-reporting stations in the USA has been below 0.03 ppm, with no significant trend evident. This is exemplified in Fig. 8 (US EPA, 1991) by annual averages for the period 1980 to 1989 for 60 metropolitan areas subdivided into three population categories: 16 areas with a population of 250 000 to 500 000, 14 with 500 000 to one million, and Table 10. Annual average NOX concentration (µg/m3) in China from 1981 to 1990a Year Cities all over China Southern cities Northern cities Concentration Annual Concentration Annual Concentration Annual range average range average range average 1981 10-90 50 10-80 40 20-90 60 1982 10-110 45 10-90 40 30-110 50 1983 9-94 46 9-79 36 29-94 55 1984 10-95 42 13-75 37 10-95 46 1985 13-49 50 13-84 41 22-49 59 1986 14-108 48 14-98 41 18-108 55 1987 17-199 56 17-60 43 30-199 69 1988 9-110 45 9-110 42 8-120 48 1989 10-140 47 10-133 43 12-140 51 1990 7-130 43 12-71 38 7-130 47 a General Environmental Monitoring Station of China (1991) Table 11. Statistical data for the percentiles of ambient annual average NOx concentrations (µg/m3) for Chinese cities (1986-1990)a Year Number Minimum Percentile Maximum Arithmetic Geometric of cities value value 5 10 25 50 75 90 95 Average Standard Average Standard deviation deviation 1986 71 14 17 20 30 43 60 81 88 108 48 22 43 488 1987 71 13 16 21 33 46 60 74 80 105 48 20 44 478 1988 73 8 11 18 30 43 58 67 84 120 45 22 40 547 1989 63 10 14 19 30 44 58 64 87 140 47 26 41 546 1990 59 7 13 17 27 38 51 71 86 130 43 23 37 554 a General Environmental Monitoring Station of China (1991) 30 with over one million. No group exhibited a time trend, but the areas with more than one million people clearly reported levels higher than the smaller metropolitan areas. For 103 Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA) reporting a valid year's data for at least one station in 1988 and/or 1989, peak annual averages ranged from 0.007 to 0.061 ppm (Fig. 9). The only recently measured concentrations exceeding the USA annual average standard (0.053 ppm) have occurred at stations in southern California. The seasonal patterns at stations in California are usually quite marked and reach their highest levels through the autumn and winter months. Stations elsewhere in the USA usually have less prominent seasonal patterns and may peak in the winter or summer, or may contain little discernable variation (Fig. 10) (US EPA, 1991). One-hour NO2 values at stations in the USA can exceed 0.2 ppm, but in 1988 only 16 stations (12 of which are in California) reported an apparently credible second high 1-h value above 0.2 ppm (Fig. 11). Because at least 98% of 1-h values at most stations are below 0.1 ppm, these values above 0.2 ppm are quite rare excursions whose validity should be verified (US EPA, 1991). 3.4 Occurrence of nitrogen oxides indoors This section summarizes emissions of NOx from sources that affect indoor air quality and are commonly found in residential environments. There are several reasons for considering these emissions. Firstly, examining emissions from several types of sources and source categories can help identify the relative impact of each source on indoor air quality and thus its influence on human exposure. Secondly, such information is needed to understand the fundamental physical and chemical processes influencing emissions. This understanding can be used to help develop strategies for reducing emissions. Finally, studying emissions from indoor sources can provide source strength input data needed for indoor air quality modelling. Knowledge of indoor concentrations is an important component in estimating the total exposure of individuals to nitrogen oxides. An important factor for indoor air quality is how (or if) the combustion products from appliances are vented outside the building. It should be noted that several common types of vented appliances usually emit NOx to the outdoors; examples include gas-fired furnaces, water heaters and clothes dryers, as well as stoves and furnaces using wood, coal and other fuels. Under some circumstances even these vented emissions may filter back inside and contribute to elevated NOx levels indoors. For example, Hollowell et al. (1977) reported high NO and NO2 concentrations in a house where a vented forced-air gas-fired heating system was used. Elevated concentrations may also be a problem with malfunctioning vented appliances. Other data (e.g., Fortmann et al., 1984), however, suggest that fugitive emissions of NOx from vented appliances are small. The importance of unvented appliances to indoor NOx levels is well documented; this section focuses on emissions from such appliances. 3.4.1 Indoor sources Gas-fuelled cooking stoves Several research programmes have investigated NOx emissions from stoves fuelled with natural and liquid petroleum gas (Himmel & DeWerth, 1974; Cote et al., 1974; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1976; Yamanaka et al., 1979; Traynor et al., 1982b; Cole et al., 1983; Caceres et al., 1983; Fortmann et al., 1984; Moschandreas et al., 1985; Cole & Zawacki, 1985; Tikalsky et al., 1987; Borrazzo et al., 1987a). Most of these studies have included investigations of several other pollutants, including CO, aldehydes and unburned hydrocarbons. Table 12 lists average emission factors for range-top burners and for oven and broiler burners operated at maximum heat input rate. Data are shown for both well-adjusted blue flames and for poorly adjusted yellow flames. Each of the averages is based on the total number of stoves tested for that category, using data from the above studies. For top burners with blue flames, a total of 27 values are represented; for yellow flames, there are 23 values (24 for NOx). Averages for the oven and broiler burners represent 20 blue flame and 16 yellow flame values. Values are generally very similar for emissions from these two types of burners on the same stove. Overall, the results show that well-adjusted blue flames emit more NO but less NO2 than poorly adjusted yellow flames. Emission factors from range-top burners are comparable to those from oven and broiler burners. Table 12. Average emission factors for nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) from burners on gas stoves Flame Factor for Factor for Factor for type NO (µg/kJ) NO2 (µg/kJ) NOx (µg/kJ) Top burners blue 20.0 ± 4.5 10.2 ± 3.1 41.0 ± 8.2 Top burners yellow 16.9 ± 4.5 15.0 ± 4.8 42.0 ± 9.1 Ovens and broilers blue 21.9 ± 6.3 7.23 ± 3.01 40.9 ± 8.6 Ovens and broilers yellow 19.8 ± 9.6 11.4 ± 5.7 39.0 ± 10.8 Unvented gas space heaters and water heaters The findings of several investigators (Thrasher & DeWerth, 1979; Traynor et al., 1983a, 1984b; Zawacki et al., 1986) are summarized in Table 13. The most significant result is the markedly lower emissions from heaters equipped with catalytic burners, radiant ceramic tile burners and improved-design steel burners (radiant and Bunsen), compared to emissions from simpler convection designs using conventional cast-iron Bunsen burners. Equipping convective heaters with radiant tiles does not make much difference to emission levels, nor does the choice of natural gas or liquid petroleum gas fuel. Other studies by Billick et al. (1984), Zawacki et al. (1984) and Moschandreas et al. (1985) produced similar results. Kerosene space heaters The data presented in Table 14 show that emission factors of NO and NO2 for radiant kerosene heaters are generally much smaller than those for convective kerosene heaters. Emissions of NO from two-stage heaters are only slightly greater than those from radiant heaters, whereas emissions of NO2 are the lowest of the three heater types. Most of the emissions from radiant heaters are in the form of NO2; for convective heaters that are two-stage heaters, the emissions of NO and NO2 are of comparable magnitude. There are insufficient data to evaluate changes in emissions as kerosene heaters age. Other products, including particles, present in these emissions may also be of concern for their possible health effects. Wood stoves A number of studies have examined pollutant emissions from wood stoves. Some of these studies have developed emission factors based on concentrations in the flue gases; such information would be useful for assessing the contribution of wood stove emissions to ambient air quality. Very little information is available, however, on fugitive emissions from wood stoves into the indoor living space. In a detailed literature survey, Smith (1987) reported that emissions of pollutants from wood stoves are highly variable, depending on the type of wood used, stove design, the way the stove is used and other factors. He reported emission factors for NOx and other pollutants for wood stoves used in developing countries. Many of these stoves are unvented, which results in excessive indoor concentrations as the combustion products are exhausted into the room. The major health concerns for wood fires without chimneys arise from pollutants other than NO2, such as particulate matter. Table 13. Summary of studies with unvented convective (C) and infrared (I) space heaters Type of Number Heat input NO emission NO2 emission NOx emission Reference heater (kJ/min) (µg/kJ) (µg/kJ) (µg/kJ) Convective 5 86-661 24-47 2.2-7.3 39-77 Thrasher & DeWerth (1979) Convective 8 188-830 9.5-22 9.5-20 34-47 Traynor et al. (1983a) Infrared 5 245-352 0.1-1 4.1-6.2 4.9-6.2 Traynor et al. (1984b) Convective 4 335-626 17.8-28.7 10-18.3 40.1-57.5 Infrared 5 264-334 0.005-1.7 1.6-4.8 2.7-5.7 Zawacki et al. (1986) Convective 5 176-703 5.3-44.4 7.6-23.3 27.1-76.4 Table 14. Average emission factors for nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) from kerosene heaters Type of heater Heat input rate Emission factor Emission factor Emission factor Reference (kJ/min) for NO (µg/kJ) for NO2 (µg/kJ) for NOx (µg/kJ) Radiant, new 144 0.45 ± 0.05 4.4 ± 0.2 5.1 ± 0.2 Leaderer (1982) Radiant, new 113 0.08 ± 0.05 5.0 ± 0.2 5.1 ± 0.2 Radiant, new 84.4 0 5.9 ± 0.3 5.9 ± 0.3 Convective, new 158 17 ± 0.3 7.0 ± 0.4 33 ± 0.6 Convective, new 97.9 12 ± 0.6 15 ± 0.3 33 ± 1.0 Convective, new 37.3 11 ± 0.9 17 ± 1.0 34 ± 1.7 Radiant, new 137 1.3 ± 0.7 4.6 ± 0.8 6.6 ± 1.3 Traynor et al. (1983b) Radiant, 1 year old 111 2.1 5.1 8.3 Convective, new 131 25 ± 0.7 13 ± 0.8 51 ± 1.3 Convective, 5 years old 94.8 11 ± 0.1 32 ± 2.8 49 ± 2.8 Radiant 110-200 - - 13 ± 1.8 Yamanaka et al. (1979) Convective 110-200 - - 70 ± 6.8 Traynor et al. (1984a) have studied wood stoves (three airtight and one non-airtight) used in a house. For each experiment, airborne concentrations of several pollutants were measured inside and outside the house during operation of one of the stoves. The results showed that all indoor and outdoor concentrations of NO and NO2 were below 0.02 ppm. Moreover, indoor air concentrations of some other pollutants were high during use of the non-airtight stove. The airtight stoves had little influence on indoor concentrations of any pollutants. In another study, Traynor et al. (1982a) found elevated airborne concentrations of NO and NO2 in three occupied houses during operation of wood stoves and a wood furnace. The concentrations were highly variable. Because of the limited data, it is difficult to reach quantitative conclusions regarding the importance of wood stoves. However, the limited information available suggests that wood stoves are not a major contributor to indoor nitrogen oxide exposures. This is consistent with the small NO emission rates expected from the low temperature combustion processes characteristic of wood stoves. Tobacco products A number of studies have compared concentrations of NOx and other pollutants in houses with smokers and houses without smokers. In general, these studies have shown that concentrations are somewhat greater in the homes of smokers. A few studies have reported emissions of NOx from cigarettes while sampling both sidestream and mainstream smoke together. Woods (1983) reported 0.079 mg NOx/cigarette, while Moschandreas et al. (1985) listed emissions of 2.78 mg/cigarette for NO and 0.73 mg/cigarette for NO2. The National Research Council (1986) reported total NOx emissions of 100 to 600 µg/cigarette for mainstream smoke, with values 4 to 10 times greater for sidestream smoke. According to the report, virtually all of the emitted NOx is in the form of NO; once emitted, the NO is gradually oxidized to NO2. Thus environments containing cigarette smoke may have higher concentrations of both NO and NO2 than environments without such smoke. The NO2 concentration on trains travelling between Changchun and Harbin, China, was found to be related to the amount of cigarette smoking, which was greater on daytime trains than on night-time ones. On a one-way daytime train the average NO2 concentration was 54 ppb (range, 37-84 ppb), whereas on a two-way night-time train it was 40.6 ppb (range, 30-59 ppb) (Du et al., 1992). 3.4.2 Removal of nitrogen oxides from indoor environments A number of field studies of NO2 levels in residences have reported that NO2 is removed more rapidly than can be accounted for by infiltration alone (Wade et al., 1975; Macriss & Elkins, 1977; Oezkaynak et al., 1982; Traynor et al., 1982a; Ryan et al., 1983; Leaderer et al., 1986). Indoors, NO2 is removed by infiltration/ventilation and by interior surfaces and furnishings. The removal of NO2 by interior surfaces and furnishings and reactions occurring in air is often referred to as the reactive decay rate of NO2, and it can be a significant factor in the actual NO2 levels measured in residences. Failure to account for the reactive decay rate can lead to a serious underestimation of emission rate measurements in chamber and test house studies and a serious overestimation of indoor concentrations when using emission rates to model indoor levels. The NO2 reactive decay rate is typically determined by subtracting the decay of NO2, after a source is shut off, from that of a relatively non-reactive gas (e.g., CO, CO2, SF6, NO), which can be related to ventilation rates, expressed in room air changes per hour. The measured reactive decay rates in the above-mentioned field studies ranged from 0.1 to 1.6 air change times/hour. All studies noted that the reactive decay of NO2 is as important and in some cases more important than infiltration in removing NO2 indoors. Leaderer et al. (1986) monitored NO2, NO, CO and CO2 continuously in seven houses over periods ranging from 2 to 8 days. They reported that the NO2 decay rate was always greater than that due to infiltration alone and was highly variable among houses and among time periods within a house. In an effort to identify the factors that control the NO2 reactive decay rate, a number of small chamber (Miyazaki, 1984; Spicer et al., 1986), large chamber (Moschandreas et al., 1985; Leaderer et al., 1986) and test house studies (Yamanaka, 1984; Borrazzo et al., 1987b; Fortmann et al., 1987) have been conducted. The most extensive small chamber work was reported by Spicer et al. (1986), where 35 residential materials were screened for NO2 reactivity in a 1.64-m3 chamber and a limited number of the materials were tested for the impact of relative humidity on the reactivity rate. Fig. 12 shows the relative rates of NO2 removal for the materials screened. The figure indicates that many of the materials used for building construction and furnishings are significant sinks for NO2 and that their removal rate is highly variable. Many of the materials were found to reduce a significant proportion of the removed NO2 to NO. In no cases was NO2 re-emitted, although some materials emitted NO. The authors noted that the materials that removed NO2 most rapidly fall in two categories: (1) porous mineral materials of high surface area; and (2) cellulosic material derived from plant matter. Higher relative humidities were found to enhance the removal rate for some materials (e.g., wool carpet), reduce the removal rate for some (e.g., cement block), and have little effect on others (e.g., wallboard). In a series of small (0.69 m3) chamber studies (Miyazaki, 1984) reactive decay rates for NO2 were found to vary as a function of material type and to increase with increasing surface area of the material, degree of stirring in the chamber, temperature and relative humidity. A saturation effect was noted on some of the carpets tested. In a series of large chamber studies (34-m3 chamber), Leaderer et al. (1986) evaluated the reactive decay rate of NO2 as a function of material type, surface area of material, relative humidity and air mixing. The reactive decay rate was found to vary as a function of material surface roughness and surface area. Carpeting was found to be most effective in removing NO2, whereas painted wallboard was least effective. Increases in relative humidity were associated with increases in removal rates for all materials tested, but the slope was a shallow one. Of particular interest is the finding in this study that the degree of air mixing and turbulence was a dominant variable in determining the reactive decay rate for NO2. Moschandreas et al. (1985) evaluated six materials in a 14.5-m3 chamber and found variations in decay rates according to material types and a positive impact of relative humidity on NO2 decay rates in an empty chamber. Yamanaka (1984), in assessing NO2 reactive decay rates in a Japanese living room, found the decay to consist of both homogeneous and heterogeneous processes. The rates were found to vary as a function of surface property and sharply as a function of relative humidity. NO production during the decay was noted. In a test house study, Fortmann et al. (1987) noted that the NO2 decay rate tends to decrease as the concentration increases. It is not clear whether this is due to surface saturation or second-order kinetics. This study also noted a sharp increase in NO levels during the NO2 decay, indicating NO production as a result of the NO2 decay. In a test house study conducted over a 7-month period, Borrazzo et al. (1987b) found that reaction rates for NO2 in the test house were sensitive to the location in the house where they were measured. This indicates that reaction losses during transport of NO2 from room to room in a house may be important. Reactive decay of NO2 associated with interior surface materials and furnishings is an important mechanism for removing NO2 from the air within homes. Reactive decay rates for NO2 vary as a function of the type and surface area of the material. The impact of relative humidity on the decay rate is unclear, with some studies showing a pronounced impact (Yamanaka, 1984), while others show only moderate or little impact (e.g., Spicer et al., 1986; Leaderer et al., 1986). The degree of air mixing or turbulence can have an important effect on the reactive decay rate. A by-product of NO2 removal by materials may be NO production, and a saturation effect may occur for some materials. Reactive decay of NO2 in residences is highly variable between residences, within rooms in a residence, and on a temporal basis within a residence. The large number of variables controlling the reactive decay rate make it very difficult to assess in large field studies through questionnaire or integrated air sampling. 3.5 Indoor concentrations of nitrogen oxides Indoor concentrations of NO2 are a function of outdoor concentrations, indoor sources (source type, condition of source, source use, etc.), infiltration/ventilation, air mixing within and between rooms, reactive decay by interior surfaces, and air cleaning or source venting. 3.5.1 Homes without indoor combustion sources Typical studies in homes without indoor sources of NO2, summarized in Table 15, have reported concentrations lower than outdoor levels due to removal from the air of NOx by the building envelope and interior surfaces. Thus indoor/outdoor concentration ratios are consistently less than unity. These homes provide some degree of protection from outdoor concentrations. Indoor/outdoor ratios vary considerably according to the season of the year, the lowest ratios occurring in the winter and highest occurring during the summer. Although urban concentrations are often highest in winter, this pattern in the indoor/outdoor ratio, attributed to seasonal differences in infiltration rates, NO2 reactivity rates, the penetration factor and outdoor concentrations, can result in higher indoor concentrations in summer than in winter. The indoor-to-outdoor ratio for these homes does not appear to depend on geographical area, housing type or outdoor concentration. Results of monitoring in Portage, Wisconsin, USA, show that the presence of a gas stove contributes dramatically to the indoor NO2 levels. Table 16, taken from the report of Quackenboss et al. (1986) and based on data collected in 1981 and 1982, clearly shows that gas stoves increase not only indoor concentrations but also the personal exposure of children. 3.5.2 Homes with combustion appliances It is estimated that gas (natural gas and liquid propane) is used for cooking, heating water or drying clothes in about 45% of all homes in the USA (US Bureau of the Census, 1982) and in nearly 100% of homes in some other countries (e.g., the Netherlands). Gas appliances (gas cooker/oven, water heater, etc.) are the major indoor source category for indoor residential NO2 by virtue of the number of homes with such sources. NO2 concentrations in homes with gas appliances are higher than those without such appliances. Within this category, the gas cooker/oven and unvented heaters are by far the major contributors. Cookers and ovens are especially important sources when used inappropriately as a supplementary room heater. Average indoor concentrations (based on a 1- to 2-week measurement period) in excess of 100 µg/m3 have been measured in some homes with gas cookers (Table 17). Homes where gas cookers with pilot lights are used have higher NO2 levels than homes that have gas cookers without pilot lights. Average NO2 concentrations in homes with gas cookers/ovens exhibit a spatial gradient within and between rooms. Kitchen concentrations of NO2 are higher than other rooms and a steep vertical concentration gradient in the kitchen has been observed in some homes, concentrations being highest nearest the ceiling. Average NO2 concentrations are highest during the winter months and lowest during the summer months. This seasonal temporal gradient is attributed to differences in infiltration, appliance use, NO2 reactivity rates and indoors and outdoor concentrations. The impact of gas appliance use on indoor NO2 levels may be superimposed upon the background level resulting from outdoor concentrations. Only very limited data exist on short-term average (3 h or less) indoor concentrations of NO2 associated with gas appliance use. These data suggest that short-term average concentrations of NO2 are several times the longer-term average concentrations measured. A wide variety of fuel types can be used for cooking and heating in different localities. These can produce various effects on indoor air quality. As an example, Table 18 gives data for indoor NOx concentrations measured at Lanzhou City, China, where coal and liquified gas were used in apartments and houses (Duan et al., 1992). Table 15. Average outdoor concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and average indoor/outdoor ratios in homes without gas appliances or unvented space heatersa Location Housing Averaging Seasons Number Average NO2 Indoor/outdoor ratios Reference typeb time of outdoor homes concentration (µg/m3) Kitchen Bedroom Southern California Mixed 7 days Summer 70 71.9 0.80 0.75 Southern California Spring 100 43.5 0.72 0.60 Gas Company (1986) Winter 69 91.2 0.56 0.47 New Haven, CT Single family 14 days Winter 60 13.2 0.56 0.55 Leaderer et al. (1986) unattached Albuquerque, NM Mixed 14 days Winter 1 60 14.1 - 0.50 Marbury et al. (1988) Winter 2 56 19.6 - 0.32 California Mobile homes 7 days Summer 46 25.9 0.61 0.54 Petreas et al. (1988) Winter 23 44.6 0.27 0.26 Portage, WI Mixed 7 days Summer 47 15.2 0.91 0.72 Quackenboss et al. (1986) Winter 47 17.2 0.65 0.45 Tucson, AZ Mixed 14 days Summer 56 19.9 0.86 0.76 Quackenboss et al. (1986) Spring/Autumn 41 25.6 0.71 0.55 Winter 23 36.8 0.64 0.52 Boston, MA Mixed 14 days Summer 117 31.7 0.76 0.75 Ryan et al. (1988) Autumn 117 37.8 0.43 0.40 Winter/Spring 124 33.5 0.53 0.47 Table 15. (Con't) Location Housing Averaging Seasons Number Average NO2 Indoor/outdoor ratios Reference typeb time of outdoor homes concentration (µg/m3) Kitchen Bedroom Northern Central Single family 5 days Winter 9 53.8 Koontz et al. (1986) Texas unattached Suffolk County, Single family 7 days Winter 49 35.5 0.47 - Research Triangle NY unattached Institute (1990) Onondago County, Single family 7 days Winter 66 21.7 0.70 - NY unattached Portage, WI Single family 7 days Average over 25 12.8 0.65 0.51 Spengler et al. (1983) unattached all seasons Watertown, MA Not given 3-4 days November 18 37.0 0.65 0.51 Clausing et al. (1984) December 10 46.0 0.39 0.30 Middlesbrough, UK Not given 7 days Winter 87 35.0 0.97 0.75 Goldstein et al. (1979) Middlesbrough, UK Not given 7 days Winter 15 34.7 - 0.75 Melia et al. (1982a,b) a Data from field studies of private residences in the USA and United Kingdom b "Mixed" indicates a single family in an attached or unattached dwelling, condominium or apartment Table 16. Nitrogen dioxide concentrations (ppm) according to season and stove type in Portage, Wisconsin, USAa Season Stove Indoor Outdoor Personal Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Summer Gas 0.016 0.006 0.006 0.003 0.014 0.004 Electric 0.007 0.003 0.008 0.003 0.009 0.003 Winter Gas 0.027 0.013 0.008 0.003 0.023 0.009 Electric 0.005 0.003 0.009 0.003 0.008 0.003 a From: Quackenboss et al. (1986); SD = standard deviation Table 17. Indoor and outdoor concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in homes with gas appliances, and the calculated average contribution of those appliances to indoor residential NO2 levels Location Housing Averaging Type of Season No. of Average measured NO2 Indoor NO2 due to source Reference typea time appliance homes (µg/m3) (µg/m3) (days) Outdoors Kitchen Bedroom Other Kitchen Bedroom Other Commentb USA Southern Mixed 7 Oven/range, Summer 147 75.3 91.6 68.4 - 31 12 - 1,2 Southern California ± pilot Spring 202 49.2 79.2 51.3 - 35 22 - 1,2 California Winter 141 104 101.5 69 - 48 20 - 1,2 Gas Company (1986) Oven/range, Winter 98 107 113 76 - 53 26 - 1,2 pilot Oven/range, Winter 38 97 74 53 - 20 7 - 1,2 no pilot Water heater Winter 21 92 59 50 - 11 11 - 1,2,3 in home Wall furnace Winter 90 121 161 113 - 49 36 - 1,4 Floor Summer 42 119 177 126 - 66 52 - 1,4 furnace Table 17. (Con't) Location Housing Averaging Type of Season No. of Average measured NO2 Indoor NO2 due to source Reference typea time appliance homes (µg/m3) (µg/m3) (days) Outdoors Kitchen Bedroom Other Kitchen Bedroom Other Commentb New Haven, Single 14 Oven/range, Winter 42 14.8 44.7 27.6 30.4 36 20 22 1,5 Leaderer CT family, ± pilot et al. unattached (1986) Albuquerque, Mixed 14 Oven/range, Winter 82 19.1 - 33.1 41.9 - 24 31 1,5,6 Marbury et NM ± pilot Winter 75 20.3 - 30.9 39.3 - 24 32 al. (1988) California Mobile 7 Oven/range, Summer 265 21.1 43.1 30.2 - 30 19 - Petreas et homes ± pilot Winter 231 42.1 53.7 37.5 - 42 27 - 1,7 al. (1988) Portage, Mixed 7 Oven/range, Summer 36 11.5 38.9 21.1 29.6 29 13 20 Quackenboss WI ± pilot Winter 34 15.4 69.6 31.2 50.7 60 15 42 1,8 et al. (1986) Tucson, Mixed 14 Oven/range, Summer 13 23.1 39.1 26.3 30.7 19 8 11 Quackenboss AZ ± pilot Spring/ 11 36.3 45.8 31.9 42.4 20 12 17 et al. Autumn (1986) Winter 10 45.2 60.6 43.4 50.7 32 20 25 1,9 Boston, Mixed 14 Oven/range, Summer 301 41.6 65.9 45.6 50.9 33 15 19 Ryan et al. MA ± pilot Autumn 277 43.7 74.3 47.5 52.8 56 30 34 (1988) Winter/ 298 40.5 73.5 48.6 55.1 52 30 34 1,9 Spring Table 17. (Con't) Location Housing Averaging Type of Season No. of Average measured NO2 Indoor NO2 due to source Reference typea time appliance homes (µg/m3) (µg/m3) (days) Outdoors Kitchen Bedroom Other Kitchen Bedroom Other Commentb Central Single 5 Oven/range, Winter 22 34.6 - - 54.1 - - 37 1,10 Koontz et Texas family, ± pilot al. (1986) unattached Suffolk Co., Single 7 Oven/range, Winter 42 37.6 77.5 - 52.4 60 - 37 Research NY family, ± pilot Triangle unattached Institute (1990) Onondago Single 7 Oven/range, Winter 56 30.6 62.6 0 50 41 - 27 1,9 Co., NY family, ± pilot unattached New York, Apartments 2 Oven/range Summer 14 109 122 98 106 30 6 13 Goldstein NY Autumn 1 15 61 96 65 71 53 22 18 et al. Autumn 2 9 73 108 66 76 45 15 25 (1985) ± pilot Winter 1 8 100 121 76 95 61 16 35 Winter 2 18 75 126 63 82 81 18 37 9,11,12 Spring 13 95 121 82 99 55 16 33 Portage, WI Single 7 Natural gas All 36 15.8 65.5 36.7 - 55 29 - Spengler et family, Oven/range, seasons al. (1983) unattached no pilot Liquified All 76 11.6 65.6 37.6 - 58 31 - 1,13 petroleum seasons gas Oven/range, no pilot Table 17. (Con't) Location Housing Averaging Type of Season No. of Average measured NO2 Indoor NO2 due to source Reference typea time appliance homes (µg/m3) (µg/m3) (days) Outdoors Kitchen Bedroom Other Kitchen Bedroom Other Commentb Watertown, Not given 3-4 Gas cooking Novemb. 60 37 74 45 51 50 26 33 1,9,14 Clausing et MA Decemb. 51 46 86 46 60 68 32 44 al. (1984) Netherlands Arnet Not given 7 Gas cooking Autumn/ 294 35 118 - 97 97 - 37 Noy et al. Enschede no pilot Winter (1984) Water heaters Ede Not given 7 Gas cooking Autumn/ 173 44 113 43 54 89 17 28 Noy et al. no pilot Winter (1984) Water heaters Vlagttwedde Rural area 7 Gas cooking Autumn/ 162 28 107 24 51 90 7 34 no pilot Winter Water heaters Rotterdam I, Inner city 7 Gas cooking Autumn/ 228 45 144 51 80 117 24 53 no pilot Winter Water heaters Rotterdam II, Inner city 7 Gas cooking Autumn/ 102 45 143 64 73 117 37 46 9,17 no pilot Winter Water heaters Table 17. (Con't) Location Housing Averaging Type of Season No. of Average measured NO2 Indoor NO2 due to source Reference typea time appliance homes (µg/m3) (µg/m3) (days) Outdoors Kitchen Bedroom Other Kitchen Bedroom Other Commentb United Kingdom Middlesbrough Not given 7 Gas cooking Winter 428 35 213 58 - 179 24 - 1,15 Goldstein no pilot et al. (1979) Middlesbrough Not given 7 Gas cooking Winter 183 34.7 - 60 82.7 - 39 61 1,16 Melia et al. (1982a,b) a "Mixed" indicates a single family in an attached or unattached dwelling, condominium or apartment b 1. Background correction determined by multiplying: (a) the indoor/outdoor ratio for homes in the study with no indoor NO2 sources for a given season; by (b) the outdoor NO2 concentration measured for the home with sources; and subtracting the product from the indoor level measured in the house. 2. Homes containing forced air gas furnace. These homes are thought not to contribute significantly to indoor levels for this sample. 3. Homes with electric cooker/oven, forced air gas furnace, and gas water heater in home. Comparison is made with electric cooker/oven, forced air gas furnace, and gas water heater located outside home. 4. Homes have gas cooker/oven with source contribution calculated after correction of a gas cooker/oven. Values are background corrected with gas stove. 5. Living room or activity room. 6. Sampling was done over two different periods for the same houses within the same winter period. 7. Outdoor values were obtained from five locations, housing type, mobile home. 8. Other location in home; bedroom refers to average of levels in one or more bedrooms in house. 9. Other location in the main living room. 10. Other location is point nearest centre of home. Table 17 (Con't) 11. 48-h samples over 30 consecutive days. 12. Indoor/outdoor (I/O) ratio is assessed to be 0.6, 0.7, and 0.85 for the Winter, Spring/Autumn and Summer periods, respectively, for all locations, because no control home (no gas appliances) mean measurements were available. Using these I/O ratios, the impact of sources was calculated as footnote 1. 13. Each home was sampled six times over a 1-year period. 14. Outdoor levels are average for homes with or without gas appliances. 15. Outdoor levels were recorded at 75 locations in the general sampling area and were not home-specific. Bedroom levels were obtained for 107 of the 428 homes. 16. Outdoor levels were recorded at 82 locations in the general sampling areas and were not home-specific. Outdoor levels were recorded at the beginning and end of the study. 17. Indoor/outdoor (I/O) ratio is assumed to be 0.6 for all locations, because no control home (no gas appliances) measurements were available. Using I/O ratio of 0.6, the impact of sources was calculated as in footnote 1. Table 18. Indoor concentration of NOx in Lanzhou city, Chinaa Type of residence Average NOx concentration (mg/m3) Winter Summer Apartment building with central 0.141 0.059 heating, liquified gas for cooking Apartment building without central 0.136 0.059 heating, coal for cooking and heating One-storey house, coal for cooking 0.106 0.046 and heating a From: Duan et al. (1992) 3.5.3 Homes with combustion space heaters Unvented kerosene and gas space heaters are important sources of NO and NO2 in homes, both because of the NO and NO2 production rates of the heaters and the long periods of time that they are in use. The concentrations of NO emitted are usually several times higher than those of NO2. However, in the literature, indoor air concentrations of NO are frequently not reported. Field studies indicate that average residential concentrations (1- or 2-week average levels) exhibit a wide variation, depending primarily on the amount of heater use and the type of heater (Table 19). Under similar operating conditions, unvented gas space heaters appear to be associated with higher indoor NO2 concentrations than kerosene heaters. Average concentrations in homes using unvented kerosene heaters have been found to be well in excess of 100 µg/m3. In one study (Leaderer et al., 1986), calculations of NO2 concentrations in residences during kerosene heater use (in homes without gas appliances) indicate that approximately 50% of the homes have NO2 concentrations above 100 µg/m3 and 8% above 480 µg/m3. A peak NO2 concentration of 847 µg/m3 was measured over a 1-h period in a home during use of a kerosene heater. Table 19. Two-week average nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels for homes in New Haven, Connecticut, USA, during winter, 1983a Source category; NO2 (µg/m3) location n Mean SDb % above 100 µg/m3 No kerosene heater or gas stove Outdoors 144 13.2 5.3 0 House average 145 7.4 4.2 0 Kitchen 147 7.6 3.7 0 Living room 146 7.3 3.4 0 Bedroom 145 7.3 8.6 0 One kerosene heater, no gas stove Outdoors 95 12.9 4.6 0 House average 95 36.8 32.8 2.1 Kitchen 96 39.1 35.5 4.2 Living room 96 38.5 36.6 5.2 Bedroom 95 31.9 30.8 5.3 No kerosene heater, one gas stove Outdoors 42 14.8 4.2 0 House average 42 34.3 26.2 4.8 Kitchen 42 44.7 31.4 4.8 Living room 42 30.4 24.8 4.8 Bedroom 42 27.8 25.1 4.8 One kerosene heater, one gas stove Outdoors 18 14.5 5.2 0 House average 18 66.8 43.9 16.7 Kitchen 18 74.5 52.0 22.2 Living room 18 57.4 38.6 11.1 Bedroom 18 68.5 56.5 16.7 Two kerosene heaters, no gas stove Outdoors 13 16.5 9.4 0 House average 13 69.5 38.0 23.0 Kitchen 13 73.0 31.7 23.0 Living room 13 73.6 44.3 38.5 Bedroom 13 67.8 44.9 23.1 Table 19. (Con't) Source category; NO2 (µg/m3) location n Mean SDb % above 100 µg/m3 Two kerosene heaters, one gas stove Outdoors 3 22.1 6.2 0 House average 3 85.8 24.4 33.3 Kitchen 3 94.0 22.7 66.6 Living room 3 77.6 38.4 33.3 Bedroom 3 85.8 19.5 33.3 a From: Leaderer et al. (1986); repeat monitoring data (n = 19) are included b SD = standard deviation A large field study (Koontz et al., 1986) of indoor NO2 concentrations in Texas homes using unvented gas space heaters (most also had gas cookers) found that approximately 70% of the homes had average concentrations in excess of 100 µg/m3 and 20% had average concentrations in excess of 480 µg/m3. This study found that the indoor/outdoor temperature difference was the best indicator of average indoor NO2 levels during the colder winter periods when heating demands are greatest. Only limited data have so far been published on short-term peak indoor concentrations for homes with unvented gas space heaters, and no data are available on spatial variations or concentrations solely during the hours of heater operation. No spatial gradient of NO2 was found in homes with unvented kerosene space heaters, contrary to the strong spatial gradient noted for homes with gas appliances. This is probably due to the strong convective heat output and the long operating hours of the heaters, which result in rapid mixing within the homes. Ferrari et al. (1988) conducted a study of air quality in homes with unvented space heaters in Sydney, Australia, over two winters. NO2 concentrations were measured by both continuous (chemiluminescence with O3 method) and passive monitors (badges and Palmes tubes). Concentrations of NO2 exceeded 0.10 ppm (average concentration) in 85% of homes tested, and 0.16 ppm in 44% of homes. More than 10% of homes had average NO2 concentrations exceeding 0.32 ppm, and the maximum recorded was greater than 0.5 ppm. Unvented gas space heaters are common in Sydney, and average use is about 3 h per night during the winter. As a result, an estimated 0.5 million residents are exposed to NO2 concentrations exceeding 0.16 ppm for several hours per night during the colder months of the year. Improper use of gas appliances (e.g., using a gas oven or stove to heat a living space) and improperly operating gas appliances or vented heating systems (e.g., out-of-repair gas cooker or improper operation of a gas wall or floor furnace) can be important contributors to indoor NO2 concentrations, but few data are available to assess the magnitude of that contribution. Little or no field data exist that would allow for an assessment of the contributions of wood- or coal-burning stoves or fireplaces to indoor NO2 concentrations, but such a contribution would be expected to be small. Cigarette smoking is expected to add relatively small amounts of NO2 to homes (see also Tables 15 and 18). In developing countries, biomass fuels (e.g., wood, biogas, animal dung, etc.) are much more widely used for home heating and/or cooking than in developed countries, these fuels often being burnt in open hearth fires or poorly vented appliances within indoor spaces of residential dwellings (WHO, 1992). As noted by Sims & Kjellström (1991), a very conservatively estimated 400 million people are affected by biomass smoke problems worldwide, mostly in rural areas of developing countries. A disproportionate number of women and young children are exposed, owing to the greater numbers of hours typically spent by them indoors and their involvement in cooking and other household chores. Increased NOx concentrations, as well as greater concentrations of carbon monoxide, suspended particulate matter (SPM) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are normally found in biomass smoke (Chen et al., 1990). Reviews of field studies in rural areas of developing countries indicate that exposure levels to biomass smoke components are usually rather high. Indoor concentrations for NO2, for example, were found to fall within the range of 0.1 to 0.3 mg/m3 in India, Nepal, Nigeria, Kenya, Guatemala and Papua New Guinea, as reported in reviews by WHO (1984) and Smith (1986, 1987). Similarly, Hong (1991) reported NO2 concentrations in the range of 0.01 to 0.22 mg/m3 resulting from indoor combustion of biogas in homes in Chengdu, Szechuan Province, China. Hong (1991) also reported NOx concentrations in the range of 0.02 to 0.16 mg/m3 in other houses in Gansu Province, China, where dried cow dung was used as a fuel. The above NO2 indoor air concentrations from biomass smoke should be compared with the WHO Air Quality Guidelines recommendation of 0.15 mg/m3 for daily exposures to NO2 (WHO, 1987). 3.5.4 Indoor nitrous acid concentrations Recent studies have demonstrated that substantial concentrations of HNO2 can be present inside residential buildings, especially when unvented combustion sources are used. HNO2 is formed by the reaction of NO2 with water on surfaces and the reaction is promoted by high humidity. HNO2 may also be produced by other mechanisms, and this is the subject of active research. Brauer et al. (1993) found that HNO2 can represent over 10% of the concentrations usually reported as NO2. 3.5.5 Predictive models for indoor NO2 concentration Efforts to model indoor NO2 levels have employed two distinct approaches: physical/chemical and empirical/statistical models. The physical/chemical modelling approach has been used by numerous investigators in chamber, test house and small field studies (involving a small number of homes) to estimate emission rates of NO2 from combustion sources (e.g., Traynor et al., 1982a; Leaderer, 1982; Moschandreas et al., 1984), to estimate reactive decay rates (e.g., Oezkaynak et al., 1982; Yamanaka, 1984; Leaderer et al., 1986; Spicer et al., 1986; Borrazzo et al., 1987a), to estimate the impact of ventilation and mixing on the spatial and temporal distribution of NO2 (e.g., Oezkaynak et al., 1982; Traynor et al., 1982b; Borrazzo et al., 1987a), and to evaluate the applicability of emission rates determined under controlled conditions in estimating indoor concentrations of NO2 (e.g., Traynor et al., 1982b; Borrazzo et al., 1987a). More recently, studies have reported the use of distributions of the input variables to the mass balance equation (emission rates, source use, decay rates, ventilation rates, etc.), determined from the published literature, to estimate distributions of indoor NO2 levels for specific sources and combinations of sources (Traynor et al., 1987; Hemphill et al., 1987). Prediction of indoor concentrations or concentration distributions of NO2 in homes with combustion sources using physical/chemical (mass-balance) models requires accurate information for input parameters (e.g., emission rates). Although data are available for some of the input parameters under controlled experimental conditions, there are very limited data available concerning either the variability of such input parameters in actual homes or the factors that control variability (e.g., variability of emission or decay rates). Obtaining field measurements or estimates of the inputs in large numbers of homes would be expensive and time-consuming. Such modelling efforts do, however, help to identify the potential range of indoor NO2 concentrations, factors that may result in high levels, and the potential effectiveness of mitigation efforts. Empirical/statistical models have been developed from large field studies that have measured NO2 concentrations in residences and associated outdoor levels for time periods of a week or more. These have typically used questionnaires to obtain information on sources in the residences, source use, building characteristics (house volume, number of rooms, etc.), building use, and meteorological conditions. In some cases, additional measurements, including temperature have been recorded. Several investigators have attempted to fit simple regression models to their field study databases in an effort to determine whether the variations in NO2 levels seen among houses can be explained by variations in questionnaire responses. The goal has been to see how well questionnaire information or easily available information (meteorological data) can predict indoor NO2 levels. In most cases a linear model has been used, but several investigators have used log transformations of variables. These employ questionnaire responses and measured physical data (house volume, etc.) as independent variables and have met with moderate success. Linear regression models, with the exception of the Petreas et al. (1988) model, explain from 40 to 70% of the variations in residential NO2 levels and typically have large standard errors associated with their estimates. Although log transformations of variables have always produced a higher percentage of explained variation due to the skewed distribution of the original variables, interpretation of the coefficients in a nonlinear model can require special attention. Regression models developed from field studies employing questionnaires to explain variations in indoor levels of NO2 have met with only moderate success. Better information, through additional measurements and better questionnaire design, is needed on a range of factors if the statistical/empirical models are to be used to estimate indoor concentrations of NO2 in homes without measurements. Factors include source type and condition, source use, contaminant removal (infiltration and reactive decay) and between and within room mixing. 3.6 Human exposure To assess the health impact of exposure to nitrogen oxides, it is essential to conduct an accurate exposure assessment. Such data are of paramount importance for the definition of dose-effect and dose-response relationships. In fact, the risk to human health is not simply determined by indoor and outdoor concentrations of nitrogen oxides, but rather by the personal exposure of every individual. The integrated exposure is the sum of the individual exposures to oxides of nitrogen over all possible time intervals for all settings or environments. It requires, thus, the consideration of long-term average concentration level, variations and short-term exposures, as well as the activity patterns and personal and home characteristics of individuals (Berglund et al., 1994). Exposure is a function of concentration and time. People spend various periods in different types of micro-environments with various concentration levels. On average, people spend about 90% of their time indoors (at home, work, school, etc.), about 5% in transit (Chapin, 1974), and 7% (range 3-12%) near smokers (Quackenboss et al., 1982). These values vary with the season, day of the week, age, occupation and other factors but it is decidedly important to predict indoor pollutant levels when total exposure is being estimated. Adequate exposure assessment for NO2 is particularly critical in conducting and evaluating epidemiological studies. Failure to measure or estimate exposures adequately and address the uncertainty in the measured exposures can lead to misclassification errors (Shy et al., 1978; Gladen & Rogan, 1979; Oezkaynak et al., 1986; Willett, 1989; Dosemeci et al., 1990; Lebret, 1990). Early studies comparing the incidence of respiratory illness in children living in homes with and without gas stoves used a simple categorical variable of NO2 exposure; the presence or absence of a gas cooker. Such a dichotomous grouping can result in a severe non-differential misclassification error in assigning exposure categories. This type of error is likely to underestimate the true relationship and could possibly result in a null finding. In assessing human exposure to NO2 (and other oxides of nitrogen), averaging times chosen should account for the type of effect to be expected. With regard to NO2, the principal biological responses include (a) relatively transient effects on respiratory function associated with acute, short-term (< 1 h) exposures, and (b) the likelihood of increased risk for respiratory disease in children associated with frequently repeated short-term peak exposures and/or lower level long-term exposures. Indirect and direct methods for personal exposure assessment are available. Indirect methods combine measures of concentrations at fixed sites in various types of micro-environments with information on where people have spent their time (time-activity patterns). Time-weighted average (TWA) exposure models have been developed to estimate total personal exposure (Fugas, 1975; Duan, 1982; Duan, 1991). The NO2 exposure levels predicted from TWA exposure models have been shown to correlate closely with the exposure levels obtained by direct measurements of personal exposure (Nitta & Maeda, 1982; Quackenboss et al., 1986; Sega & Fugas, 1991). However, the large variation in NO2 concentrations (distribution) within each type of micro-environment (because of variability in, for example, stove use, emission rates, ventilation frequencies, and the day-to-day and person-to-person variations in the use of time) decreases the accuracy of the predicted exposure and increases the risk for misclassification of the exposure. Direct measurements of concentrations in the breathing zone of a person using personal passive exposure monitors provide time-integrated measurements of exposure for a certain period across the various micro-environments where a person spends time. It is important to collect exposure data over time intervals consistent with the expected effects. Effects from long-term, low-level exposure may be different from effects from short periods of high concentration (intermittent peak exposure). Intermittent peak exposure, which occurs during cooking on a gas stove, may be significant to total exposure and adverse health effects. If effects from peak exposure are to be considered in the exposure assessment, the sampling time must be short enough to detect these peak exposures. Such a short sampling time is possible with the more sensitive passive samplers and with conventional air monitors, such as chemiluminescence NOx monitors. However, direct methods of measuring personal exposure are relatively costly and time-consuming. Within-person and between-person variability, both in personal exposure and personal use of time, can be large. Hence a sufficient number of personal exposure measurements must be collected for each person (repeated measurements), and a sufficient number of individuals must be sampled before the measurements can be considered to be representative. Personal daily exposures have been shown to vary between individuals on the same day by a factor of up to about 15 in the urban area of Stockholm and between days for the same individual by a factor of up to 10 (Berglund et al., 1993). A comparison of personal NO2 exposures, as measured by Palmes diffusion tubes, and NO2 exposures measured in residences had a correlation of 0.94 for a subsample of 23 individuals (Leaderer et al., 1986). Results of this comparison are depicted in Fig. 13 and show an excellent correlation between average household exposure and measured personal exposure. It is important to note that indoor concentrations are strong predictors of personal exposure. In the case of homes with gas or electric stoves, personal exposure has been shown to be closely related to the household indoor average concentrations (Quackenboss et al., 1986; Harlos et al., 1987a). Results of monitoring in Portage, Wisconsin, verify that the presence of a gas stove contributes dramatically to personal NO2 exposure levels. Table 16, derived from the reports of Quackenboss et al. (1986) and based on data collected in 1981 and 1982, clearly shows that gas stoves increase not only indoor concentrations but also the personal exposure of children. On the other hand, outdoor concentrations, even if measured outside each residence, have been found to be relatively poor predictors of personal exposure (Quackenboss et al., 1986; Leaderer et al., 1986). The association between personal exposure and outdoor levels of NO2 is weakest during the winter for both gas and electric stove groups. The only route of NO2 exposure is inhalation. The dose is dependent on the inhalation volume and thus on physical activity, age, etc. Lung absorption of NO2 is about 80-90% during rest and over 90% during physical activity (WHO, 1987). Efforts have been made to find a sufficient biological marker for NO2 exposure and dose. Increased urinary excretion of collagen and elastin (pulmonary connective tissue) breakdown products (including hydroxyproline, hydroxylysine and desmosine) has been suggested as a marker of diffuse pulmonary injury related to inhaled NO2. A significant relationship between urinary hydroxyproline excretion and daily NO2 exposure was found among housewives in Japan, but the hydroxyproline excretion fell within the normal distribution for healthy people (Yanagisawa et al., 1986). The majority of the housewives were exposed to active or passive cigarette smoke, and this exposure was independently related to the excretion of hydroxyproline. Other investigators have not been able to substantiate the relationship between urinary hydroxyproline excretion and NO2 exposure (Muelenaer et al., 1987; Adgate et al., 1992). Measurements of the NO-haem protein complex in bronchoalveolar lavage (Maples et al., 1991) and of 3-nitrotyrosine in urine (Oshima et al., 1990) have been suggested as biological markers for NO2 exposure. The work in progress to find a suitable biological marker for NO2 exposure at levels found in the general environment is promising; however, no metabolite has yet proved to be sensitive or specific enough. Personal exposure to air pollutants can be assessed by direct or indirect measures. Direct measures include biomarkers and use of personal monitors. No validated biomarkers for exposure are presently available for NO2. Studies using passive monitors to measure NO2 exposures lasting one day to one week have been conducted in the USA (Dockery et al., 1981; Clausing et al., 1986; Leaderer et al., 1986; Quackenboss et al., 1986; Harlos et al., 1987; Schwab et al., 1990), in the Netherlands (Hoek et al., 1984), in Japan (Nitta & Maeda, 1982; Yanagisawa et al., 1984), and in Hong Kong (Koo et al., 1990). These studies generally indicate that outdoor levels of NO2, although related to both personal levels and indoor concentrations, are poor predictors of personal exposures for most populations. Average indoor air residential concentrations (e.g., whole-house average or bedroom level) tend to be the best predictor of personal exposure, typically explaining 50 to 80% of the variation in personal exposures. Indirect measures of personal exposure to NO2 employ various degrees of micro-environmental monitoring and questionnaires to estimate an individual's or population's total exposure. One such model (Billick et al., 1991), developed from an extensive monitoring and questionnaire database, can estimate population exposure distributions from easily obtained data on outdoor NO2 concentrations, housing characteristics and time-activity patterns. This model is proposed for use in evaluating the impact of various NO2 mitigation measures. The model is promising, but has not yet been validated nor has associated uncertainty been characterized. 3.7 Exposure of plants and ecosystems The sensitivity of plants to nitrogen oxides is determined both by their genetic characteristics and by environmental conditions. The relation between exposure and uptake by plants depends on aerodynamic and stomatal resistance and thus increases with increasing light intensity, wind velocity and air humidity. After uptake, the response of a plant depends on its metabolic activity, and thus increases with poorer nutritional supply and lower temperature. Moreover, the sensitivity of plants depends on the general air pollution situation. Emission of SO2 is often combined with NOx, and these compounds act synergistically. Therefore, the impact of NOx may be higher in regions with elevated SO2 concentrations. NOx forms part of photochemical smog. Although ozone is the most phytotoxic, the contribution of NOx to adverse effects on plants is not negligible. For vegetation and ecosystems the impact of NOx is through its contribution to total nitrogen disposition rather than its direct toxicity. Thus, other nitrogen-containing pollutants have to be taken into consideration. The dependencies of sensitivity, as summarized above, mean that wide variation exists in the vulnerability of different regions of the world. 4. EFFECTS OF ATMOSPHERIC NITROGEN COMPOUNDS (PARTICULARLY NITROGEN OXIDES) ON PLANTS Effects of nitrogen on ecosystems are caused through deposition onto soil and foliar uptake of nitrogen in various forms. Total effects are often difficult to separate into component effects. This section, therefore, covers nitrogen inputs in all forms to ecosystems. Much of the research focuses on European ecosystems, where the majority of the research has been conducted. Here NHy deposition either dominates or is a major constituent of total nitrogen input. However, this is not true for other parts of the world. All effects of atmospheric nitrogen input, in whatever form, are included as indicators of more globally relevant effects on ecosystems but the reader should bear in mind local conditions of nitrogen input when assessing likely local consequences. NOx, as used in this chapter, refers to the total nitrogen measured by chemiluminescence detectors; this is NO2 following conversion to NO, and NO itself. Other nitrogen oxides may interfere to some extent in this method. Elemental nitrogen (N2) forms 80% of the atmosphere of the earth. This is equivalent to about 75 × 106 kg above each hectare of the earth's surface. In unpolluted conditions a small fraction (1-15 kg nitrogen per ha per year) is converted by nitrogen-fixing microorganisms to biologically more active forms of nitrogen: NH4+ and NO3-. The natural deposition of nitrogen-containing atmospheric compounds other than N2 is much less. The soil contains 5 times more nitrogen than the atmosphere, but weathering of rock is a negligible source of biologically active nitrogen. By denitrification (reduction of NO3- to N2 and to a lesser extent N2O, NO and NH3), 1-30 kg nitrogen per ha per year is recycled from the earth to the atmosphere. Human activities, both industrial and agricultural, have greatly increased the amount of biologically active nitrogen compounds, thereby disturbing the natural nitrogen cycle. Various forms of nitrogen pollute the air, mainly NO, NO2 and NH3 as dry deposition and NO3- and NH4+ as wet deposition. Another contribution is from occult deposition (fog and clouds). There are many more nitrogen-containing air pollutants (e.g., N2O5, PAN, N2O, amines) but these have not been considered in this chapter, either because their contribution to the total nitrogen deposition is considered to be small or because their concentrations are probably far below the effect thresholds. Transformations of nitrogen, as it moves from the atmosphere, through ecosystems and back to the atmosphere, form the nitrogen cycle. This is illustrated, together with anthropogenic sources of nitrogen, in Fig. 14. The component processes affected by chronic nitrogen deposition are indicated in Fig. 15. Nitrogen-containing air pollutants can affect vegetation indirectly, via chemical reactions in the atmosphere, or directly after being deposited on vegetation, soil or water surfaces. The indirect pathway is largely neglected in this chapter, although it includes very relevant processes, and should be taken into account when evaluating the entire impact of nitrogen-containing air pollutants: NO and NO2 are precursors for tropospheric ozone (O3), which acts both as a phytotoxin and a greenhouse gas. The effects of O3 will be discussed in a forthcoming Environmental Health Criteria monograph. N2O contributes to the depletion of stratospheric O3, resulting in increasing ultraviolet radiation. This and other aspects of global climate change will be evaluated in a WHO/WMO/UNEP document entitled "Climate and Health: potential impacts of climate change". The direct impact of airborne nitrogen is due to toxic effects, eutrophication and soil acidification. One effect of soil acidification is that aluminum enters into solution, hence increasing its bioavailability. This result in root damage. Aluminum toxicity will be discussed in a further Environmental Health Criteria monograph. Most biodiversity is found in (semi-)natural ecosystems, both aquatic and terrestrial. Nitrogen is the limiting nutrient for plant growth in many (semi-)natural ecosystems. Most of the plant species from these (semi-)natural habitats are adapted to nutrient-poor conditions, and can only compete successfully in soils with low nitrogen levels (Chapin, 1980; Tamm, 1991). Ellenberg (1988b) surveyed the nitrogen requirements of 1805 plant species from Germany and concluded that 50% can compete successfully only in habitats that are deficient in nitrogen. Furthermore, of the plants threatened by increased nitrogen deposition, 75-80% are indicator species for low-nitrogen habitats. When stratified by ecosystem type, it is also clear that the trend of rare species occurring with greater frequency in nitrogen-poor habitats is a common phenomenon across many ecosystems (Fig. 16 and Fig. 17). Plant species threatened by high nitrogen deposition are common across many ecosystem types (Ellenberg, 1988b). The critical loads for nitrogen depend on (i) the type of ecosystem; (ii) the land use and management in the past and present; and (iii) the abiotic conditions (especially those which influence the nitrification potential and immobilization rate in the soil). The impact of increased nitrogen deposition upon biological systems can be the result of direct uptake by the foliage or uptake via the soil. The most relevant effects at the level of individual plants are injury to the tissue, changes in biomass production and increased susceptibility to secondary stress factors. At the vegetation level, this results in changes in competitive relationships between species and loss of biodiversity. Effects on individual plants are discussed in section 4.1. The following natural ecosystems are treated in detail in section 4.2: freshwater ecosystems (shallow soft-water bodies, lakes and streams) and terrestrial ecosystems (wetlands and bogs, species-rich grasslands, heathlands and forests). Estuarine and marine systems are also considered. Air quality guidelines refer to thresholds for adverse effects. Two different types of effect thresholds exist: critical levels and critical loads. The critical level is defined as: the concentration in the atmosphere above which direct adverse effects on receptors, such as plants, ecosystems or materials, may occur according to present knowledge. The critical load is defined as: a quantitative estimate of an exposure (deposition) to one or more pollutants below which significant harmful effects on specified sensitive elements of the environment do not occur according to present knowledge. Generally, critical levels for nitrogen-containing air pollutants are expressed in terms of exposure (µg/m3 and exposure duration), while critical loads are expressed in terms of deposition (kg nitrogen per ha per year). Both critical level and load are intended to be set so as to protect vegetation, and can be converted into each other knowing the deposition velocity. Thus, it might seem to be superfluous to assess both critical levels and loads. However, with the currently accepted approach, critical levels and loads are more or less complementary: critical levels focus on effect thresholds for short-term exposure (1 year or less), while critical loads focus on safe deposition quantities for long-term exposure (10-100 years): critical levels are not aimed to protect plants completely against adverse effects. No-observed-effect concentrations (NOECs) are usually lower than critical levels. For instance, a critical level can be set at 5% yield reduction. Thus, owing simply to differences in definition, the critical level is generally higher than the critical load (Fig. 18b). In current practice there are other differences between critical levels and loads: critical levels give details on individual compounds and focus on responses on plant level, while critical loads cover all nitrogen-containing compounds and focus on the vegetation or ecosystem level. In other words: critical loads focus on functioning of the ecosystem, while critical levels focus on protection of the relatively sensitive plant species. In the critical level concept, the different nitrogen-containing compounds are evaluated separately, because of their differences in phytotoxic properties, even when their load in terms of kg nitrogen per ha per year is the same (Ashenden et al., 1993). Another difference between critical level and critical load is that critical level considers the possibility of more- or less-than-additive effects (Wellburn, 1990), while in the critical load concept additivity of nitrogen-containing or acidifying compounds is presumed. Moreover, nitrogen-containing air pollutants have their impact not only because of their contribution to the nitrogen supply. Sometimes other effects seem to dominate. For instance, although occult deposition is generally small in terms of nitrogen deposition, it may be of great significance because of its ability to affect plant surfaces. It was concluded for these reasons that both critical levels and loads are necessary within the scope of air quality guidelines for nitrogen-containing compounds. Assessing effect thresholds is relatively simple in the case of toxic compounds with an exposure/response relationship which follows the usual sigmoid curve: the lowest exposure level that results in a response that is significantly different from the control treatment is the effect threshold. However, this approach is essentially invalid for exposure of nitrogen-limited vegetation to nitrogen-containing air pollutants. Nitrogen is a macro-nutrient and so each addition of nitrogen can result in a physiological response: growth stimulation gradually increases with higher exposure levels and changes in growth inhibition at higher levels (Fig. 18a). Moreover, depending on the definition of adverse effects, the status of the vegetation may not be optimal at background levels (Fig. 18b). These features complicate the assessment of effect thresholds for nitrogen-containing compounds. Nevertheless, in this chapter effect thresholds are presented, according to current practice. 4.1 Properties of NOx and NHy In this section general information is initially presented on uptake, detoxification, metabolism and growth aspects. In the following subsections the data determining the critical levels for individual compounds and mixtures are discussed. The relevance of this information and possibilities for generalization are discussed in sections 4.1.8 and 4.1.9, where the critical levels are estimated. Deposition on and emission from soils and vegetation is discussed in chapter 3. 4.1.1 Adsorption and uptake The impact of a pollutant on plants is determined by its adsorption, rate of uptake (flux) and the reaction of the plants. Foliar uptake is probably dominant for NO, NO2 (Wellburn, 1990) and NH3 (Pérez-Soba & Van der Eerden, 1993), while the pathway via soil and roots is the major route for nitrogen-containing pollutants in wet deposition. The flux of the compounds from the atmosphere into the plant is a complicated process, which is highly dependent on the properties of both plant and compound and on environmental conditions. This is why deposition velocities proved to be highly variable (chapter 3). The flux from the atmosphere to the leaf surface (and soil) depends on the aerodynamic and boundary layer resistances, which are determined by meteorological conditions and plant and leaf architecture. The flux from the leaf surface to the final site of reaction in the cell is determined by stomatal, cuticular and mesophyll resistance. The reaction of the plant to the nitrogen that arrives at the target side is dependent on the intrinsic properties of the plant and on its nutritional status, and again on environmental conditions. The flux of atmospheric nitrogen through the soil is conditioned by properties of soil and vegetation and by meteorological conditions. The chemical composition of soil water, the rate of nitrification (NH4+ -> NO3-), the preference of the plant for either NH4+ or NO3-, the root architecture and the metabolic activity of the plants play major roles in this uptake (Schulze et al., 1989). Adsorption on the outer surface of leaves certainly takes place. Exposure to relatively high concentrations of gaseous NH3 (180 µg/m3) or NH4+ in rainwater (5 mmol/litre) damages the crystalline structure of the epicuticular wax layer of the needles of Pseudotsuga menziesii (Van der Eerden & Pérez-Soba, 1992). NO2 (Fowler et al., 1980) and NH4+ and NO3- in wet and occult deposition can disturb leaf surfaces in several ways (Jacobson, 1991). The quantitative relevance of this effect for the field situations has not yet been shown in detail. Uptake of NH3 and NOx is driven by the concentration gradient between atmosphere and mesophyll. It is generally directly determined by stomatal conductance and thus depends on factors influencing stomatal aperture. Although in higher plants uptake through the stomata strongly dominates, there are indications that penetration through the cuticle is not completely negligible. This has been demonstrated for NO and NO2 (Wellburn, 1990). While stomata greatly influence the foliar uptake of aerial nitrogen compounds, many of these compounds subsequently alter stomatal aperture and the extent of further uptake. The nitrogen status of plants is also known to affect stomatal behaviour towards other environmental conditions such as drought (Ghashghaie & Saugier, 1989). The flux of NH3 into a plant appeared to be linearly related to the atmospheric concentration (Van der Eerden et al., 1991), there being no mesophyll resistance (Van Hove et al., 1989). This relation can become less then linear with high concentrations, e.g., some hundreds of µg/m3 (Wollenheber & Raven, 1993). Mesophyll resistance is, however, probably more significant for NO and NO2 (Capron et al., 1994). There is increasing evidence that foliar uptake of nitrogen reduces the uptake of nitrogen by the roots (Srivastava & Ormrod, 1986; Pérez-Soba & van der Eerden, 1993), although the driving mechanism is not yet clear. In the presence of low concentrations plants can emit NH3, rather than absorb it (chapter 3). NO and N2O are emitted in significant quantities by the soil (chapter 3). Rain, clouds, fog and aerosols always contain significant amounts of ions including NH4+ and NO3-. In the past, foliar uptake of nitrogen from wet deposition was considered to be negligible, but recent research using 15N and throughfall analysis shows that this path can contribute a high proportion of the total plant uptake (see Pearson & Stewart, 1993, and section 2.4). In general, cations (e.g., NH4+) are more easily taken up through the cuticle than anions (e.g., NO3-). A substantial foliar uptake of NH4+ from rainwater has been measured in several tree species (Garten & Hanson, 1989). Lower plants, such as bryophytes and lichens do not have stomata and a waxy waterproof cuticle, and thus the potential for direct uptake of pollutants in the form of wet or dry deposition is greater. Epiphytic lichens are active absorbers of both NH4+ and NO3- (Reiners & Olson, 1984). Uptake and exchange of ions through the leaf surface is a relatively slow process, and thus is only relevant if the surface remains wet for long periods. 4.1.2 Toxicity, detoxification and assimilation One would expect a positive relationship between the solubility of a compound and its biological impact. NO is only slightly soluble in water, but the presence of other substances can alter its solubility. NO2 has a higher solubility, while that of NH3 is much higher. Much information exists on mechanisms of toxicity, although it is sometimes confusing. NO2, NO, HNO2 and HNO3 can be incorporated into nitrogen metabolism using the pathway: NO3- -> NO2- -> (NH3 <--> NH4+) <--> glutamate -> glutamine -> other amino acids, amides, proteins, polyamines, etc. The enzymes involved include nitrate reductase (NR), nitrite reductase (NiR) and glutamine synthetase (GS). Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) plays a role in the internal cycling of NH4+. After exposure to NO2, nitrate can accumulate for some weeks; accumulation of nitrite is rarely reported, although it is certainly an intermediate. Nitrite levels can be elevated for some hours due to the fact that NR activity is induced faster than that of NiR. In many cases storage of excess nitrogen has been found to be in the form of arginine (Van Dijk & Roelofs, 1988), which could last months or longer. NO2-, NH3 and NH4+ are highly phytotoxic, and could well be the cause of adverse effects of nitrogen-containing air pollutants. Wellburn (1990) suggested that the free radical *N=O plays a role in the phytotoxicity of NOx. High concentrations can cause visible injury via lipid breakdown and cellular plasmolysis. At lower concentrations inhibition of lipid biosynthesis may dominate, rather than damage of existing lipids (Wellburn, 1990). Raven (1988) assumed that the adverse effects of nitrogen- containing compounds are due to their interference with cellular acid/base regulation. They can influence cellular pH both before and after assimilation. Assimilation of most air pollutants, including NH3, has been shown to result in production of protons (Wollenheber & Raven, 1993). Assimilation of nitrate and a high buffer capacity can prevent the plant from being damaged by this acidification (Pearson & Stewart, 1993). If these adverse effects can effectively be counteracted, assimilation of nitrogen-containing compounds will result in growth stimulation. Synergistic effects have been found in nearly all studies concerning SO2 and NO2 (Wellburn et al., 1981). Inhibition of NiR by SO2, resulting in the inability of the plant to detoxify nitrite, might be the cause of this interaction. 4.1.3 Physiology and growth aspects When climatic conditions and nutrient supply allow biomass production, both NOx and NHy result in growth stimulation at low concentrations and growth reduction at higher concentrations. However, the exposure level at which growth stimulation turns into growth inhibition is much lower for NOx than for NHy (see Fig. 18a). Foliar uptake of NH3 generally results in an increase in photosynthesis and dark respiration, and in the amount of RUBISCO (ribulose 1,5-biphosphate carboxylase oxygenase) and chlorophyll. Some authors have shown that stomatal conductance increases and the stomata remain open in the dark, resulting in enhanced transpiration and drought sensitivity (Van der Eerden & Pérez-Soba, 1992). Most experiments with NO and NO2 have been conducted with relatively high concentration levels (> 200 µg/m3). These experiments show inhibition of photosynthesis by both NO and NO2, possibly additively (Capron & Mansfield, 1976). Inhibition by NO may be stronger than that of NO2 (Saxe, 1986). The threshold for this response is well below the threshold for visible injury (Wellburn, 1990) and transpiration (Saxe, 1986). With lower (nearer to ambient) NOx concentrations, stimulation of photosynthesis may well occur. Both NOx and NHy generally cause an increase in shoot/root ratio. The specific root length and the amount of mycorrhizal infection can be reduced by both compounds. However, these alterations in root properties resemble general responses to increased nitrogen nutrient supply. 4.1.4 Interactions with climatic conditions Evidence suggests that exposure of vegetation to NH3 and to mixtures of NO2 and SO2 can influence the subsequent response to drought and frost stress. There is also evidence that environmental conditions can affect the response to NOx and to NH3. The foliar uptake of nitrogenous compounds in the form of wet and occult deposition is largely via the cuticle. Uptake and exchange of ions through the leaf surface is a relatively slow process, and thus is especially relevant if the surface remains wet for longer periods, e.g., in regions where exposure to mist and clouds is frequent. The solubility of most gases, including NO, NO2 and NH3, rises as temperature falls, while the metabolic activity of plants and thus their detoxification capacity is lower. On the other hand, stomatal conductivity and thus the influx of gases generally falls as temperature falls. Guderian (1988) proposed a lower critical level in winter than for the whole year, in acknowledgement of several results that indicate greater toxicity of NO2 during winter conditions. For example, exposure of Poa pratensis in outdoor chambers to 120 µg/m3 inhibited growth during winter but had little effect or even stimulated growth in summer and autumn (Whitmore & Freer-Smith, 1982). Mortensen (1986) found that low light and non-injurious low temperature conditions can enhance the toxicity of NOx. Capron et al. (1991) found that the depression relative to the control of net photosynthesis by 1250 µg NO/m3 plus 575 µg NO2/m3 at 10°C was three times, and at 5°C was almost five times, that recorded at 20°C. An interaction between NOx and temperature may also occur at lower realistic concentrations. This is suggested by the observation of nitrite accumulation at low temperatures during fumigation of Picea rubra with 38 µg NO2/m3 plus 54 µg SO2/m3 (Wolfenden et al., 1991). This temperature effect may play a role in combination with elevated concentrations of CO2 as well: the stimulating effect of CO2 on net photosynthesis was inhibited by NOx to a larger extent when applied at lower temperature (Capron et al., 1994). Observation of NH3 injury to plants also indicates that this is greatest in winter (Van der Eerden, 1982). In contrast with the view that NOx (and NH3) injury is greater at low temperatures, Srivastava et al. (1975) found that inhibition by NOx of photosynthesis was greatest under optimal temperature and high light conditions, when stomatal conductance to the gas would be highest. The exposure of plants to NOx and NH3 may reduce their ability to withstand drought stress, owing to loss of control of transpiration by stomata and to an increase in the shoot/root ratio (Lucas, 1990; Atkinson et al., 1991; Fangmeijer et al., 1994). 4.1.5 Interactions with the habitat Whether the atmospheric input of nitrogen has a positive or negative impact depends on the plant species and habitat. Based on experimental evidence, Pearson & Stewart (1993) hypothesized that species which are part of a climax vegetation on nutrient-poor acidic soils are often relatively sensitive to NOx and NHy. Morgan et al. (1992) found that NOx disrupted the NR activity to a greater extent in calcifuge than calcicole moss species. Ombrotrophic mires and other strongly nitrogen-limited systems may be especially prone to detrimental effects from input of nitrogen-containing air pollutants. The assimilation of low concentrations of NO2 and the incorporation into amino acids by NR (Morgan et al., 1992; Table 20) are indicators that this pollutant can contribute to the nitrogen budget of plants (Pérez-Soba et al., 1994). The contribution of NOx to the nitrogen supply increases as root-available nitrogen is lowered (Okano & Totsuka, 1986; Rowland et al., 1987). Srivastava & Ormrod (1986) observed reduced ability to respond to a supply of nitrate to the roots when Hordeum vulgare was fumigated with NO2. Similarly, Pérez-Soba & Van der Eerden (1993) found reduced uptake of NH4+ from the soil when Pinus sylvestris was fumigated with NH3. Although there is much evidence that nitrogen-containing air pollutants play a role in the nitrogen demand and nitrogen metabolism of the plant, Ashenden et al. (1993) found no obvious relationship between sensitivity to NO2 and nitrogen preference, as indicated by Ellenberg (1985). 4.1.6 Increasing pest incidence Any change in chemical composition of plants due to the uptake of nitrogenous air pollutants could alter the behaviour of pests and pathogens. Evidence indicates that, in general, NOx and NHy increase the growth rate of herbivorous insects (Dohmen et al., 1984; Flückiger & Braun, 1986; Houlden et al., 1990; Van der Eerden et al., 1991). This may also apply to fungal pathogens (van Dijk et al., 1992). 4.1.7 Conclusions for various atmospheric nitrogen species and mixtures NO2 In Table 20 the lowest effective exposure levels for NO2 are given. Three different types of effects are considered: * (bio)chemical: e.g., enzyme activity, consumption quality * physiological: e.g., CO2 assimilation, stomatal conductivity * growth aspects: e.g., biomass, reproduction, stress sensitivity Four exposure durations are used in this table. These are (including an indication of the exposure durations and the margins): * short term (hours): < 8 h * air pollution episodes (days): 8 h to 2 weeks * growing season or winter season (months): 2 weeks to 6 months * long term (years): > 6 months To avoid the information being too selective, in each cell in this table a species is used only once. For each cell the three lowest effective concentrations and exposure durations are given; species and references are mentioned in footnotes. Exposure levels far higher than current levels measured in the field situation have not been considered. The fact that not all cells in Table 20 are filled with information is because many of the experiments have been conducted with unrealistically high concentrations. The majority of observations mentioned in the table are on crops; several of these show growth stimulation. Most of the responses on a biochemical level deal with enhanced NR activity, which shows that the plants are capable of assimilating the NO2. A general effect threshold as derived from Table 20 would be substantially higher if enhanced NR and biomass production of crops were not assumed to be an adverse effect. However, growth stimulation is often considered an adverse effect in most types of natural vegetation. Moreover, Pearson & Stewart (1993) assumed detoxification of NHy and NOx to be a potentially adverse effect, because it contributes to cellular acidification, which can not always be counteracted. NO In Table 21 the lowest effective exposure levels for NO are given. Most research into the effects of nitric oxide has been based on glasshouse crops, particularly the tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). Virtually all experiments deal with photosynthesis or enzymatic reactions and a few growth aspects were measured. The existing data are rather difficult to interpret since controlled fumigation with NO inevitably results in some oxidation to NO2. Thus atmospheres will contain a mixture of the oxides. There is growing interest in the distinct properties and effects of NO and NO2, and the mechanisms of their cellular action probably differ (Wellburn, 1990). The exchange properties of NO and NO2 over vegetation (personal communication by D. Fowler to the IPCS) and single plants (Saxe, 1986) appear quite different. Their effects are also contrasting, and there is clearly some dispute over which oxide is the most toxic. Earlier studies of the inhibition of photosynthesis found NO to act more rapidly than NO2 (at several ppm) but to cause less overall depression of the photosynthetic rate (Hill & Bennet, 1970). More recent photosynthetic studies by Saxe (1986), using similar concentrations, found NO to be considerably more toxic than NO2. There is very little information on contrasting effects of the two oxides at low concentrations, but this also adds weight to the suggestion that NO is biologically more toxic. In her studies of NR in bryophytes, Morgan et al. (1992) discovered that exposure to NO initially inhibited NR while NO2 induced activity. At present, however, there is insufficient knowledge across a range of species to establish separate critical levels for NO and NO2, and studies using a wider variety of vegetation are urgently required. NH3 The lowest effective exposure levels for NH3 are given in Table 22. The toxicity of NH3 during very short exposure periods has been tested for the purpose of evaluating accidental releases during transport or industrial processes. The estimated critical level for 10 min is (100 ppm) (personal communication by Lee & Davison to the IPCS). This type of exposure is out of the context of this monograph. Table 20. Lowest exposure levels (in µg/m3) and durations at which NO2 caused significant effectsa (Bio)chemical Physiological Growth aspects Long term 200 (130); 104 h/week; 7 monthsr 120-500; 9.5 monthss 122; 37 weekst Growing season 50; 39 daysb 120; 22 daysj 10-43; 130 daysu or winter 125; 140 daysc 190 (65); 105 h 55-75; 62 daysv 940; 19 daysd in 15 daysk 150-190 (28-33); 120 h in 40 daysw Air pollution 140; 1 daye 375 (165); 35 h in 375; 2 weeksx episodes 160; 7 daysf 5 daysl 190; 3 daysm 100 (25); 65; 1 dayg 375 (165); 35 h 20 h in 5 daysy in 5 daysn Short term 7500, 6 hh 940; 1 ho 2000-3000; 3.5 hz 7500; 4 hi 850; 7 hp 1100; 1.5 hq a If the fumigation was not continuous an average value has been estimated and quoted in parentheses (calculated assuming 10 µg/m3 during the periods in which the fumigation was switched off). b Pinus sylvestris; changes in amino acid composition, with no physiological changes (Näsholm et al., 1991) c Lolium perenne; increase in GDH activity (Wellburn et al., 1981) d Lycopersicum esculentum; decrease in nitrate content of the leaves (Taylor & Eaton, 1966) e Picea rubens, increase in NR activity (Norby et al., 1989) Table 20 (Con't) f Pinus sylvestris, increase in NR activity (Wingsle et al., 1987) g Several bryophyte species; increase in NR activity (Morgan et al., 1992) h Zea mais; increase in NiR activity (Yoneyama et al., 1979) i Vicia faba; change in amino acid composition (Ito et al., 1984) j Betula sp; increased water loss (Neighbour et al., 1988) k Phaseolus vulgaris; reversible increase in dark respiration (Sandhu & Gupta, 1989) l Glycine max; increase in photosynthesis (Sabarathnam et al., 1988a,b) m Phaseolus vulgaris; increase in transpiration (Ashenden, 1979) n Glycine max; enhanced dark respiration (Sabarathnam et al., 1988b) o Vicia faba; reversible structural damage on cellular level (Wellburn et al., 1972) p Pisum sativum; emission of stress ethylene (Mehlhorn & Wellburn, 1987) q Medicago sativa, Avena sativa; inhibition of photosynthesis (Hill & Bennet, 1970) r Several grass species; reduction in shoot growth (Whitmore & Mansfield, 1983) s Citrus sinensis; increased fruit drop (Thompson et al., 1970) t Polytrichum formosum and 3 fern species; injury and changes in growth (Ashenden et al., 1990; Bell et al., 1992) u Brassica napus and Hordeum vulgare; growth stimulation (resp.: Adaros et al., 1991a,b) v Phaseolus vulgaris; increase in total dry matter, not in yield (Bender et al., 1991) w Raphanus sativus; growth stimulation (Runeckles & Palmer, 1987) x Helianthus annuus; reduction in net assimilation rate (Okano et al., 1985b) y Pinus strobus; slight needle necrosis in 2 of 8 clones (Yang et al., 1983) z Nicotiana tabacum; leaf necrosis (Bush et al., 1962) Table 21. Lowest exposure levels (in µg/m3) at which NO caused significant effectsa (Bio)chemical Physiological Growth aspects Growing season 44; 21 daysb 625; 16 daysn 500; 28 daysc 500;o Air pollution 375; 8 daysd 1250; 4 daysi 1250; 5 daysp episodes 44; 8-24 he 125; 20 hj 1875; 18 hf Short term 188; 7 hg 750; 1 hk 500; 3 hh 2500; 10 minl 1875; 20 minm a If the fumigation was not continuous an average value has been estimated and quoted in parentheses (calculated assuming 10 µg/m3 during the periods in which the fumigation was switched off). b Four bryophyte species; inhibition of nitrate-induction of NR (Morgan et al., 1992) c Lycopersicon esculentum; induction of NiR (Wellburn et al., 1980) d Lactuca sativa; induction of NiR (Besford & Hand, 1989) e Ctenidium molluscum (bryophyte); inhibition of NR (Morgan et al., 1992) f Capsicum annum; reduction in NiR activity (Murray & Wellburn, 1980) g Pisum sativum; increase in ethylene release (Mehlhorn & Wellburn, 1987) h Lycopersicon esculentum; induction of NiR (Wellburn et al., 1980) i Eight indoor ornamental species; inhibition of photosynthesis (Saxe, 1986) j Lycopersicon esculentum; inhibition of photosynthesis (Capron & Mansfield, 1989) k Avena sativa & Medicago sativa; inhibition of photosynthesis (Hill & Bennet, 1970) l Lactuca sativa; inhibition of photosynthesis (Capron, 1989) m Lycopersicon esculentum; inhibition of photosynthesis (Mortensen, 1986) n Lactuca sativa; reduction in plant mass (Capron et al., 1991) o Lycopersicon esculentum; reduction in plant mass (Anderson & Mansfield, 1979) p Lycopersicon esculentum; reduction in plant mass (Bruggink et al., 1988) Table 22. Lowest exposure levels (in µg/m3) at which NH3 caused significant effectsa (Bio)chemical Physiological Growth aspects Long term 50; 8 monthsb 53; 9 monthsh 25; 1 yeark 53; 8 monthsl 35; 16 monthsm Growing season 100; 6 weeksc 50; 6 weeksi 60; 2 monthsn or winter 60; 14 weeksd 20; 90 dayso 180; 13 weekse 30; 23 daysp Air pollution 2000; 24 hf 213; 5 daysj 120; 11 daysq episodes 213; 5 daysg 1000; 2 weeksr 300; 3 dayss Short term 30 000; 1 ht 2000 2 hu 2000 6 hv a If the fumigation was not continuous an average value has been estimated and quoted in parentheses (calculated assuming 10 µg/m3 during the periods in which the fumigation was switched off). b Species of Violion caninea alliance; imbalanced nutrient status (Dueck & Elderson, 1992) c Deschampsia flexuosa; change in amino acid composition (Van der Eerden et al., 1990) d Pinus sylvestris; increased GS activity (Pérez-Soba et al., 1990) e Pseudotsuga menziesii; imbalanced nutrient status (Van der Eerden et al., 1992) f Lycopersicum esculentum; increase of NH4+ in the dark (Van der Eerden, 1982) g Lolium perenne; 30% of N in the plant is derived from foliar uptake (Wollenheber & Raven, 1993) h Pinus sylvestris; increased loss of water after two weeks of desiccation (Dueck et al., 1990) i Populus sp.; increase in stomatal conductance in leaves; increase in mesophyll conductance and maximum photosynthetic rate at a slightly higher exposure level (Van Hove et al., 1989) j Lolium perenne; significant impact acid/base regulation and nutrients status Table 22 (Con't) k Pseudotsuga menziesii; erosion of wax layer (Thijse & Baas, 1990; the authors have some doubts about the causality of this effect (personal communication) l Calluna vulgaris; reduction in survival rate after winter (Dueck, 1990) m Arnica montana; reduced survival after winter and flowering (Van der Eerden et al., 1991) n Field exposure during winter; median concentration; severe injury of several conifer species (Van der Eerden, 1982) o Viola canina, Agrostis capillaris; 50% growth stimulation of the shoot (not of the roots) (Van der Eerden et al., 1991) p Racomitrium lanuginosum; chlorosis (Van der Eerden et al., 1991) q Hypnum jutlandicum; chlorosis (Van der Eerden et al., 1991) r Lepidium sativum; reduction in dry weight (Van Haut & Prinz, 1979) s Several horticultural crops; leaf injury t Various deciduous trees; leaf injury (Ewert, 1979) u Brassica sp., Helianthus sp.; leaf injury (Benedict & Breen, 1955) v Rosa sp.; leaf injury rose (Garber, 1935) Several cells in Table 22 could not be filled; the majority of quoted effects are on biomass production and tissue injury. It is clear that the data in this table are not random; nearly all of the information originating from one Dutch research group. Only a few pollution climates were considered. The results may be representative for mild oceanic climates, but probably not for cold climates with dark winters: toxicity of NH3 increases with lower temperature and lower light intensity. The effects of NH3 need to be studied with more plant species and under more climatic conditions in order to obtain critical levels with sufficient potential for generalization. NH4+ and NO3- in wet and occult deposition NH4+, NO3- and H+ make up about half of the ionic composition of rain, clouds, fog and aerosols. The impact of the acidity of rain and clouds has received much attention in recent years (Jacobson, 1991). This is not the case with other compounds in wet deposition, although their relevance is recognized. At the same pH, Cape et al. (1991) found a much greater effect of sulfuric acid than of nitric acid, indicating that the impact of acid rain is not only through protons, but also through anions. There is an abundance of information on the effects of NH4+ in soil solution. However, threshold concentrations for NH4+ in the soil (e.g. Schenk & Wehrman, 1979) can not be considered a critical level for rain water quality, because the type of exposure and response is completely different. Wet deposition containing NH4+ can reduce frost tolerance (Cape et al., 1990) and induce leaching of K+ and other cations (Roelofs et al., 1985). It is not yet clear whether this type of ion exchange can have deleterious effects on its own in the field situation. Currently, too few quantitative data on the effects of nitrogen- containing wet and occult deposition are available for critical levels for this group of compounds to be derived. Mixtures A polluted atmosphere generally consists of a cocktail of compounds, but certain combinations are more frequent. Because of their role in the formation of tropospheric O3, simultaneous co-occurrence of relatively high levels of O3 and NO are rarely observed, while sequential co-occurrences are much more frequent (Kosta-Rick & Manning, 1993). If burning of fossil fuels results in emission of SO2, this is often combined with emission of NOx. a) SO2 plus NO2 Synergism has been found in nearly all studies concerning this combination, with only few exceptions (Kuppers & Klump 1988; Murray et al., 1992). Based on data presented by Whitmore (1985), for Poa pratensis the effect threshold for combinations of SO2 and NO2, in equal concentrations when expressed in ppm, is in the range of 1.2-2.0 ppm.days (Fig. 19). This threshold applies to effects by combinations of SO2 and NO2; the effects of single exposures were not assessed in this study. However, it is reasonable from other references to expect synergism, and thus to include this threshold in Table 23, in which combined effects are summarized. Another threshold for combinations of SO2 and NO2 was defined by Van der Eerden & Duym (1988) (Fig. 20; Table 23). b) SO2 plus NH3 Adsorption of either NH3 or SO2 on leaf surfaces is enhanced by the presence of the other compound (Van Hove et al., 1989). Interactive physiological effects have been found as well (Dueck, 1990; Dueck et al., 1990; Dueck & Elderson, 1992). Currently, there is far too little information on this combination to quantify this interaction. Table 23. Lowest exposure levels at which NO2 increases the effect of SO2, O3, or SO2 plus O3 (Bio)chemical Physiological Growth aspects Long term 150-190; 9 monthsf 220; 60 weeksg 19; 10-41 weeksh Growing season 55-75; 34 daysb 135; 28 daysd 30; 38 daysi or winter 135; 28 daysc 10-43; 130 daysj 30; 43 daysk Air pollution 80; 2 weeksl episodes 75; 1 daym Short term 153; 1 he 325; 1 hm 400; 1 hn a If the fumigation was not continuous an average value has been estimated and quoted in parentheses (calculated assuming 10 µg/m3 during the periods in which the fumigation was switched off). b Phaseolus vulgaris; inhibition of parts of nitrogen metabolism, when exposed sequentially with O3 (100-120 µg/m3; 8 h/day) c Lolium perenne; decrease in proline content during winter hardening when applied in combination with SO2 at 188 µg/m3 (Davison et al., 1987) d Lolium perenne; less negative osmotic potential during winter hardening when applied in combination with SO2 at 188 µg/m3 (Davison et al., 1987) e Phaseolus vulgaris; Inhibition of photosynthesis when in combination with SO2 (215 µg/m3); without SO2 inhibition at 760 µg/m3 (Bennet et al., 1990) f Several crops; growth stimulation by NO2 turns into a reduction in synergism with sequential treatment with O3 (160-200 µg/m3; 6 h/day) (Runeckles & Palmer, 1987) g Six tree species; reduced plant growth in combination with SO2 (280 µg/m3), both antagonism and synergism (Freer-Smith, 1984) h 10 grass species were tested in combination with SO2 (27 µg/m3). Three species showed growth stimulation. Reduced growth was found at higher concentrations. Interactions with acidic mist and with O3 were found (Ashenden et al., 1993). Table 23 (Con't) i Poa pratensis; inhibition of biomass production; in combination with SO2 (42 µg/m3) for 38 days; the longest exposure period used in the experiments. Calculated from data from Whitmore (1985), assuming synergism and a critical level for SO2 plus NO2 of 1.2 ppm.days (Whitmore, 1985). j Brassica napus and Hordeum vulgare; antagonism (and rarely synergism) with O3 (6-44 µg/m3; 8 h/day) and SO2 (9-33 µg/m3, continuously): enhanced yield turns into reduction (Adaros et al., 1991a,b) k Plantago mayor; reduced shoot dry weight synergism with SO2 (60 µg/m3) and O3 (60 µg/m3, 8 h/day) (Mooi, 1984) l Poa pratensis; inhibition of biomass production; in combination with SO2 (110 µg/m3) for 2 weeks (the upper margin of the exposure period of this cell in the table; the shortest fumigation in this survey was 20 days. Calculated from data from Whitmore (1985), assuming synergism and a critical level for SO2 plus NO2 of 1.2 ppm.days (Whitmore, 1985). m Critical level for NO2 assuming SO2 to be present at 70 µg/m3; considered to be a critical level for a 24-h mean (UNECE, 1994) (Van der Eerden & Duym, 1988) n Lycopersicon esculentum; reduction in plant mass if in combination or preceded by O3 (160 µg/m3; 1 h) (Goodyear & Ormrod, 1988). c) NO plus NO2 When activated charcoal has been used as filter material in NO2 fumigation experiments, NO must have been present as well, because activated charcoal has virtually no capacity to absorb NO. In those studies, responses must have been due to NO2 plus NO. Although the toxicity of NO was often considered to be much less than that of NO2, currently the two compounds are assumed to be equally toxic and to act additively. However, Wellburn (1990) and others have stated that NO is more toxic, and Saxe (1994) showed that the variation in sensitivity amongst species is different for the two compounds. This supports the suggestion of Wellburn that the mechanism of toxicity is different. For the purpose of deriving critical levels, the assumption of additivity may result in an underestimation. However, there are not enough data to quantify this. d) Mixtures with O3 The combination NH3 plus O3 has rarely been studied. No statistically significant interactions have been found as yet, but in one study the threshold for leaf injury was higher in the presence of NH3 (Van der Eerden et al., 1994). The combination NO2 plus O3 has been studied more frequently, but the responses differed considerably between experiments and species. Additivity or antagonism was found by Runeckles & Palmer (1987), Adaros et al. (1991a,b), and Bender et al. (1991). Synergism was reported by Ito et al. (1984), Runeckles & Palmer (1987) and Kosta-Rick & Manning (1993). The combination of SO2 plus O3 plus NO2 has also been studied. Again the responses varied between plant species and experiment. Antagonism, additivity and synergism have all been found (Kosta-Rick & Manning, 1993). e) Mixtures with elevated CO2 Generally, an increased supply of CO2 to crops results in an enhanced biomass production. The responses of native species are more variable but are also frequently positive. This growth stimulation is limited by a deficiency of other nutrients. Nitrogen can be one such limiting factor, and for this reason a nitrogen fertilizer such as NHy and possibly low NOx concentrations could be hypothesized to have a more-than-additive relationship with CO2. However, as yet there is no experimental evidence for this. Van der Eerden et al. (1994) and Pérez-Soba et al. (1994) found stimulation of photosynthesis and growth by both NH3 and CO2, but not by a combination of these two compounds. Effects of the combination of NOx and CO2 have not yet been studied within the scope of global climate change. But some relevant information could be gained from the literature dealing with CO2 enrichment in glasshouses. When the flue gases of the heating system are used as a CO2 source, NOx (in which NO is dominant) becomes a major contaminant. The fertilizing effect of elevated CO2 can largely disappear in the presence of NOx (Anderson & Mansfield, 1979; Saxe & Voight Christensen, 1984; Mortensen, 1985; Bruggink et al., 1988; Capron et al., 1994). The CO2, NH3 and NOx concentrations used in combination in these experiments were relatively high and therefore cannot be used in the critical level assessment. More experiments with lower concentrations are required. Table 23 indicates, surprisingly, that the effective long-term exposures are generally higher than those of shorter duration. However, long-term responses (more than half a year) have rarely been studied. Therefore, the information on effects over growing season periods may be much more representative of long-term effects. A study included in a report by UNECE (1994) used 21 µg SO2/m3 and 11 µg NO2/m3, over the entire growing season and found synergism in reducing biomass production of Pisum sativum and Spinacea oleracea. Similar results were found for Hordeum vulgare and Brassica oleracea, when fumigation was conducted for 120-190 days with 30-40 µg SO2/m3 and 30-50 µg NO2/m3. This study cannot be used for the assessment of critical levels because it has not yet been published, but it indicates that lower levels of the two pollutants than those quoted in Table 23 can influence plant responses. 4.1.8 Appraisal Table 24 shows the former air quality guidelines for NO2 and some other critical levels assessed in the same period. Fig. 21 summarizes the results given in Tables 20 to 23. In this figure curves are drawn to estimate critical levels according to current practice, known as the "envelope" approach. After having plotted all effective exposure levels in a graph of concentration and exposure time, a curve is drawn just below the lowest effective exposures. Critical levels can be derived from this curve. Fig. 21 shows that more experiments with exposure periods of 0.5 to 5 days are required to give a more solid basis for the estimation of critical levels of 24 h. Table 24. Critical levels for NO2 Concentration Exposure time Reference (µg/m3) 95 4 h WHO (1987) 30a annual mean WHO (1987) 800 1 h Guderian (1988) 60 growing season Guderian (1988) 40 winter Guderian (1988) a SO2 and O3 not higher than 30 µg/m3 and 60 µg/m3, respectively A second approach to arrive at critical levels is the statistical model of Kooijman (1987). Based on the variation in sensitivity between species, critical levels are calculated taking into account the number of tested species and the level of uncertainty (Van der Eerden et al., 1991). The second approach is better, but only part of the available data is suitable for this approach. Tables 20 to 23 show that some new relevant information has appeared. Comparing the data of Table 20 with those of Table 21 (Fig. 21a and 21b), it appears that NO2 has slightly higher effect thresholds than NO. However, this probably reflects the separate attention paid to these compounds, rather than any difference in toxicity. It is now obvious that the toxicity of NO cannot be ignored, and it should be included in the guidance values. The consideration of NO and NO2 together (leading to a guidance value for NOx) seems the best way of evaluating the impact of NO. However, future research should evaluate the specific phytotoxic properties of the individual compounds and their combinations. It is not yet possible to discriminate in the critical level assessment between separate types of vegetation, such as crops, plantation forests, natural forests and other natural vegetation. A 1-h average for NO2 of 800 µg/m3 to prevent acute damage (Table 24) is probably too high. A critical level for NOx of around 300 µg/m3 would be better. A critical level of 95 µg/m3 as a 4-h mean, as proposed in the previous WHO guidelines (WHO, 1987), is still realistic, but not very practical. If critical levels for short periods (e.g., 1 or 8 h) should be defined, it is probably necessary to separate day- and night-time exposures. A critical level for a 24-h mean is more practical, as this is relevant for both peak concentrations of several hours and air pollution episodes of several days. For the growing season and winter half year, Guderian (1988) suggested critical levels of 60 and 40 µg/m3, respectively. From Table 20 it can be seen that the critical level of 60 µg/m3 can cause substantial growth stimulation rather than reduction. Within the context of air quality guidelines, this type of response must be regarded as potentially adverse because, for instance, of its influence on competition within the natural vegetation. From current knowledge it is evident that 60 µg/m3 is too high to prevent growth stimulation. In addition, the critical level of 30 µg/m3 for an annual mean, given in the 1987 WHO guidelines, will almost certainly not protect all plant species. However, for crops, where growth stimulation is rarely an adverse effect, this could be acceptable if secondary effects are negligible. The experimental basis for the WHO air quality guidelines of 1987 was relatively poor, but evidence is increasing that these are certainly not unrealistically low. Not even all direct adverse effects are eliminated by these levels (Adaros et al., 1991a,b; Bender et al., 1991; Ashenden et al., 1993). Thus, the updated guidelines/guidance values should be lower than the ones of 1987. A long-term critical level for NO2 of 10 µg/m3, especially to avoid eutrophication of nutrient-poor vegetation, was proposed by Guderian (1988) and Zierock et al. (1986). The basis for this proposal was the work of Lee et al. (1985) and Press et al. (1986), who found reduced growth of Sphagnum cuspidatum in regions with an annual mean concentration of 38 and 11 µg/m3, respectively, compared to the growth in another region with 4 µg/m3 after 140 days of exposure. However, Lee et al. (1985) also showed that the poor growth of Sphagnum was more closely related to the excessively high concentrations of nitrate and ammonium ions in bog water rather than to the concentration of NO2 alone. Thus, this information could well be used to assess water quality guidelines, but is not very useful as a basis for air quality guidelines. Representativity of the data Critical levels for adverse effects of NH3 on plants were estimated using the model of Kooijman (Van der Eerden et al., 1991). To protect 95% of the species at P < 0.05, a 24-h critical level of 270 and an annual mean critical level of 8 µg/m3 were estimated. With the graphical approach the 24-h average was a little lower and the annual mean somewhat higher (13 and 200 µg/m3, respectively; Fig. 21). On the basis of a review by Cape (1994), critical levels for H+ and NH4+ were adopted for locations where ground-level cloud is present for more than 10% of the time and where calcium and magnesium concentrations in rain or cloud do not exceed H+ and NH4+ concentrations (mainly high elevation areas in cold climate zones): 300 µmol NH4+/litre as an annual mean (UNECE, 1994). There remains considerable deficiency in the amount and scope of experimentally derived information on which to base air quality guidelines. This results from the fact that most experiments have been performed under conditions that cannot directly be compared to outdoor circumstances. In most experiments, only primary effects such as photosynthesis and biomass production were evaluated, and rarely secondary effects such as alteration of stress tolerance or competitive ability. The plant species chosen in most experiments were crops, although evidence suggests that some native species are relatively more sensitive. For instance, lower plants such as bryophytes and lichens are not protected by a waxy waterproof cuticle and do not have the potential to close stomata. Furthermore, Pearson & Stewart (1993) suggested that plants species from nutrient-poor acidic soils are more sensitive. Further work, employing low concentrations of NHy and NOx (especially NO) in different climates, is urgently required. It is not realistic to screen for all likely growth and physico-chemical effects in the majority of species in order to arrive at general effect thresholds. Selections must be made on the basis of an understanding of differences in sensitivity between species. However, an obvious mechanistic explanation for sensitivity differences is not yet available. For instance, there appears to be no relationship between the sensitivity to NO2 and the nitrogen preference (Ellenberg, 1985; Ashenden et al., 1993). Sensitivity classifications for some tens of species have been made for NO2 and NH3 (e.g. US EPA, 1978; Taylor et al., 1987), but it appears difficult to extend predicitions very far beyond those examined. The hypotheses of Raven (1988) and Pearson & Stewart (1993) should be studied in more detail in laboratory experiments and field studies, as they could result in an efficient selection criterium for further screening. An attempt to determine the global situation regarding nitrogen-containing compounds is being made. The assumption that all deposited nitrogen-containing compounds (which is part of the critical load concept) act additionally in their impact on vegetation is poorly based on experimental results and is probably not valid for the short term. Generalizations and simplifications have to be made to arrive at conclusions that are applicable in environmental policy making, but this should be done with great care. Mechanistic simulation models can become a powerful tool for making general predictions on the basis of various air pollution experiments (Van de Geijn et al., 1993). However, sufficient knowledge of biochemical and physiological mechanisms to incorporate the impact of air pollution on vegetation into these models is still lacking. This applies especially to natural vegetation where stress sensitivity and competition are key factors. Many gaps in understanding the impact of nitrogen-containing air pollution on vegetation still exist, and this is a good reason to use a safety factor in determining critical levels and loads. However, currently there is still no broadly accepted approach to quantify such a safety factor. 4.1.9 General conclusions The sum of information on gaseous NH3 and on NH4+ in wet and occult deposition is still too limited to arrive at air quality guidelines, as they should have a broad applicability. The critical levels for NH3 and NH4+ are probably only valid for temperate oceanic climatic zones (see sections, and 4.1.8). In most studies with NO and NO2, no significant effects were found at levels below 100 µg/m3, but several relevant exceptions exist. NO2 altered the response to O3 generally with a less-than-additive interaction. In combination with SO2, NO2 acted more-than-additively in most cases. With CO2 and with NO, no interaction and thus additivity were generally found. The lowest effective concentration levels of NO2 are about equal for NO2 alone and in combination with O3 or SO2, although, generally, at concentrations near to its effect threshold NO2 causes growth stimulation if it is the only pollutant, while in combination with SO2 and/or O3 it results in growth inhibition. To include the impact of NO, a critical level for NOx instead of one for NO2 is proposed, assuming that NO and NO2 act in an additive manner. A strong case can be made for the provision of critical levels for short-term exposures, but currently there are insufficient data to provide these with sufficient confidence. Current evidence exists for a critical level of around 75 µg/m3 for NOx as a 24-h mean. The critical level for NOx (NO and NO2, added in ppb and expressed as NO2 in µg/m3) is 30 µg/m3 as an annual mean. At concentrations slightly above this critical level, growth stimulation will be the dominant effect if the ambient conditions allow growth and NOx is the only pollutant. This stimulation may be combined with a minor increase in sensitivity to biotic and abiotic stresses. In cases where biomass production is a positive effect, e.g., in agriculture and plantation forests, the critical level can be higher. Current knowledge is insufficient to arrive at critical levels for these systems. The critical level can be converted into deposition quantities. With deposition velocities of 3 and 0.3 mm/second for NO2 and NO, respectively (see section 3.2.2 and Table 5), the annual deposition corresponding to a NOx concentration of 30 µg/m3 is 4.8 kg/ha when half of the NOx is NO2 and 8.3 kg/ha when all is NO2. This indicates that at a concentration near to its critical level the contribution of NOx to the nitrogen demand is negligible for fertilized crops but not for natural vegetation (see section 4.2). 4.2 Effects on natural and semi-natural ecosystems 4.2.1 Effects on freshwater and intertidal ecosystems In this section the effects of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on freshwater and intertidal ecosystems are evaluated. The effects of increased emissions of nitrogen compounds with respect to eutrophication are examined in order to establish ecosystem guidelines for nitrogen deposition. The ecological effects of nitrogen deposition are reviewed for (i) shallow softwater lakes and (ii) lakes and streams. Effects of nitrogen deposition on shallow softwater lakes In the lowlands of western Europe, soft water is often found on sandy soil which is poor in calcium carbonate or almost devoid of it. The water is poorly buffered and the concentrations of calcium in the water layer are very low. The water bodies are shallow and fully mixed, with periodically fluctuating water levels. They are mainly fed by rain water and thus are oligotrophic. These softwater ecosystems are characterized by plant communities from the phytosociological alliance Littorellion (Schoof-van Pelt, 1973; Wittig, 1982; Roelofs, 1986; Vöge, 1988; Arts, 1990). The stands of these communities are characterized by the presence of rare and endangered isoetids, such as Littorella uniflora, Lobelia dortmanna, Isoetes lacustris, I. echinospora, Echinodorus species, Luronium natans and many other softwater macrophytes. These softwater bodies are now almost all within nature reserves and have become very rare in western Europe. A strong decline in amphibians has also been observed in these water bodies (Leuven et al., 1986). The effects of nitrogen pollutants on these softwater bodies have been intensively studied in the Netherlands both in field surveys and experimental studies. Field observations on about 70 softwater bodies (with well-developed isoetid vegetation in the 1950s) showed that the water, in which these macrophytes were still abundant in the early 1980s, was poorly buffered (alkalinity of 50-500 µeq/litre), slightly acidic (pH=5-6) and very poor in nitrogen (Roelofs, 1983; Arts et al., 1990). The softwater sites where these plant species had disappeared could be divided into two groups. In 12 of the 53 softwater sites, eutrophication, resulting from nutrient-enriched water, seemed to be the cause of the decline. In this group of non-acidified water bodies, plant species, such as Myriophyllum alterniflorum, Lemna minor or Riccia fluitans had become dominant. High concentrations of phosphate and ammonium ions were measured in the sediment. In some of the larger water bodies no macrophytes were found, as a result of dense plankton bloom. In the second group of lakes and pools (41 out of 53) another development had taken place: the isoetid species were replaced by dense stands of Juncus bulbosus or aquatic mosses such as Sphagnum cuspidatum or Drepanocladus fluitans. This clearly indicates acidification of the water in recent decades, probably caused by enhanced atmospheric deposition. In the same field study it was shown that the nitrogen levels in the water were higher in ecosystems where the natural vegetation had disappeared, compared with ecosystems where the Littorellion stands were still present (Roelofs, 1983). This strongly suggests the detrimental effects of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in these softwater lakes. Several ecophysiological studies have revealed the importance of (i) inorganic carbon status of the water as a result of intermediate levels of alkalinity, and (ii) low nitrogen concentrations for the growth of the endangered isoetid macrophytes. Furthermore, almost all of the typical softwater plants had a relatively low potential growth rate. Increased acidity and higher concentrations of ammonium ion in the water clearly stimulated the development of Juncus bulbosus and submerged mosses such as Sphagnum and Drepanocladus species (Roelofs et al., 1984; Den Hartog, 1986). Cultivation experiments confirmed that the nitrogen species involved (ammonium or nitrate ions) differentially influenced the growth of the studied species of water plants. Almost all of the characteristic softwater isoetids developed better when nitrate was added instead of ammonium, whereas Juncus bulbosus and aquatic mosses (Sphagnum & Drepanocladus) were clearly stimulated by ammonium (Schuurkes et al., 1986). The importance of ammonium for the growth of these aquatic mosses was also reported by Glime (1992). The effects of atmospheric deposition have been studied in small-scale softwater systems during a 2-year treatment with different artificial rainwaters. Acidification, without airborne nitrogen input (using sulfuric acid), did not result in a mass growth of Juncus bulbosus, and a diverse isoetid vegetation remained present. However, after increasing the nitrogen concentration in the precipitation (as ammonium sulfate), similar changes to those seen in field conditions were observed, i.e. a dramatic increase in the dominance of Juncus bulbosus, of submerged aquatic mosses and of Agrostic canina (Schuurkes et al., 1987). It became obvious that the observed changes occurred because of the effects of ammonium sulfate deposition, leading to both eutrophication and acidification. The increased levels of ammonium in the system directly stimulated the growth of plants such as Juncus bulbosus, whereas the surplus ammonium would be nitrified in this water (pH > 4.0). During this nitrification process, H+ ions are produced, which increases the acidity of the system. The results of this study clearly demonstrated that the changes in composition of the vegetation had already occurred after a 2-year treatment with > 19 kg nitrogen per ha per year. A reliable critical load for nitrogen deposition in these shallow softwater lakes is thus most likely to be below 19 kg nitrogen per ha per year and probably between 5 to 10 kg nitrogen per ha per year. This value is supported by the observation that the greatest decline in the species composition of the Dutch Litorellion communities has coincided with nitrogen loads of around 10-13 kg nitrogen per ha per year (Arts, 1990). Effects of nitrogen deposition on lakes and streams There is ample evidence that an increase of acidic and acidifying compounds in atmospheric deposition had resulted in recent acidification of lakes and streams in geologically sensitive regions of Scandinavia, western Europe, Canada and the USA (Hultberg, 1988; Muniz, 1991). This acidification is characterized by a decrease in pH and acid neutralizing capacity and by increases in concentrations of sulfate, aluminium, and sometimes nitrate and ammonium. It has been shown since the 1970s, using various approaches (field surveys, laboratory studies, whole-lake experiments), that these changes have had major consequences for plant and animal species (macrofauna, fishes) and for the functioning of these aquatic ecosystems. The critical loads of acidity (from SOy and NOy) for aquatic ecosystems, based on steady-state water chemistry models, were published by the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) in 1988 and 1992. These models incorporate both sulfur and nitrogen acidity, and critical loads are calculated on the basis of: (i) base cation deposition; (ii) internal alkalinity production or base cation concentrations; and (iii) nitrate leaching from the water system. The calculated critical loads are thus site-specific (sensitive areas or not) and also depend on the local hydrology and precipitation (for full details, see Hultberg (1988), Henriksen (1988) and Kämäri et al. (1992)). The critical loads of nitrogen acidity (kg nitrogen per ha per year) for the most sensitive lakes and streams are: Scandinavian 1.4-4.2 (Hultberg, 1988; Henriksen, waters 1988; Kämäri et al., 1992) Alpine lakes 3.5-6.1 (Marchetto et al., 1994) Humic moorland 3.5-4.5 (Schuurkes et al., 1987; pools van Dam & Buskens, 1993) In many areas with high water alkalinity and/or high base cation deposition, the values of the critical load for nitrogen acidity are much higher than those for sensitive freshwaters. At present, the possible effects of nitrogen eutrophication by ammonia/ammonium or nitrate deposition are not incorporated in the establishment of critical loads for nitrogen, except for shallow softwater lakes (see section This is because primary production in almost all aquatic ecosystems is limited by phosphorus availability, and thus nitrogen enrichment has been considered unimportant in this respect (Moss, 1988). This certainly holds for those aquatic ecosystems considered above, where the critical load with respect to acidifying effects are certainly more relevant than the effects of nitrogen eutrophication. It is, however, to be expected that the following aquatic ecosystems are sensitive to nitrogen enrichment: (i) alpine lakes; (ii) water with low background nitrogen; and (iii) humic lakes (Kämäri et al., 1992). The effects of nitrogen eutrophication (including ammonia/ammonium) in these water bodies need further research and should be taken into account in future critical loads determinations for nitrogen. At present it is not possible to present reliable critical loads for nitrogen eutrophication in these aquatic ecosystems. An overview of critical loads for nitrogen in aquatic ecosystems is given in section 8.2.2. 4.2.2 Effects on ombrotrophic bogs and wetlands In this section the effects of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in (semi-)natural wetlands are evaluated. The effects of enhanced nitrogen inputs are considered for: (i) ombrotrophic (raised) bogs; (ii) fens; and (iii) intertidal fresh- and saltwater marshes. A common feature of all these systems is the anaerobic nature of their waterlogged soils, characterized by low redox potential, high concentrations of toxic reduced substances and high rates of denitrification (Gambrell & Patrick, 1978; Schlesinger, 1991). Effects on ombrotrophic (raised) bogs Ombrotrophic ("rain-nourished") bogs, which receive all their nutrients from the atmosphere, are particularly sensitive to airborne nitrogen loads. These bogs are systems of acidic wet areas and are very common in the boreal and temperate parts of Europe. Because of the anaerobic conditions, decomposition rates are slow, favouring the development of peat. In western Europe and high northern latitudes, typical plant species include bog-mosses ( Sphagnum species), sedges (Carex; Eriophorum) and heathers ( Andromeda, Calluna and Erica). Insectivorous plant species (e.g., Drosera) are especially characteristic of these bogs; they compensate for low nitrogen concentrations by trapping and digesting insects (Ellenberg, 1988b). Clear effects of nitrogen eutrophication have been observed in Dutch ombrotrophic bogs. The composition of the moss layer in the small remnants of the formerly large bog areas has markedly changed in recent decades as nitrogen loads have increased to 20-40 kg nitrogen per ha per year (especially as NH4+/NH3). The most characteristic species (Sphagnum) are replaced by the more nitrophilous mosses (Greven, 1992). A national survey of Danish ombrotrophic bogs has shown a decline of the original bog vegetation together with an increase of more nitrogen-dependent species in areas with high ammonia deposition (> 25 kg ammonium nitrogen per ha per year (Aaby, 1990). The effects of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on ombrotrophic bogs have also been intensively studied in the United Kingdom (Lee et al., 1989; Lee & Studholme, 1992). Many characteristic Sphagnum species are now largely absent from affected ombrotrophic bog areas in the United Kingdom, such as the southern Pennines in England. Atmospheric nitrogen deposition has more than doubled in these areas to around 30 kg nitrogen per ha per year, compared with areas of healthy Sphagnum growth. In contrast to the situation in continental western Europe, most of the nitrogen deposition in the United Kingdom is of nitrogen oxides, although the importance of ammonia/ammonium deposition is also increasing in the United Kingdom (Fowler et al., 1980; Sutton et al., 1993). Several studies on bogs in the United Kingdom have shown that increased supplies of nitrogen are rapidly absorbed and utilized by bog-mosses (Sphagnum), reflecting the importance of nitrogen as a nutrient and its scarcity in unpolluted regions (Woodin et al., 1985; Woodin & Lee, 1987). The high nitrogen loadings are, however, supraoptimal for the growth of many characteristic Sphagnum species, as demonstrated by restricted development in growth experiments and transplantation studies between clean and polluted locations. In areas with high nitrogen loads, such as the Pennines, the growth of Sphagnum is in general less than in unpolluted areas (Lee & Studholme, 1992). After transplantation of Sphagnum from an unpolluted site to a bog in the southern Pennines, a rapid increase in plant nitrogen content from around 12 to 20 mg/g dry weight was observed (Press et al., 1986). A large increase in arginine in the shoots of these bog-mosses was also found after application of nitrogen. In field experiments in northern and southern parts of Sweden, nitrogen was found to be the limiting factor for the growth of Sphagnum. However, other nutrients, especially phosphorus, may become secondarily limiting to plant growth when nitrogen inputs reach a threshold (Aerts et al., 1992). A further possible effect of the increased nitrogen content of Sphagnum is an increased decay rate of the peat, as nitrogen content strongly influences decomposition rates (Swift et al., 1979). The decay rate of Sphagnum peat in Swedish ombrotrophic bogs has been studied along a gradient of nitrogen deposition (Hogg et al., 1994). The results of this short-term decay experiment indicated that the decomposition rate of Sphagnum peat is more influenced by the phosphorus content of the material than by its nitrogen content, although some relation with nitrogen supply has been observed. Further evidence is necessary to evaluate the long-term effects of enhanced nitrogen supply on the decay of peat. All these studies strongly indicate the detrimental effects of atmospheric nitrogen on the development of the bog-forming Sphagnum species. However, enhanced nitrogen deposition can influence the competitive relationships in nutrient-deficient vegetation such as bogs. The effects of the supply of extra nitrogen on the population ecology of Drosera rotundifolia has been recently studied in a 4-year experiment in Swedish ombrotrophic bogs (Redbo-Torstensson, 1994). It was demonstrated that experimental applications of more than 10 kg nitrogen (as NH4NO3) per ha per year clearly affected the population of this insectivorous species: the establishment of new individuals and the survival of the plants significantly decreased in the vegetation treated with extra nitrogen. This decrease in the total population density of the characteristic bog species Drosera was not caused by toxic effects of nitrogen, but by enhanced competition for light with tall species such as Eriophorum and Andromeda, which responded positively to the increased nitrogen inputs. On the basis of the United Kingdom and Scandinavian studies, it has become clear that increased nitrogen loads strongly affect ombrotrophic bog ecosystems, especially because of the high nitrogen retention capacity and closed nitrogen cycling. The growth of bog-mosses is reduced, directly by nitrogen and indirectly by a changed competitive relationship between the prostrate dominants (e.g. Eriophorum) and the subordinate plant species. A reliable critical load for nitrogen in these ombrotrophic bogs is 5-10 kg nitrogen per ha per year, although additional long-term studies with enhanced nitrogen (both nitrogen oxides and ammonia/ammonium) are necessary to validate this figure. Effects on mesotrophic fens Fens are wetland ecosystems that are typical of alkaline to slightly acidic habitats in many countries. The alkalinity is due to groundwater draining from surrounding rocks or sediments that are relatively rich in calcium carbonate. Most of these fen ecosystems are characterized by rare and endangered plants species. The effects of nitrogen enrichment upon mesotrophic fens have been intensively studied in the Netherlands (Verhoeven & Schmitz 1991; Koerselman & Verhoeven, 1992). These fen ecosystems are characterised by many Carex species and are rich in forbs (e.g., Pedicularis palustris; orchids). Most of these Dutch fen ecosystems are managed as hay meadows, with removal of the plant material further restricting nutrient levels, and are now nature reserves. A considerable increase of tall graminoids (grass or Carex species), with a somewhat higher potential growth rate, was observed after experimentally adding nitrogen to three Dutch fen ecosystems (Vermeer, 1986; Verhoeven & Schmitz, 1991). This increase caused a significant decrease in the diversity of subordinate plant species. In one of the Dutch fen sites investigated, which had a long history of hay making, it has been shown that phosphorus deficiency was also a major factor in the productivity of the system, since there was a high output of phosphorus from the ecosystem with the hay (Verhoeven & Schmitz, 1991; Koerselman & Verhoeven, 1992). Using the results of fertilization trials and nutrient budget studies in these fen ecosystems (Koerselman et al., 1990; Koerselman & Verhoeven, 1992), with their relatively closed nitrogen cycle, it seems reasonable to establish a critical load of 20-35 kg nitrogen per ha per year, based upon the output of the nitrogen from the fen system via normal management. In some fen ecosystems, the critical nitrogen load based on the change in diversity may be substantially higher, because of the limitation of productivity by phosphorus (Egloff, 1987; Verhoeven & Schmitz, 1991). In this situation, however, the risks of nitrogen losses to surface water or groundwater will increase because of phosphorus limitation, and this effect should be taken into account in critical load evaluation. High rates of denitrification could also influence the establishment of critical loads for these fen ecosystems, and this aspect needs further investigation. Effects on fresh- and saltwater marshes In the wetland ecosystems discussed above, the nitrogen cycle is more closed than that of intertidal marshes. The data on atmospheric nitrogen inputs to the nitrogen cycling in intertidal fresh- and saltwater marshes (with large prostrate graminoids as species of Spartina, Typha and Carex) have been reviewed by Morris (1991). It has become evident that nitrogen inputs to these marsh ecosystems via surface water (well above 100 kg nitrogen per ha per year) are much higher than the atmospheric loading. In non-tidal freshwater marshes, it has been demonstrated in many studies that denitrification is very high with a very large output of nitrogen from the ecosystem (Morris, 1991). Because of the combined effect of these processes, atmospheric nitrogen deposition is of only minor importance for these marshes, and it is not useful to establish a critical load for airborne nitrogen to these systems. In his review Morris (1991) formulated a critical load for atmospheric nitrogen in wetland ecosystems of around 20 kg nitrogen per ha per year. It is more appropriate to make a distinction for different types of wetlands, as shown above. An overview of the critical loads for wetlands is given in chapter 8. 4.2.3 Effects on species-rich grasslands Almost all of the research on the effects of atmospheric deposition on terrestrial vegetation has focused on ecosystems (e.g., forest, heathland and bogs) involving poorly buffered acidic soils. Semi-natural grasslands with traditional agricultural use have also been an important part of the landscape in western and central Europe, and contain, or used to contain, many rare and endangered plant and animal species. A number of these grasslands have been set aside as nature reserves in several European countries (Ellenberg, 1988b; Woodin & Farmer, 1993). These semi-natural grasslands, which are of conservation interest, are generally nutrient-poor because of long agricultural use with low levels of manure and the removal of plant growth by grazing or hay making. The vegetation is characterized by many low growing species and is of nutrient-poor soil status (Ellenberg, 1988b). Although these grasslands are nowadays rare, the proportion of endangered plant and animal species in these communities is very high (Van Dijk, 1992). Many experiments have shown that application of artificial fertilizer (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) changes these grasslands into tall, species-poor stands, dominated by a few highly productive crop grasses (Van Den Bergh, 1979; Willems, 1980; Van Hecke et al., 1981). To maintain a large diversity of species, addition of fertilizer has to be avoided. It is thus to be expected that these species-rich grasslands will be affected by increased atmospheric nitrogen input (Wellburn, 1988; Liljelund & Torstensson, 1988; Ellenberg, 1988b). Many semi-natural grassland types are present in western and central Europe. Most of these grasslands belong to the so-called neutral grasslands (Molinio-Arrhenateretea; moist to moderately dry), to the dry calcareous grasslands (Festuca-Brometea) or to the acid grasslands on very poor soils (Nardetalia). Detailed descriptions have been given by Ellenberg (1988b) and Van Dijk (1992). To obtain critical loads for nitrogen for all these grasslands, it would be essential to study the effects of nitrogen eutrophication in a representative range within these communities. Detailed data are, however, scarce. Therefore, the results of an integrated research programme on nitrogen eutrophication in Dutch calcareous grasslands are used as a target study in this chapter to obtain (i) information on observed changes in this type of grassland caused by enhanced nitrogen input, and (ii) a reliable estimation of the critical load for nitrogen in these well-buffered non-acidic grasslands. The results of this calcareous grassland study will be discussed in respect to other semi-natural grasslands. Effects of nitrogen on calcareous grasslands Calcareous grasslands are communities on limestone. The subsoils consist of various kinds of limestone with high contents of calcium carbonate (> 90%), covered by shallow well-buffered rendzina soils (A/C-profiles; pH of the top soil is 7-8 with a calcium carbonate content of around 10%). The depth of the soil varies between 10 and 50 cm and the availability of nitrogen and phosphorus is low. The grasslands are generally found on slopes with limestone in the subsoil and a deep groundwater table. Plant productivity is low, and the peak standing crop is in general between 150 and 400 g/m2. The canopy of the vegetation is open and low (10-20 cm). Calcareous grasslands are among the most species-rich plant communities in Europe and contain a large number of rare and endangered species. The area of these semi-natural grasslands has decreased substantially in Europe during the second half of this century (Wolkinger & Plank, 1981; Ratcliffe, 1984). Some remnants have become nature reserves in several European countries. To maintain the characteristic calcareous vegetation a specific management is needed to prevent their natural succession towards woodland (Wells, 1974; Dierschke, 1985). The calcareous grasslands in the Netherlands are mown in autumn with removal of the hay (Bobbink & Willems, 1987). a) Nitrogen enrichment and vegetation composition The effects of nitrogen enrichment in Dutch calcareous grasslands on vegetation composition have been investigated in two field experiments (Bobbink et al., 1988; Bobbink, 1991). Either potassium (100 kg per ha per year), phosphorus (30 kg per ha per year) or nitrogen (100 kg per ha per year), as well as a complete fertilization (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium), were applied for 3 years to study the long-term effects on vegetation composition. Nitrogen was given as ammonium nitrate and was applied to two nature reserves with opposite aspects (north and south). Total above-ground biomass increased considerably, as expected, after three years of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilization. In the experiments where the nutrients were applied individually, a moderate increase in above-ground dry weight was only seen with nitrogen addition: (about 330 g/m2 compared with about 210 g/m2 in the untreated plots). The dry weight distribution of the species was significantly affected by nutrient treatments. In the nitrogen-treated vegetation, the dry weight of the grass species Brachypodium pinnatum was about 3 times higher than in the control plots. Nitrogen application also resulted in a drastic reduction of the biomass of forb species (including several Dutch Red List species) and of the total number of species. The observed decrease in species diversity in the nitrogen-treated vegetation was not caused by nitrogen toxicity, but by the change in vertical structure of the grassland vegetation. The growth of Brachypodium was strongly stimulated and its overtopping leaves reduced the light within the vegetation. It overshadowed the other characteristic species and growth of these species declined rapidly (Bobbink et al., 1988; Bobbink, 1991). Stimulation of Brachypodium growth and a substantial reduction in species diversity were observed following application of nitrogen to a 5-year permanent plot study using a factorial design (Willems et al., 1993). Many characteristic lichens and mosses have also disappeared in recent years from European calcareous grasslands (During & Willen, 1986). This has been caused partly by the indirect effects of extra nitrogen inputs, as shown experimentally by Van Tooren et al. (1990). Data on the effects of nitrogen eutrophication on the species-rich fauna of calcareous grassland are not available. However, it is very likely that the diversity of animals, especially of insects, will also be reduced when tall grasses are strongly dominating the vegetation, because of the decreasing abundance of many herbaceous flowering species which act as host or forage plants. b) Nitrogen enrichment and nutrient storage in calcareous grasslands The seasonal distribution of nutrients after nitrogen fertilization in spring (120 kg nitrogen as ammonium nitrate) has been studied with the repeated harvest approach (Bobbink et al., 1989). It resulted in a significantly increased peak standing crop of Brachypodium . This grass proves to have very efficient nitrogen uptake and very efficient withdrawal from its senescent shoots into its well-developed rhizome system. Brachypodium can benefit from the extra nitrogen redistributed to the below-ground rhizomes by enhanced growth in the next spring. The distribution of nitrogen has also been quantified in 3-year fertilization experiments. Brachypodium greatly monopolized (> 75%) the nitrogen storage in both the above-ground and below-ground compartments of the vegetation with increasing nitrogen availability (Bobbink et al., 1988; Bobbink, 1991). Nitrogen cycling and accumulation in calcareous grassland can be significantly influenced by two major outputs from the system: (i) leaching from the soil; and (ii) removal with management regimes. Nitrogen losses by denitrification in dry calcareous grasslands are low (< 1 kg nitrogen per ha per year), owing to the well-drained soil conditions (Mosier et al., 1981). Ammonium and nitrate leaching has been studied in Dutch calcareous grasslands by Van Dam et al. (1992). Both the water fluxes and the solute fluxes at different soil depths have been measured over 2 years in untreated vegetation and in calcareous grassland vegetation sprayed at 2-weekly intervals with ammonium sulfate (50 kg nitrogen per ha per year). The nitrogen leaching from the untreated vegetation was very low (0.7 kg nitrogen per ha per year) and amounted to only 2% of the total atmospheric deposition of nitrogen. After the spraying with ammonium sulfate, nitrogen leaching increased significantly to 3.5 kg nitrogen per ha per year, although this figure was also a very small proportion (4%) of the nitrogen input in this vegetation (Van Dam et al., 1992). It is thus evident that calcareous grassland ecosystems retain nitrogen almost completely in the system. This is caused by a combination of enhanced plant uptake (Bobbink et al., 1988; Bobbink, 1991) and increased immobilization in the soil organic matter (Van Dam et al., 1992). Critical loads for nitrogen in calcareous grasslands The most important output of nitrogen from calcareous grassland is via exploitation or management. The annual nitrogen removal in the hay varies slightly between years and sites, but in general between 17 and 22 kg nitrogen per ha is removed from the system under normal management conditions in the Netherlands (Bobbink, 1991; Bobbink & Willems, 1991). The ambient nitrogen deposition in Dutch calcareous grasslands, as determined by Van Dam (1990), is high (35-40 kg nitrogen per ha per year) and is nowadays the major nitrogen input to the system. Legume species (Leguminosae) also occur in calcareous vegetation, and form an additional nitrogen input owing to the nitrogen-fixing microorganisms in their root nodules (about 5 kg nitrogen per ha per year). The nitrogen mass balance of Dutch calcareous grasslands is summarized in Table 25. It is obvious that calcareous grasslands now significantly accumulate nitrogen (16-26 kg per ha per year) in the Netherlands. A critical nitrogen load has been determined with a mass balance model, because of the lack of long-term addition experiments with low nitrogen loads. Assuming a critical long-term immobilization rate for nitrogen of 0-6 kg nitrogen per ha per year, the critical nitrogen load can be derived by adding the nitrogen fluxes due to net uptake, denitrification and leaching, corrected for the nitrogen input by fixation. In this way, 15-25 kg nitrogen per ha per year is considered as nitrogen critical load for this ecosystem. Nitrogen cycling within the system (between plants and soil) is not used for this calculation. Table 25. Nitrogen mass balance (kg nitrogen per ha per year) for dry calcareous grassland in the Netherlands Input Output Atmospheric deposition 35-40 Harvest 17-22 Nitrogen fixation 5 Denitrification 1 Soil leaching 1 Total 40-45 Total 19-24 In calcareous grassland in England, addition of nitrogen stimulated the dominance of grasses in most cases (Smith et al., 1971; Jeffrey & Pigott, 1973). In these studies, the application of 50-100 kg nitrogen per ha per year resulted in a strong dominance of the grasses Festuca rubra, F. ovina or Agrostis stolonifera. However, Brachypodium and Bromus erectus, the most frequent species in calcareous grassland in continental Europe, were absent from these sites. Following a survey of data from a number of conservation sites in southern England, Pitcairn et al. (1991) concluded that Brachypodium had expanded in the United Kingdom during the last 100 years. They considered that much of the early spread could be attributed to a decline in grazing pressure but that the more recent spread had, in some cases, taken place despite grazing or mowing, and could be related to nitrogen inputs. However, a study of chalk grassland at Parsonage Downs (United Kingdom) showed no substantial change in species composition over the twenty years between 1970 and 1990, a period when nitrogen deposition is thought to have increased significantly (Wells et al., 1993). Brachypodium was present in the sward but had not expanded as in the Dutch grasslands. In a linked experimental study, applications of nitrogen to eight forbs and one grass (Brachypodium) at levels of 20, 40 and 80 kg nitrogen per ha per year for two years did not result in Brachypodium becoming dominant. Apart from the Dutch studies, the effects of enhanced nitrogen inputs have been little investigated in continental European calcareous grasslands. Some data from a recent fertilization experiment at the alvar grasslands, a thin-soiled vegetation over flat limestone, on the Swedish island Öland, suggest that the vegetation hardly responds to applications of nitrogen or phosphorus (Sykes & Van der Maarel, 1991; personal communication by Van der Maarel). Only irrigation in combination with nutrients has caused an increase in grasses. This is probably due to the low annual precipitation in this area (400-500 mm). Increased nitrogen availability is probably of major importance in many European calcareous grasslands. An increased availability of nitrogen is indicated by enhanced growth of some tall grasses, especially stress-tolerant species, which have a slightly higher potential growth rate and efficient nitrogen utilization. It clearly depends on the original species composition, as to which of the grass species will increase following enhanced nitrogen inputs. Furthermore, the difference between the Dutch and United Kingdom results may reflect differences in management; the impacts of grazing in the United Kingdom grasslands could offset any competitive advantage the grasses may have obtained from additional nitrogen inputs. The critical load for nitrogen in these calcareous grasslands could be influenced by management; long-term studies involving additional nitrogen input with various management schemes are needed to quantify these aspects. Comparison with other semi-natural grasslands Productivity in grasslands is strongly influenced by nutrients, as shown in many agricultural studies (e.g. Chapin, 1980). It is also well-known that large amounts of fertilizer (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) alter almost all grassland types into tall, species-poor swards dominated by a few highly productive crop grasses (e.g. Bakelaar & Odum, 1978; Van Den Bergh, 1979; Willems, 1980; Van Hecke et al., 1981). Most of these species-rich grasslands are deficient in nitrogen or phosphorous, and thus characterized by plant species of nutrient-poor habitats. It is thus likely that these grasslands are sensitive to nitrogen eutrophication from the atmosphere (Wellburn, 1988; Ellenberg, 1988b). Thus, it is also important to establish critical loads for nitrogen in the species-rich grasslands, although data from experiments with nitrogen application in these semi-natural grasslands are scarce. Increased nitrogen availability can also affect other semi-natural grasslands, although experimental evidence is quite scarce. A classical study into the effects of nutrients on neutral grasslands is the Park Grass experiment at Rothamsted, England, which has been running since 1856 (Williams, 1978). After application of nitrogen as ammonium sulfate or sodium nitrate (48 kg nitrogen per ha per year), the vegetation became very poor in species and dominated by grasses such as Holcus lanatus or Agrostis sp. The effects of nutrients in dry and wet dune grasslands (1% calcium carbonate) on sandy soils have been studied at Braunton Burrows (Devon, England) by Willis (1963). Nutrients were applied over 2 years (6 × 40 kg nitrogen per ha per year) using a factorial design for nitrogen and phosphorus. Nitrogen proved to be the most important nutrient in stimulating the growth of some grass species ( Festuca rubra and Poa pratensis). This enhanced growth reduced significantly the abundance of many small plants such as prostrate phanerogamic species, mosses and lichens (Willis, 1963). In this coastal area with low nitrogen deposition (currently about 10 kg nitrogen per ha per year) the vegetation of dune grasslands is at present still species-rich, whereas in many Dutch dune grasslands with higher nitrogen loading (20-30 kg nitrogen per ha per year) certain grasses have increased and it has become a problem to maintain diversity. Recent studies of the response of mesothrophic grasslands in the United Kingdom have shown that additions as small as 25 kg per ha per year can lead to changes in species diversity after several years of fertilizer additions and that changes take place more rapidly at higher rates of addition (Mountford et al., 1994). This indicates that many of these semi-natural grasslands are also sensitive to nitrogen eutrophication and that the critical loads are likely to be of the same magnitude or slightly higher (20-30 kg nitrogen per ha per year) than in calcareous grasslands. Many other semi-natural grassland types occur, especially in the montane-subalpine regions, containing a large proportion of the biodiversity of the area. However, data are too scarce to establish reliable load for these grasslands, although it may be expected that: (i) most of these grassland are sensitive to nitrogen; and (ii) the critical load for nitrogen is probably lower than for lowland (calcareous) grasslands. The presented critical loads for species-rich grasslands are summarized in section 8.2.2. 4.2.4 Effects on heathlands Various types of plant communities have been described as heath, but the term is applied here to plant communities where the dominant vegetation is small-leaved dwarf-shrubs forming a canopy of 1 m or less above soil surface. Grasses and forbs may form discontinuous strata, and there is frequently a ground layer of mosses or lichens (Gimingham et al., 1979; De Smidt, 1979). Dwarf-shrub heathlands occur in various parts of the world, especially in montane habitats, but are widespread in the atlantic and sub-atlantic parts of Europe. In these parts of the European continent, natural heathland is limited to a narrow coastal zone. Inland lowland heathlands are man-made (semi-natural), although they have existed for several centuries. Lowland healths are widely dominated by the Ericaceae, especially Calluna vulgaris in the dry heathlands and Erica tetralix in the wet heathlands (Gimingham et al., 1979). In these heaths, development towards woodland has been prevented by mowing, burning, sheep grazing and sod removal. Until the beginning of this century, the balance of nutrient input and output was in equilibrium in the lowland heathlands of western Europe (De Smidt, 1979; Gimingham & De Smidt, 1983). The original land use implied a regular, periodic removal of nutrients from the ecosystems via grazing and sod removal (Heil & Aerts, 1993). Sod removal was practised less systematically in many Scandinavian and Scottish heathlands (Gimingham & De Smidt, 1983). Here Calluna has been renewed by burning at regular intervals, varying from 4-6 years in southern Sweden to 15-20 years in western Norway (Nilsson, 1978; Skogen, 1979). The original land use of the lowland heathland ceased in the early 1900s and the area occupied by this community decreased markedly all over its distribution area (Gimingham, 1972; De Smidt, 1979; Ellenberg, 1988b). Dwarf-shrub heathlands may be divided into four categories according to broad differences in habitat: (1) dry heathlands; (2) wet heathlands; (3) montane and (4) arctic-alpine heathlands. Effects on inland dry heathlands During recent decades many lowland heathlands in western Europe have become dominated by grass species. An evaluation, using aerial photographs, has shown that more than 35% of Dutch heathland has been altered into grassland (Van Kootwijk & Van der Voet, 1989). In recent years, similar changes have been observed in SW Norway, which has the largest local emission of ammonia as well as the heaviest nitrogen input through long-range deposition in Norway (Anonymous, 1991). It has been suggested that nitrogen eutrophication might be a significant factor in this transition to grasslands. Field and laboratory experiments confirm the importance of nutrients, especially in the early phase of heathland development (Heil & Diemont, 1983; Roelofs 1986; Heil & Bruggink, 1987; Aerts et al., 1990). However, Calluna can compete successfully with the grasses, even at high nitrogen loading, if its canopy remains closed (Aerts et al., 1990). Apart from the changes in competitive interactions between Calluna and the grasses, heather beetle plagues and nitrogen accumulation in the soil are important factors in the changing lowland heaths. Furthermore, evidence is growing that frost sensitivity of the dominant dwarf-shrubs may also be affected by increasing nitrogen inputs. Heathland canopies have a strong filtering effect on air pollutants, a varying canopy structure being an important factor. For sulfur and nitrogen it has been shown that bulk deposition accounts for only about 35-40% of total atmospheric input (Heil et al., 1987; Bobbink et al., 1992b). Total atmospheric deposition of nitrogen is 30-45 kg nitrogen per ha per year in the heathland sites in the eastern part of the Netherlands. More than 70% of the total nitrogen input is deposited as ammonium or ammonia (Bobbink et al., 1992b; Bobbink & Heil, 1993). Although data for nitrogen inputs in other European lowland heathlands are missing, it is very likely that in many European agricultural regions nitrogen deposition has increased in recent years (Asman, 1987; Buijsman et al., 1987). In Calluna heathland, outbreaks of the chrysomelid heather beetle (Lochmaea suturalis) occur frequently. These beetles feed exclusively on the green parts of Calluna. The closed Calluna canopy is opened over large areas and the interception of light by Calluna decreases strongly (Berdowski, 1987, 1993). Thus the growth of the under-storey grasses ( Deschampsia or Molinia) is enhanced significantly. In general insect grazing is affected by the nutritive value of the plant material, and the nitrogen content is especially important in this respect (Crawley, 1983). Experimental applications of nitrogen to heathland vegetation cause the concentrations of this element in the green parts of Calluna to increase (Heil & Bruggink, 1987; Bobbink & Heil, 1993). It is, therefore, very likely that the frequency and intensity of heather beetle outbreaks are stimulated by increased atmospheric nitrogen input in Dutch heathland. This hypothesis is supported by the observations of Blankwaardt (1977), who reported that from 1915 onwards heather beetle outbreaks were observed in the Netherlands with an interval of about 20 years, whereas in the last 15 years the outbreaks have occurred with a periodicity of less than 8 years. It has also been observed that during a heather beetle outbreak Calluna plants are more severely damaged in nitrogen- fertilized vegetation (Heil & Diemont, 1983). In a rearing experiment with larvae of the heather beetle, Brunsting & Heil (1985) demonstrated that the growth of the larvae was increased by higher nitrogen concentrations in the leaves of Calluna. Van der Eerden et al. (1990) studied the effects of ammonium sulfate on the growth of heather beetle after a outbreak of the beetle in vegetation artificially sprayed under a cover. They found no significant effect of the treatments on total number or on biomass of the first stage larvae. However, the development of subsequent larval stages was accelerated by the application of ammonium sulfate in the artificial rain: the percentage of third stage larvae increased by 20%, compared with larvae in the control treatment. Furthermore, heather beetle larvae were put on Calluna shoots taken from plants which had been fumigated with ammonia in open-top chambers (12 months; 4 to 105 µg/m3) (Van der Eerden et al., 1991). After 7 days the larvae were counted and weighed. Both the mass and the development rate of the larvae clearly increased with increasing concentrations of ammonia. The heather beetle has recently been found in SW Norway and it is expanding its territory. It is probably an important cause of Calluna death in this region (Hansen, 1991). It can be concluded that nitrogen inputs influence outbreaks of heather beetle, although the exact relationship between both processes needs further research. In the past Dutch inland heathlands were grazed by flocks of sheep and sods were generally removed at intervals of 25-50 years (De Smidt, 1979). Nowadays these heathlands are mostly managed by mechanical sod removal, which can restore the heathland vegetation if a seed bank of the original heathland species is still present (Bruggink, 1993). The increase in organic matter and in the amounts of nitrogen in the system during secondary succession is well known (Begon et al., 1990). It was shown in the 1970s that during secondary heathland succession the above-ground and below-ground biomass and the amount of litter increase (Chapman et al., 1975; Gimingham et al., 1979). It is likely that changes in nitrogen accumulation will have occurred due to the increase in atmospheric deposition. Berendse (1990) performed a detailed study on the accumulation of organic matter and of nitrogen during the secondary succession after sod removal in the Netherlands. He found a large increase in plant biomass, soil organic matter and total nitrogen storage in the first 20 to 30 years after sod removal. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that nitrogen mineralization was low during the first 10 years (about 10 kg nitrogen per ha per year), but increased considerably over the next 20 years to 50-110 kg nitrogen per ha per year. Regression analysis of the total nitrogen storage versus the years after sod removal revealed an annual nitrogen increase in the system of about 33 kg nitrogen per ha per year (probably somewhat lower in the early years and higher in later years) (Berendse, 1990). These values are in good agreement with measured nitrogen deposition in Dutch heathlands in the late 1980s (Bobbink et al., 1992b). Thus, the organic matter in the soil increases rapidly after sod removal, which removes almost all of the soil organic matter. However, this process is accelerated by the enhanced dry matter production and litter production of the dwarf shrubs caused by the extra nitrogen inputs. Nitrogen accumulation in the system also increases. Hardly any nitrogen disappears from the system because nitrate leaching to deeper layers is only of minor importance in Dutch heathlands, as shown by De Boer (1989) and Van Der Maas (1990). Nitrogen availability from atmospheric inputs, in addition to mineralization, is within a relatively short period (about 10 years) high enough to stimulate the transition of heathland to grassland, especially after the opening of the heather canopy by secondary causes. It has been demonstrated that frost sensitivity of some tree species increases with increasing concentrations of air pollutants (e.g. Aronsson, 1980; Dueck et al., 1991). This increase in frost sensitivity is sometimes correlated with enhanced nitrogen concentrations in the foliage of the trees. Long-term effects of air pollutants on the frost sensitivity of Calluna and Erica are to be expected because of (i) the evergreen growth form of these species and (ii) the increasing content of nitrogen in the leaves of Calluna, associated with increased nitrogen deposition in the Netherlands and Norway (Heil & Bruggink, 1987; Hansen, 1991). It has been suggested that damage to Calluna shoots in the successive severe winters of the mid-1980s was at least partly caused by the increased frost sensitivity. Investigations into the effects of air pollutants on the frost sensitivity of heathland species outside the Netherlands started in the early 1990s (Hansen, 1991; Uren, 1992). The effects of sulfur dioxide, ammonium sulfate and ammonia upon frost sensitivity in Calluna have been studied by Van der Eerden et al. (1990). After fumigation with sulfur dioxide (90 µg/m3 for 3 months), increased frost injury in Calluna was only found at temperatures that seldom occur in the Netherlands (lower than -20°C). Fumigation with ammonia of Calluna plants in open-top chambers over a 4-7 month period (100 µg/m3) revealed that frost sensitivity was not affected in autumn (September or November), whereas in February, just before growth started, frost injury increased significantly at -12°C (Van der Eerden et al., 1991). These authors also studied the frost sensitivity of Calluna vegetation sprayed with six different levels of ammonium sulfate (3-91 kg nitrogen per ha per year). The frost sensitivity increased slightly, although significantly, after 5 months in vegetation treated with the highest level of ammonium sulfate (400 µmol/litre; 91 kg nitrogen per ha per year), compared with the control treatments. However, frost sensitivity of Calluna decreased again two months later and no significant effects of the ammonium sulfate application upon frost hardiness were seen at that time. Thus, high levels of ammonia or ammonium sulfate seem to increase the frost sensitivity of Calluna plants, although the significance of this phenomenon is still uncertain at ambient nitrogen inputs. The relation between frost sensitivity and nitrogen input has not yet been sufficiently quantified to use it for a precise assessment of critical loads in this respect. It has been shown above that atmospheric nitrogen is the trigger for changes of lowland dry heathlands into grass swards in the Netherlands. Lowland dry heathlands in the United Kingdom do not show consistent patterns over the past 10 to 40 years. Pitcairn et al. (1991) assessed changes in abundance of Calluna in three heaths in East Anglia (eastern England) over recent decades. All three heaths showed a decline in Calluna and an increase in grasses. The authors concluded that increases in nitrogen deposition was at least partly responsible for the changes, but also noted that the management had changed. A wider assessment of heathlands in SE England showed that in some cases Calluna had declined and subsequently been invaded by grasses while other areas were still dominated by dwarf shrubs (Marrs, 1993). This clearly stresses the importance of management for the maintenance of dwarf shrubs in heathlands. A simulation model, which integrates processes such as atmospheric nitrogen input, heather beetle outbreak, soil nitrogen accumulation, sod removal and competition between species, has been used to establish the critical loads of nitrogen deposition in lowland dry heathlands (Heil & Bobbink, 1993a,b). The model has been calibrated with data from field and laboratory experiments in the Netherlands. As an indicator of the effects of atmospheric nitrogen, the proportion and increase of grasses in the heathland system are used. Atmospheric nitrogen deposition has varied between 5 and 75 kg nitrogen per ha per year in steps of 5-10 kg nitrogen during different simulations. From these simulations, the value for the critical load of nitrogen for the changes from dwarf shrubs to grasses was 15-20 kg nitrogen per ha per year. Effects of nitrogen on inland wet heathlands The western European lowland heathlands of wet habitats are dominated by the dwarf shrub Erica tetralix (Ellenberg, 1988b) and are generally richer in plant species than the dry heathlands. In recent decades a drastic change in species composition of Dutch wet heathlands has been observed. Nowadays, many wet heathlands that were originally dominated by Erica have become monospecific stands of the grass Molinia. Together with Erica almost all of the rare plant species have disappeared from the system. It has been hypothesized that this change has been caused by atmospheric nitrogen eutrophication. Competition experiments using micro-ecosystems have clearly shown that Molinia is a better competitor than Erica at high nitrogen availability. After 2 years of application of nitrogen (150 kg per ha per year), the relative competitive strength of Molinia compared with Erica doubled (Berendse & Aerts, 1984). A 3-year field experiment with nitrogen application in Dutch lowland wet heathland (around 160 kg nitrogen per ha per year) also indicated that Molinia is able to outdo Erica at high nitrogen availability (Aerts & Berendse, 1988). In contrast to the competitive relations between Calluna and the grasses, Molinia can outdo Erica without opening of the dwarf shrub canopy. This difference is caused by the lower canopy of Erica (25-35 cm), compared with Calluna, and the tall growth form of Molinia, which can overgrow and shade Erica if enough nitrogen is available. It is in this respect also important that heather beetle plagues do not occur in wet heathlands and that no frost damage has been observed in this community. It has been demonstrated that in many Dutch wet heathlands the accumulation of litter and humus has led to increased nitrogen mineralization (100-130 kg nitrogen per ha per year) (Berendse et al., 1987). In the first 10 years after sod removal the annual nitrogen mineralization is very low, but afterwards it increases rapidly. The leaching of accumulated nitrogen from wet heathlands is extremely low (Berendse, 1990). The observed nitrogen availabilities are high enough to change Erica -dominated wet heathlands into monostands of Molinia. Berendse (1988) developed a wet heathland model to simulate carbon and nitrogen dynamics during secondary succession. He incorporated in this model the competitive relationships between Erica and Molinia, the litter production from both species, soil nitrogen accumulation and mineralization, leaching, atmospheric nitrogen deposition and sheep grazing. He simulated the development of lowland wet heathland after sod removal, because almost all of the Dutch communities are already strongly dominated by Molinia and it is impossible to expect changes in this situation without drastic management. Using the biomass of Molinia with respect to Erica as an indicator, his results suggested 17-22 kg nitrogen per ha per year as the critical load for the transition of lowland wet heathland into a grass-dominated sward (Berendse, 1988). The decrease in endangered wet heathland forbs is partly caused by the overshading by Molinia, but some species had already disappeared from wet heathlands before the increase of Molinia started. The critical load for this decline is probably lower than the given values and is discussed in section Effects of nitrogen on arctic and alpine heathlands Semi-natural Calluna heathlands are found in the lowlands along the Norwegian coast to 68°N and show distinct plant gradients in the south-north direction, from coast to inland and from lowland to upland areas (Fremstad et al., 1991). In central parts of western Norway the plant composition changes at an altitude of about 400 m, above which alpine species occur regularly in the heaths. At this altitude oceanic upland Calluna and Erica heaths merge into alpine heaths, which are naturally occurring, non-anthropogenic communities. Some oligotrophic alpine heaths also contain Calluna, but most heaths in Fennoscandia and in European parts of Russia are dominated by other ericoid species ( Vaccinium spp., Empetrum nigrum s. lat., Arctostaphylos spp., Loiseleuria procumbens, Phyllodoce caerulea, Betula nana, Juniperus communis and Salix spp.). Many heath types have a more or less continuous layer of mosses and lichens. Related heaths are found in alpine regions in the British Isles, in Iceland, in southernmost Greenland, in northern Russia, and on siliceous rocks in the Alps (Grabherr, 1979; Elvebakk, 1985; Ellenberg, 1988b). Alpine and arctic habitats have many ecological characteristics in common, although the climatic conditions are more severe in the arctic regions than in most alpine regions. The growing season is short (3-3.5 months in the low arctic zone), air and soil temperatures are low, winds are frequent and strong, and the distribution of plant communities depends on the distribution of snow during winter and spring. Most alpine and all arctic zones are influenced by frost activity or solifluction, except for soils in the low alpine and hemiarctic zones, where podzolic soils are found. Decomposition of organic matter and nutrient cycling are slow, and a large amount of the nitrogen input is stored in the soil in forms which can not be used by plants (Chapin, 1980). The low nutrient availability limits primary production. Most species are adapted to a strict nitrogen economy and their nitrogen indicator values are generally low (Ellenberg, 1979). Barsdate & Alexander (1975) investigated the nitrogen balance of an arctic area in Alaska. The most important sources of nitrogen were nitrogen fixation (75%) and ammonia in precipitation (22%). Most of the nitrogen input is retained in living biomass, and very little is leached from the soil. Denitrification is also low, partly due to nutrient deficiency. Nitrogen metabolism as such does not seem to be inhibited by low soil temperatures (Haag, 1974). Nitrogen fixation in arctic habitats has been studied in bacteria, soil algae, lichens and legume species (Leguminosae) (Novichkova-Ivanova, 1971). Blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) are especially important in this respect, either as free-living species, species associated with mosses or phycobionts in lichens (e.g. Peltigera, Nephroma and Stereocaulon). The rate of nitrogen fixation depends on temperature and moisture, and thus varies through the year (Alexander & Schnell, 1973). It is to be expected that arctic and alpine communities are sensitive to increased atmospheric nitrogen input, because nitrogen retention is very efficient, although primary production is also strongly regulated by factors other than nitrogen (temperature, moisture) (Tamm, 1991). The effects of increased nitrogen availability on alpine/tundra vegetation have been studied in several fertilizer experiments. In most experiments full nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer was used, although sometimes nitrogen was applied separately. The following effects of nitrogen addition have been observed: * In alpine and arctic vegetation, nitrogen is quickly absorbed by phanerogamic species and incorporated into their tissues. The increase in nitrogen contents differs for graminoids, deciduous and evergreen species (Summers, 1978; Shaver & Chapin, 1980; Lechowicz & Shaver, 1982; Karlsson, 1987). * Phanerogamic plant species respond to nitrogen application in different ways: increased growth and biomass, enhanced number of tillers, more flowers and changes in phenology (Henry et al., 1986). * Some phanerogamic plant species are damaged or even killed at high doses of nitrogen fertilizer (Henry et al., 1986). * Changes in species cover and composition are likely when nitrogen is applied for a longer period of time (5-10 years). All these studies concentrated on effects on phanerogamic plant species; little information is available on the effects of nitrogen on cryptogams. Many authors, however, stress that nitrogen fixation probably will decrease when atmospheric deposition increases in arctic and alpine ecosystems. In forest studies it has already been shown that Cladonia spp. and some mosses are very sensitive to nitrogen addition. The suggested critical load for arctic and alpine heaths (5-15 kg nitrogen per ha per year) is lower than that for lowland heathland (15-20 kg nitrogen per ha per year). Effects on herbs of matgrass swards In recent decades, in addition to the transition from dwarf-shrub-dominated to grass-dominated heathlands, a reduced species diversity in these ecosystems has been observed. Species of the acidic Nardetalia grasslands and related dry and wet heathlands seem to be especially sensitive. Many of these herbaceous species (e.g., Arnica montana, Antennaria dioica, Dactylorhiza maculata, Gentiana pneumonanthe, Genista pilosa, Genista tinctoria, Lycopodium inundatum, Narthecium ossifragum, Pedicularis sylvatica, Polygala serpyllifolia and Thymus serpyllum) are declining or have even become locally extinct in the Netherlands. The distribution of these species is related to small-scale, spatial variability of the heathland soils. It has been suggested that atmospheric deposition has caused such changes (Van Dam et al., 1986). Dwarf shrubs as well as grass species are nowadays dominant in the former habitats of these endangered species. Enhanced nitrogen fluxes into nutrient-poor heathland soil leads to an increased nitrogen availability in the soil. However, most of the deposited nitrogen in western Europe originates from ammonia/ammonium deposition and may also cause acidification as a result of nitrification. Whether eutrophication or acidification or a combination of both processes is important depends on pH, buffer capacity and nitrification rates of the soil. Roelofs et al. (1985) found that, in dwarf-shrub-dominated heathland soils, nitrification is inhibited at pH 4.0-4.2 and that ammonium accumulates while nitrate decreases to almost zero at these or lower pH values. Furthermore, nitrification has been observed in the soils from the habitats of the endangered species, owing to its somewhat higher pH and higher buffer capacity. In soils within the pH rage of 4.1-5.9, the acidity produced is buffered by cation exchange processes (Ulrich, 1983). The pH will drop when calcium is depleted, and this may cause the decline of those species that are generally found on soils with somewhat higher pH. To study the pH effects on root growth and survival rate, hydroculture experiments have been conducted over 4-week periods with several of the endangered species ( Arnica, Antennaria, Viola, Hieracium pilosella and Gentiana) and with the dominant species ( Molinia and Deschampsia) (Van Dobben, 1991). The dominant species indeed have a lower pH optimum (3.5 and 4.0, respectively) than the endangered species (4.2-6.0). However, the endangered species could survive very low pH without visible injuries during this short experimental period. The pH decrease may indirectly result in an increased leaching of base cations, increased aluminium mobilization and thus enhanced aluminium/calcium (Al/Ca) ratios of the soil (Van Breemen et al., 1982). Furthermore, the reduction of the soil pH may inhibit nitrification and result in ammonium accumulation and consequently increased NH4/NO3 ratios. In a recent field study the characteristics of the soil of several of these threatened heathland species have been compared with the soil characteristics of the dominant species ( Calluna vulgaris, Erica tetralix and Molinia caerulea) (Houdijk et al., 1993). Generally the endangered species grow on soil with higher pH, lower nitrogen content, and lower Al/Ca ratios than the dominant species. The NH4+/NO3 ratios were higher in the dwarf-shrub-dominated soils than in the soil of the endangered species. Fennema (1990, 1992) has demonstrated that soil from locations where Arnica is still present had a higher pH and lower Al/Ca ratio than soil of former Arnica stands. However, he found no differences in total soil nitrogen or NH4/NO3 ratios. Both these studies indicate that high Al/Ca ratios or even increased NH4/NO3 ratios are associated with the decline of these species. However, no significant effects of Al and Al/Ca on growth rates have been observed in hydroculture experiments in which the effects of Al and Al/Ca ratios on root growth and survival rate were studied (Van Dobben, 1991). Comparable experiments of Pegtel (1987) with Arnica and Deschampsia and Kroeze et al. (1989) with Antennaria, Viola, Filago minima, and Deschampsia showed similar results. However, results of a hydroculture experiment with Arnica showed that this species is very sensitive to enhanced Al/Ca ratios at intermediate or low nutrient levels (De Graaf, 1994). Pot experiments have indicated that increased NH4/NO3 ratios lead to decreased health of Thymus. Hydroculture experiments with this plant species confirmed that increased NH4/NO3 ratios affected the cation uptake (Houdijk, 1993). In a pot experiment Thymus, planted on acid heathland soil and on artificially buffered heathland soil, was sprayed with 0, 15 and 150 kg nitrogen (as ammonium) per ha per year during 6 months (Houdijk et al., 1993). In this relatively short period, a deposition of 15 kg nitrogen (as ammonium) per ha per year on the acid soil did not lead to ammonium accumulation in the soil. As a result of nitrification, soil pH decreased faster than in the absence of ammonium deposition. At the highest deposition (150 kg nitrogen (as ammonium) per ha per year), nitrification rates in the acid heathland soils were too low to prevent ammonium accumulation, and increased NH4/NO3 ratios probably caused the decline of Thymus. Only in the artificially buffered soils with higher pH were nitrification rates high enough to balance ammonium and nitrate. Thymus plants on these soils were healthy despite very high total nitrogen contents. At present, however, there is too little information available on these rare heathland and acidic grassland species to formulate a critical load for nitrogen. The observation that these heathland species generally disappear before dwarf shrubs are replaced by grasses leads to the assumption that their critical load is lower than the critical load for the transition to grasses (< 15-20 kg nitrogen per ha per year) and probably between 10 and 15 kg nitrogen per ha per year. An overview of the critical loads in heathlands is given in section 8.2.2. 4.2.5 Effects of nitrogen deposition on forests Effects on forest tree species The growth of the vast majority of the forest tree species in the Northern hemisphere was until recently limited by nitrogen. In forestry, nitrogen fertilizers were used to increase wood production (Tamm, 1991). An increase in the supply of an essential nutrient, including nitrogen, will stimulate tree growth; the initial impact of enhanced nitrogen deposition will, therefore, be a fertilizer effect. However, continued high inputs of nitrogen produces negative effects on tree growth (Chapin, 1980). Until the mid-1980s, almost all of the research on forest decline focused on acidification, but it has now become evident that enhanced nitrogen deposition may also be important in recent forest decline. The effects of high atmospheric nitrogen input are very complex (Wellburn, 1988; Pitelka & Raynal, 1989; Heij et la., 1991; Pearson & Stewart, 1993). Chronic nitrogen deposition may result in nitrogen saturation, when enhanced nitrogen inputs no longer stimulate tree growth, but start to disrupt ecosystem structure and function, and increased amounts of nitrogen are lost from the ecosystem in leachate (Agren, 1983; Aber et al., 1989; Tamm, 1991). The nitrogen input at which saturation occurs depends on a number of factors including the amount of deposition, vegetation type and age (see chapter 3), soil type and management history. The following indirect processes, besides the direct effect of gaseous pollutants on the shoots, are important: * Soil acidification, due to nitrification of ammonium. This process leads to accelerating leaching of base cations and, in poorly buffered soils, to increased dissolution of aluminium, which can damage fine roots development and mycorrhizas, and thus reduce nutrient uptake (Ulrich, 1983; Ritter, 1990). * Eutrophication. Whether ammonium will accumulate in soil or not is strongly dependent upon the nitrification rate and the deposition levels (Boxman et al., 1988). In addition to an initial growth stimulation and changes in root/shoot ratio, ammonium accumulation will lead to an imbalance of the nutritional state of the soil and concomitantly of the trees (Roelofs et al., 1985; Van Dijk & Roelofs, 1988; Schulze et al., 1989; Boxman et al., 1991). Accumulation of nitrates in the ecosystem may also lead to eutrophication. As a consequence of all these processes, the health of the trees declines and their sensitivity to drought, frost, insect pests and to pathogens can increase markedly (Wellburn, 1988). These phenomena may also play a secondary, but certainly not unimportant, role in the dieback of forest trees and have also been reviewed. Although many tree species occur in natural forest ecosystems, almost all studies on air pollution have concentrated on a few forestry tree species from acidic, nutrient-poor soils. Most of these species are conifers ( Picea, Pinus and Pseudotsuga spp.) and the following section concentrates on the long-term soil-mediated effects on these trees. Available data on broad-leaved species ( Fagus, Quercus) are also considered. Long-term effects of nitrogen eutrophication on the composition of the tree layer in natural forests may be expected but have not yet been quantified. Soil acidification per se has only been briefly reviewed, because the critical load for acidity and tree growth is well established (Nilsson & Grennfelt, 1988; Downing et al., 1993). a) Soil-mediated changes in nutritional status of forest tree species It has been shown that in areas with high ammonia/ammonium deposition, ammonium accumulates in acid forest soils with little or no nitrification. Van Dijk & Roelofs (1988) found ammonium ion accumulation in damaged Pinus and Pseudotsuga stands receiving 60-100 kg nitrogen per ha per year, although the pH of the soil was the same as that in healthy stands. This build-up of ammonium ion leads to increased ratios of ammonium to base cations (Roelofs et al., 1985; Boxman et al., 1988), a reduction of base cation uptake and, eventually, nutritional problems. Using soil columns with different ammonium sulfate spraying treatments, critical ratios of excess ammonium to base cations have been determined (Boxman et al., 1988). The nutritional problems of the coniferous species studied have been found above values of 5, 10 and 1, respectively, for the NH4/K, NH4/Mg and Al/Ca ratios in soil solution. In soil with zero or a low nitrification rate, 10-15 kg nitrogen per ha per year is a reliable critical load to prevent critical ammonium to cation ratios, whereas in base-cation-rich soil with moderate to high nitrification rates the critical loads obtained are higher (20-30 kg nitrogen per ha per year). The nutritional status of the coniferous trees studied, after enhanced nitrogen inputs, is affected by both ammonium accumulation and soil acidification. Base cation concentrations in the soil are reduced by leaching, whereas base cation uptake by plants is reduced by excess of ammonium and of aluminium. Furthermore, root growth is decreased (see later). Laboratory, greenhouse and field measurements in the Netherlands, Germany and southern Sweden (Van Dijk & Roelofs, 1988; Van Dijk et al., 1989, 1990, 1992a; Hofmann et al., 1990; Schulze & Freer-Smith, 1991; Boxman et al., 1991, 1994; Ericsson et al., 1993) have shown that the complex of factors just noted produce severe deficiencies of magnesium and potassium in coniferous trees. Most of these studies were in areas, or involved experiments, with large inputs (> 40-100 kg nitrogen per ha per year). The magnesium and phosphorus concentrations in leaves of oak trees (Fagus sylvatica), a common deciduous tree in Europe, decreased significantly from 1984 to 1992 in permanent plots in NW Switzerland. Furthermore, the magnesium concentrations in the leaves of young Fagus sylvatica decreased significantly within a 4-year period of fertilizer application at > 25 kg nitrogen per ha per year (Flückiger & Braun, 1994). In Sweden, suboptimal concentrations of magnesium and potassium in Fagus leaves were found in areas with the highest nitrogen deposition (Balsberg-Pählsson, 1989) and addition of nitrogen enhanced nutritional imbalance in a 120-year-old Fagus stand (Balsberg-Pählsson, 1992). It is thus clear that this deciduous tree species is also sensitive to nutritional imbalance induced by enhanced nitrogen supply. Base cations are also lost from the canopy by increased leaching, linked to high amounts of atmospheric deposition (Wood & Bormann, 1975; Roelofs et al., 1985; Bobbink et al., 1992b). As a result of high nitrogen inputs, the organic nitrogen concentration in the needles of conifers has increased significantly to supra-optimal levels (Van Dijk & Roelofs, 1988; De Kam et al., 1991). Concentrations of nitrogen-rich free amino acids, especially arginine, have significantly increased in the needles with high nitrogen concentration (> 1.5% nitrogen in Picea abies) (Hällgren & Näsholm, 1988; Pietila et al., 1991; Van Dijk et al., 1992) and in Fagus leaves (Balsberg-Pählsson, 1992). Although there is clear evidence that high NH3/NH4 loads produce adverse changes in the nutritional status and the growth of the investigated coniferous and broad-leaved trees, it is difficult to obtain a critical load for nitrogen from these studies, because of the complexity of the ecosystem. A quite reliable critical load for nitrogen deposition on beech tree health is around 15-20 kg nitrogen per ha per year, as demonstrated in the Swiss studies (Flückiger & Braun, 1994). The results of the EC nitrogen saturation study (NITREX), which incorporates long-term experiments in both clean and nitrogen-polluted areas and whole ecosystem manipulation of nitrogen inputs, are providing important evidence on the effects of nitrogen deposition on tree health and ecosystem health. Atmospheric deposition of nitrogen was reduced from 40 to 2 kg nitrogen per ha per year in a nitrogen-saturated Pinus sylvestris stand in the Netherlands (Boxman et al., 1994, 1995). Throughfall water was intercepted with a roof and replaced by clean throughfall water from 1989 onwards. In the clean plot a quick response of the soil solution chemistry was observed. The nitrogen concentrations in the upper soil and the fluxes of this element through the soil profile decreased. As a result, base cation leaching and the ratios of ammonium to various cations also decreased; potassium and magnesium concentrations in the needles increased significantly. The needle nitrogen concentrations were only slightly reduced in the "clean" situation, but they were significantly lower than in the needles of the control plots. The concentration of arginine decreased significantly in the needles of the trees from the clean throughfall plot. Furthermore, tree growth became higher after 4 years of clean throughfall than in control plots with high nitrogen deposition. No changes in the mycorrhizal status or in the undergrowth have so far been observed (Boxman et al., 1994, 1995). This study clearly demonstrates the detrimental effects of enhanced atmospheric nitrogen deposition on the nutritional balance of coniferous trees. b) Nitrogen deposition and tree susceptibility to frost, drought and pathogens It has been suggested by several authors that sensitivity of trees to secondary stress factors is increased by high nitrogen loading (Wellburn, 1988; Pitelka & Raynal, 1989). In field fertilizer applications it is often observed that tree growth starts earlier in the season, which may increase damage by late frost. Furthermore, it has been shown, after nutrient applications, that frost damage to Pinus sylvestris increases considerably at needle nitrogen concentrations above 1.8% (Aronsson, 1980), although other fertilizer studies have demonstrated reverse effects, i.e. improved nitrogen status of the plants diminishes frost damage (De Hayes et al., 1989; Klein et al., 1989; Cape et al., 1991). Only few data are available with respect to frost damage in direct relation to airborne nitrogen deposition. After exposure to NH3 and SO2, Pinus sylvestris saplings became more frost sensitive (< -10°C) than control plants (Dueck et al., 1990). Dueck et al. (1990) also determined the frost sensitivity of Pinus sylvestris growing in areas with low ammonia/ammonium pollution (approximately 4 µg NH3/m3) and in highly polluted areas (40 µg NH3/m3). Surprisingly, the frost sensitivity was not higher in the polluted area than in the other investigated sites, and was sometimes even lower. After experimental treatment with ammonia (53 µg NH3/m3) the growth of the trees had increased, indicating that the observed change in frost sensitivity might have occurred as a result of changes in physiology and nutrient imbalance. The effects of simulated acid mist containing sulfate, ammonium, nitrate and H+ on the frost sensitivity of Picea rubens has been studied (Sheppard et al., 1993; Sheppard, 1994). There was a strong correlation between the application of sulfate-containing mist and an increase in frost sensitivity, but no such correlation was seen after treatment with ammonium or nitrate ions. Sulfur compounds clearly affect the frost sensitivity of coniferous trees, but this effect may be a consequence of the nutritional status (nitrogen, base cations) of the trees (Sheppard, 1994). It is concluded that the effects of increased nitrogen inputs on frost sensitivity remain uncertain. Insufficient research has been carried out to use the results for assessment of a critical load. The water uptake of coniferous trees species may be affected by increasing nitrogen deposition, owing to an increase in shoot-to-root ratio and a reduction in fine-root length. Indeed, the health of many tree species in the regions of the Netherlands with high nitrogen deposition was particularly poor in the dry years in the mid-1980s, but improved again during the subsequent normal years (Heij et al., 1991). Many authors have mentioned a negative impact of high nitrogen supply on the development of fine roots and mycorrhiza, although positive effects have also been described (Persson & Ahlstrom, 1991). Van Dijk et al. (1990) applied 0, 48, 480 kg nitrogen (as ammonium sulfate) per ha per year to young Pinus sylvestris, Pinus nigra and Pseudotsuga menziesii in a pot experiment. After seven months the coarse root biomass had not changed, but the fine root biomass decreased by 36% at the highest nitrogen application. In parallel, a 63% decrease in mycorrhizal infection at the highest nitrogen application was found. In the Dutch EC nitrogen saturation study, the fine root biomass and the number of root tips of Pinus sylvestris increased after reduction of the current nitrogen deposition to pre-industrial levels, indicating restricted root growth and nutrient uptake capacity at the ambient nitrogen load of about 40 kg nitrogen per ha per year (Boxman et al., 1994, 1995). In a hydroculture experiment with Pinus nigra at pH=4.0, Boxman et al. (1991) found an increase in coarse/fine root ratio after increasing the ammonium concentration to 5000 µM. Furthermore, a clear relation was found between the nitrogen content of the fine roots and mycorrhizal infection (as measured as the number of dichotomously branched roots). In a hydroculture experiment Jentschke et al. (1991) found, however, that 2700 µM nitrate had hardly any effect on the mycorrhizal development of Picea abies seedlings inoculated with Lactarius rufus. Ammonium at 2700 µM only had a slight negative effect on mycorrhizal development, whereas a reduction in root growth was recorded. In a pot experiment with Picea abies, Meyer (1988) found optimal mycorrhizal development when the mineral nitrogen content of the soil was 40 mg nitrogen/kg dry soil, while at 350 mg nitrogen/kg dry soil a 95% reduction in mycorrhizal development was found. In this study no correlation was found with the soil pH. Alexander & Fairly (1983) found, after fertilizer application to a 35-year-old Picea sitchensis stand with 300 kg nitrogen (as ammonium sulfate) per ha, a 15% reduction in mycorrhizal development in the second year after application. Termorshuizen (1990) applied 0 to 400 kg nitrogen ha per year either as ammonium or nitrate to young Pinus sylvestris inoculated with Paxillus involutus in a pot experiment. Above application rates of 10 kg nitrogen per ha per year there was a decrease in the amount of mycorrhizal root tips and the number of sclerotia. In addition to the above-mentioned data for coniferous trees, it had been shown that the shoot-to-root ratios of young Fagus sylvatica trees, grown in containers with acid forest soil, increased significantly from about 1 to between 2 and 3 after a 4-year experimental application of nitrogen (25 kg nitrogen per ha per year or more) (Flückiger & Braun, 1994). It is thus likely that enhanced nitrogen inputs affect drought sensitivity through changes in shoot to root ratios, number of fine roots and the ectomycorrhizal infection of the roots. However, the data are too few to use for the assessment of a critical load of nitrogen, based upon this aspect of reduced tree health. There may also be significant effects of fungal pathogens or insect pests associated with increasing nitrogen deposition. The foliar concentrations of nitrogen increased markedly in tree needles or leaves in experiments with nitrogen additions, and also in forest sites with high atmospheric nitrogen loading (Roelofs et al., 1985; Van Dijk & Roelofs, 1988; Balsberg-Pählsson, 1992). Animal grazing generally increases with increasing palatability of the leaves or shoots. Nitrogen is of major importance for the palatability of plant material, and this certainly holds for insect grazing (Crawley, 1983). Secondary plant chemicals, e.g., phenolics, are important for increased resistance of plants. The total amount of phenolics in Fagus leaves in a 120-year stand decreased by more than 30% after fertilizer application of about 45 kg nitrogen per ha per year, compared with the control treatment (Balsberg-Pählsson, 1992). An ecologically important relation between nitrogen enrichment and insect pests has been quantified for lowland heathland (Brunsting & Heil, 1985; Berdowski, 1993, see section 4.1) but not, so far, for forest ecosystems. From 1982 to 1985 an epidemic outbreak of the pathogenic fungus Sphaeropsis sapinea was observed in coniferous forest (mainly Pinus nigra) in the Netherlands. This greatly affected whole stands, and was especially severe in the south-east part of the Netherlands, where there was high airborne nitrogen deposition (Roelofs et al., 1985). Van Dijk et al. (1992) showed that there was a significantly higher foliar nitrogen concentration in the infected stands, together with higher soil ammonium levels, than in the uninfected stands. Most of the additional nitrogen in the needles of the affected stands was stored as nitrogen-rich free amino acids, especially arginine. Proline concentrations were also higher in the infected trees, indicting a relation with water stress (Van Dijk et al., 1992). The effects of Sphaeropsis have also been studied by De Kam et al. (1991). Two-year-old plants of Pinus nigra were grown for 3 years in pots and given five treatments of ammonium sulfate (very low to about 300 kg nitrogen per ha per year), in combination with two levels of potassium sulfate. The 5-year-old plants were then inoculated with Sphaeropsis. The bark necroses were much more frequent in the plants treated with ammonium sulfate than in the controls. Effects of ammonium sulfate upon fungal damage were even observed at an addition of 75 kg nitrogen per ha per year, but were very significant in the plants treated with 150 kg nitrogen per ha per year. After potassium addition the number of necroses caused by the fungus was greatly reduced (De Kam et al., 1991). In beech forests in NW Switzerland, a significant positive correlation has been found between the nitrogen/potassium ratios in the leaves and necroses caused by the beech cancer Nectria ditissima (Flückiger & Braun, 1994). These authors also experimentally inoculated Fagus sylvatica trees at different applications of nitrogen with this beech cancer and observed increased dieback of new leaves and shoots. Furthermore, the infestation of Fagus sylvatica with beech aphids (Phyllaphis fagi) was also affected by the nitrogen availabilities. The degree of infestation with the aphid increased significantly with enhanced leaf nitrogen/potassium ratios (Flückiger & Braun, 1994). Although evidence for nitrogen-mediated changes in susceptibility to fungal pests and insect attacks has until now been based upon observations of only few species, it is obvious that trees became more susceptible to these attacks with increasing nitrogen enrichment and this may play a crucial role in the dieback of some forest stands. A critical load for nitrogen had been established at 10-15 kg nitrogen (at no or low nitrification) to 20-30 kg nitrogen per ha per year in highly nitrifying soils, based upon nutritional imbalance of coniferous species (Boxman et al., 1988). Recent evidence of Fagus sylvatica tree health in acidic forests indicated a critical load of 15-20 kg nitrogen per ha per year, based upon both field and experimental observations. Elevated nitrogen deposition can seriously affect tree healthy via a complex web of interactions (e.g. susceptibility to frost and drought). Pathogens may play an important role in tree decline, but at this moment it is not possible to combine the observed processes and effects to an overall value for a critical load of nitrogen for tree health. Effects on tree epiphytes, ground vegetation and ground fauna of forests a) Effects on ground-living and epiphytic lichens and algae The effects of SOy as an acidifier on epiphytic lichens have been extensively studied (Insarova et al., 1992; Van Dobben, 1993). SOy was previously the dominant airborne pollutant, and it has been shown that most (epiphytic) lichens are more negatively affected by acidity than by nitrogen compounds (except NOy). Most lichens have green algae as photobionts and are affected by acidity but not by nitrogen. Some of them even react positively to nitrogen (Insarova et al., 1992). However, 10% of all lichen species in the world have cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) as the photobiont. These cyanobacterial lichens are negatively affected by acidity, and also by nitrogen. Most of the NW European lichens with cyanobacteria live on the soil surface or are tree epiphytes. The most pollution-sensitive lichens are among them and they are threatened by extinction in NW Europe. This is probably the result of increased nitrogen deposition, which inhibits the functioning of the cyanobacteria. In the Netherlands, for example, all cyanobacterial lichens that were present at the end of the 19th century are now absent. In Denmark, 96% of the lichens with cyanobacteria are extinct or threatened. Furthermore, the cyanobacterial lichens appear frequently on the Red List of the European Union countries (Hallingbäck, 1991). Very few data exist to establish a critical load for nitrogen for these lichens with blue-green algae. Nohrstedt et al. (1988) investigated the effects of nitrogen application (as ammonium nitrate or calcium nitrate) on ground-living lichens ( Peltigera aphtosa and Nephroma arcticum) with blue-green algae as photobionts. The plots were treated once or three or four times with 120, 240 or 360 kg nitrogen per ha. After a short period all Peltigera and Nephroma lichens were eliminated and even 19 years later no recolonization had occurred. However, it is impossible to transform these very high doses to critical loads. The effects of air pollutants on lichens are usually related to concentrations in the air or in the precipitation. It is probably more relevant to relate the effects of nitrogen on cyanobacterial lichens to deposition than to concentrations. For tree epiphytes stemflow is most relevant, whereas for ground-living lichens throughfall will be more important. Although much research is still needed, it has been suggested that a load of 5-15 kg nitrogen per ha per year is already critical for the growth of these cyanobacterial lichens (Hallingbäck, 1991). These lichens may be the most sensitive components of some forest ecosystems and thus determine the critical load for these systems. Free-living green algae, especially of the genus Pleurococcus ( Protococcus and Demococcus are synonyms), are strongly stimulated by enhanced nitrogen deposition. They cover practically all outdoor surfaces which are not subject to frequent desiccation in regions with high nitrogen deposition, such as in the Netherlands and in Denmark. The thickness and the colonization rate of spruce needles by green algae has been investigated in the Swedish Environmental Monitoring Programme (Brakenhielm, 1991). The Swedish data show that these algae do not colonize spruce needles in regions with a total deposition (throughfall) lower than about 5 kg nitrogen per ha per year. In areas with deposition above 20 kg nitrogen per ha per year, the green algal cover of the needles is so thick and the algae colonize so early that they may impede the photosynthesis of the spruce trees. b) Effects on forest ground vegetation In the Netherlands the forest vegetation of a site in the central part of the country was investigated in 1958 (with about 20 kg nitrogen per ha per year) and in 1981 (with about 40 kg nitrogen per ha per year). All lichens had disappeared during this period and a considerable increase in Deschampsia flexuosa and Corydalis claviculata was found. A large representative sample test (n=2000), covering about 90% of the Dutch forests, revealed in the mid-1980s that among the 40 most common forest plants were: Galeopsis tetrahit, Rubus species, Deschampsia flexuosa, Dryoptesis cathusiana, Molinia caerulea, Poa trivialis, and Urtica dioica (Dirkse & Van Dobben, 1989; Dirkse, 1993). In Sweden, Quercus robur stands in two geographical areas with different nitrogen deposition were compared with special emphasis on nitrogen indicator species (Tyler, 1987). The stands were quite comparable except for the nitrogen inputs: 6-8 kg nitrogen per ha per year and 12-15 kg nitrogen per ha per year, respectively. In the stand with the highest deposition, the soil solution was more acidic, probably due to acidic deposition as well (± 10 kg sulfur per ha per year), and it was estimated that acidification of the soil has accelerated during the last 30 to 50 years. The following species were more common in the most polluted site: Urtica dioca, Epilobium augustifolium, Rubus idaeus, Stellaria media, Galium aparine, Aegopodium podagraria and Sambucus spp. Thus, both in Sweden and the Netherlands, species indicative of nitrogen enrichment became common (Ellenberg, 1988b). Comparable observations were reported by Falkengren-Grerup (1986) and by Falkengren-Grerup & Eriksson (1990), who examined the changes in soil and vegetation in Quercus and Fagus stands in southern Sweden. They concluded that the exchangeable base cations were reduced and that aluminium had doubled over the past 35 years. They also found a decrease in soil pH, with a disappearance of several species when pH dropped below a threshold. In spite of soil acidification some species had increased in cover, and the most plausible explanation seemed to be increased nitrogen deposition, which was about 15-20 kg nitrogen per ha per year in southern Sweden and which had doubled since 1955. A marked increase in cover was found for Lactuca muralis, Dryopteris filix-max, Epilobium augustifolium, Rubus idaeus, Melica uniflora, Aegopodium podagraria, Stellaria holostea and S. nemorum, some of these species being nitrogen indicators. Despite soil acidification, acid-tolerant species ( Deschampsia flexuosa, Maianthemum bifolium and Luzula pilosa) did not increase. A distinct decrease was observed for Dentaria bulbifera, Pulmonaria officinalis and Polygonatum multiflorum. Furthermore, Rosen et al. (1992) found a significant positive correlation between the increase of Deschampsia flexuosa cover in the last 20 years in the Swedish forests and the pattern of nitrogen deposition. In a large semi-natural Fagus-Quercus forest in NE France, about 50 permanent vegetation plots were investigated in 1972 and 1991. The changes in species composition on calcareous soils and in moderately acidic habitats were followed. During the study period a significant increase in nitrophilous ground flora was observed in the high-pH (6.9) stands. This indicated that at this location (with ambient deposition of 15-20 kg nitrogen per ha per year) there was a distinct effect of increasing nitrogen availability (Thimonier et al., 1994). From 1968 to 1985, three sites in a 30-year-old Pinus sylvestris forest in Lisselbo (central Sweden) were annually fertilized with 0, 20, 40 and 60 kg nitrogen per ha per year (as NH4NO3 plus ambient deposition of 10 kg nitrogen per ha per year). The original ground vegetation consisted of Calluna vulgaris, Vaccinium vitis-idea, V. myrtillus, Cladonia spp., Cladina spp., and the mosses Dicranum spp., Pleurozium spp. and Hylocomium spp. The first changes were observed within 8 to 15 years and after about 20 years the experimental plots were compared and statistically analysed. The original species disappeared at nitrogen applications above 20 kg (plus ambient deposition) nitrogen per ha per year and were replaced by Epilobium augustifolium, Rubus idaeus, Deschampsia flexuosa, Dryopteris carthusiana and the moss Brachythecium oedipodium (Dirkse et al., 1991; Van Dobben, 1993). In another experiment at Lisselbo the combined effects of acidification (addition of H2SO4, pH=2.0) and nitrogen addition (0 and 40 kg nitrogen per ha per year) were investigated. The increased nitrogen level seemed to be the more important factor. Acidification was the next most discriminating factor: all species disappeared, except for the moss Pohlia nutans at high additions of acidity (Dirkse & Van Dobben, 1989; Dirkse et al., 1991). In southern Sweden, Tyler et al. (1992) studied the effects of the application of ammonium nitrate (60-180 kg nitrogen per ha per year) over a 5-year period on stands of Fagus sylvatica. They observed a large reduction in biomass of the ground vegetation with the application of nitrogen, and the frequency of most herb layer species declined significantly. Soil measurements revealed that, in addition to eutrophication effects, the acidification of the soil solution was also important for the decline of the original ground vegetation. In an experiment on the effects of nitrogen fertilizer application on bryophytes, it appeared that Brachythecium oedipodium, B. reflexum and B. starkei increased significantly at levels up to 60 kg nitrogen per ha per year. At higher doses these species tended to decline, however. Hylocomium splendens and Pleurozium schreberi declined considerably at doses of 30 to 60 kg nitrogen per ha per year (Dirkse & Martaki, 1992). c) Effects on macrofungi and mycorrhizas During the last two decades many reports have described a decrease in species diversity and abundance of macrofungi. These changes can probably be attributed to indirect effects of air pollution, in particular to increases in the amount of available nitrogen (possibly in combination with acidification), and/or to decreased health of trees with concomitant reduction of transport to the roots (Arnolds, 1991). When comparing sites over time, the number of fruiting bodies of macrofungi showed marked differences. Most studies in western Europe, however, have revealed that the number of ectomycorrhizal fungi species has declined (Arnolds, 1991). In the Netherlands the average number of ectomycorrhizal species per foray declined significantly from 71 in 1912-1954 to 38 in 1973-1982. Similar changes have been observed in Germany: 94 ectomycorrhizal species found in 1950-1979 in the Völklinger area (Saarland) have not been recorded recently. From the 236 species found in 1918-1942 in the Darmstadt area (Germany), only 137 were recorded in the early 1970s, a loss of 99 species, including many mycorrhizal fungi (Arnolds, 1991). In contrast to the decline in mycorrhizal fungi, the number of saprotrophic species remained practically unchanged, while the number of lignocolous species increased. This may be related to soil acidification with a increase in aluminium, since the proportion of forest areas in western Europe with a soil pH below 4.2 increased from less than 1% in 1960 to 15% in 1988 (Schneider & Bresser, 1988). Arnolds (1988, 1991) concluded that acidification has very little effect on the diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi, but rather triggers changes in species composition. He regarded the increased nitrogen flux to the forest floor as the most important factor in the decline of mycorrhizal fungi. Termorshuizen & Schaffers (1987) found a negative correlation between the total nitrogen input in mature Pinus sylvestris stands and the abundance of fruit bodies of ectomycorrhizal fungi. Similar results were obtained by Schlechte (1986) who compared two sites with Picea abies in the Göttingen area of Germany. An obvious negative relation was found between nitrogen input (23 versus 42 kg nitrogen per ha per year) and ectomycorrhizal species: 85 basidiomycetes including 21 ectomycorrhizas (25%) at the less polluted site compared with 55 basidiomycetes including 3 ectomycorrhizas (5%) at the most polluted site. Environmental factors other than nitrogen did not differ significantly. The negative impact of nitrogen seems only to hold true for mature forests (Termorshuizen & Schaffers, 1987). Jansen & de Vries (1988) found a maximum in fruit-body production in > 20-year-old Pseudotsuga menziesii stands at about 25 kg nitrogen per ha per year. Meyer (1988) found a similar optimum when Picea abies was planted in soil mixed with different amounts of sawdust having a high carbon/nitrogen ratio. Experiments with nitrogen fertilizer have produced similar results. In a fertilizer trial with simulated nitrogen deposition in a Fagus forest in southern Sweden (ambient deposition 15-20 kg nitrogen per ha per year), Ruhling & Tyler (1991) found, after applying NH4NO3 (60 and 180 kg nitrogen per ha per year), that within 3 to 4 years almost all mycorrhizal species ceased fruit-body production. In contrast, several decomposer species increased fruit-body production. Wood decomposers showed no obvious reaction to the treatment. No fruit-bodies were recovered when 300 kg nitrogen per ha was applied to Pinus sylvestris stands as liquid manure (Ritter & Tölle, 1978). The mycorrhizal frequency of the roots, however, was still 55% as compared to 87% in the controls. Application of 112 kg nitrogen (as NH4NO3) per ha to 11-year-old Pinus taeda stands revealed an 88% reduction in the number of fruit-bodies and a 14% decrease in the number of mycorrhizas per unit of soil volume (Menge & Grand, 1978). In the Lisselbo study the number of fruit-bodies decreased considerably at each nitrogen fertilizer dose (Wasterlund, 1982). Termorshuizen (1990) applied 0, 30 and 60 kg nitrogen (as ammonium sulfate or nitrate) per ha per year to young Pinus sylvestris stands. In general fruit-body production was more negatively influenced by the higher ammonium levels than nitrate levels. The mycorrhizal frequency and the number of mycorrhizas per unit of soil volume were not influenced. It was concluded by Termorshuizen (1990) that fruit-body production is much more sensitive to nitrogen enrichment that mycorrhizal formation. Branderud (1995) found after only 1.5 year a decrease in fruit-body production of mycorrhizal species at a nitrogen application of 35 kg nitrogen (as NH4NO3) per ha in a Picea abies stand at the Swedish Nitrex stand. In contrast, some studies have shown an increase in the number of fruit-bodies of insensitive mycorrhizal fungi after nitrogen fertilizer application, e.g., Paxillus involutes (Hora, 1959), Laccaria bicolor (Ohenoja, 1988) and Lactarius rufus (Hora, 1959). d) Effects on soil fauna of forests Almost all studies of changes in faunal species composition due to nitrogen enrichment have been conducted in arable fields or agricultural grasslands using complete fertilization and thus cannot be used to substantiate critical loads for semi-natural forest ecosystems (Marshall, 1977). The relationship between acidity and soil fauna has also been studied in northern coniferous forests, but only very few studies have incorporated the effects of nitrogenous compounds (Gärdenfors, 1987). The abundance of Nematoda, Oligochaeta and microarthropods (especially Collembola) had increased in some studies, but decreased in others, after application of high doses of nitrogen fertilizers (> 150 kg nitrogen per ha per year) (Abrahamsen & Thompson, 1979; Huhta et al., 1983; Vilkamaa & Huhta, 1986). A reduction in the nitrogen deposition in a Pinus sylvestris stand (Nitrex site Ysselstein) to pre-industrial levels increased the species diversity of microarthropods due to a decreased dominance of some species (Boxman et al., 1995). However, it is not possible to use these few data to formulate a critical load for changes in forest soil fauna due to increased nitrogen deposition. On the basis of the results presented in this overview, the critical load for changes in the ground vegetation of both coniferous and deciduous acidic forest may be 15 to 20 kg nitrogen per ha per year. The critical load for changes in the fruit-body production of ectomycorrhizal fungi is probably about 30 kg nitrogen per ha per year, while the critical load for changes in mycorrhizal frequency of tree roots is hard to estimate, but certainly considerably higher. There is insufficient data on the effects of enhanced nitrogen deposition on faunal components of forest ecosystems to allow critical loads to be set. Epiphytic or ground-living lichens with cyanobacteria as the photobiont probably form a sensitive part of forest ecosystems and have an estimated critical load of 10-15 kg nitrogen per ha per year. A summary of the critical loads for forests is given in chapter 8. 4.2.6 Effects on estuarine and marine ecosystems Few topics in aquatic biology have received as much attention over the past decade as the debate over whether estuarine and coastal ecosystems are limited by nitrogen, phosphorus or some other factor (Hecky & Kilham, 1988). Numerous geochemical and experimental studies have suggested that nitrogen limitation is much more common in estuarine and coastal waters than in freshwater systems. Taken as a whole, the productivity of estuarine waters in the USA correlates more closely with supply rates of nitrogen than with those of other nutrients (Nixon & Pilson, 1983). Estimation of the contribution of nitrogen deposition to the eutrophication of estuarine and coastal waters is made difficult by the multiple direct anthropogenic sources (e.g., from agriculture and sewage) of nitrogen against which the importance of atmospheric sources must be weighed. Estuaries and coastal areas are common locations for cities and ports. The crux of any assessment of the importance of nitrogen deposition to estuarine eutrophication lies in establishing the relative importance of direct anthropogenic exposure (e.g., sewage and agricultural run-off) and indirect effects (e.g., atmospheric deposition). The effects of nitrogen deposition in certain estuarine systems have been investigated. Complete nitrogen budgets, as well as information on nutrient limitation and seasonal nutrient dynamics, have been compiled for two large "estuaries", the Baltic Sea (Scandinavia) and the Chesapeake Bay (USA), and for the Mediterranean Sea. In the case of the Mediterranean, Loye-Pilot et al. (1990) suggest that 50% of the nitrogen load originates as deposition falling directly on the water surface. In the case of the Baltic and Chesapeake, deposition of atmospheric nitrogen has been suggested as a major contributor to eutrophication. Data for other coastal and estuarine systems are less complete, but similarities between these two systems and other estuarine systems suggest that their results may be more widely applicable. Discussion in this monograph is limited to these two case studies, with some speculation about how other estuaries may be related. The Baltic Sea is perhaps the best-documented case study of the effects of nitrogen additions in causing estuarine eutrophication. Like many other coastal waters, the Baltic Sea has experienced a rapidly increasing anthropogenic nutrient load. It has been estimated that the supply of nitrogen has increased by a factor of 4, and phosphorus by a factor of 8, since the beginning of the 20th century (Larsson et al., 1985). The first observable changes attributable to eutrophication of the Baltic were declines in the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the 1960s (Rosenberg et al., 1990). Decreased dissolved oxygen concentrations result when decomposition in deeper waters is enhanced by the increased supply of sedimenting algal cells from the surface water layers to the sediment. In the case of the Baltic, the spring algal blooms that now result from nutrient enrichment consist of large, rapidly sedimenting algal cells, which supply large amounts of organic matter to the sediment for decomposition (Enoksson et al., 1990). Since the 1960s, researchers in the Baltic have documented increases in algal productivity, increased incidence of nuisance algal blooms, and periodic failures and unpredictability in fish and Norway Lobster catches (Fleischer & Stibe, 1989; Rosenberg et al., 1990). It has now been shown by a number of methods that algal productivity in nearly all areas of the Baltic Sea is limited by nitrogen. Nitrogen-to-phosphorus ratios range from 6:1 to 60:1 (Rosenberg et al., 1990), but the higher ratios are only found in the remote and relatively unaffected area of the Bothnian Bay (between Sweden and Finland). Productivity in the spring (the season of highest algal biomass) is fuelled by nutrients supplied from deeper waters during spring overturn (Graneli et al., 1990); deep waters are low in nitrogen and high in phosphorus, resulting in nitrogen-to-phosphorus ratios near 5 (Rosenberg et al., 1990), suggesting potential nitrogen limitation when deep waters are mixed with surface waters. Low nitrogen-to-phosphorus ratios in deep water result from denitrification in the deep sediments (Shaffer & Rönner, 1984). Primary productivity measurements in the Kattegat (the portion of the Baltic between Denmark and Sweden) correlate closely with uptake of NO3-, but not of PO43- (Rydberg et al., 1990). Level II and III nutrient enrichment experiments conducted in coastal areas of the Baltic, as well as in the Kattegat, indicate nitrogen limitation at most seasons of the year (Graneli et al., 1990). Growth stimulation of algae has also been produced by addition of rain water to experimental enclosures, in amounts as small as 10% of the total volume (Graneli et al., 1990); rain water in the Baltic is rich in nitrogen but poor in phosphorus. In portions of the Baltic where freshwater inputs keep the salinity low, blooms of the nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon flos-aquae are common (Graneli et al., 1990); cyanobacterial blooms are common features of nitrogen-limited freshwater lakes but are usually absent from marine waters. Nitrogen budget estimates indicate that the Baltic Sea as a whole receives 7.6 × 1010 eq of nitrogen per year, of which 2.8 × 1010 eq per year (37%) comes directly from atmospheric deposition (Rosenberg et al., 1990). Fleischer & Stibe (1989) reported that the nitrogen flux from agricultural watersheds feeding the Baltic has been decreasing since about 1980 but that the nitrogen contribution from forested watersheds is increasing. They cite both increases in nitrogen deposition and the spread of modern forestry practices as causes for the increase. It should be noted, however, that the Baltic also experiences a substantial phosphorus load from agricultural and urban lands, and that phosphorus inputs may help to maintain nitrogen-limited conditions (Graneli et al., 1990). If the Baltic had received consistent nitrogen additions (e.g., from the atmosphere or from agricultural run-off) in the absence of phosphorus additions, it might well have evolved into a phosphorus-limited system some time ago. The physical structure of the Baltic Sea, with a shallow sill limiting exchange of water with the North Sea contributes to the eutrophication of the basin, by trapping nutrients in the basin once they reach the deeper waters. Because the larger algal cells that result from nutrient enrichment in the basin provide more nutrients to the deep water through sedimentation, and because only shallow waters have the ability to exchange with the North Sea, it is estimated that less than 10% of nutrients added to the Baltic are exported over the sill to the North Sea (Wulff et al., 1990). Throughout much of the year (i.e., especially during the dry months) productivity in the Baltic is maintained by nutrients recycled within the water column (Enoksson et al., 1990). The trapping of nutrients within the basin and recycling of nutrients from deeper water by circulation patterns suggest that eutrophication of the Baltic is a self-accelerating process (Enoksson et al., 1990) and has a long time-lag between reductions of inputs and improvements in water quality. In the USA, a large effort has been made to establish the relative importance of sources of nitrogen to Chesapeake Bay (D'Elia et al., 1982; Smullen et al., 1982; Fisher et al., 1988; Tyler, 1988). Estimates of the contribution of nitrogen to Chesapeake Bay from each individual source are very uncertain; estimating the proportion of nitrogen deposition exported from forested watersheds is especially problematic but critical to the analysis, because about 80% of the Chesapeake Bay basin is forested. Nonetheless, three attempts at determining the proportion of the total nitrate load to the Bay attributable to nitrogen deposition all produce estimates in the range of 18 to 31%. Supplies of nitrogen from deposition exceed supplies from all other non-point sources to the Bay (e.g., agricultural run-off, pastureland run-off, urban run-off), and only point source inputs represent a greater input than deposition. It is considered that the data from these studies are indicators of the impact of anthropogenic nitrogen. Nevertheless, they are insufficient to estimate critical loads for estuarine/marine systems. It may well by that critical loads for these systems differ for different climatic regions. 4.2.7 Appraisal and conclusions Atmospheric deposition of nitrogen-containing and acidifying compounds have an impact on soil and groundwater quality and on the health and species composition of vegetation. Critical loads for these effects are given in Table 26. Critical loads have been derived using empirical data that relate loads directly to effects and steady-state soil models that calculate critical loads from critical chemical values for ion concentrations or ratios in foliage, soil solution and groundwater (De Vries, 1993). Information on the effects which occur when critical loads are exceeded is given in Table 27. The values given in Tables 26 and 27 apply to forest vegetation in a temperate climate. Whether they are representative of other climates is uncertain. An overview of the critical loads for atmospheric nitrogen deposition in a range of natural and semi-natural ecosystems is given in chapter 8. Effects of nitrogen and acidifying deposition on soil and groundwater chemistry are most evident. Field studies showed that deposited nitrogen is partly retained in the forest soil. Even at high nitrogen deposition rates, as in the Netherlands, soil acidification (which is mainly manifested by leaching of aluminium and nitrate) is mainly caused by sulfur deposition. A relatively small contribution of nitrogen to acidification does not imply that sulfur has a larger impact on the health of forests, since the relationship between soil acidification and forest health is not very clear. The eutrophying impact of nitrogen is probably more important than the acidifying impact at present. There is substantial evidence from field surveys in several countries of Europe that exceeding critical loads does not imply dieback of the forest trees in the short term (one or two decades). However, it does increase the risk of damage due to secondary stress factors and it affects the long-term sustainability of forests. These risks increase with the extent to which present loads exceed critical loads and with the duration. Table 26. Critical loads for acidity and nitrogen for forest ecosystems in temperate climates (From: De Vries, 1993) Effects Criteriaa Critical loads (kg per ha per year) (H for acidity; N for eutrophication) Coniferous Deciduous forests forests Acidity root damage; Al < 0.2 mol/m3 1.1b 1.4b inhibition of uptake; Al/Ca < 1.0 mol/mol 1.4b 1.1b Al depletion; delta Al(OH)3 = 0 mmol/m3 1.2b 1.3b Al pollution Al < 0.02 mol/m3 0.5b 0.3b Eutrophication inhibition of uptake of K; NH4/K < 5 mol/mol 17-70c increased susceptibility; N < 1.8% 21-42d vegetation changes; NO3 < 0.1 mol/m3 7-20e 11-20e nitrate pollution NO3 < 0.4-0.8 mol/m3 13-21f 24-41f a Background information on the various criteria is given in De Vries (1993). Critical Al and NO3- concentrations and critical Al/Ca and NH4/K ratios related to root damage, inhibition of nutrient uptake and vegetation changes refer to the soil solution. Critical Al and NO3- concentrations related to pollution refer to phreatic groundwater. Critical nitrogen contents related to an increased risk for frost damage and diseases refer to the foliage. b Derived by a steady-state model. Al pollution refers to phreatic groundwater. For groundwater used for the preparation of drinking-water, a critical acid load of 1600 mol/ha per year was derived (De Vries, 1993). c Derived by a steady-state model assuming 50% nitrification in the mineral topsoil (second value). d Empirical data on the relation between nitrogen deposition and foliar nitrogen contents. Table 26 (Con't) e The first value is derived by a steady-state model (worst case) and the second value is based on empirical data. f Derived by a steady-state model using critical NO3- concentrations of 0.4 and 0.8 mol/m3, respectively. NO3- pollution refers to phreatric groundwater. For deep groundwater, the critical load will be higher because of denitrification. Table 27. Possible and observed effects when critical loads are exceeded Possible effects Average critical load Observed effects in the field (kg per ha per year)a Root damage 1.1-1.4 H critical Al concentrations exceeded greatly Inhibition of 1.1-1.4 H critical Al/Ca ratios uptake exceeded greatly 17-70 N critical NH4/K ratios exceeded slightly Aluminium depletion 1.2-1.3 H depletion of secondary Al compounds Groundwater 0.3-0.5 H critical Al concentrations pollution exceeded greatly 13-21 N critical NO3 concentrations exceeded substantially Increased 21-42 N critical N contents exceeded susceptibility substantially; nutrient imbalances; increased shoot/root ratios Vegetation changes 7-20 N strong increase in nitrophilous species a H = acidity; N = total nitrogen 5. STUDIES OF THE EFFECTS OF NITROGEN OXIDES ON EXPERIMENTAL ANIMALS 5.1 Introduction Most of the data reviewed in this chapter concerns the effects of NO2, since the bulk of the NOx literature is on NO2. The results of the few comparative NOx studies suggest that NO2 is the most toxic species studied so far. Most of the reports describe the effects of NO2 on the respiratory tract, but extrapulmonary effects are also briefly discussed. A broad range of NO2 concentrations has been evaluated, but emphasis has been placed primarily on those studies with exposure concentrations of 9400 µg/m3 (5.0 ppm) or less, with the exception of studies on dosimetry and emphysema. Discussions of available literature on the effects of other nitrogen compounds, e.g., NO, HNO3, and mixtures containing NO2, also are included. WHO (1987), Berglund et al. (1993) and US EPA (1993) comprise other reviews of the animal toxicological literature concerning NOx effects. 5.2 Nitrogen dioxide 5.2.1 Dosimetry It is generally agreed that effects of NO2 observed in several laboratory animal species can be qualitatively extrapolated to humans. However, to extrapolate animal data quantitatively to humans, knowledge of both dosimetry and species sensitivity must be considered. Dosimetry refers to estimating the quantity of NO2 absorbed by target sites within the respiratory tract. Even when two species receive an identical local tissue/cellular dose, cellular sensitivity to that dose is likely to show interspecies variability due to differences in defence and repair mechanisms and other physiological/metabolic parameters. Current knowledge of dosimetry is more advanced than that of species sensitivity, impeding quantitative animal-to-human extrapolation of effective NO2 concentrations. Nevertheless, information on dosimetry alone can be crucial to interpretation of the data base. Both theoretical (modelling) and experimental dosimetry studies are discussed below. Respiratory tract dosimetry The uptake of NO2 in the upper respiratory tract (above the larynx) has been experimentally studied in dogs, rats and rabbits. The upper airways of dogs and rabbits exposed to 7520 to 77 080 µg/m3 (4.0 to 41.0 ppm) NO2 removed 42.1% of the NO2 drawn through the nose (Yokoyama, 1968). The uptake of NO2 by isolated upper respiratory tracts of naive and previously exposed rats (76 000 µg/m3, 40.4 ppm NO2) was 28% and 25%, respectively (Cavanagh & Morris, 1987). Kleinman & Mautz (1987) exposed dogs to 1880 or 9400 µg/m3 (1.0 or 5.0 ppm) NO2 and found that more NO2 was absorbed in the upper respiratory tract with nasal breathing than with oral breathing. In addition, the percentage uptake of NO2 by the upper respiratory tract decreased with increasing ventilation rates. As ventilation increased up to four times resting values, NO2 uptake during nasal breathing decreased from approximately 85% to less than 80% and during oral breathing decreased from about 60% to approximately 45%. At rest, about 85% of the inhaled NO2 entering the lungs was absorbed by the lower respiratory tract; this increased to 100% with high ventilation rates. Miller et al. (1982) and Overton (1984) modelled NO2 uptake in the lower respiratory tract using the same dosimetry model described by Miller et al. (1978) for ozone (O3), but with the diffusion coefficient and Henry's law constant appropriate to NO2; however, values of the latter constant and reaction chemistry were considered uncertain. For all species modelled (i.e., rat, guinea-pig, rabbit and humans), the results indicate that NO2 is absorbed throughout the lower respiratory tract, but the major dose to tissue is delivered in the centriacinar region (i.e., junction between the conducting and respiratory airways), findings consistent with the site of morphological effects (see section Total respiratory tract uptake has been measured in healthy and diseased humans. In healthy humans exposed to an NO/NO2 mixture containing 545 to 13 500 µg/m3 (0.29 to 7.2 ppm) NO2 for brief (but unspecified) periods, 81 to 90% of the NO2 was absorbed during normal respiration; this increased to 91 to 92% with maximal ventilation (Wagner, 1970). Bauer et al. (1986) exposed adult asthmatics to 564 µg/m3 (0.3 ppm) NO2 via a mouthpiece for 30 min, including 10 min of exercise (30 litres/min) and measured inspired and expired NO2 concentrations. At rest, the average uptake was 72%; during exercise, the average uptake was 87%, a statistically significant increase. Because of the large increase in minute ventilation, the deposition was 3.1 µg/min at rest and 14.8 µg/min during exercise. As discussed above, increased ventilation increases the quantity of NO2 delivered to the respiratory tract and shifts the site of deposition. Typically, the percentage uptake of NO2 in the upper respiratory tract decreases, with a consequent increase in uptake by the lower respiratory tract owing to the deeper penetration of the inspired gas with increased tidal volume. These experimental results are qualitatively similar to conclusions for the modelled effects of ventilation on O3 dosimetry (Miller et al., 1985; Overton et al., 1987a,b). Systemic dosimetry Once deposited, NO2 dissolves in lung fluids and various chemical reactions occur, giving rise to products that are found in the blood and other body fluids. Labelled 13NO2 (564 to 1710 µg/m3 (0.3 to 0.91 ppm)) inhaled for 7 to 9 min by rhesus monkeys was distributed throughout the lungs (Goldstein et al., 1977b). These investigators also concluded that NO2 probably reacts with water in the fluids of the respiratory tract to form nitrous and nitric acids. Saul & Archer (1983) provided support for this pathway using rats inhaling NO2. This study subsequently led to the discovery of endogenous NO (Moncada et al., 1988, 1991). The current database indicates that once NO2 is absorbed in lung fluids, the subsequent reaction products are rapidly taken up and then translocated via the bloodstream. For example, Oda et al. (1981) reported a concentration-dependent increase in both NO2- and NO3- levels in the blood of mice during 1-h exposures to 9400 to 75 200 µg/m3 (5.0 to 40.0 ppm) NO2. The blood levels of NO2- and NO3- declined rapidly after exposures ended, with decay half-times of a few minutes for NO2- and about 1 h for NO3-. 5.2.2 Respiratory tract effects Host defence mechanisms Respiratory tract defences encompass many interrelated responses; however, for simplicity, they can be divided into physical and cellular defence mechanisms. Physical defence mechanisms include the mucociliary system of the conducting airways. Ciliary action moves particles and dissolved gases within the mucous layer towards the pharynx, where the mucus is swallowed or expectorated. Both nasal and tracheobronchial regions are immunologically active (e.g., nasal-associated lymphoid tissue and bronchial-associated lymphoid tissue), but this function has not been studied following NO2 exposure. Cellular defence mechanisms (phagocytic and immunological reactions) operate in the pulmonary region of the lung. Alveolar macrophages (AMs) are the first line of cellular defence. The AMs perform such activities as detoxifying and/or removing inhaled particles, maintaining sterility against inhaled microorganisms, interacting with lymphoid cells in a variety of immunological reactions, and removing damaged or dying cells from the alveoli through phagocytosis. Polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs), another group of phagocytic cells, are present in relatively small numbers (i.e., a small percentage of cells obtained from bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid) from normal lungs, but in response to a variety of insults, there can be an influx of PMNs from blood into the lung tissues and onto the surface of the airways. Once recruited to the lung, PMNs then ingest and kill opsonized microbes and other foreign substances by mechanisms similar to those for AMs. The responses of PMNs and AMs are frequently studied using BAL, the washing of the airways and alveolar spaces with saline. Cells and fluid obtained from this procedure can be used in a variety of ways to assess immune responses. Humoral and cell-mediated immunity are also active in the respiratory tract. The humoral part of this system primarily involves the B cells that function in the synthesis and secretion of antibodies into the blood and body fluids. The cell-mediated component primarily involves T lymphocytes, which are involved in delayed hypersensitivity and defences against viral, fungal, bacterial and neoplastic disease. a) Mucociliary clearance Exposure to NO2 can cause loss of cilia and ciliated epithelial cells, as discussed in section on morphological changes. Such changes are reflected in the functional impairment of mucociliary clearance at high levels of NO2 (> 9400 µg/m3, 5.0 ppm) (Giordano & Morrow, 1972; Kita & Omichi, 1974). At lower exposures (2 h/day for 2, 7 and 14 days to 564 and 1880 µg/m3, 0.3 and 1.0 ppm NO2), the mucociliary clearance of inhaled tracer particles deposited in the tracheobronchial tree of rabbits was not altered (Schlesinger et al., 1987). b) Alveolar macrophages Structural, biochemical, and functional changes in AMs observed in experimental animal studies to be caused by NO2 exposure are summarized in Table 28. The adversity of these effects is not clearly understood at present, but they are taken as hallmarks of adverse reactions. Studies of AMs in humans are discussed in chapter 6. Alveolar macrophages isolated from mice continuously exposed to 3760 µg/m3 (2.0 ppm) NO2 or to 940 µg/m3 (0.5 ppm) NO2 continuously with a 1-h peak to 3760 µg/m3 (2.0 ppm) for 5 days/week showed distinctive morphological changes after 21 weeks of exposure, compared to controls (Aranyi et al., 1976). Structural changes included the loss of surface processes, appearance of fenestrae, bleb formation and denuded surface areas. Continuous exposure to a lower NO2 level did not result in any significant morphological changes. Numerous morphological studies have shown that NO2 exposure increases the number of AMs (see section BAL methods have also been used to study AMs. Mochitate et al. (1986) reported a significant increase in the total number of AMs isolated from rats during 10 days of exposure to 7520 µg/m3 (4.0 ppm) NO2, but the number of PMNs did not increase. The AMs from exposed animals also exhibited increased metabolic activity, as measured by the activities of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, glutathione peroxidase and pyruvate kinase. The AMs also showed an increase in Table 28. Effects of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) on alveolar macrophagesa NO2 Concentration µg/m3 ppm Exposure Species Effectsb Reference 564 0.3 2 h/day, Rabbits Increase in alveolar clearance. Schlesinger & 1880 1.0 14 days Gearhart (1987) 564 0.3 2 h/day, 13 days Rabbit Decreased AM phagocytic capacity at 564 µg/m3; increase Schlesinger 1880 1.0 at 1880 µg/m3 after 2 days of exposure. No effect on cell (1987a,b) number or viability; random mobility reduced at 564 µg/m3 only. No effects from 6 days of exposure on. 564 0.3 2 h/day, 1 or Rabbit Acceleration in alveolar clearance at < 1880 µg/m3. Vollmuth et 1880 1.0 14 days al. (1986) 5640 3.0 940 or 0.5 or Continuous base Mouse No observable effects on AM morphology. Aranyi et al. 188 base; 0.1 base; with 2-h/day peak (1976) 1880 peak 1.0 peak (5 days/week), 24 weeks 3760 or 2.0 or 0.5 Continuous base Mouse Morphological changes, such as loss of surface processes, Aranyi et al. 940 base; base; with 7 h/day peak appearance of fenestrae, bleb formation, and denuded (1976) 3760 peak 2.0 peak (5 days/week), surface areas. 21 weeks 1880 1.0 17 h Mouse Bactericidal activity significantly decreased by 6 and Goldstein et al. 4320 2.3 35% at 4320 and 12 400 µg/m3, respectively; no effect at (1974) 12 400 6.6 1880 µg/m3. Table 28. (Con't) NO2 Concentration µg/m3 ppm Exposure Species Effectsb Reference 1880 base; 1.0 base; 7 h/day, 5 days Rat Accumulation of AMs. Superimposed spikes produced Gregory et al. 9400 peak 5.0 peak per week base with changes that may persist with continued exposures. (1983) one 1.5-h peak/day, 15 weeks 2444-31 960 1.3-17.0 - Rat Decreased production of superoxide anion radical. Amoruso et al. (1981) 3760 2.0 8 h/day, Baboon Impaired AM responsiveness to migration inhibitory Greene & 5 days/week, factor. Schneider (1978) 6 months 5640 3.0 3 h Rabbit Increased swelling of AMs. Dowell et al. (1971) 6768 3.6 2 h Rat Enhanced AM agglutination with concanavalin A. Goldstein et al. (1977a) 7520 4.0 6 h/day, 7, 14, Rat Changes in AM morphology; no change in numbers of AMs Hooftman et al. or 21 days or phagocytic capacity. (1988) 7520 4.0 10 days Rat Increase in number of AMs; no increase in PMNs; increased Mochitate et al. metabolic activity, protein and DNA synthesis; all (1986) responses peaked on day 4 and returned to normal on day 10. Table 28. (Con't) NO2 Concentration µg/m3 ppm Exposure Species Effectsb Reference 7520 4.0 Up to 10 days Rat Increase in number of AMs, reaching a peak on days 3 and Suzuki et al. 5; no increase in number of PMNs; decrease in AM viability (1986) throughout exposure period. Suppression of phagocytic activity on day 7 that returned to normal value at day 10. Decrease in superoxide radical production on days 3, 5 and 10. 9400 5.0 7 days Mouse No effect on phagocytic activity. Lefkowitz et al. (1986) 9400 5.0 3 h Rabbit No change in AM resistance to pox virus. Acton & Myrvik (1972) a Modified from US EPA (1993) b AM = alveolar macrophage; PMN = polymorphonuclear leukocyte the rate of synthesis of protein and DNA. All responses peaked on day 4 and returned to control levels by the tenth day. Suzuki et al. (1986) made similar observations and, in addition, found that the viability of AMs was decreased on day 1 and remained depressed for the remainder of the exposure period. Increased numbers and metabolic activity of AMs would be expected to have a positive influence on host defences. However, AMs are rich in proteolytic enzymes, and increased numbers could result in some tissue destruction when the enzymes are released. Furthermore, as discussed below, although more AMs may be present, they often have a decreased phagocytic ability. Schlesinger (1987a,b) found no significant changes in the number or the viability of AMs in BAL from rabbits exposed to 564 or 1880 µg/m3 (0.3 or 1.0 ppm) NO2, 2 h/day, for 13 days. Although there were no effects on the numbers of AMs that phagocytosed latex spheres, 2 days of exposure to 564 µg/m3 (0.3 ppm) decreased the phagocytic capacity (i.e., number of spheres per cell); the higher level of NO2 increased phagocytosis. Longer exposures had no effect. The phagocytic activity of rat AMs was significantly depressed after 7 days of exposure to 7520 µg/m3 (4.0 ppm) but returned to the control value at 10 days of exposure (Suzuki et al., 1986). There may be a species difference in responsiveness because Lefkowitz et al. (1986) did not observe a depression in phagocytosis in mice exposed for 7 days to 9400 µg/m3 (5.0 ppm) NO2. Suzuki et al. (1986) proposed that the inhibition of phagocytosis might be due to NO2 effects on membrane lipid peroxidation. Studies by Dowell et al. (1971) and Goldstein et al. (1977a) add support to this hypothesis. Acute exposure to 5640-7520 µg/m3 (3.0-4.0 ppm) caused swelling of AMs (Dowell et al., 1971) and increased AM agglutination with concanavalin A (Goldstein et al., 1977a), suggesting damage to the membrane function. Two independent studies have shown that NO2 exposure decreases the ability of rat AMs to produce superoxide anion involved in antibacterial activity. Amoruso et al. (1981) presented evidence of such an effect at NO2 concentrations ranging from 2440 to 32 000 µg/m3 (1.3 to 17.0 ppm). The duration of the NO2 exposure was not given; all exposures were expressed in terms of parts per million × hours. A 50% decrease of superoxide anion production began after exposure to 54 700 µg/m3 × h (29.1 ppm × h) NO2. Suzuki et al. (1986) reported a marked decrease in the ability of rat AMs to produce superoxide anion following a 10-day exposure to either 7520 or 15 000 µg/m3 (4.0 or 8.0 ppm) NO2. At the highest concentration, the effect was significant each day, but at the lower concentration, the depression was significant only on exposure days 3, 5 and 10. Alveolar macrophages obtained by BAL from baboons exposed to 3760 µg/m3 (2.0 ppm) NO2 for 8 h/day, 5 days/week, for 6 months had impaired responsiveness to migration inhibitory factor produced by sensitized lymphocytes (Greene & Schneider, 1978). This substance affects the behaviour of AMs by inhibiting free migration, which, in turn, interferes with the functional capacity of these defence cells. In addition, the random mobility of AMs was significantly depressed in rabbits following a 2 h/day exposure for 13 days to 564 µg/m3 (0.3 ppm), but not to 1880 µg/m3 (1.0 ppm) (Schlesinger, 1987b). Vollmuth et al. (1986) studied the clearance of strontium- 85-tagged polystyrene latex spheres from the lungs of rabbits following a single 2-h exposure to 564, 1880, 5640 or 18 800 µg/m3 (0.3, 1.0, 3.0 or 10.0 ppm) NO2. An acceleration in clearance occurred immediately after exposure to the two lowest NO2 concentrations; a similar effect was found by Schlesinger & Gearhart (1987). At the higher levels of NO2, an acceleration in clearance was not evident until midway through the 14-day post-exposure period. Repeated exposure for 14 days (2 h/day) to 1880 or 18 800 µg/m3 (1.0 or 10.0 ppm) NO2 produced a response similar to a single exposure at the same concentration. c) Humoral and cell-mediated immunity Various humoral and cell-mediated effects are summarized in Table 29. Exposing sheep to 9400 µg/m3 (5.0 ppm) NO2, 1.5 h/day for 10 to 11 days showed that intermittent short-term exposure may temporarily alter the pulmonary immune responsiveness (Joel et al., 1982). One technique commonly used in determining the production of specific antibody-forming cells is to measure the number of plaque-forming cells (PFCs) in the blood or tissues of immunized animals. In this study, the authors assessed immunological response by monitoring the daily output of PFCs in the efferent lymph of caudal mediastinal lymph nodes of sheep immunized with horse erythrocytes (a T-cell dependent antigen). Although the number of animals used was small and the data were not analysed statistically, it would appear that, in the animals that were immunized 2 days (but not 4 days) after NO2 exposure started, the output of PFC was below control values. Blastogenic responses of T cells from the efferent pulmonary lymph and venous blood also appeared to be decreased. Hillam et al. (1983) examined the effects of a 24-h exposure to 9400, 18 800 and 48 900 µg/m3 (5.0, 10.0 and 26.0 ppm) NO2 on cellular immunity in rats after intratracheal immunization with sheep erythrocytes (SRBCs). Cellular immunity was evaluated by antigen- specific lymphocyte stimulation assays of pooled lymphoid cell suspensions from either the thoracic lymph nodes or the spleen. Concentration-related elevation of cellular immunity in thoracic lymph nodes and spleen were reported after immunizing the lung with SRBCs. Table 29. Effects of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) on the immune systema NO2 Concentration µg/m3 ppm Exposure Species Effectsb Reference 188 base; 0.1 base; Continuous base Mouse Suppression of splenic T and B cell responsiveness to Maigetter et al. 470, 940, 0.25, 0.5, with 3-h/day peak mitogens variable and not related to concentration or (1978) or 1880 or 1.0 peak (5 days/week), 1, 3, duration, except for the 940 µg/m3 continuous group, peak 6, 9, 12 months which had a linear decrease in PHA-induced mitogenesis with NO2 duration. 940 0.5 Continuous 470 0.25 7 h/day, Mouse Reduced percentage of total T-cell population and trend Richters & Damji 5 days/week, (AKR/cum) towards reduced percentage of certain T-cell (1988) 7 weeks subpopulations; no reduction of mature T cells or natural killer cells. 470 0.25 7 h/day, Mouse Reduced percentage of total T-cell population and Richters & Damji 5 days/week, (AKR/cum) percentages of T helper/inducer cells on days 37 and 181. (1990) 36 weeks 658 0.35 7 h/day, Mouse Trend towards suppression in total percentage of T-cells. Richters & Damji 5 days/week, (C57BL/6J) No effects on percentages of other T-cell subpopulations. (1988) 12 weeks 752 0.4 24 h/day Mouse Decrease in primary PFC response at >752 µg/m3. Fujimaki et al. 3010 1.6 4 weeks Increase in secondary PFC response at 3010 µg/m3. (1982) Table 29. (Con't) NO2 Concentration µg/m3 ppm Exposure Species Effectsb Reference 940 base; 0.5 base; 22-h/day base Rat No effect on splenic or circulatory B or T cell response Selgrade et al. 2820 peak 1.5 peak (7 days/week); to mitogens. After 3 weeks of exposure only, decrease in (1991) 6-h ramped peak splenic natural killer cell activity. No histological (5 days/week) changes in lymphoid tissues 1, 3, 13, 52, 78 weeks 940 base, 0.5 base, Continuous base Mouse Vaccination with influenza A2/Taiwan virus after exposure. Ehrlich et al. 3760 peak 2.0 peak with 1 h/day Decrease in serum neutralizing antibody; haemagglutination (1975) (5 days/week) inhibition titres unchanged. Before virus challenge, NO2 3760 2.0 peak, 3 months exposure decreased serum IgA and increased IgG1, IgM, and IgG2; after virus, serum IgA unchanged and IgM increased. 1880 1.0 493 days Monkey Monkeys challenged five times with monkey-adapted Fenters et al. influenza virus during NO2 exposure. Haemagglutination (1973) inhibition antibody titres not altered. Compared to controls, NO2 caused an earlier and greater increase in serum neutralization antibody titres to the virus. 1880 1.0 6 months Guinea-pig Intranasal challenge with K. pneumoniae after exposure. Kosmider et al. Decreased haemolytic activity of complement; decrease in (1973) all immunoelectrophoretic fractions. 2820 1.5 24 h/day, 6, Mouse Reduction in number of splenic PFCs; lowering Lefkowitz et al. 9400 5.0 14, or 21 days concentration to 2820 µg/m3 and extending the length to (1986) 14 or 21 days decreased PFCs by 33 and 50%, respectively; no effect on cell-mediated immune system or haemagglutination titres. Table 29. (Con't) NO2 Concentration µg/m3 ppm Exposure Species Effectsb Reference 9400 5.0 1.5 h/day, Sheep Reduction in PFCs from pulmonary lymph and in mitogenesis Joel et al. 10-11 days of T cells from pulmonary lymph and blood. (1982) 9400 5.0 4 h/day, Guinea-pig Serum antibodies against lung tissue increased with Balchum et al. 28 200 15.0 5 days/week, concentration and duration of exposure. (1965) 5.52 months 9400 5.0 Continuous, 169 Monkey Initial depression in serum neutralization titres with Fenters et al. days, challenged return to normal by day 133; no effect on secondary (1971) 4 x with mouse- response on haemmagglutin inhibition titre. adapted influenza virus 9400 5.0 3-7 days Mouse No effect on serum interferon levels. Lefkowitz et al. 47 000 25.0 (1983, 1984) 9400 5.0 24 h Rat Concentration-related elevation of cellular immunity in Hillam et al. 18 800 10.0 thoracic lymph nodes and spleen after immunizing the lung (1983) 48 900 26.0 with sheep RBCs. Table 29. (Con't) NO2 Concentration µg/m3 ppm Exposure Species Effectsb Reference 9400 5.0 Continuous, Monkey Depressed postvaccination serum neutralizing antibody Ehrlich & 6 months formation. Fenters (1973) 9400 5.0 12 h Mouse No effect on primary and secondary splenic PFC response. Fujimaki & Shimizu (1981); Fujimaki et al. (1981) a Source: Modified from US EPA (1993) b PFC = plaque-forming cell; PHA = phytohaemagglutinin; Ig = immunoglobulin; RBCs = red blood cells Fujimaki et al. (1982) investigated the effect of a 4-week exposure to 752 and 3000 µg/m3 (0.4 and 1.6 ppm) NO2 in mice (i.e., primary and secondary antibody response to SRBCs, using the splenic PFC response as the end-point). The primary PFC response was decreased by both NO2 concentrations. Secondary antibody response was not affected at 752 µg/m3 (0.4 ppm), but was slightly enhanced at 3000 µg/m3 NO2. Acute exposure (12 h) of mice to 9400 µg/m3 (5.0 ppm) NO2 caused no such effects (Fujimaki & Shimizu, 1981; Fujimaki et al., 1981). The effect of exposure pattern was examined by Maigetter et al. (1978) by exposing mice for up to 1 year to 940 µg NO2/m3 (0.5 ppm) continuously or to three regimens having a continuous baseline of 188 µg/m3 (0.1 ppm) with 3-h peaks (5 days/week) of either 470, 940 or 1880 µg/m3 (0.25, 0.5 or 1.0 ppm). General mitogenic responses of splenic lymphocytes to phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) (a T cell dependent mitogen) and lipopolysaccharide (a B-cell dependent mitogen) decreased, but this was not related to the concentration or duration of exposure, with a single exception. The decrease in PHA-induced mitogenesis was linearly related to the increased duration of NO2 exposure to 940 µg/m3 (0.5 ppm). Shorter exposure (6 days) to 9400 µg/m3 (5.0 ppm) NO2 did not affect mitogenesis of T cells (Lefkowitz et al., 1986). Although NO2 did not affect haemagglutination antibody titres, it did reduce the number of splenic PFCs to SRBCs. The authors stated (data were not shown) that mice exposed to 2820 µg/m3 (1.5 ppm) NO2 for 14 or 21 days showed a 33 and 50% decrease, respectively, in the number of PFCs. Kosmider et al. (1973) exposed guinea-pigs to 1880 µg/m3 (1.0 ppm) NO2 for 6 months and reported a significant reduction in all serum immunoglobulin (Ig) fractions and complement. Decreased levels of these substances may lead to an increase in the frequency, duration and severity of an infectious disease. Mice exposed to NO2 had decreased serum levels of IgA and exhibited nonspecific increases in serum IgM, IgG and IgG2 (Ehrlich et al., 1975). These effects on lymphocyte function may reflect changes in lymphocyte populations. Richters & Damji (1988) found that the percentage of the total T lymphocyte population was reduced in the spleens of AKR/cum mice exposed for 7 weeks (7 h/day, 5 days/week) to 470 µg/m3 (0.25 ppm) NO2. The percentages of mature helper/inducer T and T cytotoxic/suppressor lymphocytes were also lower in the spleens of exposed animals. There were no changes in the percentages of natural killer cells or mature T cells. Upon a longer (36-week) exposure, Richters & Damji (1990) found that the numbers of T-helper/ inducer (CD4+) lymphocytes (spleen) were reduced, but no effects were observed on T cytotoxic/suppressor cells. Spontaneously developing lymphomas in NO2-exposed animals progressed more slowly than those in control animals. This was attributed to the NO2-induced reduction in the T-helper/inducer lymphocytes. C57BL/6J mice exposed to 658 µg/m3 (0.35 ppm) for 7 h/day, 5 days/week for 12 weeks, also showed a suppression in the percentage of total matured T lymphocytes, but no effect on any specific subpopulation upon longer exposure (36 weeks) to 470 µg/m3 (0.25 ppm) (Richters & Damji, 1988). Selgrade et al. (1991) found that chronic exposure (up to 78 weeks) to an urban pattern of NO2 (baseline of 940 µg/m3 (0.5 ppm) with a ramped 6-h peak to 2820 µg/m3 (1.5 ppm)) had no effect on splenic or circulating B or T cell mitogenic response. However, there was a transient decrease in splenic natural killer cell activity (at 3 weeks only). Few studies have been undertaken to assess the effects of NO2 on interferon production. Mice exposed to either 9400 or 47 000 µg/m3 (5.0 or 25.0 ppm) NO2 for 3 to 7 days had serum levels of interferon similar to those of controls (Lefkowitz et al., 1983, 1984). Induction of autoimmunity was suggested by the work of Balchum et al. (1965). Guinea-pigs exposed to 9400 µg/m3 (5.0 ppm) and 28 200 µg/m3 (15.0 ppm) NO2 had an increase in the titre of serum antibodies against lung tissue, starting after 160 h of NO2 exposure. These antibody titres continued to increase with NO2 concentration and duration of exposure. The impact of NO2 on the humoral immune response of squirrel monkeys to intratracheally delivered influenza vaccine was studied by Fenters et al. (1971, 1973) and Ehrlich & Fenters (1973). In monkeys exposed for 493 days to 1880 µg/m3 (1.0 ppm) NO2 and immunized with monkey-adapted virus (A/PR/8/34), the serum neutralizing antibody titres were significantly increased earlier and to a greater degree than those of controls (Fenters et al., 1973; Ehrlich & Fenters, 1973). In monkeys exposed to 9400 µg/m3 (5.0 ppm) NO2 for a total of 169 days and immunized with mouse-adapted influenza virus (A/PR/8), serum neutralization titres were lower than controls initially; no significant difference was observed by 133 days of exposure (Fenters et al., 1971; Ehrlich & Fenters, 1973). In all of these studies, the haemagglutination inhibition antibody titres were not affected. Differences between studies might be due to the difference in the virus used for immunization, along with exposure differences. Also, exposure to 1880 µg/m3 (1.0 ppm) NO2 may have increased the establishment of infection and the survival of the monkey-adapted virus within the respiratory tract, resulting in an increase in antibody production. Mice that were vaccinated with influenza virus (A-2/Taiwan/ 1/64) after 3 months of continuous exposure to 3760 µg/m3 (2.0 ppm) or to 940 µg/m3 (0.5 ppm) NO2 with a 1-h daily (5 days/week) spike exposure to 3760 µg/m3 (2.0 ppm) had mean serum neutralizing antibody titres that were four-fold lower than those of clean air controls (Ehrlich et al., 1975). The haemagglutination inhibition antibody titres in these animals were unchanged. This agrees with the Fenters et al. (1973) findings in monkeys exposed to 1880 µg/m3 (1.0 ppm) for over 1 year. d) Interaction with infectious agents Various experimental approaches have been employed using animals in an effort to determine the overall functional efficiency of the host's pulmonary defences following NO2 exposure. In the most commonly used infectivity model, animals are exposed to either NO2 or filtered air. After NO2 exposure, the treatment groups are combined and exposed briefly to an aerosol of a viable agent, such as Streptococcus sp., Klebsiella pneumoniae, Diplococcus pneumoniae or influenza virus. The animals are then returned to clean air for a holding period (usually 15 days), and the mortality in the NO2-exposed and the control groups are compared. If host defences are compromised by the NO2 exposure, mortality rates will be higher (Ehrlich, 1966; Henry et al., 1970; Coffin & Gardner, 1972; Ehrlich et al., 1979; Gardner, 1982). Although the end-point is mortality, it is a sensitive indicator of the depression of the defence mechanisms used to control infection. Because these specific defence mechanisms are common to laboratory animals and humans, the increased susceptibility to infection can be qualitatively extrapolated to humans, even though mortality would not be an expected outcome in humans receiving appropriate medical treatment. However, different exposure levels of NO2 and infectious agents may be required to produce changes in human host defences. Effects of NO2 on pulmonary infectious disease in humans are discussed in chapters 6 and 7. Table 30 summarizes effects of exposure to NO2 and infectious agents observed in animals. An enhancement in mortality following exposure to NO2 in combination with a pathogenic microorganism could be due to several factors. Goldstein et al. (1973) showed decreases in pulmonary bactericidal activity following NO2 exposure. In their first experiments, mice breathed aerosols of Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) labelled with radioactive phosphorus and were then exposed to NO2 for 4 h. Physical removal of the bacteria was not affected by any of the NO2 concentrations used up to 27 800 µg/m3 (14.8 ppm). Concentrations > 13 200 µg/m3 (7.0 ppm) NO2 lowered the bactericidal activity by > 7%. Lower concentrations (3570 and 7140 µg/m3 (1.9 and 3.8 ppm)) had no significant effect. In another experiment (Goldstein et al., 1974), mice breathed 1800, 4320 and 12 400 (1.0, 2.3 and 6.6 ppm) NO2 for 17 h and then were exposed to an aerosol of S. aureus. Four hours later, the animals were examined for the number of organisms present in the lungs. No difference in the number of bacteria inhaled was found in the NO2-exposed animals. Concentrations of 4320 and 12 400 µg/m3 (2.3 and 6.6 ppm) NO2 decreased pulmonary bactericidal activity by 6 and 35%, respectively, compared to controls. Exposure to 1880 µg/m3 (1.0 ppm) NO2 had no significant effect. Goldstein et al. (1974) hypothesized that the decreased bactericidal activity was due to defects in AM function. Jakab (1987) confirmed these findings and found that the concentration of NO2 required to suppress pulmonary bactericidal activity in mice depended on the specific organism. For example, exposure to > 7520 µg/m3 (> 4.0 ppm) NO2 for 4 h after bacterial challenge depressed bactericidal activity against S. aureus, but it required a concentration of 18 800 to 37 600 µg/m3 (10.0 to 20.0 ppm) before the lung's ability to kill deposited Pasteurella and Proteus was impaired. Parker et al. (1989) made similar observations in mice exposed for 4 h to 9400 or 18 800 µg/m3 (5.0 or 10.0 ppm) NO2 and infected with Mycoplasma pulmonis. The higher concentration of NO2 increased mortality. Both concentrations: (1) reduced lung bactericidal activity and increased bacterial growth, without affecting deposition or physical clearance; and (2) increased the incidence of lung lesions as well as their severity. Davis et al. (1991) found no effects of lower NO2 concentrations on bactericidal activity using the same model system. Table 30. Interaction of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) with infectious agentsa NO2 concentration µg/m3 ppm Exposure Species Infective agent Effects Reference 100 base, 0.05 base, Continuous, with Mouse Streptococcus No effect Gardner (1980); 188 peak 0.1 peak 1 h peak, twice/day sp. Gardner et al. (5 days/week), (1982); Graham 15 days et al. (1987) 940 + 0.5 + Increased mortality 1880 peak 1.0 peak 2260 + 1.2 + Increased mortality 4700 peak 2.5 peak 376 base, 0.2 base, Continuous base Mouse Streptococcus Spike plus baseline caused Miller et al. 1500 peak 0.8 peak with 1-h peak sp. significantly greater mortality (1987) twice/day than baseline. (5 days/week), 1 year 564-940 0.3-0.5 Continuous, Mouse A/PR/8 High incidence of adenomatous Motomiya et al. 3 months virus proliferation of peripheral and (1973) bronchial epithelial cells; NO2 alone and virus alone caused less severe alterations. Table 30 (Con't) NO2 concentration µg/m3 ppm Exposure Species Infective agent Effects Reference Continuous, No enhancement of effect of NO2 6 months and virus. 940 0.5 3 h/day, Mouse Streptococcus Increase in mortality with Ehrlich et al. 3 months sp. reduction in mean survival time. (1979) 940 0.5 Intermittent, Mouse Klebsiella Increased mortality after 6 months Ehrlich & 6 or 18 h/day, pneumoniae intermittent exposure or after Henry (1968) up to 12 months 3, 6, 9 or 12 months continuous exposure; following 12 months exposure, increased mortality was Continuous, significant only in continuously 24 h/day up to exposed mice. 12 months 940-1880 0.5-1.0 Continuous, Mouse A/PR/8 Increased susceptibility to Ito (1971) 39 days (female) virus infection 18 800 10.0 2 h/day, 1, 3, and 5 days 940-52 600 0.5-28.0 Varied Mouse Streptococcus Increased mortality with increased Gardner et al. sp. time and concentration; (1977a,b); Coffin concentration is more important et al. (1977) than time. 940 0.5 24 h/day, Mouse K. pneumoniae Significant increase in mortality McGrath & 1880 1.0 7 days/week, after 3-day exposure to 9400 µg/m3; Oyervides (1985) 2820 1.5 3 months no effect at other concentrations, Table 30 (Con't) NO2 concentration µg/m3 ppm Exposure Species Infective agent Effects Reference 9400 5.0 3 days but control mortality was very high. 1880 1.0 17 h Mouse Staphylococcus No difference in number of bacteria Goldstein et al. 4320 2.3 aureus after deposited, but at 4320 and (1974) 12 400 6.6 NO2 exposure 12 400 µg/m3, there was a decrease in pulmonary bactericidal activity of 6 and 35%, respectively; no effect at 1880 µg/m3. 1880-4700 1.0-2.5 4 h Mouse S. aureus Impaired bactericidal activity Jakab (1988) between 1800 and 4700 µg/m3 in animals injected with corticosteroids 4320 2.3 6% decrease in bactericidal activity 12 400 6.6 35% decrease in bactericidal activity 1880 1.0 48 h Mouse Streptococcus Increase proliferation of Sherwood et al. sp.; S. aureus Streptococcus sp., but not (1981) S. aureus, in lung 1880 1.0 3 h Mouse Streptococcus Exercise on continuously moving Illing et al. 5640 3.0 sp. wheels during exposure; increased (1980) mortality at 5640 µg/m3 Table 30 (Con't) NO2 concentration µg/m3 ppm Exposure Species Infective agent Effects Reference 2820 1.5 Continuous or Mouse Streptococcus After 1 week, mortality with Gardner et al. intermittent sp. continuous exposure was greater (1979) (7 h/day), 7 days than that for intermittent; after per week, 2 weeks 2 weeks, no significant difference between continuous and intermittent exposure. 6580 3.5 Increased mortality with increased duration of exposure; no significant difference between continuous and intermittent exposure; with data adjusted for total difference in the production of concentration and time, mortality essentially the same. 2820 base, 1.5 base, Continuous 60 h Mouse Streptococcus Mortality increased with 3.5- and Gardner (1980); 8460 peak 4.5 peak then peak for 1, sp. 7-h single spike when bacterial Garnder et al. 3.5 or 7 h, then challenge was immediate, and (1982); Graham continuous 18 h 18 h after the spike et al. (1987) 8460 4.5 1, 3.5, or 7 h Mortality proportional to duration when bacterial challenge was immediate, but not 18 h post-exposure. 2820 1.5 7 h/day, 4, 5, Mouse Streptococcus Elevated temperature (32°C) Gardner et al. and 7 days sp. increased mortality after 7 days. (1982) Table 30 (Con't) NO2 concentration µg/m3 ppm Exposure Species Infective agent Effects Reference 2820 1.5 2 h Mouse K. pneumoniae Increased mortality only at Purvis & 4700 2.5 > 6580 µg/m3. Increase in Ehrlich (1966); mortality 6580 3.5 K. pneumoniae challenge 1 and 6 h Ehrlich (1979) 9400 5.0 after 9400 or 18 800 µg/m3; 18 800 10.0 when K. pneumoniae challenge 27 h 28 200 15.0 following NO2 exposure, effect only at 28 200 µg/m3. 3570 1.9 4 h Mouse S. aureus Physical removal of bacteria Goldstein et al. 7140 3.8 prior to NO2 unchanged at 3570 to 27 800 µg/m3. (1973) exposure 13 160 7.0 7% lower bactericidal activity 17 300 9.2 14% lower bactericidal activity 27 800 14.8 50% lower bactericidal activity 3760 2.0 3 h Mouse Streptococcus Increased mortality Ehrlich et al. sp. (1977); Ehrlich (1980) 4700 2.5-30.0 4 h Mouse S. aureus, Concentration-related decrease Jakab (1987) 56 400 Pasteurella and in bactericidal activity, starting Proteus at > 7500 µg/m3 with S. aureus when NO2 exposure was after bacterial challenge; when NO2 was before bacterial challenge, effect at 18 800 µg/m3. Higher concentration required to affect other organisms. Table 30 (Con't) NO2 concentration µg/m3 ppm Exposure Species Infective agent Effects Reference 6580 3.5 2 h Mouse K. pneumoniae Increased mortality of all species Ehrlich (1975) 65 830 35.0 2 h Hamster 94 050 50.0 2 h Squirrel monkey 9400 5.0 6 h/day, Mouse Cytomegalovirus Increase in virus susceptibility Rose et al. 6 days (1988) 9400 5.0 Continuous, Squirrel K. pneumoniae Increased viral-induced mortality Henry et al. 2 months monkey or A/PR/8 (1/3). Increase in Klebsiella- (1970) influenza virus induced mortality (2/7); no deaths. control 19 000 10.0 Continuous, Increased virus-induced mortality 1 month (6/6) within 2-3 days after infection; no control deaths. Increase in Klebsiella-induced mortality (1/4); no control deaths. 9400 5.0 4 h Mouse Mycoplasma NO2 increased incidence and Parker et al. 19 000 10.0 pulmonis severity of pneumonia lesions and (1989) decreased the number of organisms needed to induce pneumonia; no effect on physical clearance, decreased mycoplasmal killing and increased growth; no effect on specific IgM in serum; Table 30 (Con't) NO2 concentration µg/m3 ppm Exposure Species Infective agent Effects Reference C57Bl/6N mice generally more sensitive than C3H/HeN mice. At 19 000 µg/m3, one strain (C57BL/6N) of mice had increased mortality. 9400 5.0 2 months Squirrel K. pneumoniae Mortality 2/7; bacteria present Henry et al. monkey in lung of survivors at autopsy. (1969) 65 800 35.0 1 month Mortality 1/4; bacteria present in lungs of survivors at autopsy. 94 000 50.0 2 h Mortality 3/3 a Modified from US EPA (1993) Differences in species susceptibility to NO2 or to a pathogen may play a role in the enhancement of mortality seen in experimental animals. An enhancement in mortality was noted in mice, hamsters and monkeys acutely exposed to NO2 for 2 h followed by a challenge of K. pneumonia (Ehrlich, 1975). However, differences in susceptibility were noted between the species. Ehrlich found increased mortality occurred in monkeys only at 94 000 µg/m3 (50.0 ppm), whereas, lower NO2 levels increased mortality in mice (6580 µg/m3, 3.5 ppm) and hamsters (65 800 µg/m3, 35.0 ppm). The mouse model was the most sensitive to NO2 exposure, as shown by enhanced mortality from K. pneumoniae following exposure to 6580 µg/m3 (3.5 ppm) but not to 2820-4700 µg/m3 (1.5-2.5 ppm) NO2 for 2 h (Purvis & Ehrlich, 1963; Ehrlich, 1975). With prolonged (2 month) exposure, Henry et al. (1969) found that lower levels of NO2 (9400 µg/m3, 5.0 ppm) increased susceptibility to bacterial infections in monkeys than the 50.0 ppm concentration found to be effective by Ehrlich (1975) with acute (2 h) exposure. The sensitivity is also affected by the test organism. For example, when Streptococcus sp. was the infectious agent, a 3-h exposure to 3760 µg/m3 (2.0 ppm) NO2 caused an increased in mortality in mice (Ehrlich et al., 1977). Sherwood et al. (1981) illustrated that exposure to 1880 µg/m3 (1.0 ppm) NO2 for 48 h increased the propensity of virulent group-C streptococci, but not S. aureus, to proliferate within mouse lungs and cause earlier mortality. Additional factors can influence the interaction of NO2 and infectious agents. Mice placed on continuously moving exercise wheels during exposure to 5640 µg/m3 (3.0 ppm) NO2, but not 1880 µg/m3 (1.0 ppm), for 3 h showed enhanced mortality over non-exercised NO2-exposed mice using the streptococcal infectivity model (Illing et al., 1980). The presence of other environmental factors, such as O3 (Ehrlich et al., 1977; Gardner, 1980; Gardner et al., 1982; Graham et al., 1987) or elevated temperatures (Gardner et al., 1982), also exacerbated the effects of NO2. The influence of a wide variety of exposure regimens has been evaluated using the infectivity model. For example, Gardner et al. (1977b) examined the effect of varying durations of continuous exposure on the mortality of mice exposed to six concentrations of NO2 (940 to 52 600 µg/m3 (0.5 to 28.0 ppm)) for durations ranging from 15 min to 1 year. Streptococcus sp. was used for all concentrations, except 940 µg/m3, in which case K. pneumoniae was used. Mortality increased linearly with increasing duration of exposure to a given concentration of NO2. Mortality also increased with increasing concentration of NO2 as indicated by the steeper slopes with higher concentrations. When the product of concentration and time (C × T) was held constant, the relationship between concentration and time produced significantly different mortality responses. At a constant C × T of approximately 21 ppm-h, a 14-h exposure to 2820 µg/m3 (1.5 ppm) NO2 increased mortality by 12.5%, whereas a 1.5-h exposure to 27 300 µg/m3 (14.0 ppm) NO2 enhanced mortality by 58.5%. These findings demonstrate that concentration is more important than time in determining the degree of injury induced by NO2 in this model, and they were confirmed at additional C × T values (Gardner et al., 1977a,b, 1982; Coffin et al., 1977). Gardner et al. (1979) also compared the effect of continuous versus intermittent exposure to NO2 followed by bacterial challenge with Streptococcus sp. Mice were exposed either continuously or intermittently (7 h/day, 7 days/week) to 2820 or 6580 µg/m3 (1.5 or 3.5 ppm) NO2. The continuous exposure of mice to 2820 µg/m3 NO2 increased mortality after 24 h of exposure. During the first week of exposure, the mortality was significantly higher in mice exposed continuously to NO2 than in those exposed intermittently. By the 14th day of exposure, the difference between intermittent and continuous exposure became indistinguishable. At the higher concentration, there was essentially no difference between continuous and intermittent regimens. This suggests that fluctuating levels of NO2 may ultimately be as toxic as sustained high levels (Gardner et al., 1979). Mice were exposed continuously or intermittently (6 or 18 h/day) to 940 µg/m3 (0.5 ppm) NO2 for up to 12 months (Ehrlich & Henry, 1968). None of the exposure regimens affected resistance to K. pneumoniae infection during the first month. Those exposed continuously exhibited decreased resistance to the infectious agent, as demonstrated by a significant enhancement in mortality at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. In another experiment, a significant enhancement did not occur at 3 months, but was observed after 6 months of exposure. After 6 months, mice exposed intermittently (6 or 18 h/day) to NO2 showed significant increases in mortality over controls (18%). Only the continuously exposed animals showed increased mortality (23%) over controls following 12 months of exposure. After 12 months of exposure, mice in the three experimental groups showed a reduced capacity to clear viable bacteria from their lungs. This was first observed after 6 months in the continuously exposed group and after 9 months in the intermittently exposed groups. These changes, however, were not statistically tested for significance. Although it is not possible to compare directly the results of the studies using Streptococcus sp. to those using K. pneumoniae, the data suggest that, as the concentration of NO2 is decreased, a longer exposure time is necessary for the intermittent exposure regimen to produce a level of effect equivalent to that of a continuous exposure. McGrath & Oyervides (1985) did not confirm these findings in mice exposed to 940, 1880 and 2820 µg/m3 (0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 ppm) NO2 for 3 months. The inconsistency may be attributed to the fact that the McGrath & Oyervides (1985) study had 95% mortality in the control groups, making it virtually impossible to detect a further enhancement in mortality due to NO2. Gardner (1980), Gardner et al. (1982) and Graham et al. (1987) reported extensive investigations on the response to airborne infections in mice breathing NO2 spike exposures superimposed on a lower continuous background level of NO2, which simulated the pattern (although not the NO2 concentrations) of exposure in the urban environment in the USA. Mice were exposed to spikes of 8460 µg/m3 (4.5 ppm) for 1, 3.5 or 7 h and then were challenged with Streptococcus sp. either immediately or 18 h after exposure. Mortality was proportional to the duration of the spike when the mice were challenged with bacteria immediately after exposure, but mice had recovered from the exposure by 18 h. Similar findings were reported by Purvis & Ehrlich (1963) using K. pneumoniae. When a spike of 8460 µg/m3 (4.5 ppm) was superimposed on a continuous background of 2820 µg/m3 (1.5 ppm) for 62 h preceding and 18 h following the spike, mortality was significantly enhanced by a spike lasting 3.5 or 7 h when the infectious agent was administered 18 h after the spike (Gardner, 1980; Gardner et al., 1982; Graham et al., 1987). Possible explanations for these differences due to the presence or absence of a background exposure are that mice continuously exposed are not capable of recovery or that new AMs or PMNs recruited to the site of infection are impaired by the continuous exposure to NO2. The effect of multiple spikes was examined by exposing mice for 2 weeks to two daily 1-h spikes (morning and afternoon, 5 days/week) of 8460 µg/m3 (4.5 ppm) superimposed on a continuous background of 2820 µg/m3 (1.5 ppm) NO2. Mice were challenged with the infectious agent either immediately before or after the morning spike. When the infectious agent was given before the morning spike, the increase in mortality did not closely approach that of a continuous exposure to 2820 µg/m3 (1.5 ppm) NO2. However, in mice challenged after the morning spike, by 2 weeks of exposure, the increased mortality over controls approached that equivalent to continuous exposure to 2820 µg/m3 (1.5 ppm) NO2. Thus, the magnitude of the effect of the base-plus- spike group, which had a higher C × T than the continuous groups, did not exceed the effect of the continuous group. These findings demonstrate that the pattern of exposure determines the response and that the response is not predictable based on a simple C × T relationship. Further investigations into the effects of chronic exposure to NO2 spikes on murine antibacterial lung defences have been conducted using a spike-to-baseline ratio of 4:1, which is not uncommon in the urban environment in the USA (Miller et al., 1987). For 1 year, mice were exposed 23 h/day, 7 days/week, to a baseline of 376 µg/m3 (0.2 ppm) or to this baseline level on which was superimposed a 1-h spike of 1500 µg/m3 (0.8 ppm) NO2, twice a day, 5 days/week. The animals exposed to the baseline level did not exhibit any significant effects; however, the streptococcal-induced mortality of the mice exposed to the baseline plus spike regimen was significantly greater than that of either the NO2-background-exposed mice or the control mice. Human epidemiological studies in chapter 7 indicate increased risk of respiratory infection. Data from experimental animals support the epidemiological responses in humans. Antiviral defences are also compromised by NO2. Squirrel monkeys exposed to 9400 or 18 800 µg/m3 (5.0 or 10.0 ppm) NO2 for 2 or 1 month, respectively, had an increased susceptibility to a laboratory-induced viral influenza infection (Henry et al., 1970). All six animals exposed to the highest concentration died within 2 to 3 days of infection with the influenza virus; at the lower concentration, one out of three monkeys died. Mice exposed continuously for 3 months to 564-940 µg/m3 (0.3-0.5 ppm) NO2 followed by a challenge with A/PR/8 influenza virus exhibited significant pulmonary pathological responses (Motomiya et al., 1973). A greater incidence of adenomatous proliferation of bronchial epithelial cells resulted from the combined exposures of virus plus NO2 than with either the viral or NO2 exposures alone. Continuous NO2 exposure for an additional 3 months did not enhance the effect of NO2 or the subsequent virus challenge. Ito (1971) challenged mice with influenza A/PR/8 virus after continuous exposure to 940 to 1880 µg/m3 (0.5 to 1.0 ppm) NO2 for 39 days and to 18 800 µg/m3 (10.0 ppm) NO2, 2 h daily for 1, 3 and 5 days. Acute and intermittent exposure to 18 800 µg/m3 (10.0 ppm) NO2 as well as continuous exposure to 940 to 1880 µg/m3 (0.5 to 1.0 ppm) NO2 increased the susceptibility of mice to influenza virus as demonstrated by increased mortality. The lower respiratory tract of mice became significantly more susceptible to murine cytomegalovirus infection after 6-h exposures for 6 days to 9400 µg/m3 (5.0 ppm) NO2 (Rose et al., 1988). No effects occurred at levels < 4700 µg/m3 (2.5 ppm). Exposure to 9400 µg/m3 (5.0 ppm) NO2 did not significantly alter the course of a parainfluenza (murine sendai virus) infection in mice as measured by the infectious pulmonary virus titres in the lungs. However, this concentration of NO2, when combined with the virus exposure, did increase the severity of the pulmonary disease process (viral pneumonitis) (Jakab, 1988). Lung biochemistry Studies of lung biochemistry in animals exposed to NO2 have focused on either the putative mechanisms of toxic action of NO2 or on detection of indicators of tissue and cell damage. One theory of the mechanism underlying NO2 toxicity is that NO2 initiates lipid peroxidation in unsaturated fatty acids in membranes of target cells, thereby causing cell injury or death (Menzel, 1976). Another theory is that NO2 oxidizes water-soluble, low molecular weight reducing substances and proteins, resulting in a metabolic dysfunction that manifests itself in toxicity (Freeman & Mudd, 1981). It is likely that NO2 acts by both means. Several potential biochemical mechanisms related to detoxification of NO2 or to responses to NO2 intoxication have been proposed and summarized below according to impacts on lipids, proteins, and antioxidant metabolism and antioxidants. The following discussion focuses on inhalation studies because they are more interpretable for risk assessment purposes; in vitro exposure studies have been reviewed elsewhere (US EPA, 1993). a) Lipid peroxidation Animal toxicology studies evaluating effects of NO2 on lipid peroxidation are summarized in Table 31. Lipid peroxidation induced by NO2 exposure has been detected at exposure levels as low as 75 µg/m3 (0.04 ppm). Lipid peroxidation, measured as ethane exhalation, was detected after 9 months of exposure of rats to 75-750 µg/m3 (0.04-0.4 ppm) (Sagai et al., 1984). Lipid peroxidation has also been evaluated by measuring the content of lipid peroxides or substances reactive to thiobarbituric acid in alveolar lavage fluid and lung tissue after exposure to similar NO2 concentrations (Ichinose & Sagai, 1982; Ichinose et al., 1983). Acute or subacute exposure to higher concentrations of NO2 has also been shown to cause a rapid increase in lung peroxide levels in several species. Table 31. Effects of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) on lung lipid metabolisma NO2 Concentration µg/m3 ppm Exposure Species Effectsb Reference 75 0.04 Continuous, 9, Rat Increased TBA products at 7520 µg/m3 after 9 months and Sagai et al. 752 0.4 18 or 27 months at > 752 µg/m3 after 18 months; increased ethane (1984) 7520 4.0 exhalation at all levels. No changes in total lipid, phospholipid, total cholesterol or triglyceride contents. 75 0.04 Continuous, 6, Increased ethane exhalation after 9 and 18 months. 225 0.12 9 and 18 months 752 0.4 752 0.4 2 weeks Rat Changes in TBA-reactive substances, exhaled ethane and Ichinose et 2260 1.2 1-16 weeks enzyme activities in lung homogenates, dependent on al. (1983) 7520 4.0 concentration and duration of exposure. 18 800 10.0 75 0.04 9, 18, 752 0.4 27 months 7520 4.0 752 0.4 4 months Rat Duration-dependent increase in ethane exhalation and Ichinose & 2260 1.2 TBA-reactive substances; peak increase in early weeks of Sagai (l982) 7520 4.0 exposure, return towards control in mid-exposure, and increase late in exposure. 752 0.4 72 h Guinea-pig No effect at 752 µg/m3; increase in lung lipid content in Selgrade et 1880 1.0 BAL of vitamin C-depleted, but not normal, animals at al. (1981) 5640 3.0 1880 µg/m3 or more. 9400 5.0 Table 31 (Con't) NO2 Concentration µg/m3 ppm Exposure Species Effectsb Reference 9400 5.0 3 h Increased lung lipid content in vitamin C-depleted guinea-pigs 18-h after exposure. 752 0.4 1 week No effects in normal or vitamin C-depleted animals. 1880 1.0 Continuous, Rabbit Decrease in lecithin synthesis after 1 week; less marked Seto et al. 2 weeks depression after 2 weeks. (1975) 1880 1.0 4 h/day, Rat Vitamin E supplement reduced the lipid peroxidation. Thomas et al. 6 days (1967) 5450 2.9 Continuous, Rat Increase in lung wet weight (l2.7%) and decrease in total Arner & 5 days/week lipid (8.7%); decrease in saturated fatty acid content of Rhoades (1973) 9 months lung lavage fluid and tissue; increase in surface tension of lung lavage fluid; and decrease in lung compliance. 1880 1.0 2 h Rabbit 1800 µg/m3: elevated thromboxane B2. 5640 µg/m3: Schlesinger 5640 3.0 depressed thromboxane B2. 18 800 µg/m3: depressed et al. (1990) 18 800 10.0 6-keto-prostaglandin F1alpha and thromboxane B2. 5640 3.0 Continuous, Rat Decrease in linoleic and linolenic acid content of BAL. Menzel et al. 17 days (1972) 5640 3.0 7 days Rat Increased TBA reactants with vitamin E deficiency. Sevanian et al. (1982) a Modified from US EPA (1993) b TBA = Thiobarbituric acid; BAL = Bronchoalveolar lavage Lipid peroxidation results in an alteration in phospholipid composition. Exposure of either mice or guinea-pigs to an NO2 level of 750 µg/m3 (0.4 ppm) for a week resulted in a decreased concentration of phosphatidyl ethanolamine and a relative increase in the phosphatidyl choline concentration (Sagai et al., 1987). Several investigators have also demonstrated NO2-induced lipid peroxidation in in vitro systems. The cell type most commonly used is the endothelial cell from either pig arteries or aorta. Studies using these cell types have recently attempted to relate the effect on lipid metabolism to functional parameters such as membrane fluidity and enzyme activation or inactivation. Membrane fluidity changes are related to lipid peroxidation. NO2-induced changes in membrane fluidity have been demonstrated in alveolar macrophages and endothelial cells in culture. Endothelial cells exposed to a NO2 level of 9400 µg/m3 (5 ppm), for instance, exhibit decreased membrane fluidity after 3 h. Thus, NO2 changes the physical state of the membrane lipids, perhaps through initiating lipid peroxidation, and hence impairs membrane functions (Patel et al., 1988). Lipid peroxidation can also activate phospholipase activities. Activation of phospholipase A1 in cultured endothelial cells by NO2 has been demonstrated. This activation, which is specific for phospholipase A1 occurs at an NO2 concentration of 9400 µg/m3 (5 ppm) after 40 h of exposure and is speculated to depend on a specific NO2-induced increase in phosphatidyl serine in the plasma membranes (Sekharam et al., 1991). One function of phospholipases is the release of arachidonic acid. The effect of NO2 on the release and metabolism of arachidonic acid has been studied both in vivo and in vitro. Both an increase and a decrease in the metabolism of arachidonic acid has been observed in several species. In vivo exposure of rats to 18 800 µg/m3 (10 ppm) for 2 h resulted in decreased levels of prostaglandins E2 and F2alpha, as well as thromboxane B2, in lavage fluid. On the other hand, at an exposure level of 1880 µg/m3 (1 ppm), the concentrations of thromboxane B2 were increased (Schlesinger et al., 1990). b) Effects on lung proteins and enzymes Nitrogen dioxide can cause lung inflammation (associated with concomitant infiltration of serum protein, enzymes and inflammatory cells) and hyperplasia of Type 2 cells. Thus, some changes in lung enzyme activity and protein content may reflect inflammation and/or changes in cell types, rather than direct effects of NO2 on lung cell enzymes. Some direct effects of NO2 on enzymes are possible because NO2 can oxidize various reducible amino acids or side chains of proteins in aqueous solution (Freeman & Mudd, 1981). These effects are summarized in Table 32. Nitrogen dioxide can increase the protein content of BAL in vitamin-C-deficient guinea-pigs (Sherwin & Carlson, 1973; Selgrade et al., 1981; Hatch et al., 1986; Slade et al., 1989). Selgrade et al. (1981) found effects at NO2 levels as low as 1880 µg/m3 (1.0 ppm) after a 72-h exposure, but a 1-week exposure to 752 µg/m3 (0.4 ppm) did not increase protein levels. The results of the 1-week exposure apparently conflict with those of Sherwin & Carlson (1973), who found increased protein content of BAL from vitamin-C-deficient guinea-pigs exposed to 752 µg/m3 (0.4 ppm) NO2 for 1 week. Differences in exposure techniques, protein measurement methods, and/or degree of vitamin C deficiencies may explain the difference between the two studies. Hatch et al. (1986) found that the NO2-induced increase in BAL protein in vitamin-C-deficient guinea-pigs was accompanied by an increase in lung content of non-protein sulfhydryls and ascorbic acid and a decrease in vitamin E content. The increased susceptibility to NO2 was observed when lung vitamin C was reduced (by diet) to levels below 50% of normal. A depletion of lung non-protein sulfhydryls also enhances susceptibility to a high level (18 800 µg/m3, 10.0 ppm) of NO2 (Slade et al., 1989). The effects of NO2 on structural proteins of the lungs has been of major interest because elastic recoil is lost after exposure (section Last et al. (1983) examined collagen synthesis rates by lung minces from animals exposed to NO2. In rats continuously exposed to 9400 to 47 000 µg/m3 (5.0 to 25.0 ppm) NO2 for 7 days, there was a linear concentration-related increase in collagen synthesis rate. In a subsequent paper, Last & Warren (1987) confirmed that 9400 µg/m3 (5.0 ppm) increased collagen synthesis. Such biochemical changes are typically interpreted as reflecting increases in total lung collagen, which, if sufficient, could result in pulmonary fibrosis after longer periods of exposure. However, such correlations have not been made directly after NO2 exposure. Table 32. Effects of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) on lung proteins and enzymesa NO2 Concentration µg/m3 ppm Exposure Species Effectsb Reference 75 0.04 Continuous, Rat NPSHs increased at the 2 higher NO2 levels after 9 or 18 Sagai et al. 752 0.4 9 and 18 months months; GSH peroxidase activity decreased at 752 µg/m3 (1984) 7520 4.0 after 18 months and at 7520 µg/m3 after 9 or 18 months; GSH reductase activity increased after a 9-month exposure to 7520 µg/m3; G-6-PD was increased after a 9- or 18-month exposure to 7520 µg/m3; no effects on 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, superoxide dismutase, or disulfide reductase; some GSH S-transferases had decreased activities after an 18-month exposure to 752 or 7520 µg/m3. 752 0.4 72 h Guinea-pig No effect at 752 µg/m3; increase in BAL protein in Selgrade et 1880 1.0 vitamin-C-depleted but not normal animals at > 1880 µg/m3. al. (1981) 5640 3.0 9400 5.0 9400 5.0 3 h Increased BAL protein in vitamin-C-depleted guinea-pigs 15-h post-exposure. 752 0.4 Continuous, No effect on BAL protein in vitamin-C-depleted guinea-pigs. 1 week 752 0.4 Continuous, Guinea-pig Increase in BAL protein content of guinea-pigs with an Sherwin & 1 week unquantified vitamin C deficiency. Carlson (1973) Table 32 (Con't) NO2 Concentration µg/m3 ppm Exposure Species Effectsb Reference 752 0.4 1 to 14 weeks Rat Complex concentration and duration dependence of effects. Takahashi et 2260 1.2 Example: at 752 µg/m3, cytochrome P-450 levels decreased al. (1986) 7520 4.0 at 2 weeks, returned to control level by 5 weeks. At 2260 µg/m3, cytochrome P-450 levels decreased initially, increased at 5 weeks, and decreased at 10 weeks. Effects on succinate-cytochrome c reductase also. 752 0.4 4 months Rat Duration-dependent pattern for increase in activities of Ichinose & 2260 1.2 antioxidant enzymes; increase, peaking at week 4, and Sagai (1982) 7520 4.0 then decreasing; concentration-dependent effects. 752 0.4 2 weeks Rat No effect on TBA reactants, antioxidants or antioxidant Ichinose & Guinea-pig enzyme activities. Sagai (1989) 752 0.4 7 days Rat Decrease in cytochrome P-450 level at > 2260 µg/m3. Mochitate et 2260 1.2 al. (1984) 7520 4.0 846 0.45 7 h/day Mouse No changes in lung serotonin levels. Sherwin et 4 weeks al. (1986) 884 0.47 Continuous, 10, Mouse Increased content of serum proteins in homogenized whole Sherwin & 12, 14 days lung tissue. Layfield (1974) 940 0.5 Continuous, Mouse Decrease in lung GSH peroxidase activity at 1880 µg/m3 Ayaz & 1880 1.0 17 months in vitamin-E-deficient mice. Increased activity in Csallany (1978) vitamin-E-supplemented mice at > 940 µg/m3. Table 32 (Con't) NO2 Concentration µg/m3 ppm Exposure Species Effectsb Reference 1880 1.0 Continuous, Rat Activities of GSH reductase and G-6-PD increased at Chow et al. 4320 2.3 4 days 11 700 µg/m3 proportional to duration of exposure; no (1974) 11 700 6.2 effect on GSH peroxidase. No effects at < 4320 µg/m3. 1880 1.0 15 weeks Rat Changes in BAL fluid and lung tissue levels of enzymes Gregory et al. 9400 5.0 early in exposure; resolved by 15 weeks. (1983) 3760 2.0 3 days Rat Decreased superoxide dismutase activity. Azoulay-Dupuis 18 800 10.0 Guinea-pig et al. (1983) 3760 2.0 Continuous, Rat Increased activities of several glycolytic enzymes. Mochitate et 7520 4.0 7, 10, 14 days At < 7520 µg/m3, pyruvate kinase increased on days al. (1985) 4 and 7; recovery occurred by day 14. G-6-PD increased at all levels; at 3760 µg/m3, 14 days of exposure needed. 3760 2.0 1-7 days Rat Increased lung protein content; increase in microsomal Mochitate et 7520 4.0 succinate cytochrome c reductase activity. al. (1984) 18 800 10.0 5640 3.0 7 days Rat Various changes in lung homogenate protein and DNA Elsayed & content and enzyme activities; changes more severe in Mustafa (1982) vitamin-E-deficient rats. 5640 3.0 7 days Rat No effects on antioxidant metabolism or oxygen Mustafa et al. 9400 5.0 4 days consumption enzymes at < 9400 µg/m3. (1979) 7520 4.0 7, 14 and Rat Increased gamma-glutamyl transferase on days 14 and 21; Hooftman et al. 18 800 10.0 21 days no consistent effect on alkaline phosphatase, lactate (1988) 47 000 25.0 dehydrogenase or total protein. Table 32 (Con't) NO2 Concentration µg/m3 ppm Exposure Species Effectsb Reference 9020 4.8 3 h Guinea-pig Increased BAL protein content in vitamin-C-deficient Hatch et al. guinea-pigs. (1986) 8460 4.5 16 h Increased lung wet weight, alterations in lung antioxidant levels in vitamin-C-deficient guinea-pigs. 9020 4.8 7 days Mouse No significant changes in lung homogenate parameters. Mustafa et al. (1984) 9400 5.0 14-72 h Mouse Increase in lung protein (14 to 58 h) by radioactive Csallany (1975) label incorporation. 9400-47 000 5.0-25.0 Continuous, Rat Concentration-related increase in rate of collagen Last et al. 7 days synthesis; 125% increase at 9400 µg/m3. (1983) 9400 5.0 3 h Rabbit Benzo[a]pyrene hydroxylase activity of tracheal mucosa Palmer et al. 37 600 20.0 not affected. (1972) 94 000 50.0 a Modified from US EPA (1993) b NPSHs = Non-protein sulfhydryls; GSH = Glutathione; G-6-PD = Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; BAL = Bronchoalveolar lavage Alterations in lung xenobiotic metabolism follow a complex duration of exposure pattern in rats exposed to 752, 2260 and 7520 µg/m3 (0.4, 1.2 and 4.0 ppm) NO2 (Takahashi et al., 1986). At the lowest NO2 concentration tested, cytochrome P-450 levels decreased initially (at 2 weeks) and then returned to control levels by 5 weeks, where they remained throughout exposure. At 2260 µg/m3 (1.2 ppm), cytochrome P-450 levels decreased initially, then increased after 5 weeks of exposure and decreased again by 10 weeks. A similar pattern of response occurred at the highest concentration. Only 7520 µg/m3 (4.0 ppm) NO2 affected other microsomal electron- transport systems. The activity of succinate-cytochrome c reductase was decreased by 14 weeks of exposure to 752 µg/m3 (0.4 ppm), but at the higher NO2 levels, the activity was decreased sooner. In contrast, Mochitate et al. (1984) also found a decrease in levels of cytochrome P-450 at > 2260 µg/m3 (1.2 ppm) in rats exposed for 7 days. Glycolytic pathways are also increased by NO2 exposure, apparently due to a concurrent increase in Type 2 cells (Mochitate et al., 1985). The most sensitive enzyme was pyruvate kinase, exhibiting an increased activity after a 14-day exposure to 3760 µg/m3 (2.0 ppm) NO2. At higher NO2 concentrations (e.g., 7520 µg/m3, 4.0 ppm), pyruvate kinase activity increased sooner (4 and 7 days) and then decreased to control levels by 14 days. c) Antioxidant defence systems Since NO2 is an oxidant and lipid peroxidation is believed to be a major molecular event responsible for the toxic effects of NO2, much attention has been focused on the effect of the antioxidant defence system in the epithelial lining fluid and in pulmonary cells. Investigations with subacute and chronic NO2 exposure levels of 75 to 62 040 µg/m3 (0.04-33 ppm) have been performed both in vivo and in vitro and focussed on effects on low molecular weight antioxidants such as glutathione, vitamin E and vitamin C, as well as on some enzymes involved in the synthesis and catabolism of glutathione. Experiments made in vitro using human plasma have shown a rapid depletion of vitamin C and glutathione and a loss of vitamin E. This result was achieved with a concentration of 26 320 µg/m3 (14 ppm) (Halliwel et al., 1992). Menzel (1970) proposed that antioxidants might protect the lung from NO2 damage by inhibiting lipid peroxidation. Data related to this hypothesis have been reported (Thomas et al., 1968; Menzel et al., 1972; Fletcher & Tappel, 1973; Csallany, 1975; Ayaz & Csallany, 1978; Slade et al., 1989). Several laboratories have observed changes in the activity of enzymes in the lungs of NO2-exposed animals that regulate levels of glutathione (GSH), the major water-soluble reductant in the lung. Chow et al. (1974) exposed rats to 1880, 4320 or 11 700 µg/m3 (1.0, 2.3 or 6.2 ppm) NO2 continuously for 4 days to examine the effect on activities of GSH reductase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and GSH peroxidase in the soluble fraction of exposed rat lungs. Linear regression analysis of the correlation between the NO2 concentration and enzymatic activity showed a significant positive correlation coefficient of 0.63 for GSH reductase and of 0.84 for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. No correlation was found between the GSH peroxidase activity and the NO2 concentration. The activities of GSH reductase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase were significantly increased during exposure to 11 700 µg/m3 (6.2 ppm) NO2; GSH peroxidase activity was not affected. The possible role of oedema and cellular inflammation in these findings was not examined. These researchers concluded that after a slightly longer exposure (14 days), 3760 µg/m3 (2.0 ppm) NO2 increased the activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in rats (Mochitate et al., 1985). There is evidence from recent studies that glutathione and vitamins C and E are all involved in normal protection of the lung from NO2 (Rietjens et al., 1986; Hatch et al., 1986; Slade et al., 1989). Sagai et al. (1984) studied the effects of prolonged (9 and 18 months) exposure to 75, 752 and 7520 µg/m3 (0.04, 0.4 and 4.0 ppm) NO2 on rats. After both exposure durations, non-protein sulfhydryl levels were increased at > 752 µg/m3; exposure to 7520 µg/m3 (4.0 ppm) decreased the activity of GSH peroxidase and increased glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity. Glutathione peroxidase activity was also decreased in rats exposed to 752 µg/m3 NO2 for 18 months. Three GSH S-transferases were also studied, two of which (aryl S-transferase and aralkyl S-transferase) exhibited decreased activities after 18 months of exposure to > 752 µg/m3 NO2. No effects were observed on the activities of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, superoxide dismutase or disulfide reductase. When effects were observed, they followed a concentration and exposure- duration response function. The decreases in antioxidant metabolism were inversely related to the apparent formation of lipid peroxides (see lipid peroxidation subsection). Shorter exposures (4 months) to NO2 between 752 and 7520 µg/m3 (0.4 and 4.0 ppm) also caused concentration- and duration-dependent effects on antioxidant enzyme activities (Ichinose & Sagai, 1982). For example, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase increased, reaching a peak at 1 month, and then decreased towards the control value. Briefer (2-week) exposures to 752 µg/m3 (0.4 ppm) NO2 caused no such effects in rats or guinea-pigs (Ichinose & Sagai, 1989). Ayaz & Csallany (1978) exposed vitamin-E-deficient and vitamin-E- supplemented mice continuously for 17 months to 940 or 1880 µg/m3 (0.5 or 1.0 ppm) NO2 and assayed them for GSH peroxidase activity. Exposure to 1880 µg/m3 (1.0 ppm) NO2 decreased enzyme activity in the vitamin-E-deficient mice. However, in vitamin-E-supplemented mice, GSH peroxidase activity increased at 940 µg/m3 (0.5 ppm) NO2. Pulmonary function Animal studies of NO2 effects on pulmonary function are summarized in Table 33. NO2 concentrations in many urban areas of the USA and elsewhere consist of spikes superimposed on a relatively constant background level. Miller et al. (1987) evaluated this urban pattern of NO2 exposure in mice using continuous 7 days/week, 23 h/day exposures to 376 µg/m3 (0.2 ppm) NO2 with twice daily (5 days/week) 1-h spike exposures to 1500 µg/m3 (0.8 ppm) NO2 for 32 and 52 weeks. Mice exposed to clean air and to the constant background concentration of 376 µg/m3 (0.2 ppm) served as controls. Vital capacity tended to be lower (p = 0.054) in mice exposed to NO2 with diurnal spikes than in mice exposed to air. Lung distensibility, measured as respiratory system compliance, also tended to be lower in mice exposed to diurnal spikes of NO2 compared with constant NO2 exposure or air exposure. These changes suggest that up to 52 weeks of low-level NO2 exposure with diurnal spikes may produce a subtle decrease in lung distensibility, although part of this loss in compliance may be a reflection of the reduced vital capacity. Vital capacity appeared to remain suppressed for at least 30 days after exposure. Lung morphology in these mice was evaluated only by light microscopy (a relatively insensitive method) and showed no exposure- related lesions. The decrease in lung distensibility suggested by this study is consistent with the thickening of collagen fibrils in monkeys (Bils, 1976) and the increase in lung collagen synthesis rates of rats (Last et al., 1983) after exposure to higher levels of NO2. Tepper et al. (1993) exposed 60-day-old rats to 940 µg/m3 0.5 ppm) NO2, 22 h/day, 7 days/week, with a 2-h spike of 2820 µg/m3 (1.5 ppm) NO2, 5 days/week for up to 78 weeks. There were no effects on pulmonary function between 1 and 52 weeks of exposure. Following 78 weeks of exposure, flow at 25% forced vital capacity was decreased, perhaps indicating airway obstruction. A significant decrease in the frequency of breathing was also observed at 78 weeks that was paralleled by a trend toward increased expiratory resistance and expiratory time. Taken together, these results suggest that few, if any, significant effects were seen that suggest incipient lung degeneration. The age sensitivity to exposure to diurnal spikes of NO2 was studied by Stevens et al. (1988), who exposed 1-day- and 7-week-old rats to continuous baselines of 940, 1880 and 3760 µg/m3 (0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 ppm) NO2 with twice daily 1-h spikes at 3 times these baseline concentrations for 1, 3 and 7 weeks. In neonatal rats, vital capacity and respiratory system compliance increased following 3 weeks, but not 6 weeks, of exposure to the 1880 and 3760 µg/m3 NO2 baselines with spikes. In young adult rats, respiratory system compliance decreased following 6 weeks of exposure, and body weight decreased following 3 and 6 weeks of exposure to the 3760 µg/m3 baseline with spike. In the young adult rats, pulmonary function changes returned to normal values 3 weeks after exposure ceased. A correlated morphometric study (Chang et al., 1986) is summarized in section Lafuma et al. (1987) exposed 12-week-old hamsters with and without laboratory-induced (elastase) emphysema to 3760 µg/m3 (2.0 ppm) NO2, 8 h/day, 5 days/week for 8 weeks. Vital capacity and pulmonary compliance were not affected by NO2 exposure. Morphological studies Inhalation of NO2 produces morphological alterations in the respiratory tract, as summarized in Tables 34 and 35. This discussion is generally limited to those studies using NO2 levels < 9400 µg/m3 (5.0 ppm), but results of studies of emphysema conducted at higher concentrations are also discussed. Examination of the tables shows variability in responses at similar exposure levels in different studies. This may be due to differences in animal species or strain, age, diet, microbiological status of the animals, or aspects of experimental protocol. The latter includes the methodology used to evaluate the morphological response. For example, simple light microscopic examination may reveal no effect, whereas other techniques, such as quantitative morphological (morphometric) procedures with electron microscopy, can detect more subtle structural changes. There is a large degree of interspecies variability in responsiveness to NO2; this is clearly evident from those few studies where different species were exposed under identical conditions (Wagner et al., 1965; Furiosi et al., 1973; Azoulay-Dupuis et al., 1983). Variability in response may be due to differences in effective dose of NO2 reaching target sites, but other species differences are likely to play a role. Guinea-pigs, hamsters and monkeys all appear to be more severely affected morphologically by equivalent exposure to NO2 than are rats, the most commonly used experimental animal. However, in most cases, similar types of histological lesions are produced when similar effective concentrations are used. a) Sites affected and time course of effects The anatomic region most sensitive to NO2 and within which injury is first noted is the centriacinar region. This region includes the terminal conducting airways (terminal bronchioles), respiratory bronchioles, and adjacent alveolar ducts and alveoli. Within this region, those cells that are most sensitive to NO2-induced injury are the ciliated cells of the bronchiolar epithelium and the Type 1 cells of the alveolar epithelium, which are then replaced with non-ciliated bronchiolar (Clara) cells and Type 2 cells, respectively. In addition to these dynamic changes, permanent alterations resembling emphysema-like disease may result from chronic exposure. The temporal progression of early events due to NO2 exposure has been described best in the rat (e.g., Freeman et al., 1966, 1968c, 1972; Stephens et al., 1971a, 1972; Evans et al., 1972, 1973a,b, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977; Cabral-Anderson et al., 1977; Rombout et al., 1986) and guinea-pig (Sherwin et al., 1973). The earliest alterations resulting from exposure to concentrations of > 3760 µg/m3 (2.0 ppm) are seen within 24 to 72 h of exposure and include increased AM aggregation, desquamation of Type 1 cells and ciliated bronchiolar cells, and accumulation of fibrin in small airways. However, repair of injured tissue and replacement of destroyed cells can begin within 24 to 48 h of continuous exposure. Hyperplasia of nonciliated bronchiolar (Clara) cells occurs in the bronchioli, whereas in the alveoli, the damaged Type 1 cells are replaced with Type 2 cells. These new cells are relatively resistant to effects of continued NO2 exposure. Table 33. Effects of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) on pulmonary functiona NO2 Concentration µg/m3 ppm Exposure Species Effectsb Reference 376 0.2 23 h/day base Mouse Decreased vital capacity following base + spike Miller et (7 days/week), 1-h NO2 exposures compared with control and base NO2 al. (1987) 376 base, 0.2 base, peaks twice/day, exposures. Tendency toward decreased respiratory 1500 peak 0.8 peak 32 and 52 weeks system compliance following spike NO2 exposures compared and control and base NO2 exposures. 940 base, 0.5 base, 23 h/day Rat (1-day Increased lung volume and compliance in neonates Stevens et 2820 peak 1.5 peak (7 days/week) base, and following 3-week, but not 6-week, exposure to the al. (1988) 1-h peaks twice/day 7-weeks two higher exposure levels. Decreased body weight 1880 base, 1.0 base, (5 days/week); old) and lung compliance in adult rats following 6-week 5640 peak 3.0 peak 1, 3 and 6 weeks exposure to 3760 µg/m3 + spike. Adults recovered 3 weeks after exposure. 3760 base, 2.0 base, 11 300 peak 6.0 peak 940 base, 0.5 base, 22 h/day (7 days per Rat Decreased delta FEF25 and frequency of breathing Tepper et al. 2820 peak 1.5 peak week), 2-h peak following 78-week NO2 exposure. (1993) (5 days/week); 1, 3, 12, 52 and 78 weeks 3760 2.0 8 h/day, Hamster No change in vital capacity or lung compliance Lafuma et al. 5 days/week, following NO2 exposures in both normal and (1987) 8 weeks elastase-treated animals. 10 200 5.4 3 h/day for 7, 14 Rat Tendency toward increased lung volume at low Yokoyama et or 30 days inflation pressures. al. (1980) a Modified from: US EPA (1993) b PaO2 = Arterial oxygen tension; delta FEF25 = Change in forced expiratory flow at 25% of forced vital capacity; PaCO2 = Arterial carbon dioxide tension Table 34. Effects of acute and subchronic exposure to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) on lung morphologya NO2 Concentration µg/m3 ppm Exposure Species Effectsb Reference 207 0.11 Continuous, Rat (1, Various morphometric changes, depending on age Kyono & Kawai 865 0.46 1 month 3, 12, and exposure level. Multiphasic pattern (e.g., (1982) 5260 2.8 21 months decrease in air-blood barrier thickness from 1 to 16 500 8.8 old) 12 months of age, and increase in 21-month-old rats). 639 0.34 6 h/day, 5 days Mouse Type 2 cell hypertrophy and hyperplasia; increase Sherwin & per week, 6 weeks in mean linear intercept and amount of alveolar Richters (1982) wall area. 940 0.5 4 h Rat Loss of cytoplasic granules in and rupture of Thomas et al. mast cells. (1967) 940 0.5 Continuous, up Rat Increased number of mast cells in trachea as exposure Hayashi et al. to 6 days duration increased. (1987) Table 34 (Con't) NO2 Concentration µg/m3 ppm Exposure Species Effectsb Reference 940 base, 0.5 base, 23 h/day (7 days Rat (1 day In proximal alveolar region: base (940 µg/m3) + peak Crapo et al. 2820 peak 1.5 peak per week) base, 1-h and caused Type 2 cells to become spread over more (1984); Chang peaks twice/day 6 weeks surface area in neonates and adults; Type 2 cell et al. (1986, 3760 base, 2.0 base, (5 days/week); old) hypertrophy and increase in number of AMs in adults; 1988) 11 280 peak 6.0 peak 6 weeks Type 2 cells thinner in neonates. Base (3760 µg/m3) + peak (only adults studied) caused similar changes plus an increase in numbers of Type 1 cells, which were smaller than normal Type 1 cells. In terminal bronchiolar region: base (940 µg/m3) + peak caused no effects on percentage distribution of ciliated cells and Clara cells in neonates or adults, but neonates (only) had a increase in ciliated cell surface area and mean luminal surface area of Clara cells. Base (3760 µg/m3) + peak (only adults studied) had fewer ciliated cells with a reduced surface area and alterations in the shape of Clara cells. 1000 0.53 Continuous Rat At < 2500 µg/m3: no pathology. At 5000 µg/m3: focal Rombout et al. 2500 1.33 (24 h/day) thickening of centriacinar septa by 2 days; progressive (1986) 5000 2.66 28 days loss of cilia and abnormal cilia in trachea and main bronchi at > 4 days; hypertrophy of bronchiolar epithelium at > 8 days. At days 16 and 28, all epithelial cells hypertrophied. Table 34 (Con't) NO2 Concentration µg/m3 ppm Exposure Species Effectsb Reference 1000 0.53 24 h/day, Guinea- No pathology Steadman et al. 90 days pig, (1966) rabbit, dog, monkey, rat 1320-1500 0.7-0.8 Continuous, Mouse Mucous hypersecretion; focal degeneration and Nakajima et al. 1 month desquamation of mucous membrane; terminal (1980) bronchiolar epithelial hyperplasia; some alveolar enlargement; shortening of cilia. 1880 1-1.5 Continuous, Mouse Terminal bronchiolar epithelial hyperplasia; some Nakajima et al. 2820 1 month alveolar enlargement. (1980) 1880 1.0 1 h Rat Degranulation and decreased number of mast cells. Thomas et al. (1967) 3760 2.0 3 days Rat No historical changes Azoulay-Dupuis et al. (1983) 3760 2.0 3 days Guinea-pig Thickening of alveolar walls; oedema; increase in Azoulay-Dupuis AM numbers; loss of bronchiolar cilia; inflammation. et al. (1983) Table 34 (Con't) NO2 Concentration µg/m3 ppm Exposure Species Effectsb Reference 3760 2.0 8 h/day, Hamster Moderate alveolar enlargement, primarily at Lafuma et al. 5 days/week, bronchiolar-alveolar duct junction; increase in mean (1987) 8 weeks linear intercept; decrease internal surface area of lung; no lesions in bronchial, bronchiolar, alveolar duct, or alveolar epithelium; no change in macrophage number. 3760 2.0 Continuous, Guinea-pig Type 2 cell hypertrophy at 7 or 21 days. Sherwin et al. 7-21 days (1973) 3760 2.0 Continuous, Guinea-pig Increase in number of LDH-positive cells with time Sherwin et al. 1-3 weeks of exposure. Correlated to increase in Type 2 cells (1973) (LDH positive). 3760 2.0 Continuous, Rat Minimal effect: some cilia loss in terminal bronchioles; Azoulay et al. 6 weeks some distended or disrupted alveolar walls. (1978) 9400 5.0 Continuous, Cynomolgus Bronchiolar epithelia hyperplasia; some focal Busey et al. 18 800 10.0 90 days monkey pulmonary odema. (1974) a Modified from US EPA (1993) b AMs = Alveolar macrophages; LDH = Lactate dehydrogenase Table 35. Effects of chronic exposure to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) on lung morphologya NO2 Concentration µg/m3 ppm Exposure Species Effectsb Reference 75 0.04 Continuous, Rat At 75 µg/m3: no significant change, but some tendency Kubota et al. 752 0.4 9-27 months towards increase in arithmetic mean thickness of air-blood (1987) 7520 4.0 barrier. At 752 µg/m3: slight increase in arithmetic mean thickness of air-blood barrier by 18 months, becoming significant by 27 months; some interstitial oedema and slight change in bronchiolar and alveolar epithelium by 27 months. At 7520 µg/m3: hypertrophy and hyperplasia of bronchiolar epithelium and increase in arithmetic mean thickness of air-blood barrier by 9 months, which became significant at 18 months and decreased slightly by 27 months; Clara cell hyperplasia. By 27 months: interstitial fibrosis and hypertrophy of Type 1 and Type 2 cells. 188 base; 0.1 base; Continuous Mouse Dilated airspaces and aveolar wall destruction (small Port et al. 1880 peak 1.0 peak baseline; 2-h sample size). (1977) daily peak; 6 months Table 35 (Con't) NO2 Concentration µg/m3 ppm Exposure Species Effectsb Reference 940 0.5 Continuous, Rat At 940 µg/m3: swelling of terminal bronchiolar cilia and Yamamoto & 1880 1.0 7 months hyperplasia of Type 2 cells. Takahashi 7520 4.0 At 1880 µg/m3: cilia loss in terminal bronchioles; (1984) hyperplasia of Type 2 cells; and interstitial oedema. At 7520 µg/m3: cilia loss in terminal bronchioles; hyperplasia of Type 2 cells, interstitial oedema; decrease in number of lamellar bodies in Type 2 cells; lysosomes with osmiophilic lamellar structure in ciliated cells of terminal bronchioles. 940 0.5 Continuous, up Rat Type 2 cell hypertrophy and interstitial oedema by Hayashi et al. to 19 months 4 months; increased thickness of alveolar septa by (1987) 6 months; fibrous pleural thickening by 19 months. 940 0.5 6-24 h/day, Mouse 3 months: pneumonitis and alveolar size increase; loss of Blair et al. 3-12 months cilia in respiratory bronchioles and bronchiolar (1969) inflammation with 24 h/day. 6-12 months: pneumonitis; cilia loss; bronchial and bronchiolar inflammation; alveolar size increase. 1500 0.8 Continuous, Rat Minimal changes: slight enlargement of alveoli and Freeman et lifetime (up alveolar ducts; some rounding of bronchial and bronchiolar al. (1966) to 33 months) epithelial cells; increase in elastic fibers around alveolar ducts. 1880 1.0 Continuous, Squirrel No pathology Fenters et 16 months monkey al. (1973) Table 35 (Con't) NO2 Concentration µg/m3 ppm Exposure Species Effectsb Reference 1880 1.0 6 h/day, Dog At 1880 µg/m3 - 6 months: no pathology; 12 months: Wagner et 5 days/week, up dilated alveoli and alveolar ducts; 18 months: al. (1965) to 18 months dilated alveoli, oedema, thickening alveolar septa due to inflammation. 9400 5.0 At 9400 µg/m3 - 6 months: no pathology; 12 months: dilated alveolar ducts; 18 months: oedema, congestion, and thickened alveolar septa due to inflammatory cells. 1880 1.0 6 h/day Guinea-pig Mild thickening of alveolar septa due to inflammation; Wagner et 5 days/week, some alveolar dilatation. al. (1965) 18 months 1880 1.0 7 h/day, Rat No pathology Gregory et 5 days/week, al. (1983) 15 weeks 3760 2.0 Continuous, Rat Loss of cilia in terminal bronchioles; abnormal Stephens et 2 years ciliogenesis; crystalloid inclusions in bronchiolar al. (1971a,b) epithelial cells; increased thickness of collagen fibrils and basement membrane in terminal bronchioles. 3760 2.0 Continuous, up Rat Hypertrophy of ciliated cells and cilia loss by 72 h; Stephens et to 12 months decreased number of ciliated cells by 7 days; normal al. (1972) ciliated cells from 21 days-12 months. 3760 2.0 Continuous, up Rat No change in turnover of terminal bronchiolar epithelial Evans et al. to 360 days cells; increase in turnover of Type 2 cells in peripheral (1972) alveoli by 1 day, but normal by 7 days. Table 35 (Con't) NO2 Concentration µg/m3 ppm Exposure Species Effectsb Reference 3760 2.0 Continuous, Monkey Bronchiolar epithelial hypertrophy, especially adjacent Furiosi et al. 14 months (Macaca to alveolar ducts; change to cuboidal cells in proximal (1973) peciosa) bronchiolar epithelium. 3760 2.0 Continuous, Rat Minimal effect: some terminal bronchiolar epithelial Furiosi et al. 14 months hypertrophy. (1973) 3760 2.0 Continuous, Rat Alveolar distension, especially near alveolar duct level; Freeman et lifetime (up to increased variability in alveolar size; loss of cilia and al. (1968b) 763 days); 1500 hypertrophy in terminal bronchiolar cells; no µg/m3 for 1st inflammation. 69 days, then 3760 µg/m3 7520 4.0 Continuous, Rat Bronchial epithelial hyperplasia Haydon et al. 16 months (1965) 9400 5.0 6 h/day, Mouse No pathology Wagner et al. 5 days/week, (1965) 14 months 9400 5.0 4-7.5 h/day, Guinea-pig Some dilatation of terminal bronchioles; tracheal Balchum et al. 5 days/week, inflammation; pneumonitis. (1965) 5.5 months Table 35 (Con't) NO2 Concentration µg/m3 ppm Exposure Species Effectsb Reference 9400 5.0 7 h/day, Rat Focal hyperinflation and areas of subpleural accumulation Gregory et al. 5 days/week, of macrophages. (1983) 15 weeks a Modified from US EPA (1993) The time course of alveolar lesions over a chronic exposure was examined by Kubota et al. (1987) in small groups of rats exposed to 7520 µg/m3 (4.0 ppm) NO2, 24 h/day for up to 27 months. One phase, which lasted for 9 to 18 months of exposure, consisted of a decrease in number and an increase in cell volume of Type 1 epithelium, an increase in the relative ratio of Type 2 to Type 1 cells, and an increase in the number and volume of Type 2 cells. A second phase, between 18 to 27 months of exposure, showed some recovery of the alveolar epithelium, but the total volume of interstitial tissue decreased and collagen fibres in the interstitium increased. Thus, some lesions resolved with continued exposure, whereas others progressed. At 752 µg/m3 (0.4 ppm), Kubota et al. (1987) found that the lesion typically was milder and its initiation delayed, compared to the higher concentration. In general, most NO2-induced lesions were resolved following a recovery period. This period may be as short as 30 days for exposures at < 9400 µg/m3 (5.0 ppm). With continuous exposure, early morphological damage may also be resolved. For example, in rats exposed continuously for 7 months to 940 µg/m3 (0.5 ppm) NO2, resolution of epithelial lesions occurred by 4 to 6 months of exposure (Yamamoto & Takahashi, 1984). b) Effects of nitrogen dioxide as a function of exposure pattern Several morphological studies were designed to evaluate ambient NO2 patterns consisting of a low baseline level with transient spikes of NO2. However, in some cases, there was no group at the baseline exposure only, preventing evaluation of the contribution of peaks to the responses. Gregory et al. (1983) exposed rats (14 to 16 weeks old) for 7 h/day, 5 days/week for up to 15 weeks to atmospheres consisting of the following concentrations of NO2: (1) 1880 µg/m3 (1.0 ppm), (2) 9400 µg/m3 (5.0 ppm), or (3) 1880 µg/m3 (1.0 ppm) with two 1.5-h spikes of 9400 µg/m3 (5.0 ppm) per day. After 15 weeks of exposure, histopathology was minimal, with focal hyperinflation and areas of subpleural accumulation of macrophages found in some of the animals exposed either to the baseline of 9400 µg/m3 (5.0 ppm) or to 1880 µg/m3 (1.0 ppm) with the 9400 µg/m3 (5.0 ppm) spikes. Port et al. (1977) observed dilated respiratory bronchioles and alveolar ducts in mice exposed to 188 µg/m3 (0.1 ppm) NO2 with daily 2-h peaks to 1880 µg/m3 (1.0 ppm), for 6 months. Miller et al. (1987) found no morphological effects in mice exposed for 1 year, although host defence and functional changes were noted (see sections and Crapo et al. (1984) and Chang et al. (1986) used quantitative morphometric analyses to examine the proximal alveolar and terminal bronchiolar regions of rats exposed for 6 weeks to a baseline concentration of 940 or 3760 µg/m3 (0.5 or 2.0 ppm) NO2, 23 h/day for 7 days/week, onto which were superimposed two daily 30 min spikes of 3 times the baseline concentration for 5 days/week. At the lower exposure level, the volumes of the Type 2 epithelium, interstitial matrix, and AMs increased, whereas the volume of the fibroblasts decreased. The surface area of Type 2 cells increased. Most of these changes also occurred at the higher exposure level, and in some cases the change was greater than that at the lower level (i.e., increase in Type 1 and Type 2 epithelial volume). At both levels of exposure, the volume of Type 2 cells and interstitial fibroblasts increased, with no significant changes in their numbers, and the number of AMs decreased. The number of Type 1 cells decreased and their average surface area increased in the highest exposure group. Generally, there was a spreading and hypertrophy of Type 2 cells. A correlation between decreased compliance (Stevens et al., 1988) and thickening of the alveolar interstitium was found (see section for details of the pulmonary function portion of the study). Examination of the terminal bronchiolar region revealed no effects at the lower exposure level. At the higher level, there was a 19% decrease in ciliated cells per unit area of the epithelial basement membrane and a reduction in the mean ciliated surface area. The size of the dome protrusions of non-ciliated bronchiolar (Clara) cells was decreased, giving the bronchial epithelium a flattened appearance, but there was no change in the number of cells. c) Factors affecting susceptibility to morphological changes Age-related responsiveness to an urban pattern of NO2 was evaluated by Chang et al. (1986, 1988) using 1-day- or 6-week-old rats exposed for 6 weeks to a baseline of 940 µg/m3 (0.5 ppm) NO2 for 23 h/day, 7 days/week, with two 1-h spikes (given in the morning and afternoon) of 2820 µg/m3 (1.5 ppm) 5 days/week. Electron microscopic morphometric procedures were used. In the proximal alveolar region, only the older animals showed an increase in the surface density of the alveolar basement membrane. The increase in the mean cellular volume of Type 2 cells was greater in the young adult animals, although the neonates also exhibited this effect. Although there was no qualitative evidence of morphological injury in the terminal bronchioles of the neonatal rats, there was a 19% increase in the average ciliated cell surface and a 13% increase of the mean luminal surface area of non-ciliated bronchiolar (Clara) cells that was not evident in the young adult rats. Generally, the neonatal rats were as sensitive or more susceptible than young adults, depending upon the end-point. However, the terminal bronchioles of the neonatal rats were more susceptible than those of young adults (Chang et al., 1988). For example, the lower exposure altered ciliated cells and non-ciliated bronchiolar (Clara) cells in the neonates but not the young adults. Other indices were unaffected. Pulmonary function was also altered in similarly exposed rats (Stevens et al., 1988) (see section Interpretation of the neonatal effects is difficult. Assuming that rats prior to weaning are more resistant to NO2 (Stephens et al., 1978) (see below), effects observed after a 6-week exposure from birth may have resulted from the last 3 weeks of exposure, as the first 3 weeks may constitute a more resistant period. In contrast, effects observed in young adults probably reflect the impact of the entire 6-week exposure. In one of the more extensive studies, Kyono & Kawai (1982) exposed rats at 1, 3, 12, and 21 months of age continuously for 1 month to 207 µg/m3, 865 µg/m3, 5260 µg/m3 or 16 500 µg/m3 (0.11, 0.46, 2.8 or 8.8 ppm) NO2. Various morphometric parameters were assessed, including arithmetic mean thickness of the air-blood barrier and the volume density of various alveolar wall components. Quantitative estimations deliberately excluded the site of main damage (i.e., the peripheral alveolar wall was examined). Analysis of individual results was complex, but depending upon the animal's age and the specified end-point, exposure levels as low as 207 µg/m3 (0.11 ppm) changed specific morphometric parameters. There was a trend towards a concentration-dependent increase in air-blood barrier thickness in all age groups, with evidence of age-related differences in response. At any concentration, the response of this end-point decreased in rats from 1 to 12 months old, but increased again in 21-month-old animals. Type 1 and 2 cells showed various degrees of response, depending on both age at onset of exposure and exposure concentration. The response of each lung component did not always show a simple concentration-dependent increase or decrease, but suggested a multiphasic reaction pattern. The above studies with rats may not have used the most susceptible animal model, as demonstrated by Azoulay-Dupuis et al. (1983), who exposed both rats and guinea-pigs aged 5 to > 60 days old to 3760 (2.0 ppm) for 3 days. Rats at all ages and guinea-pigs < 45 days old were not affected. The 45-day-old guinea-pigs showed thickening of alveolar walls, alveolar oedema, and inflammation, whereas animals older than 45 days showed similar, but more frequent, alterations that seemed to increase with age. Adults also had focal loss of cilia in bronchioli. In general, it appears that neonates, prior to weaning, are relatively resistant to NO2, and that responsiveness then increases (Stephens et al., 1978). Furthermore, the responsiveness of mature animals appears to decline somewhat with age, until an increase in responsiveness occurs at some point in senescence. However, the morphological response to NO2 in animals of different ages involves similarities in the cell types affected and in the nature of the damage incurred. Age-related differences occur in the extent of damage and in the time required for repair, the latter taking longer in older animals. The reasons for age differences in susceptibility are not known, but may involve differences in doses to the target cells and variable sensitivity of target cells during different growth phases. The database regarding the effects of levels of NO2 < 9400 µg/m3 (5.0 ppm) on animals with pre-existing respiratory disease is very limited and only includes animals with laboratory- induced emphysema or infections. Lafuma et al. (1987) exposed both normal and elastase-induced emphysematous hamsters (2 months old) to 3760 µg/m3 (2.0 ppm) NO2 for 8 h/day, 5 days/week, for 8 weeks. Morphometric analyses indicated that emphysematous lesions were exacerbated by NO2 (i.e., NO2 increased pulmonary volume and decreased internal alveolar surface area). The investigators suggested that these results may imply a role for NO2 in enhancing pre-existing emphysema. Acute infectious (influenza) lung disease enhanced the morphological effects of NO2 in squirrel monkeys exposed continuously to 1880 µg/m3 (1.0 ppm) NO2 for 16 months (Fenters et al., 1973). d) Emphysema following nitrogen dioxide exposure Numerous investigators have observed morphological lesions that led them to the diagnosis of NO2-induced emphysema. However, to evaluate these reports independently, it is necessary to apply the current definition of emphysema, especially because the definition changed after several of the reports were published. Such an evaluation is described in detail by the US EPA (1993), based upon the most recent definition of emphysema from the report of the US National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), Division of Lung Diseases Workshop (National Institutes of Health, 1985). According to this document, in human lungs: "Emphysema is defined as a condition of the lung characterized by abnormal, permanent enlargement of airspaces distal to the terminal bronchiole, accompanied by destruction of their walls, and without obvious fibrosis". Destruction in emphysema is further defined as "non-uniformity in the pattern of respiratory airspace enlargement so that the orderly appearance of the acinus and its components is disturbed and may be lost". The report further indicates: "Destruction...may be recognized by subgross examination of an inflation-fixed lung slice...". However, emphysema in animal models was defined differently. An animal model of emphysema is defined as "an abnormal state of the lungs in which there is enlargement of the airspaces distal to the terminal bronchiole. Airspace enlargement should be determined qualitatively in appropriate specimens and quantitatively by stereologic methods". Thus, in animal models of emphysema, airspace wall destruction need not be present. "Appropriate specimens" presumably refers to lungs fixed in the inflated state. When reports of emphysema following NO2 exposures of animals are to be extrapolated to potential hazards for humans, the definition of human emphysema, rather than that for emphysema in experimental animals, should be used. The presence of airspace wall destruction, critical to the definition of human emphysema, can only be determined independently in published reports by careful review of the authors' description of the lesions or by examining the micrographs that the author selected for publication. Because descriptions in some reports are inadequate for independent evaluation, more evidence may exist for emphysema than is summarized here. All reports reviewed are summarized in Table 36, but only those showing emphysema of the type seen in human lungs are discussed in the text that follows. Haydon et al. (1967) reported emphysema in rabbits exposed continuously (presumably 24 h/day) for 3 to 4 months to 15 000 or 22 600 µg/m3 (8.0 or 12.0 ppm) NO2. They reported enlarged lungs that failed to collapse when the thorax was opened. The lungs were fixed in an expanded state via the trachea. In 100-µm thick sections from formaldehyde-fixed dried lungs they reported "dilated" airspaces with "distorted architecture." In those and other tissue preparations, they reported that the airspaces appeared "grossly enlarged and irregular, which appears to be due to disrupted alveoli ... and the absence of adjacent alveolar collapse." Thus, in appropriately fixed lungs, they reported evidence of enlarged airspaces with destructive changes in alveolar walls. Although no stereology was performed, this appears to be emphysema of the type seen in human lungs. Freeman et al. (1972) exposed rats to 37 600 µg/m3 (20.0 ppm) NO2, which was reduced during the exposure to 28 200 µg/m3 (15.0 ppm) or to 18 800 µg/m3 (10.0 ppm), for varying periods up to 33 months. Following removal at necropsy, the lungs were fixed via the trachea at 25 cm of fixative pressure. Morphometry of lung and alveolar size was performed in a suitable, although unconventional, manner. The morphometry indicated enlargement of alveoli and reduction in alveolar surface area. The authors also both reported alveolar destruction and illustrated alveolar destruction in their figures. They correctly concluded that they had demonstrated emphysema in their NO2-exposed rats. However, it is not entirely clear whether both experimental groups or only the group exposed to 28 200 µg/m3 (15.0 ppm) had emphysema. Table 36. Effects of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) on the development of emphysemaa NO2 concentration µg/m3 ppm Exposure Species Emphysemab Reference 188 with 2-h peaks to 1880 0.1 with Daily, 6 months Mouse ± Port et al. (1977) peaks to 1.0 263 plus 2050 µg/m3 NO 0.14 16 h/day, 68 months Beagle dog - Hyde et al. (1978) 1200 plus 310 µg/m3 NO 0.64 + 940 0.5 6, 18 or 24 h/day, 1-12 months Mouse - Blair et al. (1969) 1500 0.8 51-813 days Rat - Haydon et al. (1965) 7520 4.0 1880 (with and without viral 1.0 16 months Squirrel ± Ehrlich & Fenters (1973) challenge) monkey 3760 2.0 Continuous, 112-763 days Rat - Freeman et al. (1968c) 3760 2.0 8 h/day, 5 days/week Hamster - Lafuma et al. (1987) for 8 weeks 9400 5.0 3 months Squirrel ± Ehrlich & Fenters (1973) 18 800 10.0 monkey Table 36 (Con't) NO2 concentration µg/m3 ppm Exposure Species Emphysemab Reference 9400 5.0 Up to 18 months Dog, - Wagner et al. (1965) rabbit, guinea-pig, rat, hamster, mouse 15 000 8.0 3-4 months (presumably Rabbit + Haydon et al. (1967) 22 560 12.0 24 h/day) 28 200 15.0 3-5 months Rat - Stephens et al. (1976) 28 200 15.0 Continuously for 35 days then Rat ± Port et al. (1977) intermittently for at least 2 years 33 800 18.0 24 h/day for 1-6 days or Rat ± Freeman et al. (1968a) 4 weeks 37 600 reduced to either 20.0 reduced to Up to 33 months Rat + Freeman et al. (1972) 28 200 or 18 800 15.0 or 10.0 47 000 25.0 32-65 days Rat - Freeman & Haydon (1964) 56 400 30.0 22 h/day, 12 months Hamster - Kleinerman et al. (1985) 56 400 30.0 Continuous, up to 140 days Rat ± Glasgow et al. (1987) 56 400 30.0 Continuous, up to 8 weeks Rat - Blank et al. (1978) Table 36 (Con't) NO2 concentration µg/m3 ppm Exposure Species Emphysemab Reference 56 400 to 65 800 30.0-35.0 23 h/day for 7 days Hamster - Lam et al. (1983) 65 800 35.0 6 h/day for 25 days Rat - Stavert et al. (1986) 75 200 40.0 6 or 8 weeks Mouse - Buckley & Loosli (1969) 94 000 to 169 200 for 50-90 reduced 2 h/day, 5 days/week, Hamster, ± Gross et al. (1968) 4 weeks, reduced to 56 400 to 30-50 12 months guinea-pig to 94 000 84 600 to 103 400 45-55 22-23 h/day, 10 weeks Hamster - Kleinerman & Cowdrey (1968) a Modified from US EPA (1993) b + = emphysema; - = no emphysema; ± = equivocal Emphysema is defined according to the 1985 US National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Workshop criteria for human emphysema. Although many of the papers reviewed (US EPA, 1993) reported finding emphysema, some of these studies were reported according to previous, different criteria; some reports did not fully describe the methods used; and/or the results obtained were not in sufficient detail to allow independent confirmation of the presence of emphysema. Thus, a "-" (i.e. no emphysema) should only be interpreted as lack of proof of emphysema, because it is conceivable that if the study were repeated with current methods and the current criteria applied, it might be judged to be positive. Hyde et al. (1978) studied beagle dogs that had been exposed 16 h daily for 68 months to either filtered air or to 1200 µg/m3 (0.64 ppm) NO2 with 310 µg/m3 (0.25 ppm) NO or to 263 µg/m3 (0.14 ppm) NO2 with 2050 µg/m3 (1.67 ppm) NO. The dogs then breathed clean air during a 32- to 36-month post-exposure period. The right lungs were fixed via the trachea at 30-cm fixative pressure in a distended state. Semiautomated image analysis was used for morphometry of air spaces. The dogs exposed to 1200 µg/m3 NO2 with 310 µg/m3 NO had significantly larger lungs with enlarged air spaces and evidence of destruction of alveolar walls. These effects were not observed in dogs exposed to 270 µg/m3 NO2 with 2050 µg/m3 NO, implying a significant role of the NO2 in the production of the lesions. The lesions in dogs exposed to the higher NO2 concentration meet the criteria of the 1985 NHLBI workshop for emphysema of the type seen in human lungs. 5.2.3 Genotoxicity, potential carcinogenic or co-carcinogenic effects NO2 forms nitrous and nitric acids in aqueous solutions, which are in equilibrium with the nitrite (NO2-) and nitrate (NO3-) ions that constitute the main metabolites of NO2. Nitrous acid/NO2- is mutagenic in vitro, causing deamination of bases in DNA. The formation of N-nitroso compounds from secondary amines and amides is another mechanism for indirect mutagenic activity (Zimmermann, 1977). In vitro studies with NO2 have demonstrated mutations in bacteria (Salmonella strain TA100) (Isomura et al., 1984; Victorin & Stahlberg, 1988) but not in a mammalian cell culture (Isomura et al., 1984). Other experiments using cell cultures were positive concerning chromatid-type chromosome abberations, sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) and DNA single strand breaks (Tsuda et al., 1981; Shiraishi & Bandow, 1985; Gorsdorf et al., 1990). NO2 did not induce recessive lethal mutations or somatic mutations in Drosophila (Inoue et al., 1981; Victorin et al., 1990) and was negative in in vivo studies with mice concerning chromosome abberations in peripheral lymphocytes or spermatocytes (Gooch et al., 1977) and micronuclei in bone marrow cells in mice (Victorin et al., 1990). Two studies have dealt with genotoxic effects in the relevant target organ, i.e. the lung, and both were positive at high concentrations. In the first one, Isomura et al. (1984) demonstrated the induction of mutations and chromosome abberations in lung cells of rats exposed to 27 ppm (50 000 µg/m3) for 3 h. In the other (Walles et al., 1995), DNA single strand breaks were induced in lung cells of mice exposed to 54 000 µg/m3 (30 ppm) for 16 h or 94 000 µg/m3 (50 ppm) for 5 h. Several studies have evaluated the issue of carcinogenesis and co-carcinogenesis, but results are often unclear or conflicting (Table 37). However, there do not appear to be any published reports on studies using classical carcinogenesis whole-animal bioassays. An excellent critical review and discussion of some of the important theoretical issues in interpreting these types of studies has been published (Witschi, 1988). Although lung epithelial hyperplasia (section and enhancement of endogenous retrovirus expression (Roy-Burman et al., 1982) have been thought by some to suggest increased carcinogenic potential, such findings are not conclusive (see US EPA, 1993). Wagner et al. (1965) suggested that NO2 may accelerate the production of tumours in CAF1/Jax mice (a strain that has spontaneously high pulmonary tumour rates) after continuous exposure to 9400 µg/m3 (5.0 ppm) NO2. After 12 months of exposure, 7 out of 10 mice in the exposed group had tumours, compared to 4 of 10 in the controls. No differences in tumour production were observed after 14 and 16 months of exposure. A statistical evaluation of the data was not presented. The frequency and incidence of spontaneously occurring pulmonary adenomas was increased in strain A/J mice (with spontaneously high tumour rates) after exposure to 18 800 µg/m3 (10.0 ppm) NO2 for 6 h/day, 5 days/week, for 6 months (Adkins et al., 1986). These small, but statistically significant, increases were only detectable when the control response from nine groups (n = 400) were pooled. Exposure to 1880 and 9400 µg/m3 (1.0 and 5.0 ppm) NO2 had no effect. In contrast, Richters & Damji (1990) found that an intermittent exposure to 470 µg/m3 (0.25 ppm) NO2 for up to 26 weeks decreased the progression of a spontaneous T cell lymphoma in AKR/ cum mice and increased survival rates. The investigators attribute this effect to an NO2-induced decrease in the proliferation of T cell subpopulation (especially T-helper/inducer lymphocytes) that produce growth factors for the lymphoma. Whether NO2 facilitates metastases has been the subject of several experiments by Richters & Kuraitis (1981, 1983), Richters & Richters (1983) and Richters et al. (1985). Mice were exposed to several concentrations and durations of NO2 and were injected intravenously with a cultured-derived melanoma cell line (B16) after exposure; subsequent tumours in the lung were counted. Although some of the experiments showed an increased number of lung tumours, statistical methods were inappropriate. Furthermore, the experimental technique used in these studies probably did not evaluate metastases formation, as the term is generally understood, but more correctly, colonization of the lung by tumour cells. Table 37. Effects of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) on carcinogenesis or co-carcinogenesisa NO2 Concentration µg/m3 ppm Exposure Species Effectsb Reference 188-18 800 0.1-10.0 0.5-4 h Mouse Mice exposed to DMA had whole-body concentration- Iqbal et al. related increase in DMN. (1981) 470 0.25 7 h/day, Mouse NO2 slowed progression of spontaneous T cell Richters & Damji 5 days/week, lymphomas in AKR/cum mice, increased survival, and (1990) up to 26 weeks decreased number of splenic CD4+ T cells. 752 0.4 7-8 h/day, Mouse Increased lung tumors and mortality in mice injected Richters & 940 0.5 5 days/week, with melanoma cells after NO2 exposure. Kuraitis (1981, 1500 0.8 12 weeks 1983); Richters et al. (1985) 940-1500 0.5-0.8 Continuous, Mouse Hyperplastic foci identical to that observed after Nakajima et 30 days exposure to known carcinogens. al. (1972) 1500 0.8 8 h/day, Mouse Enhanced retrovirus expression in two strains of Roy-Burman 5 days/week, mice. et al. (1982) 18 weeks 1880 1.0 6 h/day, Mouse No effect at 1880 or 9400 µg/m3. At 18 800 µg/m3, Adkins et al. 9400 5.0 5 days/week, spontaneous adenomas in strain A/J mice increased (1986) 18 800 10.0 6 weeks only when compared to pooled control group. 2000 1.1 Continuous, Rat DMA plus NO2 did not produce tumors. Design and Benemansky 3010 1.6 lifetime statistical analyses not appropriate; exposure et al. (1981) methods not described. Table 37 (Con't) NO2 Concentration µg/m3 ppm Exposure Species Effectsb Reference 9400-18 800 5.0-10.0 2 h/day, Mouse Mice given 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide during NO2 Ide & Otsu 5 days/week, exposure; NO2 had no effect on tumor production. (1973) 50 weeks 18 800 10.0 2 h/day, Mouse Mice given 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide and NO2. Otsu & Ide 5 days/week, NO2 decreased incidence of lung tumors. (1975) 50 weeks 28 200-94 000 15.0-50.0 1-4 h Mouse Mice gavaged with morpholine had concentration- Iqbal et al. dependent increase in whole-body content of NMOR. (1980) 31 020-38 500 16.5-20.5 5-6 h/day, Mouse In vivo production of NMOR when 1 g/kg of morpholine Van Stee et 4 days; plus was administered each day prior to exposure. al. (1983) 3 h on 5th day 84 600 45.0 2 h Mouse Mice gavaged with morpholine had an in vivo increase Norkus et al. in NMOR production. (1984) 199 000 106.0 0.5-4 h Rat Rats given morpholine in their diets or by gavage had Mirvish et al. Mouse no NMOR detected in their bodies. (1981) In mice morpholine, by gavage, yielded no significant in vivo NMOR production. a Modified from US EPA (1993) b DMA = Dimethylamine; DMN = Dimethylnitrosamine; NMOR = N-nitrosomorpholine Ide & Otsu (1973) did not find that chronic exposure to high concentrations of NO2 (somewhere between 9400 and 18 800 µg/m3, 5.0 and 10.0 ppm) enhanced tumour production in conventional mice receiving five weekly injections of 0.25 mg 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (a lung-tumour-specific carcinogen). Benemansky et al. (1981) used a known carcinogen, nitrosodimethylamine or its precursor dimethylamine (DMA) to test for interactions with a chronic exposure to NO2. However, appropriate statistical techniques and control groups were not employed and the methods of exposure and monitoring of NO2 were not reported, thus precluding accurate evaluation. In another study, rats were injected with N-bis (2-hydroxy-propyl)nitrosamine (BHPN) and continuously exposed to 75, 750 or 7500 µg/m3 (0.04, 0.4 or 4.0 ppm) NO2 for 17 months. Although the data indicated five times as many lung adenomas or adenocarcinomas in the rats injected with BHPN and exposed to 7500 µg/m3 NO2 (5/40 compared to 1/10), the results failed to achieve statistical significance (Ichinose et al., 1991). Because of evidence that NO2 could produce NO2- and NO3- in the blood and the fact that NO2- is known to react with amines to produce animal carcinogens (nitrosamines), the possibility that NO2 could produce cancer via nitrosamine formation has been investigated. Iqbal et al. (1980) was the first to demonstrate a linear time- dependent and concentration-dependent relationship between the amount of N-nitrosomorpholine (NMOR) (an animal carcinogen) found in whole-mouse homogenates after the mice were gavaged with 2 mg of morpholine (an exogenous amine that is rapidly nitrosated) and exposure to 28 200 to 94 000 µg/m3 (15.0 to 50.0 ppm) NO2 for between 1 and 4 h. In a follow-up study, Iqbal et al. (1981) used DMA, an amine that is slowly nitrosated to dimethylnitrosamine (DMN). They reported a concentration-related increase in biosynthesis of DMN at NO2 concentrations as low as 188 µg/m3 (0.1 ppm); however, the rate was significantly greater at concentrations above 18 800 µg/m3 (10.0 ppm) NO2. Increased length of exposure also increased DMN formation between 0.5 and 2 h, but synthesis of DMN was less after 3 or 4 h of exposure than after 0.5 h. Mirvish et al. (1981) conducted analogous research and concluded that the results of Iqbal et al. (1980) were technically flawed, but found that in vivo exposure to NO2 could produce a nitrosating agent (NSA) that would nitrosate morpholine only when morpholine was added in vitro. Further experiments showed that the NSA was localized in the skin (Mirvish et al., 1983) and that mouse skin cholesterol was a likely NSA (Mirvish et al., 1986). It has also been reported that only very lipid-soluble amines, which can penetrate the skin, would be available to the NSA. Compounds such as morpholine, which are not lipid-soluble, could only react with NO2 when it was painted directly on the skin (Mirvish et al., 1988). Iqbal (1984), responding to the Mirvish et al. (1981) criticisms, verified their earlier studies (Iqbal et al., 1980). In vivo nitrosation was also demonstrated by Norkus et al. (1984) after morpholine administration and a 2-h exposure to 84 600 µg/m3 (45 ppm) NO2. Another study (Van Stee et al., 1983) reported that mice gavaged with 1 g of morpholine/kg body weight per day and then exposed (5-6 h daily for 5 days) to 31 000 to 38 500 µg/m3 (16.5 to 20.5 ppm) NO2 revealed that NMOR could be produced in vivo. The single site containing the greatest amount of NMOR was the gastrointestinal tract. Shoaf et al. (1989) studied the uptake and nitrosation of primary amines by NO2 in isolated ventilated rat lungs. The rate of nitrosation was very low because the nitrosation of primary amines is a general acid/base catalysed reaction that would be at a minimum at pH 7. The authors could not replicate the previous nitrosation studies. At a maximum, only 0.0001% of an amine would be nitrosated. Such a rate is at or below the detection limit for nitrosamine. The studies reporting nitrosation may be seriously in error. Nitrosation may be a very minimal reaction and of little consequence. Victorin (1994) reviewed the genotoxicity of nitrogen oxides and concluded that there is no clear evidence of a carcinogenic potential of NO2. Victorin (1994) also directed attention to the possibility that NOx compounds in photochemical smog may contribute secondarily to formation of other genotoxic compounds. For example, it was noted that strongly mutagenic nitro-PAH compounds are easily formed and mutagenic reaction products may be formed from alkenes through photochemical reactions. Overall, the above critical evaluation indicates that there is no evidence establishing that tumours can be directly induced by NO2 exposure alone. Also, the available evidence for NO2 promoting or enhancing the production or growth of tumours caused by other agents is quite limited and conflicting. It must therefore be concluded that the evidence for carcinogenicity of nitrogen oxides is at present inadequate, but the issue should be addressed by further research. 5.2.4 Extrapulmonary effects Exposure to NO2 produces a wide array of health effects beyond the confines of the lung. Thus, NO2 and/or some of its reactive products penetrate the lung or nasal epithelial and endothelial layers to enter the blood and produce alterations in blood and various other organs (Shoaf et al., 1989). Effects on the systemic immune system are discussed under section Information regarding the effects of NO2 on animal behaviour and brain enzymes is limited to a few studies that cannot be readily interpreted in terms of human risks and will not be discussed. The summary of other systemic effects is quite brief because the database suggests that effects on the respiratory tract are of more concern. A more detailed discussion of extrapulmonary responses can be found in US EPA (1993). Results of research on the number of erythrocytes and leukocytes, haemoglobin concentration, and contents of erythrocyte membranes are inconsistent. In the only such study conducted below 9400 µg/m3 (5.0 ppm) NO2, Nakajima & Kusumoto (1968) found that the amount of methaemoglobin was not increased when mice were exposed to 1500 µg/m3 (0.8 ppm) NO2 for 5 days. This topic was of interest because some (but not all) in vitro studies and high concentration in vivo NO2 studies found methaemoglobin effects (US EPA, 1993). Several studies have examined hepatic function either directly or indirectly after NO2 exposure. Changes in serum chemistry (e.g., plasma cholinesterase, Drozdz et al., 1976; Menzel et al., 1977) suggest that NO2 exposure may affect the liver. Xenobiotic metabolism appears to be affected by NO2. A 3-h exposure to NO2 concentrations as low as 470 µg/m3 (0.25 ppm) increased pentobarbital-induced sleeping times in female, but not male, mice (Miller et al., 1980; Graham et al., 1982). Higher exposures (9400 µg/m3, 5.0 ppm; 3 h) did not affect the level of hepatic cytochrome P-450 or the activities of several mixed-function oxidases in mice (Graham et al., 1982). Other authors found mixed effects (i.e. increase or decrease depending on exposures) on liver cytochrome P-450 levels in rats (Takano & Miyazaki, 1984; Takahashi et al., 1986). Significant decreases in cytochrome P-450 from rat liver microsomes were also found after 7 days of exposure to 752 or 7520 µg/m3 (0.4 or 4.0 ppm) NO2, but not after exposure to 2260 µg/m3 (1.2 ppm) NO2 (Mochitate et al., 1984). NADPH-cytochrome C reductase was reduced with 5 days of exposure to 7520 and 18 800 µg/m3 (4.0 and 10.0 ppm) NO2. Drozdz et al. (1976) found decreased total liver protein and sialic acid, but increased protein- bound hexoses in guinea-pigs exposed to 2000 µg/m3 (1.05 ppm) NO2, 8 h/day for 180 days. Liver alanine and aspartate aminotransferase activity was increased in the mitochondrial fraction but decreased in the cytoplasmic fraction of the liver. Electron micrographs of the liver showed intracellular oedema and inflammatory and parenchymal degenerative changes. Takahashi et al. (1986) found that continuous exposure to 2260 and 7520 µg/m3 (1.2 and 4.0 ppm) NO2 increased the amount of cytochrome P-450 and cytochrome b5 in the kidney after 8 weeks of exposure. Continued exposure for 12 weeks resulted in less substantial increases in the amount and activity of the microsomal electron-transport enzymes. This is in contrast to the decreased activity in the liver. Increases in urinary protein and specific gravity of the urine were reported by Sherwin & Layfield (1974) in guinea-pigs exposed continuously to 940 µg/m3 (0.5 ppm) NO2 for 14 days. Proteinuria was detected in another group of animals when the exposure was reduced to 752 µg/m3 (0.4 ppm) NO2 for 4 h/day. Disc electrophoresis of the urinary proteins demonstrated the presence of albumin and alpha-, beta-, and gamma-globulins. The presence of high molecular weight proteins in urine is characteristic of the nephrotic syndrome. Differences in water consumption or in the histology of the kidney were not found. Few studies have examined the effects of NO2 on reproduction and development or the heritable mutagenic potential of NO2. Exposure to 1800 µg/m3 (1.0 ppm) NO2 for 7 h/day (5 days/week for 21 days) resulted in no alterations in spermatogenesis, germinal cells or interstitial cells of the testes of six rats (Kripke & Sherwin, 1984). Similarly, breeding studies by Shalamberidze & Tsereteli (1971) found that long-term NO2 exposure had no effect on fertility. However, there was a statistically significant decrease in litter size and neonatal weight when male and female rats exposed to 2440 µg/m3 (1.3 ppm) NO2, 12 h/day for 3 months were bred. In utero death due to NO2 exposure resulted in smaller litter sizes, but no direct teratogenic effects were observed in the offspring. In fact, after several weeks, NO2-exposed litters approached weights similar to those of controls. Inhalation exposure of pregnant Wistar rats to NO2 concentrations of 1000 and 10 000 µg/m3 for 6 h/day throughout gestation (21 days) was found to have maternal toxic effects and to induce developmental disturbances in the progeny (Tabacova et al., 1984; Balabaeva & Tabacova, 1985; Tabacova & Balabaeva, 1988). The maternal weight gain during gestation was significantly reduced at 10 000 µg/m3 (5.3 ppm). Pathomorphological changes, manifested at the higher exposure level, were found in maternal organs, e.g., desquamative bronchitis and bronchiolitis in the lung, mild parenchymal dystrophy and reduction of glycogen in the liver, and blood stasis and inflammatory reaction in the placenta. At gross examination, the placentae of the dams exposed to 10 000 µg/m3 were smaller in size than those of control rats. A marked increase of lipid peroxides was found in maternal lungs and particularly in the placenta at both exposure levels by the end of gestation (Balabaeva & Tabacova, 1985). Disturbances in the prenatal development of the progeny were registered, such as two- to four-fold increase in late post-implantation lethality at 1000 and 10 000 µg/m3 (0.5 and 5.3 ppm), respectively, as well as reduced fetal weight at term and stunted growth at 10 000 µg/m3 (Tabacova et al., 1984). These effects were significantly related to the content of lipid peroxides in the placenta, which was suggestive of a pathogenetic role of placental damage (Tabacova & Balabaeva, 1988). Teratogenic effects were not observed, but dose-dependent morphological signs of embryotoxicity and retarded intrauterine development, such as generalized oedema, subcutaneous haematoma, retarded ossification and skeletal aberrations, were found at both exposure levels. In the only study that has examined postnatal development, a significant delay in eye opening and incisor eruption was observed in the progeny of maternally exposed Wistar rats (Tabacova et al., 1985). The dams were exposed to 50, 100, 1000 or 10 000 µg/m3 (0.03, 0.05, 0.53 or 5.3 ppm) NO2 for 6 h/day, 7 days/week throughout gestation, and the offspring were studied for 2-month post-exposure. Significant deficits in the onset of normal neuromotor development and reduced open field activity were detected in the offspring of dams exposed to 1000 and 10 000 µg/m3 NO2. 5.3 Effects of mixtures containing nitrogen dioxide Humans are exposed to pollutant mixtures in the ambient air, and, because pollutant interactions do occur, it is difficult to predict the effects of NO2 in a mixture based upon the effects of NO2 alone. Epidemiological studies (chapter 7), by their very nature, evaluate ambient air mixtures, but the presence of confounding variables makes it difficult to demonstrate a cause-effect relationship. In contrast, controlled animal and human clinical studies can often demonstrate the cause of a response, but are typically limited to binary or tertiary mixtures, which do not truly reflect ambient air exposures. When combinations of air pollutants are studied, there are a number of possible outcomes on human or animal responses. The result of exposure to two or more pollutants may be simply the sum of the responses to individual pollutants; this is referred to as additive. Another possibility is that the resultant response may be greater than the sum of the individual responses, suggesting some type of interaction or augmentation of the response; this is referred to as synergism. Finally, responses may be less than additive; this is often called antagonism. Generally, such human clinical studies, which focused on pulmonary function, have not found that acute exposures to NO2 has any impact on the response to other co-occurring pollutants (e.g., O3) or that additive effects occur. Animal toxicological studies, with a wider array of designs and end-points, have shown an array of interactions, including no interaction, additivity and synergism. Because no clear understanding of NO2 interactions has yet emerged from this database, only a brief overview is provided here. A more substantive review can be found in US EPA (1993). Other animal studies sought to understand the effects of ambient air mixtures containing NO2 or vehicular combustion exhausts containing NOx. Generally these studies provide useful information on the mixtures, but lack NO2-only groups, making it impossible to discern the influence of NO2. Therefore, this class of research is not described here, but is reviewed elsewhere (US EPA, 1993). The vast majority of interaction studies have involved NO2 and O3. For lung morphology end-points, NO2 had no interaction with O3 (Freeman et al., 1974) or with sulfur dioxide (SO2) (Azouley et al., 1980) after a subchronic exposure. Some biochemical responses to NO2 plus O3 display no positive interaction or synergism. For example, Mustafa et al. (1984) found synergism for some end-points (e.g., increased activities of O2 consumption and antioxidant enzymes), but no interaction for others (e.g., DNA or protein content) in rats exposed for 7 days. Ichinose & Sagai (1989) observed a species-dependence in regard to the interaction of O3 (752 µg/m3, 0.4 ppm) and NO2 (752 µg/m3, 0.4 ppm) after 2 weeks of exposure. Guinea-pigs, but not rats, had a synergistic increase in lung lipid peroxides. Rats, but not guinea-pigs, had synergistic increases in antioxidant factors (e.g., non-protein thiols, vitamin C, glucose-6- phosphate dehydrogenase, GSH peroxidase). Schlesinger et al. (1990) observed a synergistic increase in prostaglandin E2 and F2 alpha in the lung lavage of acutely exposed rabbits; the response appeared to have been driven by O3. However, with 7 or 14 days of repeated 2-h exposures, only prostaglandin E2 was decreased and appeared to have been driven by NO2; there was no synergism (Schlesinger et al., 1991). The infectivity model has been frequently used to study NO2-O3 mixtures. In this model, mice are exposed to O3 and NO2 alone or in mixtures for various durations. The mice are then challenged with an aerosol of viable bacteria. An increase in mortality indicates detrimental effects on lung host-defence mechanisms. Ehrlich et al. (1977) found additivity after acute exposure to mixtures of NO2 and O3. They reported synergism after subchronic exposures. Exposure scenarios involving NO2 and O3 have also been performed using a continuous baseline exposure to one concentration or mixture, with superimposed short-term peaks to a higher level. This body of work (Ehrlich et al., 1979; Gardner, 1980; Gardner et al., 1982; Graham et al., 1987) shows that differences in the pattern and concentrations of the exposure are responsible for the increased susceptibility to pulmonary infection, without indicating clearly the mechanism controlling the interaction. Some aerosols may potentiate response to NO2 by producing local changes in the lungs that enhance the toxic action of co-inhaled NO2. The impacts of NO2 and H2SO4 on lung host defences have been examined by Schlesinger & Gearhart (1987) and Schlesinger (1987a). In the former study, rabbits were exposed for 2 h/day for 14 days to either 564 µg/m3 (0.3 ppm) or 1880 µg/m3 (1.0 ppm) NO2, or 500 µg/m3 H2SO4 alone, or to mixtures of the low and high NO2 concentrations with H2SO4. Exposure to either concentration of NO2 accelerated alveolar clearance, whereas H2SO4 alone retarded clearance. Exposure to either concentration of NO2 with H2SO4 resulted in retardation of clearance in a similar manner to that seen with H2SO4 alone. Schlesinger (1987a) used a similar exposure design, but different end-points. Exposure to 1800 µg/m3 (1.0 ppm) NO2 with acid resulted in an increase in the numbers of PMNs in lavage fluid at all time points (not seen with either pollutant alone), and an increase in phagocytic capacity of AMs after two or six exposures. In contrast, exposure to 564 µg/m3 (0.3 ppm) NO2 with acid resulted in depressed phagocytic capacity and mobility. The NO2/H2SO4 mixture was generally either additive or synergistic, depending on the specific cellular end-point being examined. Last et al. (1983) and Last & Warren (1987) found that exposure to high levels of NO2 (< 9400 µg/m3, 5.0 ppm) with very high concentrations of H2SO4 (1 mg/m3) caused a synergistic increase in collagen synthesis rate and protein content of the lavage fluid of rats. Dogs were exposed for 68 months (16 h/day) to raw or photochemically reactive vehicle exhaust which included mixtures of NOx œ one with a high NO2 level and a low NO level (1200 µg/m3, 0.64 ppm, NO2; 310 µg/m3, 0.25 ppm, NO), and one with a low NO2 level and a high NO level (270 µg/m3, 0.14 ppm, NO2; 2050 µg/m3, 1.67 ppm, NO) (Stara et al., 1980). Following the end of exposure, the animals were maintained for about 3 years in normal indoor air. Numerous pulmonary function, haematological and histological end-points were examined at various times during and after exposure. The lack of an NO2-only or NO-only group precludes determination of the nature of the interaction. Even so, the main findings are of interest. Pulmonary function changes appeared to progress after exposure ceased. Dogs in the high NO2 group had morphological changes considered to be analogous to human centrilobular emphysema (see section Because these morphological measurements were made after a 2.5- to 3-year holding period in clean air, it cannot be determined with certainty whether these disease processes abated or progressed during this time. This study suggests progression of damage after exposure ends. 5.4 Effects of other nitrogen oxide compounds 5.4.1 Nitric oxide The toxicological database for NO is small, relative to NO2. It is often difficult to obtain pure NO in air without some contamination with NO2. An excellent review on the effects of NO on animals and humans has been prepared by Gustafsson (1993) for the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. The following sections are based on the information in this review. Endogenous formation of NO Endogenous NO synthesis occurs by NO formation from physiological substrate (the amino acid L-arginine) in cells of many of the organ systems, such as nerve tissue, blood vessels and the immune system. NO has been found to be produced by at least three different oxygen-utilizing NO synthases, for purposes such as signalling in the nervous system, mediating vasodilation in both systemic and pulmonary circulation, and mediating cytotoxicity and host defence reactions in the immune system (Garthwaite, 1991; Barinaga, 1991; Moncada et al., 1991; McCall & Valance, 1992; Snyder & Bredt, 1992; Moncada, 1992). The impact of these findings for an understanding of the toxicological effects of NO is still difficult to assess. The actions of endogenous NO can be divided into two main groups. The first group involves low concentrations of NO (nano- to picomolar) formed by constitutive enzymes in nerve and endothelial cells. Nitric oxide has local discrete actions exerted via activation of an enzyme, guanylate cyclase, in the target cell (Ignarro, 1989). The second group involves high concentrations of NO (micro- to nanomolar) formed by enzymes that can increase in amount through the induction of these enzymes upon exposure to bacterial toxins or to growth-regulating factors (cytokinins). The inducible NO formation occurs especially in macrophages and neutrophil leukocytes and is important for the killing of bacteria and parasites, and possibly also for cytostasis in antitumour reactions (Hibbs et al., 1988; Ignarro, 1989; Moncada et al., 1991; Moncada, 1992). For effects of inhaled NO it is important to consider that endogenous NO regulates pulmonary vascular resistance; it is found in small amounts in exhaled air and has been suggested to be necessary for normal oxygenation of the blood (Persson et al., 1990; Gustafsson et al., 1991). Absorption of NO Yoshida et al. (1981) found that < 10% of the NO "inhaled" by isolated perfused lungs of rabbits was absorbed. In normally breathing humans, 85 to 92% of NO was absorbed at concentrations ranging from 400 to 6100 µg/m3 (0.33 to 5.0 ppm) (Wagner, 1970; Yoshida & Kasama, 1987); values for NO2 were 81 to 90% (Wagner, 1970). Absorption of NO with exercise was 91 to 93% in humans (Wagner, 1970). Yoshida et al. (1980) found the percentage of absorption of NO in rats acutely exposed to 169 300 µg/m3 (138 ppm), 331 300 µg/m3 (270 ppm) and 1 079 800 µg/m3 (880 ppm) to be 90%, 60% and 20%, respectively. The progressive decrease in absorption was ascribed to an exposure-induced decrease in ventilation. In dogs exposed to vehicle exhaust mixtures, 73% of the constituent NO was removed by the nasopharyngeal region; this compared to 90% removal for NO2 (Vaughan et al., 1969). Thus, respiratory tract absorption of NO has some similarities to that for NO2, in spite of solubility differences. The lower solubility of NO may, however, result in greater amounts reaching the pulmonary region, where it may then diffuse into blood and react with haemoglobin (Yoshida & Kasama, 1987). In vivo exposures seem to indicate that NO has a faster rate of diffusion through tissue than NO2 (Chiodi & Mohler, 1985). Effects of NO on pulmonary function, morphology and host lung defence function No change in respiratory function was found in guinea-pigs exposed to NO at 19 600 µg/m3 (16 ppm) or 61 300 µg/m3 (50 ppm) for 4 h (Murphy et al., 1964). Increased airway responsiveness to acetylcholine was observed in guinea-pigs exposed to 6130 µg/m3 (5 ppm) NO for 30 min, twice a week for 7 weeks. In sheep, significant reversal of vasoconstriction to an infused thromboxane analogue was seen with acute exposure to 6130 µg/m3 NO (Fratacci et al., 1991). At the same exposure level, hypoxic vasoconstriction was significantly diminished and was nearly abolished at 49 000 µg/m3 (40 ppm) NO in inhaled air (Frostell et al., 1991). Reversal of methacholine-induced bronchoconstriction by NO has been reported in guinea-pigs at 6130 µg/m3 (5 ppm) (Dupuy et al., 1992), while in rabbits full reversal of methacholine bronchoconstriction was seen at 98 100 µg/m3 (80 ppm) (Högman et al., 1993). Relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle can be exerted in vitro by mechanisms dependent on an intact airway epithelium. An endogenous muscle-relaxing factor released by the epithelium has been suggested, but it is not clear whether it is endogenous NO (Barnes, 1993). The few studies that have examined histological response to non-lethal levels of NO are outlined in Table 38. With chronic exposure, the morphological changes seen are similar to those with NO2 (see section on morphological effects of NO2), except that NO levels needed to produce them are higher. Additionally, Hugod (1979) noted that the absence of NO-induced alterations in the alveolar epithelium suggested that the observed responses occurred after absorption of NO; that is, they were not caused by direct action of deposited NO. Perhaps higher exposure concentrations of NO are needed for direct toxic action (e.g., results of Holt et al., 1979). Some of the effects seen by Oda et al. (1976) with 12 270 µg/m3 (10.0 ppm) NO may have been due to the presence of 1880 to 2820 µg/m3 (1.0 to 1.5 ppm) NO2 in the exposure atmosphere. It is important to note that in all existing studies of NO toxicity in the lungs, histological evaluation of the lungs was rudimentary and no quantitative measurements were carried out to test for airspace enlargement or destruction. Table 38. Effects of nitric oxide (NO) on respiratory tract morphologya NO2 Concentration µg/m3 ppm Exposure Species Effectsb Reference 2460 2 Continuous, Rat Slight emphysema-like alterations of alveoli. Azoulay et (NO2 = 0.08 ppm)b 6 weeks al. (1977) 2950 2.4 Continuous, Mouse No difference from control. Oda et al. (NO2 = 0.01-0.04 ppm)b for lifetime (1980b) (23-29 months) 6150 5 Continuous, Rabbit Oedema; thickening of alveolo-capillary Hugod (1979) (NO2 = < 0.1 ppm)b 14 days membrane due to fluid in interstitial space; fluid-filled vacuoles seen in arteriolar endothelial cells and at junctions of endothelial cells; no changes in alveolar epithelium; no inflammation. 12 300 10 2 h/day, 5 days Mouse Enlarged air spaces in lung periphery; Holt et al. per week, up to paraseptal emphysema; some haemorrhage; (1979) 30 weeks some congestion in alveolar septa; increased concentration of goblet cells in bronchi. 12 300 10 Continuous, Mouse Bronchiolar epithelial hyperplasia; hyperaemia; Oda et al. (NO2 = 1-1.5 ppm)b 6.5 months congestion; enlargement of alveolar septum; (1976) increase in ratio of lung to body weight. a Modified from US EPA (1993) b This represents reported nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels measured during exposure A recent study (Mercer et al., 1995) suggests that NO may be more potent than NO2 in introducing certain changes in lung morphology. More specifically, male rats were exposed to either NO or NO2 at 0.5 ppm with twice daily 1-h spikes of 1.5 ppm for 9 weeks. The number of pores of Kohn and detached alveolar septa were evaluated by electron microscopy, using stereological procedures for the study of lung structure that involved morphometric analyses of electron micrographs. The average number of pores per lung for the NO group exceeded by approx. 2.5 times the mean number for the NO2 groups, which was more than 10 times that for controls. Analogously, the average number of detached septa per lung was significantly higher for the NO group (X = 117) than the NO2 group (X = 20) or the controls (X = 4). There was also a statistically significant 30% reduction in interstitial cells in the NO group, but no significant differences in the other parenchymal cell types between the controls and the NO- or NO2-exposed groups. Lastly, the thickness of the interstitial space was reduced for the NO group (X = 0.24 µm versus 0.32 µm for controls) but not for the NO2 group (X = 0.29 µm), and epithelial cell thickness did not differ between the groups. The effects of NO on host defence function of the lungs has been examined in two studies. Holt et al. (1979) found immunological alterations in mice exposed to 12 270 µg/m3 (10 ppm) NO for 2 h/day (5 days/week for 30 weeks). However, interpretation is complicated by the duration dependence of some of the responses (e.g., an enhancement of the humoral immune response to SRBCs was seen at 10 weeks, but this was not evident at the end of the exposure series). The effects of NO on bacterial defences were examined by Azoulay et al. (1981). Male and female mice were exposed continuously to 3760 µg/m3 (2.0 ppm) NO for 6 h to 4 weeks to assess the effect on resistance to infection induced by a bacterial aerosol administered after each NO exposure. There were no statistically significant effects for either sex at any of the time points studied. Metabolic effects Mice exposed to NO concentrations of 12 300 to 25 800 µg/m3 (10 to 21 ppm) for 3 h daily for 7 days showed no change in the levels of reduced glutathione in their lungs (Watanabe et al., 1980). In vitro data indicate that NO stimulates guanylate cyclase and therefore leads to smooth muscle relaxation and vasodilation and functional effects on the nervous system (Katsuki et al., 1977; Ignarro, 1989; Garthwaite, 1991; Moncada et al., 1991). These effects are probably responsible for vasodilation in the pulmonary circulation and an acute bronchodilator effect of inhaled NO. However, it is unclear whether other effects might be exerted from ambient NO via this pathway. Due to the rapid inactivation of NO in haemoglobin, internal organs other than the lungs are unlikely to be affected directly by cyclic GMP-mediated vasodilator influence from ambient concentrations of NO. Methaemoglobin formation, via the formation of nitrosylhaemoglobin (Oda et al., 1975, 1979, 1980a,b; Case et al., 1979; Nakajima et al., 1980) and subsequent oxidation with oxygen, is well known (Kon et al., 1977; Chiodi & Mohler, 1985). During NO exposure of mice to 24 500 to 98 100 µg/m3 (20-80 ppm), the levels of methaemoglobin were found to increase exponentially with the NO concentration (Oda et al., 1980b). After the cessation of NO exposure, methaemoglobin decreased rapidly, with a half-time of only a few minutes. In humans the ability to reduce methaemoglobin varies genetically and is lower in infants. Of the NO reaction products with haemoglobin, methaemoglobin attains higher levels than nitrosylhaemoglobin (Maeda et al., 1987). Exposure of mice to 2940 µg/m3 (2.4 ppm) NO for 23-29 months resulted in nitrosylhaemoglobin levels at 0.01%, while the maximal methaemoglobin level was 0.3% (Oda et al., 1980b). At 12 300 µg/m3 for 6.5 months the nitrosylhaemoglobin level was 0.13% and the level of methaemoglobin was 0.2% (Oda et al., 1976). Rats exposed to 2450 µg/m3 (2 ppm) continuously for six weeks showed no detectable methaemoglobin (Azoulay et al., 1977). Haematological changes Mice exposed to NO at 11 070 µg/m3 (9 ppm) for 16 h had decreased iron transferrin (Case et al., 1979), and when exposed to 12 300 µg/m3 (10 ppm) for 6.5 months had increased leukocyte count and proportion of polymorphonuclear cells (Oda et al., 1976). Red blood cell morphology, spleen weight and bilirubin were also affected. A slight increase in haemolysis was seen in mice exposed to 2940 µg/m3 (2.4 ppm) of NO (Oda et al., 1980a). Biochemical mechanisms for nitric oxide effects: reaction with iron and effects on enzymes and nucleic acids NO has an affinity for haem-bound iron which is two times higher than that of carbon monoxide. This affinity leads to the formation of methaemoglobin and the stimulation of guanylate cyclase. Furthermore, NO reacts with thiol-associated iron in enzymes and eventually displaces the iron. This is a possible mechanism for the cytotoxic effects of NO (Hibbs et al., 1988; Weinberg, 1992). In vitro, the NO donor sodium nitroprusside has been shown to mobilize iron from ferritin (Reif & Simmons, 1990). NO might possibly modulate arachidonic acid metabolism via interference with iron (Kanner et al., 1991a,b). NO inhibits aconitase, an enzyme in the Krebs cycle, and also complex 1 and 2 of the respiratory chain (Hibbs et al., 1988; Persson et al., 1990; Stadler et al., 1991). Permanent modification of haemoglobin has been found; possibly via deamination (Moriguchi et al., 1992). NO can also deaminate DNA, evoke DNA chain breaks, and inhibit DNA polymerase and ribonucleotide reductase (Wink et al., 1991; Lepoivre et al., 1991; Kwon et al., 1991; Nguya et al., 1992). NO might be antimitogenic and inhibit T cell proliferation in rat spleen cells (Fu & Blankenhorn, 1992), and NO donors inhibit DNA synthesis, cell proliferation, and mitogenesis in vascular tissue (Garg & Hassid, 1989; Nakaki et al., 1990). ADP (adenosine diphosphate) ribosylation is stimulated by NO-generating agents (Nakaki et al., 1990). Substantial in vitro evidence has recently been published describing other effects of NO in tissues. These include: inhibition of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) via ADP ribosylation (Alheid et al., 1987; Dimmeler et al., 1992); macrophage mediated-nitric oxide dependent mechanisms which include inhibition of the electron transport chain (Nathan, 1992); inhibition of DNA synthesis (Hibbs et al., 1988); inhibition of protein synthesis (Curran et al., 1991) and decrease in cytosolic free calcium by a cGMP-independent mechanism (Garg & Hassid, 1991). 5.4.2 Nitric acid There have been only a few toxicological studies of HNO3, which exists in ambient air generally as a highly water-soluble vapour. A few investigators have examined the histological response to instilled HNO3 (usually 1%), a procedure used in developing models of bronchiolitis obliterans in various animals, namely dogs, rabbits and rats (Totten & Moran, 1961; Greenberg et al., 1971; Gardiner & Schanker, 1976; Mink et al., 1984). However, the relevance of such instillation studies is questionable, except to provide information for the design of inhalation studies. Only two studies have been designed specifically to examine the pulmonary response to pure HNO3 vapour. Abraham et al. (1982) exposed both normal sheep and allergic sheep (i.e., having airway responses similar to those occurring in humans with allergic airway disease) for 4 h to 4120 µg/m3 (1.6 ppm) HNO3 vapour. The exposure, using a "head-only" chamber, decreased specific pulmonary flow resistance in both groups of sheep; this indicated the absence of any bronchoconstriction. Allergic, but not normal, sheep showed increased airway reactivity to carbachol, both immediately and 24 h after HNO3 exposure. In another study, rats exposed for 4 h to 1000 µg/m3 (0.38 ppm) HNO3 vapour or for 4 h/day for 4 days to 250 µg/m3 (0.1 ppm) HNO3 showed a decrease in stimulated or unstimulated respiratory burst activity of alveolar macrophages (AMs) obtained by lavage, as well as an increase in elastase inhibitory capacity of BAL (Nadziejko et al., 1992). 5.4.3 Nitrates Only one inhalation study conducted at levels < 1 mg/m3 NO3- has been reported. Busch et al. (1986) exposed rats and guinea-pigs with either normal lungs or elastase-induced emphysema to ammonium nitrate aerosols at 1 mg/m3 for 6 h/day, 5 days/week for 4 weeks. Using both light and electron microscopy, the investigators concluded that there were no significant effects of exposure on lung structure. 5.5 Summary of studies of the effects of nitrogen compounds on experimental animals Responses to NO2 exposure have been observed in several laboratory animal species, resulting in the conclusion that these effects could occur in humans. In addition, mathematical dosimetry models suggest that the greatest dose of NO2 is delivered to the same region in both animal and human lungs (i.e. the centriacinar region which is the junction of the conducting airway with the gas exchange area). Thus, the responses of laboratory animals can be qualitatively extrapolated to humans. NO2 exposure causes lung structural alterations. Exposure to 3760 µg/m3 (2.0 ppm) for 3 days has resulted in centriacinar damage, including damaged cilia and alveolar wall oedema. Prolonged exposures produce changes in the cells lining the centriacinar region, and the tissue in this region (i.e., alveolar interstitium) becomes thicker. These effects were seen in rats exposed to 940 µg/m3 (0.5 ppm) baseline with brief peaks of 2800 µg/m3 (1.5 ppm) for 6 weeks or exposures to 940 µg/m3 (0.5 ppm) NO2 for 4 to 6 months. Several animal studies clearly demonstrate that chronic exposure to concentrations of NO2 > 9400 µg/m3 (> 5.0 ppm) can cause emphysema of the type seen in human lungs. Increased lung distensibility was reported in mice exposed to 375 µg/m3 (0.2 ppm) with peaks of 1500 µg/m3 (0.8 ppm) after 1 year of exposure. NO2 increases susceptibility to bacterial and viral pulmonary infections in animals. Reduced phagocytic activity and reduced mobility were observed in AMs from rabbits exposed for 13 days to 500 µg/m3 (0.3 ppm). The lowest observed concentration that increases lung susceptibility to bacterial infections after acute exposure is 3750 µg/m3 (2.0 ppm) NO2 (a 3-h exposure study in mice). Acute (17 h) exposures to > 4250 µg/m3 (> 2.3 ppm) NO2 also decrease pulmonary bactericidal activity in mice. After long-term exposures (e.g., 3 to 6 months) to 940 µg/m3 (0.5 ppm) NO2, mice have decreased resistance to lung bacterial infections. Exposure of mice for 1 year to 375 µg/m3 (0.2 ppm/week) with 1480 µg/m3 (0.8 ppm) spike followed by infection with streptococcus resulted in increased mortality. NO2 also increases lung susceptibility to viral infections in mice. Subchronic (7-week) exposures to concentrations as low as 470 µg/m3 (0.25 ppm) NO2 can alter the systemic immune system in mice. NO2 exposure has been shown to cause a clear dose-related decrease in pulmonary antibacterial defences. Decreases in pulmonary antibacterial defences occurred at concentrations ranging from 7520 µg/m3 (4 ppm) for Staphylococcus aureus to 37 500 µg/m3 (20 ppm) for Proteus mirabilis. Dose-response increases in bacterial-induced mortality in mice was demonstrated with continuous exposure to 940 µg/m3 (0.5 ppm) after 3 months. When the relationship of NO2 exposure concentration and duration was studied, concentration had more influence than duration on the outcome. This conclusion is primarily based on investigations of lung antibacterial defences of mice, which also indicate that the exposure pattern (e.g., baseline level with daily peaks of NO2 or exposure 24 h/day versus 6 to 7 h/day) has an impact on the study results. Structural changes in the lung become more severe as exposure progresses from weeks to months at a given NO2 concentration. Longer exposures resulted in effects at lower concentrations. NO2 showed positive effects in some studies with Salmonella strain TA100 and caused DNA strand breaks in a mammalian cell culture. NO seems to be less active. High concentrations of NO2 have induced mutations in lung cells in vivo, but not in other organs. There are no classical chronic bioassays for carcinogenicity. Studies concerning enhancement of spontaneous tumours, co-carcinogenic effects, or facilitation of the metastases of tumours to the lung are inadequate to form conclusions. Possible secondary effects concern the in vivo formation of nitrite and nitrosamines and atmospherically formed mutagenic reaction products from NOx and hydrocarbons. The effects of exposure to mixtures of NO2 and other pollutants are dependent on the exposure regimen, species and end-point measured. Most mixture research involves NO2 and O3 and shows that additivity and synergism can occur. A similar conclusion can be drawn from the more limited research with NO2 and sulfuric acid. Findings of either additivity or synergism are of concern because of the ubiquitous co-occurrence of NO2 and O3. Extrapolation of these findings is not currently possible. NO is a potent vasodilator and effects can be demonstrated with inhaled concentrations of approximately 6130 µg/m3 (5 ppm) in sheep and guinea-pigs. NO also reduces resistance to bacterial infection via the inhalation route in female mice exposed to 2452 µg/m3 (2 ppm). Morphological alterations in the alveoli and thickening of the alveolocapillary membrane are seen in rabbits at 6130 µg/m3. Methaemoglobin formation is seen at concentrations above 12 260 µg/m3 (10 ppm). NO2 acts as a strong oxidant. Unsaturated lipids are readily oxidized with peroxides as the dominant product. Both ascorbic acid and alpha-tocopherol inhibit the peroxidation of unsaturated lipids. When ascorbic acid is sealed within bi-layer liposomes, NO2 rapidly oxidizes the sealed ascorbic acid. The protective effects of alpha-tocophernol (vitamin E) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in animals and humans are due to the inhibition of NO2 oxidation. NO2 also oxidizes membrane proteins. The oxidation of either membrane lipids or proteins results in the loss of cell permeability control. The lungs of NO2-exposed humans and experimental animals have larger amounts of protein within the lumen. The recruitment of inflammatory cells and the remodelling of the lung are a consequence of these events. The oxidant properties of NO2 also induce the peroxide detoxification pathway of glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. Increases in the peroxide detoxification pathway occur in animals in a roughly dose-response relationship following NO2 exposure. The mechanism of action of NO is less clear. NO is readily oxidized to NO2 and then peroxidation occurs. Because of concomitant exposure to some NO2 in NO exposures, it is difficult to discriminate NO effects from those of NO2. NO is, however, a potent second messenger modulating a wide variety of essential cellular functions. Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) decomposes in water generating hydrogen peroxide. Little is known of the mechanism of action, but oxidative stress is likely for PAN and its congeners. Inorganic nitrates may act by alterations in intracellular pH. Nitrate ion is transported into Type 2 cells, acidifying the cell. Nitrate also mobilizes histamine from mast cells. Nitrous acid could also act to alter intracellular pH, but this mechanism is unclear. The mechanisms of action of the other nitrogen oxides are unknown at present. 6. CONTROLLED HUMAN EXPOSURE STUDIES OF NITROGEN OXIDES 6.1 Introduction The effects of nitrogen oxides (NOx) on human volunteers exposed under controlled exposure conditions are evaluated in this chapter. Of the NOx species typically found in the ambient air, NO2 has been the most extensively studied. Nitric oxide (NO), nitrates, nitrous acid and nitric acid also have been evaluated and are discussed here, as are investigations of mixtures of NOy and other co-occurring pollutants. A more extensive detailed review of this literature can be found in US EPA (1993). Most volunteers for human clinical studies are young, healthy adult males, but other potentially susceptible subpopulations, especially asthmatics, patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), children and the elderly have also been studied. Many exposures are conducted while the volunteer performs some form of controlled exercise. The exercise increases ventilation, which increases the mass of pollutant inhaled per unit time and may alter the distribution of the dose within the lung. More information on NO2 dosimetry is presented in chapter 5. Important methodological and experimental design considerations for controlled human studies have been discussed in greater detail by Folinsbee (1988). In many human clinical studies of NO2 exposure, both pulmonary function and airway responsiveness to bronchoconstrictors have been measured. Spirometric measurements of lung volume, as well as measurements of airway resistance, ventilation volume, breathing pattern, and other tests provide information about some of the basic physiological functions of the lung. Dynamic spirometry tests (forced expiratory tests such as forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), maximal and partial flow-volume curves (including those using gases of different densities such as helium), peak flow measurements, etc.), and measurements of specific airway resistance/conductance (SRaw, SGaw) are also used. Most of these tests evaluate large airway function. However, since NO2 deposition occurs primarily around the junction of the tracheobronchial and pulmonary regions (section 5.2.1), many of these tests may not provide the necessary information to evaluate fully the effects of NO2. Other tests that may evaluate small airway function (e.g., multiple breath nitrogen washout tests, closing volume tests, aerosol deposition/distribution tests, density dependence of flow-volume curves, and frequency dependence of dynamic compliance) are less frequently used, and the extent to which they indicate small airways function is not clearly established. As discussed below, NO2 can increase airway responsiveness to chemicals that cause bronchoconstriction, such as histamine or cholinergic agonists (i.e., acetylcholine, carbachol or methacholine). Other challenge tests use allergens, exercise, hypertonic saline or cold-dry air. Responses are usually measured by evaluating changes in airway resistance (Raw) or spirometry (e.g. FEV1) after each dose of the challenge is administered. Generally, asthmatics are significantly more responsive than healthy normal subjects to these types of airway challenge (O'Connor et al., 1987). However, there is some overlap between the most responsive healthy subjects and the least responsive (to histamine) asthmatics (Pattemore et al., 1990). In the following sections, the changes in pulmonary function and airway responsiveness after NO2 exposure in healthy subjects are discussed. Responses of asthmatics and patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are then evaluated. A brief note regarding age-related susceptibility is followed by a review of the effects of NO2 on pulmonary host defences and on biochemical markers in lung lavage fluid or in the blood. The effects of two other oxidized nitrogen compounds, NO and nitric acid vapour are also discussed. Finally, the effects of mixtures of oxidized nitrogen compounds (NO2, NO, HNO3) with other gaseous or particulate pollutants are considered. An overall summary is presented at the end of the chapter. 6.2 Effects of nitrogen dioxide 6.2.1 Nitrogen dioxide effects on pulmonary function and airway responsiveness to bronchoconstrictive agents Much research has focused on NO2-induced changes in pulmonary function and airway responsiveness to bronchoconstrictive agents. Healthy adults do not typically respond to low levels of NO2 (< 1880 µg/m3, 1 ppm). However, asthmatics appear to be the most susceptible members of the population (section Asthmatics are generally much more sensitive to inhaled bronchoconstrictors. The potential addition of an NO2-induced increase in airway response to the already heightened responsiveness to other substances raises the possibility of exacerbation of asthma by NO2. Another potentially susceptible group includes patients with COPD (section A major concern with COPD patients is the absence of an adequate pulmonary reserve, so that even a relatively small alteration in lung function in these individuals could potentially cause serious problems. In addition, both adolescents and the elderly have been evaluated, to determine whether differential age-related susceptibility exists (section Table 39. Effects of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) on lung function and airway responsiveness of healthy subjectsa NO2 concentration Exposure Exercise Exercise Number of Subject Effects Reference duration duration ventilation subjects/ characteristice (min) (min) (litres/min) gender µg/m3 ppm 188 0.1 60 15 M 23-29 years, No symptoms; no odour Hazucha et al. NS detection; no effect (1982, 1983) on SRaw. 188 0.1 240 6 Normal adults No effects of NO2 Sackner et al. 564 0.3 (1980) 940 0.5 1880 1.0 226 0.12 60 4 M/6 F 13-18 years No effects on lung Koenig et al. function. (1985) 226 0.12 40 10 32.5 3 M/7 F 14-19 years No effects on Rtau or Koenig et al. 338 0.18 40 4 M/6 F 15-19 years spirometry. (1987a,b) 230 0.12 20 5 M/4 F 20-36 years, Suggestion of change Bylin et al. 460 0.24 NS in SRaw in normals: (1985) 910 0.48 SRaw tended to increase at 476 µg/m3 and tended to decrease at 910 µg/m3. Analysis of variance indicates no significance. No effects on bronchial reactivity. Median odour threshold 75 µg/m3. Table 39 (Con't) NO2 concentration Exposure Exercise Exercise Number of Subject Effects Reference duration duration ventilation subjects/ characteristice (min) (min) (litres/min) gender µg/m3 ppm 282 0.15 120 60 50 W 6 M 19-24 years No symptoms; no Kagawa & Tsuru pulmonary function (1979); Johnson effects. Suggested et al. (1990) individual changes in SGaw. 338 0.18 30 10 (L) L approx. 25 9 M 18-23 years, No change in lung Kim et al. 564 0.3 16 (H) H approx. 72 "collegiate function. (1991) athletes" 508 0.27 60 Healthy, Possible small Rehn et al. 1993 1.06 young M increase in Raw at (1982) 508 µg/m3 (0.27 ppm). 564 0.3 120 60 50 W 6 19-25 years No effect on SGaw. Kagawa (1986) 564 0.3 225 30 approx. 40 10 M/10 F 20-48 years No symptom, lung Morrow & Utell (3 × 10) (FEV1/FVC function or airway (1989) 76-95%) reactivity responses to carbachol for either of the 20-48 year or the 49-69 year age groups. 564 0.3 225 21 30-40 10 M/10 F 49-69 years, (3 × 7) (FEV1/FVC 72-84%) Table 39 (Con't) NO2 concentration Exposure Exercise Exercise Number of Subject Effects Reference duration duration ventilation subjects/ characteristice (min) (min) (litres/min) gender µg/m3 ppm 940 0.5 120 15 Light/ 10 Healthy, three Decreased quasistatic Kerr et al. moderate ex-smokers in compliance. Non-random (1979) group exposure sequence air- NO2. No change in spirometry or resistance. Apparent compliance change may be due to exposure order. 940 0.5 120 15 10 Normal adults Decreased static lung Kulle (1982) compliance. 940 0.5 240 30 55 10 M 26.4 years No significant effects Stacy et al. on spirometry or Raw. (1983) 1128 0.6 120 60 25 8 M/8 F 51-76 years No statistically Drechsler-Parks significant changes et al. (1987) in lung function due to NO2 exposure in either age group. 8 M/8 F 18-26 years, NS 1128 0.6 180 60 approx. 40 7 M/2 F Healthy, NS No change in Frampton et al. (6 × 10) spirometry, Raw or (1989a) carbachol reactivity. Table 39 (Con't) NO2 concentration Exposure Exercise Exercise Number of Subject Effects Reference duration duration ventilation subjects/ characteristice (min) (min) (litres/min) gender µg/m3 ppm 94 with 0.05 with 135 60 11 M/4 F Non-reactive 3760 2.0 spikes 3 × 15 (6 × 10) (carbachol) spikes (1) 1128 (1) 0.6 180 60 39 6 M/2 F 30.3 ± 1.4 There were no changes Frampton et al. years, NS in airway mechanics (1991) (FVC, FEV1, SGaw). Responsiveness to (2) Var. (2) Var. 180 60 43 11 M/4 F 25.3 ± 1.2 carbachol was (94 (0.05 years, NS significantly increased background background after 2820 µg/m3 NO2 with with 180 60 approx. 40 5 M/3 F 32.6 ± 1.6 (Group 3) but not after 3 × 15 min 3 × 15 years, NS the other exposures at 3760) min at (Groups 1 and 2). Degree 2.0 ppm) of baseline responsiveness to carbachol was not related to response after 2820 µg/m3. (3) 2820 (3) 1.5 180 60 39 12 M/3 F 23.5 ± 0.7 years, NS Table 39 (Con't) NO2 concentration Exposure Exercise Exercise Number of Subject Effects Reference duration duration ventilation subjects/ characteristice (min) (min) (litres/min) gender µg/m3 ppm 1128 0.6 120/day 60 approx. 30-40 4 M/1 F NS, 21-36 No effects of repeated Boushey et al. for 4 days years, FEV1/ NO2 exposure on (1988) (Part 2) FVC% range respiratory function 73-83%, (SRaw, FVC, FEV1) or "normal" symptoms. methacholine responsiveness 1128 0.6 60 60 70 20 M Healthy No effect of NO2 on Adams et al. 50 20 F spirometry or airway (1987) resistance. 1166 0.62 120 15 33 5 M Healthy No significant Folinsbee et al. 30 33 5 M pulmonary function (1978) responses attributed to NO2 exposure. 1316-3760 0.7-2.0 10 10 Increased resistance Suzuki & 10 min after exposure. Ishikawa (1965) 1316 0.7 60 5 19-22 years, No effects on airway Toyama et al. 3 of 5 were conductance. (1981) investigators Table 39 (Con't) NO2 concentration Exposure Exercise Exercise Number of Subject Effects Reference duration duration ventilation subjects/ characteristice (min) (min) (litres/min) gender µg/m3 ppm 1880 1.0 120 (2 60 Light 16 Healthy Air-NO2-NO2 fixed Hackney et al. consecutive exposure sequence. (1978) days) 1.5% decrease in FVC after second day of NO2. Not clear that the decreased FVC is an NO2 effect or an order effect. No other effects. 1880 1.0 120/day, 22 Healthy, NS, Overall trend for a Goings et al. 3760 2.0 3 days 21, 22 seronegative slight decrement in (1989) 5640 3.0 22 FEV1 with NO2 exposure (< 1%). No change in methacholine responsiveness as a result of NO2 exposure or viral infection status. 1880 1.0 120 16 11 S After 14 100 µg/m3 Beil & Ulmer 4700 2.5 120 16 5 NS (120 min) and (1976) 9400 5.0 120 16 9400 µg/m3 (14 h), 14 100 7.5 120 16 8 S responsiveness to 9400 5.0 840 8 acetylcholine increased. Resistance increased after all but the 1880 µg/m3 exposure. Table 39 (Con't) NO2 concentration Exposure Exercise Exercise Number of Subject Effects Reference duration duration ventilation subjects/ characteristice (min) (min) (litres/min) gender µg/m3 ppm 3760 2.0 60 8 M/3 F 18-36 years, Vitamin C blocked Mohsenin (1987b) NS NO2-induced increase in airway reactivity to methacholine. 3760 2.0 120 13 M/5 F Normal, NS, No symptoms; no lung Mohsenin (1988) 18-33 years function changes. Increased methacholine reactivity. 7520-9400 4.0-5.0 10 Bag exposure Abe (1967) technique. Airway resistance increased 30 min after end of exposure. No change in spirometry. 7520 4.0 75 15 (L) L 20-29 16 M/ 9 F 18-45 years, No change in SRaw Linn & Hackney 15 (H) H 44-57 NS associated with NO2. (1983); Linn Small but significant et al. (1985b) decrease in blood pressure; some mild increase in symptoms. 9400 5.0 15 16 Healthy Decreased DLCO 18%. Von Nieding et al. (1973a) Table 39 (Con't) NO2 concentration Exposure Exercise Exercise Number of Subject Effects Reference duration duration ventilation subjects/ characteristice (min) (min) (litres/min) gender µg/m3 ppm 9400 5.0 120 Intermittent Light 11 M Healthy Increased resistance Von Nieding et 60%. Remained elevated al. (1977) for 60 min. Possible decrease in PaO2. 9400 5.0 120 60 220 11 M Healthy Resistance increased Von Nieding et (4 × 15) 60%. Remained elevated al. (1979) 60 min after exposure. Possible decrease in earlobe PO2. a Modified from US EPA (1993) Abbreviations: M = Male; F = Female; S = Active smoker; NS = Non-smoker; FEV1 = Forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FVC = Forced vital capacity; SRaw = Specific airway resistance; Var = Variable; Raw = Airway resistance; SGaw = Specific airway conductance; W = Watts; L = Light; H = Heavy; RT = Total respiratory resistance; DLCO = Diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide; PaO2 = Arterial partial pressure of oxygen; PO2 = Partial pressure of oxygen Nitrogen dioxide effects in healthy subjects The effects of NO2 levels greater than 1880 µg/m3 (1.0 ppm) on respiratory function in healthy subjects have been examined in several studies (Table 39). Early work indicated that NO2 increased Raw or total respiratory resistance (RT) at concentrations above 2820 µg/m3 (1.5 ppm) in healthy volunteers (Abe, 1967; Von Nieding et al., 1970, 1973a, 1979; Von Nieding & Wagner, 1977). Although Beil & Ulmer (1976) found a small but statistically significant increase in RT after a 2-h exposure to > 4700 µg/m3 (> 2.5 ppm) NO2, the response was not appreciably increased by raising the NO2 concentration to 9400 or 14 100 µg/m3 (5.0 or 7.5 ppm). Also, airway responsiveness to acetylcholine was increased after exposure to 14 100 µg/m3 for 2 h or to 9400 µg/m3 for 14 h, but not after the 2-h exposures to < 9400 µg/m3. In contrast, some investigators found no effects at high concentrations. For example, a 75-min exposure with light and heavy exercise to 7520 µg/m3 (4.0 ppm) NO2 did not affect Raw (Linn et al., 1985b), and a 1-h resting exposure to 3760 µg/m3 (2 ppm) did not cause a change in lung volume, flow-volume characteristics on either full or partial expiratory flow-volume (PEFV) curves, or SGaw (Mohsenin, 1987b, 1988). However, NO2 did increase airway responsiveness to methacholine (Mohsenin, 1987b, 1988). Goings et al. (1989) found no effects of exposure to NO2 at 1880, 3760 or 5640 µg/m3 (1, 2 or 3 ppm; for 2 h/day on 3 consecutive days) on respiratory symptoms, lung function or airway reactivity to methacholine. Laboratory-induced influenza virus infection did not alter airway responsiveness in either sham (clean air) or NO2 exposure groups. The infectivity portion of this study is discussed in section 6.2.2. The influence of exposure pattern was examined by Frampton et al. (1991), using healthy subjects exposed for 3 h to either 1128 µg/m3 (0.60 ppm), 2820 µg/m3 (1.5 ppm) or a variable concentration protocol where three 15 min peaks of 3760 µg/m3 (2.0 ppm) were added to a background level of 94 µg/m3 (0.05 ppm). Nitrogen dioxide did not affect airway mechanics (forced vital capacity (FVC), FEV1, SGaw). However, after exposure to 2820 µg/m3, but not to the other concentrations, there was a small but statistically significant increase in airway responsiveness to carbachol. This study supported the earlier observations by Mohsenin (1987b, 1988) of increased airway responsiveness after a 1-h exposure to 3760 µg/m3. Mohsenin (1987b) further observed that the NO2-induced increase in airway responsiveness could be blocked by elevation of serum ascorbate level through pretreatment with the antioxidant ascorbic acid (vitamin C). At concentrations below 1880 µg/m3 (1.0 ppm) NO2, pulmonary function and airway responsiveness have generally not been found to be affected in healthy adult subjects (Beil & Ulmer, 1976; Folinsbee et al., 1978; Hackney et al., 1978; Kerr et al., 1979; Sackner et al., 1980; Toyama et al., 1981; Kulle, 1982; Hazucha et al., 1982, 1983; Stacy et al., 1983; Kagawa, 1986; Adams et al., 1987; Drechsler-Parks et al., 1987; Drechsler-Parks, 1987; Boushey et al., 1988; Morrow & Utell, 1989; Frampton et al., 1989a, 1991; Kim et al., 1991). Although some investigators have at times reported statistically significant effects, there does not appear to be a consistent pattern of acute responses in healthy subjects at these low NO2 concentrations. Kagawa & Tsuru (1979) reported the lowest NO2 exposure concentration that appeared to cause an effect. Healthy men were exposed to 282 µg/m3 (0.15 ppm) NO2 for 2 h while performing light, intermittent exercise. The authors suggested that NO2 caused some statistically significant changes, i.e. a 0.5% decrease in vital capacity (VC) and a 16% decrease in an index of small airway function (i.e. FEF75HeO2: FEF75AIR; the ratio of forced expiratory flow at 75% FVC expired while breathing a helium-oxygen mixture compared to FEF75 while breathing air). These findings should be interpreted with the consideration that multiple t-tests were used in the statistical analysis of these data. Rehn et al. (1982) reported a small (17%) increase in SRaw in men exposed to 500 µg/m3 (0.27 ppm) for 1 h, but a higher concentration (2000 µg/m3, 1.06 ppm) did not cause an effect. Bylin et al. (1985) reported that the SRaw of normal subjects exposed to 230, 460 and 910 µg/m3 (0.12, 0.24 and 0.48 ppm) for 20 min was unaffected. Specific comparisons revealed a significant 11% increase in SRaw at 460 µg/m3 (0.24 ppm) and a 9% decrease in SRaw at 910 µg/m3. Bronchial responsiveness to histamine was increased by 910 µg/m3 NO2. Symptomatic responses of subjects exposed to NO2 were evaluated in several of the above studies. None of these studies, including exposures for as long as 75 min to 7520 µg/m3 (4.0 ppm) NO2 (Linn & Hackney, 1983; Linn et al., 1985b), resulted in a significant increase in respiratory symptoms. In studies of sensory effects, subjects were unable to detect the odour of 188 µg/m3 (0.1 ppm) NO2 (Hazucha et al., 1983), but Bylin et al. (1985) observed an odour threshold of 75 µg/m3 (0.04 ppm) for normal subjects and 150 µg/m3 (0.08 ppm) for asthmatics. Nitrogen dioxide effects on asthmatics Studies of the effects of exposures to NO2 on respiratory function and airway responsiveness of asthmatics are summarized in Table 40. Asthmatics are generally more responsive than healthy subjects to NO2. However, as can be seen in Table 40, there is substantial variability in observed responses between and even within laboratories. This variability is illustrated in Fig. 22 and 23, in which changes in airway resistance and FEV1 are related to the "exposure dose" of NO2 (calculated as ppm × litres of air breathed over the duration of exposure) (US EPA, 1993). The individual investigations that yielded the data used to develop these illustrations will be discussed in more detail below. Other studies, not discussed separately, are also summarized in Table 40. The review by the US EPA (1993) provides more detail on many of these studies. Although differences in exposure protocols may explain some of the differences between studies, the explanation most often invoked is that there may be differences in the severity of asthma among the subject groups tested. There are numerous definitions of "asthma severity" (see, for example, National Institutes of Health, 1991). Those applied to the key asthma studies discussed here (based on the data available) are: (1) mild: controlled by bronchodilators and avoidance of known precipitating factors, does not interfere with normal activities; and (2) moderate: often requires periodic use of inhaled steroids in treatment and may interfere with work or school activities. Those with severe asthma are seldom used as subjects for NO2 studies because their disease can include life-threatening episodes. Typical volunteers for the studies described here had mild allergic asthma. Avol et al. (1988) studied a group of moderate-to-severe asthmatics exposed to 564 and 1128 µg/m3 (0.3 and 0.6 ppm) NO2 for 2 h with moderate intermittent exercise. NO2 did not cause significant changes in SRaw or FEV1. Results of tests of airway responsiveness to cold air suggested a slightly increased response after exposure to 564 µg/m3, but not after 1128 µg/m3. A post hoc analysis of a subgroup of subjects with the most abnormal lung function (i.e., FEV1/FVC ratios < 0.65) did not find enhanced susceptibility. In a subsequent study using 564 µg/m3 NO2, Avol et al. (1989) found decreases in FEV1, FVC and peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR), but no change in responsiveness to cold air challenge. Table 40. Effects of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) on lung function and airway responsiveness of asthmaticsa NO2 concentration Exposure Exercise Exercise Number of Subject Effects Reference duration duration ventilation subjects/ characteristics (min) (min) (litres/min) gender µg/m3 ppm 188 0.1 60 9 20-51 years, No effect of NO2 on Ahmed et al. "history of FEV1, SGaw or on (1983a) bronchial asthma" ronchial reactivity to ragweed antigen, either immediately or 24 h after exposure. 188 0.1 60 20 M/34 F 18-39 years No significant effect Ahmed et al. on SGaw, FEV1, VISOV; (1983b) variable effect on carbachol reactivity. No information on controlled exposure. 188 0.1 60 15 M 21-46 years, No significant Hazucha et al. mild or inactive changes in RT or (1982, 1983) disease responsiveness to methacholine associated with NO2 exposure. 207 0.11 60 6 M/1 F 1 Smoker, No change in SRaw or Orehek et al. (132-301) (0.07-0.16) 3 asthmatic, in responsiveness to (1981) 4 allergic grass pollen in 3 allergic asthmatics and 4 allergic subjects. Table 40 (Con't) NO2 concentration Exposure Exercise Exercise Number of Subject Effects Reference duration duration ventilation subjects/ characteristics (min) (min) (litres/min) gender µg/m3 ppm 210 0.11 60 13 M/7 F 15-44 years, 13/20 subjects had Orehek et al. (169-244) (0.09-0.13) 13 mild/7 mod enhanced responses to (1976) (n = 20) asthmatics; carbachol after 210 µg/m3 NO2. Post hoc statistical analysis questionable. 489 0.26 65 years 1/4 subjects had Orehek et al. (n = 4) enhanced responses (1976) to carbachol after 489 µg/m3 NO2. 226 0.12 60 4 M/6 F 12-18 years, No significant effects Koenig et al. asympt., on pulmonary function (1985) extrinsic due to NO2. Increased allergic symptoms after NO2 asthmatics exposures. 226 0.12 60 4 M/6 F 12-18 years No change in FEV1, Koenig et al. 226 0.12 40 10 33 4 M/6 F 11-19 years RT increased 10.4% (1987a,b) 338 0.18 40 10 39 7 M/3 F 12-18 years, (NS), 3% decrease asympt., in FEV1 (p < 0.06). extrinsic allergic asthmatics Table 40 (Con't) NO2 concentration Exposure Exercise Exercise Number of Subject Effects Reference duration duration ventilation subjects/ characteristics (min) (min) (litres/min) gender µg/m3 ppm 230 0.12 20 6 M/2 F 17-45 years, No significant change Bylin et al. 460 0.24 20 very mild in SRaw at any NO2 (1985) 910 0.48 20 asympt. levels. Histamine reactivity tended to increase. 260 0.14 30 8 M/12 F 17-56 years, Overall trend for SRaw Bylin et al. 510 0.27 very mild to decline during (1988) 1000 0.53 asympt. exposure period, not related to NO2 concentration. Histamine bronchial reactivity tended to increase after 260 and 510 µg/m3 NO2 exposure. 376 0.2 120 60 approx. 20 12 M/19 F 18-55 years, No effects on Kleinman et al. wide range of spirometry or airway (1983) asthma severity resistance. Airway reactivity to methacholine results variable-tended to increase with exposure. Table 40 (Con't) NO2 concentration Exposure Exercise Exercise Number of Subject Effects Reference duration duration ventilation subjects/ characteristics (min) (min) (litres/min) gender µg/m3 ppm 470 0.25 30 10 30 9 M/2 F 18-55 years, Mouthpiece exposure Joerres & mild asympt. system. No changes in Magnussen methacholine (1991) responsiveness were observed after NO2 exposure. 470 0.25 30 10 M/4 F 20-55 years, After NO2 exposure, Joerres & mild asthma, responsiveness to Magnussen most asympt. inhaled SO2 was (1990) increased. No effect of NO2 alone on SRaw. 564 0.3 30 20 approx. 30 5 M/4 F 23-34 years No changes in SRaw, Rubinstein et FVC, FEV1, SBN2 or al. (1990) symptoms after NO2 exposure. NO2 exposure did not increase airway responsiveness to SO2. Table 40 (Con't) NO2 concentration Exposure Exercise Exercise Number of Subject Effects Reference duration duration ventilation subjects/ characteristics (min) (min) (litres/min) gender µg/m3 ppm 564 0.3 30 10 30 15 20-45 years, Resting 20 min Bauer et al. mild asympt. exposures produced no (1986) effects. Slight excess decrease in FEV1 and PEFR in NO2 plus exercise above that caused by exercise alone. PEFR, -16% (air). -28% (NO2); FEV1 -5.5% (air), -9.3% (NO2). Significantly increased response to cold air after NO2 exposure. 564 0.3 225 30 30-40 10 M/10 F 19-54 years Group findings Morrow & Utell (3 × 10) indicated no (1989) significant responses. No change in lung function, symptoms, carbachol reactivity. Subjects studied previously (Bauer et al., 1986) showed possible responses to NO2. New subject subgroup showed significantly greater response in air exposures. Table 40 (Con't) NO2 concentration Exposure Exercise Exercise Number of Subject Effects Reference duration duration ventilation subjects/ characteristics (min) (min) (litres/min) gender µg/m3 ppm 564 A. 03 110 60 42 A. 13 M 19-35 years, FEV1 decreased 11% Roger et al. mild asthmatics in NO2 but only 7% in (1990) air, after first 10 min of exercise. Smaller changes later in exposure. 282 B. 0.15 75 30 42 B. 21 No increase in airway 564 0.3 reactivity to 1128 0.6 methacholine 2 h after exposure. Nochange in FEV1 or SRaw as a result at NO2 exposure. 564 0.3 180 90 30 24 M/10 F 10-16 years After 60 min of Avol et al. exposure, FEV1, FVC (1989) and PEFR (-3.4, -4.0 and -5.6%, respectively) were significantly reduced. No change in airways responsiveness to cold air challenge. SRaw increased 17% after NO2 exposure. After 180 min of exposure, the responses had returned to baseline levels. Table 40 (Con't) NO2 concentration Exposure Exercise Exercise Number of Subject Effects Reference duration duration ventilation subjects/ characteristics (min) (min) (litres/min) gender µg/m3 ppm 564 0.3 120 60 40 27 M/32 F 18-50 years, Exercise-related Avol et al. some moderate increases in symptoms. (1988) asthmatics Possible NO2-related decrease in FEV1, PEFR. Increased cold air response after 564 µg/m3. 1128 0.6 120 60 41 More consistent increases in SRaw at 1128 µg/m3 but not significantly different from air and 564 µg/m3. 564 0.3 60 30 41 15 M/6 F 20-34 years, No effect of NO2. Linn et al. 1880 1.0 60 30 41 mild asthmatics Exercise-related (1986) 5640 3.0 60 30 41 increase in SRaw under all conditions. 940 0.5 120 15 9 M/4 F 19-50 years, Increased respiratory Kulle (1982) 3 Smokers symptoms in 4/13 subjects. Also, increased static lung compliance. Impossible to determine amount of effect due to NO2. Table 40 (Con't) NO2 concentration Exposure Exercise Exercise Number of Subject Effects Reference duration duration ventilation subjects/ characteristics (min) (min) (litres/min) gender µg/m3 ppm 940 0.5 60 10 22-44 years, No change in symptoms. Mohsenin (1987b) mild asthmatics Significant group mean increase in responsiveness to methacholine after NO2 exposure. No other function changes. 940 + 0.5 + 120 60 approx. 20 6 M/12 F 33 years, No significant effect Linn et al. 857 0.3 ppm 6 ex-smokers physician- on spirometry, RT. (1980a) SO2 SO2 asthma diagnosed 7520 4.0 75 a. 15 a. 25 12 M/11 F 18-34 years, No NO2 effects on Linn & Hackney b. 15 b. 49 physician- SRaw, symptoms, heart (1984); Linn et diagnosed rate, skin al. (1985b) asthma conductance. Small decrease in systolic blood pressure. a Modified from US EPA (1993) M = male; F = female; SGaw = specific airway conductance; FEV1 = forced expiratory volume in 1 second; VISOV = volume of isoflow; PEFR = peak expiratory flow; SRaw = specific airway resistance; FVC = forced vital capacity; Asympt. = asymptomatic; RT = total respiratory resistance; NS = not significant; SO2 = sulfur dioxide; SBN2 = single breath nitrogen washout Roger et al. (1990) reported the effects of NO2 exposure on mild asthmatics. Their first study was a pilot study of 12 mild asthmatics exposed to 564 µg/m3 (0.3 ppm) for 110 min, including three 10-min periods of exercise. After the first 10 min of exercise in NO2, there was a decrease in FEV1 that persisted for the remainder of the exposure period, although the overall responses were progressively less with successive periods of exercise, as is common with exercise-induced asthma when the exercise is intermittent. Their subsequent concentration-response study of twenty-one subjects included six responsive subjects from the pilot study; volunteers were exposed to 282, 564 and 1128 µg/m3 (0.15, 0.30 and 0.60 ppm) NO2 for 75 min, with three 10-min exercise periods. In contrast to the pilot study, there were no effects of NO2 on pulmonary function or airway responsiveness to methacholine, tested 2 h after exposure ceased. The authors suggested that the differences between the pilot and the main study may have been due to more reactive airways in the pilot study asthmatics. Because the studies were conducted during different seasons, seasonal differences in temperature, air pollution, ambient aeroallergens or other factors may have contributed to some of the variability in response. Asthmatics exposed to 230, 460 and 910 µg/m3 (0.12, 0.24 and 0.48 ppm) NO2 for 20 min were studied by Bylin et al. (1985). Changes in SRaw during the four exposures averaged +3% after air and +9%, -2% and -14% after the three levels of NO2, respectively; these changes were not significantly different. There was a tendency for an increase in thoracic gas volume (TGV) after NO2 exposures (9 to 10%), but differences in pre-exposure values for TGV were probably responsible, rather than NO2. There were no significant changes in tidal volume or respiratory rate. At the highest concentration tested (910 µg/m3, 0.48 ppm), histamine bronchial responsiveness was increased. In mild asthmatics exposed for 30 min to 260, 510 and 1000 µg/m3 (0.14, 0.27 and 0.53 ppm), there were no significant changes in SRaw, although there was a general trend for SRaw to fall throughout the period of exposure at all NO2 concentrations (Bylin et al., 1988). There was, however, a significant increase (p = 0.03) in airway responsiveness to histamine after 30 min of exposure to 510 µg/m3 (0.27 ppm) only. The absence of a concentration-related increase in responsiveness is not inconsistent with other studies. This observation contrasts with earlier results (Bylin et al., 1985) that suggested a possible increased responsiveness after exposure to 910 µg/m3 (0.48 ppm). Because of the use of a non-parametric pair comparison test that was not adjusted for multiple comparisons, the raw data presented in the paper were subjected to reanalysis (US EPA, 1993) using a Friedman non-parametric analogue of an F test, which is probably more appropriate for these data than a series of Wilcoxon matched pairs signed rank tests. This analysis showed no statistically significant change in histamine responsiveness due to NO2 exposure. Asthmatics exposed to 564 µg/m3 (0.3 ppm) NO2 by mouthpiece for 20 min at rest followed by 10 min of exercise (30 litres/min) experienced a statistically significant spirometric response to NO2 (Bauer et al., 1986). After NO2 exposure, 9 out of 15 asthmatics had a decrease in FEV1; both the pre-post exposure difference on the NO2 day (10.1%) and the pre-post NO2 minus the pre-post air (i.e., delta-delta) differences (6%) were significant using a paired t-test. Maximum expiratory flow at 60% total lung capacity (PEFV curve) was also decreased, but FVC and SGaw were not altered. Nine out of twelve subjects experienced an increase in airway responsiveness to cold air. The mouthpiece exposure system used in this study contained relatively dry air (relative humidity, RH, of 9 to 14% at 20°C) and airway drying may have interacted with NO2 to cause greater responses. However, Bauer et al. (1986) controlled for the airway drying effect by exposing subjects to clean air at the same temperature and RH. Nevertheless, air temperature and humidity effects may be an important consideration for NO2 effects in winter in the temperate regions of the world. Linn et al. (1985b) and Linn & Hackney (1984) exposed mild asthmatics to 7520 µg/m3 (4.0 ppm) NO2 for 75 min, with two 15-min exercise periods. There was no significant difference in lung function that could be attributed to NO2; if anything, SRaw tended to be slightly lower with the NO2 exposures. The reasons for the differences between the group of asthmatics exposed to 7520 µg/m3 (4 ppm) for 75 min (with exercise) (Linn et al., 1985b) and the group exposed to 564 µg/m3 (0.30 ppm) for 30 min with exercise studied by Bauer et al. (1986) are not clear. The subjects of Bauer et al. were exposed to NO2 in dry air through a mouthpiece which could have caused some drying of the upper airways; Linn et al. (1985b) used a chamber exposure. Second, the subjects in the Linn et al. (1985b) study tended to have milder asthma than the subjects in the Bauer et al. (1986) study. There were differences in the season in which the two studies were conducted, and there may have been a difference in background exposure to NO2 (outdoors and/or indoors). In addition, increased bronchial reactivity to cold air was an important finding in the Bauer et al. (1986) study, but it was not measured by Linn et al. (1985b). Further research was conducted by Linn et al. (1986) on mild asthmatics exposed to 564, 1880 and 5640 µg/m3 (0.30, 1.0 and 3.0 ppm) NO2 for 1 h. The exposures included intermittent, moderate exercise. As in the previous study with 7520 µg/m3 (4.0 ppm) NO2, there were no significant effects of NO2 on spirometry, SRaw or symptoms. Furthermore, there was no significant effect on airway responsiveness to cold air. In order to examine the suggestion that the severity of response to NO2 may be related to the clinical severity of asthma, the authors selected three subjects characterized as having more severe illness. Although they experienced markedly larger changes in resistance than other milder asthmatics under all exposure conditions, there was no indication that the responses of these subjects were related to NO2 exposure. Mohsenin (1987a) found no changes in symptoms, spirometry, or plethysmography in mild asthmatics exposed to 940 µg/m3 (0.5 ppm) NO2 for 1 h at rest. However, airway responsiveness to methacholine increased after the NO2 exposure. The effects of previous NO2 exposure on SO2-induced bronchoconstriction has been examined by Joerres & Magnussen (1990) and Rubinstein et al. (1990). Neither study found changes in pulmonary function after NO2 exposure. Joerres & Magnussen (1990) exposed mild-to-moderate asthmatic subjects to 470 µg/m3 (0.25 ppm) NO2 for 30 min while breathing through a mouthpiece at rest. After the NO2 exposure, airway responsiveness to 1965 µg/m3 (0.75 ppm) SO2 was increased. Rubinstein et al. (1990) exposed asthmatics to 564 µg/m3 (0.30 ppm) NO2 for 30 min (including 20 min light exercise). No mean change in responsiveness to SO2 occurred, but one subject showed a tendency toward increased responsiveness. The reasons for the different findings in these two studies is not clear, especially as the subjects of Rubinstein et al. (1990) were exposed to a higher NO2 concentration and exercised during exposure. However, Joerres & Magnussen's subjects appeared to have had slightly more severe asthma and were somewhat older. The modest increase in SRaw caused by exercise in the Rubinstein et al. (1990) study may have induced a refractory state to SO2. Finally, the different method of administering the SO2 bronchoprovocation test may have had an influence. Joerres & Magnussen (1990) increased minute ventilation (V.E) at a constant SO2 concentration, whereas Rubinstein et al. (1990) increased SO2 concentration at constant VE. A number of studies of the effects of NO2 exposure in asthmatics on changes in airway responsiveness to bronchoconstrictors have been presented in Table 40, but not evaluated in the text. Various types of inhalation challenge tests have been used (methacholine, histamine, cold air, etc.). Some exposures were conducted at rest and others while performing some exercise. For twenty studies for which individual data were available, a meta analysis (Folinsbee, 1992) was performed to assess the changes in airway responsiveness in asthmatics exposed to NO2. The aim of the meta analysis was to examine the diversity of response seen in the various studies and to examine factors such as NO2 concentration, exercise, and airway challenge method that could help explain some of the variability in response. Such questions could not be adequately addressed using individual studies. The analysis provides only a qualitative examination of concentration-response relationships. For this analysis, the directional change (i.e., increased or decreased) in airway responsiveness after NO2 exposure was determined for each subject. The data were then organized by exposure concentration range and whether or not exposures included exercise. Within each exposure category the fraction of subjects with increased airway responsiveness was determined (see Table 41). For the total of 355 individual NO2 exposures, 59% of the asthmatics had increased responsiveness. If the response was not associated with NO2 exposure, the fraction would be expected to approach 50%. The excess increase in responsiveness can be attributed primarily to the NO2 exposures conducted at rest (fraction was 69%). There was a larger fraction of increased responsiveness during the resting exposures in all three concentration ranges (see Table 41). In the exercising studies, however, there was no effect because only 51% had an increase in airway responsiveness. There was a trend for a slightly larger percentage (approx. 75%) of subjects to have increased airway responsiveness after NO2 exposures above 376 µg/m3 (0.20 ppm) and under resting conditions. Of those six studies independently reporting a statistically significant response (Kleinman et al., 1983; Bylin et al., 1985, 1988; Bauer et al., 1986; Mohsenin, 1987a; Joerres & Magnussen, 1990), four were resting exposures, and in four the exposure duration was 30 min or less. Although the authors offered various hypotheses for this apparent effect of low-level NO2 resting exposures, the mechanisms are unknown. Changes in responsiveness were seen with relatively brief exposures. One possible explanation for the absence of response in the exercising exposures is that exercise-induced bronchoconstriction may interfere with the NO2-induced response or that prior exercise may cause the airways to become refractory to the effects of NO2. Possible confounding influences of nitric oxide, not measured in most studies, cannot be determined. Table 41. Fraction of nitrogen dioxide-exposed subjects with increased airway responsivenessa Nitrogen dioxide All Exposures Exposure concentration exposures with exercise at rest (ppm) Asthmatics 0.05-0.20 0.64 (105)b 0.59 (17) 0.65 (88)b 0.20-0.30 0.57 (169) 0.52 (136) 0.76 (33)b > 0.30 0.59 (81) 0.49 (48) 0.73 (33)c All NO2 0.59 (355)b 0.51 (202) 0.69 (154)b concentrations Healthy < 1.0 0.47 (36) 0.47 (36) < 1.0 0.79 (29)b 0.73 (15) 0.86 (14)c a Data are fraction of subjects with an increase in airways responsiveness above the value for clean air. Numbers in parenthesis indicate actual number of subjects in each category. Total number = 355. Ties (i.e. no change) were excluded. b p < 0.01 two-tailed sign test c p < 0.05 two-tailed sign test A similar meta analysis for healthy subjects indicated increased airway responsiveness after exposure to NO2 concentrations greater than 1880 µg/m3 (1 ppm). Exercise during exposure did not appear to influence the responses as much in the healthy subjects as in the asthmatics, but a similar trend was evident. Nitrogen dioxide effects on patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Patients with COPD represent an important potentially sensitive population group. Studies evaluating NO2 effects on respiratory function in COPD subjects are summarized in Table 42. The results of two NO2 exposure studies (9400 to 15 040 µg/m3, 5 to 8 ppm NO2 for up to 5 min) were discussed by Von Nieding et al. (1980), who found that the responses of bronchitics were generally similar to those of healthy subjects. There was a tendency for the response to NO2 to be greater in the subjects with the highest baseline Raw. Percentage changes ranged from approximately 25 to 50%. In a review of their studies, Von Nieding & Wagner (1979) showed that Raw increased in chronic bronchitics exposed to > 3760 µg/m3 (2.0 ppm) NO2. The responses of COPD patients were affected by exposure (with mild exercise) to 564 µg/m3 (0.3 ppm) NO2 for 3.75 h (Morrow & Utell, 1989). Forced vital capacity showed progressive and significant decreases during and following NO2 exposure, the largest change of -9.6% occurring after 3.75 h of exposure. Smaller decrements in FEV1 (-5.2%) occurred at the end of exposure. There was no effect of NO2 on SGaw or diffusing capacity. The severity of disease (based on impairment of lung function: FEV1 < 60% predicted vs. > 60% predicted) generally did not influence the magnitude of response to NO2. The COPD patients showed a decrement in FEV1 compared to the healthy, elderly non-smokers who experienced an improvement in FEV1. In contrast, Linn et al. (1985a) found no effects from a 1-h exposure (with exercise) to 940, 1880 and 3760 µg/m3 (0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 ppm) NO2 in a diverse group of COPD patients. The reasons for the marked difference in responses between the two studies are not known. Ambient exposure to air pollution in general and NO2 in particular was probably much higher for the subjects in the Linn et al. (1985a) study. Thus, attenuation of physiological responses may have been a factor. Hackney et al. (1992) studied effects of field exposure to ambient air and chamber exposure to 564 µg/m3 (0.3 ppm) NO2 in older adults with evidence of COPD and a history of heavy smoking. They reported only slight adverse effects of NO2. The study did not strongly confirm the findings of Morrow & Utell (1989) and Morrow et al. (1992), and the authors speculated that ambient exposure history may have been responsible for differences between these studies. Age-related differential susceptibility Studies evaluating possible age-related differences in susceptibility to NO2 effects on respiratory function in healthy subjects are summarized in Table 39. Research on asthmatics is summarized in Table 40. Spirometry measurements of young (18 to 26 years old) and older (51 to 76 years old) men and women were not affected by exposure to 1128 µg/m3 (0.6 ppm) NO2 with light intermittent exercise (Drechsler-Parks et al., 1987; Drechsler-Parks, 1987). In addition, Morrow & Utell (1989) did not observe any pulmonary function or airway responsiveness effects due to a lower level of NO2 (564 µg/m3, 0.3 ppm) in young or elderly healthy subjects. Koenig et al. (1985) found no "consistent significant changes in pulmonary functional parameters" after 1-h resting exposures of asthmatic adolescents to 226 µg/m3 (0.12 ppm) NO2. Subsequent mouthpiece exposures to 226 µg/m3 NO2, with exercise, caused increases in RT and decreases in FEV1 after both air and NO2 exposure, which were apparently due to exercise alone (Koenig et al., 1987a,b). When subjects were exposed to a higher level of NO2 (338 µg/m3, 0.18 ppm), no differences in RT occurred. Decreases in FEV1 were -1.3 and -3.3% for air and NO2, respectively; this difference (p = 0.06) may indicate a possible response trend. 6.2.2 Nitrogen dioxide effects on pulmonary host defences and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid biomarkers Nitrogen dioxide can enhance susceptibility to infectious pulmonary disease, as clearly demonstrated in the animal toxicological literature (chapter 5). Epidemiological studies (chapter 7) suggest similar effects. Human clinical studies of NO2 effects on host defences are summarized in Table 43. Kulle & Clements (1988) and Goings et al. (1989) (two reports of the same study) examined the effect of NO2 exposure on susceptibility to attenuated influenza virus. Healthy adults were exposed for 2 h/day for 3 days to either clean air or 1880, 3760 or 5640 µg/m3 (0, 1.0, 2.0 or 3.0 ppm) NO2. The virus was administered intranasally after the second day of exposure, and infectivity was defined as the presence of virus in nasal washes, a rise in either nasal wash or serum antibody titres to the virus, or both. Although the rates of infection were elevated after NO2 exposure in some of the NO2-exposed groups (91% of subjects exposed to 1880 or 3760 µg/m3 (1 or 2 ppm) infected vs. 71% of controls), the changes were not significant. The investigators concluded that the results of the study were inconclusive, rather than negative, because the experimental design had a low power to detect a 20% difference in infection rate, decreasing the possibility of statistical significance. Table 42. Effects of nitrogen dioxide on lung function and airway responsiveness of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patientsa NO2 concentration Exposure Exercise Exercise Number of Subject Effects Reference duration duration ventilation subjects/ characteristics (min) (min) (litres/min) gender µg/m3 ppm 564 0.3 225 21 25 13 M/7 F 47-70 years, Total NO2 inhaled Morrow & (3 × 7) 8 mild, dose 1.215 mg. Utell (1989) 12 moderate Decrease in FVC after exposure-9.6%. 5.2% decline in FEV1 significant after approx. 4-h exposure. 564 0.3 240 28 25 15 M/11 F 47-69 No significant change Hackney et al. (4 × 7) in FVC or FEV1 with (1992) NO2 exposure 940 0.5 120 15 25 7 24-53 years, No effects in Kerr et al. daily cough bronchitics alone. (1979) for 3 months Possible decrease in quasistatic compliance. 940 0.5 60 30 16 13 M/9 F 48-69 years, No change in FVC, Linn et al. some with FEV1, etc. at any NO2 (1985a) 1880 1.0 emphysema, level. SRaw tended to some with increase after first 3760 2.0 chronic exercise period. bronchitis Possible decrease in peak flow at 3760 µg/m3. No symptom changes. No change in SaO2. Table 42 (Con't) NO2 concentration Exposure Exercise Exercise Number of Subject Effects Reference duration duration ventilation subjects/ characteristics (min) (min) (litres/min) gender µg/m3 ppm 940-9400 0.5-5 15 88 Decrease in earlobe Von Nieding et blood PO2 at al. (1971, 1970) > 7520 µg/m3. Increased Raw at > 3008 µg/m3. 1880-9400 1-5 30 breaths 84 M 30-72 years, Increase in Raw Von Nieding et (15 min) chronic non- related to NO2 al. (1973a) specific disease concentration. No effect on Raw below 2820 µg/m3. 9400 5 60 Changes in PO2 of earlobe capillary blood. Change occurred in first 15 min, effect did not increase with further exposure. Table 42 (Con't) NO2 concentration Exposure Exercise Exercise Number of Subject Effects Reference duration duration ventilation subjects/ characteristics (min) (min) (litres/min) gender µg/m3 ppm 1880-15 040 1-8 ppm 5-60 116 25-74 years At 7520-9400 µg/m3 Von Nieding & for 15 min, PaO2 Wagner (1979) decreased (arterialized capillary blood). Raw increased with exposure to > 3008 µg/m3. a Modified from US EPA (1993) Abbreviations: FVC = Forced vital capacity; FEV1 = Forced expiratory volume in 1 second; PaO2 = Arterial partial pressure of oxygen; PO2 = Partial pressure of oxygen; Raw = Airway resistance; SRaw = Specific airway resistance; SaO2 = Arterial oxygen saturation Table 43. Effects of nitrogen dioxide on host defences of humansa NO2 concentration Exposure Exercise Exercise Number of Subject Effects Reference duration duration ventilation subjects/ characteristics (min) (min) (litres/min) gender µg/m3 ppm 508 0.27 60 M Healthy, young No change in nasal or Rehn et al. 1993 1.06 tracheobronchial (1982) clearance. (1) 1128 (1) 0.6 180 60 39 6 M/2 F 30.3 ± 1.4 Total NO2 uptake (1) Frampton et al. years, healthy, 3.4 mg (2) 5.6 mg, (3) (1989b) NS approx.3.3 mg (4) 8.1 mg. BAL fluid analysis showed no significant effect on total protein or albumin (2) Var (2) Var 180 60 43 11 M/4 F 25.3 ± 1.2 Apparent increase in (94 (0.05 years, healthy, alpha-2-macro-globulin background background NS 3.5 h after exposure with 3 × with 3 × 15 to 0.6 ppm (Group 1) 15 min at min at but not after the 3760) 2.0 ppm) other protocols. No changes in percentage of lymphocytes or neutrophils. Concluded that NO2 at these concentrations neither (3) 1128 (3) 0.6 180 60 approx. 40 5 M/3 F 32.6 ± 1.6 altered epithelial years, healthy, permeability nor NS caused inflammatory cell influx. Table 43 (Con't) NO2 concentration Exposure Exercise Exercise Number of Subject Effects Reference duration duration ventilation subjects/ characteristics (min) (min) (litres/min) gender µg/m3 ppm (4) 2820 (4) 1.5 180 60 39 12 M/3 F 23.5 ± 0.7 years, healthy, NS 1128 0.6 120/day 60 approx. 30-40 4 M/1 F 21-36 years, Slight increase in Boushey et al. for 4 days Healthy, NS. circulating (venous) (1988) (Part 2) FEV1/FVC% lymphocytes: range 73-83%, 1792 ± 544 per mm3 "normal" (post-NO2) vs. methacholine 1598 ± 549 per mm3 responsiveness (baseline). No change in BAL lymphocytes except an increase in natural killer cells: 7.2 ± 3.1% (post-NO2) vs. 4.2 ± 2.4% (baseline). No change observed in IL-1 or TNF. 1128 0.6 180 60 approx. 40 7 M/2 F Healthy, NS No change in cell Frampton et al. (6 × 10) recovery or (1989a) differential counts. Possible decrease in macrophage inactivation of virus Table 43 (Con't) NO2 concentration Exposure Exercise Exercise Number of Subject Effects Reference duration duration ventilation subjects/ characteristics (min) (min) (litres/min) gender µg/m3 ppm 94 with 0.05 with 135 60 11 M/4 F Nonreactive in vitro. Possible 3760 2.0 spikes 3 × 15 (6 × 10) (carbachol), no sensitive subgroup. spikes recent upper resp. infection 1880 1.0 180 Intermittent 3 M/5 F Healthy No responses. Jorres et al. (1992) 1880 1.0 120/day 22 Healthy, NS, Study conducted over Goings et al. 3760 2.0 3 days 21, 22 seronegative 3-year period. NO2 did (1989) 5640 3.0 22 not significantly increase viral infectivity, although a trend was observed. This study had a low power to detect small differences in infection rate. 3760 2.0 240 120 50 10 Healthy, NS Increased bronchial Devlin et al. PMN's and decreased (1992); Becker macrophage phagocytosiset al. (1993) 3760 2.0 360 Intermittent 12 Healthy, NS Immediate and 18-h Frampton et al. post-BAL increase (1992) in PMN. Table 43 (Con't) NO2 concentration Exposure Exercise Exercise Number of Subject Effects Reference duration duration ventilation subjects/ characteristics (min) (min) (litres/min) gender µg/m3 ppm 4230 2.25 20 20 approx. 35 8 Healthy, NS Increased levels of Sandstroem et 7520 4.0 8 mast cells in BAL al. (1989) 10 340 5.5 8 fluid at all Total n = 18 concentrations. Increased numbers of lymphocytes at > 7520 µg/m3 (BAL 24-h post-exposure). 7520 4.0 20 min- 20 approx. 35 8 Healthy, NS Total cell counts Sandstroem et alternate were reduced. Alveolar al. (1990a) days for macrophages had 12 days enhanced phagocytic activity but fewer were present. Decreased numbers of mast cells, T and B lymphocytes, and natural killer cells (BAL 24-h post-exposure). a Modified from US EPA (1991) Abbreviations: M = Male; F = Female; NS = Non-smoker; FEV1 = Forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FVC = Forced vital capacity; BAL = Bronchoalveolar lavage; IL-1 = Interleukin-1; TNF = Tumour necrosis factor; VAR = Variable Others investigated the effects of NO2 on cells and fluids in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) of healthy adults. Frampton et al. (1989a) used two different exposure protocols that had the same concentration × time product. One group was exposed for 3 h to 1128 µg/m3 (0.6 ppm), whereas the other was exposed to a background level of 94 µg/m3 (0.05 ppm) with three 15-min spikes of 3760 µg/m3 (2.0 ppm). Both exposures included exercise. Pulmonary function and airway responsiveness were not affected. Alveolar macrophages (AM) obtained by BAL after exposure to 1128 µg/m3 NO2 tended to inactivate virus less effectively than AM collected after air exposure. The AMs that showed the impairment of virus inactivation also showed an increase in interleukin-1 production, not seen in the AMs from other subjects. Interleukin-1 is a proinflammatory protein produced by AMs, which performs a number of immunoregulatory functions, including induction of fibroblast proliferation, activation of lymphocytes, and chemotaxis for monocytes. The study had relatively low statistical power to detect an effect. Becker et al. (1993) reported no change in virus inactivation properties of alveolar macrophages lavaged from subjects exposed to 3760 µg/m3 (2 ppm) for 4 h. Using exposures similar to the above, with the addition of two groups exposed to 2820 µg/m3 (1.5 ppm) NO2 for 3 h, one with BAL at 3.5 h post-exposure and the other with BAL at 18 h post-exposure, Frampton et al. (1989b) examined changes in protein in BAL fluid. The total protein and albumin content of BAL fluid obtained at either 3.5- or 18-h post-exposure was not changed. In BAL fluid obtained 3.5 h after exposure to 1128 µg/m3 (0.60 ppm) there was an increase in alpha-2-macroglobulin, a regulatory protein that has antiprotease activity and immunoregulatory effects. This response was not seen in the group lavaged at 18 h post-exposure and no such effect occurred at a higher NO2 concentration (2820 µg/m3). Sandstroem et al. (1989) exposed healthy subjects to 4230, 7520 and 10 340 µg/m3 (2.25, 4.0 and 5.5 ppm) for 20 min (with moderate exercise) and performed BAL 24 h after exposure. Increased numbers of mast cells were observed at all NO2 concentrations; numbers of lymphocytes were increased only at > 7520 µg/m3. In order to determine the time course of this response, Sandstroem et al. (1990a) exposed four groups of healthy subjects to 7520 µg/m3 NO2 for 20 min (mild exercise) and then performed BAL 4, 8, 24 or 72 h after exposure. Increased numbers of mast cells and lymphocytes were observed at 4, 8 and 24 h but not at 72 h. There was no change in the numbers of AMs, eosinophils, polymorphonuclear leukocytes, T cells or epithelial cells, or in the albumin concentration of lavage fluid. The authors interpreted the increased numbers of mast cells and lymphocytes as a nonspecific inflammatory response. Sandstroem et al. (1990b) also evaluated responses to repeated NO2 exposures. Healthy subjects were exposed to 7520 µg/m3 (4.0 ppm) NO2 for 20 min/day (with moderate exercise) on alternate days over a 12-day period (seven exposures in all); BAL was performed 24 h after the last exposure. The first 20 ml of BAL fluid was treated separately and presumed to represent primarily bronchial cells and secretions; subsequent fractions presumably were from the alveolar region. In the first fraction, there was a reduction in the numbers of mast cells and AMs; AM phagocytic activity (on a per cell basis) was increased. In addition, there were reduced numbers of T-suppressor cells, B cells and natural killer (NK) cells in the alveolar portion of the BAL. This pattern of cellular response contrasts with that after single NO2 exposure (Sandstroem et al., 1990a). Rubinstein et al. (1991) studied five healthy volunteers exposed for 2 h/day for 4 days to 1128 µg/m3 (0.60 ppm) NO2 with intermittent exercise. A slight increase in circulating (venous blood) lymphocytes was observed. The only change observed in BAL cells was a modest increase in the percentage of NK cells, suggesting a possible increase in immune surveillance. Three recent studies examined the effects of longer exposures to 1880 or 3760 µg/m3 (1.0 to 2.0 ppm) NO2 on lavaged cells and mediators. Devlin et al. (1992) (also Becker et al., 1993) studied healthy subjects exposed to 3760 µg/m3 NO2 for 4 h with alternating 15-min periods of rest and moderate exercise. One of the main findings after NO2 exposure was that there was a three-fold increase in PMNs in the first lavage sample, representing predominantly bronchial cells and fluid. In addition, macrophages recovered from the predominantly alveolar fraction showed a 42% decrease in ability to phagocytose Candida albicans and a 72% decrease in release of superoxide anion. In another study, Frampton et al. (1992) exposed exercising subjects to 3760 µg/m3 NO2 for 6 h. Bronchoalveolar lavage was performed either immediately or 18 h after exposure. There was a modest increase in lavage fluid PMN levels (< two-fold increase) but no change in lymphocytes. Alveolar macrophage production of superoxide anion was not altered in these subjects. These two studies suggest that NO2 exposure may induce a mild bronchial inflammation and may also lead to impaired macrophage function. On the other hand, Joerres et al. (1992) examined both healthy and asthmatic subjects exposed to 1880 µg/m3 NO2 for 3 h, but observed no changes in cells or mediators in BAL fluid or in the appearance of bronchial mucosal biopsies after this exposure. Neither macrophage function nor a specific bronchial washing were examined in this study. Rehn et al. (1982) reported that a 1-h exposure to either 500 or 2000 µg/m3 (0.27 or 1.06 ppm) NO2 did not alter nasal or tracheobronchial mucociliary clearance rates. 6.2.3 Other classes of nitrogen dioxide effects There have been isolated reports that higher levels of NO2 (> 7520 µg/m3, 4.0 ppm) can decrease arterial oxygen partial pressure (PaO2) (Von Nieding & Wagner, 1977; Von Nieding et al., 1979) and cause a small decrease in systemic blood pressure (Linn et al., 1985b). However, the impact of such changes is not clear, especially considering the high concentrations of NO2 required. The effects of NO2 on the constituents of BAL fluid, blood and urine have been examined in very few studies and are reviewed in more detail elsewhere (US EPA, 1993). The general purpose of this research was to examine mechanisms of pulmonary effects or to determine whether NO2 exposure could result in systemic effects. Investigations of the effects of NO2 on levels of serum enzymes and antioxidants have been conducted, but few effects were found and they cannot be interpreted (Posin et al., 1978; Chaney et al., 1981). For example, Chaney et al. (1981) found an increase in glutathione levels, but Posin et al. (1978), using a higher NO2 concentration, did not find such an effect. Studies of exposure to NO2 concentrations between 2820 and 7520 µg/m3 (1.5 and 4.0 ppm) found either slight or no changes in BAL levels of alpha-1-antitrypsin, which inhibits protease activity (Mohsenin & Gee, 1987; Johnson et al., 1990; Mohsenin, 1991). Healthy subjects exposed to 7520 µg/m3 NO2 (Mohsenin, 1991) at rest for 3 h showed increased lipid peroxidation products in BAL fluid obtained immediately after exposure. In addition, the activity or the elastase inhibitory capacity (EIC) of alpha-1-protease inhibitor (alpha-1-PI) was decreased after NO2 exposure. However, vitamin C supplementation for 4 weeks prior to NO2 exposure markedly attenuated the EIC response and resulted in a lower level of lipid peroxidation products. The author suggested that the reduced activity of alpha-1-PI may have implications for the pathogenesis of emphysema, especially in smokers. At a lower NO2 concentration (3760 µg/m3, 2.0 ppm, for 4 h), Becker et al. (1993) reported no change in alpha-1-antitrypsin. Potential effects of NO2 on collagen metabolism have been investigated by examining urinary excretion of collagen metabolites after a 3-day (4 h/day) exposure to 1128 µg/m3 (0.6 ppm) NO2, but no effects were found (Muelenaer et al., 1987). 6.3 Effects of other nitrogen oxide compounds Relatively few controlled human exposure studies have been conducted that evaluate NOx species other than NO2. Such studies are summarized in Table 44 and concisely discussed here. Table 44. Effects of other nitrogen oxide (NOx) compounds on humansa Concentrations Exposure Exercise Exercise Number of Subject Effects Reference duration duration ventilation subjects/ characteristics (min) (min) (litres/min) gender µg/m3 ppm HNO2 0.004 210 15 Healthy A dose-dependent Kjaergaard et 0.077 (11 M/4 F) 22-57 years vasodilation in al. (1993) 0.395 bulbar conjunctiva. Significant increase of polymorphonuclear neutrophils, cuboidal and squamous epithelium cell counts in the tear fluid HNO3 129 0.050 40 10 approx. 25-30 5 M/4 F 12-17 years, FEV1 decreased -4.4% Koenig et al. asthmatic after HNO3 and -1.7% (1989a) after HNO3 plus air exposure. RT increased +22.5% after HNO3 and +7.4% after air exposure. 200 0.078 120 100 Mod. 4 M/1 F Healthy In BAL, increase in Becker et al. AM phagocytosis and (1991) AM infection resistance. 500 0.194 240 240 40 10 Healthy No effect on FEV1, Aris et al. FVC, SRaw or BAL (1991) cells. Table 44 (Con't) Concentrations Exposure Exercise Exercise Number of Subject Effects Reference duration duration ventilation subjects/ characteristics (min) (min) (litres/min) gender µg/m3 ppm NO 1230 1.0 120 60 50 W 8 M 19-24 years Suggested change in Kagawa (1982) density dependance of expired flow. 12 300- 10-39 15 191 Healthy, Increase in total Von Nieding et 47 970 20-50 years respiratory resistance al. (1973b) at > 24 600 µg/m3 and a decrease in PaO2 at > 18 450 µg/m3. NH4NO3 200 (1.1 MMAD) 120 60 approx. 20 20 Normal No significant changes Kleinman et al. 19 Asthmatic due to NH4NO3 in (1980) normals or asthmatics except possible decrease in RT. No symptoms and effects. 80 + 940 (0.55 MMAD) 240 30 55 12 Normal No effects. Stacy et al. µg/m3 +0.5 ppm (1983) NO2 NO2 Table 44 (Con't) Concentrations Exposure Exercise Exercise Number of Subject Effects Reference duration duration ventilation subjects/ characteristics (min) (min) (litres/min) gender µg/m3 ppm NaNO3 10, 100, (0.2 MMAD) 10 5 Normal No effects. Sackner et al. 1000 5 Asthmatic (1979) 1000 6 Normal 6 Asthmatic 7000 (0.46 16 (× 2) 10 Normal No effects. Utell et al. MMAD) 32 (total) 11 Mild asthmatics (1979) 7000 (0.49 16 (× 2) 11 Influenza No symptoms. SGaw Utell et al. MMAD) 32 (total) patients decrease 17% and VE (1980) max 40% TLC decreased by 12% after nitrate, within 2 days of onset of illness. Similar effect 1 week later but not 3 weeks later. a Modified from US EPA (1993) Abbreviations: W = Watt; M = Male; PaO2 = Arterial partial pressure of oxygen; HNO3 = Nitric acid; FEV1 = Forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FVC = Forced vital capacity; SRaw = Specific airway resistance; BAL = Bronchoalveolar lavage; AM = Alveolar macrophage; F = Female; RT = Total respiratory resistance; NS = Not significant; MMAD = Mass median aerodynamic diameter; SGaw = Specific airway conductance; VE max 40% TLC = Maximum expiratory flow at 40% of total lung capacity on a partial expiratory flow-volume curve Von Nieding et al. (1973b) exposed healthy subjects and smokers to 12 300 to 47 970 µg/m3 (10 to 39 ppm) NO for 15 min. Total respiratory resistance increased significantly (approx. 10-12%) after exposure to > 24 600 µg/m3 (> 20 ppm) NO. Diffusing capacity was not changed, but a small decrease (7 to 8 torr) in PaO2 was noted between 18 450 and 36 900 µg/m3 (15 to 30 ppm). Kagawa (1982) examined the effects of a 1230 µg/m3 (1 ppm) NO exposure for 2 h in normal subjects. A few individuals had increases in SGaw, and a few had decreases. Analysis of the group mean data produced only one apparently statistically significant change: an 11% decrease in flow at 50% FVC in a helium-air mixture compared to this flow in air. However, because the data were analysed by multiple t-tests the results should be interpreted with this in mind. NO is naturally formed in the body from the amino acid L-arginine and performs a second messenger function in several organ systems. It has been measured in expired air (Gustafsson et al., 1991) and causes vasodilation in the pulmonary circulation. Recently, NO has been used clinically to treat pulmonary hypertension in COPD patients and in infants with persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (Zapol et al., 1994). In healthy volunteers made hypoxic by breathing 12% oxygen in nitrogen, the inhalation of 49 403 µg/m3 (40 ppm) NO prevented the hypoxia-induced increase in pulmonary artery pressure (Frostell et al., 1993). Systemic arterial pressure was not changed. No evaluation of effects on lung function were performed. Adnot et al. (1993) studied a group of COPD patients who had pulmonary artery pressures averaging 32 mmHg. They breathed 6130 to 49 403 µg/m3 (5 to 40 ppm) NO for successive 10-min periods. There was a dose-dependant decrease in pulmonary artery pressure during NO inhalation and no alteration of systemic arterial pressure. Moinard et al. (1994) observed a 20% drop in pulmonary artery pressure in COPD patients after breathing 18 391 µg/m3 (15 ppm) NO for 10 min. Based on an improvement in alveolar ventilation in some segments of the lung, the authors postulated that NO may also act as a bronchodilator. Hoegman et al. (1993) suggested a modest bronchodilator effect of 98 080 µg/m3 (80 ppm) NO. Based on findings in animals, which are summarized in chapter 5, NO does cause bronchodilation at similar concentrations (Barnes, 1993). Nitrous acid and nitric acid may be formed from the reaction of NO2 with water. Nitrous acid may also be produced directly in the combustion process. Koenig et al. (1989a) examined the responses of adolescent asthmatics to a 40-min exposure to 129 µg/m3 (0.05 ppm) HNO3 vapour via a mouthpiece exposure system. After 30 min of rest and 10 min of exercise while breathing HNO3, there was a 4.4% decrease in FEV1 compared to a 1.7% decrease after air breathing. A 22.5% increase in total respiratory resistance was also observed after HNO3 exposure, compared to a 7.4% increase after air breathing. The effects of HNO3 on BAL endpoints have been reported. Becker et al. (1992) exposed healthy subjects to 200 µg/m3 (0.078 ppm) HNO3 for 120 min, including 100 min of moderate exercise. Bronchoalveolar lavage performed 18-h after exposure indicated increased phagocytic activity of AMs and increased resistance to respiratory syncytial virus infection. There were no changes in markers of tissue damage. Aris et al. (1991) exposed healthy subjects to 500 µg/m3 (0.194 ppm) HNO3 for 4 h, including moderate exercise. No change in lactate dehydrogenase levels, lavage fluid protein or differential cell counts in the BAL were observed. Pulmonary function (FEV1, FVC and SRaw) was not significantly affected. Kjaergaard et al. (1993) studied the effects of nitrous acid on the eyes of 15 healthy non-smokers exposed to 8, 148 or 758 µg/m3 (4, 77 or 395 ppb) for 3.5 h. There was an increase in trigeminal sensitivity (CO2 induced eye irritation) related to the concentration of nitrous acid. Eye inflammation was increased, as indicated by increased PMNs and epithelial cells in tear fluid. Neither sodium nitrate (NaNO3) nor ammonium nitrate caused effects on pulmonary function of normal or asthmatic subjects (Sackner et al., 1979; Utell et al., 1979; Kleinman et al., 1980; Stacy et al., 1983). However, there was a decrease in airway conductance and in PEFV curves in normal subjects with acute influenza exposed to 7 mg/m3 of NaNO3 aerosol (Utell et al., 1980). This is several orders of magnitude above the nitrate concentrations found in most ambient air. 6.4 Effects of nitrogen dioxide/gas or gas/aerosol mixtures on lung function Table 45 summarizes studies of human subjects exposed to NO2-containing pollutant mixtures. Most of the studies have been limited primarily to spirometry and plethysmography. More extensive discussion can be found in US EPA (1993). With a few exceptions (to be discussed below), most research on interactions either showed no effects of the individual pollutants or the mixture, or it indicated that NO2 did not enhance the effects of the other pollutant(s) in the mixture (Table 45). Most attention has focussed on NO2 mixtures with ozone (O3), although combinations with SO2, NO, particles, and a mixture of SO2 plus O3 have also been tested. Due to the varied exposure protocols in the database, no consistent physiological trends are evident. The generally negative responses could either reflect a true lack of interaction or other important design considerations. For example, asthmatics were not studied. Because pulmonary function studies of NO2 alone cause variable effects with no clear concentration-responses, detecting interactions would be expected to be difficult unless there was significant synergism. Table 45. Effects of nitrogen dioxide mixtures on healthy subjectsa Concentrations Exposure Exercise Exercise Number of Subject Effects Reference duration duration ventilation subjects/ characteristics (min) (min) (litres/min) gender µg/m3 ppm 75 NO2 0.04 NO2 60 60 56 42 M/8 F Healthy No apparent effect Avol et al. (Amb) over and above that (1983) of O3 alone. 75 NO2 0.04 NO2 60 60 22.4 33 M/33 F Children, No effects of ambient Avol et al. (Amb) 8-11 years air exposures. (1985a, 1987) 103 NO2 0.055 NO2 60 60 32 46 M/13 F Adolescents, Ambient air exposures Avol et al. (Amb) 12-15 years effect attributed (1985b) to O3. 132 NO2 0.07 NO2 120 60 approx. 20 14 M/20 F 29 years Small decreases in Linn et al. (Amb) FVC, FEV1, in ambient (1980b) air mostly attributable to O3. No association of NO2 levels with lung function change. 545 NO2 (a) 0.29 NO2 240 (2 120 approx. 20 4 Healthy With each group, Hackney et al. +980 O3 +0.50 O3 consecutive minimal alterations (1975b) days of in pulmonary function 545 NO2 (b) 0.29 NO2 exposure caused by O3 exposure. +980 O3 +0.50 O3 to each Effects were not +34 350 +30.0 CO mixture) increased by addition CO of NO2 or NO2 plus CO to test atmospheres. Table 45 (Con't) Concentrations Exposure Exercise Exercise Number of Subject Effects Reference duration duration ventilation subjects/ characteristics (min) (min) (litres/min) gender µg/m3 ppm 545 NO2 (a) 0.29 NO2 120 (2 60 approx. 20 7 Healthy Little or no change Hackney et al. +490 O3 +0.25 O3 consecutive in pulmonary function (1975b) days of found with O3 alone. 545 NO2 (b) 0.29 NO2 exposure) Addition of NO2 or of +490 O3 +0.25 O3 NO2 plus CO did not +34 350 +30.0 CO noticeably increase CO the effect. Seven subjects included; some believed to be unusually reactive to respiratory irritants. 940 NO2 0.50 NO2 120 30 40 10 M Young adults, FEV1, decreased 8-14%. Folinsbee +980 O3 +0.5 O3 NS No differences between et al. (1981) O3 plus NO2 and O3 alone. 1128 NO2 0.60 NO2 120 60 25 8 M/8 F 18-26 years, No significant Drechsler-Parks +882 O3 +0.45 O3 NS changes attributable (1987) to NO2. 8 M/8 F 51-76 years Tendency (p > 0.05) 8 M/8 F 51-76 years for NO2 plus O3 to be greater than O3 alone. 1128 NO2 0.60 NO2 60 60 70 20 M Healthy No additional effect Adams et al. +588 O3 + 0.30 O3 50 20 F of NO2 over and above (1987) effect of O3. Table 45 (Con't) Concentrations Exposure Exercise Exercise Number of Subject Effects Reference duration duration ventilation subjects/ characteristics (min) (min) (litres/min) gender µg/m3 ppm 1128 0.60 ppm NO2 120 60 40 21 F Healthy, NS NO2 exposure increased Hazucha et al. NO2 airway responses to (1994) 0.3 ppm O3 120 60 40 methacholine after a (3 h later) subsequent O3 exposure. 282 NO2 0.15 NO2 120 60 approx. 25 6 M Some Possible small Kagawa (1986) +294 O3 + 0.15 O3 smokers decrease in SGaw. +200 + H2SO4 H2SO4 282 NO2 0.15 NO2 120 60 approx. 25 3 M Some Possible small +294 O3 + 0.15 O3 smokers decrease in FEV1. +393 SO2 + 0.15 SO2 +200 + H2SO4 H2SO4 564 NO2 0.30 NO2 120 20 approx. 25 6 M Some Possible small +588 O3 +0.30 O3 smokers decrease in SGaw. +200 + H2SO4 H2SO4 282 NO2 0.15 NO2 120 60 approx. 25 7 M 19-23 years No significant Kagawa +294 O3 +0.15 O3 enhancement of the (1983a,b) +393 SO2 +0.15 SO2 effects of O3 and/or SO2 by presence of NO2. Table 45 (Con't) Concentrations Exposure Exercise Exercise Number of Subject Effects Reference duration duration ventilation subjects/ characteristics (min) (min) (litres/min) gender µg/m3 ppm 301 NO2 0.16 NO2 480 0 15 16-26 years No change in FVC, Islam & +157 O3 +0.08 O3 acetylcholine airway Ulmer (1979b) +891 SO2 +0.34 SO2 reactivity. 564 NO2 0.3 NO2 120 60 6 F 19-25 years No significant effects Kagawa (1990) +738 NO +0.6 NO NS on pulmonary function or airway responsiveness to acetylcholine. 940 NO2 0.50 NO2 135 60 approx. 20 11 M/9 F 20-53 years No effects on Kleinman 1310 SO2 + 0.5 SO2 function; possible et al. (1985) +26 + symptom responses. Zn(NH4)2 Zn(NH4)2 NO2 effects not (SO4)2 (SO4)2 discernible from +330 NaCl + NaCl mixture. 940 NO2 0.50 NO2 120 60 approx. 20 10 M/14 F 26 ± 4 No significant effect Linn et al. 1310 SO2 + 0.50 SO2 years, 21 NS, on lung function in (1980a) 3 S normals. Trend for a slight decrease in FVC after combined exposure. Table 45 (Con't) Concentrations Exposure Exercise Exercise Number of Subject Effects Reference duration duration ventilation subjects/ characteristics (min) (min) (litres/min) gender µg/m3 ppm 7520-9400 4-5 NO2 10 5 M 21-40 years, Time course of Abe (1967) NO2 +4-5 SO2 4 NS, 1 S response different. +4920-6150 SO2 alone had immediate SO2 increase in resistance; NO2 had delayed increase. Mixture had intermediate effects on resistance. 9400 NO2 5.0 NO2 120 60 ? 8 M < 30 years FVC (-5%), FEV1.0 Islam & +1960 O3 +0.1 O3 8 M 30-40 years (-11.7%), decreased Ulmer (1979a) +13 100 SO2 +5.0 SO2 8 M > 49 years with exercise exposure to this mixture in < 30 years group. 9400 NO2 5.0 NO2 120 intermittent 9 M Healthy, No interaction on PaO2 Von Nieding +196 O3 +0.1 O3 20-38 years or RT et al. (1977) +13 100 SO2 +5.0 SO2 9400 NO2 5.0 NO2 120 intermittent 11 M Healthy, No interaction on PaO2 +196 O3 +0.1 O3 20-38 years, or Rt 25 S, 9 NS 9400 NO2 5.0 NO2 120 60 approx. 20 23-38 years, RT increased from 1.5 Von Nieding +196 O3 + 0.1 O3 (70 W) two atopic to 2.4 (p < 0.01); et al. (1979) +13 100 + 5.0 SO2 questionable decrease SO2 in PaO2 (8 torr). Table 45 (Con't) Concentrations Exposure Exercise Exercise Number of Subject Effects Reference duration duration ventilation subjects/ characteristics (min) (min) (litres/min) gender µg/m3 ppm 188 NO2 0.1 NO2 120 60 approx. 20 23-38 years, No effects. +786 SO2 +0.3 SO2 two atopic a Modified from US EPA (1993) Abbreviations: Amb = Ambient air; CO = Carbon monoxide; F = Female; FEV1 = Forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FEV1.0 = Forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FVC = Forced vital capacity; H2SO4 = Sulfuric acid; M = Male; NaCl = Sodium chloride; (NH4)2SO4 = Ammonium sulfate; NO = Nitric oxide; NS = Non-smoker; O3 = Ozone; PaO2 = Arterial partial pressure of oxygen; RT = Total respiratory resistance; S = Active smoker; SGaw = Specific airway conductance; SO2 = Sulfur dioxide; W = Watts; ZnSO4 = Zinc sulfate Abe (1967) studied brief exposures to NO2-SO2 mixtures. Both gases were at 4 to 5 ppm (i.e., 7520 to 9400 µg/m3 NO2 and 4920 to 6150 µg/m3 SO2). The effects were additive, with both gases causing bronchoconstriction. Independently, the effect of SO2 was immediate and short-lasting, whereas the effect of NO2 was delayed and more persistent. The effect of the mixed gases was intermediate between the two independent responses. Kagawa (1983a,b) reported that the interaction of 282 µg/m3 (0.15 ppm) NO2 plus 393 µg/m3 (0.15 ppm) SO2 in normal subjects exposed for 2 h with light intermittent exercise caused an increase in SGaw. However, because a large number of repeated t-tests with an alpha level of 0.05 were used, it is possible that the responses were due to chance. The Rancho Los Amigos group (Linn et al., 1980b; Linn & Hackney, 1983; Avol et al., 1983, 1985a, 1987) conducted several studies of NO2-containing ambient air mixtures. The mean NO2 level in the ambient air (from the Los Angeles Air Basin) ranged from 75 to 132 µg/m3 (0.04 to 0.07 ppm). Normal and asthmatic adults, adolescents and children were exposed for approximately 2 h during the summer smog seasons of 1978 to 1984. The various pulmonary function effects observed (see Table 45) were attributed to O3. However, in another study, Hazucha et al. (1994) found that ozone-induced increases in airway responsiveness to methacholine were enhanced by prior (3 h earlier) exposure to 1128 µg/m3 (0.60 ppm) NO2. There was also a slightly greater FEV1 decrement after the NO2-O3 sequence. There has been one study on the effects of HNO3 vapour in combination with O3 (Aris et al., 1991). Ten healthy men were exposed (with moderate exercise) to 430 µg/m3 HNO3 for 2 h and then, after 1 h, to 392 µg/m3 (0.20 ppm) O3 for 3 h. No changes were observed in FVC, FEV1 or SRaw after HNO3 exposure. Ozone exposure caused increased SRaw and decreased FVC and FEV1. Prior exposure to HNO3 vapour rather than air resulted in somewhat smaller changes in lung function after ozone exposure. Clearly HNO3 did not potentiate responses to ozone. 6.5 Summary of controlled human exposure studies of oxides of nitrogen Human responses to a variety of oxidized nitrogen compounds have been evaluated. By far, the largest database and the one most suitable for risk assessment is that available for controlled exposures to NO2. The database on human responses to NO, nitric acid vapour, nitrous acid vapour and inorganic nitrate aerosols is not as extensive. A number of sensitive or potentially sensitive subgroups have been examined, including adolescent and adult asthmatics, older adults, and patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and pulmonary hypertension. Exercise increases the total uptake and alters the distribution of the inhaled material within the lung. The proportion of NO2 deposited in the lower respiratory tract is also increased by exercise. This may increase the effects of the above compounds in people who exercise during exposure. As is typical with human biological response to inhaled particles and gases, there is variability in the biological response to NO2. Healthy individuals tend to be less responsive to the effects of NO2 than individuals with lung disease. Asthmatics are clearly the most responsive group to NO2 that has been studied to date. Individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease may be more responsive than healthy individuals, but they have limited capacity to respond to NO2 and thus quantitative differences between COPD patients and others are difficult to assess. There is not sufficient information available at present to evaluate whether age or gender should be considered in the risk evaluation. NO2 causes decrements in lung function, particularly increased airway resistance in resting healthy subjects at 2-h concentrations as low as 4700 µg/m3 (approx. 2.5 ppm). Available data are insufficient to determine the nature of the concentration-response relationship. NO2 exposure results in increased airway responsiveness to broncoconstrictive agents in exercising healthy, non-smoking subjects exposed to concentrations as low as 2800 µg/m3 (approx. 1.5 ppm) for exposure durations of 1 h or longer. Exposure of asthmatics to NO2 causes, in some subjects, increased airway responsiveness to a variety of provocative mediators, including cholinergic and histaminergic chemicals, SO2 and cold air. The presence of these responses appears to be influenced by the exposure protocol, particularly whether or not the exposure includes exercise. These responses may begin at concentrations as low as 380 µg/m3 (0.20 ppm). A meta analysis suggests that effects may occur at even lower concentrations. However, no concentration- response relationship is observed between 350 and 1150 µg/m3 (approx. 0.2 and 0.6 ppm). Modest increases in airway resistance may occur in patients with COPD from brief exposure (15-60 min) to concentrations of NO2 as low as 2800 µg/m3 (approx. 1.5 ppm) and decrements in spirometric measures of lung function (3 to 8%) change in FEV1 may also be observed with longer exposures (3 h) to concentrations as low as 600 µg/m3 (approx. 0.3 ppm). Exposure to NO2 at levels above 2800 µg/m3 (approx. 1.5 ppm) may alter numbers and types of inflammatory cells in the distal airways or alveoli. NO2 may alter the function of cells within the lung and production of mediators that may be important in lung host defences. The constellation of changes in host defences, alterations in lung cells and their activities, and changes in biochemical mediators is consistent with the epidemiological findings of increased host susceptibility associated with NO2 exposure. In studies of mixtures of NO2 with other pollutants, NO2 has not been observed to increase responses to other co-occurring pollutant(s) beyond what would be observed for the other pollutant(s) alone. A notable exception is the observation that pre-exposure to NO2 enhances the ozone-induced change in airway-responsiveness in healthy, exercising subjects during a subsequent ozone exposure. This observation suggests the possibility of delayed or persistent responses to NO2. Within an NO2 concentration range that may be of interest with regard to risk evaluation (i.e., 100-600 µg/m3), the characteristics of the concentration-response relationship for acute changes in lung function, airway responsiveness to bronchoconstricting agents, or symptoms cannot be determined from the available data. NO is acknowledged as an important endogenous second messenger within several organ systems. Inhaled NO concentrations above 6000 µg/m3 (approx. 5 ppm) can cause vasodilation in the pulmonary circulation without affecting the systemic circulation. The lowest effective concentration is not established. Information on pulmonary function and lung host defences consequent to NO exposure are too limited for any conclusions to be drawn at this time. Relatively high concentrations (> 40 000 µg/m3) have been used in clinical applications for brief periods (< 1 h) without reported adverse reactions. Nitric acid levels in the range of 250-500 µg/m3 (100-200 ppb) may cause some pulmonary function responses in adolescent asthmatics, but not in healthy adults. Limited information on nitrous acid suggests that it may cause eye inflammation at 760 µg/m3 (0.40 ppm). There are currently no published data on human pulmonary responses to nitrous acid. Limited data on inorganic nitrates suggest that there are no lung function effects of nitrate aerosols with concentrations of 7000 µg/m3 or less. 7. EPIDEMIOLOGICAL STUDIES OF NITROGEN OXIDES 7.1 Introduction This chapter discusses epidemiological evidence regarding effects of NOx on human health. Primary emphasis is placed on assessment of the effects of NO2 because it is the oxide of nitrogen measured in most epidemiological studies and the one of greatest concern from a public health perspective. Human health effects associated with exposure to NO2 have been the subject of several literature reviews since 1970 (National Research Council, 1971, 1977; US EPA, 1982a, 1993; Samet et al., 1987, 1988). Oxides of nitrogen have also been reviewed previously by the World Health Organization (WHO, 1977), which presented a comprehensive review of studies conducted up to 1977. This chapter focuses on studies conducted since 1977, while also using some key information from earlier literature, as reviewed in more detail by US EPA (1993). The studies discussed in this chapter are those that provide useful quantitative information on exposure-effect relationships for health effects associated with levels of NO2 likely to be encountered in the ambient air. In addition, some studies that do not provide quantitative information are briefly discussed in the text in order to help elucidate particular points concerning the health effects of NO2. 7.2 Methodological considerations Key epidemiological studies on NO2 health effects are evaluated below for several factors of importance for interpreting their results (US EPA, 1982a,c). Such factors include: (1) exposure measurement error; (2) misclassification of the health outcome; (3) adjustment for covariates; (4) selection bias; (5) internal consistency; and (6) plausibility of the effect based on other evidence. 7.2.1 Measurement error Measurement error regarding exposure may be a major problem in epidemiological studies of NO2. Ideally, personal monitors should be placed on all subjects for the entire period of a study, but this is often not feasible. Moreover, personal monitoring may not overcome measurement error altogether. For example, the monitors that are presently available do not accurately measure short-term peaks or long-term chronic exposures. Other means of estimating NO2 exposure include source description, in-home monitors and fixed-site outdoor monitors. These approaches are generally cheaper than personal monitors but may be subject to greater measurement error, both random (non-systematic) and systematic. In general, a measurement error in estimation of exposure that is independent of the health outcome will result in underestimation of associations between exposure and dichotomous health outcomes (Samet & Utell, 1990). Whittlemore & Keller (1988) examined the data of Melia et al. (1980) and showed that a 20% misclassification rate of the exposure category could result in an underestimate of the logistic regression coefficient by as much as 50%. Even when exposure measurement error is not independent of the outcome, measures of association are biased towards the null, unless the probability of the health outcome is very close to 0 or 1 (Stefanski & Carroll, 1985). At present, there is little information on the relative importance of peak and average NO2 levels as causes of respiratory effects in humans. In most homes and outdoor settings, peak values may be related to average values, and reduction of peaks may lower time-weighted averages. However, if health effects are largely associated with the peak levels of NO2, then the use of averages as the sole guide to exposures will increase measurement error. NO2 may act as a precursor for other biologically active substances (such as nitrous acid). If these agents are responsible for some or all of the observed respiratory effects, then measurement of NO2 will provide an imprecise estimate of the effective dose. 7.2.2 Misclassification of the health outcome Misclassification of the health outcome can occur whether the outcome is continuous, (such as a measure of pulmonary function) or dichotomous (such as the presence or absence of respiratory symptoms). Lung function is typically measured with spirometry, a well- standardized technique (Ferris, 1978). The measurement errors of the instruments collecting the data have also been carefully estimated, and random errors will simply add to the error variance. On the other hand, respiratory symptoms and health status are usually measured by a questionnaire. Responses to symptom questions will be correlated and will depend on the interpretation of the respondent. As noted below, a specific respiratory disease is likely to be reflected by a constellation of symptoms. Therefore, it is appropriate to consider aggregate, as well as single, specific symptom reports. Obviously, questionnaire measurements involving recent recall are better than those based on recall of events occurring several years earlier. Questionnaires for cough and phlegm production have been standardized, e.g., the British Medical Research Council (BMRC) questionnaire (American Thoracic Society, 1969) and revisions of that questionnaire (Ferris, 1978; Samet, 1978). These questionnaires and modifications of them have been used extensively. 7.2.3 Adjustment for covariates It is common when analysing a data set to discover that one or more key covariates for the analysis were not measured. Schenker et al. (1983) discussed socioeconomic status, passive smoking and gender as important covariates in childhood respiratory disease studies. Other covariates often of importance are age, humidity and other co-occurring pollutants (e.g., particulate matter). The concern is that, had missing covariates been measured, the estimate of the regression coefficient of a variable of interest would have been significantly different. Although the problem is faced by most investigators, literature on the subject is sparse. For example, Kupper (1984) showed that high correlations between the variables just described will result in "unreliable parameter estimates with large variances". Gail (1986) considered the special case of omitting a balanced covariate from the analysis of a cohort study and concluded that: "In principle, the bias may be either toward or away from zero, though in more important examples - the bias is toward zero. In important applications with additive or multiplicative regression, there is no bias". Neither report provided information on how to attempt to correct for the bias or on approaches for investigating the possible bias in a given situation. Most studies of respiratory disease and NO2 exposure discussed here measured important covariates such as age, socioeconomic level of the parents, gender and parental smoking habits. The estimated effect (regression coefficient of disease on NO2 exposure) will be overestimated if a missing covariate is positively or negatively correlated with both exposure and health outcome. The estimated effect will be underestimated if positively correlated with exposure or outcome and negatively correlated with the other. Ware et al. (1984) found that parents with some college education were more likely to report respiratory symptoms and less likely to use a gas stove, leading to an underestimate of the health effect, if education were omitted from the analysis. 7.2.4 Selection bias The possibility of selection bias, although a concern of every study, seems very low for NO2 epidemiological studies. Selection bias would require selection of participants based on exposure (e.g., use of gas stove) and also health outcome. Because most epidemiological studies of these exposures are population based, there is little possibility of selection based on health end-points. Nevertheless, the loss of subjects by attrition associated with both exposure and health studies must be considered. 7.2.5 Internal consistency Internal consistency is also a useful check on the validity of a study, but authors often do not report sufficient detail to check for such consistency. For example, in the case of known risk factors for respiratory effects, a study should find the anticipated associations (e.g., passive smoking with increased respiratory illness or with more wheeze in asthmatic children), and certain patterns of age or gender effects should be observed. Consistency between studies also provides an indication of the overall strength of the database. 7.2.6 Plausibility of the effect Health outcomes should be ones for which there are plausible bases to suspect that NO2 exposure could contribute to such effects. Two health outcome measures have been most extensively considered in the epidemiological studies: lung function measurements and respiratory illness occurrence. Human clinical and animal toxicological studies have not indicated a demonstrated effect on lung function at ambient levels in normal subjects. On the other hand, human clinical and animal toxicological studies have shown that NO2 exposure can impair components of the respiratory host defence system, resulting in increased susceptibility of the host to respiratory infection. Thus, reported increases in respiratory symptoms and disease among children in epidemiological studies of NO2 exposure can be plausibly hypothesized to reflect an increase in respiratory infection. Each study is subsequently reviewed with special attention given to the above factors. Those studies that address these factors most appropriately provide a stronger basis for the conclusions that they draw. Consistency between studies indicates the level of the strength of the whole database. 7.3 Studies of respiratory illness Respiratory illness and factors determining its occurrence and severity are important public health concerns. The possible association of NO2 exposure with respiratory illness is of public health importance because both the potential for exposure to NO2 and childhood respiratory illness are common (Samet et al., 1983; Samet & Utell, 1990). This takes on added importance because recurrent childhood respiratory illness (independent of NO2) may be a risk factor for later susceptibility to lung damage (Samet et al., 1983; Glezen, 1989; Gold et al., 1989). The epidemiological studies relating NO2 exposure to respiratory illness are discussed in sections 7.3.1 and 7.3.2. 7.3.1 Indoor air studies In this section, studies that meet criteria for use in a quantitative analysis are presented. Firstly, studies conducted by Melia and colleagues in the United Kingdom are discussed. This is followed by an evaluation of two large studies conducted in six cities in the USA. Several other quantitative studies conducted by different authors in various countries and cities are then presented. These are followed by discussion of some additional recent large-scale studies that yield useful quantitative information, e.g., a study of NO2 relationship to respiratory disease in young children in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. Lastly, other studies that provide information concerning respiratory illness are also discussed. St Thomas' Hospital Medical School Studies (United Kingdom) Results of several British studies have been reported by Melia et al. (1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1982a,b, 1985, 1988), Goldstein et al. (1979, 1981), and Florey et al. (1979, 1982). Parts of these studies were reviewed previously (US EPA, 1982a), but their importance requires a more complete discussion of them. The initial study (Melia et al., 1977) was based on a survey of 5658 children (excluding asthmatics, thus 100 less than the number reported), aged 6 to 11 years, with sufficient questionnaire information in 28 randomly selected areas of England and Scotland. A self-administered questionnaire was completed by a parent to obtain information on the presence of morning cough, day or night cough, colds going to chest, chest sounds of wheezing or whistling, and attacks of bronchitis. The questionnaire, distributed in 1973, asked about symptoms during the previous 12 months. Colds going to the chest accounted for the majority of symptoms reported. Information about cooking fuel (gas or electric), age, gender and social class (manual versus non-manual labour) was obtained, but there were no questions about parental smoking. Melia et al. (1977) noted that although they could not include family smoking habits in the analysis, the known relation between smoking and social class (Tobacco Research Council, 1976) allowed them to avoid at least some of the potential bias from this source. It seemed unlikely that, within the social class groups studied, there was a higher prevalence of smoking in homes where gas was used for cooking. No measurements of NO2, either indoors or outdoors, were given. The authors presented their results in the form of a contingency table for non-asthmatics with complete covariate information. Table 46 is a summary of that data for non-asthmatic children. The authors indicated that there was a trend for increased symptoms in homes with gas stoves, but the increase was only significant for girls in urban areas. The authors gave no measures of increased risk. The data in Table 46 have been reanalysed using a multiple logistic model as shown in Table 47. Because it had been suggested that gender had an effect on the relationship with "gas cooker", interaction terms for gender were included in the original model. None of these proved to be significant, and they were subsequently dropped from the model. When separate terms for each gender were used for the effect of "gas cooker", an estimated odds ratio of 1.25 was obtained for boys and an odds ratio of 1.39 was obtained for girls. The combined odds ratio for both genders was 1.31 (95% confidence limits of 1.16 and 1.48) and was statistically significant (p < 0.0001). The other main effects of gender, SES and age were all statistically significant. This reanalysis suggests that gas stove use was associated with an estimated 31% increase in the odds of children having respiratory illness symptoms. Melia et al. (1979) reported further results of a national survey covering a new cohort of 4827 boys and girls, aged 5 to 10 years, from 27 randomly selected areas that were examined in 1977. The study collected information on the number of smokers in the home. In the 1977 cross-sectional study, only prevalence of day or night cough in boys (p approx. or equal 0.02) and colds going to the chest in girls (p < 0.05) were found to be significantly higher in children from homes where gas was used for cooking compared with children from homes where electricity was used. As shown in Table 48, grouping responses according to the six respiratory questions into (1) none or (2) one or more symptoms or diseases yielded a prevalence higher in children from homes where gas was used for cooking than in those from homes where electricity was used (p approx. or equal 0.01 in boys, p = 0.07 in girls). The effects of gender, social class, use of pilot lights and number of smokers in the house were examined. The reanalysis of the data in Table 48, applying a multiple logistic model, is given in Table 49. This model contained the same terms as the analysis in Table 47. As in the previous analysis, none of the interaction terms proved to be significant, and they were subsequently dropped from the model. When separate terms for each gender were used for the effect of "gas cooker", an estimated odds ratio of 1.29 was obtained for boys and an odds ratio of 1.19 was obtained for girls. The combined odds ratio for both genders was 1.24 (95% confidence limits of 1.09 and 1.42). This effect was statistically significant (p < 0.0002). The other main effects of gender, SES and age were all statistically significant. This reanalysis suggests that gas stove use in this study is associated with an estimated 24% increase in the odds of having symptoms. Table 46. Symptom rates of United Kingdom children by age, gender, social class and type of cookera Social classes I-IIIa Social classes IIIb-V (non-manual) (manual) Electric Gas Electric Gas Age < 8 years Boys 25.6% 26.1% 29.9% 37.5% (203) (88) (375) (309) Girls 22.2% 30.4% 31.8% 33.5% (171) (112) (393) (337) Age 8 to 11 years Boys 20.8% 23.3% 25.0% 29.0% (365) (189) (675) (654) Girls 18.1% 19.2% 17.8% 27.8% (303) (187) (674) (623) a Numbers in parentheses refer to number of subjects; source: Melia et al. (1977) Table 47. Multiple logistic analysis of data from the study of Melia et al. (1977) Factora Odds ratio 95% Confidence p value interval SES and age by gender interactions (2 d.f.) 0.2922 Gas by gender interaction (1 d.f.) 0.3953 Gas cooker 1.31 1.16-1.48 < 0.0001 Gender (female) 0.86 0.76-0.97 0.0121 SES (manual) 1.31 1.14-1.51 0.0001 Age (< 8 years) 1.47 1.30-1.66 < 0.0001 a SES = Socioeconomic status; d.f. = Degrees of freedom Table 48. Unadjusted rates of one or more symptoms among United Kingdom children by age, gender, social class and type of cookera Social classes I-IIIa Social classes IIIb-V (non-manual) (manual) Electric Gas Electric Gas Age < 8 years Boys 27.4% 31.7% 32.8% 36.7% (277) (145) (485) (313) Girls 24.4% 27.6% 27.8% 36.3% (291) (134) (497) (336) Age 8 to 11 years Boys 19.2% 28.3% 23.6% 26.9% (286) (113) (501) (338) Girls 14.8% 18.6% 21.5% 18.5% (243) (118) (437) (313) a Numbers in parentheses refer to number of subjects; source: Melia et al. (1979) Table 49. Multiple logistic analysis of data from the study of Melia et al. (1979) Factora Odds ratio 95% Confidence p value interval SES and age by gender interactions (2 d.f.) 0.5749 Gas by gender interaction (1 d.f.) 0.5566 Gas cooker 1.24 1.09-1.42 < 0.0001 Gender (female) 0.82 0.72-0.94 0.0030 SES (manual) 1.25 1.08-1.45 0.0034 Age (< 8 years) 1.69 1.48-1.93 < 0.0001 a SES = Socioeconomic status; d.f. = Degrees of freedom In 1978, 808 schoolchildren (Melia et al., 1980), aged 6 to 7 years, were studied in Middlesborough, an urban area of northern England. Respiratory illness was defined as in the previous study. Weekly indoor NO2 measurements were collected from 66% of the homes, the remaining 34% refusing to participate. NO2 was measured weekly by triethanolamine diffusion tubes (Palmes tubes) attached to walls in the kitchen area and in the children's bedrooms. In homes with gas stoves, weekly levels of NO2 in kitchens ranged from 10 to 596 µg/m3 (0.005 to 0.317 ppm) with a mean of 211 µg/m3 (0.112 ppm) and levels in bedrooms ranged from 8 to 318 µg/m3 (0.004 to 0.169 ppm) with a mean of 56 µg/m3 (0.031 ppm). In homes with electric stoves, weekly levels of NO2 in kitchens ranged from 11 to 353 µg/m3 (0.006 to 0.188 ppm) with a mean of 34 µg/m3 (0.018 ppm), and levels in bedrooms ranged from 6 to 70 µg/m3 (0.003 to 0.037 ppm) with a mean of 26 µg/m3 (0.014 ppm). Outdoor levels of NO2 were determined using diffusion tubes systematically located throughout the area; the weekly average ranged from 26 to 45 µg/m3 (0.014 to 0.024 ppm). One analysis by the authors was restricted to those 103 children in homes where gas stoves were present and where bedroom NO2 exposure was measured; the data are shown in Table 50. A linear regression model was fit to the logistic transformation of the rates. Cooking fuel was found to be associated with respiratory illness, independent of social class, age, gender or presence of a smoker in the house (p = 0.06). However, when social class was excluded from the regression, the association was weaker (p = 0.11). For the 6- and 7-year-old children living in homes with gas stoves, there appeared to be an increase in respiratory illness with increasing levels of NO2 in their bedrooms (p = 0.10), but no significant relationship was found between respiratory symptoms in those children, their siblings or parents and levels of NO2 in kitchens. Because no concentration-response estimates were given by the authors, a multiple logistic model was fitted to the data in Table 50 with a linear slope for NO2 and separate intercepts for boys and girls. NO2 levels for the groups were estimated by fitting a log-normal distribution to the grouped NO2 data, and the average exposures within each interval were estimated (see Hasselblad et al., 1980). The estimated logistic regression coefficient for NO2 (in µg/m3) was 0.015 with a standard error of 0.007. The likelihood ratio test for NO2 gave a chi-square of 4.94 with one degree of freedom, with a corresponding p value of 0.03. The study was repeated in January to March of 1980 by Melia et al. (1982a,b). This time, children aged 5 to 6 years were sampled from the same neighbourhood as the previous study, but only families with gas stoves were recruited. Environmental measurements were made and covariate data were collected in a manner similar to the previous study (Melia et al., 1980). Measurements of NO2 were available for 54% of the homes. The unadjusted rates of one or more symptoms by Table 50. Unadjusted rates of one or more symptoms among United Kingdom boys and girls according to bedroom levels of nitrogen dioxidea Bedroom levels of NO2 (ppm) < 0.020 0.020-0.039 > 0.039 Total Boys 43.5% 57.9% 69.2% 54.5% (23) (19) (13) (55) Girls 44.0% 60.0% 75.0% 54.2% (25) (15) (8) (48) TOTAL 43.7% 58.8% 71.4% 54.4% (48) (34) (21) (103) a Numbers in parentheses refer to number of subjects (from: Melia et al., 1980) gender and exposure level are shown in Table 51. The authors concluded that "... no relation was found between the prevalence of respiratory illness and levels of NO2". A reanalysis by Hasselblad et al. (1992) of the data in Table 51 was made using a multiple logistic model similar to the one used for the previous study (Melia et al., 1980). The model included a linear slope for NO2 and separate intercepts for boys and girls. Nitrogen dioxide levels for the groups were estimated by fitting a log-normal distribution to the grouped bedroom NO2 data. The estimated logistic regression coefficient for NO2 (in µg/m3) was 0.0037 with a standard error of 0.0052. The likelihood ratio test for the effect of NO2 gave a chi-square of 0.51 with one degree of freedom (p = 0.48). Melia et al. (1983) investigated the association between gas cooking in the home and respiratory illness in a study of 390 infants born between 1975 and 1978. When the child reached 1 year of age, the mother was interviewed by a trained field worker to complete a questionnaire. The mother was asked whether the child usually experienced morning cough, day or night cough, wheeze or colds going to the chest, and whether the child had experienced bronchitis, asthma or pneumonia during the past 12 months. No relation was found between type of fuel used for cooking at home and the prevalence of respiratory symptoms and diseases recalled by the mother after allowing for the effects of gender, social class and parental smoking. The authors gave prevalence rates of children having at least one symptom, according to gas stove use and gender. The combined odds ratio for presence of symptoms according to gas stove use was 0.63 with 95% confidence interval of 0.36 to 1.10. Table 51. Unadjusted rates of one or more symptoms among United Kingdom boys and girls according to bedroom levels of nitrogen dioxidea Bedroom levels of NO2 (ppm) < 0.020 0.020-0.039 > 0.039 Total Boys 56.4% 67.6% 72.0% 64.4% (39) (37) (25) (101) Girls 60.0% 41.0% 52.2% 49.4% (25) (39) (23) (87) Total 57.8% 53.9% 62.5% 57.5% (64) (76) (48) (188) a Numbers in parentheses refer to number of subjects; source: Melia et al. (1982a,b) Melia et al. (1988) studied factors affecting respiratory morbidity in 1964 primary school children living in 20 inner city areas of England in 1983 as part of a national study of health and growth. Data on age, gender, respiratory illness, cooking fuels, mother's education and size of family were obtained by questionnaire. Smoking was not studied. The same respiratory questions were asked as in previous studies. Melia et al. (1990) reported indoor levels of NO2 associated with gas stoves in inner city areas of England in 1987. The mean weekly NO2 level measured in 22 bedrooms of homes with gas stoves was 45 ± 25 µg/m3 (24.1 ± 13.2 ppb). The mean weekly NO2 level measured in four bedrooms of homes without gas stoves was 40 ± 22 µg/m3 (20.7 ± 11.8 ppb). Melia et al. (1988) reported a relative risk of 1.06 (95% confidence interval of 0.94 to 1.17) for one or more respiratory conditions associated with exposure to gas or kerosene fuel used in the home after adjustment for ethnic group, gender, age group, mother's education, family size and single parent family status. Harvard University - Six Cities Studies (USA) Several authors (Spengler et al., 1979, 1986; Speizer et al., 1980; Ferris et al., 1983; Ware et al., 1984; Berkey et al., 1986; Quackenboss et al., 1986; Dockery et al., 1989a; Neas et al., 1990, 1991) have reported on two cohorts of children studied in six different cities in the USA. The six cities were selected to represent a range of air quality based on their historic levels of outdoor pollution. They included: Watertown, Massachusetts; Kingston and Harriman, Tennessee; southeast St. Louis, Missouri; Steubenville, Ohio; Portage, Wisconsin; and Topeka, Kansas. In each community during 1974-1977, approximately 1000 first- and second-grade schoolchildren were enrolled in the first year and an additional 500 first-graders were enrolled in the next year (Ferris et al., 1979). Families reported the number of people living in the home and their smoking habits, parental occupation and educational background, and fuels used for cooking and heating. Outdoor pollution was measured at fixed sites in the communities as well as at selected households. Indoor pollution including NO2 was measured in several rooms of selected households. Speizer et al. (1980) reported results from the six cities studies based on 8120 children, aged 6 to 10 years, who had been followed for 1 to 3 years. Health end-points were measured by a standard respiratory questionnaire completed by the parents of the children. The authors used log-linear models to estimate the effect of current use of gas stoves versus electric stoves on the rates of serious respiratory illness before age 2, yielding an odds ratio of 1.12 (95% confidence limits of 1.00 and 1.26) for gas stove use. The results were adjusted for presence of adult smokers, presence of air conditioning, and family SES. Ware et al. (1984) reported results for a larger cohort of 10 160 white children, aged 6 to 9 years, in the same six cities over a longer period (1974-1979). Directly standardized rates of reported illnesses and symptoms did not show any consistent pattern of increased risk for children from homes with gas stoves. Logistic regression analyses controlling for age, gender, city and maternal smoking level gave estimated odds ratios for the effect of gas stoves ranging from 0.93 to 1.07 for bronchitis, chronic cough, persistent wheeze, lower respiratory illness index, and illness for the last year. The lower respiratory illness index indicated the presence of bronchitis, restriction of activity due to lower respiratory illness, or chronic cough during the past year. The 95% confidence bounds around all of these symptom-specific odds ratios included 1. Only two odds ratios approached statistical significance: (1) history of bronchitis (odds ratio = 0.86, 95% confidence interval 0.74 to 1.00) and (2) respiratory illness before age 2 (odds ratio = 1.13, 95% confidence interval 0.99 to 1.28). When the odds ratio for respiratory illness before age 2 was adjusted for parental education, the odds ratio was 1.11 with 95% confidence limits of 0.97 and 1.27 (p = 0.14). Thus, the study suggests an increase of about 11% in respiratory illness before the age of 2 years, which is about the same as that reported by Speizer et al. (1980), although the increase was not statistically significant at the 0.05 level. The end-point in the Ware et al. (1984) study most similar to that of the Melia studies was the lower respiratory illness index. The authors gave the unadjusted prevalence, and from those data, an estimated odds ratio of 1.08 with 95% confidence limits of 0.97 and 1.19 was calculated. Although this odds ratio was not adjusted for other covariates, such adjustments minimally affected other end-points in this study. Analyses by Ware et al. (1984) on the other end-points found that effects of adjustment for covariates was minimal. During the period from 1983 to 1986, a new cohort of about 1000 second- to fifth-grade schoolchildren in each community was enrolled and given an initial symptom questionnaire (Dockery et al., 1989a). The authors studied reported respiratory symptoms on a subsequent symptom questionnaire (second annual) for 5338 white children aged 7 to 11 years at the time of enrolment. The end-points of chronic cough, bronchitis, restriction of activity due to chest illness, and persistent wheeze were not associated with gas stove use in the home, but the health end-point of doctor-diagnosed respiratory illness prior to age 2 yielded an odds ratio of 1.15 with 95% confidence limits of 0.96 to 1.37. The odds ratio for chronic cough was 1.15 with 95% confidence limits of 0.89 and 1.91. The odds ratio was adjusted for age, sex, parental education, city of residence, and use of unvented kerosene heaters. Neas et al. (1990, 1991) studied the effects of measured NO2 among a stratified one-third random sample of the children that were part of the Dockery et al. (1989a) analysis. The sample was restricted to 1286 white children 7 to 11 years of age at enrolment with complete covariate information and at least one valid indoor measurement of both NO2 and respirable particles. Methods for measuring indoor pollutants were described by Spengler et al. (1986). Indoor pollutants were measured in each child's home for 2 weeks during the heating season and 2 weeks during the cooling season. The two 2-week measurements were averaged to estimate each child's annual average NO2 exposure. NO2 was measured by Palmes passive diffusion tubes at three locations: kitchen, activity room and the child's bedroom. The three locations were averaged to create a household annual average NO2 exposure. The analysis of the Neas et al. (1990, 1991) study was based on the final symptom questionnaire (third annual), completed by parents following the indoor measurements. The questionnaire reported symptoms during the previous year, including attacks of shortness of breath with wheeze, persistent wheeze, chronic cough, chronic phlegm and bronchitis. The authors used a multiple logistic model with separate city intercepts, indicator variables for gender and age, parental history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, parental history of asthma, parental education and single parent family status. Increases in symptoms were estimated for an additional NO2 exposure of 28.3 µg/m3 (0.015 ppm). Table 52 shows the odds ratios for the five separate symptoms associated with the increase in NO2 exposure. Table 52. Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for the effect of an additional load of 0.015 ppm NO2 on the symptom prevalence (from: Neas et al., 1991) Symptom Odds ratio 95% Confidence interval Shortness of breath 1.23 0.93 to 1.61 Persistent wheeze 1.16 0.89 to 1.52 Chronic cough 1.18 0.87 to 1.60 Chronic phlegm 1.25 0.94 to 1.66 Bronchitis 1.05 0.75 to 1.47 Neas et al. (1990, 1991) defined a combined symptom as the presence of any of the symptoms just reported. A multiple logistic regression of this combined lower respiratory symptom, equivalent to the single response regression, gave an estimated odds ratio of 1.40 with a 95% confidence interval of 1.14 to 1.72. The odds ratio for the combined symptom score was slightly higher than in other studies, but was not inconsistent with those results. The reference category for each of the symptom-specific odds ratios included some children with the other lower respiratory symptoms, whereas the children in the reference category for combined lower respiratory symptoms were free of any of these symptoms. When split by gender, the odds ratio was higher in girls, a result similar to the gender modification reported by Melia et al. (1979). When separate logistic analyses were performed for each community, the adjusted odds ratios ranged from 1.26 for Topeka, Kansas, to 1.86 for Portage, Wisconsin. When the cohort was restricted to the 495 children in homes with a gas stove, the adjusted odds ratio was 1.37 with a 95% confidence interval of 1.02 to 1.84. Table 53 provides the adjusted odds ratios for combined lower respiratory symptoms across ordered NO2 exposure categories. The association is statistically significant for the upper exposure category and the overall results are consistent with a linear dose-response relationship between NO2 and lower respiratory symptoms in children. Table 53. Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for the effect of ordered NO2 exposures on the prevalence of lower respiratory symptoms (from: Neas et al., 1991) NO2 level (ppm) Number of Odds 95% Confidence children ratio interval Range Mean 0 to 0.0049 0.0037 263 1.00 0.005 to 0.0099 0.0073 360 1.06 0.71 to 1.58 0.010 to 0.0199 0.0144 317 1.36 0.89 to 2.08 0.020 to 0.0782 0.0310 346 1.65 1.03 to 2.63 Neas et al. (1992) reported that the estimated effect of an additional load of 28.3 µg NO2/m3 (0.015 ppm) on lower respiratory symptoms was consistent across the seasons and sampling locations. Table 54 provides the odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for this association by season and sampler location. The NO2 levels measured by the activity room and bedroom sampler were more strongly associated with lower respiratory symptoms than those in the kitchen. The NO2 measurements in the kitchen were influenced more by transient peak levels associated with meal preparation on gas stoves, whereas the other sampling locations were more reflective of the child's long-term average exposures to NO2 in the home. Spengler et al. (1992) suggested that children spend relatively little time (0.5 h per day) in the kitchen when the range is operating. University of Iowa Study (USA) Ekwo et al. (1983) surveyed 1355 children 6 to 12 years of age for respiratory symptoms and lung function in the Iowa City School District. Parents of the children completed a questionnaire that was a modification of one developed by the American Thoracic Society. The children were a random sample from those families whose parents had completed the questionnaire. Eight measures of respiratory illness were reported by the authors, but only two were similar to the end-points used in the United Kingdom studies (section and the Harvard Six City studies (section Parental smoking was also measured and used as a covariate in the analyses. Results of the analyses, based on 1138 children, are presented in Table 55. No measurements of NO2 exposure, either inside or outside the homes, were reported. Table 54. Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for the effect of an additional 0.015 ppm NO2 on the prevalence of lower respiratory symptoms according to sampling location and season (from: Neas et al., 1992) Sampler location and Mean difference Odds 95% Confidence season gas vs. electric ratio interval (ppm) Household annual average 0.016 1.40 1.14 to 1.72 Household winter average 0.018 1.16 1.04 to 1.29 Household summer average 0.014 1.46 1.13 to 1.89 Kitchen annual average 0.022 1.23 1.05 to 1.44 Activity room annual average 0.014 1.50 1.20 to 1.87 Bedroom annual average 0.013 1.47 1.17 to 1.85 Table 55. Analysis of Iowa city school children respiratory symptoms according to gas stove type and parental smoking (from: Ekwo et al., 1983) Factor Hospitalization for Chest congestion and chest illness phlegm with colds before age two Odds ratio SEa Odds ratio SEa Gas stove use 2.4b 0.684 1.1 0.188 Smoking effects Father alone smokes 2.3b 0.856 1.0 0.213 Mother alone smokes 2.9b 1.239 1.3 0.363 Both smoke 1.6 0.859 1.2 0.383 a SE = Standard error of the odds ratio b Indicates statistical significance at the 0.05 probability level Agricultural University of Wageningen (The Netherlands) Houthuijs et al. (1987), Brunekreef et al. (1987), and Dijkstra et al. (1990) studied the effect of indoor factors on respiratory health in 6- to 9-year-old children from 10 primary schools in five non-industrial communities in the southeast region of the Netherlands. Personal exposure to NO2 and home concentrations were measured. An important NO2 emission and exposure source in these homes are geysers, which are unvented, gas-fired, hot water sources at the water tap. Exposure to tobacco smoke was assessed by a questionnaire that also reported symptom information. The study used Palmes diffusion tubes to measure a single weekly average personal NO2 exposure. In January and February 1985, NO2 in the homes of 593 children who had not moved in the last 4 years was measured for 1 week. Personal exposure was also estimated from time budgets and room monitoring. Estimated and measured exposures to NO2 are given in Table 56. Table 56. Estimated and measured personal NO2 exposure (µg/m3) for a single weekly average (from: Houthuijs et al., 1987) NO2 Source Estimated Measured Number Arithmetic Standard Arithmetic Standard mean deviation mean deviation No geyser 370 22 7 22 9 Vented geyser 112 29 9 31 12 Unvented geyser 111 40 9 42 11 Three health measures were obtained from the questionnaire, a modified form of the WHO questionnaire. The different items were combined to create three categories: cough, wheeze and asthma. Asthma was defined as attacks of shortness of breath with wheezing in the past year. The presence of any of the three symptoms was used as a combination variable. The results are presented in Table 57. A logistic regression model was used to fit the combination variable. Exposure was estimated by fitting a log-normal distribution to the grouped data, and the mean exposure values for each group were estimated by a maximum likelihood technique (Hasselblad et al., 1980). The estimated logistic regression coefficient was œ0.002, corresponding to an odds ratio of 0.94 for an increase of 28.3 µg/m3 (0.015 ppm) in NO2, with 95% confidence interval of 0.70 to 1.27. Thus, these studies did not demonstrate an increase in respiratory disease with increasing NO2 exposure, but the range of uncertainty is quite large and the rates were not adjusted for covariates such as parental smoking and age of the child. One potential explanation offered by the authors for the negative findings with respect to NO2 exposure was the smaller sample size of the measured NO2 data compared to the categorical data (i.e., gas stove versus electric stove use). They could not estimate whether more precision was gained by use of measured NO2 than was lost by the reduction in the sample size. Houthuijs et al. (1987) reported earlier that the presence of an unvented geyser in the kitchen is associated with a higher prevalence of respiratory symptoms and that the NO2 difference between no geyser present and an unvented geyser is about 0.01 ppm. Ohio State University Study (USA) Mitchell et al. (1975) and Keller et al. (1979a) conducted a 12-month study of respiratory illness and pulmonary function in families in Columbus, Ohio, prior to 1978. The sample included 441 families divided into two groups using either gas or electric cooking. Participating households were given diaries to record respiratory illnesses for 2-week periods. Respiratory illnesses included colds, sore throat, hoarseness, earache, phlegm and cough. Only one incident of illness per person per 2-week period was recorded. The study measured NO2 exposure, by both the Jacobs-Hochheiser and continuous chemiluminescence methods. The electric stove users averaged 38 µg/m3 (0.02 ppm) NO2 exposure, whereas the gas stove users averaged 94 µg/m3 (0.05 ppm). The report did not indicate which rooms were measured in order to obtain this average. No differences were found in any of the illness rates for fathers, mothers or children. No analyses were carried out using multiple logistic regression or Poisson regression (these methods were relatively new at the time). No estimates were made that can be considered comparable to the odds ratios reported in the other studies. However, the authors did show a bar graph of all respiratory illness for children under 12. The rates were 389 (per 100 person- years) for electric stove use and 377 for gas stove use. These rates were not significantly different even after adjustment for covariates, including family size, age, gender, length of residence and father's education. No mention was made of adjustments for smoking status or smoking exposure for the children. In a second, related study (Keller et al., 1979b), 580 people drawn from households that participated in the earlier study were examined to confirm the reports and to determine the frequency distribution of reported symptoms among parents and children in gas or electric cooking homes. A nurse-epidemiologist examined selected subjects who reported ill and obtained throat cultures. The percentage of children having respiratory illnesses in homes with a gas stove was 85.1% (n = 87) versus 88.8% (n = 89) in homes with electric stoves. The unadjusted proportions permit the calculation of an estimated odds ratio of 0.71 with 95% confidence interval of 0.30 to 1.74. Unfortunately the adjusted rates were not reported. Neas et al. (1991) commented that Keller's model controls for a series of variables that specify the child's prior illness history and that if chronic exposure to NO2 is a risk factor for prior illnesses, controlling for the child's illness history would substantially reduce the estimated effect of current NO2 exposure. University of Dundee (United Kingdom) Ogston et al. (1985) studied infant mortality and morbidity in the Tayside region of northern Scotland. The subjects were 1565 infants born to mothers who were living in Tayside in 1980. Episodes of respiratory illness were recorded during the first year of life. The information was supplemented by observations made by a health visitor and scrutinized by a paediatrician who checked diagnostic criteria and validity. One health end-point assessed was defined as the presence of any respiratory disease during the year. The use of gas cooking fuel was associated with increase respiratory illness (odds ratio = 1.14, 95% confidence interval 0.86 to 1.50) after adjustment for parental smoking, mother's age and type of home heating (Table 58). The study did not give measured NO2 exposure values, but referenced the other studies conducted elsewhere in the United Kingdom for exposure estimates. Harvard University - Chestnut Ridge Study (USA) Schenker et al. (1983) reported a large respiratory disease study of 4071 children aged 5 to 14 in the Chestnut Ridge region of western Pennsylvania. The region is predominately rural, with numerous underground coal mines and four large coal-fired electricity- generating plants in the area. A standardized children's questionnaire (Ferris, 1978) was sent to parents of all children in grades 1 to 6 in targeted schools. An SES scale derived from the parent's occupation and education was divided into quintiles to provide SES strata. Important confounding factors considered in the analysis were gender, SES and maternal smoking. In the multiple logistic model, no significant association was found between gas stove use and any of the respiratory or illness variables after adjusting for SES. No odds ratios or other numerical data were reported. Table 57. Frequency and prevalence of reported respiratory symptoms with respect to different categories of mean indoor NO2 concentrations in a population of 775 children aged 6 to 12 old (from: Dijkstra et al., 1990) Frequency and prevalence in category of indoor NO2 Symptom 0-20 µg/m3 21-40 µg/m3 41-60 µg/m3 > 60 µg/m3 (n = 336) (n = 267) (n = 93) (n = 79) Cough 16 4.8% 12 4.5% 7 7.5% 3 3.8% Wheeze 30 8.9% 18 6.7% 3 3.2% 7 8.9% Asthma 22 6.6% 12 4.5% 2 2.2% 3 3.8% One or more symptoms 36 10.7% 24 9.0% 8 8.6% 8 10.1% Table 58. Regression coefficients for multiple logistic analyses of respiratory illness in Tayside children (from: Ogston et al., 1985) Factor Regression Odds ratio 95% Confidence coefficient limits Parental smoking 0.429 1.54 Age of mother -0.094 not available (in 5-year groups) Presence of gas stove 0.130 1.14 0.86, 1.50 University of New Mexico Study (USA) Samet et al. (1993) conducted a prospective cohort study between January 1988 and June 1990 to test the hypothesis that exposure to NO2 increases the incidence and severity of respiratory illness during the first 18 months of life. A total of 1315 infants were enrolled into the study at birth in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The subjects were healthy infants from homes without smokers and who spent less than 20 h/week in day care. Illness experience was monitored by a daily diary of symptoms completed by the mother and a telephone interview conducted every two weeks. For a sample of the ill children, a nurse practitioner made a home visit to conduct a standardized history and physical assessment. Exposure to NO2 was estimated by a 2-week average concentration measured in the subjects' bedrooms with passive samplers. Estimates of exposure based on bedroom concentration were tightly correlated with estimates of exposures calculated as time-weighted averages of the concentrations in the kitchen, bedroom and activity room. The authors defined illness events as the occurrence on at least two consecutive days of any of the following: runny or stuffy nose, wet cough, dry cough, wheezing or trouble with breathing. Wheezing was defined as a high-pitched musical sound audible during breathing, and trouble with breathing as the parent's perception of rapid or laboured breathing. Illness events ended with two consecutive symptom-free days. The analysis was limited to the 1205 subjects completing at least 1 month of observation; of these, 823 completed the full protocol. Multivariate methods were used to control for potential confounding factors and to test for effect modification. In analyses of determinants of incident illnesses, the outcome variable was the occurrence of illness during 2-week intervals of days at risk. The independent variables considered in the multivariate analyses included the fixed factors of birth order, gender, ethnicity, parental asthma and atopic status, household income, and maternal education. Other variables considered were the temporally varying factors of age, calendar month, day-care attendance and breast-feeding. Potential confounding and effect modification by cigarette smoking was controlled by excluding subjects from households with smokers. Lambert et al. (1993) reported that in this prospective cohort study during the winter, bedroom concentrations in homes with gas stoves averaged 0.021 ppm (SD = 0.022 ppm). In bedrooms of homes with electric stoves, concentrations averaged 0.007 ppm (SD = 0.006 ppm). Approximately 77% of the bedroom NO2 observations were less than 0.02 ppm; only 5% were greater than 0.04 ppm. The 90th percentile of the weekly measured concentrations was 0.05 ppm NO2 in bedrooms. Samet et al. (1993) performed the analysis using the generalized estimated equations described by Zeger & Liang (1986). This takes into account the correlation structure when estimating regression coefficients and their standard errors. The multivariate models examined the effects of the unlagged NO2 exposures, lagged NO2 exposures and stove type (Table 59). None of the odds ratios was significantly different from unity, the value for the reference category of 0 to 0.02 ppm. Additionally, the odds ratios did not tend to increase consistently from the middle category of exposure to the highest category. Furthermore, exposure to NO2 and the durations of the four illness categories were not associated. The authors added NO2 exposure to the model as a continuous variable, while controlling for the same covariates included in Table 59. For each of the five illness variables, the estimated multiplier of the odds ratio per 0.001 ppm increment of NO2 was 0.999, with confidence limits extending from approximately 0.995 to 1.002. University of Basel Study (Switzerland) Braun-Fahrlaender et al. (1989, 1992) and Rutishauser et al. (1990a,b) studied the incidence and duration of common airway symptoms in children up to 5 years old over a 1-year period in a rural, a suburban and two urban areas of Switzerland. Parents were asked to record daily their child's respiratory symptoms (from a list) over a 6-week period. Additionally, covariates, including family size, parental education, living conditions, health status of the child, parents' respiratory health, and smoking habits of the family, were assessed by questionnaire. During the same 6-week period NO2 was measured weekly using Palmes tubes, both inside and outside the home of the participants. Meteorological data were obtained from local monitoring stations, but additional air quality data from fixed monitoring sites were only available for the two urban study areas. NO2 concentrations inside the home were on average lower than in the outside air (Fig. 24). Indoor levels for Basel, Zurich, Wetzikon and Rufzerfeld were 33.8, 28.4, 20.5 and 11.2 µg/m3 (0.018, 0.015, 0.011 and 0.006 ppm), respectively. The indoor NO2 concentration depended to some extent on the concentration of the outside air. The analysis was restricted to 1063 Swiss nationals (from a total of 1225 participating families). For all four study areas, regional mean incidence rates of upper respiratory illness, cough, breathing difficulties and total respiratory illness, adjusted for individual covariates and weather data, were regressed (using Poisson regression) against regional differences in annual mean NO2 concentrations. All the relative risks were computed for a 20-µg/m3 (0.011-ppm) increase in pollution concentration. The NO2 concentration measured by indoor passive sampler was associated with the duration of any episode (relative duration of 1.16, 95% confidence interval of 1.12 to 1.21), upper respiratory episodes (relative duration of 1.18, 95% confidence interval of 1.01 to 1.38), and coughing episodes (relative duration of 1.15, 95% confidence interval of 1.03 to 1.29). A discussion of associations with outdoor levels is presented in section 7.3.2. Table 59. Odds ratiosa for effect of nitrogen dioxide exposure on incidence of respiratory illness (from: Samet et al., 1993) NO2 exposure All illnesses All lower Lower, with Lower, with wet cough wheezing Odds ratio 95% CIb Odds ratio 95% CIb Odds ratio 95% CIb Odds ratio 95% CIb Unlaggedc 1.04 0.96-1.12 0.98 0.89-1.09 1.00 0.89-1.12 0.92 0.73-1.15 0.02-0.06 ppm 0.94 0.81-1.08 0.93 0.76-1.13 0.94 0.77-1.16 0.88 0.56-1.37 > 0.04 ppm Laggedc 1.01 0.93-1.10 0.97 0.87-1.08 0.97 0.87-1.09 0.95 0.75-1.19 0.02-0.06 ppm 0.92 0.77-1.10 0.91 0.72-1.15 0.89 0.68-1.16 0.98 0.66-1.48 > 0.04 ppm Gas Stoved 0.98 0.90-1.07 0.91 0.81-1.04 0.94 0.82-1.07 0.84 0.64-1.09 a Obtained by generalized estimating equation method. Adjusted for season, age, gender, ethnicity, birth order, day care, income, maternal education, breast feeding, parental atopy and asthma, and maternal history of respiratory symptoms. b CI = Confidence interval c Reference category is 0-0.02 ppm NO2 d Reference category is electric stove Yale University Study (USA) Berwick et al. (1984, 1987, 1989), Leaderer et al. (1986) and Berwick (1987) reported on a 12-week study (six 2-week time periods) of lower and upper respiratory symptoms in 159 women and 121 children (aged 12 or less) living in Connecticut. Levels of NO2 were measured in 91% of the homes, 57 of which had kerosene heaters and 62 of which did not. Ambient NO2 levels ranged from 9 to 19 µg/m3 (0.005 to 0.01 ppm) for the six 2-week time periods. Two-week average indoor NO2 levels in homes of monitored children were highest for homes with kerosene heaters and gas stoves (91 µg/m3, 0.05 ppm; n = 8), second highest for kerosene only (36 µg/m3, 0.02 ppm; n = 45), third highest for gas stoves only (32 µg/m3, 0.02 ppm; n = 13), and lowest for no sources (6 µg/m3, 0.003 ppm; n = 43). Indoor levels did not fluctuate greatly over time, as indicated by the 2-week averages. A comparison of personal NO2 exposures, as measured by Palmes diffusion tubes, and NO2 exposures measured in residences had a correlation of 0.94 for a subsample of 23 individuals. Results of this comparison show an excellent correlation between average household exposure and measured personal exposure (see section 3.6 and Fig. 13). The study defined lower respiratory illness as the presence of at least two of the following: fever, chest pain, productive cough, wheeze, chest cold, physician-diagnosed bronchitis, physician- diagnosed pneumonia and asthma. Information on many potential covariates (e.g., SES, age, gender and exposure to environmental tobacco smoke) was obtained. The covariates having the largest effect were age of child, family SES and history of respiratory illness, as shown by multiple logistic analysis. When controlling for SES and history of respiratory illness, children under 7 years of age exposed to 30 µg NO2/m3 (0.016 ppm) or more were found to have a risk of lower respiratory symptoms 2.25 times higher than that of unexposed children (95% confidence limits of 1.69 and 4.79). Older children and adults showed no increased risk. Although the Berwick study had relatively extensive information on exposure, several problems are evident. Unvented kerosene space-heaters also release volatile organic compounds and combustion particles. The 4-year age-specific relative risks for lower respiratory disease are very variable, and it is not clear why these 3-year strata were collapsed into 2 strata at 7 years of age. The analyses may be sensitive to the adjustment for SES, which can be correlated with exposure. This is less of a problem in studies with larger sample sizes (e.g., Melia et al. 1977, 1979), but may be critical in the Berwick study. Furthermore, Neas et al. (1991) noted that the Berwick study controlled for prior illnesses, as did the Keller study, which would reduce the estimated effect of current NO2 exposure. Freiburg University Study (Germany) Kuehr et al. (1991) conducted a cross-sectional study on the prevalence of asthma in childhood in relation to NO2 levels in the city of Freiburg and two Black Forest communities. A study group of 704 children (with 41 asthmatic) aged 7 to 16 years took part in a standardized interview and medical examination. Indoor and outdoor exposure information was taken into account. Passive smoking exposures were assessed. Stoves used as heating devices carried a 4.8-fold relative risk for asthma compared to other types of heating (95% CI 1.95-11.8). McGill University Study (Canada) In a case-control study carried out in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, between 1988 and 1990, NO2 levels measured by passive NO2 monitoring badge were studied in relation to the incidence of asthma among 3- and 4-year-old children (Infante-Rivard, 1993). Multivariate unconditional logistic regression was carried out for the 140 subjects who had NO2 measurements; the analysis included NO2 and the variables retained in the final conditional model that includes SES and parental smoking. The author reported an increase in asthma incidence associated with NO2 exposure levels. However, the Task Group noted the exceptionally large effect estimates given the exposure levels. Health and Welfare Canada Study (Canada) Dekker et al. (1991) studied asthma and wheezing syndromes as part of a questionnaire-based study of 17 962 Canadian school children. The questionnaire was developed from the 1978 American Thoracic Society questionnaire, which was the same as that used in the Harvard Six Cities Study. For analysis, the sample was restricted to children aged 5 to 8 years and excluded those children with cystic fibrosis as well as those living in mobile homes, tents, vans, trailers and boats. The authors calculated odds ratios adjusted for age, race, gender, parental education, gender of the respondent, region of residence, crowding, dampness and environmental tobacco smoke. The adjusted odds ratio of asthma as a function of gas cooking was 1.95 with 95% confidence limits of 1.41 and 2.68. The adjusted odds ratio of wheezing as a function of gas cooking was 1.04 with 95% confidence limits of 0.77 and 1.42. The authors noted that this finding needed to be treated with caution, however, because of the few subjects with asthma in the study who were exposed to gas cooking (n = 60). University of North Carolina Study (USA) Margolis et al. (1992) studied the prevalence of persistent respiratory symptoms in 393 infants of different SES by analysing data from a community-based cohort study of respiratory illness in the first year of life in central North Carolina between 1986 and 1988. Infants were limited to those weighing more than 2000 g and who did not require neonatal care outside the normal newborn nursery. Of those eligible, 47% were enrolled and, of these, 77% completed the study and were included in the analysis. Compared with the 1241 infants from families refusing enrolment, the 1091 eligible study infants were more likely to be of high SES and were more often black. Study infants were less likely to have mothers who smoked. The presence of persistent respiratory symptoms was measured at the 12-month home interview using an American Thoracic Society children questionnaire (modified for infants) for studies of respiratory illness. Infants who were reported to "usually cough" or "occasionally wheeze" were classified as having persistent respiratory symptoms. Of the 393 infants that Margolis et al. (1992) included in their study, approximately 41 lived in homes with gas cooking. The relative risk of persistent respiratory symptoms among infants exposed to gas cooking unadjusted for any covariates was 1.12 (95% confidence interval of 0.63 to 2.04). University of Tucson Study (USA) The study by Dodge (1982) was based on a cohort of 676 children in the third and fourth grades (about 90% aged 8-10 years) of schools in three Arizona communities. Gas cooking stoves were associated with increased symptoms: asthma odds ratio = 1.47, wheeze odds ratio = 1.24, sputum odds ratio = 2.28, and cough odds ratio = 2.21. However, only 79 children (19%) had electric heat, so the numbers were small and only cough was significant at the 0.05 level. After controlling for height and age, gas stoves were not associated with a decline in the growth of FEV1. Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society Study (Hong Kong) In 1985, 362 primary school children (age 7-13 years) were included in a study of NO2 exposure and respiratory illness in Hong Kong (Koo et al., 1990). Exposures to NO2 were estimated by use of personal badge monitors, worn for a single period of 24 h, and supplemented by monitors placed in classrooms. NO2 exposures were estimated in the same manner for the mothers of the study children. Mothers and children completed respiratory illness questionnaires. No association was found between respiratory symptoms and NO2 exposures for children (mean 19 ppb). Among the mothers (mean exposure 19 ppb) allergic rhinitis and chronic cough were associated with NO2. Recent studies This section includes studies that have reported preliminary results only or have appeared recently in the scientific literature. Spengler et al. (1993) reported results for evaluation of more than 15 000 schoolchildren in various sites in the USA and Canada, but found no statistically significant increases in respiratory symptoms to be associated with use of gas heaters or cookers. Goren et al. (1993) reported no association between gas heating and respiratory health effects among 8000 schoolchildren in Israel. Preliminary results reported by Peat et al. (1990) indicated no relationship between relatively high NO2 in Australian homes with gas use in Sydney and respiratory symptoms or bronchial hyper- responsiveness. Pilotto (1994) reported a prospective study of health effects of unflued gas heater emissions on 425 Australian schoolchildren aged 6-11 years. Short-term indoor monitoring by means of passive diffusion badge monitors placed in classrooms or worn at home was carried out to determine daily 6-h averages. Children exposed to a level of 0.08 ppm or more, compared with a background level of 0.02 ppm, had increased rates of respiratory illnesses and school absences. 7.3.2 Outdoor studies Several studies have examined the relationship of estimated ambient NO2 levels to respiratory health outcome measures, including various respiratory symptomatologies. Those that provide a quantitative estimate of effect are indicated in Table 60. Table 60. Effects of outdoor NO2 exposure on respiratory disease Study Health end-point NO2 levels (ppm)/period Odds ratio or 95% CI estimate Dockery et al. (1989b) Bronchitis 0.007-0.023 annual average 1.7 0.5 to 5.5 Chronic cough 1.6 0.3 to 10.5 Chest illness 1.2 0.3 to 4.8 Wheeze 0.8 0.4 to 1.6 Asthma 0.6 0.3 to 0.9 Braun-Fahrlaender et al. (1992) Duration of respiratory Change of 0.011 6-week 1.11 1.07 to 1.16 episodes average Schwartz et al. (1991) Croup 0.005-0.037 daily 1.28 1.07 to 1.54 Jaakkola et al. (1991) Upper respiratory Contrasted polluted versus 1.6 1.1 to 2.1 infection less polluted areas by comparison of annual levels Harvard University - Six City Studies (USA) As part of the US Six City Studies, Dockery et al. (1989b) obtained respiratory illness and symptom data from questionnaires distributed from September 1980 to April 1981. Indoor air aspects of this study (Dockery et al., 1989a) were described in the section on indoor studies. The questionnaires obtained information on bronchitis, cough, chest illness, wheeze and asthma. A centrally located air monitoring station was established in 1974 where ambient sulfur dioxide, NO2, ozone, total suspended particulate matter and meteorological variables were measured. The authors used multiple logistic regression analysis in order to adjust for covariates of gender, age, maternal smoking, gas stove use and separate intercepts for each city. Although the strongest associations were found between respiratory symptoms and particulate matter, there were increased odds ratios of respiratory symptoms with ambient NO2. These were not statistically significant, but the direction for bronchitis, chronic cough and chest illness was consistent with the studies of indoor exposure. The odds ratios for various health end-points for an increase in NO2 from the lowest-exposure city to the highest-exposure city 12 to 43 µg/m3 (0.0065 to 0.0226 ppm) are shown in Table 60. University of Basel Study (Switzerland) Braun-Fahrlaender et al. (1992) studied the incidence and duration of common airway symptoms in children up to 5 years old. This study, also discussed in section, was conducted over a 1-year period in a rural, a suburban and two urban areas of Switzerland. Parents were asked to record their child's respiratory symptoms (from a list) daily over a 6-week period. Additionally, covariates including family size, parental education, living conditions, health status of the child, parents' respiratory health and smoking habits of the family were assessed by questionnaire. Weekly NO2 measurements were made during the same 6-week period using Palmes tubes, both inside and outside the home of the participants. Meteorological data were obtained from local monitoring stations, but additional air quality data from fixed monitoring sites were only available for the two urban study areas. The analysis was restricted to 1063 Swiss nationals (from a total of 1225 participating families). For all four study areas, regional mean incidence rates of upper respiratory illness, cough, breathing difficulties and total respiratory illness, adjusted for individual covariates and weather data, were regressed (using Poisson regression) against regional differences in annual mean NO2 concentrations. There was no association between long-term differences in NO2 levels by region and mean annual rates of respiratory incidence. The adjusted annual mean symptom duration by region and the corresponding NO2 levels (measured by passive samplers) are shown in Table 61. A second-stage regression of the adjusted natural logarithm of regional mean duration on NO2 levels yields significant associations between outdoor NO2 levels and the average duration of any respiratory episode (relative duration of 1.11, 95% confidence interval of 1.07 to 1.16) and upper respiratory episodes (relative duration of 1.14, 95% confidence interval of 1.03 to 1.25). A positive trend for the duration of coughing episodes was also seen (relative duration of 1.09, 95% confidence interval of 0.97 to 1.22). No association was seen with the duration of breathing difficulties. All the relative risks are computed for a 20-µg/m3 (0.011-ppm) increase in pollution concentration. In the suburban and rural areas, NO2 was the only air pollutant measured. Correlation between outdoor passive NO2 sampler and total suspended particulate (TSP) measurements in the two urban study areas was quite high (0.52). The high correlation between NO2 and TSP suggests that this NO2 association may reflect confounding with TSP. The lack of TSP data for the other two regions precludes eliminating TSP as a possible confounder in this analysis. But the consistency of the NO2 findings are evident and, although the association with symptom duration in Zurich and Basel may well be due to confounding with TSP, the cross-sectional association across the four regions supports a possible NO2 role. University of Wuppertal Studies (Germany) Schwartz et al. (1991) evaluated respiratory illness in five German communities. Children's hospitals, paediatric departments of general hospitals, and paediatricians reported daily the numbers of cases of croup. A diagnosis of croup was based on symptoms of hoarseness and barking cough, inspiratory stridor, dyspnoea, and a sudden onset. The counts were modelled using Poisson regression with adjustments for weather, season, temperature, humidity and autoregressive errors. Statistically significant effects of both ambient particulate matter and NO2 were found on the counts of respiratory illnesses. A relationship between short-term fluctuations in air pollution and short-term fluctuations in medical visits for croup symptoms was found in this study. The estimated relative risk was 1.28 with 95% confidence limits of 1.07 and 1.54 for an increase from 10 to 70 µg NO2/m3 (0.005 to 0.037 ppm). University of Tubigen (Germany) Rebmann et al. (1991) studied 875 cases of croup in Baden- Württemberg in relation to ambient NO2 levels over a 2-year period. Monthly NO2 means varied from 23 to 78 µg/m3. Statistical regression methods indicated weak but statistically significant influences of the daily ambient NO2 mean on the occurrence of croup. Table 61. Adjusted annual symptom duration (days) and NO2 levels in four regions of Switzerland (from: Braun-Fahrlaender et al., 1992) Region Any symptom URI durationa Cough Breathing difficulty Indoor NO2 Outdoor NO2 duration duration duration concentration concentration (ppm) (ppm) Basel 4.50 1.99 2.32 1.55 0.0166 0.0272 Zurich 4.21 1.85 2.01 1.72 0.0118 0.0248 Wetzikon 4.00 1.62 2.10 3.47 0.0103 0.0173 Rafzerfeld 3.88 1.72 2.02 1.25 0.0059 0.0133 a URI = Upper respiratory illness Harvard University - Chestnut Ridge Study (USA) In the autumn of 1980, Vedal et al. (1987) conducted a panel study on 351 children selected from the 1979 Chestnut Ridge study. Parents and children were instructed at the beginning of the school year in completing daily diaries of respiratory symptoms. Lower respiratory illness was defined as wheeze, pain on breathing, or phlegm production. Of the 351 subjects selected for the 8 month of follow-up, 128 participated in the completion of diaries. Three subgroups were established: one without respiratory symptoms, one with symptoms of persistent wheeze, and one with cough or phlegm production but without persistent wheeze. Maximum hourly NO2 levels, measured at a single monitoring site in the study region, for each 24-h period were used to reflect the daily pollutant level. During September 1980 to April 1981, the mean NO2 maximum daily level was 40.5 µg/m3 (0.021 ppm) with a range of 12 to 79 µg/m3 (0.006 to 0.042 ppm). Regression models could not be fit for asymptomatic subjects; thus 55 subjects were included in the analysis of lower respiratory illness, but NO2 levels were not predictive of any symptom outcome. University of Helsinki Studies (Finland) Jaakkola et al. (1991) studied the effects of low-level air pollution in three cities by comparing the frequency of upper respiratory infections over a 12-month period in 1982 as reported by parents of children aged 14 to 18 months (n = 679) and 6 years (n = 759). Pollutants studied included ambient levels of NO2, the annual mean of which was 15 µg/m3 (0.008 ppm). Other pollutants monitored were sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and particles. Passive smoking and SES were taken into account. The authors reported a significant association between the occurrence of upper respiratory infections and living in an air-polluted area for both age groups studied, both between and within cities. The adjusted odds ratio was 1.6 (95% confidence interval of 1.1 to 2.1) in the 6-year-old age group. The authors concluded that the combined effect of sulfur dioxide, particulates, NO2, hydrogen sulfide and other pollutants may be a contributing factor in the study results. Helsinki City Health Department Study (Finland) Pönkä (1991) studied effects of ambient air pollution and minimum temperature on the number of patients admitted to hospital for asthma attacks in Helsinki from 1987 to 1989. During the 3-year period, 4209 hospitalizations for asthma occurred. The temperature ranged from œ37 to +26°C, with a 3-year mean of 5°C, and the number of admissions increased during cold weather. After standardization for minimum temperature, the multiple-regression analysis indicated that NO2 and carbon monoxide levels were significantly related to asthma admission. The NO2 levels averaged 38.6 µg/m3 (0.02 ppm) for the 3-year period, ranging from 4.0 to 169.6 µg/m3 (0.002 to 0.09 ppm). During the period of high NO2 (mean 45.8 µg/m3, 0.024 ppm) levels, the mean number of all admissions was 29% greater than during the lower pollution period (28.1 µg/m3, 0.015 ppm). Indoor NO2 levels and cooking fuel use were not reported. Oulu University Study (Finland) The number of daily attendances for asthma at the emergency room of the Oulu University Central Hospital, Finland, was recorded for one year, along with daily measures of air pollutants at four points around the city (Rossi et al., 1993). Daily mean levels of NO2 ranged up to 69 µg/m3 (maxima 0-154 µg/m3). Asthma visits were reported to be significantly associated with NO2, SO2, H2S and TSP levels. After adjustment for daily temperature, only NO2 was significantly correlated with attendances. The association of NO2 and asthma attacks was stronger in winter months than during the summer. Seth GS Medical College Study (India) A survey of air pollution and health was carried out in Bombay, India, in 1978 (Kamat et al., 1980). The study included 4129 adults in three urban areas and one rural area. A single monthly mean NO2 level was reported for each study area - annual averages were 4 µg/m3 in the rural area, and 14-16 µg/m3 in the city. Winter levels in the city study were higher than at other times of the year (up to 40 µg/m3). It was reported that chronic cough with sputum, frequent colds and exertional dyspnoea were significantly associated with NO2 levels. These symptoms were also associated with atmospheric levels of SO2 and suspended particulate matter, and it was not possible to identify a separate influence of NO2 alone. 7.4 Pulmonary function studies Pulmonary function studies are part of any comprehensive investigation of the possible effects of any air pollutant. Measurements can be made in the field, they are non-invasive, and their reproducibility has been well documented. Age, height, gender and presence of respiratory symptoms are important determinants of lung function. Furthermore, changes in pulmonary function have been associated with exposure to tobacco smoke, particulate matter and other factors. The studies reviewed below evaluate pulmonary function changes in relation to indoor or outdoor NO2 exposures. Several of the respiratory disease studies described earlier also included information on pulmonary function. 7.4.1 Harvard University - Six City Studies (USA) Ware et al. (1984) described analysis of lung function values using multiple linear regression on the logarithm of the lung function measures. Covariates included sex, height, age, weight, smoking status of each parent, and educational attainment of the parents. Exposure to gas stoves was associated with reductions of 0.7% in mean FEV1 (forced expiratory volume in 1 second) and 0.6% in mean forced vital capacity (FVC) at the first examination (p < 0.01), and reductions of 0.3% at the second examination (not significant). The estimated effect of exposure to gas stoves was reduced by approximately 30% after adjustment for parental education. The authors stated that the adjustment for parental education may be an over-adjustment, and may partially represent gas stove use because of association between parental education and type of stove. Berkey et al. (1986) used the data from children seen at two to five annual visits to study factors affecting pulmonary function growth. Children whose mothers smoked one pack of cigarettes per day had FEV1 growth rates approximately 0.17% per year lower (p = 0.05). The same data provided no evidence for an effect of gas stove exposure on growth rate. Dockery et al. (1989b) obtained pulmonary function data during the 1980 and 1981 school year. Only TSP concentration was consistently associated with estimated lower levels of pulmonary function. There was little evidence for an association between lower pulmonary function levels and the annual mean concentration of NO2 or any other pollutant. Neas et al. (1991) also reported that indoor NO2 levels were not significantly associated with a deficit in children's pulmonary function levels in either of two examinations (FEV1 and FVC). 7.4.2 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Study (USA) Schwartz (1989) studied air pollution effects on lung function in children and youths aged 6 to 24 years. FVC, FEV1, and peak flow measurements taken as part of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey II (NHANES II) were examined after controlling for age, height, race, gender, body mass, cigarette smoking and respiratory symptoms. Air pollution measurements were taken from all population-oriented monitors in the US EPA database. Each person was assigned the average value of each air pollutant from the nearest monitor for the 365 days preceding the spirogram. Highly significant negative regression coefficients were found for three pollutants (TSP, NO2 and O3) with the three lung function measurements. For an increase of NO2 exposure of 28.3 µg/m3 (0.015 ppm), an estimated decrease of about 0.045 litres was seen in both FVC and FEV1. 7.4.3 Harvard University - Chestnut Ridge Study (USA) Vedal et al. (1987) conducted a panel study on 351 children selected from the 1979 Chestnut Ridge cross-sectional study of elementary school-aged children (mean age = 9.5 years). Peak expiratory flow (PEF) was measured daily in 144 children for 9 consecutive weeks and was regressed against daily maximum hourly ambient concentrations of NO2, SO2 and coefficient of haze. No air pollutant was strongly associated with PEF. All pollutant levels were relatively low; NO2 levels ranged from 12 to 79 µg/m3 (0.006 to 0.042 ppm). No indoor measurements were made, nor were any surrogates for indoor pollution included in the analysis. 7.4.4 Other pulmonary function studies Ekwo et al. (1983) obtained pulmonary function measurements from 89 children whose parents did not smoke and 94 children whose parents smoked, and reported no differences in lung function associated with gas stove use in a cohort of children 6 to 12 years of age. Dijkstra et al. (1990) examined pulmonary function in Dutch children; lung function was measured at the schools. There was a weak negative association between FEF25-75% (25 and 75% of FVC) and exposure to NO2. FEV1, PEF and FEF25-75% were all negatively associated with exposure to tobacco smoke. The authors concluded that the study failed to document clear associations between indoor exposure to NO2 and lung function changes in 6- to 12-year-old Dutch children. Lebowitz et al. (1985) studied a cluster sample of 117 middle- class households in Tucson, Arizona, USA. Symptom diaries and peak flows were obtained over a 2-year period. Outdoor sampling of O3, TSP, CO and NO2 was done in or near the clusters. Indoor sampling of O3, TSP, respirable suspended particles and CO was done in a subsample of the homes. Information such as the presence of a gas stove or smoking was also obtained. The presence of a gas stove was used as a surrogate for indoor NOx exposure. Children's peak flow was associated with gas stove use (p = 0.066) for an analysis excluding TSP. In adult asthmatics, gas stove use was significantly associated with peak flow decrements (p < 0.001). This was true across smoking groups, but the difference was greatest for smokers. Lung function studies were conducted in a prospective survey undertaken by Kamat et al. (1980) on 4129 subjects in three urban areas of Bombay and a rural control area during February to July, 1977. The survey revealed that the population in low polluted areas had higher lung function for FEF25-75% and PEF. Thus, there was suggestive evidence that the higher values obtained from lung function tests in rural subjects as compared to urban subjects could be due to increased levels of NO2. 7.5 Other exposure settings Certain recreational settings have been shown to result in NO2 exposures that greatly exceed the chronic, low-level exposures described in the previous epidemiological studies. 7.5.1 Skating rink exposures Hedberg et al. (1989) reported cough, shortness of breath, and other symptoms among players and spectators of two high school hockey games played at an indoor ice arena in Minnesota, USA. These symptoms were related to emissions from a malfunctioning engine of the ice resurfacer. Although the exact levels of NO2 were not known at the time of the hockey game, levels of 7500 µg/m3 (4 ppm) were detected 2 days later with the ventilation system working, suggesting that levels during the games were higher. Hedberg et al. (1989, 1990) reported that pulmonary function testing performed on members of one hockey team with a single exposure demonstrated no decrease in lung function parameters at either 10 days or 2 months after exposure. Dewailly et al. (1988) reported another incident at a skating rink in Quebec, Canada, in 1988 involving referees and employees with respiratory symptoms such as coughing, dyspnoea and a suffocating feeling. Five days after the incident, NO2 levels had come down to 5600 µg/m3 (3 ppm), suggesting much higher levels during the incident. In another skating rink study, Smith et al. (1992) reported the outcome of a questionnaire administered to all students from two high schools on 25 February, 1992, 3 days after 11 students participating in a Wisconsin indoor ice hockey tournament had been treated in emergency rooms for acute respiratory symptoms (i.e., cough, haemoptysis, chest pain and dyspnoea). The game had been attended by 131 students, 57 of whom reported symptoms. A simulation test on 24 February yielded NO2 levels of 2800 µg/m3 (1.5 ppm) in the air over the rink after use of the ice resurfacing machine. Higher levels may have been reached on the night of the game. Brauer & Spengler (1994) measured indoor air NO2 concentrations at 20 skating rinks (most of all the operating ones) in the New England area of the USA. Palmes tubes were used to measure NO2 over a 7-day sampling period at each rink, the samplers being placed on the main resurfacer used in the rink, at the score keepers' bench around a breathing height, at the opposite side of the rink