PESTICIDE RESIDUES IN FOOD - 1984 Sponsored jointly by FAO and WHO EVALUATIONS 1984 The monographs Data and recommendations of the joint meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment and the WHO Expert Group on Pesticide Residues Rome, 24 September - 3 October 1984 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Rome 1985 BINAPACRYL Explanation The 16th Session of the CCPR requested the member governments to report the existing uses of binapacryl, together with residue data, and to indicate the foods for which MRLs are needed. RESIDUES IN FOOD AND THEIR EVALUATION USE PATTERNS Binapacryl is not registered for use in Mexico, according to information submitted to FAO by this country. Information submitted by the United Kingdom indicated that about 50 tonnes of active ingredient were used in this country in 1979, of which over 95 percent was used in apple orchards. The use patterns of binapacryl submitted by Australia are summarized in Table 1. TABLE 1. Use Patterns of Binapacryi, Australia 1984 Crop Pest Rate Withholding Comments (g/l) period (days) Apples Powdery 75-100 21 days Apply every 2 weeks from early mildew pink stage. Use higher rate where mildew infection is severe. Apples, European 100 21 days Apply as a thorough spray at pears, red mite, beginning of pest build up. stone Bryobia mite, Repeat 10-20 days later or at fruit Red spider beginning of renewed mite mite build up. (two-spotted mite) In Australia, the type of formulation used is a 50 percent wettable powder. Labels should include the following advice concerning the time interval between application of binapacryl and harvest. Apples, pears, stone fruit: DO NOT APPLY LATER THAN 21 DAYS BEFORE HARVEST The Australian National Health and Medical Research Council has recommended the following maximum residue limits for binapacryl: 0.3 mg/kg nectarines, plums 0.5 mg/kg apples, cherries, pears 1 mg/kg peaches APPRAISAL In response to a request made at the 16th Session of the CCPR, the meeting reviewed information on GAP received from Australia, Mexico and the United Kingdom. Binapacryl is used in Australia on apples, pears and stone fruits with a pre-harvest interval of 21 days. About 50 tonnes of active ingredient were used in the United Kingdom in 1979, of which over 95 percent was used in apple orchards. Binapacryl is not registered for use in Mexico. REFERENCES Australia Summary of use patterns of binapacryl submitted by the 1984 Australian Bureau of Animal Health to FAO. (Unpublished)
See Also: Toxicological Abbreviations Binapacryl (ICSC) Binapacryl (FAO/PL:1969/M/17/1) Binapacryl (WHO Pesticide Residues Series 4) Binapacryl (Pesticide residues in food: 1985 evaluations Part II Toxicology)