BIORESMETHRIN JMPR 1976 Explanation Bioresmethrin was evaluated in 1975 (FAO/WHO 1976b) and a monograph covering "Identity" and "Residues in food and their evaluation" was published. Toxicological information was not then available and therefore no ADI could be recommended. The 1975 Meeting indicated that full Toxicological data was required and that the following information was desirable. 1. Further information on the level and fate of bioresmethrin on different classes of raw grains. 2. Residue data from supervised trials on other stored commodities, including nuts, peanuts, lentils, dried fruit and dried vegetables. 3. Information on residues in fruit and vegetables following approved uses. 4. Further information on the level and fate of residues in food at the point of consumption following the use of bioresmethrin for the control of various stored-product pests. 5. Improved procedures for the determination of bioresmethrin residues in fruit and vegetables as well as stored products. Information on many of these topics was received and evaluated by the Meeting and the following monograph addendum is provided. IDENTITY AND PROPERTIES Bioresmethrin was developed under grants from the National Research and Development Corporation by scientists at Rothamsted Experimental Station in the United Kingdom. At least five principal companies have been licenced to manufacture, formulate or distribute bioresmethrin insecticides in different parts of the world and for different fields of use. The effective performance of bioresmethrin and its novelty, being the first synthetic pyrethroid with properties comparable to natural pyrethrins, has stimulated many independent scientists and government research workers to study the chemistry, metabolism, biological effects and fate of bioresmethrin. Much of this information is available in published literature and in addition the Meeting had access to the results of a number of on-going studies. Because the (+) cis isomer of bioresmethrin is acutely somewhat more toxic than bioresmethrin there is interest in whether this isomer could be a significant component of technical bioresmethrin. In the manufacturing process the optical isomers of chrysanthemic acid are separated by procedures which include crystallisation and it is understood that substantially all of the (+) cis isomer is removed before the esterification reaction. EVALUATION FOR ACCEPTABLE DAILY INTAKE BIOCHEMICAL ASPECTS Absorption, distribution and excretion Bioresmethrin is rapidly absorbed (following oral administration) from the gut and widely distributed in the body within 3 hours. Whole body radioautographic techniques monitored the distribution of 3H-bioresmethrin following oral or intravenous administration to rats. At 24 hours following oral administration, most tissues showed greatly reduced residual radioactivity but concentration in fatty and other tissues was high (adipose tissue, mesenteric skin, testis, epididimus, lachrymal gland and connective tissue). The excretion of 3H activity into the bile duct was demonstrated with rats surgically cannulated to collect the bile. Shortly after iv3 treatment (50% after 24 hours and 60% after 72 hours) 3H was found in the bile. After iv administration a large amount was recovered in faeces suggesting significant enterohepatic circulation (Farebrother, 1973). Following oral administration to rats (14C-carboxyl label, 0.87 mg/kg), bioresmethrin was slowly eliminated from the body with only 73% of the administered dose accounted for in faeces (32%) and urine (41%) after 6 days (means from two experiments). The highest residue after 6 days was found in the fat: other tissues contained 0.01 mg/kg. Residues were observed in other tissues analyzed following administration of bioresmethrin (alcohol label): Fat > blood > lung > kidney > liver > heart > muscle > spleen >> brain. After two weeks excretion was not complete (Ueda, et al., 1975b). Qualitative identification of several metabolites of bioresmethrin was performed. No unmetabolized bioresmethrin was excreted. The metabolites most slowly excreted (persisting longest in the body) arise from the alcohol-labelled bioresmethrin. Those arising from the acid moiety are rapidly excreted. Biotransformation Information on the fate of bioresmethrin in laboratory animals was discussed by the 1975 Joint Meeting (FAO/WHO, 1976b). Some of this is repeated in the extended discussion which follows. The biodegradation of bioresmethrin is a complex phenomenon with several reactions occurring simultaneously and taking place at various positions in the molecule. The initial step in the metabolism is cleavage at the ester linkage, a reaction found to be catalyzed by esterases localized in the liver microsome. Transisomerization was reported with bioresmethrin but was apparently limited to isomerization of degradation products, not observed with the parent molecule and seen only when bioresmethrin was administered at low levels. Transisomerization was not noted on administration of higher levels by ip injection (low dose = 1 mg/kg; high dose = 3 gm/rat over a period of 3 days administered 2X/day). Transisomerization occurred only with the acid portion of the molecule as observed in Figure 1 (tE-CAA cE-CDA), which shows the probable metabolic route for both the acid and alcohol moieties of bioresmethrin in rats. In vitro studies with rat and mouse liver preparations suggested mouse liver esterases hydrolyze bioresmethrin ((+)-trans-resmethrin isomer) rapidly relative to the corresponding cis-isomers ((+)-or (-)-cis-resmethrin) while microsomal enzymes oxidize the (+)-trans-isomer, bioresmethrin, more slowly than the cis-isomers (Ueda et al., 1975a). When administered to rats bioresmethrin undergoes a complicated series of reactions involving initial ester cleavage and subsequent oxidation with or without conjugation of both the acid and alcohol metabolites. Bioresmethrin is degraded by ester cleavage and the alcohol moiety is oxidized to 5-benzyl-3-furylmethanol (BFA), 5-benzyl-3-furoic acid (BFCA), 4'-hydroxy BFCA and alpha-hydroxy BFCA (alpha-OH-BFCA). The chrysanthemate (acid) moiety undergoes oxidation from trans-chrysanthemic acid (tE-CHA) to 2,2-dimethyl3-(2'hydroxymethyl-1'-propenyl)cyclopropanecarboxylic acid (tE-CHA) (oxidative metabolism at the methyl group of the isobutenyl side chain trans (E) to the cyclopropane). This is further oxidized through the formyl derivative (CAA) to the dicarboxylic acid isomers (tE-CDA and cE-CDA). It is at the CAA oxidation stage where isomerization may occur through the proposed aldehyde (cE-CAA) intermediate to (cE-CDA) the cis-dicarboxylic acid (Ueda et al., 1975b). This metabolic sequence may also account for the consideration of Verschoyle and Barnes (1972) that as a delay in signs of poisoning was evident following iv administration, bioresmethrin may be converted in vivo to a toxic metabolite. The presence of (+)-trans-CA,-BFA and BFCA as metabolites, which are more toxic than bioresmethrin, may account for their observation and conclusions. The metabolic sequence is very similar qualitatively to that observed with resmethrin although much less complicated because of the lack of isomeric products (Miyamoto et al., 1971) and because of the specificity of certain isomers to enzymatic degradation by selected routes as mentioned above (Ueda et al., 1975a, b; Abernethy and Casida, 1973). TOXICOLOGICAL STUDIES Special study on teratology Groups of pregnant rabbits (4-6 rabbits/group) were administered bioresmethrin in doses of 0, 10, 20, 40 and 80 mg/kg by oral gavage daily from day 8-16 of gestation. The does were sacrificed on day 28 and examined for implantation, live and dead fetuses, resorption sites and abnormalities (after staining a representative number for skeletal examination). There was no apparent effect on parents in the study asgrowth and gestation were unaffected. There was an increase in dead fetuses at the highest dose and a large number of resorption sites noted at all treatment levels. There were a number of deformed fetuses observed but the total numbers were not sufficient for an adequate statistical evaluation. The deformities included straight tail, crossed hind limbs and unilateral union of 6th and 7th ribs at the sternal end. An overall fetal loss was observed at all dose levels (primarily because of the large number of resorption sites recorded). (Waldron, 1969). Special studies on potentiation Groups of rats (6 female rats/group) were administered bioresmethrin, bioallethrin and/or piperonyl butoxide alone and in combinations at doses approximating the acute ip LD50 value. No potentiation of the acute toxicity was observed in this study. In all cases with bioresmethrin combinations, the observed LD50 values were equal to or exceeded the expected value (Wallwork and Malone, 1971). Special studies on irritancy and sensitization Groups of adult guinea pigs (6 males/group) were tested with bioresmethrin (0.1 ml of a 5% (w/v) formulation) or 2,4-dinitrochloro-benzene (DNCB) (0.1 ml of a (1% w/v) formulation in mineral oil) to assess the sensitization properties. The test substance was applied to the ears for 4 days. On day 7, 0.2 ml was applied dermally and the degree of irritation recorded. As expected, the DNCB was an irritant while bioresmethrin showed only traces of erythema suggesting a low potential for sensitization and irritation (Chesher and Malone, 1970b). Instillation of technical bioresmethrin into the eye of rabbits (0.1 ml) produced no irritation or corneal damage. A group of six rabbits was treated with no indication of ocular hazard (Chesher and Malone, 1970c). Acute toxicity LD50 Species Sex Route (mg/kg) Reference Rat m oral 8800 Glomot & Chevalier, 1969 f oral >8000 Verschoyle & Barnes, 1972 f oral 7071 Wallwork, et al., 1970 f iv 340 Verschoyle & Barnes, 1972 f iv 106-133 Chesher and Malone, 1971a f ip >8000 Wallwork & Malone, 1971 f inhalation >872 mg/m3 Wallwork & Malone (24 hr exposure) f dermal >10000 Wallwork et al., 1970 LD50 Species Sex Route (mg/kg) Reference Mouse f oral >10000 Wallwork et al., 1970 m oral 3100 Ueda, et al., 1975b f ip 5359 Wallwork et al., 1973 m ip >1500 Ueda et al., 1975b Rabbit Chicken oral >10000 Wallwork et al., 1970 Chesher & Malone, 1970a Signs of poisoning: After 2 or more hours following oral administration, tremors occurred; animals were sensitive to each other and aggressive. The final stages of poisoning consisted of convulsive twitching, prostration, coma, and death normally between 3 and 24 hours. Mode of action: The nervous systems of both vertebrates and invertebrates are equally sensitive and respond in a similar manner to pyrethins (both natural and synthetic). The uncoordinated tremors of the rat are similar to those signs of poisoning generally associated with organochlorine pesticides. Acute toxicity of metabolites LD50 (mg/kg*) Metabolite ip Oral 1) (+)-trans-resmethrin (bioresmethrin) >1500 3100 (5-benzyl-3-furylmethyl (+)-trans- chrysanthemate) 2) (+)-cis-resmethrin 1 320 (5-benzyl-3-furylmethyl (-)-cis- chrysanthemate) 3) (+)-trans-CA (t-CA) 98 280 (*)-trans-chrysanthemic acid 4) (+)-cis-CA (c-CA)1 600 (+)-cis-chrysanthemic acid 5) (+)-trans-CDA. (tE-CDA) 408 (+)-trans-chrysanthemumdicarboxylic acid LD50 (mg/kg*) Metabolite ip Oral 6) BFA 75 310 5-benzyl-3-furylmethanol 7) BFCA 5-benzyl-3-furoic acid 46 *LD50 - male mouse 24-hour toxicity following intraperitoneal injection. 1 Cis isomers (numbers 2 and 4) are not metabolites of bioresmethrin. Cis isomers are metabolites in degradation of resmethrin. (Ueda et al., 1975b; Miyamoto, 1975, 1976) Short-term studies Rat Groups of rats (10 males/group) were administered bioresmethrin orally by gavage daily, six days per week for three weeks at doses of 0, 1000 and 2000 mg/kg body weight. There was no mortality attributable to bioresmethrin. There was a slight reduction in weight at 2000 mg/kg. Haematology was normal with a slight reduction noted in haemoglobin content and hematocrit value. Albumin and BUN were increased while SGOT activity was reduced. At the end of three weeks gross examination of major tissues showed slight effects on liver (increased size), reduced thymus weight (both organs affected at 1000 mg/kg), and reduced prostate (only at the high dose). Histological examination showed only thymic involution without structural changes with no effects noted in liver (Glomot, undated). Groups of rats (18 males and 18 females/group) were fed bioresmethrin in the diet at concentrations of 0, 400, 1200 and 8000 ppm (the latter dose group was fed 4000 ppm for 30 days and the level increased thereafter) for 91 days. There was no mortality observed in this study. Food consumption was normal and food conversion was unaffected by bioresmethrin in the diet. Growth was reduced at the highest dose level which was accompanied by changes in blood chemistry parameters indicating liver dysfunction (SAP, SGOT, and urinary nitrogen increased at 90 days, glucose content reduced). Depression of red blood cell count was observed at 1200 ppm although no consistent parallel changes were seen in hemoglobin content or packed cell volume. Urinalyses were normal. Gross and microscopic analysis of tissues and organs showed an increase in liver weight at 4000 ppm and a decrease in several other organs (spleen, heart, brain, thymus. prostate, ovary and uterus at 1200 and 4000/8000 ppm fatty infiltration of liver was seen on microscopic examination. A no-effect level in this study would be 400 ppm equivalent to an average daily intake of 32.8 to 36.1 mg/kg body weight for males and females respectively (Wallwork et al., 1971). Dog Groups of dogs (2 of each sex/group) were administered bioresmethrin by gavage, daily at dose levels of 0 and 500 mg/kg body weight for 7 days followed by a dose increase to 1000 mg/kg for a further 14 days. There were no effects noted in this test with respect to mortality, behaviour, body weight changes, hematology, blood chemistry or urinalysis parameters or on electrocardiograph measurements. Short-term administration for three weeks at an oral dose of 1000 mg/kg was uneventful in the parameters measured (Malone and Chesher, 1970). In a continuation of the above trial, after a two-week interval on control diets, dogs were administered bioresmethrin by gavage for 7 days at a dose of 2000 mg/kg body weight. Again no significant effects were noted in the parameters recorded above (Chesher and Malone, 1970b). Groups of dogs (3 male and 3 female/group) were administered bioresmethrin by gavage in gelatin capsule, daily for 90 days at dosage levels of 0, 25, 80 and 250 mg/kg (the high dose was increased to 500 mg/kg in week 7). There was no mortality. Growth, food consumption and calculated food utilization parameters were normal. Clinical biochemistry, ophthalmological and urinalysis parameters were normal at all intervals (30, 60 and 90 days) examined. In the high dose group, reduced RBC count, hemoglobin content and packed cell volume values were noted. BUN was slightly increased only at the high dose after 12 weeks. There were no adverse effects noted on gross or microscopic examination of tissues and organs (including bioresmethrin bone marrow). A no-effect level was observed to be 80 mg/kg (equivalent to an average of 1600 ppm in the diet) (Noel et al., 1971). OBSERVATIONS IN MAN None. COMMENTS Bioresmethrin is the common name for the (+)-trans-chrysanthemate ester of 5-benzyl-3-furylmethanol, a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide. Bioresmethrin is a component of another synthetic pyrethroid, resmethrin, whose toxicological properties have not been evaluated. Resmethrin consists of a mixture of isomers having the empirical formula C22H2603. The mixture is made up of approximately 65% trans-(bioresmethrin, approximately one half of this fraction, is the (+)-trans-isomer) and 35% cis-isomers. In general, the (-)-isomers have low biological activity. The (+)-cis-isomer of bioresmethrin is acutely more toxic than bioresmethrin. Bioresmethrin is relatively non-toxic on an acute basis and readily degradable. In animals, it is absorbed rapidly from the gut and translocated partially to the lipid portions of the body. Bioresmethrin is excreted slowly, probably owing to its lipophilicity. It has been shown to reflect a delay in the onset of acute signs of poisoning possibly owing to delay in ester cleavage which results in more toxic (hydrolysis) products. Bioresmethrin is metabolised by oxidation and hydrolysis occurring at various sites in the molecule. There is no evidence for isomerisation of bioresmethrin to the (+)-cis-isomer which might result in greater toxicity. Several short term toxicology studies in rat and dog are available. Bioresmethrin is not a teratogen although at high levels it has been shown to induce some fetal abnormalities and fetal mortality. Bioresmethrin is nonirritating and does not induce a sensitisation reaction. In short term studies at high doses, thymic atrophy was noted over a 3 week test period. This was accompanied by increased liver size. In rats reduced growth, dysfunction, and fatty infiltration of the liver were observed in a 90 day study at dietary levels of 1200 ppm and above. In dogs, several hematological parameters were affected at dose levels of 250 and 500 mg/kg, as noted over a 90 day period. No-effect levels were noted based on short term studies only. There were no observations in man available for consideration. Although short term studies were available along with several special studies which did not specifically raise any unusual toxicological factors, the absence of data from long term studies precluded the Meeting from estimating an ADI for man. In concurrence with previous conclusions, the Meeting expressed its need for evaluation of long term studies in its consideration of an ADI for man. This is especially important in the case of bioresmethrin, owing to the fact that this synthetic pyrethroid is the first of a chemical class of pesticides projected for extensive use in future. Although bioresmethrin effects have been observed only at relatively high dose levels in short term studies, the potential for adverse toxicological effects in long term studies needs to be evaluated. TOXICOLOGICAL EVALUATION No ADI for man was allocated. RESIDUES IN FOOD AND THEIR EVALUATION USE PATTERN The high potency and broad spectrum activity of bioresmethrin could be expected to lead to a wide field of use. Susceptibility to rapid degradation by light and the availability of several other synthetic pyrethroid insecticides with much superior stability to light has however almost completely discouraged interest in bioresmethrin for use against pests of fruit, vegetable or forage crops. In addition to the widespread use of bioresmethrin against pests of households and of public health there has been considerable interest in its use for the control of insect pests of stored products, particularly the lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha domenica, which is not controlled by acceptable rates of organophosphorus insecticides. The 1975 monograph (FAO/WHO, 1976b) reviewed many scientific papers on the properties and usefulness of bioresmethrin against stored product pests. Since the preparation of the monograph a number of additional studies have been completed. Desmarchelier (1976) showed that combinations of pyrethroids, which are particularly effective against Rhyzopertha domenica, and organophosphorus insecticides which are effective against Tribolium castaneum controlled both species for as long as the pyrethroid alone controlled Rhyzopertha domenica and the organophosphorus compound alone controlled Tribolium castaneum. Bioresmethrin was by far the best of the many pyrethroid compounds examined. Bengston et al (1976a) reporting extensive field trial to compare a range of grain protectant insecticides showed that none of the five organophosphorus insecticides evaluated was adequate to control Rhyzopertha domenica, which lived and reproduced in all samples including those drawn immediately after insecticide application. Bengston et al. (1976b) demonstrated, in commercial scale trials, the outstanding performance of several organophosphorus grain protectants when combined with bioresmethrin. Complete protection was obtained against all strains of all species of stored product pests and reproduction was completely inhibited for many months. The development of organophosphorus- and fumigant-resistant strains of many stored product pests (Champ and Dyte, 1975) in most countries and in all continents points to the urgency of having available acceptable insecticides which have different properties and modes of action. Supplies of natural-pyrethrum are not adequate to meet the developing emergency. Australian authorities have approved the use of bioresmethrin at the rate of 2 mg/kg for the control of Rhyzopertha domenica and other insect pests of wheat, oats and barley to protect valuable stocks of grain and to ensure compliance with the phytosanitary requirements of grain-importing countries. It is understood that similar action has been taken in a number of other countries. RESIDUES RESULTING FROM SUPERVISED TRIALS Pre-harvest treatments No further information on the level or fate of bioresmethrin residues on fruit or vegetables has become available. In view of the advances which have been made with the development of several other pyrethroid insecticides with outstanding efficacy against a wide range of pests combined with a high level of stability to light it appears unlikely that bioresmethrin will be developed or utilised for pre-harvest application. Post-harvest treatments Extensive commercial scale trials were carried out in Australia during 1976 at 20 sites involving 42 silos each containing from 2,000 to 8,000 tonnes of wheat. The wheat had been placed in storage directly from the harvest. The temperature of the grain ranged from 27° to 39°C and the moisture content from 9.2% to 12.0%. Pirimiphos-methyl or fenitrothion was applied in the form of a dilute emulsion at the rate of 1 litre/tonne to give a deposit of 5 mg/kg of pirimiphos-methyl or 10 mg/kg of fenitrothion. Bioresmethrin emulsion was added at the same time to give a nominal deposit 1 mg/kg. The amount deposited was estimated from the quantity of emulsion used. Samples were withdrawn for bioassay and for chemical analysis at regular intervals for 9 months. The temperature of the grain was recorded over this period. Figure 2 illustrates the rate of decline of the bioresmethrin deposit with time (Desmarchelier et al., 1976a). The variations in the amount found at any one interval after application are not particularly great but are no doubt due to variations in temperature, grain moisture and amount of bioresmethrin applied at each separate site. These data confirm earlier studies under laboratory conditions which indicate that the half-life of bioresmethrin in stored grain is directly dependent on temperature. At 30-35°C the half-life is 8-10 weeks whilst at 20°C it exceeds 26 weeks. This degree of stability is greater than that shown by malathion under similar conditions and increases the effectiveness of bioresmethrin as a grain protectant insecticide. Because the stability is combined with potency against the target species it is not necessary to use concentrations above 2 mg/kg even on grain stored at relatively high temperatures. FATE OF RESIDUES In animals The metabolism of bioresmethrin in the rat and mouse is described above ("Biochemical aspects") In grain One of the questions remaining in doubt at the 1975 Meeting was the fate of bioresmethrin on different classes of raw grain. Preliminary results of an on-going official study in Australia indicate that there is no significant difference in the stability (persistence) of bioresmethrin deposits on different types of raw grain held at 25°C under comparable moisture regimes (Desmarchelier,
1976b). Twenty kg quantities of barley, oats, rice in husk, husked rice, polished rice and wheat were treated under standardised conditions with a dilute emulsion of bioresmethrin/piperonyl butoxide (1:5) at a rate designed to deposit 7 mg bioresmethrin per kg of grain. The amount applied was deliberately high to enable the effects of long term storage and processing to be compared and to ensure that analytical difficulties would not interfere. The grain was held in a constant temperature room at 25°C and was sampled after 3 and 6 months. Table 1 compares the level of bioresmethrin found in each type of grain after 3 and 6 months in storage. TABLE 1. Effect of storage at 25°C on bioresmethrin residues on various grains Residue*, mg/kg after storage for Grain moisture % 3 months 6 months Barley 13.0 3.5 1.75 Oats 12 3.5 2.0 Rice in husk 13 1.5 1.5 Husked rice 12.5 3.5 1.5 Polished rice 12.7 3.5 1.5 Wheat 11.0 3.5 2.0 * Original rate of application = 7.0 mg/kg In processing and cooking The 1975 Meeting indicated that further information on the level and fate of residues in food at the point of consumption was desirable. Studies involving barley, oats, rice and wheat were initiated in Australia and preliminary results were made available to the present Meeting (Desmarchelier et al., 1976b). In these tests, a portion of the barley, oats, husked rice, milled rice and wheat in the storage experiment described above was withdrawn for processing and cooking after 3 months. The barley was subjected to a simple malting process after which the bioresmethrin content had declined from 3.5 mg/kg to 1.5 mg/kg. The oats were crushed and were then boiled for 15 minutes in the smallest quantity of water that would cover the grains. The residue level fell from 3.5 mg/kg to 1.5 mg/kg during cooking. The husked and the polished rice were likewise boiled in minimal quantities of water for 15 minutes after which the residue level had declined from 3.5 mg/kg to 2.5 and 2.0 mg/kg respectively. A portion of the same husked rice was found to contain only 0.5 mg/kg of bioresmethrin after being cooked for 25 minutes. The rice in husk, after 6 months storage, was subjected to milling, firstly for the removal of husk and then for the removal of bran, followed by polishing. Removing the husk reduced the bioresmethrin level from 1.5 mg/kg to 0.25 mg/kg. Further milling and polishing reduced the residue on the polished rice to 0.1 mg/kg. The treated barley which had been in storage for 6 months was subjected to a standard commercial malting process. There was no reduction of germination and the prepared malt contained only 0.35 mg/kg of bioresmethrin, a reduction from 1.75 mg/kg on the barley before malting. Table 2 summarizes the results. METHODS OF RESIDUE ANALYSIS The methods available for residue analysis were reviewed in 1975 (FAO/WHO 1976b). Since then several further papers have been published. Simonaitis and Cail (1975) used a gas chromatographic method with flame ionisation detection for the determination of resmethrin in maize, cornmeal, flour and wheat. The minimum detectable concentration of resmethrin was 0.2 mg/kg (determined on a standard solution of resmethrin) and an average recovery of 83% was achieved on the four commodities studied over the range 0.2 to 3.2 mg/kg. Reproducibility was claimed to be good. Desmarchelier (1976a) applied four detection systems to the determination of pyrethroids on grains. The first was that of Andrews (1974), a TLC method for which a minimum detectable concentration of 0.06 mg/kg was claimed in the original paper when estimating resmethrin in foliage. The second was that of Heath (1972), a GLC method used for formulation analysis. No limit of determination is quoted. The third was based on the spectrophotometric method of McClellan (1964). The limit of determination is given as 0.5 mg/kg since below this value background interference from the commodity becomes relatively large. The fourth was a mixture of the first and third. Recoveries by all four methods on wheat, bran, pollard, flour and bread when fortified with 0.5 to 4.0 mg/kg bioresmethrin were between 90 and 102%. All four methods gave comparable results for any one sample. The limit of detection for methods one and four was 0.2 to 2.0 µg. This could be improved to 0.02 to 0.05 µg by purification of the commodity extract. The author points out that the two major problems with all four of the methods investigated were the relative insensitivity and lack of selectivity as compared for example with the electron capture GLC of chlorinated compounds and the flame photometric detection of phosphorus compounds respectively. TABLE 2. Fate of bioresmethrin in various grains processed after storage at 25°C Residue Residue Storage after after period, storage processing Grain (months) (mg/kg)* Processing (mg/kg)* Barley 3 3.5 primitive malting 1.5 Barley 6 1.75 commercial malting 0.35 Oats 3 3.5 boil 15 minutes 1.5 Rice in husk 6 1.5 husked 0.25 milled/polished 0.1 Husked rice 3 3.5 boiled 15 minutes 2.5 boiled 25 minutes 0.5 Polished rice 3 3.5 boiled 15 minutes 2.0 Wheat 3 3.5 bran 5.5 shorts 3.5 flour 2.5 white bread <0.1 wholemeal bread 1.0 * Original rate of application = 7.0 mg/kg. A method for the determination of bioresmethrin residues on wheat by high-speed liquid chromatography has been developed by Gunew (1976). This is claimed to be highly specific and to have a limit of determination of 0.02 mg/kg. Bioresmethrin is extracted from the wheat sample using 25% acetone in hexane with intermittent shaking for 24 hours. The raw extract is cleaned up on a column of alumina, and after evaporation of the eluate, addition of O-chloroaniline as internal standard, and volume adjustment an aliquot is injected into a microparticulate silica gel column fitted with a pre-column. A variable wavelength spectrophotometer set at 225 nm is used as detector. Use is made of peak height ratios to determine the concentration of bioresmethrin in the wheat. NATIONAL TOLERANCES REPORTED TO THE MEETING The Meeting was aware that the following national tolerances had been established. Australia raw grain 5 mg/kg milled products from grain 5 mg/kg cooked cereal products including bread 0.05* mg/kg France raw grain 4 mg/kg *at or about limit of determination APPRAISAL Following the evaluation of bioresmethrin by the 1975 Joint Meeting a number of additional items of information that were considered desirable have been made available. It appears that bioresmethrin will not be developed for use on fruit and vegetable crops or for direct application to livestock. However there is an important and major use as a grain protectant insecticide on the whole range of stored grain. Extensive information on the level and fate of bioresmethrin on several types of raw grain and processed cereals has been evaluated and has been published in this and the previous (1975) monograph. The new information confirms and extends that previously available. New methods for the analysis of bioresmethrin residues on raw grain have been published. These have not been evaluated for regulatory purposes. The further information evaluated by the Meeting has confirmed the guideline levels recorded previously and has satisfied the needs of the Meeting for the information recorded as desirable in 1975 for the evaluation of residues in food. No additional guideline levels are recorded. FURTHER WORK OR INFORMATION REQUIRED (before an acceptable daily intake can be allocated) 1. Long-term studies. REFERENCES Abernathy, C.O., and Casida, J.E. Pyrethroid insecticides; esterase 1973 cleavage in relation to selective toxicity. Science, 179: 1235-36. Andrews. Resmethrin residues in foliage after aerial application. 1974 Pesticides Monitoring Journal, 8(1): 50-52. Bengston, M. et al. Interim report of Australian Wheat Board 1976a Working Party an Grain Protectants. Report to Australian Wheat Board, May 1976. (To be published). Bengston, M., Connell, M., Crook, I.D., Desmarchelier, J. M., 1976 Hart, R.G., Phillips, M., Snelson, J.T., and Sticks, R. Field trials to compare chlorpyrefos-methyl, fenitrothion, pirimiphos-methyl, malathion, and methacrifos for control of malathion-resistant insects infesting wheat in Australia. J. Stored Prod. Res. (In press). Champ, B., and Dyte, C. E. Report of the FAO Global Survey of 1976 Pesticide Susceptibility of Stored Grain Pests. FAO Plant Protection Series No. 5. Chesher, B.C., and Malone, J.C. Acute toxicity tests with NRDC 107 1970a in hens. Unpublished report from the Cooper Technical Bureau, Berkhamstead, the Wellcome Foundation Ltd., submitted to the World Health Organization by The Wellcome Foundation Ltd. Chesher, B.C., and Malone, B.C. Sensitization study with NRDC 107 1970b in guinea pigs. Unpublished report from the Cooper Technical Bureau, Berkhamstead, The Wellcome Foundation Ltd. submitted to the World Health Organization by The Wellcome Foundation Ltd. Chesher, B.C., and Malone, J.C. Ocular irritancy of NRDC 107 in 1970c rabbits. Unpublished report from the Cooper Technical Bureau, Berkhamstead, The Wellcome Foundation Ltd., submitted to the World Health Organization by The Wellcome Foundation Ltd. Chesher, B.C., and Malone. J.C. Toxicity to dogs of NRDC 107 1971b (continuation). Unpublished report from the Cooper Technical Bureau, Berkhamstead, The Wellcome Foundation Ltd., submitted to the World Health Organization by The Wellcome Foundation Ltd. Chesher, B.D., and Malone, J.C. Acute toxicity of NRDC 107 by the 1971a intravenous route. Unpublished report from the Cooper Technical Bureau, Berkhamstead, The Wellcome Foundation Ltd., submitted to the World Health Organization by The Wellcome Foundation Ltd. Desmarchelier, J.M., Bengston, M., Connell, M., Minett, W., 1976a Moore, B., Phillips, M., Snelson. J.T., and Sticka, R. Preliminary report of pilot trials in 5 states with combinations of pirimiphos methyl/bioresmethrin and fenitrothion/bioresmethrin. Report of Australian Wheat Board Working Party on Grain Protectants (To be published). Desmarchelier, J.M. Selective treatments. including combinations of 1976 pyrethroid and organophosphorus insecticides, for control of stored product Coleoptera at two temperatures. J. Stored Prod. Res. (In press). Desmarchelier, J.M. Analysis of pyrethroids on grains. J. Stored 1976a Prod. Res., 12: 245-252. Desmarchelier, J.M. Stability of bioresmethrin deposits on various 1976b stored grains held at different temperatures. Report of CSIRO Division of Entomology to Australian Wheat Board Working Group on Grain Protectants (To be published). FAO/WHO. 1975 Evaluations of Some Pesticide Residues in Foods. 1976b FAO Agricultural Series, 1976 No. World Health Organization Tech. Ref. Ser., No. Farebrother, D.A. NRDC 107 -whole body radioautographal study 1973 in albino rats. 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See Also: Toxicological Abbreviations Bioresmethrin (ICSC) Bioresmethrin (WHO Pesticide Residues Series 5) Bioresmethrin (Pesticide residues in food: 1991 evaluations Part II Toxicology) Bioresmethrin (UKPID)