Toxicological evaluation of some food additives including anticaking agents, antimicrobials, antioxidants, emulsifiers and thickening agents WHO FOOD ADDITIVES SERIES NO. 5 The evaluations contained in this publication were prepared by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives which met in Geneva, 25 June - 4 July 19731 World Health Organization Geneva 1974 1 Seventeenth Report of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives, Wld Hlth Org. techn. Rep. Ser., 1974, No. 539; FAO Nutrition Meetings Report Series, 1974, No. 53. FOOD-GRADE MINERAL OIL Explanation This substance has been evaluated for acceptable daily intake by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (see Annex 1, Ref. No. 23) in 1970. Since the previous evaluation, additional data have become available and are summarized and discussed in the following monograph. The previously published monograph has been expanded and is reproduced in its entirety below. BIOLOGICAL DATA BIOCHEMICAL ASPECTS Mineral oils are of variable composition depending on the boiling point of the fractions used. For food purposes usually liquid petrolatum or liquid paraffin are employed which consist essentially of n-alkanes and some cyclic paraffins. They are chemically inert especially as regards the straight chain alkanes and on ingestion most of the mineral oil (98%) remains unabsorbed in the faeces. There is evidence now that small amounts of mineral oil (2%) are absorbed as such by the intestinal mucosa and are distributed throughout the body. A very small fraction may undergo further biochemical transformation. Sources of mineral oil are laxatives or oils used in food technology as release agents or for lubrication purposes (Boitnott & Margolis, 1966). Oil droplets, identified as saturated alkane hydrocarbons, have been demonstrated in mesenteric lymphnodes and nodes of the porta hepatis in man. Similar droplets have been identified in human liver, spleen and adipose tissue. The small amounts formed are consistent with the calculated intake from food use (47.5 per head per year in the United States of America). The quantities of extractable oil and types of histological appearance have been reported (Boitnott & Margolis, 1970). There is no correlation with age or sex (Kelsall & Blackwell, 1969). There is an unusual geographical incidence, being about 50% in North America and 10% in Western Europe and in post mortem examinations (Cruikshank, 1972). No known harm appears associated with these residues (Boitnott & Margolis, 1966). Similar deposition of oil and minor absorption was demonstrated in rabbits, rats and guinea-pigs fed liquid petrolatum for seven months or more. Histochemical evidence showed absorption to be proportionate to length of exposure. The mechanism of absorption was unknown but the absorbed particles showed evidence of foreign body reaction and phagocytic ingestion (Stryker, 1941). Mineral oil used as emulsifying medium for s.c. injection was transported from the site of injection without causing any systemic effects (Brown, 1966). H3-labelled mineral oil was administered to rats orally and i.p. five hours after oral dosing with 0.66 mg/kg bw it could be shown that over 80% was not absorbed but excreted in the faeces, 1-5% was absorbed unchanged and another 15% appeared in carcass as H3 non-mineral oil substance. Some H3 had exchanged with available H and possibly some mineral oil had been modified metabolically. Radioactivity was found principally in liver, fat, kidney, brain, and spleen. Following i.p. administration there was only very slow excretion. 11% appeared in the faeces during eight days and only traces in the urine (Ebert et al., 1966). Mineral oil passes through the gut wall unchanged and more is absorbed in the presence of powerful emulsifiers, provided that the particle size of the emulsion is about 0.5 µ (Frazer et al., 1944). Prolonged administration of 0.66 ml/kg for 31 days had no effect on the amount absorbed when compared with single dosing (Ebert et al., 1966). A wide range of fractions of mineral oil contain carcinogenic compounds especially higher boiling fractions of the range 300°-350°-400°C as shown by skin painting of mice and rabbits (Cook et al., 1958) but refined material may be free from these carcinogenic constituents (Prigal, 1967). Inoculation of 64 mice with a combination of mineral oil and killed staphylococci induced plasma cell tumours in seven animals (Potter & Robertson, 1961). Later experiments produced similar results with mineral oil alone (Potter & Boyce, 1962). Some doubts have been raised as to the probable role of virus in production of these mouse plasma cell tumours (Prigal, 1967). No human cancer has been reported following many years of oleothorax use (Prigal, 1967). Work is going on on the metabolism of n-alkanes (heptadecane, C17, eicosane, C20, - tetracosane, C24, and dotriacontane, C32), one isoparaffin ((CH3)7nonane; C16) and one cycloparaffin (dodecylcyclohexane; C18) in rat. The preliminary results are summarized in the following table. METABOLIC BALANCE OF SEVERAL ALKANES ORALLY ADMINISTERED TO FEMALE WISTAR RAT, AT A SINGLE DOSE OF 15 mg INCORPORATED IN THE DIET PERCENTAGE NOT ABSORBED: n-alkane/ (CH3)7- Dodecyl- Days nonane cyclohexane Heptadecane Eicosane Tetracosane (C16) (C18) (n-C17) (n-C20) (n-C24) 1 0.21 1.66 1.46 3.87 22.43 2 0.24 1.20 5.02 1.53 1.83 3 2.63 3.07 0.10 0.10 0.46 4 0 0 0 0 0.08 5 - - - - 0.02 6 - - - - 0 Total 3.08 5.93 6.58 5.50 24.82 No urine excretion was observed. Some points have been noted: (a) The isoparaffin is absent in the carcass. (b) 0.8% of the ingested dose of tetracosane (C24) is retained. (c) For the other n-alkanes, between 7 and 10% of the ingested dose are retained after 21 days. This is equivalent to 7 ppm (0.0007%) in the carcass. Heptadecane and dodecylcyclohexane were given, during one week, to eight rats at a daily dose of 15 mg incorporated in the diet. At day 10, the animals were sacrificed. The following levels were found in the organs or tissues: liver 2.5 ppm (0.00025%); spleen 1.5 ppm (0.00015%); lung 2.3 ppm (0.00023%); heart 0.5 ppm (0.00005%); muscle 34 ppm (0.0034%); adipose tissue 317 ppm (0.0317%) (Tulliez & Bories, 1973). Traces (0.001-0.1%) of n-alkanes (C17 to C31) are found normally in plants. Protein sources from Spirula family algae contain up to 0.15% heptadecane. TOXICOLOGICAL STUDIES Special studies Nutritional implications There are two possible reasons for the presence of mineral oil in food; (1) in trace amounts from its use as a lubricant or separant e.g. in tin-greasing before baking, or from traces on the surface of knives used to cut dough in breadmaking, or as a coating e.g. of fruit; (2) as a substitute for fat either because it is cheaper or in slimming foods. The maximum daily intake is calculated to be about 100 mg of which some 80 mg are contributed from its use on the machinery in the baking industry (Council on White Mineral Oil, 1961). There has been a great deal of work on the effect of mineral oil in impeding the absorption of fat soluble vitamins A (and precursors) D. E. K. and essential fatty acids. There is no doubt that interference with absorption can occur, particularly of carotene if amounts in food exceed approximately 6000 ppm (Steigmann et al., 1952). Whether the amounts likely to appear in the food of children are of clinical importance is much less certain (assuming that it is not used as an ingredient as in (2) above). But the diets of many of these may contain amounts of these vitamins that are in any case marginal or inadequate and there seems no reason for the inclusion of mineral oil in foods which are specifically intended for infants with the possible exception of rusks (concerning which inquiries are being made which will be later reported as they may be subject to the same contaminating processes as bread). Short-term studies Rat Ten rats were each fed a total of 17 g liquid paraffin in 18 g olive oil over 16 days mixed into their normal diet. Some 65% was absorbed as estimated from faecal loss. Another five rats received over 28 days a total of 28 g liquid paraffin in their diet. Only 9% was absorbed. Lymph collected during absorption from intestinal lymphatics showed that absorbed paraffin had been metabolically modified (Daniel et al., 1953). Rabbit Fifteen rabbits, weighing between 1.9 and 2.5 kg, were given daily 25 ml of a mixture (1:1) of olive oil and paraffin oil (purity not stated). The animals were sacrificed at regular intervals, after 60-406 days of treatment. At this high dosage level, from the first to the third week, a relatively important loss of weight is noted, but rapidly a state comparable to the controls is regained. Progressively, the paraffin oil passes the intestinal epithelium and accumulates in the mesenteric lymph glands, then becoming distributed in the rest of the body, with preferential deposition in the liver and in the spleen. Histologically, diffuse hyperplasia of reticulo endothelial cells, somewhat similar to that seen in human Whipple's disease, is observed (Borer, 1960). Long-term studies Mouse Two groups of 30 mice had mineral oil applied to their skin three times weekly at 15 mg/application for 311 and 478 days respectively. No tumours were found (Esso Research, 1960). Rat Animals were kept for 15 months on diets supplemented with 10% liquid paraffin. The liver contained 0.4% dry weight liquid paraffin. Some active metabolism may occur but liver function was not affected (Daniel et al., 1953). In another experiment 2% mineral oil was fed in the diet to 30 rats for 500 days without adverse effects (Schmähl & Reiter, 1953). Comments: The natural occurrence of hydrocarbons, particularly in food of plant origin, the use of food-grade mineral oil in food technology and the medicinal use of this material have resulted in detectable residues of mineral oil in human tissues. No pathological consequences seem to follow the retention of this material. Moreover, most of the ingested material is not absorbed but is excreted in the faeces. Nevertheless, such tissue storage is considered to be undesirable and exposure to food-grade mineral oil should be kept to a minimum. There are no other recognized toxicological problems arising from the present technological uses of food-grade mineral oil. Further work is desirable on the elucidation of the significance of stored mineral oil in the body. Recent technological progress results in production of mineral oil by hydrogenation. Such oils will contain more cyclic paraffin since aromatic components are not removed prior to distillation. No toxicological information is available on these newer products. EVALUATION Estimate of acceptable daily intake for man Not limited.* FURTHER WORK OR INFORMATION Desirable Elucidation of the significance of stored mineral oil in the body. REFERENCES Boitnott, J. K. & Margolis, S. (1966) Bull. Johns Hopk. Hosp., 118, 414 Boitnott, J. K. & Margolis, S. (1970) Johns Hopkins Med. J., 127, 65 Borer, F. (1960) Rev. franç. études clin. et biol., 5, 47 Brown, E. A. (1966) Review of Allergy, 20, 148 & 235 Cook, J. W., Carruthers, W. & Woodhouse, D. L. (1958) Brit. med. Bull., 14, 132 Council on White Mineral Oil (1961) Food Additive Petition 302 to US Food and Drug Administration dated 21 February 1961 Cruikshank, B. (1972) Personal communication Daniel, J. W. et al. (1953) Biochem. J., 54, 37 Ebert, A. G., Schleifer, C. R. & Hess, S. M. (1966) J. Pharmac. Sci., 55, 923 Esso Research (1960) Unpublished report submitted to WHO Frazer, A. C., Schulman, J. H. & Stewart, H. C. (1944) J. Physiol, 103, 306 * See relevant paragraph in the seventeenth report, pp. 10-11. Applies only to mineral oil not made by hydrogenation process. Kelsall & Blackwell (1969) Pathology, 1, 211 Potter, M. & Boyce, C. R. (1962) Nature, 193, 1086 Potter, M. & Robertson, J. (1961) J. nat. Cancer Inst., 25, 847 Prigal, S. J. (1967) Annals of Allergy, 25, 449 Schmähl, D. & Reiter, A. (1953) Arzneimittel-Forsch., 3, 403 Steigmann, F. et al. (1952) Gastroent., 20, 587 Stryker, W. A. (1941) Arch. Pathol., 31, 670 Tulliez, J. & Bories, G. (1973) Personal communication
See Also: Toxicological Abbreviations Food-grade mineral oil (FAO Nutrition Meetings Report Series 48a)