VOL.: 18 (1978) (p. 107)
Firemaster FF-1 is embryotoxic and teratogenic. Cytogenetic tests in mice were negative.
The extensive production of polybrominated biphenyls during the last decade, their persistence in the environment and in the body, and their use, mainly as flame retardants, indicate that widespread human exposure occurs. This is confirmed by their presence in water and food and in human tissues and body fluids.
Subsequent evaluations: Vol. 41 (1986); Suppl. 7 (1987)
See Also: Toxicological Abbreviations Polybrominated biphenyls (EHC 152, 1994) Polybrominated Biphenyls (IARC Summary & Evaluation, Supplement7, 1987) Polybrominated Biphenyls (IARC Summary & Evaluation, Volume 41, 1986)