Annex 1


         These figures are additional to, or amend, those recorded in
    Annex 1 of the reports of earlier Meetings.

         Part I lists recommended maximum residue limits. These apply to
    compounds for which an ADI or temporary ADI has been allocated. Where
    ADIs or residue limits are temporary, the year in which further data
    are required is specified in parentheses.

         Part II lists guideline levels. These are derived from data
    relating to residues resulting from uses that are recommended or
    authorized by national authorities, but they are not supported by
    ADIs (see FAO/WHO 1976a, p. 42).



                        Recommended                                            Recommended
    Pesticide and       maximum                                                maximum
    references          acceptable     Commodity                               residue        Remarks
    to previous         daily intake                                           limit
    evaluations *       (mg/kg body                                            (mg/kg)

    acephate            0.02           Alfalfa, lettuce, sugar beet leaves        10          Limits are for the parent compound.
                                       Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage,                   The metabolite OS-dimethyl phosphoramidothioate
                                         cauliflower, citrus fruits, tomatoes     5           is the insecticide methamidophos for which
                                       Cottonseed                                 2           separate recommendations are made.
                                       Potatoes, soybeans, sugar beats            
                                       Meat and fat of cattle, pigs, sheep,
                                         and poultry, milk, eggs                  0.1

    captafol            0.05           Pineapple (whole fruit)                    10
    1970b, 1974b,       (1977)         Peanut hulls                               2
    1975b                              Peanuts (whole)                            0.5
                                       Wheat                                      0.2
                                       Peanut kernels                             0.05
    PART 1. (Cont'd.)


                        Recommended                                            Recommended
    Pesticide and       maximum                                                maximum
    references          acceptable     Commodity                               residue        Remarks
    to previous         daily intake                                           limit
    evaluations *       (mg/kg body                                            (mg/kg)

    carbaryl            0.01           Bran                                       20          Limits are now for carbaryl only. Those
    1955b, 1967b,                      Barley, oats, rice (in husk and hulled),               recommended in 1973 were for free and
    1968b, 1969b,                        rye, wheat                               5           combined carbaryl, conjugated naphthol,
    1970b, 1971b,                      Wholemeal flour                            2           and conjugated methylol carbaryl,
    1974b, 1976b                       Wheat flour (white)                        0.2         Limits cover residues resulting from
                                                                                              either pre- or post-harvest uses of
                                                                                              carbaryl. The limit for rice is increased
                                                                                              to provide for post-harvest application.

    carbofuran          0.003          Tobacco (flu-cured)                        50          Limits are for the sum of carbofuran and
                        (1979)         Alfalfa hay                                20          3-hydroxy-carbofuran expressed as
                                       Hops (dried), alfalfa (fresh), maize                   carbofuran.
                                         fodder (fresh), and other animal
                                         feeds not otherwise listed               5
                                       Brussels sprouts                           2
                                       Sugar beet tops                            1
                                       Cabbage, Carrots, potatoes                 0.5
                                       Cauliflower, rice (hulled), soybeans       0.2
                                       Bananas, coffee (raw beans), fodder
                                         beets, grain (barley, maize, oats,
                                         sorghum, wheat), lettuce, mustard
                                         seeds, oil seeds, onions, peaches,
                                         peanuts (kernels), pears, sugar beets
                                         (roots), sweet corn kernels),
                                         strawberries, sugar cane, tomatoes       0.1**
                                       Meat, fat, and edible offal of cattle,
                                         goat, pigs, horses, and sheep, milk      0.05**

    PART 1. (Cont'd.)


                        Recommended                                            Recommended
    Pesticide and       maximum                                                maximum
    references          acceptable     Commodity                               residue        Remarks
    to previous         daily intake                                           limit
    evaluations *       (mg/kg body                                            (mg/kg)

    cartap              0.05           Hops (dried)                            5              Limits are for cartap, expressed as the
                        (1978)         Chinese cabbage, tea (green, dried)     2              free base.
                                       Grapes, persimmons, radishes            1
                                       Cabbage                                 0.2
                                       Chestnut (seed including pericarp),
                                         ginger, potatoes, rice (hulled),
                                         sweet corn                            0.1

    chlormequat         0.05           Straw of barley, oats, rye, and wheat   50
                                       Oats                                    10
                                       Wheat                                   5

    methyl              0.01           White bread                             0.5            The limit for white bread was recommended
    1976b                              Rice                                    0.1            by the 1975 Joint Meeting but omitted from its
                                                                                              report. The residue in rice results from
                                                                                              pre-harvest application. This entry amends the
                                                                                              commodity description for rice in the 1975
                                                                                              report (1976a), but not the limit.

    dialifos            0.003          Apple pomace (dried)                    40             Limits are for the sum of dialifos and
                                       Grape pomace (dried)                    20             its oxygen analogue, expressed as dialifos.
                                       Citrus pulp (dried)                     15
                                       Citrus fruits                           3
                                       Apples, pears, raisins                  2
                                       Grapes                                  1
                                       Fat of meat of cattle and sheep, milk
                                         (fat basis)                           0.02
                                       Meat and fat of poultry                 0.05**
                                       Eggs, pecans                            0.01**

    PART 1. (Cont'd.)


                        Recommended                                            Recommended
    Pesticide and       maximum                                                maximum
    references          acceptable     Commodity                               residue        Remarks
    to previous         daily intake                                           limit
    evaluations *       (mg/kg body                                            (mg/kg)

    diphenylamine       0.02                                                                  Because of deficiencies in the available
    1970b                                                                                     data relating to residues following
                                                                                              current user practice, a possible lowering in the
                                                                                              existing recommendation of 10 mg/kg for apples was
                                                                                              deferred for review in 1978.

    diquat              0.005          Eggs                                       0.01**      The ADI refers to diquat dichloride.
    1971b, 1973b

    dodine              0.01                                                                  The temporary ADI and maximum
    1975b                                                                                     residue limits recommended by the 1974
                                                                                              Joint Meeting are confirmed and no
                                                                                              longer temporary.

    edifenphos          0.003          Rice (in husk)                             0.2         Limits refer to the parent compound.
                        (1979)         Rice (hulled)                              0.05
                                       Rice (polished)                            0.01**

    fenitrothion        0.005          Rice bran                                  20          Limits refer to the sum of fenitrothion
    1970b, 1975b                       Rice (in husk and hulled)                  10          and its oxygen analogue expressed as
                                       Rice milled)                               1           fenitrothion.

    fenthion            0.0005                                                                The date (1978) should appear beneath
                                                                                              the temporary ADI in the 1975 report (1976a).

    leptophos           0.001          Cottonseed oil (crude)                     1           In Annex 1 to the 1975 report (1976a) the
    1975b, 1976b        (1978)                                                                entry "cottonseed, oil (crude) "should
                                                                                              "cottonseed oil (crude)". The limit was correctly
                                                                                              recorded as "1 mg/kg".
    PART 1. (Cont'd.)

                        Recommended                                            Recommended
    Pesticide and       maximum                                                maximum
    references          acceptable     Commodity                               residue        Remarks
    to previous         daily intake                                           limit
    evaluations *       (mg/kg body                                            (mg/kg)

    methamidophos       0.002          Hops                                       5           Limits refer to the parent compound.
                                       Broccoli, cauliflower, celery, lettuce,
                                         tomatoes                                 2
                                       Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cucumber,
                                         eggplant, peaches, peppers, sugar
                                         beet leaves                              1
                                       Potatoes, rapeseed, cottonseed,
                                         sugar beets                              0.1
                                       Meat and fat of cattle, goats, and
                                         sheep, milk                              0.01**

    paraquat            0.002          Sunflower seed                             2           Limits are for paraquat ion. ADI is for
    1971b, 1973b                       Kidney of sheep, cattle, and pigs          0.5         paraquat dichloride.
                                       Dried hops, passion fruit                  0.2
                                       Food commodities of plant origin
                                         other than those for which specific
                                         recommendations have been made,
                                         meat and edible offals other than
                                         kidney of sheep, cattle, and pigs        0.05**
                                       Eggs                                       0.01**

    phosalone           0.006          Cherries                                   10

    pirimicarb          0.004          Chilies                                    2           Limits are for the sum of pirimicarb,
                        (1978,         Apples, bell peppers, broccoli,                        desmethyl-pirimicarb, and desmethyl
                        (1980)           Brussels sprouts, cabbage,                           formamido-pirimicarb, expressed as
                                         cauliflower, celery, cucumber,                       pirimicarb.
                                         eggplant, endive, gherkins, lettuce,
                                         parsley, tomatoes                        1

    PART 1. (Cont'd.)


                        Recommended                                            Recommended
    Pesticide and       maximum                                                maximum
    references          acceptable     Commodity                               residue        Remarks
    to previous         daily intake                                           limit
    evaluations *       (mg/kg body                                            (mg/kg)

                                       Beans (with pod), blackcurrants,
                                         kohlrabi, onions, peaches, plums,
                                         raspberries, strawberries                0.5
                                         peas, rapeseed                           0.2
                                       Beans (without pod)                        0.1
                                       Beetroot, citrus fruits, parsnips,
                                         potatoes, radishes, sugar beet,
                                         turnips, wheat grain                     0.05**

    pirimiphos-methyl   0.01           Peanuts (whole), peanut hulls              50          Limits are for the sum of pirimiphosmethyl,
    1975b                              Peanut oil                                 10          its oxygen analogue, and N-
                                       Lettuce, mushrooms, olives, peanuts                    deethyl-pirimiphos-methyl, expressed
                                         (kernels), spinach                       5           as pirimiphos-methyl.
                                       Apples, Brussels sprouts, cabbage,
                                         cauliflower, cherries                    2
                                       Blackcurrants, carrots, cucumbers,
                                         gooseberries, peppers, raspberries,
                                         spring onions, strawberries, tomatoes    1
                                       Beans with pod, cheese, citrus fruits,
                                         dates                                    0.5
                                       Peas, potatoes                             0.05**

    quintozene          0.007          Lettuce                                    3           These limits were recommended by the
    1970b, 1974b,                      Peanuts (kernels)                          2           1975 Joint Meeting but were incorrectly
    1975b                                                                                     recorded as "Lettuce, peanuts (kernels
                                                                                              ... 0.3 mg/kg" in the 1975 report (1976a).

    PART 1. (Cont'd.)


                        Recommended                                            Recommended
    Pesticide and       maximum                                                maximum
    references          acceptable     Commodity                               residue        Remarks
    to previous         daily intake                                           limit
    evaluations *       (mg/kg body                                            (mg/kg)

    thiometon           0.005          Hops (dried)                               2           Limits are for the sum of thiometon its
    1970b, 1974b        (1979)         Apricots, cabbage, celery, chicory,                    sulfoxide, and its sulfone, expressed
                                         chives, endives, peanuts (whole)                     as thiometon.
                                         parsley, peas (green, including pods),
                                         quinces                                  0.5
                                       Cottonseed oil, straw of grain crops,
                                         fodder beets                             0.1




    Pesticide and                                                           Guideline
    references to previous        Commodity                                 level             Remarks
    evaluations*                                                            (mg/kg)

    carbendazim                   Peanut hay, wheat straw                   2
    1974b                         Peanut hulls                              0.2
                                  Peanuts                                   0.1

    carbophenothion               (see 1973a, p. 26)                                          Previously recommended maximum
    1973b                                                                                     residue limits have been changed to
    1976b                                                                                     guideline levels since the temporary
                                                                                              ADI has been withdrawn.

    maleic hydrazide              Potatoes                                  50                Guideline levels refer to the sum of free
                                  Onions                                    15                and bound unchanged maleic hydrazide
                                                                                              and its ß-D-glucoside.

    methomyl                      Pea forage, soybean forage,                                 The first entry replaces that of "peas,
    1976b,                        sorghum forage, barley straw,                               sorghum, and soybean forage, barley,
                                  oat straw, wheat straw                    10                oat and wheat straw" in the 1975 report
                                  Collards, grapes, nectarines,                               (1976a) and is intended simply to make
                                  peas (including pods), peaches            5                 it clear what commodities are covered.
                                  Asparagus, snap beans                     2                 The limit remains the same.
                                  Peas (shelled, excluding pods)            0.5

    phosmet                       Forage crops (dry)                        5                 Limits are for phosmet and its oxygen
                                  Apples, fat of cattle meat, peaches       1                 analogue, expressed as phosmet.
                                  Milk and milk products (fat basis)        0.2
                                  Potatoes                                  0.02**

    *   The references are to FAO/WHO publications
    **  Level at or about the limit of determination.

    See Also:
       Toxicological Abbreviations