1. NAME |
1.1 Substance |
1.2 Group |
1.3 Synonyms |
1.4 Identification numbers |
1.4.1 CAS number |
1.4.2 Other numbers |
1.5 Brand names, Trade names |
1.6 Manufacturers/Importers |
1.7 Presentation, Formulation |
2.1 Main risks and target organs |
2.2 Summary of clinical effects |
2.3 Diagnosis |
2.4 First aid measures and management principles |
3.1 Origin of the substance |
3.2 Chemical structure |
3.3 Physical properties |
3.3.1 Properties of the substance | Colour | State/Form | Description |
3.3.2 Properties of local available formulation |
3.4 Other characteristics |
3.4.1 Shelf-life of the substance |
3.4.2 Shelf-life of the locally available formulation(s) |
3.4.3 Storage conditions |
3.4.4 Bioavailability |
3.4.5 Specific properties and composition |
4. USES |
4.1 Indications |
4.1.1 Indications |
4.1.2 Description |
4.2 Therapeutic dosage |
4.2.1 Adults |
4.2.2 Children |
4.3 Contraindications |
5.1 Oral |
5.2 Inhalation |
5.3 Dermal |
5.4 Eye |
5.5 Parenteral |
5.6 Other |
6.1 Absorption by route of exposure |
6.2 Distribution by route of exposure |
6.3 Biological half-life by route of exposure |
6.4 Metabolism |
6.5 Elimination by route of exposure |
7.1 Mode of action |
7.1.1 Toxicodynamics |
7.1.2 Pharmacodynamics |
7.2 Toxicity |
7.2.1 Human data | Adults | Children |
7.2.2 Relevant animal data |
7.2.3 Relevant in vitro data |
7.3 Carcinogenicity |
7.4 Teratogenicity |
7.5 Mutagenicity |
7.6 Interactions |
7.7 Main adverse effects |
8.1 Methods |
8.1.1 Collection |
8.1.2 Storage |
8.1.3 Transport |
8.2 Therapeutic and toxic concentrations |
8.2.1 Test for active ingredients |
8.2.2 Test for biological sample |
8.3 Other laboratory analyses |
8.3.1 Biochemical analyses |
8.3.2 Arterial blood gases |
8.3.3 Haematological investigations |
8.3.4 Other relevant tests |
8.4 Interpretation |
8.5 References |
9.1 Acute poisoning |
9.1.1 Ingestion |
9.1.2 Inhalation |
9.1.3 Skin exposure |
9.1.4 Eye contact |
9.1.5 Parenteral exposure |
9.1.6 Other |
9.2 Chronic poisoning |
9.2.1 Ingestion |
9.2.2 Inhalation |
9.2.3 Skin exposure |
9.2.4 Eye contact |
9.2.5 Parenteral exposure |
9.2.6 Other |
9.3 Course, prognosis, cause of death |
9.4 Systematic description of clinical effects |
9.4.1 Cardiovascular |
9.4.2 Respiratory |
9.4.3 Neurological | Central Nervous System (CNS) | Peripheral Nervous System | Autonomic Nervous System | Skeletal and smooth muscle |
9.4.4 Gastrointestinal |
9.4.5 Hepatic |
9.4.6 Urinary | Renal | Other |
9.4.7 Endocrine and reproductive systems |
9.4.8 Dermatological |
9.4.9 Eye, ear, nose, throat: local effects |
9.4.10 Haematological |
9.4.11 Immunological |
9.4.12 Metabolic | Acid-base disturbances | Fluid and electrolyte disturbances | Others |
9.4.13 Allergic reactions |
9.4.14 Other clinical effects |
9.4.15 Special risks |
9.5 Other |
9.6 Summary |
10.1 General Principles |
10.2 Relevant laboratory analyses |
10.2.1 Sample collection |
10.2.2 Biomedical analysis |
10.2.3 Toxicological analysis |
10.2.4 Other investigations |
10.3 Life supportive procedures and symptomatic/specific treatment |
10.4 Decontamination |
10.5 Elimination |
10.6 Antidote treatment |
10.6.1 Adults |
10.6.2 Children |
10.7 Management discussion |
11.1 Case reports from literature |
11.2 Internally extracted data on cases |
11.3 Internal cases |
12.1 Availability of antidotes |
12.2 Specific preventive measures |
12.3 Other |
1.1 Substance
(INN, 1992)
1.2 Group
Antimycobacterials (JO4)/Drugs for the treatment of
tuberculosis (J04A)/Antibiotics (J04AB).
(ATC classification index [WHO] 1992])
1.3 Synonyms
(Merck Index, 1989)
1.4 Identification numbers
1.4.1 CAS number
1.4.2 Other numbers
1.5 Brand names, Trade names
Rimactan, Rifadin, Rifocine (Argentina)
Rifadin, Rimycin (Australia)
Rimactan, Rifadine (Belgium)
Rofact (Canada)
Rimactan (Denmark)
Rimactan, Rifadine (France)
Eremfat, Rifa, Rifoldine, Rimactan, Rimactane,
Rifampin, Rifadin (Germany)
Tibirim (India)
Archidyn, Rimactan,Rifapiam (Italy)
Apectin (Japan)
Rimactan, Rifadin (Netherlands)
Rimactan (Norway)
Abrifam, Dipicin, Famidex, Lederrif, Medifam, Natricin,
Ramicin, RAMP, Refam, Resimin, Rifadin, Rifamycin, Rifastat,
Rifatrexin,Rimactane, Zyfam, Rimaped (Philippines)
Fenampicin, Tregaldin, Rifaprodin, Seamicin, Rifonilo
Riforal, Rimactan, Diabacil (Spain)
Rifoldine, Rimactan, Chibro-Rifamycine (Switzerland)
Rifadin, Rimactane (United Kingdom)
Rifadin (USA)
(Martindale, 1982, 1989; Phil. Index of Medical Specialties,
(To be completed by each Centre using local data)
1.6 Manufacturers/Importers
Rifinah 150 and Rifinah 300
Rimactazid 150 and Rimactazid 300
Lepetit (Argentina)
Armstrong (Argentina)
(To be completed by each Centre using local data)
1.7 Presentation, Formulation
Monocomponent products
Rifampicin capsules of 150 mg, 300 mg, 450 mg, 600 mg,
Rifampicin syrup 100 mg/5 ml.
Combination Products
Dipicin Isoniazid 150 mg, Rifampicin 300 mg
IsoRamp. Isoniazid 100 mg Rifampicin 150 mg
Isoniazid 150 mg Rifampicin 300 mg
Pyrina Isoniazid 150 mg, Rifampicin 150 mg,
Pyrazinamide 500 mg
Rambutol Isoniazid 200 mg, Ethambutol HCl 400 mg,
Rifampicin 300 mg, Pyridoxine 25 mg
Ramicin Isoniazid 150 mg, Rifampicin 300 mg
Resfaman Isoniazid 150 mg, Rifampicin 300 mg
with INH
Resimin Isoniazid 200 mg, Rifampicin 300 mg
+ H
Rifater Isoniazid 80 mg, Rifampicin 120 mg,
Pyrazinamide 250 mg
Rifinah Isoniazid 100 mg, Rifampicin 150 mg
Isoniazid 150 mg, Rifampicin 300 mg
Isoniazid 300 mg, Rifampicin 450 mg
Rifzin Isoniazid 100 mg, Rifampicin 120 mg,
Pyrazinamide 250 mg, pyridoxine 7.5 mg
Rimactazid Isoniazid 100 mg Rifampicin 150
Isoniazid 200 mg Rifampicin 225
Isoniazid 150 mg Rifampicin 300
Rifampin 1% ophthalmic ointment.
Intravenous infusion
Powder for reconstitution, as rifampicin 300 mg, supplied
with solvent.
(To be completed by each Centre using local data)
2.1 Main risks and target organs
The main target organs are the liver and the gastrointestinal
system. Risks of concern are toxic hepatitis with elevation
of bile and bilirubin concentrations, anaemia, leucopenia,
thrombocytopenia, bleeding.
2.2 Summary of clinical effects
Some clinical manifestations of overdosage are extension of
adverse effects.
During therapy, rifampicin is usually well-tolerated,
however, adverse side-effects are common in intermittent
rifampicin intake. These include febrile reaction,
eosinophilia, leucopenia, thrombocytopenia, purpura,
haemolysis and shock, hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity.
Gastrointestinal adverse reactions may be severe leading to
pseudomembranous colitis.
Neurotoxic effects include confusion, ataxia, blurring of
vision, dizziness and peripheral neuritis.
A common toxic effect is red skin with orange discolouration
of body fluids.
Fatalities from adverse reactions have been reported.
Rifampicin has shown no significant effects on the human
foetus. It diffuses into milk and other body fluids.
2.3 Diagnosis
Presence of red skin or orange discolouration of body fluids
(e.g. urine) are indicators of the diagnosis.
Blood and urine may be used to determine qualitative analysis
or quantitative levels. Spare tablets or capsules may be
identified using colour reaction tests.
2.4 First aid measures and management principles
For acute overdose
Stabilize patient by providing basic life support (i.e.
airway, breathing and circulation).
In the fully conscious patient, consider emesis or gastric
lavage if patient seen within 1 or 2 hours after ingestion.
Activated charcoal should be given afterwards. The use of a
cathartic is no longer recommended.
There is no antidote for rifampicin overdosage.
Provide adequate hydration to maintain circulation and urine
For adverse reactions not related to overdosage
Withdraw drug and provide symptomatic and supportive therapy
promptly. Note the presence of bleeding, jaundice, and renal
3.1 Origin of the substance
Rifampicin is a semisynthetic derivative of rifamycin
antibiotics which are produced by the fermentation of a
strain of Streptomyces mediterranei, a species which was
first isolated in Italy in 1957 from a soil sample collected
in France. The fermentation produces rifamycin B. Rifamycin B
is transformed by a series of reactions into 3-
formylrifamycin SV, which in turn is condensed with 1-amino-
4-methylpiperazine in peroxide-free tetrahydrofuran to give
rifampicin. (IARC, 1980)
3.2 Chemical structure
Structural formula
Molecular formula
Molecular weight
Chemical names
1,11(2H)-dione 21-acetate
(Merck Index, 1989)
3.3 Physical properties
3.3.1 Properties of the substance Colour
Red to orange State/Form
Powder Description
Very slightly soluble in water (1 g in
approximately about 762 mL water [pH < 6]),
acetone, carbon tetrachloride, alcohol, ether.
Freely soluble in chloroform, DMSO; soluble in
ethyl acetate and methyl alcohol and
tetrahydrofuran. Solubility in aqueous
solutions is increased at acidic pH.
Melting point 138 to 188 °C
Rifampicin has 2 pKa since it is a Zwitterion,
pKa 1.7 related to 4-hydroxy and pKa 7.9
related to 3-piperazine nitrogen (Merck Index,
A 1% suspension in water has pH 4.5 to 6.5.
3.3.2 Properties of local available formulation
To be completed by each Centre using local data.
3.4 Other characteristics
3.4.1 Shelf-life of the substance
As a dry powder it is stable for more than five years
at 25°C.
As lyophilized preparations for intravenous use it is
stable for at least two years before reconstitution
(Martindale, 1989).
3.4.2 Shelf-life of the locally available formulation(s)
To be completed by each Centre using local data.
3.4.3 Storage conditions
Rifampicin should be protected from air, light and
excessive heat and moisture.
Store at temperature not exceeding 40 °C (preferably
between 15 to 30 °C) in airtight containers in an
atmosphere of nitrogen.
Protect from light by amber coloured bottles.
3.4.4 Bioavailability
To be completed by each Centre using local data.
3.4.5 Specific properties and composition
Potency of not less than 900 mg of rifampicin/g (Merck
Index, 1989).
(To be completed by each Centre using local data)
4.1 Indications
4.1.1 Indications
The primary indications for rifampicin are for
treatment of tuberculosis (pulmonary and extrapulmonary
lesions) and for leprosy.
It is also useful for elimination of Neisseria
meningococci in carriers (but not recommended for
active meningococcal infection) and for Gram positive
(Staphylococcus aureus and epidermidis, Streptococcus
pyogenes, viridans and pneumoniae) and gram negative
bacteria (Haemophilus influenzae type B).
It has some anti-chlamydial activity and in vitro
activity against some viruses (poxvirus and adenovirus)
at high doses. (Van Scoy et al, 1987).
It has recently been used for brucellosis.
4.1.2 Description
Not relevant.
4.2 Therapeutic dosage
4.2.1 Adults
10 mg/kg bodyweight single daily dose (maximum 600 mg)
in combination with other antimycobacterial agents.
15 mg/kg bodyweight (maximum 900 mg) 2 or 3 times
weekly in combination with other antimycobacterial
600 mg once monthly or once daily in combination with
other anti-leprotic drugs.
Haemophilus influenzae type B infection
20 mg/kg bodyweight once a day for 4 days. (maximum
daily dose 600 mg)
Meningococcal carriers
600 mg twice daily for two days.
Trachoma (i.e. hyperendemic trachoma or sexually
transmitted trachoma-inclusion conjunctivitis)
1% ophthalmic ointment applied three times daily for
six weeks.
Rifampicin has been administered intravenously at
20 mg/kg bodyweight (maximum daily dose 600 mg).
(Martindale, 1993)
4.2.2 Children
10 mg/kg bodyweight single daily dose in combination
with other antimycobacterial agents.
15 mg/kg bodyweight 2 or 3 times weekly in combination
with other antimycobacterial agents.
Generally, for children less than five years of age,
the dosage has not been established yet. Clinicians,
however, have recommended 10-20 mg/kg bodyweight daily
in children and infants with a maximum of 10 mg/kg
bodyweight in neonates less than one week of age for
tuberculosis treatment.
Meningococcal carriers
1 to 12 years 10 mg/kg bodyweight
3 to 12 months 5 mg/kg bodyweight
Haemophilus influenzae type B infection
Children over 3-months-old
20 mg/kg bodyweight once a day for 4 days.
(Martindale, 1993)
4.3 Contraindications
Rifampicin is contraindicated in known cases of
hypersensitivity to the drug.
It may be contraindicated in pregnancy (because of
teratogenicity noted in animal studies and since the effects
of drugs on fetus has not been established) except in the
presence of a disease such as severe tuberculosis.
It is contraindicated in alcoholics with severely impaired
liver function and with jaundice.
5.1 Oral
This is the common route of entry.
5.2 Inhalation
Not applicable.
5.3 Dermal
Not applicable
5.4 Eye
Use for ocular chlamydial infection treatment (Fraunfelder,
5.5 Parenteral
Rifampicin may be given intravenously (Martindale,1989).
5.6 Other
No data available.
6.1 Absorption by route of exposure
Rifampicin is readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal
tract (90%). Peak plasma concentration occurs at 1.5 to 4
hours after an oral dose. After a 450 mg oral dose, plasma
levels reach 6 to 9 µg/mL while a 600 mg dose on an empty
stomach yields 4 to 32 µg/mL (mean 7 µg/mL). Food may reduce
and delay absorption (Ellenhorn, 1988; Mandel, 1985).
6.2 Distribution by route of exposure
Intravenous rifampicin has the same distribution as in oral
Eighty nine (+/- 1) per cent of rifampicin in circulation is
bound to plasma proteins.(Goodman & Gilman, 1990) It is
lipid soluble.
It is widely distributed in body tissues and fluids. When
the meninges are inflamed, rifampicin enters the
cerebrospinal fluid (4.0 µg/mL after a 600 mg oral dose). It
reaches therapeutic levels in the lungs, bronchial
secretions, pleural fluid, other cavity fluid, liver, bile,
and urine (Van Scoy, 1987).
Rifampicin has a high degree of placental transfer with a
foetal to maternal serum level ratio of 0.3. It is
distributed into breastmilk (Chow & Jesesson, 1985).
The apparent volume of distribution (VD) is 0.93 to 1.6 L/kg
(Avery, 1976; Drug Information, 1984).
6.3 Biological half-life by route of exposure
T1/2 = three hours range (2 to 5 hours).
This half-life increases with single high doses or with liver
disease. The half-life decreases by 40% during the first two
weeks of therapy because of enhanced biliary excretion and
induction of its own metabolism. Plasma half-life may
decrease after repeated administration. The half-life of
rifampicin decreased from 3.5 hours at start of therapy to 2
hours after daily administration for 1 to 2 weeks, and
remained constant thereafter (Molavi, 1990). Plasma half-
life shortens to 1.8 to 3.1 hours in the presence of anaemia
(Avery, 1976).
6.4 Metabolism
Approximately 85% of rifampicin is metabolised by the liver
microsomal enzymes to its main and active metabolite -
deacetylrifampicin. Rifampicin undergoes enterohepatic
recirculation but not the deacetylated form. Rifampicin
increases its own rate of metabolism. Rifampicin may also be
inactivated in other parts of the body.
Formylrifampicin is a urinary metabolite that spontaneously
forms in the urine.
6.5 Elimination by route of exposure
Rifampicin metabolite deacetylrifampicin is excreted in the
bile and also in the urine. Approximately 50% of the
rifampicin dose is eliminated within 24 hours and 6 to 30% of
the drug is excreted unchanged in the urine, while 15% is
excreted as active metabolite. Approximately 43 to 60% of
oral dose is excreted in the faeces. (Van Scoy 1987; Drug
Information, 1990).
Intrinsic total body clearance is 3.5 (+/- 1.6) mL/min/kg,
reduced in kidney failure (Goodman & Gilman, 1990)
Renal clearance is 8.7 mL/min/kg.
Rifampicin levels in the plasma are not significantly
affected by haemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis.
Rifampicin is excreted in breastmilk (1 to 3 µg/ml).
7.1 Mode of action
7.1.1 Toxicodynamics
Rifampicin causes cholestasis at both the sinusoids and
canaliculi of the liver because of defect in uptake by
hepatocytes and defect in excretion, respectively
(Haddad, 1983).
Rifampicin may produce liver dysfunction. Hepatitis
occurs in 1% or less of patients, and usually in the
patient with pre-existing liver disease.
Hypersensitivity reactions may occur, usually
characterized by a "flu" type syndrome.
Nephrotoxicity appears to be related to a
hypersensitivity reaction and usually occurs after
intermittent or interrupted therapy. It has been
suggested that some of the adverse effects associated
with rifampicin may be attributed to its metabolite
It is lipid soluble, and thus can reach and kill
intracellular, as well as extracellular, Mycobacteria.
Rifampicin does not bind to mammalian nuclear RNA
polymerase and therefore does not affect the RNA
synthesis in human beings. Rifampicin, however, may
affect mammalian mitochondrial RNA synthesis at a
concentration that is 100 times higher than that which
affects bacterial RNA synthesis (Molavi, 1990).
7.1.2 Pharmacodynamics
Rifampicin has high activity against mycobacterial
organisms, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis and
M.leprae. It is also active against Staphylococcus
aureus, coagulase-negative staphylocci, Listeria
monocytogenes, Neisseria meningitidis, Haemophilus
influenzae, Legionella spp., Brucella, some strains of
E. coli, Proteus mirabilis, anaerobic cocci,
Clostridium spp., and Bacteroides (Molavi, 1990).
Rifampicin is also reported to exhibit an
immunosuppressive effect which has been seen in some
animal experiments, but this may not be clinically
significant in humans (Drug Information, 1990).
Rifampicin may be bacteriostatic or bactericidal
depending on the concentration of drug attained at site
of infection.
The bactericidal actions are secondary to interfering
with the synthesis of nucleic acids by inhibiting
bacterial DNA-dependent RNA polymers at the B-subunit
thus preventing initiation of RNA transcription, but
not chain elongation. (Fahr et al., 1985; Drug
Information for Health Care Provider, 1984).
7.2 Toxicity
7.2.1 Human data
Patients have survived overdoes of 12 grams (Ellenhorn,
1988; Fahr, 1985).
For patients with previously normal liver function,
derangements of liver enzymes secondary to rifampicin
are mild and nonspecific.
In patients with previously deranged liver condition,
patients may develop clinical jaundice and a more
severe liver damage may ensue.
Hypersensitivity reactions which lead to acute renal
failure are usually associated with intermittent intake
of rifampicin developing antibodies. Adults
Eight case data studies of patients aged 14 to
55 who took doses ranging from 9 to 60 grams,
developed clinical signs and symptoms of
vomiting, lethargy, obtundation, seizures,
pruritus, facial oedema, abdominal pain, pink
to red discolouration of the skin, red coloured
urine. Laboratory findings showed elevated
liver transaminases, bilirubin and alkaline
phosphatase which may be transient. Three
patients out of these 8 cases died (Ellenhorn,
1988). Children
In a group of children aged 1 to 4 years given
100 mg/kg bodyweight inadvertently for
chemoprophylaxis of H.influenzae type B
infections resulted in skin discolouration,
periorbital facial oedema, pruritus, vomiting,
headaches and diarrhoea. Signs and symptoms
developed 0.5 to 4 hours after administration
and lasted approximately 28 hours ranging from
1 to 72 hours (Drug Information, 1990).
7.2.2 Relevant animal data
LD50 (intraperitoneal) mice 640 mg/kg
LD50 (intraperitoneal) rats 550 mg/kg
LD50 (intravenous) mice 260 mg/kg
LD50 (intravenous) rats 330 mg/kg
(Merck Index, 1989)
LD50 (acute oral) mouse 829.3 mg/kg
LD50 (acute oral) rats 1303.3 mg/kg
LD50 (acute oral) rabbits 2120.0 mg/kg
(Arzneimittel-Forschung, 1971)
7.2.3 Relevant in vitro data
No relevant data available.
7.3 Carcinogenicity
One report showed that nasopharyngeal lymphoma may develop
after therapy of two years for Pott's disease. This was
probably secondary to the immunosuppressive effects of
rifampicin (Rate et al., 1979).
An increase of hepatomas in female mice has been reported in
one strain of mice,following one year's administration of
rifampicin at a dosage of 2 to 10% of the maximum human
Because of only limited evidence available for the
carcinogenicity of rifampicin in mice and the absence of
epidemiological studies, no evaluation of the carcinogenicity
of rifampicin to humans could be made (IARC, 1980).
7.4 Teratogenicity
Teratogenic effects noted in rodents treated with high doses
100 to 150 mg/kg bodyweight daily in rodents have been
reported to cause cleft palate and spina bifida (Drug
Information, 1984).
Malformation and death have been reported in infants born to
mothers exposed to rifampicin, although it was the same
frequency as in the general population (Simpson, 1988).
Rifampicin is teratogenic for rats and mice (IARC, 1980)
7.5 Mutagenicity
The available studies on mutagenicity indicate an absence of
mutagenic effect (IARC, 1980).
7.6 Interactions
Food lowers peak blood levels because of interference with
absorption of rifampicin.
Antacids containing aluminium hydroxide reduced the
bioavailability of rifampicin.
Para-amino salicylic acid granules may delay rifampicin
absorption (because of bentonite present as a granule
excipient) which leads to an inadequate serum level of
rifampicin. These two drugs should be given 8 to 12 hours
apart (Van Scoy, 1987).
Isoniazid and rifampicin interaction has led to
hepatotoxicity. (Note: slow acetylators of isoniazid have
accelerated rifampicin clearance).
Alcohol intake with rifampicin increases the risk for
Rifampicin induces microsomal enzymes of the liver and
therefore accelerates metabolism of some drugs, e.g. beta
blockers, calciferol, coumadins, cyclosporin, dapsone,
diazepam, digitalis, hexobarbitone, ketoconazole, methadone,
oral contraceptive pills, oral hypoglycaemic agents,
phenytoin, sulphasalazine, theophylline, some anti-arrhythmic
drugs such as disopyramide, lorcainide, mexiletine,
quinidine, and verapamil. Rifampicin induces liver steroid
metabolising enzyme thus lowering the levels of
glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids .
Rifampicin lowers chloramphenicol serum levels when the two
drugs are used together.
When rifampicin and oral contraceptives are used
concomitantly, there is decreased effectiveness of oral
contraceptives because of the rapid destruction of oestrogen
by rifampicin and the latter being a potent inducer of
hepatic metabolising enzymes. It was reported that rifampicin
may be the cause of some menstrual disorders when used with
oral contraceptive pills.
When rifampicin and corticosteroids are used, there is a
reduction of plasma cortisol half-life and increased urinary
excretion of cortisol metabolite. It may be necessary to
double or quadruple the dosage of the steroid.
When rifampicin and cyclosporin are taken, the serum levels
of cycloserine may be lowered.
In the therapy of leprosy, rifampicin may induce dapsone
metabolism, however, this is of minor significance in the
clinical setting (Hastings & Franzblau, 1988).
The clinical condition of patients, who are on rifampicin
and also taking digoxin for heart failure, may deteriorate
because of falling digoxin levels. Hence there may be a need
to increase the dosage of digitalis.
Another cardiac drug is disopyramide which is used for
cardiac dysrhythmias, and when taken with rifampicin, there
is a decrease in levels of the antiarrhythmic agent. The
clinical importance of this effect has yet to be determined.
Patients on methadone maintenance for narcotic detoxification
may develop narcotic withdrawal when methadone plasma levels
decreased as a consequence of taking rifampicin at the same
time. It is also possible that rifampicin alters the
distribution of methadone.
Rifampicin induces hepatic enzyme metabolism which can
decrease metoprolol blood levels, although this may be
clinically insignificant.
In patients who receive rifampicin and phenytoin together,
there is an increase of clearance of phenytoin by twofold,
significantly reducing the effects of the anticonvulsant
Modification of quinidine dose is necessary when this is used
with rifampicin because of the risk of ventricular
dysrhythmias. It is recommended that quinidine dosage be
always readjusted when one adds or discontinues rifampicin
When verapamil and rifampicin are taken together, rifampicin
induces liver enzymes which increases the metabolism of the
calcium channel blocker leading to undetectable verapamil
Rifampicin can lower the plasma calciferol (Vitamin D) level
because of induction of enzyme activity (Griffin, 1988;
Bacievicz, 1984).
Barbiturates and salicylates decrease the activity of
rifampicin (Fraunfelder, 1982).
Effects with clofazimine range from no effect to decrease in
the rate of absorption of rifampicin, delay in the time it
reaches peak plasma concentrations, decrease in plasma
rifampicin concentrations.
Rifampicin can decrease the therapeutic levels of
ketoconazole when given together (Drug Information, 1990).
When rifampicin is taken with oral hypoglycaemic agents
(e.g.tolbutamide and chlorpropamide), these latter
medications had a decrease in elimination half-lives
(Baciewicz, 1984).
Rifampicin enhances antifungal actions of amphotericin B.
Probenecid intake diminishes hepatic uptake of rifampicin
(Van Scoy, 1987).
7.7 Main adverse effects
Although rifampicin is usually well tolerated, the serious
and life-threatening effects of rifampicin at therapeutic
doses are severe gastrointestinal side-effects, necessitating
withdrawal of drug (e.g. pseudomembranous colitis).
Hypersensitivity, shock, shortness of breath, acute
haemolytic anaemia and renal failure (nephrotoxicity) have
been reported during intermittent therapy. This has been
attributed to antibody-mediated immune reactions.
The other adverse effects are staining of body fluids, rash,
chills and fever, nausea and vomiting, arthralgia, diarrhoea,
and peripheral neuritis.
Ocular side effects as a consequent to rifampicin use occur
in 5 to 15% of patients. Systemic rifampicin has been
reported to cause decreased vision, affections of eyelids and
conjunctiva, e.g. hyperaemia, erythema,
blepharoconjunctivitis, oedema, yellow or red discolouration.
Other effects are lacrimation, dyschromatopsia, orange
staining of contact lenses, uveitis, subconjunctival/retinal
hemorrhages, retrobulbar/optic neuritis.
Angioneurotic oedema, urticaria, purpura, Stevens-Johnson
syndrome, exfoliative dermatitis or pemphigoid lesions have
been reported.
Local ophthalmic use of rifampicin has caused irritation of
the eyes which manifests transiently as lacrimation,
hyperaemia, oedema and ocular pain (Fraunfelder, 1982).
8.1 Methods
8.1.1 Collection
No data available.
8.1.2 Storage
The pharmaceutical sample should be stored below 40°C
(104-F). Store in tight, lightproof container.
8.1.3 Transport
No data available.
8.2 Therapeutic and toxic concentrations
8.2.1 Test for active ingredients
Identity tests
Description: a brick red to red-brown crystalline
powder, odourless or almost odourless.
Melting behaviour: 193-188°C with strong decomposition.
Colour reaction tests for tables
Dissolve about 1 mg in 3 ml of water, add 3 drops of
copper (II) sulfate (160 mg/li) TS (test solution) and
heat to boiling, a violet colour is produced.
Dissolve about 1 mg in 2 mg of sulfuric acid
(~ 1760 g/l) TS and heat on a water-bath for two
minutes; an orange colour is produced which twins
gradually to dark red.
Dissolve 5 mg in 1.0 ml pyridine R (reagent), add 1.0
ml of sodium hydroxide (~ 80 g/l) TS and five drops of
benzenesulfonyl chloride R and shake well; a dark red-
violet colour is observed. (Basic Test for
Pharmaceutical Substances, WHO Expert Advisory Panel on
International Pharmacopoeia, 1988).
8.2.2 Test for biological sample
Chemical colour reaction test for urine
The basis of this test of antibiotic in the urine is
upon the chemical property of rifampicin and its
desacetylated metabolite. One test consists of mixing
10 ml of urine with 2 ml chloroform-PR. THe chloroform
layer changes colour from yellow to orange according to
the quantity of rifampicin in the urine. Another test
calls for adding 0.5 ml of a reagent containing 5 mg of
phenic nitrate and 10 ml of concentrated nitric acid in
100 ml of distilled water, to 10 ml of urine. If
rifampicin is present, a chromogen is released varying
from pink to red in colour relative to the
concentration of the drug. The presence of other anti-
tuberculosis drugs will not interfere with these tests
(Arzneimittel-Forschung, 1971).
Chemical test for serum
A centifuge tube containing 5 ml of liquid to be
assayed and 5 ml of butanolbenzene (4:1) solvent and
M/15 phosphate buffer pH 7.4 are added. The tube is
centrifuged at 2500 r.p.m. for 10 minutes. Extinction
of the supernatant liquid is then determined at 340 and
480 mu., using solvent as blank. Standard dilutions of
rifampicin are prepared in the same buffer as for the
body fluid. The extinctions of these dilutions at 340
and 480 mu are plotted on a graph to give the titration
curve, from which the concentrationof the drug in the
sample under the curve can be calculated. This method
is reliable for antibiotic concentration in the regiona
of 0.5 µg/ml (Arzneimittel-Forschung, 1971).
8.3 Other laboratory analyses
8.3.1 Biochemical analyses
While patients are on rifampicin therapy, SGOT and SGPT
determinations may be indicated monthly, or more
8.3.2 Arterial blood gases
Not necessary.
8.3.3 Haematological investigations
Baseline complete blood count (platelets included) and
prothrombin time determinations:
8.3.4 Other relevant tests
Hepatic biopsy for histologic confirmation of hepatic
necrosis (Scheuer, 1974).
8.4 Interpretation
Rifampicin can affect normal human physiology such that the
following laboratory parameters may be deranged or elevated.
Blood urea nitrogen serum creatinine, serum alanine
aminotransferase (SGPT), serum aspartate aminotransferase
(SGOT), serum alkaline phosphatase, serum bilirubin, and
serum uric acid concentrations. Although liver enzyme values
may be elevated, they are not always predictive of clinical
hepatitis and may return to normal or continued therapy with
Rifampicin may interfere with results of certain diagnostic
tests such as a positive Coomb's test may be produced; serum
B12; sulphobromophthlein (BSP) hepatic uptake and excretion
in liver function tests (may be delayed by rifampicin,
resulting in BSP retention); urine analysis using colour
reaction because of the reddish brown discolouration of urine
(Drug Information, 1984).
Through the inhibitory of rifampicin on cellular immunity,
rifampicin may interfere with cutaneous reactivity to
intradermal tuberculosis (Alford, 1990).
Rifampicin therapeutic and toxic concentration
Therapeutic concentrations
The bactericidal concentration for rifampicin against S.
Aureus is 3-12 ng/ml while the minimal inhibitory
concentration of N. Meningitides is 0.1-0-8 µg/ml (Farr,
Blood levels of 6µg/ml considered therapeutic (Ellenhorn,
Toxic concentrations
Blood levels of 55 µg/ml have been reported in an alcoholic
patient who took 14-15 grams who subsequently died.
A level of 182 µg/ml resulted in death.
A level of 204 µg/ml done 5 hours after ingestion of 12 grams
did not result in death.
A level of 400 µg/ml after 12 hours from ingestion of 12
grams did not result in death.
8.5 References
See section 13.
9.1 Acute poisoning
9.1.1 Ingestion
Acute overdosage by ingestion will give the following
clinical effects:
Firstly, rifampicin may affect the gastrointestinal
system causing nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.
There may be hepatomegaly with impairment of liver
Secondly, the haemopoietic system may be affected
leading to anaemia, and bleeding. The nervous system
may be affected by rifampicin overdose manifesting as
confusion, lethargy, ataxia, dizziness, blurring of
vision, peripheral neuritis.
Lastly, rifampicin may cause a red discolouration of
the mucous membranes, the skin and all body fluids.
Discolouration has been reported to occur within 0.5 to
4 hours post-ingestion.
9.1.2 Inhalation
Not known.
9.1.3 Skin exposure
Not known.
9.1.4 Eye contact
Irritation effects.
9.1.5 Parenteral exposure
Not known.
9.1.6 Other
No data available.
9.2 Chronic poisoning
9.2.1 Ingestion
Chronic poisonings in humans have been associated with
intermittent intake of rifampicin. The reactions are
gastrointestinal disturbance and include nausea,
vomiting, anorexia, constipation, abdominal pain and
diarrhoea. Hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity may occur.
Flu-like symptoms, thrombocytopenia, haemolytic
anaemia, leukopenia, eosinophilia and bleeding have
been reported. Chronic administration of rifampicin
has resulted in hepatic changes particularly in
patients with pre-existing liver disease or a history
of alcoholism.
Animal data with chronic ingestion at dose of 200
mg/kg/day for 6 months in rats, there was slight
increase of liver weight, with slight cloudy swelling
and/or hydropic degeneration in the liver. No adverse
effects noted at 50 to 100 mg/kg/day for 6 months in
rats, while in a six months chronic toxicity study in
monkeys, there were no adverse effects at 15 to 75
mg/kg/day but at 105 mg/kg/day, emesis, depression,
weight loss and elevated alkaline phosphatase were
noted (Arzneimittel-Forschung, 1971).
9.2.2 Inhalation
Not known.
9.2.3 Skin exposure
Not known.
9.2.4 Eye contact
Not known.
9.2.5 Parenteral exposure
Not known.
9.2.6 Other
9.3 Course, prognosis, cause of death
Overdosage of rifampicin produces signs and symptoms which
are extensions of adverse reactions, with reddish orange
discolouration of skin and body fluids. These appeared
within 0.5 to 4 hours after oral administration and lasted
for an average of 28 hours (range 1 to 72 hours).
Hepatotoxicity may be marked, while effects on the
haematopoietic system, acid-base and electrolyte balance are
unlikely. Reversal of hepatomegaly and biochemical and
transaminase elevation will occur within 72 hours in patients
with adequate hepatic function (Drug Information, 1990).
9.4 Systematic description of clinical effects
9.4.1 Cardiovascular
Hypotension and shock.
9.4.2 Respiratory
Shortness of breath.
9.4.3 Neurological Central Nervous System (CNS)
Rare cases of organic brain syndrome have been
reported (i.e. confusion, lethargy, ataxia,
dizziness and blurring of vision). Peripheral Nervous System
Peripheral neuropathy affecting the limbs,
muscle, joints in the form of numbness and pain
has been reported Autonomic Nervous System
No relevant data available. Skeletal and smooth muscle
No relevant data available.
9.4.4 Gastrointestinal
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea. Pseudomembranous colitis
is possibly associated with resistant strains of
Clostridium difficile. Pancreatitis is possible, but
rare in occurrence.
9.4.5 Hepatic
Hepatotoxicity and overt clinical hepatitis (e.g.
jaundice). In decompensated liver cirrhosis,
rifampicin hepatotoxicity may develop over a period of
4 to 150 days and may lead to death (Di Piazza, 1978).
Asymptomatic elevations of serum transaminase enzymes,
increase in serum bile acids and bilirubin
concentrations can occur.
Marked elevation of serum alkaline, phosphatase and
bilirubin suggests rifampicin toxicity.
Doses of rifampicin below 100 mg/kg show a mild
choleretic action in bile secretion, while at high
doses (above 100 mg/kg) there is marked cholestatic
effect (Haddad, 1983; Scheuer, 1974).
9.4.6 Urinary Renal
Intermittent or interrupted therapy with
rifampicin is a common denominator for inducing
renal failure (i.e. acute haemolysis and shock)
as in acute interstitial nephritis and usually
preceded by fever and flu-like symptoms.
Glycosuria and proteinuria with associated
acidifying defects have been noted. This renal
failure may be aggravated in the presence of
dehydration (Ellenhorn, 1988; Warrington, 1977;
Fahr, 1985). Other
No data available.
9.4.7 Endocrine and reproductive systems
Prolonged use of rifampicin causes a reduction of 25-
hydroxycholecalciferol levels without changing 1,25
dihydroxycholecalciferol or parathyroid hormone.
Complications of osteomalacia may develop. It also
causes increased deiodination and biliary clearance of
thyroxine, thus lowering thyroxine serum concentration
(Fahr, 1985; Martindale, 1989).
9.4.8 Dermatological
Discolouration of skin to glowing red-orange; pruritus
at doses five times the therapeutic dose - called "red
man syndrome".
Chronic daily therapy led to self-limiting rash in up
to 5% of cases.
Eczematous patches, flaccid bullae and crusted plaques
on the skin which are reversible when rifampicin was
discontinued (Bolan, 1986).
Rarely, exfoliative dermatitis and toxic epidermal
necrolysis (Fahr, 1990).
9.4.9 Eye, ear, nose, throat: local effects
Ocular effects are primarily adverse side effects such
as vision disturbance, eyelid and conjunctival
inflammation, angioneurotic oedema, staining of
lacrimal fluid, uveitis and subconjunctival/retinal
bleeding and pain.
No acute or chronic otovestibular toxicity was noted
with rifampicin.
9.4.10 Haematological
Haemolytic anaemia.
Agranulocytosis, haemorrhage, leucopenia,
Higher frequency of folic acid deficiency leading to
megaloblastic anaemia (because of induction of hepatic
microsomal enzymes).
(Fahr, 1985; Haddad, 1983).
9.4.11 Immunological
Some of the adverse reactions are secondary to
immunological mechanisms because of sensitization to
intermittent rifampicin intake (e.g. nephritis,
Other immunological disturbances such as rheumatoid or
lupoid syndromes may occur (Remington, 1985).
Rifampicin with possible immunosuppressive effects has
led to a report of nasopharyngeal carcinoma developing
in one case (Rate, 1979).
Rifampicin depresses polymorphonuclear cells function
leading to immunosuppression and immunologically-
mediated thrombocytopenia.
Note: The immunosuppressive effects of rifampicin are
9.4.12 Metabolic Acid-base disturbances
No data available. Fluid and electrolyte disturbances
Potassium wasting may occur with associated
interstitial nephritis and high fractional
uric acid excretion and glycosuria (Cheng &
Kahn, 1984). Others
No data available.
9.4.13 Allergic reactions
No relevant data available.
9.4.14 Other clinical effects
No relevant data available.
9.4.15 Special risks
Malformation, death and haemorrhage
(hypoprothrombinemia) have been documented in infants
whose mothers were exposed to rifampicin. Rifampicin
may be used with caution in pregnant patients with
severe tuberculosis, however, the safety has not been
well established.
Breast feeding
Rifampicin is found in breast milk. As only about
0.57% of the usual therapeutic dose for an infant is
found there is no need to stop breast feeding, unless
the infant is receiving antituberculosis agents.
9.5 Other
Rifampicin causes orange-red staining of all body fluids.
It has no potential as a substance of abuse.
9.6 Summary
Not relevant.
10.1 General Principles
Symptomatic and supportive care is the basis for treatment
of rifampicin overdosage.
10.2 Relevant laboratory analyses
10.2.1 Sample collection
See Section 8.
10.2.2 Biomedical analysis
Direct and total bilirubin levels, hepatic enzymes,
renal function tests.
10.2.3 Toxicological analysis
It is possible to measure levels of rifampicin in
blood, but this is of no value in the management of
10.2.4 Other investigations
Not relevant
10.3 Life supportive procedures and symptomatic/specific
If the patient is assessed to be in a critical condition
(i.e. cardiorespiratory distress) maintain a clear airway,
aspirate secretions if these are present in the airway,
administer oxygen, perform endotracheal intubation if
indicated, provide artificial ventilation if indicated,
maintain an intravenous line to support circulation.
Monitor vital signs (sensorium, blood pressure, heart and
respiration rate) regularly and correct hypotension with
isotonic fluids or inotropic agents.
Monitor fluid and electrolyte balance (i.e. input and urine
If there are cardiac dysrhytmias, provide appropriate
antiarrhythmic agents. If there is an interaction problem
between rifampicin and antiarrhythmic drugs, one may have
to increase the dose of cardiac medications.
If bleeding ensues, correct by doing appropriate component
transfusion only if indicated. Re-evaluate other drugs
which patient may be taking and which may have been
affected with rifampicin interactions.
Symptomatic treatment for severe nausea and vomiting caused
by rifampicin may be in the form of anti-emetic.
Withdraw drug use in all adverse events except for
asymptomatic mild liver enzyme elevation which is only
10.4 Decontamination
In the fully conscious patient, consider emesis or gastric
lavage if patient seen within 1 or 2 hours after ingestion.
Activated charcoal should be given afterwards. The use of a
cathartic is not generally recommended.
Gastric lavage to be performed after proper insertion of
orogastric or nasogastric tube and appropriate protection
for the airway (i.e. endotracheal intubation).
Administration of activated charcoal is by multiple dosing
every 2 to 6 hours to block enterohepatic recirculation.
If the adverse event involved ocular contact, flush or
irrigate eyes with copious amount of water.
10.5 Elimination
Due to its high protein binding, forced diuresis or
dialysis will not be effective in removal of rifampicin.
Due to its relatively low volume of distribution and low
intrinsic clearance, haemoperfusion may theoretically
remove rifampicin, but this is not documented (Goodman &
Gilman, 1990).
10.6 Antidote treatment
10.6.1 Adults
There is no antidote.
10.6.2 Children
There is no antidote.
10.7 Management discussion
There are conflicting suggestions as regards the use of
dialysis. It appears that peritoneal dialysis and
haemodialysis do not appreciably promote rifampicin
elimination (Van Scoy, 1987; Drug Information, 1990).
11.1 Case reports from literature
Case 1
A 40-year-old man who took 9 g of rifampicin (with 6 g
isoniazid and 20 g ethambutol) and presented with orange
urine. Discharged after 10 days, following haemodialysis
(Ducobu et al., 1982).
Case 2
A 14-year-old female overdosed on 12 g of rifampicin. After
one hour she experienced pruritus and after 5 hours the
skin became orange. She was treated with gastric lavage,
activated charcoal, catharsis and forced diuresis, and was
discharged after 3 days. (Wong et al., 1984)
Case 3
A 28 year-old-male alcoholic died after intentionally
overdosing on 14 to 15 g of rifampicin. Skin had orange-
yellow discolouration (Plomp et al., 1981)
Case 4
A report of lethargy, obtundation, pruritus, facial oedema
and orange discolouration of the skin, mucous membranes,
sclerae, and urine, following overdose of unknown quantity
of rifampicin in a 15-year-old female (Meisel & Brower,
Case 5
Nausea, vomiting, diffuse abdominal pain, intense pruritus
and orange discolouration of the skin were seen in a 26-
year-old male (with a history of alcohol abuse) who died
after ingestion of 60 g of rifampicin (Broadwell et al.,
Case 6
A 28-year-old male died after ingesting an unknown quantity
of rifampicin and ethambutol. He was found lying in the
street and was dead on admission to hospital. At necropsy,
bright red urine, a pink discolouration of the skin and
internal organs (particularly the oesophagus) were noted.
No injury to the mouth or throat was found. The lining of
the aorta was also pink. The following concentrations of
rifampicin, ethambutol and ethanol were found in blood and
Rifampicin 182 mcg/mL (Therapeutic 6 mcg/mL)
Ethambutol 84 mcg/mL (Therapeutic 2 to 4 mcg/mL)
Ethanol 20 mg/dL
Rifampicin 3.3 mg/mL Ethambutol 6.8 mg/mL
Ethanol 24 mg/dL (Jack et al., 1978).
Case 7
A 55-year-old male with a prior history of overdosage and
alcohol abuse recovered after 2 days of treatment following
ingestion of 12 g of rifampicin. Toxicity signs were
flushing, profuse sweating, bright red skin and
hypertension (160/110). Elevated levels of plasma
bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase and aspartate
aminotransferase were noted (Newton & Forrest, 1975).
Case 8
A report of nasopharyngeal lymphoma developed in a 41-year-
old man following treatment with isoniazid, ethambutol and
rifampicin for two years. It was suggested that this was
due to the immunosuppressive effects of rifampicin
following long-term therapy (Rate et al., 1979).
Case 9
Report of an unsuccessful suicide in a 20-year-old male who
recovered after 3 days, following ingestion of 9 g of
rifampicin. Prominent symptoms were a transient skin rash,
red urine, faeces and saliva. Transient cholestasis and
hepatomegaly were noted (Konietsko & Burkhardt, 1971).
Case 10
A case of fatal aplastic anaemia or agranulocytosis,
probably due to rifampicin, has been reported (Inman,
Case 11
A 75-year-old man treated with isoniazid, ethambutol and
rifampicin developed neutropenia which was re-induced, on
challenge, by each of the three agents (Jenkins et al.,
Case 12
Hepatitis occurred in a child treated with rifampicin and
ethambutol. Additional symptoms included polyarthritis and
the presence of anti-native DNA antibodies (Grennan &
Sutrrock, 1976).
Case 13
Rifampicin administered daily to a 60-year-old man was
associated with the development of an acute organic brain
syndrome in which he became confused, disorientated,
agitated, and incoherent and suffered hallucinations and
delusions (Pratt, 1979).
Case 14
Myopathy in one patient induced by rifampicin was reported
(Jenkins & Emerson, 1981).
Case 15
Pehphigus foliaceous which developed in a patient receiving
isoniazid and rifampicin cleared completely within five
weeks on withdrawal of rifampicin, without need for
systemic therapy (Lee et al., 1984).
11.2 Internally extracted data on cases
No data available.
11.3 Internal cases
To be completed by each Centre using local data.
12.1 Availability of antidotes
No known antidote.
12.2 Specific preventive measures
Since an increased risk may exist for individuals with
liver disease, benefits must be weighed carefully against
the risk of further liver damage; periodic liver function
monitoring is advised.
The possible teratogenic potential in women of child-
bearing age should be carefully weighed against the
benefits of therapy.
Since rifampicin has been reported to cross the placental
barrier and appear in cord blood, neonates of rifampicin-
treated mothers should be carefully observed for any
evidence of adverse effects.
Rifampicin is not recommended for intermittent therapy; the
patient should be cautioned against intentional or
accidental interruption of the daily dosage regimen since
rare renal hypersensitivity reactions have been reported
when therapy was resumed in such cases.
In patients receiving anticoagulants and rifampicin
concurrently, it is recommended that the prothrombin time
be performed daily or as frequently as necessary to
establish and maintain the required dose of anticoagulant.
Soft contact lenses may be permanently stained, and
individuals to be treated should be made aware of these
In the presence of diminishing creatinine clearance, there
is no need to change maintenance dose intervals. When the
renal failure is a consequence of rifampicin overdose or
its adverse reactions, it should be discontinued (Avery,
For patients with liver dysfunction, use a dose not
exceeding 8 mg/kg bodyweight.
12.3 Other
No relevant data available.
Alford R. (1990) Chapter 32 Antimycobacterial Agents. Principles
and Practice of Infectious Diseases, 3rd ed. John Wiley and
American Hospital Formulary Service Drug Information 1989 &
1990. Published by American Society of Hospital Pharmacists.
Avery G ed. (1976) Drug Treatment: Principles and Practice of
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Baciewicz A & Self T (August 1984) Rifampin Drug Interactions.
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Barbarash RA (August 1986) Verapamil-Rifampicin Interaction.
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Binda et al. (1971) Arzneimittel-Forschung (Drug Res.) 21.
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Broadwell RO 111, Broadwell SD, Comer PB et al (1978) Suicide by
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Plomp TA, Battista HJ & Unterdorfer H. A case of fatal poisoning
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J pediat, 104: 781-783.
Author Kenneth Hartigan-Go, M.D. Department of
Pharmacology UP College of Medicine Manila
Tel 63-2-5218251
Fax 63-2-407168
Date January 1990
Reviewers M. Balali-Mood
Poisons Centre
Imam Reza Hospital
Mashad 91735
Tel 051-93043
Fax 051-92083
J. Magarey
Poisons Information Centre
Royal Childrens Hospital
Melbourne 3052
Tel 03-345 56 78
Peer review Adelaide, Australia, April 1991