ETHION JMPR 1972 Explanation Ethion was evaluated by the Joint Meeting in 1968 (FAO/WHO, 1969), and residues in meat (FAO/WHO, 1970) and tea (FAO/WHO, 1971) were re-evaluated by subsequent meetings. Since the previous evaluation additional information has become available on toxicology of this compound, and new experimental work on residues in food has been reported. EVALUATION FOR ACCEPTABLE DAILY INTAKE BIOCHEMICAL ASPECTS Absorption, distribution and excretion When 14C-methylene labelled ethion was administered orally to rats, 88% of the 14C was excreted in the urine in four days; the remainder was found in the faeces and in respiratory CO2 to the extent of 3.7 and 3.4%, respectively. No metabolite identification was attempted in this experiment, and 78% of the dose was excreted in the urine within the first 24 hours (Brandav et al., 1971). Effect on enzymes of the oxygen analogues of ethion The in vitro inhibitory effects of the oxygen analogues of ethion that might possibly occur in foods have been measured in human plasma and erythrocyte cholinesterase. The I50 values showed that both ethion monooxon and ethion dioxon were more active than ethion, with the dioxon being the most active, as shown in Table 1 (Greco et al., 1970). TABLE 1 Anticholinesterase activity of ethion and its oxygen analogues Compound Plasma I50 (M) RBC I50 (M) Ethion 6.95 × 10-8 3.29 × 10-6 Ethion monooxon 1.15 × 10-9 6.1 × 10-8 Ethion dioxon 5.76 × 10-10 3.0 × 10-9 TOXICOLOGICAL STUDIES Special studies on mutagenicity A dominant lethal test was carried out in albino mice. Groups of 12 male mice were each treated with a single intraperitoneal injection of 50 and 100 mg/kg. A third group of 12 male mice were each injected with 300 mg/kg of ethyl methanesulfonate to act as positive control. The males were mated with untreated females on a weekly schedule for six consecutive weeks. The mutation rates for the ethion treated animals did not differ from the controls. The mutation rates with positive control animals were significantly increased. Measurements were made for implantations, resorptions and number of embryos. In addition, ethion did not reduce the ability of males to mate successfully (Arnold et al., 1972). Special studies on neurotoxicity No demyelination was noted in six adult hens treated orally with acute median lethal dose (4 290 mg/kg) of ethion technical. The dose level was at the LD50. TOCP administered at 500 mg/kg was used as a positive control. Measurements included histopathological examination of the brain, spinal cord and sciatic nerve (Fletcher et al., 1972). Special studies on teratogenicity One group of 18 female rats was dosed with ethion at 1.5 mg/kg/day, and a second group of 16 female rats received 3.0 mg/kg/day on days 6 to 15 of gestation. Measurements were made for maternal body-weight, maternal mortality, implantation sites, resorption sites, viable foetuses, foetal external abnormalities, foetal skeletal development and foetal internal development. No teratogenic effects were noted in the offspring of these female rats (Haley et al., 1972). Acute toxicity LD50 of ethion in female rats was found to be 24.4 mg/kg (Kretchmar et al., 1971). The acute oral LD50 of the oxygen analogues were measured in albino rats and found to be 35.1 mg/kg for the monooxon and 12.8 mg/kg for the dioxon (Mastri et al., 1970). Long-term studies Rat Four groups, each containing 50 male and 50 female rats, were fed ethion at dietary levels of 0, 2, 6 and 20 ppm for two years. Slight depression of RBC, plasma and brain cholinesterase activities were noted in female rats fed 20 ppm throughout the investigation. Male rats fed 20 ppm and all rats fed 2 and 6 ppm exhibited no significant inhibition of cholinesterase activity during the study. Results obtained during the investigation disclosed no changes which could be attributed to the ingestion of ethion in body-weight gains, food consumption, blood chemistry, urine analyses, organ weights and ratios and gross and microscopic pathologic studies. Erythrocyte and plasma cholinesterase activities were determined at ´, 1, 1´, 2, 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months and brain cholinesterase activity after 1, 2, 3 and 24 months of feeding (Smith et al., 1972). Dog Four groups of 4 male and 4 female dogs, were fed ethion at dietary levels of 0, 2, 6 and 20 ppm for two years. Animals fed 6 and 20 ppm displayed depression of plasma cholinesterase activity, which was noted through the first 26 weeks of test in the animals receiving 6 ppm and for the entire 104 weeks in the animals receiving 20 ppm. No significant depression was noted in RBC or brain cholinesterase activity at the 6 and 20 ppm levels. Animals fed 2 ppm displayed no significant depression of plasma, RBC or brain cholinesterase activity at any time. Body-weights, food consumption, behavioural reactions, mortality, haematologic studies, blood chemistry studies and histopathologic studies all gave normal results. Plasma and RBC cholinesterase determinations were made on all animals at 0, 2, 4, 6, 9, 13, 26, 78 and 104 weeks of testing. Brain cholinesterase determinations were made on each animal immediately after sacrifice at the end of the study (Hartke et al., 1972). OBSERVATIONS IN MAN Ethion was administered to a group of six male volunteers at levels of 0, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1 and 0.15 mg/kg/day for a period of three weeks at each dose level, with the exception of the highest one which was given for three days only. The control group consisted of four individuals. The material was administered in divided doses in gelatin capsules as solution in corn oil three times a day. Plasma and RBC cholinesterase activities were determined five times during two weeks of the pretest period and three weeks of the test period. No statistically significant depression in RBC cholinesterase was noted. A statistically significant depression in plasma cholinesterase of 21% and 29% was noted at dose level of 0.1 and 0.15 mg/kg/day, respectively. Plasma cholinesterase activity at the highest dose level returned to pretest values in seven days. The 0.075 mg/kg/day level was considered borderline, with the mean inhibition being about 15%. The 0.05 mg/kg/day dose was a definite no-effect level. No adverse effects were noted in any of the other parameters studied, which included haemoglobin concentration, haematocrit, RBC count, total differential leukocyte counts, blood pressure, pulse rate, pupil size, light reflex, eye accommodation, chest sound, muscle tone, knee jerk and tongue and finger tremor (Palazzolo et al., 1970; 1971). COMMENT The toxicological data available at the 1968 Meeting were supplemented by new information on ethion excretion, acute short and long-term toxicity, neurotoxicity, mutagenicity, teratogenicity and cholinesterase inhibition. Information was provided on the effects on human volunteers. Following oral administration of 14C-ethion-methylene to rats, most of the radioactivity was found in the urine. Results of a dominant lethal test in mice, a teratogenicity test in rats and a neurotoxicity test in hens were negative. Two-year feeding studies in rats and dogs indicated plasma, RBC and brain cholinesterase inhibition at 20 ppm in rats and plasma cholinesterase inhibition at 6 ppm and above in dogs. Exposure of humans for three weeks indicated a no-effect level on plasma cholinesterase at 0.05 mg/kg/day. TOXICOLOGICAL EVALUATION Level causing no toxicological effect Rat: 6 ppm in the diet, equivalent to 0.3 mg/kg body-weight/day. Dog: 2 ppm in the diet, equivalent to 0.05 mg/kg body-weight/day. Man: 0.05 mg/kg/day. ESTIMATE OF ACCEPTABLE DAILY INTAKE FOR MAN 0 - 0.005 mg/kg body-weight RESIDUES IN FOOD AND THEIR EVALUATION USE PATTERN Ethion preparations have been registered for use in cattle dips and sprays in the following countries: Australia, Argentina, Brail, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Mexico, Paraguay, Rhodesia, South Africa Uruguay and Venezuela. Ethion is approved for application to apples, pears and citrus (often to other crops as well) at a maximum rate of 2.5 kg/ha in the following countries: Australia, Argentina, Colombia, Iran, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Spain, Uruguay, U.S.A., Venezuela. Additionally, ethion is used extensively on cotton in U.S.A., Pakistan and probably in several other countries. An important field of use occurs in Ceylon, India and Indonesia where tea is treated at the rate of 600 g/ha three times per year. It is not practicable to specify an interval between application and harvest, but normally two weeks would elapse. In Australia, in addition to use on cattle for the control of cattle ticks, ethion is registered for the control of specific pests of apples, peaches, nectarines, peers, plums, prunes, cherries, almonds and quinces where a dormant spray in oil emulsion is applied, and passionfruit, grapes, citrus, figs, avocados and onions, where a foliage spray in oil emulsion is used. In U.S.A. ethion is registered for the uses shown in Table 2, at the rates and with the withholding periods indicated. TABLE 2 Use of ethion in the United States Use Rate Applications Withholding (kg/ha) (no.) period (days) Almonds 2.5 - 30 Apples 5.0 4 60 2 40 2.5 4 40 2 20 Apricots 3.0 1 dormant Beans 0.5 - 2 1.5 1 10 Cherries 3.0 1 dormant Chestnuts 2.5 2 before husks split Corn 1.0 1 50 Cotton 1.6 not after bolls open TABLE 2 (Cont'd.) Use Rate Applications Withholding (kg/ha) (no.) period (days) Cucumbers 0.5 - no time limitation Eggplant 0.5 - no time limitation Filberts 2.5 2 before nuts visible Garlic 2.0 1 at planting Grapes 1.25 - 60 2 30 2.2 1 30 1.2 (dust) 2 15 Grapefruit 7.5 - no time limitation 10.0 - 30 Lemons 7.5 1 21 Limes 7.5 1 21 Melons 1.6 - no time limitation Nectarines 1.5 - dormant Onions 2.0 1 at planting Oranges 7.5 - no time limitation 10.0 - 30 Peaches 1.75 2 30 5.0 3 60 Pears 2.7 2 35 Pecans 2.5 2 not after husks split 1.0 3 21 Pimentos 0.5 - no time limitation Plums and 2.5 2 45 prunes 1.75 3 21 TABLE 2 (Cont'd.) Use Rate Applications Withholding (kg/ha) (no.) period (days) Sorghum 0.5 3 30 Strawberries 1.0 - 2 Squash 0.5 - no time limitation Tangelos and 7.5 - no time limitation tangerines Tomatoes 0.5(spray - 2 0.8(dust) - 2 Walnuts 2.0 - dormant 2.5 2 before husks split RESIDUES RESULTING FROM SUPERVISED TRIALS In citrus fruit Oranges from Florida receiving three foliar sprays of ethion emulsifiable concentrate were analysed to determine if ethion residues would conform to the 1 ppm tolerance proposed by the Joint Meeting when treated according to standard practice for Florida (Niagara, 1971b). Hamlin oranges sampled on the same day after a 1 kg/ha treatment yielded maximum ethion and ethion monooxon residues of 0.34 ppm and 0.015 ppm, respectively. Valencia oranges sampled on the same day after a 2.4 lb a.i./acre treatment yielded maximum ethion and ethion monooxon residues of 0.60 ppm and 0.060 ppm respectively. No ethion dioxon residues were found in either study by a method capable of determining 0.025 ppm of dioxon. The data indicate that ethion residues would be less than the proposed 1 ppm tolerance when the emulsifiable formulation is used. The orange trees had been treated in summer, autumn and spring at intervals of 3 - 6 months. Residue studies involving two formulations of ethion were conducted on Valencia oranges grown in California (Niagara, 1972a). Application rates conformed to registered use patterns in U.S.A. The object of these experiments was to determine whether it was possible to comply with the tolerance of 1 ppm recommended in 1968 within the time interval which would be practicable under normal conditions of agriculture. Single applications of ethion wettable powder and ethion emulsifiable concentrate, each at the rate of 5.0 and 7.5 kg/ha, were made to mature Valencia oranges. Samples were collected from the wettable powder treated plots at intervals of 0, 7 and 14 days after treatment. Average zero day residues of 0.75 ppm were found in the 5 kg/ha plot, these residues diminished to 0.26 ppm on day 14. In the case of the 7.5 kg/ha treatment, initial average residues of 1.50 ppm diminished to 0.63 in the same period. Ethion monooxon was found only in the 7- and 14-day samples and comprised 16%-17% of the total residue. Ethion dioxon was not detected. Sampling of the plots treated with emulsifiable concentrate was conducted over a 21 day period. Average initial residues of 1.38 ppm diminished to 0.63 ppm in the case of the 5 kg/ha treatment. Samples from the 7.5 kg/ha application rate showed residues of 1.49 ppm and 0.65 ppm at day 0 and 21, respectively. Ethion dioxon and ethion monooxon were not detected on these samples. The time required to bring about a 50% reduction in the residue levels varied from 14 to 21 days, but it appeared that, having reached a level of 0.5 ppm, the rate of dissipation decreased sharply. In view of the fact that some citrus varieties, including Valencias, must be sprayed when both mature and immature fruit are on the trees, residues above 1.0 ppm may sometimes occur. In pome fruit Harvest samples of ethion treated apples and pears were analysed for the presence of ethion dioxon, ethion monooxon and ethion residues (Niagara, 1972b). In all cases, the chemical was applied as the 25% wettable powder in accordance with registered use patterns. The two apple studies (in California and Washington) showed combined oxygen analogue residues which comprised 10-20% of the total residue. However, the total residue did not exceed 1 ppm on any of the samples. The pear study conducted in Washington showed a maximum residue of 2.76 ppm, 20% of which was combined dioxon and monooxon. In contrast, the California pear study (which involved only one application) yielded a maximum residue of 1.21 ppm; of this total, 10% was present as the combined oxons. In a submission to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Niagara (1962) showed that the application of ethion wettable powder to pears at the rate of 5 kg/ha and 8 kg/ha seven days before harvest gave rise to residues of 1.6 ppm (1.08 - 2.2) and 2.5 ppm (2.2 - 2.8) ethion on the fresh fruit. When this fruit was dried experimentally, the dried fruit contained from 1.12 to 4.8 ppm ethion, but it was shown that normal commercial drying would have a more pronounced effect on concentrating the residues. In stone fruit Harvest samples of plum and prune from a maximum ethion treatment programme were analysed for the presence of ethion dioxon, ethion monooxon and ethion residues (Niagara, 1972c). Both crops had received three applications at the registered rate of 1.75 kg/ha as the wettable powder and were sampled at an interval of 21 days after the final treatment. Total residues did not exceed 0.5 ppm on either fruit at this interval. However, the combined oxygen analogues contributed approximately 25% of the total residue. Apricots and cherries analysed at harvest following previous winter and spring treatment with 0.025% and 0.05% solutions in petroleum oil showed no detectable residues by a method capable of determining 0.05 ppm (Niagara, 1972d). Results of trials carried out by Niagara (1962) and submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration show that there is relatively little loss of ethion residues in nine days elapsing between application to mature fruit, and harvesting of ripe fruit. Following application of two sprays three weeks apart (as is typical for the control of oriental fruit moth, the total being 4 kg ethion/ha) peaches were picked immediately after the second spray and again nine days later. The fruit collected immediately after spraying were found to have a mean residue of 2.6 ppm (2.4 - 2.8) while those which had remained on the trees for nine days still had 1.3 ppm (1.27 - 1.34). Peaches from the above trial were subjected to a simulation of the normal drying process involving exposure to sulphur dioxide and then sun drying for 13 days. The first pickings after drying contained 8.8 ppm (8.6 - 9.0) while the second still had 4.2 ppm (3.2 - 5.1) after drying. This represents a loss of only 15 - 37% of the theoretical residue when allowance is made for the loss of moisture. It was considered that under drying conditions more in keeping with normal practice the loss would have been considerably less. In the same submission results are given of trials on fresh and dried apricots. Immediately following application of 1.3 kg ethion/ha, apricots were found to have 2.8 ppm ethion (2.5 - 3.1). In other trials nearby, fruit picked 12 and 14 days after the application of the same rate of the same formulation contained 0.65 (0.58 - 0.72) ppm and 1.42 (1.16 - 1.77) ppm ethion. Fruit from each of these trials was subjected to a normal treatment with SO2 and then sun dried for 14 days. The residues ranged from 1.2 to 4.7 (average 3.0) ppm ethion. The loss of ethion on drying ranged from 31 to 80%. In grapes, raisins and grape by-products In order to determine the level of residues in grapes following normal treatment, the loss between application and harvest and the subsequent loss in drying grapes (for raisins and muscats) Niagara (1972e) found that though there was a loss of more than 50% in the seven days following application the rate of loss thereafter declined, as is shown in Table 3. Grapes from experiments 4 - 7 were dried in the sun for 35 days and the dried muscatels were again analysed. The residue levels in the dried fruit ranged from 1.25 - 10.4 ppm. Allowing for the loss of water from the fruit, this represented a loss of from 70 - 91% of the amount of ethion originally present. Samples of ethion treated grapes, raisins, raisin stems and grape pomace were analysed for the presence of ethion dioxon, ethion monooxon and ethion residues (Niagara 1972e). In one location, ethion wettable powder and ethion emulsifiable concentrate were applied to separate lots at the maximum registered rate and frequency, i.e., 1.25 kg/ha; two applications, the last 32 days before harvest. Total residues averaged 1.3 ppm on harvest samples of the grapes treated with wettable powder, and 0.4 ppm on the samples treated with emulsifiable concentrate. When the grapes were field dried to raisins, total residues averaged 0.47 ppm with no significant difference between the two formulations. Residues on the raisin stems were in the range of 0.8 - 0.9 ppm with the combined oxygen analogues contributing 45 - 50% of the total residue. A similar schedule was used at a second location, but in this case only the emulsifiable concentrate was applied. Total residues on the fresh grapes at harvest (32 days after the final treatment) averaged 0.95 ppm (range 0.93 - 0.95). Dry pomace prepared from this fruit in the laboratory showed an average total residue of 6.2 ppm with only 2 ppm present as the oxygen analogue. Raisins obtained from this study contained an average total residue of 1.1 ppm (range 1.07 - 1.16). Residues on the corresponding stem samples averaged 2.9 ppm of which 30 - 35% was present as the combined oxygen analogues. During the experiment, samples of the wet pomace were fortified with ethion, ethion dioxon and ethion monooxon. Subsequent analysis of the dried samples showed the following losses had occurred: dioxon 92%, monooxon 75% and ethion 67%. These results show the more rapid degradation of the dioxon. Cucumbers and squash In order to demonstrate the level of residues in cucumbers and squash following approved use of ethion sprays, Niagara (1962) treated cucumbers from two to seven times with from 1.0 to 3.5 kg/ha of ethion as wettable powder and as emulsion. The results are summarized in Table 4. TABLE 3 Ethion residues on grape Rate Residue when sampled x days after application (ppm) Location Variety ethion (kg/ha) 0 7 14 21 28 35 Fredonia, N.Y. 2.25 4.8-5.8 2.1-3.0 1.1-1.7 0.9-1.2 0.7-0.9 0.6-1.0 Fredonia, N.Y. 0.75 10.1 3.4 2.4 2.2 1.9 Modesto, Cal. Seedless 1.4 0.65 0.63 0.33 0.12 Clovis, Cal. Muscat 5.4 3.3-4.0 Biola, Cal. Muscat 5.4 4.9-5.8 Clovis, Cal. Muscat 5.4 2.5-3.8 Biola, Cal. Muscat 5.4 6.3-6.7 TABLE 4 Ethion residues on cucumbers and squash Total ethion Application Residues found x days after application (ppm) applied (no.) (kg/ha) 0 5 8 11 3.0 6 0.12 0.09 0.01 0.04 3.5 7 0.12 0.09 0.01 0.0 1.0 2 - - - 0.0 1.5 3 0.05 0.02 0.02 0.04 Cottonseed In support of a petition to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Niagara (1971a) showed from several trials that the application of ethion (several formulations) at the approved rate (1.6 kg/ha), and at double rate prior to the opening of bolls, produced residues in the ginned seed ranging from non-detectable to 0.25 ppm. The residues found were thought to be the maximum likely to occur, to be present on the lint only and probably to be due to contamination and/or inefficient ginning. The location of the residues in lint was confirmed, and it was shown that the acid delinting process removed all detectable residues from the cottonseed. Further studies showed that any ethion residues present on the seed were mainly in the lint, less in hulls and only 4% in the crude cottonseed oil. The maximum level of ethion found in crude cottonseed oil was 0.33 ppm. Maize (grain, forage and fodder) Niagara (1971d) carried out trials in three different regions of U.S.A. following the application of ethion emulsifiable concentrate at the rate of 1 kg/ha to maize. Samples of forage collected 0, 7, 14 and 21 days after application contained 20.2 ppm, 5.7 ppm, 3.2 ppm and 1.9 ppm ethion (total ethion and oxons), respectively. Ethion comprised 95% of the residues at day 0 and 70 - 80% at day 21. Maximum ethion monooxon residues of 0.71 ppm were detected at day 0, and these declined to 0.27 ppm at day 21. Maximum ethion dioxon residues of 0.30 ppm were detected at day 7 and 14, after application. There were wide variations in the residue levels between different samples from different sites. The maximum level of ethion likely to be found in maize forage following approved use would be 15 ppm. In separate studies for the same petition Niagara (1971d) showed that the application of 1 kg ethion/ha to maize 50 days before harvest produced minimum residues in the maize grain. No residues exceeding the limit of determination were found. In nuts Chestnuts, filberts, pecans and walnuts were treated with 0.05% ethion in petroleum oil emulsions during the dormant season and again twice with ethion wettable powder at the rate of 1.5 - 2.5 kg/ha during the growing period, but before the husk split. Analysis of the kernels of nuts from six trials showed no detectable residues by a method capable of determining 0.05 ppm ethion or metabolites (Niagara, 1972d). In dairy cattle An indication of the levels of ethion residue found in milk from individual cows or an individual herd is shown by a trial conducted by the New South Wales Department of Agriculture (Watts, 1969). Four dairy cows were dipped once in 0.068% ethion emulsion (slightly less than the recommended 0.075% dip). Milk samples were collected, pre-dipping and over a period of 12 days post dipping, with the results shown in Table 5. TABLE 5 Ethion residues in milk after dipping of dairy cattle1 Samples collected Mean ethion level Range ethion (ppm) (ppm) Pre-dip nil nil 5 h post-dip 3.36 2.66 - 4.10 1 d post-dip 1.95 1.70 - 2.14 2 d post-dip 1.37 1.14 - 1.58 3 d post-dip 0.77 0.56 - 0.84 4 d post-dip 0.66 0.50 - 0.81 5 d post-dip 0.52 0.49 - 0.56 6 d post-dip 0.44 0.39 - 0.58 10 d post-dip 0.06 0 - 0.25 12 d post-dip 0.02 0 - 0.06 1 Expressed as ppm in butterfat FATE OF RESIDUES In animals Studies were conducted to determine the effect and fate of ethion in the ration of cows in order to gauge whether animals grazing treated orchards or fed pomace from treated citrus, grapes or apples or cottonseed meal would excrete residues in milk or retain residues in meat, fat or meat by-products (Niagara, 1971c). Groups of four mature Holstein cows were fed ethion at 5, 10 and 20 ppm in their daily feed ration for 30 consecutive days. Milk samples were collected periodically during the feeding period. At the end of the 30-day test feeding period, three cows from each group were sacrificed and tissue samples taken. A 30-day recovery period followed during which the remaining cows were not fed ethion in their daily feed ration. Milk samples were collected at weekly intervals. At the end of the recovery period, the cows were sacrificed and tissue samples taken. Milk samples from the 5 and 20 ppm ethion feeding levels and tissue samples (muscle, kidney, liver and fat) from all three feeding levels were analysed. Ethion was the only residue detected in any of the milk or tissue samples. Analysis of milk from the 5 ppm ethion feeding level yielded maximum ethion residues of 0.009 ppm at day 8. Milk from the 20 ppm ethion feeding level yielded maximum ethion residues of 0.034 ppm at day 4. No ethion residues were detected in any of the recovery period milk samples. It is notable that no oxygen analogues of ethion occurred in any of the milk, meat or fat samples. The fat of animals was the only tissue to contain significant residues. This study supplements the previous study done with radioactive ethion (FAO/WHO, 1969). White Leghorn hens were fed ethion at 10 ppm as a portion of their daily feed ration for nine consecutive weeks (Niagara, 1969). Egg samples were collected from day 54 of ethion feeding through day 60. At the end of the nine week test feeding period, one half of the chickens were sacrificed and tissue samples taken. A four-week recovery period followed during which the remaining chickens were not fed ethion in their daily feed ration. Egg samples were collected periodically. At the end of the recovery period the remaining chickens were sacrificed and tissue samples taken. No ethion residues approaching the method sensitivity of 0.01 ppm were detected in any of the egg or tissue samples analysed following the feeding and recovery periods. Although the analytical method was not the newer version that measures extremely low levels of the oxygen analogues, no residues would be expected since there were no traces of ethion. In plants An improved analytical method for the measurement of oxidized forms of ethion (ethion monooxon and ethion dioxon) has been developed since the 1968 review (FAO/WHO, 1969). Apples, pears, plums, prunes, grapes and oranges have been treated with ethion formulations at the maximum allowable rate to determine the magnitude of the oxidized forms by this newer method (Niagara, 1972b,c,d,e). These data are summarized in Table 6. TABLE 6 Ethion residues in various crops Crop Pre-harvest Total residue-ethion Residue present as interval + oxons (ppm) oxygen analogue (days) (% of total) Apples 20 - 28 0.71 - 0.75 13 - 16 Pears 20 - 23 1.2 - 2.6 15 - 18 Plums 21 0.40 25 Prunes 21 0.25 22 Grapea 30 - 32 0.35 - 1.8 0 - 15 Oranges 0 1.50 0 Oranges 7 0.92 16 14 0.62 18 Residues of oxygen analogues resulted only from treatments with wettable powders. No oxygen compounds were detected from emulsifiable concentrate treatments. In storage and processing Simulated commercial processing of ginned cottonseed (Niagara, 1970) showed that 64% of the residue present on cottonseed from useful application of ethion was contained on the lint. The bulk of the remainder was present on the hulls (29%). Transfer to the oil was only 4%. This represented a level of 0.33 ppm on the cottonseed oil when the total on the ginned seed was 0.84 ppm. Evidence of residues in food, in commerce or at consumption Duggan et al. (1971), in a report on residues in food in the United States from July 1963 to June 1969, reported that ethion was found in 0.3 to 1.7% of composite samples, with an average daily intake below 0.003 mg/day. The only samples reported containing residues were large and small fruits. The incidence was 11.9% in the case of large fruits and 5% in the case of small fruits. Corneliussen (1970) reported on a total diet study for the period of June 1968 through April 1969. Ethion occurred on six of the 30 fruit composites. This was the only category in which ethion residues were found. The maximum value was 0.27 ppm. Processing of the fruits reduced the residues by 42%. Details of the processing procedure were not given. The New South Wales Department of Agriculture (Watts, 1972) reported results of a critical survey of 1 063 samples of butter produced in 1971 within the cattle tick quarantine areas and analysed by the Board of Tick Control. The residues were found only during the period when a compulsory dipping program was being undertaken, i.e., from September until March. Of the samples, 54% were reported to contain ethion residues ranging from 0.01 to 0.62 ppm. A similar pattern was reported for 1970 although, due to less intensive dipping, the number of samples with residues was then only 39% of the total analysed. During this period, 286 000 head of cattle were being dipped in ethion emulsion every 17 - 21 days. In a survey of 879 butter samples collected in 1971 from regions where cattle tick is endemic, the Australian Department of Primary Industry (Snelson, 1972) reported that 17.4% of the samples contained ethion residues at levels ranging from 0.05 to 0.5 ppm. METHODS OF RESIDUE ANALYSIS A gas chromatographic method utilizing a flame photometric detector specific for phosphorus has been developed for the analysis of ethion residues (Niagara, 1972b). Ethion and the two oxygen analogues can be determined simultaneously in the same sample. A limit of determination as low as 0.005,ppm has been achieved. The key factor in achieving this improvement was the elimination of charcoal absorbents in cleanup steps. This method has not been published. The EPA multi-residue procedure determines ethion but will not determine the oxygen analogues. There are two points in the multi-residue procedure where these substances are lost: firstly in the hexane/acetonitrite partition where the oxygen analogues do not partition quantitatively into the hexane; secondly the oxygen analogues are not eluted from the cleanup column with the solvents used to isolate the organophosphate materials. The multi-detection methods published in the EPA Analytical Manual Vol. 1 have been used successfully for the determination of ethion residues in many substrates and are recommended for regulatory purposes even though not determining oxygen analogues. NATIONAL TOLERANCES Since the review in 1968 (FAO/WHO, 1969d) the tolerances shown in Table 7 have been established for ethion residues. TABLE 7 Examples of national tolerances reported to the meeting ppm U.S.A. Maize, forage and fodder 14 Cottonseed 0.5 Milk fat (reflecting negligible residues in whole milk) 0.5 Eggs 0.2 Meat, fat and meat by-products of goats, pigs, horses, poultry and sheep 0.2 Maize grain, apricots, cherries, chestnuts, filberts, pecans and walnuts (kernel) 0.1 Australia Fruit and vegetables 1 Fat of meat of cattle 2.5 Meat of cattle 0.75 APPRAISAL Ethion is a non-systemic organo-phosphorus insecticide and acaracide introduced in 1956 and widely used, especially as an acaracide and scale control agent, for many fruit crops, tea and some vegetables, often in combination with petroleum oils. It is also used for dipping cattle against cattle ticks in many countries. Since the review in 1968 (FAO/WHO, 1969), improved methods of analysis have enabled studies to be made of the fate of ethion residues on a number of fruits. Foliar applications of wettable powder formulations can give rise to small amounts of ethion monooxon and ethion dioxon, but the amount is usually less than 20% of the total residue. The oxygen analogues do not occur when emulsifiable formulations are used. Studies made following the feeding of dairy cattle with ethion, simulating feeding of contaminated or treated fodder, show that small amounts of ethion, but no oxygen analogues, are to be found in milk and fatty tissues. Poultry, on the other hand, do not have residues either in body fat or eggs when receiving rations containing small amounts of ethion. Ethion residues have only been found infrequently at low levels in composites of the average diet examined in the U.S.A. Butter samples taken from areas where cattle must be dipped to control cattle ticks show that ethion residues occur frequently at significant levels. Analytical procedures suitable for regulatory purposes are available. These are capable of determining the oxygen analogues as well as the parent compound. RECOMMENDATIONS The previously recommended temporary tolerances are amended and are no longer classified as temporary. The following residue limits are based on residues likely to be found at harvest, or in the case of fat of meat from cattle, dairy produce and tea, also at the retail level, following currently approved use patterns. The residue levels are unlikely to decline significantly during storage but, except in fat of meat and dairy produce, processing or cooking will largely destroy any residues prior to consumption. PRACTICAL RESIDUE LIMITS ppm Apples, grapes, lemons, limes, oranges 2 Plums, prunes, strawberries 2 Nectarines, peaches, pears 1 Apricots, cherries 0.1* Melons, tomatoes, beans 2 Cucumbers, squash 0.5 Eggplant, garlic, onions 1 Pimentos, peppers 1 Cottonseed 0.5 Maize (grain) 0.05* Almonds, chestnuts, filberts, pecans, walnuts (shelled) 0.1* Fat of meat of cattle 2.5 Edible offal of cattle 0.75 Fat of meat of goats, horses, pigs, poultry and sheep 0.2* Edible offal of goats, horses, pigs, poultry and sheep 0.2* Milk and milk products (fat basis) 0.5 Eggs 0.2* Tea (dry manufactured) 7 * at or about the limit of determination Remarks Residues of ethion and its oxygen analogues should each be determined and the sum expressed as ethion. FURTHER WORK OR INFORMATION DESIRABLE Determination of the metabolic fate in animals. REFERENCES Arnold, D., Kennedy, G. and Keplinger, M.L. (1972) Report NCT 461.99, Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories, Inc. Mutagenic study with ethion in albino mice. (unpublished) Brandav, E.G., Knaak, J.B. and McCarthy, J.F. (1971) Excretion of ethion-methylene-14C by the rat. Report M2819 Niagara Chemical Division, FMC Corporation. (unpublished) Corneliussen, P.E. (1970) Pesticide residues in total diet samples (V). Pest. Mon. J., 4(3): 89 - 105. Duggan, R.E., Lipscomb, G.Q., Cox, E.L., Heatwole, R.E. and Kling, R.C. (1971) Pesticide residue levels in foods in the United States from 1963 - 1969. Pest. Mon. J., 5(2): 73 - 212. FAO/WHO. (1969) 1968 evaluations of some pesticide residues in food. FAO/PL:1968/M/9/1; WHO/Food Add./69.35. FAO/WHO. (1970) 1969 evaluations of some pesticide residues in food. FAO/PL/1969/M/17/1; WHO/Food Add./70.38. FAO/WHO. (1971) 1970 evaluations of some pesticide residues in food. FAO/AGP: 1970/M/12/1; WHO/Food Add./71.42 Fletcher, D., Jenkins, D.H. and Keplinger, M.L. (1972) Report NCT 646.22 Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories, Inc. Neurotoxicity study with ethion technical in adult hens. (unpublished) Greco, R.A., Keplinger, M.L. and Fancher, O.E. (1970) The in vitro inhibitory effects of ethion, ethion monooxon and ethiondioxon on human plasma and erythrocyte cholinesterase activity. Report NCT 402.21 Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories, Inc. (unpublished) Haley, S., Plank, B.J. and Wright, P.L. (1972) Teratogenic study with ethion technical in albino rats. Report NCT 463.42 Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories, Inc. (unpublished) Hartke, K., Wright, P.L. and Keplinger, M.L. (1972) Two-year chronic oral toxicity study with ethion technical in beagle dogs. Report NCT 386.32 Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories, Inc. (unpublished) Kretchmar, B., Mastri, C. and Keplinger, M.L. (1971) Acute oral toxicity study with ethion technical in female albino rats. Report NCT 422.01 Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories, Inc. (unpublished) Mastri, C., Keplinger, M.L. and Fancher, O.E. (1970) Acute oral toxicity studies with ethion dioxon and ethion monooxon in albino rats. Report NCT 404.01 Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories, Inc. (unpublished) Niagara. (1962) Pesticide Petition No. 351 to U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Niagara Chemicals Division, FMC Corporation. Niagara. (1969) Determination of ethion residues in eggs and poultry tissues. Report M2548 filed with FAO. Niagara Chemicals Division, FMC Corporation. (unpublished) Niagara. (1970) Ethion residues on cottonseed; process study. Report R-1156 filed with FAO. Niagara Chemicals Division, FMC Corporation. (unpublished) Niagara. (1971a) Pesticide Petition OF0920 to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Niagara Chemicals Division, FMC Corporation. Niagara. (1971b) Determination of ethion, ethion monooxon and ethion dioxon residues in or on oranges. Report M-3035 filed with FAO. Niagara Chemicals Division, FMC Corporation (unpublished) Niagara. (1971c) Residue determination of ethion and its oxygen analogues in milk and cow tissue. Report M-2808 filed with FAO. Niagara Chemicals Division, FMC Corporation. (unpublished) Niagara. (1971d) Pesticide Petition 1F1104 to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Niagara Chemicals Division, FMC Corporation. Niagara. (1972a) Ethion residues in or on Valencia oranges. Report R-1207 filed with FAO. Niagara Chemicals Division, FMC Corporation. (unpublished) Niagara. (1972b) Ethion residues in or on apples and pears. Report R-1187 filed with FAO. Niagara Chemicals Division, FMC Corporation. (unpublished) Niagara. (1972c) Ethion residues in or on plums and prunes. Report R-1188 filed with FAO. Niagara Chemicals Division, FMC Corporation. (unpublished) Niagara. (1972d) Pesticide Petition No. OF0918 to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Niagara Chemicals Division, FMC Corporation. Niagara. (1972e) Ethion residues in or on grapes, raisins and grape by-products. Report R-1196 filed with FAO. Niagara Chemicals Division, FMC Corporation. (unpublished) Palazzolo, R.J., Fancher, O.E. and Calandra, J.C. (1970) A study on the effects of ethion on plasma and erythrocyte cholinesterase activity in human subjects during subacute administration. Report NCT 380-21 Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories, Inc. (unpublished) Palazzolo, R.J., Fancher, O.E. and Calandra, J.C. (1971) Cholinesterase inhibition studies in man with ethion. Society of Toxicology Meetings, 5 - 9 March 1972. Paper No. 29. Smith, P.S., Wright, P.L. and Keplinger, M.L. (1972) Two-year chronic oral toxicity study with ethion technical in albino rats. Report NCT 385.32 Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories, Inc. (unpublished) Snelson, J.T. (1972) Results of residue surveys in Australia. Report filed with FAO. Department of Primary Industry, Canberra, Australia. Watts, R.M. (1969) Report of dipping trials with ethion. New South Wales Department of Agriculture. Watts, R.M. (1972) Analysis of butter by Board of Tick Control. Report to Co-ordinating Committee on Pesticides, Canberra, Australia.
See Also: Toxicological Abbreviations Ethion (ICSC) Ethion (FAO/PL:1968/M/9/1) Ethion (FAO/PL:1969/M/17/1) Ethion (AGP:1970/M/12/1) Ethion (WHO Pesticide Residues Series 5) Ethion (Pesticide residues in food: 1982 evaluations) Ethion (Pesticide residues in food: 1983 evaluations) Ethion (Pesticide residues in food: 1986 evaluations Part II Toxicology) Ethion (Pesticide residues in food: 1990 evaluations Toxicology)