At the 1975 Meeting of the CCPR a need was expressed for residue
limits in the meat of sheep. Information received on usage on sheep
was reviewed and evaluated in the following addendum, which
supplements the monograph prepared at the 1972 Meeting.
Evaluation of residue data
In a trial undertaken in the UK three short-wooled and three
long-wooled sheep were dipped under normal farm conditions with an
aqueous suspension containing 0.04 w/v phosalone. Samples of muscle,
fat, liver, kidney and heart, examined 7 and 22 days after treatment
all showed residue levels below 0.05 ppm. Similarly, in Australia six
recently shorn sheep slaughtered six days after treatment in a shower
dip (0.04%) using normal procedure were examined, using a GLC method
of analysis. No residues greater than the 0.02 mg/kg of phosalone
limit of the analytical method used were found in kidney, liver and
muscle samples. Fat samples contained up to a maximum of 0.56 mg/kg.
The validity of these results was checked by analysis of tissues
following the application of radio tagged phosalone to two sheep.
In the light of these reports the following additional maximum
residue limits were recommended:
Recommendations for residue limits
Tolerance mg/kg
Meat of sheep 0.05*
Fat of meat of sheep 0.5
* At or about the limit of determination for residues in meat.