COE No.: | 11015 |
FEMA No.: | 4236 |
JECFA No.: | 1579 |
Chemical names: | ETHYLAMINE |
Synonyms: | 1-AMINOETHANE |
Functional class: | FLAVOURING AGENT |
Latest evaluation: | 2005 |
Comments: | No safety concern (conditional) at current levels of intake when used as a flavouring agent. The evaluation is conditional because the estimated daily intake is based on the anticipated annual volume of production. The conclusion of the safety evaluation of this substance will be revoked if use levels or poundage data are not provided before the end of 2007. |
Report: | TRS 934-JECFA 65/89 |
Specifications: | COMPENDIUM ADDENDUM 13/FNP 52 Add. 13/66 |
Tox monograph: | FAS for JECFA 65 in press |
31 Jan 06 |
See Also: Toxicological Abbreviations Ethylamine (ICSC)