Annex 1
Further details concerning the recommendations will be found in the original documents referred to in the second column.
Explanatory notes are given at the end of this table.
Maximum Residue limits
Pesticide Ref.1 intake Commodity Practical Guideline Remarks
(mg/kg Tolerances limits2 levels3
body (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Blank spaces indicate no
recommendations made
acrylonitrile 1965c
aldrin 1967b, 0.0001 See also dieldrin.
allethrin 1965b
arsenic (as calcium 1969b
or lead arsenate)
azinphos-methyl 1959b, 0.0025 Apricots, grapes 4 a Date for review postponed to
1973b Other fruit 1 a 1973 to provide more time for
Vegetables 0.5 a experiment.
benomyl 1973a
BHC (mixture of 1969b
Annex 1 (Cont'd.)
Maximum Residue limits
Pesticide Ref.1 intake Commodity Practical Guideline Remarks
(mg/kg Tolerances limits2 levels3
body (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Blank spaces indicate no
recommendations made
binapacryl 1970b 0.0025 Peaches, cherries 1
Apples, pears, grapes 0.5
Plums 0.3
Nectarines 0.2
biphenyl See diphenyl.
2-biphenylol See 2-phenylphenol.
bromide (inorganic 1969b 1 Raw cereals, wholemeal 50 Recommendations relate
form, derived from 1970b, flour exclusively to inorganic
bromine-containing 1972a,b bromide, not to bromine
fumigants and present as unchanged fumigant.
other sources) Other recommendations from
previous meetings held in
abeyance pending further data
on normal background bromide
levels and on residues from
supervised trials (see FAO/WHO
1972a and 1972b).
bromomethane 19671b, Nuts, peanuts 100 f Figures relate only to
1968b, Raw cereals, cocoa beans 50 f unchanged fumigant (see also
1972a,b Dried fruit 20 f bromide). See also FAO/WHO
Annex 1 (Cont'd.)
Maximum Residue limits
Pesticide Ref.1 intake Commodity Practical Guideline Remarks
(mg/kg Tolerances limits2 levels3
body (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Blank spaces indicate no
recommendations made
Milled cereal products 10 g 1972a pp. 12-16. Previously
Bread, other cooked cereal listed as methyl bromide.
products, cocoa products,
dried fruit, nuts, peanuts 0.5 h
bromophos 1973b 0.006 e *Olives, olive oil 5 e The tolerance for wheat is
*Apples, lamb's lettuce, based on residues likely to
leeks, radishes 2 e be found at harvest.
*Pears, plums, red currants,
carrots, celery, French
beans, savoy cabbage,
spinach 1 e
*Blackberries, black currants,
cherries, gooseberries,
peaches, strawberries,
lettuce, sugarbeet (roots) 0.5 e
*Fat of meat of sheep 0.5 e
*Rape seed, rape seed oil,
wheat 0.2 e
*Broccoli, red cabbage,
cabbage, cauliflower,
cucumbers, kohlrabi,
onions, peas 0.1 e
*Milk (whole) 0.02 #
Annex 1 (Cont'd.)
Maximum Residue limits
Pesticide Ref.1 intake Commodity Practical Guideline Remarks
(mg/kg Tolerances limits2 levels3
body (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Blank spaces indicate no
recommendations made
bromophos-ethyl 1973b 0.003 c *Apples, pears, plums,
carrots, spinach 2 c
*Fat of meat of cattle 2 c
*Red currants, Brussels
sprouts 1 c
*Cherries (sweet),
gooseberries, peaches,
celeriac, rape seed oil 0.5 c
*Black currants, lettuce 0.2 c
*Strawberries, rape seed,
cabbage 0.1 c
*Kohlrabi, French beans 0.05 c
*Beans (without pod),
cauliflower, onions,
sugarbeet 0.02 #
*Milk (whole) 0.02 #
calcium arsenate See lead arsenate 1969b.
camphechlor 1969b Listed as toxaphene, 1969b.
captafol 1970b 0.05 a Peaches 15 a Recommendations relate only
Cherries (sour) 10 a to parent substance. Referred
Cherries (sweet) 2 a to as difolatan in FAO/WHO
Tomatoes 5 a 1969a, p. 18.
Annex 1 (Cont'd.)
Maximum Residue limits
Pesticide Ref.1 intake Commodity Practical Guideline Remarks
(mg/kg Tolerances limits2 levels3
body (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Blank spaces indicate no
recommendations made
Melons (whole) 2 a
Cucumbers (whole) 1 a
Apricots 0.5 a
Plums 0.2 a
captan 1970b 0.125 a Apples, cherries 40 a
Pears 30 a
Apricots 20 a
Citrus fruit, peaches,
plums, rhubarb, tomatoes 15 a
Strawberries, raspberries,
cranberries, cucumbers,
lettuce, green beans,
peppers 10 a
Raisins 5 a
carbaryl 1957b, 0.01 a *Apricots 10 a Earlier tolerances reviewed at
1968b, Blackberries, boysenberries, 1969 Meeting in light of Codex
1969b, nectarines, peaches, comments. Tolerance on whole
1970b, raspberries, asparagus, milk temporarily withdrawn
1971b okra, leafy vegetables (see FAO/WHO 1970b). Apricots
(except brassicas), unintentionally omitted from
nuts (whole), Annex 1 of FAO/WHO 1971a
olives (fresh) 10 a and FAO/WHO 1972a.
Blueberries, citrus fruit,
strawberries 7 a
Annex 1 (Cont'd.)
Maximum Residue limits
Pesticide Ref.1 intake Commodity Practical Guideline Remarks
(mg/kg Tolerances limits2 levels3
body (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Blank spaces indicate no
recommendations made
Apples, bananas (pulp),
grapes, beans, peas
(inciuding pod),
brassicas, tomatoes,
peppers, aubergines,
poultry (skin) 5 a
Poultry (total) (edible
portions) 0.5 a
Cucurbits (including
melons) 3 a
Rice 2.5 a
Cottonseed (whole),
sweet corn (kernels),
nuts (shelled), olives
(processed), meat of
cattle, goats, and sheep 1 a
Potatoes 0.2 a
carbon disulfide 1965c, *Raw cereals 10 f See also FAO/WHO 1972a, p.
1968b, *Milled cereal products 2 g 12-16. Errata carbon disulfide
1970a, *Bread and other cooked figures, FAO/WHO 1972a, p.
1972a,b cereal products 0.5 h 26. See also ibid., p. 14 and
FAO/WHO 1972b.
Annex 1 (Cont'd.)
Maximum Residue limits
Pesticide Ref.1 intake Commodity Practical Guideline Remarks
(mg/kg Tolerances limits2 levels3
body (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Blank spaces indicate no
recommendations made
carbon 1965c, Raw cereals 50 f See also FAO/WHO 1972a, p.
tetrachloride 1968b, Milled cereal products 10 g 12-16.
1970a, Bread and other cooked
1972b cereal products 0.05 h
carbophenothion 1973b 0.005 d *Lemons 5 d Tolerances apply to the total
*Spinach 2 d residue, comprising
*Fat of meat of cattle and carbophenothion, its sulfoxide
sheep 1 d and sulfone, together with
*Apricots, nectarines, their corresponding oxygen
peaches, prunes, grapefruit, analogues, if present,
limes, oranges 1 d expressed as carbophenothion.
*Apples, pears, broccoli,
Brussels sprouts,
cauliflower 0.5 d
*Olive oil 0.2 d
*Olives (fresh), sugarbeet 0.1 d
*Milk and milk products
(fat basis) 0.1 d
*Potatoes, rape seed 0.02 #
*Walnuts and pecans
(shelled) 0.02 #
chinomethionate 1969b Listed in FAO/WHO 1969b as
oxythioquinox, subsequently
Annex 1 (Cont'd.)
Maximum Residue limits
Pesticide Ref.1 intake Commodity Practical Guideline Remarks
(mg/kg Tolerances limits2 levels3
body (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Blank spaces indicate no
recommendations made
chlorbenside 1965b 0.01
chlordane 1968b, 0.001 Potatoes, sweet potatoes, Expressed as the sum of the
1970b, rutabagas, turnips, cis- and trans-isomers in
1971b, parsnips, sugarbeet, plant products and as the sum
1973b radishes 0.3 of cis- and trans-isomers and
Asparagus, broccoli, oxychlordane in animal
Brussels sprouts, products. Tolerances apply to
cabbage, celery, residues resulting from soil
cauliflower, mustard or seed treatments apart from
greens, spinach, Swiss that for cotton seed oil.
chard, lettuce 0.2 Tolerance levels for peppers
Cantaloupes, cucumbers, and pimentos were established
pumpkins, squash, at the 1969 meeting. The
watermelons 0.1 figures were not given in FAO/
Almonds, bananas, figs, WHO 1971b. The 1972 meeting
filberts, guavas, mangoes, reviewed available data and
olives, passion fruit, confirmed tolerances for these
papayas, pecans, crops.
pineapples, strawberries,
walnuts 0.1
Beans, peas, aubergines,
tomatoes, collards
(= coleworts) 0.02
*Peppers, pimentos 0.02
Annex 1 (Cont'd.)
Maximum Residue limits
Pesticide Ref.1 intake Commodity Practical Guideline Remarks
(mg/kg Tolerances limits2 levels3
body (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Blank spaces indicate no
recommendations made
Wheat, rye, oats, rice
(polished), maize,
popcorn, sorghum 0.05
Citrus, pome, and stone
fruits 0.02
Crude soybean and
linseed oils 0.5
Crude cottonseed oil 0.1
Edible cottonseed oil 0.02
Edible soyhean oil 0.02
Milk and milk products
(fat basis) 0.05
Fat of meat and poultry 0.05
Eggs (shell-free) 0.02
chlorfenson 1965b 0.01
chlorfenvinphos 1972b 0.002 Carrots, celery 0.4 Expressed as the sum of the
*Fat of meat 0.2 alpha and beta isomers of
Milk and milk products chlorfenvinphos.
(fat basis) 0.2
Cauliflower, radish,
horseradish, tomatoes 0.1
Brussels sprouts, cabbage,
broccoli, swedes, turnips,
potatoes, sweet potatoes,
Annex 1 (Cont'd.)
Maximum Residue limits
Pesticide Ref.1 intake Commodity Practical Guideline Remarks
(mg/kg Tolerances limits2 levels3
body (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Blank spaces indicate no
recommendations made
onions, leeks,
aubergines, mushrooms,
peanuts (shelled), maize,
wheat (grain), cottonseed,
rice (raw and polished) 0.05
chlormequat 1971b, 0.05 *Oats, rye 5 Residue levels in FAO/WHO
19731, *Wheat, pears 3 1972b now changed to
*Grapes, raisins, and other tolerances.
dried vine fruit 1
*Milk and milk products 0.1 #
chlorobenzilate 1969b, 0.02 *Apples, pears, grapes 2
1973b *Citrus fruit, cantaloupes,
melons 1
Almonds and walnuts
(shelled) 0.2
*Tomatoes 0.2
*Milk (whole) 0.05 #
chlorodimeform 1972b 0,01 Pears, peaches, prunes 5 c Expressed as the sum of
Apples grapes, plums, chlorodimeform and its
strawberries 3 c metabolites determined as
Cherries, citrus fruit, 4-chloro-o-toluldine and
brassicas, cottonseed oil expressed as chlorodimeform.
(crude and refined),
Annex 1 (Cont'd.)
Maximum Residue limits
Pesticide Ref.1 intake Commodity Practical Guideline Remarks
(mg/kg Tolerances limits2 levels3
body (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Blank spaces indicate no
recommendations made
cottonseed 2 c
Beans 0.5 c
Fat, meat, and meat
products of cattle 0.5 c
Milk (whole) 0.05 c
Milk products 0.5 c
chloropicrin 1965c
chloropropylate 1969b, *Apples, pears, citrus fruit 3 The temporary ADI established
1973b *Tomatoes, cantaloupes 1 at the 1968 meeting withdrawn
(see section 3.4 of FAO/WHO
chlorpropham 1965b See also section 2.2 of FAO/
WHO 1973a).
chlorpyrifos 1973b 0.0015 *Fat of meat of cattle 2
*Apples, chinese cabbage,
grapes, kale 1
*Pears, carrots, tomatoes 0.5
*Beans, aubergines,
peppers, raspberries 0.2
*Fat of meat of sheep and of
poultry 0.2
Annex 1 (Cont'd.)
Maximum Residue limits
Pesticide Ref.1 intake Commodity Practical Guideline Remarks
(mg/kg Tolerances limits2 levels3
body (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Blank spaces indicate no
recommendations made
*Lettuce, sugarbeet, rice
(in husk) 0.1
*Celery, cottonseed,
cottonseed oil (crude),
mushrooms, onions 0.05
*Cauliflower, red cabbage,
potatoes 0.01 #
*Milk (fat basis) 0.01 #
Chlorthion 1965b
coumaphos 1969b, 0.0005 c *Fat of meat of cattle 1 c To be determined as
1973b *Poultry 1 c coumaphos and oxygen analogue
*Fat of meat of sheep, pigs, and expressed as coumaphos.
and goats 0.5 c
*Milk and milk products
(fat basis) 0.5 c
Eggs (shell-free) 0.05 c
crufomate 1969b, 0.1 *Meat 1 Qualification "(fat basis)" in
1973b *Milk (whole) 0.05 previous recommendation for
meat now deleted.
2,4-D 1971b, 0.3 *Barley, oats, rye, wheat 0.02 Erratum FAO/WHO 1972a, p. 28.
Annex 1 (Cont'd.)
Maximum Residue limits
Pesticide Ref.1 intake Commodity Practical Guideline Remarks
(mg/kg Tolerances limits2 levels3
body (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Blank spaces indicate no
recommendations made
DDT 1967b, 0.005 Apples, apricots, pears, ADI is "conditional".
1968b, (see peaches, small fruits Tolerance on fish withdrawn at
1969b, remarks) (except strawberries), 1969 Meeting.
1970b, vegetables (except root Limits apply to DDT, DDD, and
1973a vegetables), fat of meat DDE singly or in combination.
and poultry 7 Tolerances subject to regular
Cherries, plums, citrus
fruit, tropical fruit 3.5
Strawberries, nuts
(shelled), root vegetables 1
*Milk and milk products
(fat basis) 1.25
Eggs (shell-free) 0.5
demeton 1965b, 0.0025
diazinon 1965b, 0.002 Olives and olive oil 2 Residues to be determined and
1967b, Cherries, citrus fruit, expressed as the parent
1968b, peaches 0.7 compound. Residues decline
1969b, Other fruit 0.5 rapidly during storage and
1971b Leafy vegetables 0.7 shipment; the tolorances are
Other vegetables 0.5 based on residues likely to be
Sweet corn (kernels and found at harvest or slaughter
cob with husks removed) 0.7 (see FAO/WHO 1971b).
Annex 1 (Cont'd.)
Maximum Residue limits
Pesticide Ref.1 intake Commodity Practical Guideline Remarks
(mg/kg Tolerances limits2 levels3
body (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Blank spaces indicate no
recommendations made
Cottonseed, safflower
seed, sunflower seed 0.5
Almonds, filberts, pecans,
peanuts, walnuts (shelled) 0.5
Rice (polished), barley,
wheat 0.1
Fat at meat of cattle,
sheep, and pigs 0.7
1,2-dibromoethane 1967b, Raw cereals 20 f See also FAO/WHO 1972a, p.
1968b, Milled cereal products 5 g 12-16. Analytical method must
1970a, Bread and other cooked identify residue, because
1972b cereal products 0.1 h guideline level refers to
original fumigant. Previously
listed as ethylene dibromide.
dichlofluanid 1970b
1,2-dichloroethane 1965c, Raw cereals 50 f See also FAO/WHO 1972a, p.
1962b, Milled cereal products 10 g 12-16. Previously listed as
1970a, Bread and other cooked ethylene dichlaride.
1972b cereal products 0.1 h
Annex 1 (Cont'd.)
Maximum Residue limits
Pesticide Ref.1 intake Commodity Practical Guideline Remarks
(mg/kg Tolerances limits2 levels3
body (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Blank spaces indicate no
recommendations made
dichlorvos 1967b, 0.004 Cocoa beans 5 The tolerances are based on
1968b, Coffee beans, soybeans, residues likely to be found at
1970b, lentlis, peanuts 2 harvest or slaughter. Residues
1971b Raw grain (barley, maize, decline rapidly during storage
oats, rice, rye, sorghum, or shipment (see FAO/WHO
wheat, etc.) 2 1968b, 1971b).
Milled products from raw The tolerance for
grain 0.5 "miscellaneous food items, not
Lettuce 1 otherwise specified", for
Fresh vegetables (except example bread, cakes, cheese,
lettuce) 0.5 cooked meats, etc., is
Tomatoes, mushrooms 0.5 intended to cover residues
Fresh fruit (apples, pears, resulting from usage of
peaches, strawberries, dichlorvos for pest control
etc.) 0.1 purposes in storage, in
Meat of cattle, sheep, warehouses, shops, etc.
goats, pigs, and poultry 0.05
Eggs (shell-free) 0.05
Milk (whole) 0.02
Miscellaneous food items
not otherwise specified 0.1
dicofol 1969b, 0.025 Fruit, vegetables 5
1971b *Hops (dried), tea (dry,
manufactured) 5
Annex 1 (Cont'd.)
Maximum Residue limits
Pesticide Ref.1 intake Commodity Practical Guideline Remarks
(mg/kg Tolerances limits2 levels3
body (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Blank spaces indicate no
recommendations made
dieldrin 1967b, 0.0001 Asparagus, broccoli, Practical residue limit for
1968b, Brussels sprouts, shell free eggs is equivalent
1969b, cabbage, cauliflower, to 0.25 mg/kg in egg yolk.
1970b, cucumbers, aubergines, Limits apply to aldrin and
1971b horseradish, onions, dieldrin singly or together
parsnips, peppers, and expressed as dioldrin.
pimentos, radishes,
radish tops 0.1
Fruit (other than citrus) 0.1
Citrus fruit 0.05
Rice (in husk) 0.02
Potatoes 0.2
Carrots, lettuce, fat of meat 0.2
Milk and milk products
(fat basis) 0.15
Raw cereals (other than
rice) 0.02
Eggs (shell-free) 0.1
dimethoate 1968b, 0.02 Tree fruit (including citrus) 2 Residues to be determined as
1971 b Tomatoes, peppers 1 dimethoate and its oxygen
Other vegetables 2 analogue and expressed as
dimethrin 1965b
Annex 1 (Cont'd.)
Maximum Residue limits
Pesticide Ref.1 intake Commodity Practical Guideline Remarks
(mg/kg Tolerances limits2 levels3
body (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Blank spaces indicate no
recommendations made
dinocap 1970b
dioxathion 1969b, 0.0015 *Pome fruit, (apples, pears, Residues of cis- and trans
1973b and quinces) 5 isomers of principal active
*Citrus fruit 3 ingredient to be determined
*Grapes 2 and expressed as sum of both.
*Fat of meat of cattle, Tolerances no longer
sheep, goats, and pigs 1 temporary.
*Milk and milk products
(fat basis) 0.2
*Stone fruit (apricots,
cherries, peaches, prunes,
and plums) 0.1 #
diphenyl 1967b, 0.125 Citrus fruit 110
diphenylamine 1970b 0.025 Apples 10
diquat 1971b, 0.005 *Barley, poppy seed, rice Tolerances no longer
1973b (in husk) 5 temporary.
*Rape seed, sorghum, ADI equivalent to 0.0036
wheat 2 expressed as diquat ion.
*Cottonseed 1 Residues expressed as diquat
*Beans, sunflower seed 0.5 ion.
Annex 1 (Cont'd.)
Maximum Residue limits
Pesticide Ref.1 intake Commodity Practical Guideline Remarks
(mg/kg Tolerances limits2 levels3
body (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Blank spaces indicate no
recommendations made
*Rice (polished), potatoes,
wheat flour 0.2
*Onions, maize, sugarbeet,
peas 0.1
*Cottonseed oil 0.1
Rape, sesame,
and sunflower oils 0.1
*Other vegetable crops 0.05 #
*Milk (whole) 0.01 #
*Meat and meat products 0.05 #
dithiocarbamates, 1965b, 0.025 b ADI applies to parent
dimethyl 1958b, compound or to sum or residues
(ferbam, thiram, 1971 b of all compounds present.
and ziram) To be reviewed in 1974, not
1972 as recorded in Annex 1,
FAO/WHO 1971a.
dithiocarbamates, 1965b, 0.025 b ADI applies to parent compound
ethylenebis 1968b, or to sum of residues of
(mancozeb, maneb, 1971b all compounds present (see
and zineb, mancozeb).
including zineb To be reviewed in 1974, not
derived from nabam 1972 as recorded in Annex 1,
plus zinc sulfate) FAO/WHO 1971a.
Annex 1 (Cont'd.)
Maximum Residue limits
Pesticide Ref.1 intake Commodity Practical Guideline Remarks
(mg/kg Tolerances limits2 levels3
body (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Blank spaces indicate no
recommendations made
DNOC 1965b
endosulfan 1968b, 0.0075 Tea (dry, manufactured) 30 To be measured and reported
1969b, Fruit, vegetables 2 as total endosulfan A and B
1972b Cottonseed 0.5 and endosulfan sulfate.
Cottonseed oil (crude) 0.2
Rice (in husk) 0.1
endrin 1965b, 0.0002 Cottonseed, cottonseed All recommendations are total
1971b oil (crude) 0.1 figures for endrin plus delta-
*Corn (sweet) 0.02 keto-endrin.
Apples, barley, rice Erratum p. 31 FAO/WHO 1971a.
(husked and/or polished), A tolerance of 0.02 was
sorghum, wheat 0.02 established for sweet corn
Edible cottonseed oil 0.02 (see FAO/WHO 1971b) but
Milk and milk products not for maize oil, which
(fat basis) 0.02 is deleted.
Fat of poultry 1
Eggs (shell-free) 0.2
ethion 1969b, 0.005 *Tea (dry, manufactured) 7 Residues to be determined as
1970b, *Apples, grapes, lemons, ethion and its oxygen analogue
1973b limes, oranges, plums, and expressed as ethion.
prunes, strawberries 2 Tolerances no longer
*Nectarines, peaches, pears 1 temporary.
Annex 1 (Cont'd.)
Maximum Residue limits
Pesticide Ref.1 intake Commodity Practical Guideline Remarks
(mg/kg Tolerances limits2 levels3
body (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Blank spaces indicate no
recommendations made
*Apricots, cherries 0.1 # General recommendations for
*Almonds, chestnuts, fruit and vegetables
filberts, pecans, withdrawn.
walnuts (shelled) 0.1 #
*Beans, melons, tomatoes 2
*Aubergines, garlic, onions,
pimentos, peppers 1
*Cucumbers, squash 0.5
*Cottonseed 0.5
*Maize (grain) 0.05 #
*Fat of meat of cattle 2.5
*Edible offal of cattle 0.75
*Fat of meat and edible
offal of goats, horses,
pigs, poultry, and sheep 0.2 #
*Milk and milk products 0.5 #
*Eggs (shell-free) 0.2 #
ethoxyquin 1970b 0.06 Apples, pears 3 ADI and tolerances erroneously
designated as temporary in
Appendix 1, FAO/WHO 1970a.
ethylene dibromide See 1,2-dibromoethane.
ethylene dichloride See 1,2-dichloroethane.
Annex 1 (Cont'd.)
Maximum Residue limits
Pesticide Ref.1 intake Commodity Practical Guideline Remarks
(mg/kg Tolerances limits2 levels3
body (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Blank spaces indicate no
recommendations made
ethylene oxide 1965c,
fenchlorphos 1969b, 0.01 *Fat of meat of cattle, Residues of fenchlorphos and
1973b goats, and sheep 10 oxygen analogues to be
*Fat of meat of pigs 2 expressed as fenchlorphos.
*Milk and milk products Tolerances no longer
(fat basis) 2 temporary.
*Eggs (shell-free) 0.05
*Poultry 0.01 #
fenitrothion 1970b 0.001 b Apples, cherries, grapes, Date for review postponed to
lettuce 0.5 b 1974 to provide longer period
Red cabbage, tea (green for experiments.
at harvest) 0.3 b
Tomatoes 0.2 b
Cocoa 0.1 b
Milk products (fat basis) 0.05 b #
Meat or fat of meat 0.03 b #
Milk (whole) 0.002 b #
Annex 1 (Cont'd.)
Maximum Residue limits
Pesticide Ref.1 intake Commodity Practical Guideline Remarks
(mg/kg Tolerances limits2 levels3
body (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Blank spaces indicate no
recommendations made
fensulfothion 1973b 0.0003 *Maize (grain), including Residues of fensullothlon, its
kernels, of field corn and oxygen analogue, the oxygen
popcorn 0.1 analogue sulfone, and the
*Onions, potatoes, sulfone to be determined and
rutabagas (roots), expressed as fensulfothion.
tomatoes 0.1
*Peanuts (shelled),
pineapple, sugarbeet 0.05 #
*Bananas (whole fruit) 0.02 #
*Fat of meat and edible offal
of cattle, goats, and sheep 0.02
fenthion 1972b 0.0005 c Apples, peaches, cherries, Tolerances for fenthion and
lettuce, fat of meat 2 c its major metabolites to be
Cabbage, cauliflower, determined separately or
olives, olive oil 1 c together and expressed as
Grapes, oranges, peas, fenthion.
meat 0.5 c
Squash 0.2 c
Wheat, rice, milk products
(fat basis) 0.1 c
Milk (whole) 0.05 c
Annex 1 (Cont'd.)
Maximum Residue limits
Pesticide Ref.1 intake Commodity Practical Guideline Remarks
(mg/kg Tolerances limits2 levels3
body (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Blank spaces indicate no
recommendations made
fentin compounds 1965b, 0.0005 Celery 1 ) Referred to as triphenyltin in
1971b, Sugarbeet, carrots 0.2 ) see FAO/WHO 1965b. Tolerances
1973b Potatoes, celeriac 0.1 ) remarks on root crops expressed on
*Cocoa beans, coffee (raw "soil free" basis. Tolerances
beans), rice (in husk) 0.1 # to refer to the total amount
*Peanuts and pecans of fentin compounds present,
(shelled) 0.05 # expressed as fentin hydroxide.
(Inorganic tin is not included
in these tolerances.)
ferbam 1965b, 0.025 b See dithiocarbamates.
folpet 1970b 0.16 a Currants (fresh) 30 a Recommendations apply only
Grapes, blueberries 25 a to parent compound.
Cherries, raspberries 15 a
Apples, citrus fruit 10 a
Tomatoes, strawberries 5 a
Cucumbers, cantaloupes
(whole), watermelons
(whole), onions 2 a
formothion 1970b, Strawberries 0.3 Residues determined as
1973b Black currants 2 dimethoate and omethoate and
expressed as dimethoate.
Annex 1 (Cont'd.)
Maximum Residue limits
Pesticide Ref.1 intake Commodity Practical Guideline Remarks
(mg/kg Tolerances limits2 levels3
body (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Blank spaces indicate no
recommendations made
heptachlor 1967b, 0.0005 Pineapple (edible portions) 0.01 Residues of heptachlor and its
1968b, Milk and milk products epoxide to be determined
1969b, (fat basis) 0.15 separately and the sum to be
1970b, Fat of meat and of poultry 0.2 expressed as heptachlor.
1971b Raw cereals, tomatoes, Certain of these practical
cottonseed, soybeans, residue limits may include
edible soybean oil 0.02 residues resulting from
Vegetables (except carrots, applications to soil or seed.
soybeans, tomatoes) 0.05
Sugarbeet 0.05
Eggs (shell-free) 0.05
Carrots 0.2
Crude soya bean oil 0.5
Citrus fruit 0.01
hexachlorobenzene 1970b (see *Fat of meat of pigs 1 a Tentative negligible daily
remarks) Fat of meat of cattle, goats, intake of 0.0006 mg/kg
poultry, and sheep 1 a established. (To be reviewed
Eggs (shell-free) 1 a in 1973. See FAO/WHO 1970b.)
Milk and milk products Fat of pigs omitted from
(fat basis) 0.3 a Annex 1, FAO/WHO 1972a.
Raw wheat 0.05 a
Cereal products (from
wheat) 0.01 a
Annex 1 (Cont'd.)
Maximum Residue limits
Pesticide Ref.1 intake Commodity Practical Guideline Remarks
(mg/kg Tolerances limits2 levels3
body (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Blank spaces indicate no
recommendations made
hydrogen cyanide 1965c, 0.05 Raw cereals 75
Flour 6
hydrogen 1967b, Not Flour and other milled Hydrogen phosphide present
phosphide 1968b, necessary cereal products, breakfast as such or derived from any
1970b, (see cereals, dried vegetables, phosphide present. Good usage
1972b remarks) spices, nuts, peanuts, practices should ensure that
dried fruit, cocoa beans, residues are not detectable
other dried foods 0.01 at time of consumption.
Raw cereals 0.1
lead 1969b
(as lead emanate)
lindane 1967b, 0.0125 Vegetables 3 Referred to as gamma-BHC
1968b, Cranberries, cherries, prior to 1957.
1969b, grapes, plums,
1970b strawberries 3
*Fat of meat of cattle,
pigs, and sheep 2
Beans (dried) 1
Raw cereals 0.5
Eggs (yolk) 0.2
Milk and milk products
(fat basis) 0.1
Poultry (fat basis) 0.7
Annex 1 (Cont'd.)
Maximum Residue limits
Pesticide Ref.1 intake Commodity Practical Guideline Remarks
(mg/kg Tolerances limits2 levels3
body (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Blank spaces indicate no
recommendations made
malathion 1967b, 0.02 *Grapes 8 Recommendations for grapes
1969b, Raw cereals, nuts, dried previously omitted.
1969b, fruit 8
1971b Whole meal and flour from
rye and wheat 2
Citrus fruit 4
Blackberries, raspberries,
lettuce, endive, cabbage,
spinach 8
Cherries, peaches, plums 6
Broccoli 5
Tomatoes, kale, turnips 3
Beans (green), apples 2
Strawberries, celery 1
Pears, blueberries, peas
(in pod), cauliflower,
peppers, aubergines,
kohlrabi, root vegetables
(except turnips), Swiss
chard, collards 0.5
mancozeb 1968b, 0.025 b Potatoes 1 a Temporary tolerance applies to
1971b parent compound or to sum of
all dithiocarbamates present.
Annex 1 (Cont'd.)
Maximum Residue limits
Pesticide Ref.1 intake Commodity Practical Guideline Remarks
(mg/kg Tolerances limits2 levels3
body (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Blank spaces indicate no
recommendations made
maneb 1965b, 0.025 b See dithiocarbamates.
mercury compounds See organamercurials.
methidathion 1973b 0.005 c *Citrus fruit 2 c
*Apples, pears 0.5 c
*Apricots, cherries,
nectarines, peaches,
plums, prunes, grapes 0.2 c
*Cabbage, cauliflower,
leafy vegetables 0.2 c
*Beans, peas, tomatoes 0.1 c
*Maize, sorghum (grain) 0.1 c
*Cottonseed oil (crude) 1 c
*Cottonseed 0.2 c
*Hops (dried) 3 c
*Tea (dry, manufactured) 0.1 c
*Potatoes 0.02 #
*Meat, fat, and edible offal Residues in animal products
of cattle, sheep, goats, from feeding on treated forage
pigs, and poultry 0.02 # and plant products.
*Milk and milk products
(fat basis) 0.02 #
*Eggs (shell-free) 0.02 #
Annex 1 (Cont'd.)
Maximum Residue limits
Pesticide Ref.1 intake Commodity Practical Guideline Remarks
(mg/kg Tolerances limits2 levels3
body (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Blank spaces indicate no
recommendations made
methoxychlor 1965b 0.1
methyl bromide See bromomethane.
mevinphos 1965b, 0.0015 *Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Residues of cis- and trans
1973b cabbage, cauliflower, isomers to be determined and
collards 1 expressed as the sum of both.
*Cherries, strawberries 1
*Apples, grapes, peaches,
lettuce, spinach 0.5
*Cucumbers, tomatoes,
apricots, citrus fruit, 0.2
*Carrots, beans, onions,
peas, potatoes, turnips 0.1
*Melons 0.05
MGK 264 1968b
monocrotophos 1973b 0.0003 *Apples, pears 1 c
*Hops (dried) 1
*Citrus fruit 0.2
*Tomatoes 0.5
*Beans, Brussels sprouts,
cabbage, cauliflower 0.2
Annex 1 (Cont'd.)
Maximum Residue limits
Pesticide Ref.1 intake Commodity Practical Guideline Remarks
(mg/kg Tolerances limits2 levels3
body (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Blank spaces indicate no
recommendations made
*Onions, peas, coffee (raw
beans) 0.1
*Cottonseed 0.1
*Carrots, maize (grain),
potatoes, turnips,
sugarbeet 0.05 #
*Cottonseed oil, soybeans 0.05 #
*Meat and edible offal of Residues in products of animal
cattle, goats, pigs, origin arising from feeding
poultry, and sheep 0.02 # treated plant products.
*Milk 0.002 #
*Milk products 0.02 #
*Eggs (shell-free) 0.02 #
nabam 1965b, 0.025 b See also dithiocarbamates and
1968b zineb.
omethoate 1972b 0.0005 c Apples, apricots, cherries, See also dimethoate and
grapes, peaches, pears, formothion.
plums 2 c
organomercurials 1967b, Possible Referred to as phenylmercury
1968b figures acetate In FAO/WHO 1967b.
in FAO/
WHO 1968b,
p. 208.
Annex 1 (Cont'd.)
Maximum Residue limits
Pesticide Ref.1 intake Commodity Practical Guideline Remarks
(mg/kg Tolerances limits2 levels3
body (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Blank spaces indicate no
recommendations made
oxydemeton-methyl 1968b, ADI withdrawn at 1968 Meeting
1969b (see FAO/WHO 1969b).
oxythioquinox 1969b See chinomethionate.
paraquat 1971b, 0.002 *Rice (in husk) 10 Tolerances no longer
1973b *Olives (fresh) 1 temporary.
*Rice (polished), sorghum 0.5 ADI equivalent to 0.0014
*Cottonseed, potatoes 0.2 expressed as paraquat ion.
*Maize, soybeans 0.1 Residues expressed as
cottonseed oil (refined) 0.05 paraquat ion.
*Other vegetables 0.05 #
*Milk (whole) 0.01 #
parathion 1965b, 0.005 Apricots, citrus fruit,
1968b, peaches 1
1970b, Other fresh fruit 0.5
1971b Vegetables (except carrots) 0.7
parathion-methyl 1969b, 0.001 c Fruit, cole crops, cucurbits 0.2 c Cucurbits include cantaloupes,
1973b Other vegetables 1 c melons, and cucumbers.
Cottonseed oil 0.05 c Temporary tolerances are for
parathion-methyl plus its
oxygen analogue.
Annex 1 (Cont'd.)
Maximum Residue limits
Pesticide Ref.1 intake Commodity Practical Guideline Remarks
(mg/kg Tolerances limits2 levels3
body (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Blank spaces indicate no
recommendations made
2-phenylphenol 1970b 1 Cantaloupes (whole) 120 Residues expressed as 2-
(and sodium salt) Pears 25 phenylphenol. Referred to as
Carrots, peaches 20 o-phenylphenol in FAO/WHO
Apples, sweet potatoes, 1969a, p. 18.
plums (including fresh
prunes) 15
Cantaloupes (edible
portions), citrus fruit,
cucumbers, peppers,
pineapple, tomatoes 10
Cherries, nectarines 3
o-phenylphenol See 2-phenylphenol.
phosalone 1973b 0.006 *Apples, grapes, peaches,
plums 5
*Cherries, pears, beetroots 2
*Hops (dried) 2
*Citrus fruit, strawberries,
broccoli, Brussels sprouts,
cabbage, cucumbers,
lettuce, peas, tomatoes 1
*Chestnuts and pecans
(shelled), potatoes,
rape seed 0.1 #
Annex 1 (Cont'd.)
Maximum Residue limits
Pesticide Ref.1 intake Commodity Practical Guideline Remarks
(mg/kg Tolerances limits2 levels3
body (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Blank spaces indicate no
recommendations made
phosphamidon 1965b, 0.001 *Apples, pears 0.5
1967b, *Citrus fruit 0.4 Expressed as the sum of
1969b, *Other fruit, cole crops 0.2 phosphamidon and its desethyl
1972b, *Tomatoes, lettuce, derivative.
1973b cucumbers, watermelons 0.1
*Other vegetables (except
root vegetables) 0.2
*Raw cereals 0.1
*Root vegetables, potatoes 0.05 #
phosphine 1965c See hydrogen phosphide.
piperonyl butoxide 1967b, 0.03 Raw cereals 20 a
1968b, Fresh fruit and vegetables, Peanuts omitted from Annex 1,
1973b dried fruit and vegetables 8 a FAO/WHO 1972a and from
*Peanuts (whole), tree nuts, 8 a earlier tables. See FAO/WHO
oil seeds 1967b.
*Fish (dried) 20
Propham 1965b
pyrethrins 1967b, 0.04 Raw cereals 3 a
1968b, Fresh fruit and vegetables,
1970b, dried fruit and vegetables,
1973b oil seeds, tree nuts 1 a
*Fish (dried) 3
Annex 1 (Cont'd.)
Maximum Residue limits
Pesticide Ref.1 intake Commodity Practical Guideline Remarks
(mg/kg Tolerances limits2 levels3
body (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Blank spaces indicate no
recommendations made
quintozene 1970b 0.001 Mushrooms 10 a
Peanuts (whole) 5 a
Bananas (whole) 1 a
Lettuce, peanuts (kernels) 0.3 a
Beans (navy), potatoes 0.2 a
Tomatoes 0.1 a
Cottonseed 0.03 a
Broccoli, cabbage 0.02 a
Bananas (pulp), beans
(other than navy),
peppers (bell) 0.01 a
2,4,5-T 1971b
thiabendazole 1971b, 0.05 Apples, pears 10
1972b, *Citrus fruit 10
1973b Bananas 3
Bananas (pulp) 0.4
thiometon 1970b
thiram 1965b, 0.025 b
1968b See dithiocarbamates.
toxaphene 1969b Subsequently listed as
Annex 1 (Cont'd.)
Maximum Residue limits
Pesticide Ref.1 intake Commodity Practical Guideline Remarks
(mg/kg Tolerances limits2 levels3
body (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Blank spaces indicate no
recommendations made
trichlorfon 1972b 0.01 c Peppers 1 c
Bananas, peaches, Brussels
sprouts, cauliflower, kale,
sweet corn (kernels and
cobs), celery, beet, wheat 0.2 c
Apples, cherries, oranges,
strawberries, artichokes,
beans (blackeyed, green,
and lima), cabbage,
cowpeas, mustard greens,
pumpkins, tomatoes,
turnips 0.1 c
Barley, maize 0.1 c
Cottonseed, linseed, rape
seed, safflower seed,
soybeans, peanuts
(shelled) 0.1 c
Meat, fat, and edible offal
of cattle and pigs 0.1 c
Milk (whole) 0.05 c
Sugarbeet 0.05 e
trichloroethylene 1969b
trichloronat 1972b
Annex 1 (Cont'd.)
Maximum Residue limits
Pesticide Ref.1 intake Commodity Practical Guideline Remarks
(mg/kg Tolerances limits2 levels3
body (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Blank spaces indicate no
recommendations made
tricyclohexyl 1971b 0.0075 b Apples, pears 2 b Expressed as the parent
hydroxystannate compound.
tricyclohexyltin See tricyclohexyl
hydroxide hydroxystannate.
triphenyltin See fentin compounds.
zineb 1965b, 0.025 b (Including zineb derived from
1968b nabam plus zinc sulfate.)
ziram 1965b, 0.025 b See also dithiocarbamates.
Indicates additions or irodifications made by the 1972 Joint Meeting.
1 References are to FAO/WHO publications (see list of references). Dates of publication refer to the first complete or completely revised
monograph or to important mentions of the compound in a report. Where a monograph has been completely revised mention is not necessarily
made of any earlier ones. Where the only date given is 1973, the compound was considered at the 1972 Joint Meeting for the first time.
2 Unless otherwise indicated, the tolerances and practical limits should apply as soon as practicable after harvest to the raw agricultural
products moving in commerce and prior to processing. For commodities entering international trade, tolerances are applicable, unless
otherwise indicated, at the point of entry into a country or as soon as practicable thereafter. All levels refer to contents or samples
representative of individual consignments or lots.
Annex 1 (Cont'd.)
3 Guideline levels are included to assist administering authorities, even though ADis have not been established for the individual
products, or temporary ADIs established at an earlier date have been withdrawn. The levels recommended are those that need not be exceeded
if good practices are followed. With regard to fumigants, they are intended to be applied at one of the stages indicated by f, g, or h in
the knowledge that, when so applied, residues of unchanged fumigants in foods as offered for consumption would not exceed an amount close to
the limit of determination by present analytical methods.
# Level at or about the limit of determination.
a Temporary: results of work to be made available not later than 30 June 1973.
b Temporary: results of work to be made available not later than 30 June 1974.
c Temporary: results of work to be made available not later than 30 June 1975.
d Temporary: results of work to be made available not later than 30 June 1976.
e Temporary: results of work to be made available not later than 30 June 1977.
f To apply at point of entry into a country and, in the case of cereal for milling, if product has been freely exposed to air for a period
of at least 24 hours after fumigation and before sampling.
g To apply to milled cereal products to be subjected to baking or cooking.
h To apply at point of retail sale or when offered for consumption.
FAO/WHO. (1964) Evaluation of the toxicity of Pesticide residues in
food; report of a Joint Meeting of the FAO Committee on Pesticides in
Agriculture and the WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues. FAO
Meeting Report, No. PL/1963/13; WHO/Food Add./23 (1964)
FAO/WHO. (1965a) Evaluation of the toxicity of pesticide residues in
food; report of the Second Joint Meeting of the FAO Committee on
Pesticides in Agriculture and the WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide
Residues, FAO Meeting Report, No. PL/1965/10; WHO/Food Add./26.65
FAO/WHO. (1965b) Evaluation of the toxicity of pesticide residues in
food. FAO Meeting Report, No. PL/1965/10/1; WHO/Food Add./27.65
FAO/WHO. (1965c) Evaluation of the hazards to consumers resulting from
the use of fumigants in the protection of food. FAO Meeting Report,
No. PL:1965/10/2; WHO/Food Add./28.65
FAO/WHO. (1967a) Pesticide residues in food; joint report of the FAO
Working Party on Pesticide Residues and the WHO Expert Committee on
Pesticide Residues. FAO Agricultural Studies, No. 73; Wld Hlth Org.
techn. Rep. Ser., No. 370
FAO/WHO. (1967b) Evaluation of some pesticide residues in food. FAO,
PL:CP/15; WHO/Food Add./67.32
FAO/WHO. (1968a) Pesticide residues; report of the 1967 Joint Meeting
of the FAO Working Party and the WHO Expert Committee. FAO Meeting
Report, No. PL:1967/M/11; Wld Hlth Org. techn. Rep. Ser., No. 391
FAO/WHO. (1968b) 1967 evaluations of some pesticide residues in food.
FAO/PL:1967/M/11/1; WHO/Food Add./68.30
FAO/WHO. (1969a) Pesticide residues in food; report of the 1968 Joint
Meeting of the FAO Working Party of Experts on Pesticide Residues and
the WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues. FAO Agricultural
Studies, No. 78; Wld Hlth Org. techn. Rep. Ser., No. 417
FAO/WHO. (1969b) 1969 evaluations of some pesticide residues in food.
FAO/PL:1968/M/9/1; WHO/Food Add./69.35
FAO/WHO. (1970a) Pesticide residues in food; report of the 1969 Joint
Meeting of the FAO Working Party of Experts on Pesticide Residues and
the WHO Expert Group on Pesticide Residues. FAO Agricultural Studies,
No. 84; Wld Hlth Org. techn. Rep. Ser., No. 458
FAO/WHO. (1970b) 1969 evaluations of some pesticide residues in food.
FAO/PL:1969/M/17/1; WHO/Food Add./70.38
FAO/WHO. (1971a) Pesticide residues in food; report of the 1970 Joint
Meeting of the FAO Working Party of Experts on Pesticide Residues and
the WHO Expert Group on Pesticide Residues. FAO Agricultural Studies,
No. 87; Wld Hlth Org. techn. Rep. Ser., No. 474
FAO/WHO. (1971b) 1970 evaluations of some pesticide residues in food.
FAO/AGP/1970/M/12/1; WHO/Food Add./71.42
FAO/WHO. (1972a) Pesticide residues in food; report of the 1971 Joint
Meeting of the FAO Working Party of Experts on Pesticide Residues and
the WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues. FAO Agricultural
Studies, No. 88; Wld Hlth Org. techn. Rep. Ser., No. 502
FAO/WHO. (1972b) 1971 evaluations of some pesticide residues in food,
FAO/AGP/1971/M/9/1; WHO Pesticide Residues Series, No. 1
FAO/WHO. (1972c) Report of the Sixth Session of the Codex Committee on
Pesticide Residues. Alinorm 73/24
FAO/WHO. (1972d) Evaluation of certain food additives and the
contaminants mercury, lead, and cadmium. Sixteenth report of the Joint
FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives. FAO Nutrition Meetings
Report Series, No. 51; Wld Hlth Org. techn. Rep. Ser., No. 505
FAO/WHO. (1973b) 1972 evaluations of some pesticide residues in food.
FAO/AGP/1972/M/9/1; WHO Pesticide Residues Series, No. 2 (in press)
WHO. (1967) Procedures for investigating intentional and unintentional
food additives; report of a WHO Scientific Group. Wld Hlth Org. techn.
Rep. Ser., No. 348