IPCS INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMME ON CHEMICAL SAFETY Health and Safety Guide No. 45 ACRYLAMIDE HEALTH AND SAFETY GUIDE UNITED NATIONS ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANISATION WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, GENEVA 1991 This is a companion volume to Environmental Health Criteria 49: Acrylamide Published by the World Health Organization for the International Programme on Chemical Safety (a collaborative programme of the United Nations Environment Programme, the International Labour Organisation, and the World Health Organization) This report contains the collective views of an international group of experts and does not necessarily represent the decisions or the stated policy of the United Nations Environment Programme, the International Labour Organisation, or the World Health Organization WHO Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Acrylamide : health and safety guide. (Health and safety guide ; no. 45) 1.Acrylamides - standards I.Series ISBN 92 4 151045 5 (LC Classification: QD 305.A7) ISSN 0259-7268 (c) World Health Organization 1991 Publications of the World Health Organization enjoy copyright protection in accordance with the provisions of Protocol 2 of the Universal Copyright Convention. For rights of reproduction or translation of WHO publications, in part or in toto, application should be made to the Office of Publications, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland. The World Health Organization welcomes such applications. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers' products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the World Health Organization in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1. PRODUCT IDENTITY AND USES 1.1. Identity 1.2. Physical and chemical properties 1.3. Analytical methods 1.3.1. Classical 1.3.2. Colorimetry 1.3.3. Gas chromatography 1.3.4. Ultraviolet detection 1.3.5. High-pressure liquid chromatography 1.3.6. Polarography 1.4. Production and uses 2. SUMMARY AND EVALUATION 2.1. Human exposure to acrylamide 2.2. Uptake, metabolism, and excretion 2.3. Effects on organisms in the environment 2.4. Effects on animals 2.5. Effects on human beings 3. CONCLUSIONS 4. HUMAN HEALTH HAZARDS, PREVENTION AND PROTECTION, EMERGENCY ACTION 4.1. Main human health hazards, prevention and protection, first aid 4.2. Advice to physicians 4.3. Health surveillance advice 4.4. Explosion and fire hazards 4.4.1. Explosion hazards 4.4.2. Fire hazards 4.4.3. Prevention 4.4.4. Fire-extinguishing agents 4.5. Storage 4.6. Transport 4.7. Spillage and disposal 4.7.1. Spillage 4.7.2. Disposal 5. HAZARDS FOR THE ENVIRONMENT AND THEIR PREVENTION 6. SUMMARY OF CHEMICAL SAFETY INFORMATION 7. CURRENT REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND STANDARDS 7.1. Exposure limit values 7.2. Specific restrictions 7.3. Labelling, packaging, and transport BIBLIOGRAPHY INTRODUCTION The Environmental Health Criteria (EHC) documents produced by the International Programme on Chemical Safety include an assessment of the effects on the environment and on human health of exposure to a chemical or combination of chemicals, or physical or biological agents. They also provide guidelines for setting exposure limits. The purpose of a Health and Safety Guide is to facilitate the application of these guidelines in national chemical safety programmes. The first three sections of a Health and Safety Guide highlight the relevant technical information in the corresponding EHC. Section 4 includes advice on preventive and protective measures and emergency action; health workers should be thoroughly familiar with the medical information to ensure that they can act efficiently in an emergency. Within the Guide is a Summary of Chemical Safety Information which should be readily available, and should be clearly explained, to all who could come into contact with the chemical. The section on regulatory information has been extracted from the legal file of the International Register of Potentially Toxic Chemicals (IRPTC) and from other United Nations sources. The target readership includes occupational health services, those in ministries, governmental agencies, industry, and trade unions who are involved in the safe use of chemicals and the avoidance of environmental health hazards, and those wanting more information on this topic. An attempt has been made to use only terms that will be familiar to the intended user. However, sections 1 and 2 inevitably contain some technical terms. A bibliography has been included for readers who require further background information. Revision of the information in this Guide will take place in due course, and the eventual aim is to use standardized terminology. Comments on any difficulties encountered in using the Guide would be very helpful and should be addressed to: The Manager International Programme on Chemical Safety Division of Environmental Health World Health Organization 1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland THE INFORMATION IN THIS GUIDE SHOULD BE CONSIDERED AS A STARTING POINT TO A COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH AND SAFETY PROGRAMME 1. PRODUCT IDENTITY AND USES 1.1 Identity Common name: acrylamide Chemical formula: C3H5N0 Chemical Structure: H H 0 H ' ' " ' C = C - C - N ' ' H H Relative molecular mass: 71.08 Common synonyms: 2-propenamide, acrylamide monomer, acrylic acid amide, acrylic amide, ethylene carboxamide, propenamide, propeneamide, propenoic acid amide. Abbreviations: None CAS Registry number:79-06-1 RTECS number: AS3325000 United Nations number: UN 2074; Class 6.1 Conversion factors: 1 ppm = 2.91 mg/m3 air, or 1 mg/m3 = 0.34 ppm at 25°C and 101.4 kPa (760 mm Hg) 1.2 Physical and Chemical Properties Acrylamide is a colourless to white odourless solid that are melts at 84-85°C. On crystallization from benzene, leaf- or flake-like crystals are formed. Heating results in polymerisation, which may be violent. Polymerisation prevents the determination of a boiling point at ambient pressures, but at 3.34 kPa (25 mm Hg) acrylamide boils at 125°C. Polymerisation also occurs with ultraviolet irradiation, and commercial solutions are stabilised with cuprous salts, tert- butylpyrocatechol or other antioxidants. The solid is stable if stored in a cool dry place. Dehydration of acrylamide by phosphorus pentoxide (P205) produces acrylonitrile: CH2CHC(O)NH2 - H20 --> CH2CHCN The solubility (g/100 ml solvent at 30°C) of acrylamide is as follows: water (215.5), methanol (155), ethanol (86.2), acetone (63.1), ethyl acetate (12.6). It is sparingly soluble in benzene (0.35) and heptane (0.0068). Commercially, acrylamide is available as a crystalline solid or as a 50% or 30% solution in water. The solid is typically 98% pure containing up to 0.8% water and 0.2% water-insoluble compounds. The nominal 50% solution contains 48%-52% acrylamide and an inhibitor (eg., 25 mg Cu++/kg). Trace components in either will depend on the method of synthesis and may include sulphates, acrylic acid and 1-100 mg acrylonitrile/kg. 1.3 Analytical Methods 1.3.1 Classical In the presence of sodium nitrite and acid (yielding nitrous acid in situ), acrylamide reacts to yield acrylic acid and nitrogen. This is the basis of a quantitative analytical method. 1.3.2 Colorimetry Acrylamide reacts with diazomethane in methanol-ether solution to form a pyrazoline derivative that reacts with 4-dimethylcinnamaldehyde to form a bright purple Schiff base complex. However, this reaction is not specific for acrylamide, and there can be interference by many other organic compounds. 1.3.3 Gas chromatography Acrylamide is brominated to give its 2,3-dibromopropionamide derivative which is measured by gas chromatography using an electron capture detector (ECD). It can also be measured by a flame ionization detector (FID) but this is less sensitive. 1.3.4 Ultraviolet detection Acrylamide or 2,3-dibromopropionamide are separated by means of high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) and measured by UV detection. This is a rapid and sensitive method. 1.3.5 High pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) Reverse phase HPLC can be used to determine the concentration of acrylamide or 2,3-dibromopropionamide. 1.3.6 Polarography Direct current and differential pulse polarography methods can be used to determine acrylamide levels in plastics, and in dust and airborne samples (collected in a water impinger). Differential pulse polarography is the more sensitive method. 1.4 Production and uses Acrylamide is produced commercially by the catalytic hydration of acrylonitrile. The most common catalysts are copper-based; other inorganic catalysts include manganese, rhodium and cobalt compounds and, recently, biocatalytic systems have been used for large-scale production. Prior to 1970, sulphuric acid was used for the hydration, and the acrylamide separated by neutralisation with ammonia. Other methods include the reaction of acryl chloride with ammonia in benzene, followed by filtration to remove ammonium chloride. The principal use of acrylamide is in the production of high relative molecular mass polyacrylamides or of copolymers, particularly with unsaturated quaternary ammonium compounds (cationic copolymers) or carboxylic or sulphonic acids (anionic copolymers). Polymers and copolymers are widely used: in effluent and sludge treatment as flocculants and coagulants, in crude oil recovery processes as viscosity modifiers, and in the paper industry as binders and for several other purposes. They are used as thickeners and binders in paints and coatings, in toiletries and cosmetics, as moisture-retaining additives to concrete, and as binding agents in foundry sand. They play various roles in textile processing and in the production of adhesives, tapes and gels, including gels used for electrophoresis. 2. SUMMARY AND EVALUATION 2.1 Human Exposure to Acrylamide Acrylamide is not known to occur naturally. When released into the air, acrylamide will be precipitated in solution, because of its high solubility, and will enter the surface water compartment. It is readily biodegraded in water. Persistence and accumulation of the monomer in the environment will not occur. The general public may be exposed to small amounts of monomer acrylamide, derived from polymeric acrylamide used in water treatment and in the treatment of effluents, prior to their discharge to surface waters. Concentrations of acrylamide in tap-water and river water, in areas where acrylamide polymers were used for these purposes, were less than 5 µg/litre. Polyacrylamides containing small amounts of monomer are used in food preparation, the washing or peeling of fruit and vegetables, the printing of gelatin capsules for pharmaceutical use, and in food packaging. These uses result in negligible exposure of the general population. Occupational exposure by inhalation is generally low. Acrylamide is readily absorbed through the skin and exposure by this route has probably accounted for the most severe cases of occupational poisoning. 2.2 Uptake, Metabolism and Excretion Acrylamide is readily absorbed by all routes, but toxicologically significant quantities are most likely to be absorbed unintentionally through the skin after splashing of the skin or clothing. Radiolabelled acrylamide, administered orally to rats at 10 mg/kg body weight, resulted in rapid uniform distribution of the radioactivity, which diminished biphasically with half-times of approximately 5 h and 8 days respectively. Some 70% of the label was recovered in the urine, but none from the expired air. The amount of the label detected in the faeces (6%), was less than that in the biliary excretion, indicating some enterohepatic circulation. Acrylamide binds to haemoglobin and reacts with nucleophilic groups. It reacts with glutathione to form the S-ß-propionamide glutathione conjugate, which is the degraded by normal routes to give cysteine and N-acetylcysteine derivatives of this conjugate. The urine also contains metabolites that do not contain sulphur. Radiolabelled acrylamide administered to Porton Strain rats had a shorter elimination half time of 1.9 h. 2.3 Effects on Organisms in the Environment Acrylamide is biodegradeable. The biological oxygen demand (BOD) is 54-75% of the theoretical value based on conversion to nitrogen and ammonia. LC50 values in fingerling rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) at 24, 48, 72 & 96 h were 300, 210, 170 and 162 mg acrylamide/litre, respectively. There were no clinical effects on swimming behaviour in goldfish (Carassius auratus) exposed to 50 mg acrylamide/litre for 30 days, but this concentration caused death in rainbow trout exposed for 15 days and there were other generalised toxic effects which impaired swimming behaviour. Though there were no behavioural effects at 25 mg/litre, enzyme studies revealed adverse hepatic effects in rainbow trout at this, and higher, concentrations. Metabolism studies indicate that acrylamide is rapidly absorbed and distributed within the bodies of trout, but that little biological concentration occurs (overall less than 1.65 on exposure to 0.71 mg/litre, although kidneys concentrated acrylamide four-fold). Excretion was biphasic and fairly rapid (half-time of the slow phase was 7.7 days, after a 72-h exposure to 0.71 mg/litre). Some LC50 values in aquatic organisms are: (i) water flea (Daphnia magna) (48-h exposure) 160 mg/litre; (ii) rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) (96-h exposure) 110 mg/litre; (iii) fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) (96-h exposure) 120 mg/litre; and (iv) bluegill (Lepomis macrochirua) (96-h exposure) 100 mg/l. 2.4 Effects on Animals Single doses of 100-200 mg acrylamide/kg body weight are lethal by most routes, in most species. A dermal LD50 in rats was 400 mg/kg body weight. Acute lethal doses in the monkey resulted in pathological changes in the lungs (congestion), liver (congestion, fatty degeneration and necrosis), and kidneys (congestion and both glomerular and tubular degeneration). Acrylamide is neurotoxic in a number of animal species. Central nervous system effects predominate in acute poisoning, whereas peripheral neuropathy occurs with repeated exposures. Sensation is usually affected before motor function. Repeated doses of 10-50 mg/kg body weight per day, by any route, in most experimental species, causes a neuropathy affecting principally the peripheral axons (both motor and sensory) and the visual system. In some cases, early effects may be reversible on cessation of dosing. In mice and rats, repeated doses cause testicular atrophy with degeneration of the germinal epithelium, but preservation of interstitial (Leydig) cells. In experimental animal studies, it has been reported that acrylamide crosses the placenta. Negative findings have been reported in studies investigating the ability of acrylamide to produce gene mutations in bacteria (Salmonella) and in insects ( Drosophila: sex-linked recessive lethal assay). Acrylamide consistently produced chromosome damage in a range of cell types in vitro, and there was evidence of gene mutation in mammalian cells (mouse lymphoma cell assay). The ability of acrylamide to produce chromosomal damage was also shown in bone marrow cells in vivo: there were positive findings in metaphase analysis for chromosome damage and for the presence of micronuclei. Evidence for in vivo effects on the chromosomes of male germ cells has also been obtained. There were positive results in cytogenetic studies on sperm cells and in dominant lethal assays. These effects appear to be heritable, since positive results were obtained in a heritable translocation assay, with effects (translocations) seen in the germ cells of offspring. These data indicate that acrylamide is an in vivo mutagen, capable of producing heritable effects in germ cells. In tests for potential as an initiator of carcinogenesis, acrylamide was administered orally three times a week for two weeks, to mice in amounts equivalent to cumulative doses of 75, 150 and 300 mg/kg body weight. It was also given to other groups by intreperitoneal injection, or by painting of the dorsal skin. Following these treatments, animals were treated by thrice-weekly skin applications of the promoter 12- o-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (1 µg in 0.2 ml acetone), for 20 weeks. Treatment-related increases in squamous-cell carcinomas were found with all routes of acrylamide administration, indicating that acrylamide is a potential initiator. Thrice-weekly administration to mice of acrylamide at 6.25, 12.5 or 25 mg/kg body weight (orally) and 1, 3, 10, 30 or 60 mg/kg body weight (intraperitoneally) from the age of 8 weeks to 16 weeks, resulted in dose-dependent increases in the frequency of adenomas of the lung. In a 2-year study in which acrylamide was administered in the drinking-water at 0, 0.01, 0.1, 0.5 or 2 mg/kg body weight per day, male rats developed adrenal phaeochromocytomas, mesotheliomas of the tunica of the testis, and follicular adenomas of the thyroid. Female rats had increased incidences of pituitary adenomas, thyroid follicular tumours, mammary tumours, oral papillomas, uterine adenocarcinomas, and clitoral gland tumours. There is sufficient evidence to classify acrylamide as an animal carcinogen. 2.5 Effects on Human Beings Acrylamide is moderately irritant on prolonged contact with the skin and is irritant to the eyes. An exfoliative, erythematous rash, particularly on the hands, can occur with chronic dermal exposure. Polyneuropathy (characterised particularly by distal weakness and paraesthesia, ataxia, impaired fine movements and, later, reduced muscle power) is the best-recognised toxic effect. Repeated dermal exposure has been the usual route of absorption. Control of exposure in the early stages results in remission of the symptoms: advanced symptoms may persist. Early signs of polyneuropathy may be erythema, sweating, and coldness and cyanosis of the hands and feet. Changes may occur in sensory nerve action potentials, vibration perception threshold, peripheral nerve conduction velocity, or in the electromyogram, before there are obvious symptomatic changes. Skin examinations and neurophysiological studies have been recommended for monitoring health effects. Neurotoxic effects can also follow ingestion. With toxic doses, these may include hallucinations and seizures and subsequent peripheral neuropathy. Ingestion can also result in gastrointestinal tract irritation and haemorrhage, hepatotoxicity, respiratory distress, and hypotension. These effects may be delayed. Acrylamide forms haemoglobin adducts and the determination of S-(2-carboxyethyl) cysteine in hydrolysed haemoglobin by gas chromatograph-mass spectrometry has been used, as a measurement of absorbed dose, in monitoring exposure. No epidemiological data are available to evaluate the carcinogenicity of acrylamide for human beings. On the basis of experimental animal data, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classifies acrylamide as "possibly carcinogenic to humans". 3. CONCLUSIONS Exposure of the general population to acrylamide is limited by: (a) the low monomer levels permitted in polyacrylamides and acrylamide co-polymers used for purposes where there may be direct or indirect human contact, and (b) the low levels in drinking water. Occupational exposure may occur in the manufacture and use of acrylamide and its polymers and repeated skin contact presents the greatest risk of poisoning. Proper working practices and hygiene measures, such as frequent laundering of work clothing and decontamination of surfaces with which body contact is possible, are important in preventing excessive exposure. Skin and eye irritation occur with acute exposures. Neurotoxicity is well described. Presymptomatic changes may be detectable in the electromyelogram (EMG) and nerve conduction velocity. The earliest clinical signs are trophic changes in the skin. Early local symptoms appear distally and include impaired fine movements and ataxia and there may be generalised tiredness. Sensory and power loss occur later. Early changes reverse rapidly on cessation of exposure. On the basis of experimental animal data, acrylamide is considered to be possibly carcinogenic for human beings. 4. HUMAN HEALTH HAZARDS, PREVENTION AND PROTECTION, EMERGENCY ACTION 4.1 Main Human Health Hazards, Prevention and Protection, First Aid Acrylamide vapour and solutions are irritating to the skin and eyes. Acrylamide is well absorbed through the skin, and can damage the liver and kidneys (see Summary of Chemical Safety Information, section 6). While neurotoxic symptoms are unlikely after single exposures, previous exposures to clinically subtoxic doses could result in symptoms, apparently related to a single major exposure. The onset of symptoms may be significantly delayed following exposure. 4.2 Advice to physicians Thorough and vigorous washing of the skin with water will minimize systemic absorption following skin contact. The absence of progressive changes in the EMG or nerve conduction velocity signifies that neuropathy is unlikely. Following ingestion, effects maybe delayed and it is important to keep the patient under observation. Gastric lavage, followed by supportive treatment should be applied. Supportive treatment may involve ventilatory support for respiratory distress, anticonvulsants, and pressor agents for hypotension. There is no specific antidote. 4.3 Health surveillance and advice Control of exposure by containment and good working and hygiene practices is most important. When monitoring the health of workers, skin inspection for trophic changes is inappropriate for exposure control, because it depends on the detection of an early disease state. Neurological examinations are inappropriate for the same reason. Skin inspection, neurophysiological studies, and clinical examinations are only indicated where: the best achievable engineering controls cannot comply with prescribed atmospheric exposure limits; exposure control is dependent on personal protective equipment; or these examinations are required by law or for other reasons unrelated to occupational health care. 4.4 Explosion and fire hazards 4.4.1 Explosion hazards Acrylamide vapour does not form explosive mixtures with air. Milled solid acrylamide could possibly form an explosive dust cloud. 4.4.2 Fire hazards Acrylamide is combustible in the solid form, but does not represent a fire hazard. However, acrylamide gives off toxic and irritant fumes when heated in a fire. Solutions heated in a fire may undergo spontaneous exothermic polymerisation, leading to vapourisation of water, and possible rupture of containers. Acrylamide decomposition products include ammonia, hydrogen and carbon monoxide. 4.4.3 Prevention Solid acrylamide should be handled in such a way that particles do not become airborne. Ensure that solutions are stabilized and properly stored. In a fire, keep drums and tanks cool using a water spray. 4.4.4 Fire extinguishing agents There is no special requirement. The type of fire-extinguishing agent will be dictated by other materials involved. 4.5 Storage Solid acrylamide should be stored in a cool, dry place in light-proof containers, or in the dark. Solutions are normally stablized (see section 1.2). Loss of dissolved oxygen, as by blanketing or purging with an inert gas, may impair stabilization by copper sulphate. Prevent contact with bases, oxidizing materials, initiators and reducing agents. 4.6 Transport In case of accident, stop engine. Remove all sources of ignition. Keep bystanders at a distance and divert other traffic. In case of spillage or fire, use methods advised in sections 4.4 and 4.7. Notify the police and fire brigade immediately. In case of symptoms, follow the advice in the Summary of Chemical Information (section 6). 4.7 Spillage and disposal 4.7.1 Spillage Wear rubber boots, an apron, chemical gauntlets and a combined dust/organic vapour respirator. If eye protection is not provided by a full-face mask, chemical goggles should be worn. (a) Solid acrylamide. Shovel spilled material into sealable containers. (b) Acrylamide solution. Minimize spread, dilute with an equal quantity of water to reduce reactivity, and absorb in earth, sand or other absorptive medium. Shovel the absorbent into sealable containers. Do not allow spilled material to dry out. Flush the area with copious amounts of water; prevent direct access of run-off to water courses. 4.7.2 Disposal Acrylamide should be handled with care, because of its toxicity. The advice given by the International Register of Toxic Chemicals is: "Treatment and disposal methods Recommendable Incineration (with provision for scrubbing of nitrogen oxides from flue gases) Hydrolysis Discharge to sewer Landfill." "Peer review Handle with care: highly toxic through cyanide effect. Potentially polymerized and then landfill. Dissolve or suspend in much water, and wash down sewer. Hydrolyse with hot sodium or calcium hydroxide solution (care ammonia released) and wash down sewer with copious amounts of water. (Peer review conclusions from an IRPTC Expert Consultation - May 1985)." 5. HAZARDS FOR THE ENVIRONMENT AND THEIR PREVENTION The emission of significant quantities of acrylamide into surface water could lead to oxygen depletion, because of biodegradation processes. The compound will not pose a significant hazard for aquatic or terrestrial life, except in the vicinity of sites of accidents or inappropriate disposal. Contamination of soil, water, and the atmosphere can be avoided by proper methods of storage, handling, transport, and waste disposal. 6. SUMMARY OF CHEMICAL SAFETY INFORMATION This summary should be easily available to all health workers concerned with, and users of, acrylamide. It should be displayed at, or near, entrances to areas where there is potential exposure to acrylamide, and on processing equipment and containers. The summary should be translated into the appropriate language(s). All persons potentially exposed to the chemicals should also have the instructions in the summary clearly explained. Space is available for insertion of the National Occupational Exposure Limit, the address and telephone number of the National Poison Control Centre, and for local trade names. ACRYLAMIDE (MONOMER) 2-propen(e)amide; acrylic (acid) amide; ethylene carboxamide; propenoic acid amide CH2=CH-C(=O)NH2 CAS registry no.79-06-1 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OTHER CHARACTERISTICS Relative molecular mass 71.08 Colourless, odourless solid with flake- or leaf-like Melting point (°C) 84.5 crystals on recrystallization from benzene or a 50% Boiling point (°C) aqueous solution; on heating or exposure to UV 3.33 kPa (25 mmHg) 125 radiation, polymerization occurs; solutions are at ambient pressure polymerizes stabilized with antioxidant, and acrylamide should be Water solubility at 30°C stored in a cool dark place in a light-proof container (g/litre) 215.5 Relative density (d 30/4) 1.122 Relative vapour density 2.47 Vapour pressure (Pa at 84.5°C) 213 (solid) (kPa at 125°C) 3.33 (solid) (kPa at 20°C) (50 & 30% solutions) 2 Flash-point None HAZARDS/SYMPTOMS PREVENTION AND PROTECTION FIRST AID SKIN: Vapour and solutions are Handle mechanically, where possible, Remove contaminated clothing immediately; irritant; acrylamide is readily in proper enclosures or cabinets wash contaminated skin thoroughly with absorbed through unbroken skin with exhaust ventilation; where clean running water while rubbing with appropriate, wear clean, impervious a clean cloth; continue for at gloves and apron to deflect least 10 minutes splashes; wear freshly laundered clothes; remove and wash them thoroughly after contamination EYES: Irritant and lacrimatory Ensure vapour concentrations are Irrigate eyes with potable water or below occupational exposure limits; sterile eye-wash solution for at wear chemical goggles, or face visor, least 15 minutes when handling solutions INGESTION AND SYSTEMIC Do not eat, drink, or smoke while Do not induce vomiting; obtain medical advice ABSORPTION BY OTHER handling chemicals, and use good ROUTES: Possibility of delayed work and personal hygiene practices peripheral neuropathy, liver, and kidney damage; acrylamide is considered to be a possible human carcinogen SPILLAGE STORAGE: FIRE AND EXPLOSION: SOLID: Wear rubber gloves and Store solids and stabilized Solid acrylamide is combustible boots; shovel material into a liquids in a cool, dark place, and dust explosions are possible; sealable container; wash in light-proof containers exothermic polymerization may occur contaminated area with copious on heating; in fires, keep containers amounts of water cool with water spray; fire-fighting media are dictated by the other materials SPILLAGE STORAGE: FIRE AND EXPLOSION: SOLUTIONS: Wear rubber gloves involved and boots; absorb spillage in earth or sand, and shovel into a sealable container; wash contaminated area with copious amounts of water; dispose of drummed material as hazardous chemical waste; notify authorities if acrylamide enters water-courses WASTE DISPOSAL LABELLING Incinerate or bury in an approved United Nations: 2074 landfill, or hydrolyse Class 6.1 A 7. CURRENT REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS The information given in this section has been extracted from the International Register of Potentially Toxic Chemicals (IRPTC) legal file. A full reference to the original national document from which the information was extracted can be obtained from IRPTC. When no effective date appears in the IRPTC legal file, the year of the reference from which the data are taken is indicated by (r). The reader should be aware that regulatory decisions about chemicals, taken in a certain country, can only be fully understood in the framework of the legislation of that country. Furthermore, the regulations and guidelines of all countries are subject to change and should always be verified with appropriate regulatory authorities before application. 7.1 Exposure Limit Values Some exposure limit values are given in the table on pages 28-31. 7.2 Specific Restrictions Maximum permitted acrylamide monomer content in polymers used for various purposes are specified in national regulations. Some of these are listed in the table of Exposure Limit Values on pages 28-31. 7.3 Labelling, Packaging and Transport For transport purposes, acrylamide is classified in United Nations Hazard Class 6.1 (poisonous substance) and Packing Group 111 (substance presenting minor danger). EXPOSURE LIMIT VALUES Medium Specification Country/ Exposure limit description Value Effective organization (mg/m3) date AIR Occupational Argentina Maximum permissible concentration (MPC) 1979 Time-weighted average (TWA) 0.3 Short-term exposure limit (STEL) 0.6 (skin absorption) Australia Threshold limit value (TLV) 1983 Time-weighted average (TWA) 0.3 (skin absorption) Belgium Tolerable limit value (TLV) 1988 Time-weighted average (TWA) 0.3 (skin absorption) Canada Threshold limit value (TLV) Time-weighted average (TWA) 0.3 1980 Short-term exposure limit (STEL) 0.6 Finland Maximum permissible concentration (MPC) 1988 Time-weighted average (TWA) 0.3 Short-term exposure limit (STEL) 0.6 Germany, Maximum worksite concentration (MAK) 1989 Federal (Carcinogenic material Group III AZ; no value Republic of proven in animal experiments: assigned skin absorption) Hungary Maximum allowable concentration (MAC) 1978 Time-weighted average (TWA) 0.3 Short-term exposure limit (STEL) 1.5 (30 min) Medium Specification Country/ Exposure limit description Value Effective organization (mg/m3) date AIR Occupational Italy Threshold limit value (TLV) 0.3 1985 (skin absorption) Japan Maximum allowable concentration (MAC) 1987 Time-weighted average (TWA) 0.3 (skin absorption) Netherlands Maximum limit (MXL) 1989 Time-weighted average (TWA) 0.3 (skin absorption) Romania Maximum permissible concentration (MPC) 1983 Time-weighted average (TWA) 0.3 Ceiling value 0.5 Sweden Hygienic limit value (HLV) 1988 Time-weighted average (TWA) 0.3 Short-term exposure limit (STEL) 0.9 (STEL = 15-min TWA) (skin absorption) Switzerland Maximum worksite concentration (MAK) 1987 Time-weighted average (TWA) 0.3 (Carcinogen: skin absorption) United Guidance limit 1989 Kingdom Time-weighted average (TWA) 0.3 Short-term exposure limit (STEL) 0.6 (STEL = 10-min TWA) (skin absorption) Proposed change to Maximum Exposure Limit (MEL) of 0.3 mg/m3 (8-h TWA) in 1990 Medium Specification Country/ Exposure limit description Value Effective organization (mg/m3) date AIR Occupational USA Permitted exposure limit (PEL) 0.3 1987 (NIOSH/ Time-weighted average (TWA) 0.3 OSHA) USA Threshold limit value (TLV) (ACGIH) Time-weighted average (TWA) 0.3 1989 (skin absorption) (suspected human carcinogen) USSR Maximum allowable concentration (MAC) 1985 Ceiling value (vapour) 0.2 Yugoslavia Maximum allowable concentration (MAC) 1971 Time-weighted average (TWA) 0.3 (skin absorption) SURFACE Environmental USSR Maximum allowable concentration (MAC) 10 1983 WATER (0.01 mg/litre) STEAM Food contact USA Maximum permissible concentration (MPC) 0.05% 1981 (acrylamide of acrylamide-sodium acrylate resin used sodium acrylate as a boiler-water additive in the preparation resin) of steam that will contact food POLY- Food contact USA Maximum permissible concentration (MPC) 0.2% 1983 ACRYLAMIDE in polyacrylamide used to wash, or in lye - SOLUTIONS peeling of, fruits and vegetables POLY- Food additive USA Maximum permissible concentration (MPC) 0.05%-0.2% 1983 ACRYLAMIDE (various applications) BIBLIOGRAPHY ACGIH (1986) Documentation of the threshold limit values and biological exposure indices, Cincinnati, American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. CLAYTON, G.D. & CLAYTON, F.E. (1981) Patty's Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology, Vol. 2A, New York, Wiley - Interscience, John Wiley & Sons. GOSSELIN, R.E., HODGE H.C., SMITH, R.P. & GLEASON, M.N. (1976) Clinical toxicology of commercial products, 5th ed., Baltimore, Maryland, Williams and Wilkins Company. HANDLING CHEMICALS SAFELY (1980) Handling chemicals safely. 2 ed., Dutch Association of Safety Experts, Dutch Chemical Industry Association, Dutch Safety Institute. IRPTC Data profile (legal file, waste disposal file, treatment of poisoning file), Geneva, International Register for Potentially Toxic Chemicals, United Nations Environment Programme. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS COLLECTION PLUS UPDATING SERVICE (1984) New York, Genium Publishing Corporation. SAX, N.I. (1984) Dangerous properties of industrial materials, New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, Inc. US NIOSH (1976) A guide to industrial respiratory protection, Cincinnati, Ohio, US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. US NIOSH/OSHA (1981) Occupational health guidelines for chemical hazards, Washington DC, US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Association 3 Vols (Publication No. 01-123). US NIOSH/OSHA (1985) Pocket guide to chemical hazards, Washington DC, US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Occupational Safety and Health Association (Publication No. 85.114). WHO (1985) Environmental Health Criteria No. 49: Acrylamide, Geneva, World Health Organization.
See Also: Toxicological Abbreviations Acrylamide (EHC 49, 1985) Acrylamide (ICSC) Acrylamide (WHO Food Additives Series 55) ACRYLAMIDE (JECFA Evaluation) Acrylamide (PIM 652) Acrylamide (IARC Summary & Evaluation, Volume 60, 1994)