Sponsored jointly by FAO and WHO


    Data and recommendations of the joint meeting
    of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues
    in Food and the Environment and the
    WHO Expert Group on Pesticide Residues
    Geneva, 5 - 14 December 1983

    Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
    Rome 1985




           At the request of the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues the
    Meeting reviewed the limited data on ethiocarb in the 1977
    monographs1 in beans both with and without pod.  The relevant data
    are presented again in the following monograph.



           Data submitted previously to FAO by Bayer (1974-1979) were
    reviewed and the results are given in Table 1.


           The Meeting agreed that for beans with pod the earlier data,
    together with the data in the 1981 evaluations, could be interpreted
    as supporting a maximum residue level of 2 mg/kg but could find no
    basis to change its earlier estimate of 0.2 mg/kg for beans without


    Bayer.        Data on ethiofencarb in beans. Reports nos. 2037/74,
    1974-         2038/74, 2039/74, 2009a/75, 2010a/75, 2011a/75,
    1979          2014/75, 2015/75, 2016/75, 2034/75, 2047a/75, 2048a/75,
                  2049a/75, 2023/76, 2024/76, 2025/76, 2048b/76,
                  3209/76, 3210/76, 3211/76, 2000a/77, 2035/77, 2036/77,
                  2037/77, TCR 159/78, 2008/7, 2044/78, 2045/78, 2046/78,
                  2005/79 submitted to FAO by Bayer U.K.


    1    See Annex 2 for FAO and WHO documentation.

        Table 1. Data on Ethiofencarb Residues in Beans


    Dose/Formulation    Country    Portion                             Residue (mg/kg)
                                   analysed                  Interval after last application (days)
                                                   0         1         4         7        10       14         21           89         111

    Broad beans
    0.5 1 a.i./ha       United     Beans                                                           0.024
    50% E.C.            Kingdom                                                                    0.037
    1x                             Pods                                                            0.024

    0.3 kg a.i./ha      Federal    Beans           0.02                0.03      0.03              0.02       n.d.                                 
    500 E.C.            Republic                   n.d.                0.02      <0.02    n.d.     n.d.
    2 - 3x              Germany                    0.03                0.04      0.04              0.03       0.02
                                                   n.d.      n.d.      n.d.      0.03
                                                   0.04      0.04      0.04      0.03
                                                   0.04      0.05      0.05      0.04     0.04

                        Pods                       0.20                0.09      0.05              0.05       0.04
                                                   0.22                0.09      0.08              0.04       0.02
                                                   0.43                0.26      0.22              0.11       0.05
                                                   0.25      0.13      0.09      0.08
                                                   0.25      0.19      0.11      0.07
                                                   0.42      0.38      0.22      0.19     0.07

                                   Total                               0.07                        0.04       0.02
                                   (calculated)                        0.08                        0.03       0.01
                                                                       0.17                        0.08       0.04
                                                   0.17      0.09      0.07      0.07
                                                   0.18      0.14      0.09      0.06
                                                   0.36      0.32      0.18      0.15     0.06

    Table 1 (continued)


    Dose/Formulation    Country    Portion                             Residue (mg/kg)
                                   analysed                  Interval after last application (days)
                                                   0         1         4         7        10       14         21           89         111

    1.5 kg a.i./ha      Federal    Beans                                                           0.13       0.04
    10% GR              Republic                                                                   0.02       n.d.
    1x                  Germany                                                                    0.06       0.04

                                   Pods                                                            0.42       0.26
                                                                                                   0.19       0.19
                                                                                                   0.32       0.57

                                   Total                                                           0.33       0.18
                                   (calculated)                                                    0.15       0.08
                                                                                                   0.22       0.44

                                                   0         1         3         4        7

    Runner Beans
    0.06 kg a.i./ha     Federal    Beans with      1.95      1.35                1.42     1.45     Bayer
    500 E.C., 2x        Republic   Pods

    0.45 kg a.i./ha     Federal    Beans with      0.51      0.43      0.49      0.39     0.21
    10% WG, 2x          Republic   Pods            0.42      0.40      0.26      0.26     0.17

    Table 1 (continued)


    Dose/Formulation    Country    Portion                             Residue (mg/kg)
                                   analysed                  Interval after last application (days)

                                                   0         1         4         7        10       14         21           28

    Dwarf French Beans
    0.3 kg a.i./ha      Federal    Beans with      0.14      0.33      0.30      0.16     0.06     0.05
    100 E.C., 2x        Republic   Pods            0.36      0.41      0.32      0.14     0.03     0.03
                        Germany                    0.43      0.54      0.31      0.19     0.18     0.05

    0.3 kg a.i./ha      Federal    Beans with      0.15                          0.05              n.d.       n.d.         n.d.
    200 E.C., 2x        Republic   Pods            0.14                          0.10              0.08       n.d.         n.d.
                        Germany                    0.46                          0.17              0.07       0.07         n.d.

    0.75 kg a.i./ha     France     Beans with                                    1.46              0.77
    500 E.C., lx                   Pods                                          2.47              1.84

    0.3 kg a.i./ha      Federal    Beans with      0.25                0.25      0.26              0.16       0.06
    500 E.C., 3x        Republic   Pods            0.32                0.28      0.25              0.19       0.08
                        Germany                    0.68                0.43      0.32              0.13       0.11

                                                   0         1         4         7        10       14         21           106

    0.45 l a.i./ha      Federal    Beans with      2.0       1.99      0.61      0.44     0.48
    100 SI, 2x          Republic   Pods            0.10      0.08      0.04      0.04     0.03
                        Germany                    0.58      0.47      0.59      0.48     0.22
                                                   0.89      0.67      0.71      0.37     0.26

    Table 1 (continued)


    Dose/Formulation    Country    Portion                             Residue (mg/kg)
                                   analysed                  Interval after last application (days)

                                                   0         1         4         7        10       14         21           106

    2.0 kg a.i./ha      France     Beans with                                    0.05              0.05       0.03
    10 % OR, 1x                    Pods
    2.0 kg a.i./ha      Portugal   Dried Beans                                                                             n.d.
    10 % GR, 1x

    See Also:
       Toxicological Abbreviations
       Ethiofencarb (ICSC)
       Ethiofencarb (Pesticide residues in food: 1977 evaluations)
       Ethiofencarb (Pesticide residues in food: 1978 evaluations)
       Ethiofencarb (Pesticide residues in food: 1980 evaluations)
       Ethiofencarb (Pesticide residues in food: 1981 evaluations)
       Ethiofencarb (Pesticide residues in food: 1982 evaluations)