CARBOPHENOTHION JMPR 1972 IDENTITY Chemical names S-(4-chlorophenylthiomethyl) diethyl phosphorothiolothionate; S-(4-chlorophenylthiomethyl) 0,0-diethyl phosphorodithioate Synonyms Trithion(R), Garrathion(R), R-1303, ENT 23708, nephocarp. Empirical formula C11H16O2Cl PS3 Structural formulaPhysical and chemical properties State: off-white to light amber coloured liquid Boiling point: 82°C at 0.01 mm Hg Vapour pressure: 3 × 10-7 mm Hg at 20°C Specific gravity: 1.265 - 1.285 at 20°C Molecular weight: 342.85 Refractive index: 1.590 - 1.597 Solubility: slightly soluble in water (<0.04 g/l at 20°C), Miscible with most organic solvents (hydrocarbons, alcohols, ketones, esters) Stability: stable to hydrolysis but oxidized to the phosphorothiolate Purity: technical material about 95% EVALUATION FOR ACCEPTABLE DAILY INTAKE BIOCHEMICAL ASPECTS Absorption, distribution and excretion Studies on absorption and distribution of carbophenothion in mammals are not available. Following intraperitoneal administration to mice, greater than 75% of the administered dose was excreted in the urine within 24 hours. During the following 16 hours only 4-7% of the dose was excreted. Carbophenothion is apparently rapidly eliminated from the body (March et al., 1957). Biotransformation The metabolism of carbophenothion is qualitatively the same in mice, insects and plants, the principal products being oxidative. Although the transformation of carbophenothion to oxidative and hydrolytic components has been postulated, little data are available on the quantitative degradation in mammals. Oxidative metabolism of carbophenothion has been shown to result in a substantial increase in anticholinesterase activity except for the sulphone of the phosphorodithioate. A quantitative difference in animal and plant metabolites was the presence of an unidentified product on the surface of plants which appeared to a minor degree in the internal parts and was found as a minor component in mouse urine and in vitro tests with mouse liver. The component is probably the phosphorodithioate sulphoxide analogue (March et al., 1957). Five oxidative products of carbophenothion have been identified (see figure 1). S O (EtO) PSCH SC H pCl (EtO) PSCH SC H pCl 2 2 6 4 2 2 6 4 carbophenothion oxygen analogue (5 × 10-4M) (2 × 10-6M) S O O O (EtO) PSCH SC H pCl (EtO) PSCH SC H pCl 2 2 6 4 2 2 6 4 carbophenothion sulphoxide oxygen analogue sulphoxide (8 × 10-6M) (2 × 10-7M) S O O O (EtO) PSCH SC H pCl (EtO) PSCH SC H pCl 2 2O 6 4 2 2O 6 4 carbophenothion sulphone oxygen analogue sulphone (1 × 10-4M) (1 × 10-8M) Figure 1 - Oxidative products of carbophenothion The number in parenthesis under the oxidative products in Figure 1 is the I50 value for housefly head cholinesterase (March et al., 1957). Results of studies on the metabolism of carbophenothion in lettuce have shown a typical pattern of oxidative metabolism resulting in the sulphoxide and sulphone analogues of the phosphorothioate and phosphorodithioate. Exposure of carbophenothion to UV light resulted in the appearance of the phosphorodithioate sulphoxide analogue (Menzies, 1969). TOXICOLOGICAL STUDIES Special studies on neurotoxicity Groups of White Leghorn hens (10 hens/group) were fed carbophenothion in the diet at levels of 0, 10, 31.6 and 100 ppm for seven weeks. TOCP was fed at 500 ppm as a positive control. Egg production was affected at 100 ppm. Clinical signs of ataxia were evident in TOCP-fed hens but were absent in animals fed all levels of carbophenothion. Histological examination of nerve tissue showed slight evidence of demyelination in TOCP treated hens but none with carbophenothion (Lobdell and Johnston, 1964). Special studies on potentiation Groups of dogs (1 male and 1 female/group) were fed carbophenothion (1 ppm) in the diet in combination with parathion (1 ppm), methylparathion (5 ppm), EPN (20 ppm), demephion (2 ppm), or malathion (100 ppm) for 45 days. No evidence of greater than additive depression of cholinesterase activity was observed (Horn, 1957). Carbophenothion in combination with five other organophosphates (parathion, methylparathion, EPN, demephion and malathion) when administered orally to rats did not show signs of potentiation of acute toxicity (Horn, 1957; Shaffer and West, 1960). Special studies on reproduction Groups of rats (20 male and 20 female per group) were fed carbophenothion in the diet and subjected to a standard three-generation (2 litter per generation) reproduction study at dosage levels of 0 and 20 ppm. At 20 ppm carbophenothion had an effect on reproduction in all three generations. In the F0 generation a reduced mean pup birthweight was observed and fewer young were alive at weaning. In the F1b generation, an increased number of stillbirths was observed in two litters and fewer young were alive at weaning in the second (but not the first) litter. In the F2b generation, an increase in stillbirths was again observed in two litters, a decreased number of live births and again fewer pups were alive at weaning. Foetal resorption was an apparent factor in three of 10 females examined which had borne less than two litters. An examination of stillborn pups for teratological effects of carbophenothion was negative (Johnston and Scott, 1966). Acute toxicity Acute toxicity to carbophenothion in some animal species is summarized in Table 1. TABLE 1 Acute toxicity to carbophenothion in different animal species Species Sex Route LD50 Reference Rat M Oral 17-91 Gray, 1954; Elsea, 1955a,b; Horn, 1957; Shaffer and West, 1960; Hagan et al., 1961; Hayes, 1971 F Oral 10 Hayes, 1971 Oral 7-30 Edson et al., 1963 M Dermal 54 Hayes, 1971 F Dermal 27 Hayes, 1971 Mouse M Oral 106-218 Elsea, 1955b; Gray, 1954 Dog M and F IM Approx. Beliles, 1966 40 Rabbit Dermal 800 Edson et al., 1963 Duck M Oral 121 Tucker and Crabtree, 1970 A dose of 25 mg/kg administered to the eye of rabbits resulted in death in one-third and signs of acute poisoning in the survivors (Gray, 1954). Signs of poisoning are typical of organophosphorus esters and include salivation, lacrimation, diarrhea, miosis, tremors and other signs of cholinergic stimulation. Rats exposed to carbophenothion vapours at a dose of 1.04 mg/l for one hour exhibited depression which subsided within one hour after treatment (Bullock and Kamienski, 1971). Atropine and PAM have been shown to be effective therapeutic agents for acute poisoning by carbophenothion. Repeated administration with both materials was necessary to insure complete survival of poisoned animals (Elward and Meydins, 1964). Following acute IM administration of carbophenothion, atropine and PAM administered IM were effective in temporarily alleviating signs of poisoning. A return of toxic signs was evident 2-4 hours after the administration of atropine and PAM (Beliles, 1965). Dogs were administered carbophenothion by IM injection at a dose approximately five times the calculated LD50. This was followed by atropine alone or in combination with PAM (atropine was administered twice daily after signs of poisoning occurred and PAM administered once). All dogs administered atropine alone died, although death was delayed. One of six dogs receiving atropine and PAM survived. Mortality in the dogs administered atropine and PAM was delayed. Atropine plus PAM was a more effective therapeutic agent than atropine alone. Signs of toxicity and mortality following lethal doses of carbophenothion were alleviated with the two agents in combination (Beliles, 1966). Short-term studies Rat Groups of rats (25 males and 25 females/group) were fed carbophenothion in the diet for 90 days at dosages of 0, 5, 10, 22, 46 and 100 ppm. Clinical signs of toxicity, cholinergic stimulation, were evident at 46 and 100 ppm. Growth of females was reduced at 100 ppm. RBC cholinesterase inhibition was evident at levels of 10 ppm and above, especially in females. Brain and plasma cholinesterase was inhibited at 22 ppm and above. No effects were observed on survival, food consumption and gross histological examination of tissues (Fogleman, 1956; Lehman, 1965). Dog Groups of mongrel dogs (2 males and 2 females/group) were administered carbophenothion orally by gelatin capsule, 6 days/week for 90 days, at levels of 0.02, 0 04, 0.08, 0.25 and 0.80 mg/kg/day. Dogs at 0.25 and 0.80 mg/kg/day showed plasma cholinesterase depression and did not receive the total dosage. At 0.02 mg/kg/day plasma cholinesterase was depressed slightly, while at 0.04 mg/kg inhibition was more apparent. RBC cholinesterase was normal at all treatment levels (Fogleman, 1956; Lehman, 1965). Groups of purebred beagle dogs (3 males and 3 females/ group) were fed carbophenothion in the diet for two years at dosages of 0, 5, 20 and 80 ppm. Erythrocyte and brain cholinesterase activity were depressed at 80 ppm. Plasma cholinesterase activity was depressed at all feeding levels at all examination intervals except the initial one. At 20 and 80 ppm, the groups were distinguishable from controls chiefly on the basis of decreased body-weight gain (in 80 ppm females), greater degree of irritability and nervousness and increased mean relative adrenal weight (in 80 ppm females). No effects were noted on mortality, physical condition, food consumption, behaviour, haemograms, clinical chemistry tests, urinalysis, neurological examinations and gross or histological examination of tissues (Johnston, 1967). Cow Groups of two lactating dairy cows were administered 0, 1, 3, 10 and 30 ppm of carbophenothion in the diet, 7 days/week, for 120 days. The 1 ppm group was changed to 20 ppm on day 23 of the study. A similar group, receiving 15 ppm, was added to the study on day 70 and continued for 50 days. Clinical signs of toxicity were evident at 30 ppm. Blood cholinesterase activity was significantly depressed at 20 and 30 ppm. Appearance and behaviour, food consumption and whole blood cholinesterase activity were unaffected at 15 ppm and below (Weir, 1958). Long-term studies Rat Groups of rats (25 males and 25 females/group) were fed carbophenothion in the diet for two years at dosage levels of 0, 5, 20 and 80 ppm. Although considerable mortality was observed in all groups in this study, there was no relationship to the dietary intake. Rats at 80 and 20 ppm feeding levels displayed tremors, loose stools and hair loss as well as behaviour changes, including nervousness and irritability. Females at 80 ppm showed reduced growth during the second year of study. At 80 ppm, at 100 weeks of feeding, a gradual lowering of hemoglobin became evident. RBC, plasma and brain cholinesterase activity was inhibited at 80 and 20 ppm but not at 5 ppm. Cholinesterase inhibition in brain, RBC and plasma was more evident in females than males. At 80 ppm females showed an increased adrenal weight and ratio of organ to body-weight. Gross and histological examinations showed no compound-related effect other than the increased adrenal gland weight. Analyses of the incidence of tissue mass showed no differences from control values. There were no differences in respect to the frequency of neoplasm occurrence (Johnston, 1967). OBSERVATIONS IN MAN The effects of carbophenothion noted on man are limited to several acute poisoning incidents (Hearn, 1961) and a one-month subacute administration to humans. Typical signs of cholinergic stimulation in humans were obvious following ingestion of contaminated flour. This poisoning was controlled with atropine and PAM. Five people were administered carbophenothion at a dose of 0.8 mg/kg/day for 30 days. There were no effects reported on plasma or RBC cholinesterase activity (Rider et al., 1972). COMMENT Carbophenothion is rapidly excreted and is probably metabolized via oxidative and hydrolytic pathways. The compound does not induce demyelination and is not potentiated by those organophosphates tested. Cholinesterase depression was shown to occur in a rat reproduction study, conducted at a dose level known to induce maternal cholinesterase depression. Reduced pup weights, increased resorption rate and postpartum mortality in pups was shown to occur in a reproduction study in rats conducted at a dose level known to induce maternal cholinesterase depression. Plasma cholinesterase depression was the most sensitive criterion of effect in both short- and long-term studies in rats and dogs. A study in man did not result in plasma cholinesterase depression at 0.8 mg/kg/day. The meeting considered that the data available were insufficient to enable an ADI to be based on this experiment. However, the 0.8 mg/kg/day level was borne in mind when the study in dogs was considered in the light of the apparent extreme difference in sensitivity between man and dog. A no-effect level was not demonstrated in dog at the lowest dose utilized (5 ppm or 0.125 mg/kg/day). In rat, 5 ppm (0.25 mg/kg/day) is a no-effect level with regard to plasma cholinesterase depression. TOXICOLOGICAL EVALUATION Level causing no toxicological effect Rat: 5 ppm in the diet equivalent to 0.25 mg/kg/day ESTIMATE OF TEMPORARY ACCEPTABLE DAILY INTAKE FOR MAN 0 - 0.005 mg/kg RESIDUES IN FOOD AND THEIR EVALUATION USE PATTERN Carbophenothion is a non-systemic organophosphorus insecticide and acaricide used for pre-harvest treatments on deciduous fruits, citrus fruits, small fruits, vegetables and field crops, and for ectoparasite control on cattle and sheep. It is also used as a cereal seed dressing. It is available as various strengths of emulsifiable concentrates, wettable powders and dusts. Recommended treatment levels are as follows: 1) Deciduous fruit - 1.25 lb to 2.0 lb a.i. per acre with pre-harvest intervals of 30 days. 2) Citrus fruit - 2.5 lb to 5.0 lb a.i. per acre. Pre-harvest intervals vary from 0 to 30 days depending on amount of a.i. used per acre. 3) Vegetable crops - 1.0 lb a.i. per acre; 7 days pre-harvest interval except for spinach (21 days). 4) Field crops - 1.0 lb a.i. per acre; 21 days pre-harvest interval. 5) Cattle - 0.02% spray, no pre-slaughter interval. 6) Sheep - 0.026% tip spray; 0.062% saturation spray or plunge dip - 14 day pre-slaughter interval. Specific uses include the control of greenbug on sorghum (Ward et al., 1970) and the control of castor white fly (Radha, 1971). RESIDUES RESULTING FROM SUPERVISED TRIALS Table 2 gives typical results of analysis for residues of carbophenothion following controlled application at stated rates to various fruit and vegetable crops (Stauffer Chemical Co., 1972). The data on citrus fruits refers to residues on whole fruits; evidence was presented showing that practically all of the residue was retained on the peel with only very small amounts (0.02 ppm or less) appearing in the pulp or juice. Tables 3 and 4 show residues of carbophenothion found in some tissues of cattle and sheep at different intervals after treatment. Table 5 gives results obtained from the analysis of milk from cows fed carbophenothion at various concentrations to simulate feeding of treated forage (Stauffer Chemical Co., 1972). TABLE 2 Carbophenothion residues in various crops Crop Pre-harvest Rate Residue interval (% a.i.) (ppm) (days) Oranges 0 0.03 0.80 7 0.03 0.67 14 0.03 0.55 21 0.03 0.47 28 0.03 0.38 Grapefruit 0 0.03 1.4 7 0.03 1.1 14 0.03 0.85 21 0.03 0.65 28 0.03 0.53 Lemons 0 0.12 4.0 7 0.12 3.3 14 0.12 2.5 21 0.12 2.2 28 0.12 1.9 Limes 0 0.03 0.95 7 0.03 0.79 14 0.03 0.65 21 0.03 0.53 28 0.03 0.43 Apples 0 0.03 0.73 2 0.03 0.30 12 0.03 0.46 14 0.03 0.88 19 0.03 0.36 26 0.03 0.29 29 0.03 0.37 Pears 33 0.06 0.41 Peaches 14 0.03 0.70 27 0.03 0.15 29 0.03 0.67 Prunes 28 0.04 0.24 29 0.04 0.47 29 0.04 0.42 Apricots 21 0.03 0.78 TABLE 2 (cont'd) Crop Pre-harvest Rate Residue interval (% a.i.) (ppm) (days) Nectarines 14 0.03 0.52-0.66 37 0.03 0.33-0.42 Green alfalfa 0 0.25 70 10 0.25 20 20 0.25 5.5 Alfalfa hay 0 0.25 70 10 0.25 25 20 0.25 8 Soybean hay 0 0.25 70 10 0.25 25 20 0.25 8 Brussels 0 0.9 kg/ha 0.91 sprouts 7 0.9 kg/ha 0.28 Cauliflower 0 1.2 kg/ha 0.56 4 1.2 kg/ha 0.06 Broccoli 0 1.2 kg/ha 2.65 4 1.2 kg/ha 0.33 Sugar beet 7 1.2 3.9 (tops) 11 1.2 2.5 18 1.2 0.6 Sugar beet 0 0.25 0.01 (roots) 8 0.25 0.02 17 0.25 0.02 Spinach 2 4 oz/acre 26.4 5 11.2 10 3.8 15 0.70 2 8 oz/acre 63.4 5 25.8 10 12.5 15 1.7 0 12 oz/acre 36 4 14 22 1.56 29 0.16 2 16 oz/acre 95 5 32.2 10 15.1 TABLE 2 (cont'd) Crop Pre-harvest Rate Residue interval (% a.i.) (ppm) (days) Spinach (cont'd) 15 2.4 Olives 66 0.06 0.08 88 0.06 0.04 119 0.06 0.02 Olive oil 66 0.06 0.16 88 0.06 0.06 119 0.06 0.02 Potatoes ) Rape seed ) Observed residues all below the Walnuts (shelled) ) limit of determination (0.02 ppm) Pecans (shelled) ) Information was also available (Stauffer Chemical Co., 1972) regarding residues occurring in milk and cream from three cows spray-treated with 0.02% carbophenothion; no residues above the limits of determination were observed (<0.005 ppm for milk and <0.05 ppm for cream). FATE OF RESIDUES In animals Fat samples of cattle treated with carbophenothion have been examined for the presence of carbophenothion, its sulphoxide and sulphone and the corresponding oxygen-analogue compounds. The parent compound and lesser amounts of its sulphoxide and sulphone were found (Table 6), but the oxygen-analogues were not observed (Meyding and Browne, 1962). In all cases the amounts of the oxygen-analogue, its sulphoxide and sulphone were below 0.005 ppm. In plants Carbophenothion was applied to field-growing lettuce, and samples were removed at various times after spraying and analysed for carbophenothion and its oxidative metabolites. Carbophenothion persisted in growing lettuce for 21 days. Five oxidation products appeared within 4 hours of spraying and persisted for up to 21 days. The results indicate that the principle route of oxidation involved thioether oxidation to form the sulphoxide and then the sulphone, followed by phosphorothionate oxidation to form the thiophosphate sulphone (Coffin, 1964). (See also Figure 1). In these experiments the amount of parent carbophenothion decreased rapidly from 7.0 ppm to 1.2 TABLE 3 Carbophenothion residues in cattle tissues1 Tissue Treatments Days since last treatment (No.) 1 3 7/8 21 36 43 Perirenal fat 1 - - 0.13 0.09 - - Subcutaneous fat 1 - - 0.09 0.10 - - Omental fat 1 - - 0.17 0.15 - - Perirenal fat 2 - - 0.63 0.20 - - Subcutaneous fat 2 - - 0.19 0.14 - - Omental fat 2 - - 0.41 0.24 - - Perirenal fat 3 1.65 0.69 0.71 0.19 0.25 ND Subcutaneous fat 3 0.62 0.61 0.37 0.10 0.14 0.04 Omental fat 3 1.12 0.74 0.47 0.25 0.31 0.02 Liver 3 0.019 <0.01 ND2 ND ND ND Kidney 3 0.048 0.03 <0.01 ND ND ND Skeletal muscle 3 0.036 0.01 ND ND ND ND 1 Residues found in the tissues of cattle following 1, 2 or 3 weekly spray exposures to a 0.1% active ingredient suspension. Values represent net corrected ppm of carbophenothion (Meyding and Browne, 1962). 2 ND = not detected TABLE 4 Carbophenothion residues in sheep tissues1 Tissue Days after treatment 1 3 10 14 Fat unshorn 0.39 0.66 0.55 0.61 shorn 0.90 0.68 0.29 0.29 Muscle unshorn 0.054 0.072 0.047 0.042 shorn 0.049 0.086 0.032 0.026 TABLE 4 (continued) Tissue Days after treatment 1 3 10 14 Kidney unshorn *2 0.036 0.045 * shorn 0.014 0.020 0.020 * Liver unshorn * 0.019 0.014 0.011 shorn 0.01 0.011 * 0.014 1 Residues found in various tissues of sheep resulting from plunge-dips in a vat containing 0.05% carbophenothion (Meyding and Patchett, 1964). Values given in ppm carbophenothion. 2 * = <0.01 ppm TABLE 5 Carbophenothion residues in milk (ppm carbophenothion) Duration of treatment Treatment level (ppm in diet) (days) 0 1 3 10 20 30 0 *1 * * * * 0.0014 * 7 * * * 0.0023, 0.0029 0.0101 0.0215, 0.0170 14 * * 0.0015, 0.0015 0.0028, 0.0024 0.0085, 0.0052 0.0210, 0.0149 28 * - 0.0015, 0.0024 0.0086, 0.0058 0.0103, 0.0104 0.0171 49 * - 0.0036, 0.0031 0.0058, 0.0047 0.0123, 0.0146 0.0141 70 * - 0.0033, 0.0011 0.0054, 0.0048 0.0115, 0.0088 0.0187 (mean) * * 0.0015 0.0045 0.0102 0.0178 1 * = less than 0.001 ppm. TABLE 6 Carbophenothion and metabolites in cattle fat Fat tissue Treatments Days since Carbophenothion -sulphoxide -sulphone (no.) last treatment (ppm) Perirenal 3 7 0.563 0.318 0.058 Omental 3 7 0.368 0.107 0.026 Subcutaneous 1 8 0.197 0.068 0.046 TABLE 7 Effect of storage and heat processing on carbophenothion residues Heat Storage Food Initial level processed Ambient 100°F (ppm) temp.(1 yr) Spinach 0.76 17% 71% 83% Apricots 0.76 35% 84% 84% ppm in the first three days and then more slowly to less than 0.1 ppm at 21 days. The total residue declined more steadily from 8.3 ppm to 0.1 ppm over the same period. Evidence of residues in food in commerce or at consumption Some limited information was available on residues of carbophenothion occurring in food in commerce. Duggan et al. (1971) have presented results of analyses from 1963 to 1969 of nearly 7 000 samples of U.S. domestic and imported large fruits (apples, pears, oranges, peaches). Of the few samples shown to contain residues of carbophenothion (less than 1% of those examined), only 25 samples contained more than 0.1 ppm and one sample contained more than 1 ppm. No measurable amounts of carbophenothion have been observed in various published total diet studies. Elkins et al. (1972) studied the effect of storage and heat processing on the residue level of carbophenothion in canned spinach and apricots. The results, shown in Table 7, are expressed in terms of percentage reduction in the residue level. METHODS OF RESIDUE ANALYSIS Carbophenothion and its five oxidative metabolites are extracted from non-fatty materials with aqueous acetonitrile, and from fat and oil with hexane followed by partitioning in aqueous acetonitrile. The residues are partially separated from crop extractives by an alumina shakeout, a partition into chloroform, and an activated carbon shakeout. The residues are oxidized to the sulphones with potassium permanganate, further isolated and separated by liquid-solid chromatography on silica gel H, and determined by gas-liquid chromatography on OV-1 or QF-1 columns with flame photometric detection in the phosphorus mode (Buxton, 1971 and Storherr et al., 1971). These procedures should be suitable for regulatory purposes. Bowman and Beroza (1970, 1971) published conditions for the gas chromatography of organophosphorus pesticides, including carbophenothion, using a flame photometric detector. A method based on the extraction procedure of McLeod et al. (1967) in conjunction with the T.L.C. enzymatic inhibition technique of Mendoza et al. (1968) has been proposed by Mendoza et al. (1970). The presence of carbophenothion in whole wheat flour could be detected down to 0.5 ppm. Carbophenothion and its five oxidative metabolites have been determined by gas chromatography using a 5 ft column of 10% DC 200 and the sulphur mode of the microcoulometric detector (Burke, 1965). A method has been proposed for the detection and quantitative determination of organothiophosphorus pesticides, including carbophenothion, by in situ fluorimetry after separation on silica gel layers. Yellowish-green fluorescent spots are obtained when the plate is sprayed with a 3-hydroxyflavone, such as robinetin, after bromination. Linear calibration curves up to 4 mg per spot of the pesticide have been obtained and a relative standard deviation of approximately 4% can be expected at the 1.0 µg level. Visual and instrumental detection limits are around 0.04 µg per spot for certain pesticides (Frei et al., 1971). A thin-layer chromatographic procedure has been described for separating and detecting carbophenothion and 16 other cholinesterase-inhibiting pesticides on aluminum oxide and silica gel. The detection of the anticholinesterase activity is based on the hydrolysis of indophenyl acetate by bee brain cholinesterase. Limits of detectable cholinesterase inhibitors are at the subnanogram level, and the time required for detection is about 40 minutes (Winterlin et al., 1968). A detection limit of 5 ng was obtained by Gardner (1971) using a combined two-dimensional TLC - esterase method. Patchett and Batchelder (1960) describe a two-phase hydrogen peroxide-acetic acid-benzene system to oxidize carbophenothion to strong cholinesterase inhibitors, which are subsequently determined by measuring their inhibition of cholinesterase in human blood plasma. The method is sensitive to 0.01 µg of carbophenothion and will detect 0.005 ppm residue in crops having low background values. Villeneuve et al. (1970) investigated the separation and detection of 13 organophosphorus pesticides, including carbophenothion, using a combined TLC-GLC method. The separation of carbophenothion using a silica gel microcolumn was investigated by Leoni (1971). A routine TLC method for the determination of residues of organophosphorus pesticides, including carbophenothion, has been proposed by Mees and Antoine (1971). The procedure uses both silica gel and polyamide coated plates. Table 8 shows examples of national tolerances as reported to the Joint Meeting. TABLE 8 Examples of national tolerances as reported to the meeting Country Commodity Tolerance ppm Australia Fruit and vegetables 1 Fat of meat of cattle and sheep 1 Belgium Fruit and vegetables 0.5 Canada Cherries, eggplants, peppers, pimentos, plums, prunes, tomatoes 0.5 Apples, crabapples, onions, pears, quinces 0.8 Federal Republic of Germany Rape, citrus fruit (without peel) 0.05 Netherlands Fruit and vegetables 0.05 TABLE 8 (cont'd) Examples of national tolerances as reported to the meeting Country Commodity Tolerance ppm U.S.A. Almond hulls 10 Alfalfa (green and hey), clover (green and hay), sugarbeet (root and tops) 5 Citrus fruit 2 Apples, apricots, snap beans, lima beans, garden beets (root and tops), melons 0.8 Cherries, cucumbers, eggplant, figs, grapes, nectarines, olives, onions (dry bulb and green), peaches, pears, peas, peppers, plums, quinces, pimentos, soybeans, spinach, strawberries, summer squash, tomatoes 0.8 Fat of meat of cattle, goats, pigs and sheep 0.2 Dry beans, pecans, walnuts 0.1 APPRAISAL Carbophenothion is a non-systemic organophosphorus insecticide and acaricide used for pre-harvest treatments on deciduous, citrus and small fruits, field crops, vegetables and for ectoparasite control on cattle and sheep; it also has uses as a cereal seed dressing. The pesticidal action is fairly persistent and residues are comprised mostly of the parent compound together with its sulphoxide and, to a lesser extent, its sulphone; the corresponding oxygen analogues are rarely detected in animal tissue but have been observed as minor components on treated vegetables. Following treatment of animals, the bulk of the residue is contained in the fatty tissues. Residue data was available following supervised trial treatments of fruit, vegetables and animals, but no information was given regarding foodstuffs moving in commerce. No residues have been observed in total diet studies. Available multi-residue gas chromatographic procedures should be suitable for application for regulatory purposes. RECOMMENDATIONS TEMPORARY TOLERANCES Temporary tolerances apply to the total residue, comprising carbophenothion, its sulphoxide and sulphone together with their corresponding oxygen analogues, if present, expressed as carbophenothion. ppm Lemons 5 Spinach 2 Fat of meat of cattle and sheep 1 Grapefruit, limes, oranges, prunes, apricots, nectarines, peaches 1 Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, apples, pears 0.5 Olive oil 0.2 Olives, sugar beet 0.1 Milk and milk products (fat basis) 0.1 Potatoes, rape seed 0.02* Walnuts and pecans (shelled) 0.02* * at or about the limit of determination FURTHER WORK OR INFORMATION REQUIRED (by 30 June 1976) 1. Further studies to substantiate the marked species difference in sensitivity to plasma cholinesterase depression. 2. An adequate reproduction study. REFERENCES Beliles, R.P. (1965) Trithion - safety evaluation by analysis of cholinesterase reactivation with atropine and PAM after trithion poisoning. Report Woodard Research Corporation. (unpublished) Beliles, R.P. (1966) Trithion - safety evaluation by analyses of cholinesterase reactivation with atropine and PAM after trithion poisoning in the dog. Report Woodard Research Corporation. (unpublished) Bowman, M.C. and Beroza, M. (1970) G.L.C. retention time of pesticides and metabolites containing phosphorus and sulphur on four thermally stable columns. J. Ass. off. analyt. Chem., 53: 499-508. Bowman, M.C. and Beroza, M. (1971) Use of Dexsil 300 on specially washed Chromosorb W for multi-component residue determinations of phosphorus and sulphur containing pesticides by flame photometric G.L.C. J. Ass. off. analyt. Chem., 54: 1086-1092. Bullock, C.H. and Kamienski, F.X. (1971) Acute inhalation screen, male and female rats. Report Stauffer Chemical Company. (unpublished) Burke, J.A. (1965) Gas chromatography for pesticide residue analysis; some practical aspects. J. Ass. off. Agric. Chem., 48: 1037-1058. Buxton, R.W. (1971) Determination of residues of Trithion and its oxygen analogues. Report Stauffer Chemical Co. (unpublished) Coffin, D.E. (1964) Oxidative metabolism and persistence of Trithion on field sprayed lettuce. J. Ass. off. Agric. Chem., 47: 662-667. Duggan, R.E., Lipscomb, G.Q., Cox, E.L., Heatwole, R.E. and Kling, R.C. (1971) Pesticide residue levels In food in the United States July 1, 1963 to June 30, 1969. Pestic. Monit. J., 5: 73-212. Edson, E.F., Sanderson, D.M. and Noakes, D.N. (1963) Acute toxicity data for pesticides. World Rev. Pest Control 2: 26-28. Elsea, J.R. (1955a) Acute oral administration - rats. Report Hazleton Laboratories. (unpublished) Elsea, J.R. (1955b) Acute oral administration - mice. Report Hazleton Laboratories. (unpublished) Elkins, E.R., Farrow, R.P. and Kim, E.S. (1972) The effect of heat processing and storage on pesticide residues in spinach and apricots. J. Agr. Fd. Chem., 20: 286-291. Elward, T.E. and Meyding, G.D. (1964) Carbophenothion. 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See Also: Toxicological Abbreviations Carbophenothion (ICSC) Carbophenothion (Pesticide residues in food: 1976 evaluations) Carbophenothion (Pesticide residues in food: 1977 evaluations) Carbophenothion (Pesticide residues in food: 1979 evaluations) Carbophenothion (Pesticide residues in food: 1980 evaluations) Carbophenothion (Pesticide residues in food: 1983 evaluations)