Issued jointly by FAO and WHO
The content of this document is the result of the deliberations of the
Joint Meeting of the FAO Working Party of Experts and the WHO Expert
Group on Pesticide Residues, which met in Rome, 8 - 15 December 1969.
Rome, 1970
FAO/WHO acceptable Practical
Publication daily intake residue
(See (mg/kg body- Tolerance limits
Compound Appendix II) weight) (ppm) (pp) Remarks
Blank spaces indicate no recommendations made
acrylonitrile 1965c
aldrin 1967b, 0.0001 Also see dieldrin
allethrin 1965b
arsenic (as 1969b
calcium or
lead arsenate)
azinphos-methyl 1969b 0.0025 Apricots, grapes 4 c*
Other fruit 1 c*
Vegetables 0.5 c*
EHC (mixture of 1969b
binapacryl 1970 0.0025 Peaches, cherries 1
Apples, pears, grapes 0.5
Plums 0.3
Nectarines 0.2
+ For further details concerning the recommendations consult the original documents referred to in the second column. Explanatory
notes are given at the end of this table on page 235.
APPENDIX I (cont'd)
FAO/WHO acceptable Practical
Publication daily intake residue
(See (mg/kg body- Tolerance limits
Compound Appendix II) weight) (ppm) (pp) Remarks
Blank spaces indicate no recommendations made
bromide (inorganic 1969b, 1970 1 Spices, herbs 400 b* Tolerance for "dried
form, Previously Raw cereals, whole-meal eggs" suspended at
derived from considered flour 50 1969 meeting pending
bromine-containing under Dried figs 250 b* review and
fumigants and ethylene Dried raisins, dried dates 100 b* clarification in 1971.
other sources) dibromide Dried peaches 50 b* Recommendations relate
or methyl Dried prunes 20 b* exclusively to
bromide Other dried fruit 30 b* inorganic bromide.
Avocados 75 b* Tolerances not
Citrus fruit, strawberries 30 b* recommended for
Other fresh fruit 20 b* unchanged fumigant.
Current work on
status of residues in
various products to be
reviewed in 1971.
calcium 1969b
captafol 1970 0.05 d* Peaches 15 d* Recommendations relate
Cherries (sour) 10 d* only to parent substance.
Cherries (sweet) 2 d* Referred to as difolatan
Tomatoes 5 d* on p.18 of FAO/WHO 1969a.
Melons (whole) 2 d*
Cucumbers (whole) 1 d*
Apricots 0.5 d*
Plums 0.2 d*
APPENDIX I (cont'd)
FAO/WHO acceptable Practical
Publication daily intake residue
(See (mg/kg body- Tolerance limits
Compound Appendix II) weight) (ppm) (pp) Remarks
Blank spaces indicate no recommendations made
captan 1970 0.125 d* Apples, cherries 40 d* Monograph in 1965b
(See Remarks) Pears 30 d* becomes obsolete.
Apricots 20 d
Citrus, peaches, plums,
rhubarb, tomatoes 15 d*
Strawberries, raspberries,
cranberries, cucumbers,
lettuce, green beans,
peppers 10 d*
Raisins 5 d*
carbaryl 1967b, 0.01 d* Raspberries, blackberries, Earlier tolerances
1968b, boysenberries, peaches, reviewed at 1969 meeting
1969b, nectarines, apricots, in light of Codex comments.
1970 asparagus, okra, leafy Tolerance on whole milk
vegetables (except temporarily withdrawn.
Brassica), nuts (whole),
olives (fresh) 10 d*
Citrus, strawberries,
blueberries 7 d*
Apples, bananas (pulp),
grapes, beans, peas
(including pod), brassica,
tomatoes, peppers, egg
plant, poultry 5 d*
Cucurbits (including melons) 3 d*
Rice 2.5 d*
Cotton-seed (whole), sweet
corn (kernels), nuts
(shelled) olives
APPENDIX I (cont'd)
FAO/WHO acceptable Practical
Publication daily intake residue
(See (mg/kg body- Tolerance limits
Compound Appendix II) weight) (ppm) (pp) Remarks
Blank spaces indicate no recommendations made
carbaryl (processed), meat of cattle,
(cont'd) goats and sheep 1 d*
Potatoes 0.2 d*
carbon 1965c, At 1969 meeting decided
disulfide 1968b to review these fumigants
in 1971 in the light of
carbon 1965c, work with new analytical
tetrachloride 1968b methods.
chlorbenside 1965b 0.01
chlordane 1968b, 0.001 Root vegetables (except Raw To be measured as alpha
1970 carrots), leafy and stalk cereals 0.1 a* plus gamma chlordane.
vegetables 0.3 a* Tolerances apply only
Cucurbits, pineapple 0.2 a* to residues from soil
Sugar-beets, pod vegetable treatments.
(whole pods), berries,
tomatoes, egg plant,
peppers, pimentos,
sweet-corn, popcorn 0.1 a*
chlorfenson 1965b 0.01 Erroneously omitted
from Annex 2 of Ref.
chlorbenzilate 1969b 0.02 Apples, pears (whole fruit) 5 c*
Citrus (whole) 1 c*
Almonds walnuts (without
shells) 0.2 c*
Melons, cantaloups 1 c*
APPENDIX I (cont'd)
FAO/WHO acceptable Practical
Publication daily intake residue
(See (mg/kg body- Tolerance limits
Compound Appendix II) weight) (ppm) (pp) Remarks
Blank spaces indicate no recommendations made
chloropicrin 1965c
chloropropylate 1969b 0.01c* Apples, pears, citrus (whole
fruit) 3 c*
Tomatoes, cantaloups 1 c*
chlorpropham 1965b
chlorthion 1965b
coumaphos 1969b 0.0005 c* Eggs (shell free) 0.05 c* To be determined as
Meat, including poultry coumaphos and oxygen
(on fat basis) 0.5 c* analogue and expressed
as coumaphos.
crufomate 1969b 0.1 Whole milk 0.05 c*
Meat (fat basis) 1 c*
DDT 1967b, 0.005 Apples, peers, peaches, Whole ADI is 'Conditional'.
1968b, (See apricots, small fruit milk 0.05 Tolerance on fish
1969b, remarks) (except strawberries), Milk withdrawn at 1969 Meeting.
1970 vegetables (except root), products Limits apply to DDT,
meat or poultry (on fat (fat DDD and DDE singly or
basis) 7 basis) 1.25 in combination.
Nuts (shelled), strawberries, Eggs
root vegetables 1 a* (shell
Cherries, plums, citrus and free) 0.5
tropical fruit 3.5 a*
demeton 1965b, 0.0025
APPENDIX I (cont'd)
FAO/WHO acceptable Practical
Publication daily intake residue
(See (mg/kg body- Tolerance limits
Compound Appendix II) weight) (ppm) (pp) Remarks
Blank spaces indicate no recommendations made
diazinon 1965b, 0.002 Peaches, citrus, cola crops
1967b, and leafy vegetables 0.7 a*
1968b, Other fruit and vegetables 0.5 a*
1969b Meat (fat basis) 0.75 a*
dichlofluanid 1970
dichlorvos 1967b, 0.004 Raw cereals 2 a* Content of
1968b, Cereal products (milled and dichloracetaldehyde (DCA)
1970 for human consumption), to be reported where
fresh vegetables 0.3 a* possible. 1968
Fruit (other than citrus) 0.1 a* recommendation for
"Canned and frozen
vegetables" withdrawn
at 1969 meeting.
dicofol 1969b 0.025 Fruit, hops, vegetables,
tea (from particular
estate) for blending only 5 c*
Tea (blended) 1 c*
dieldrin 1967b, 0.0001 Fruit (other than citrus), Raw Practical residue limit
1968b, asparagus, broccoli, cereals 0.02 c* shell-free egg is
1969b, brussels sprouts, cabbage, Eggs equivalent to 0.25 ppm
1970 carrots, cauliflower, (shell in egg yolk. Limits
cucumber, egg plant, horse- free apply to aldrin and
radish, lettuce, onions, basis) 0.1 c* dieldrin singly or
parsnips, peppers, pimentos, Milk together and expressed
potatoes, radishes and products as dieldrin.
APPENDIX I (cont'd)
FAO/WHO acceptable Practical
Publication daily intake residue
(See (mg/kg body- Tolerance limits
Compound Appendix II) weight) (ppm) (pp) Remarks
Blank spaces indicate no recommendations made
dieldrin radish tops 0.1 c* (fat
(cont'd) Citrus, rice 0.05 c* basis) 0.125 c*
Meat (fat
basis) 0.2 c*
milk 0.005 c*
difolatan (See
dimethoate 1968b 0.02 Tree fruit (including 2 a* Residues to be determined
citrus) as dimethoate and its
Tomatoes and peppers 1 a* oxygen analogue and
Other vegetables 2 a* expressed as dimethoate.
dimethrin 1965b
dinocap 1970
dioxathion 1969b 0.0015 Pome fruit 5 c* Residues of cis and
Grapes 2 c* trans isomers of
Citrus fruit 3 c* principal active
Meat, excluding poultry ingredient to be
(fat basis) 1 c* determined and
expressed as sum of
diphenyl 1967b, 0.125 Citrus fruit 110
APPENDIX I (cont'd)
FAO/WHO acceptable Practical
Publication daily intake residue
(See (mg/kg body- Tolerance limits
Compound Appendix II) weight) (ppm) (pp) Remarks
Blank spaces indicate no recommendations made
diphenylamine 1970 0.025 Apples 10
dithiocarbamates, 1965b 0.025 b* Applies to parent
dimethyl 1968b compound and to sum if
(ferbam, thiram more than one present.
and ziram)
dithiocarbamates, 1965b, 0.025 b* Applies to parent
ethylene 1968b compound and to sum if
bis-mancozeb, more than one present.
maneb, and zineb
(including zineb
derived from
nabam plus zinc
DNOC 1965b
endosulfan 1968b, 0.0075 Fruit, vegetables 2 b* To be measured and
1969b reported as total
endosulfan A and B and
endosulfan sulphate.
endrin 1965b
ethion 1969b, 0.00125 Grapes 2 c* The proviso
1970 Other fruit 1 c* 'at slaughter'
Vegetables 0.5 c* for meat made at
Tea (from particular estate) 1968 Meeting
for blending only 7 c* withdrawn.
Tea, blended 1 c*
Meat (fat basis) 2.5 c*
APPENDIX I (cont'd)
FAO/WHO acceptable Practical
Publication daily intake residue
(See (mg/kg body- Tolerance limits
Compound Appendix II) weight) (ppm) (pp) Remarks
Blank spaces indicate no recommendations made
ethoxyquin 1970 0.06 d* Apples, pears 3 d*
ethylene 1967b, Analytical method should
dibromide 1968b differentiate between
residues, as original
compound or as inorganic
bromine. New data on
residues in foods to be
included in 1971 review.
(See entry for Bromide).
ethylene 1965c,
dichloride 1968b
ethylene 1965c,
oxide 1969b
fenchlorfos 1969b 0.01 Whole milk 0.04 c* Residues of fenchlorfos
Egg yolk 0.05 c* and oxygen analogues
Meat (fat basis) 7.5 c* to be determined and
expressed as fenchlorfos.
ferbam 1965b, 0.025 b* See dithiocarbamates.
APPENDIX I (cont'd)
FAO/WHO acceptable Practical
Publication daily intake residue
(See (mg/kg body- Tolerance limits
Compound Appendix II) weight) (ppm) (pp) Remarks
Blank spaces indicate no recommendations made
fenitrothion 1970 0.001 d* Apples, cherries, grapes, Milk
lettuce 0.5 d* products
Red cabbage, tea (green at (fat
harvest) 0.3 d* basis) 0.5 d*
Tomatoes 0.2 d* Meat or
Cocoa 0.1 d* fat of
meat 0.03 d*
0.002 d*
folpet 1970 0.16 d* Currants (fresh) 30 d* Recommendations apply
Grapes, blueberries 25 d* only to parent
Cherries, raspberries 15 d* compound.
Apples, citrus 10 d*
Tomatoes, Strawberries 5 d*
Cucumber, cantaloup (whole),
water melon (whole), onion 2 d*
formothion 1970 Strawberries 0.3 a* Residues present as
Blackcurrants 2.0 a* dimethoate to be
covered by recommendations
for dimethoate.
APPENDIX I (cont'd)
FAO/WHO acceptable Practical
Publication daily intake residue
(See (mg/kg body- Tolerance limits
Compound Appendix II) weight) (ppm) (pp) Remarks
Blank spaces indicate no recommendations made
heptachlor 1967b 0.0005 Cole crops and other leafy Whole Residues of heptachlor
1968b vegetables, root vegetables milk 0.005 a* and its epoxide to be
1969b, (other than potatoes, Milk determined and reported
1970 carrots and sugar beets) 0.1 a* products as heptachlor.
(fat Tolerances apply to
basis) 0.125 a* residues from application
Meat to seed and soil only.
basis) 0.2 a*
cereals 0.02 a*
carrots) 0.05 a*
Carrots 0.1 a*
hexachlorobenzene 1970 (See Remarks Fat of cattle, "Tentative negligible
column) sheep, goats, daily intake" of
pigs and 0.0006 mg/kg
poultry 1 d* body-weight established.
Eggs (shell (For 1973 review, see
free) 1 d* monograph).
products 0.3 d*
Raw wheat 0.05 d*
(whole) 0.01 d*
APPENDIX I (cont'd)
FAO/WHO acceptable Practical
Publication daily intake residue
(See (mg/kg body- Tolerance limits
Compound Appendix II) weight) (ppm) (pp) Remarks
Blank spaces indicate no recommendations made
hydrogen 1965c, 0.05 Raw cereals 75
cyanide 1969b Flour 6
hydrogen 1967b, Not necessary. Flour and other "Only items to be
phosphide 1968b, (See Remarks milled cereal cooked" deleted from
1970 column) products, breakfast previous recommendations
cereals, dried Subject to restrictions
vegetables, spices 0.01 in use (FAO/WHO, 1968a,
Raw cereals 0.1 page 17) residues
not detectable at
time of consumption.
lead (as lead 1969b
lindane 1967b, 0.0125 Raw cereals 0.5 Whole Referred to as 'gamma
1968b, Vegetables 3 a* milk 0.004 a* BHC' prior to 1967.
1969b Cranberries, cherries, Eggs Recommendation
grapes, plums and (yolk) 0.2 a* concerning poultry
strawberries 3 a* Milk erroneously omitted
products from Table at Annex
(fat 2 of 1969a.
basis) 0.1 a*
basis) 2 a*
basis) 0.7 a*
APPENDIX I (cont'd)
FAO/WHO acceptable Practical
Publication daily intake residue
(See (mg/kg body- Tolerance limits
Compound Appendix II) weight) (ppm) (pp) Remarks
Blank spaces indicate no recommendations made
malathion 1967b, 0.02 Raw cereals, nuts, dried Tolerances for
1968b, fruits 8 'Fruit' and 'Other
1969b Whole meal and flour from rye vegetables' suspended
and wheat 2 at 1969 meeting
Citrus fruit 4 pending review and
Leafy vegetables 6 clarification in 1970.
mancozeb 1968b 0.025 b* See 'dithiocarbamates'
maneb 1965b, 0.025 b* See 'dithiocarbamates'
methoxychlor 1965b 0.1
methyl 1967b, See entry under
bromide 1968b "bromide (inorganic)"
for recommendations
pertaining to
inorganic bromide
residues from methyl
mevinphos 1965b
MGK 264 1968b
nabam 1965b, 0.025 b* See entries for
1968b 'dithiocarbamates' and
APPENDIX I (cont'd)
FAO/WHO acceptable Practical
Publication daily intake residue
(See (mg/kg body- Tolerance limits
Compound Appendix II) weight) (ppm) (pp) Remarks
Blank spaces indicate no recommendations made
organo-mercurial 1967b, 1968b page FAO/WHO, 1967b monograph
compounds 1968b 208 suggests is entitled 'phenyl mercury
possible acetate'. No objection
figures to use as seed dressings
and on apples up to petal
(See 2-phenyl-phenol)
oxydemetonmethyl 1968b, Withdrawn at Previous to 1968b referred
1969b meeting in to as demeton-S-methyl-
1968 (Ref. sulfoxide.
oxythioquinox 1969b (Renamed quinomethionate)
parathion 1965b, 0.005 Vegetables (except Re-examination of data
1968b, carrots) 0.7 a* at 1969 meeting showed
1970 Peaches, apricots, citrus 1 a* that tolerance
Other fresh fruit 6.5 a* recommendations for two
groups of fruit had been
recorded wrongly in
previous reports.
parathion-methyl 1969b 0.001 c* Fruit, cole crops, cucurbits 0.2 c*
Other vegetables 1 c*
Cottonseed oil 0.05 c*
phenyl mercury (See organomercurial
acetate compounds)
APPENDIX I (cont'd)
FAO/WHO acceptable Practical
Publication daily intake residue
(See (mg/kg body- Tolerance limits
Compound Appendix II) weight) (ppm) (pp) Remarks
Blank spaces indicate no recommendations made
2-phenyl phenol 1 Cantaloups (whole) 120 Residues expressed as
(and sodium salt) Pears 25 2-phenyl-phenol. Referred
Carrots, peaches 20 to as orthophenylphenol
Sweet potatoes, apples, on p.18 of FAO/WHO 1969a
plums (including fresh
prunes) 15
Citrus, cucumbers, peppers,
cantaloups (edible portions),
pineapple, tomatoes 10
Cherries, nectarines 3
phosphamidon 1965b, 0.001 Raw cereals 0.1 c* Residues to be determined
1967b, Apples, pears 0.5 c* by cholinesterase
1969b Citrus fruit 0.4 c* inhibition and results
Other fruit, cole crops 0.2 c* expressed an phosphamidon
Tomatoes, lettuce,
cucumbers, water melons 0.1 c*
phosphine (See hydrogen phosphide)
piperonyl 1967b, 0.03 c* Raw cereals 20 c* Only data for codfish
butoxide 1968b Fresh fruit and vegetables, examined at 1969 meeting.
1970 dried fruit and vegetables,
oil seeds, tree nuts 8 c*
Dried codfish 1 c*
propham 1965b
pyrethrins 1967b, 0.04 c* Raw cereals 3 c* Only data for codfish
1968b, Fresh fruit and vegetables, examined at 1969
1970 dried fruit and vegetables, meeting.
APPENDIX I (cont'd)
FAO/WHO acceptable Practical
Publication daily intake residue
(See (mg/kg body- Tolerance limits
Compound Appendix II) weight) (ppm) (pp) Remarks
Blank spaces indicate no recommendations made
pyrethins oil seeds, tree nuts 1 c*
(cont'd) Dried codfish 0.1 c*
quinomethionate 1969 b Listed in 1969b as
Subsequently renamed.
quintozene 1970 0.001 d* Mushrooms 10 d*
Peanuts (whole) 5 d*
Bananas (whole) 1 d*
Lettuce peanut (kernels) 0.3 d*
Beans (navy), potatoes 0.2 d*
Tomatoes 0.1 d*
Cottonseed 0.03 d*
Broccolli, cabbage 0.02 d*
Bananas (pulp), beans (other
than navy), peppers (bell) 0.01 d*
thiometon 1970
thiram 1965b, 0.025 b* See dithiocarbamates
toxaphene 1969b
trichlorethylene 1969b 1969 meeting decided
not necessary to
continue to study
this compound.
triphenyltin 1965b Also called fentin
APPENDIX I (cont'd)
FAO/WHO acceptable Practical
Publication daily intake residue
(See (mg/kg body- Tolerance limits
Compound Appendix II) weight) (ppm) (pp) Remarks
Blank spaces indicate no recommendations made
zineb 1965b, 0.025 b*
1968b (Including zineb
derived from nabam
plus zinc sulphate).
See dithiocarbamates.
ziram 1965b 0.025 b* See dithiocarbamates
Explanatory Notes
1. Reference entries in second column are to first complete or completely revised monograph. Succeeding date references are to
addenda to first reference. Where a monograph has been completely revised no mention is made of any earlier obsolete ones. The
complete list of references is contained on p. 237
2. Compounds with 'FAO/WHO, 1970' publication references, if not accompanied by references to earlier monographs, were considered
at the 1969 meeting for the first time.
3. Entries with heavy underlines relate to additions or to changes made at the 1969 meeting concerning compounds considered at
previous meetings.
4. The suffixes a*, b*, c*, and d* each indicate that the particular entry is 'Temporary'. The results of work required should be
made available respectively:
Not later than 30 June 1970 for 'a*' entries
Not later than 30 June 1971 for 'b*' entries
Not later than 30 June 1972 for 'c*' entries
Not later than 30 June 1973 for 'd*' entries
5. Unless otherwise indicated, the tolerances and practical residue limits should apply as soon as practicable after harvest, to the
raw agricultural products moving in commerce and prior to processing.
APPENDIX I (cont'd)
6. With commodities entering international trade the tolerances are applicable at the point of entry into a country or as soon as
practicable thereafter.