International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) - Summaries & Evaluations
VOL.: 8 (1975) (p. 217)
CAS No.: 85-83-6
Chem. Abstr. Name: 1-{{2-Methyl-4-[(2-methylphenyl)azo]phenyl{azo]-
5. Summary of Data Reported and Evaluation
5.1 Animal carcinogenicity data
Scarlet red induced local sarcomas in rats following its subcutaneous
injection; however, no data are reported for controls given the
solvent alone. Another experiment in which
mice were treated orally gave a negative result, but the adequacy of
the dose could not be assessed. Other experiments were considered
inadequate for evaluation.
5.2 Human carcinogenicity data
No case reports or epidemiological studies were available to the
Working Group.
Subsequent evaluation: Suppl. 7 (1987) (p. 71: Group 3)
For definition of Groups, see Preamble Evaluation.
- Biebrich scarlet red
- Brasilazina oil red B
- Calco oil red D
- Candle scarlet B
- Candle scarlet 2B
- Candle scarlet G
- Ceres red BB
- Cerotine ponceau 3B
- C.I. Solvent red 24
- 2'-3-Dimethyl-4-(2-hydroxynaphthylazo)azobenzene
- Dispersol red PP
- Enial red IV
- Fast oil red B
- Fast red BB
- Fat ponceau R
- Grasan brilliant red B
- Hidaco oil red
- Lacquer red V
- Lipid crimson
- Oil red 3
- Oleal red BB
- Organol red B
- Orient oil red RR
- Phenoplaste organol red B
- Plastoresin red F
- Red 3R soluble in grease
- Resinol red 2B
- Resoform red G
- Rubrum scarlatinum
- Scharlachrot
- Silotras red T3B
- Somalia red IV
- Stearix red 4B
- Stearix red 4S
- Sudan IV
- Sudan P
- Sudan red 4BA
- Tertrogas red N
- o-Tolueneazo-o-tolueneazo-b-naphthol
- o-Tolylazo-o-tolylazo-b-naphthol
- Toyo oil red BB
- Waxakol red BL
- Waxoline red O
Last updated: 21 March 1998
See Also:
Toxicological Abbreviations