Annex 4: Recommendations on compounds on the agenda
Substance Acceptable daily Recommended maximum residue limit
intake (ADI) and other (MRL)
ß-Adrenoceptor-blocking agent
Carazolol 0-0.1 µg per kg of Muscle & fat/skin (pigs): 5 µg/kga,b
body weight Liver & kidney (pigs): 25 µg/kga,b
Antimicrobial agents
Dihydrostreptomycin 0-30 µg per kg of Muscle, liver & fat (cattle, pigs,
& streptomycin body weightc,d chickens & sheep): 500 µg/kge,f
Kidney (cattle, pigs, chickens & sheep):
1000 µg/kge,f
Milk (cattle): 200 µg/le,f
Enrofioxacin 0-0.6 µg per kg of No MRLs recommendedg
body weightc
Gentamicin 0-4 µg per kg of Muscle & fat (cattle & pigs): 100 µg/kga,e
body weightc Liver (cattle & pigs): 200 µg/kga,e
Kidney (cattle & pigs): 1000 µg/kga,e
Milk (cattle): 100 µg/la,e
Neomycin 0-30 µg per kg of Muscle, liver & fat (cattle, chickens, ducks,
body weightc goats, pigs, sheep & turkeys): 500 µg/kga,h
Kidney (cattle, chickens, ducks, goats, pigs,
sheep & turkeys): 5000 µg/kga,h
Eggs (chickens): 500 µg/kga,h
Milk (cattle): 500 µg/la,h
Oxolinic acid No ADI allocatedi No MRLs recommendedj
Spiramycin 0-50 µg per kg of Muscle (cattle): 100 µg/kgk
body weight Muscle (pigs & chickens): 200 µg/kgk
Liver (cattle): 300 µg/kgk
Liver (pigs): 600 µg/kge,k
Liver (chickens): 400 µg/kgk
Kidney (cattle): 200 µg/kgk
Kidney (pigs): 300 µg/kge,k
Kidney (chickens): 800 µg/kgk
Fat (cattle): 300 µg/kgk
Fat (pigs): 200 µg/kge,k
Fat (chickens): 300 µg/kgk
Milk (cattle): 100 µg/lk
Substance Acceptable daily Recommended maximum residue limit
intake (ADI) and other (MRL)
Dexamethasone 0-0.015 µg per kg of Muscle & kidney (cattle, horses & pigs):
body weightl 0.5 µg/kga,e,m
Liver (cattle, horses & pigs): 2.5 µg/kga,e,m
Milk (cattle): 0.3 µg/la,e,m
Azaperone 0-3 µg per kg of Muscle & fat (pigs): 60 µg/kgh,n
body weightc Liver & kidney (pigs): 100 µg/kgh,n
a Expressed as parent drug.
b. The Committee noted that the concentration of carazolol at the
injection site may exceed the ADI, which is based on the acute
pharmacological effects of carazolol.
c. Temporary ADI.
d. Group temporary ADI for dihydrostreptomycin and steptomycin,
either singly or in combination. Temporary MRL.
f. Expressed as the sum of dihydrostreptomycin and streptomycin.
g. The ADI for enrofioxacin is based on antimicrobial activity. MRLs
were not recommended because the relationship between total
antimicrobial activity and residues of enrofioxacin and
ciprofloxacin could not be determined.
h Temporary MRLs were recommended because the ADI is temporary.
i. An ADI could not be established for oxolinic acid because of
major reporting and protocol deficiencies in the available
studies and because a clear no-observed-effect level (NOEL) could
not be identified for arthropathy in dogs.
j. MRLs were not recommended for oxolinic acid because an ADI was
not established.
k. Expressed as the sum of spiramycin and neospiramycin. MRLs in pig
muscle and temporary MRLs in pig liver, kidney, and fat are based
on total antimicrobially-active residues and expressed as
spiramycin equivalents
I. The ADI for dexamethasone was established at the forty-second
meeting of the Committee.
m. The MRLs for dexamethasone in cattle and pigs were recommended at
the forty-second meeting of the Committee.
n. Expressed as the sum of azaperone and azaperol.