CARBOPHENOTHION JMPR 1977 Explanation Carbophenothion was reviewed at the Joint Meeting in 1972 (FAO/WHO, 1973), when further studies to substantiate the marked species difference in sensitivity to plasma cholinesterase depression and an adequate reproduction study were required. At the Joint Meeting of 1976 (FAO/WHO, 1977) the temporary ADI was withdrawn since the additional data required by the Joint Meeting of 1972 had not been made available. Part of the additional studies required by the 1972 Meeting have been received and are reviewed in this monograph addendum. In addition short-term and lone-term rat and dog studies, in which cholinesterase activity was determined are re-evaluated. EVALUATION FOR ACCEPTABLE DAILY INTAKE BIOCHEMICAL ASPECTS Absorption, distribution and excretion Excretion via faeces, urine and expired air was studies after oral administration (2.5 mg/kg) of phenyl-14C carbophenothion to 2 male and 2 female Simonsen albino rats. Twelve similarly treated rats were placed in plastic metabolism cages and allowed food and water ad libitum. Four animals of each group were killed 1, 2, 4 and 8 days after administration of the radiolabelled dose and blood, brain, adipose tissues, gonad, skin, kidney, liver, lung, muscle, stomach, intestine and remaining carcass were collected for determination of 14C content. Within 96 hours after receiving a single oral dose of phenyl-14C carbophenothion an average of 97.8% of the administered radiocarbon was excreted in the urine (78.5%) and faeces (19.3%). No radiocarbon was found in the expired air trap. In all tissues only small amounts of 14C (<0.1% of the administered dose) were detected 96 hours after dosing (Hoffman et al., 1976). Male Simonsen albino rats (200g) were dosed orally by stomach intubation with 3 mg/kg b.w. of phenyl-14C carbophenothion dissolved in propylene glycol. The animals were housed in metabolism cages designed for the separate collection of urine and faeces. Urine was collected 24 and 48 hours after dosing. The animals remained healthy and active during the 48-hour collection period during which time an average of 66% of the administered 14C was excreted in urine; 14% was present in the ethyl acetate extract, while virtually all of the 14C in the extracted aqueous phase was soluble in methanol after lyophilization. The metabolic study resulted in the following identified urinary metabolites: 4-chloro-benzenesulphinic acid (46.8%), 4-chlorobenzene sulphonic acid (5.3%), 4-chlorobenzenethio-sulphuric acid (3.0%), 4-chlorothio-phenyl-S-glucuronide (2 8%), 4-chlorophenyl methyl sulphone (1.7%), 4-chloro-3-chydroxyphenyl methyl sulphone (23.9%, both free and conjugated), 4-chlorophenylsulphinylmethyl methyl sulphone (0.7%), and 4-chlorophenylsulphonylmethyl methyl sulphone (1.9%). None of the oxygen analogues of carbophenothion were detected in urine. Of the 13.5% of the metabolites which could not be completely identified 6.3% was extractable in ethylacetate. Figure 1, shows the proposed metabolism of carbophenothion in the rat based on the present results. The metabolism in the rat is similar to that observed in the goat (De Baun et al., 1976a). The major degradative route appears to involve sulfoxidation and subsequent conversion to 4-chlorobenzene sulphinic and 4-chlorobenzene sulphonic acid. Another significant metabolic pathway involves methylation, sulfoxidation, and ring-hydroxylation of liberated 4-chlorothiophenol. The resultant 4-chloro-3-chydroxyphenyl methyl sulphone is converted in nearly equal proportions to the sulfate and glucuronide conjugates. Other metabolites including 4-chlorophenylsulphinylmethyl methylsulphone and 4-chlorophenylsulphonylmethyl methylsulphone presumably arise from cleavage of the carbophenothion P-S bond, followed by methylation and sulphoxidation. The results show that carbophenothion is readily degraded in the rat, primarily to water soluble products which are excreted in the urine (DeBaun et al., 1976b, Menn et al., 1976, DeBaun and Menn, 1976). In an experiment with 4-chlorothiophenol, one of the metabolites of carbophenothion, 4 male rats were dosed by stomach intubation of 1 ml of aqueous ring 14C-4-chlorothiophenol. The animals remained active and healthy throughout the 144-hours study. Complete urine and faecal excretion of the administered 14C was not achieved until approximately 6 Days after dosing. No 14C was detected in the expired air at any interval. The metabolites are shown in figure 1 (DeBaun et al., 1974). Carbophenothion sulphoxide, an oxidative metabolite of carbophenothion is also reduced to carbophenothion by an in vitro system containing rat liver enzymes, reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, and flavin adenine dinucleotide phosphate. After incubation for 2 hours 78% unmetabolized carbophenothion and sulphoxide, 1% carbophenothion sulphone acid and 12% carbophenothion were found (DeBaun and Menn, 1976).Two lactating miniature Mexican goats were used to study the uptake, distribution, excretion, and metabolic fate of phenyl-14C carbophenothion in a polygastric animal, after oral application. The goats were preconditioned with 10 mg unlabelled carbophenothion, twice daily. After the preconditioning procedure of seven days, the animals were dosed once with approximately 22 mg carbophenothion/kg b.w. The goats were sacrificed 1 and 8 days after administration. With the exception of the digestive system and the central nervous system, no overt clinical changes were observed after treatment with carbophenothion. Some diarrhoea and behavioural changes were observed after carbophenothion administration. At necropsy no detectable macroscopic lesions due to carbophenothion exposure were noticed. Eight days after dosing, 82.6% of the administered radiocarbon was recovered in urine, 15.6% in faeces, 1.4% in cage washes and 1.0% in milk. The excretion was rapid; 90% of the dose was recovered within 72 hours. There was no evidence of selective storage of 14C in tissues. Eight days after dosing less than 0.04 mg/kg carbophenothion equivalents was recovered in tissues and organs. The maximum concentration of 14C in milk, which occurred in the first 24 hours after dosing, was 0.7-0.8 mg/kg carbophenothion equivalents. Of this, 0.014 mg/kg was characterized as carbophenothion and no oxidized carbophenothion metabolites were detected. The remaining 14C in milk was characterized as detoxication products resulting from cleavage of the leaving group (e.g. from carbophenothion sulphoxide and carbophenothion oxon sulphone). In this experiment the urine was also examined for metabolites of carbophenothion. The proposed metabolism in the goat based on these results as is shown in Figure 1. In general the fate of carbophenothion is similar to that observed in rats: methylation, sulphoxidation and ring-hydroxylation of liberated 4-cholorothiophenol, formation of 4-chlorobenzenesulphinic and 4-chlorobenzenesulphonic acids and the metabolites arising from cleavage of the carbophenothion P-S bond, followed by methylation and sulphoxidation of the resultant thiol intermediate. The goat desalkylates carbophenothion to yield the desethyl derivative (Menn et al., 1976, DeBaun et al., 1976b). Eighty-seven percent of the urinary 14C and 88% of the milk 14C was identified (DeBaun et al., 1976a). After an oral dose of 25 mg/kg body weight, Greylag and Pink-footed geese died with brain and plasma cholinesterase inhibition of 90%. The Canada goose showed symptoms after 2-3 hours, but appeared normal after 8 hours, with less cholinesterase inhibition than the other two species. The highest residue levels were found in fat and were considerably higher than in the other tissues. A range of tissues was also examined for the presence of carbophenothion metabolites. Oxidative metabolites were detected in muscle, brain# kidney and liver. Three of these were tentatively identified as the oxygen analogue and its sulphone and sulphoxide. The sulphone and sulphoxide of the parent compound appeared to be present in liver (Stanley at al., 1976). Effects on enzymes and other biochemical parameters Eighteen organophosphorus insecticides were fed to 30-day-old female rats for 1 week at various dietary levels. For each compound the dietary levels was calculated to produce a 50% inhibition of liver and serum aliesterases as well as brain, liver and serum cholinesterase. Inhibition of liver aliesterases was generally found at a much lower dose level than cholinesterase inhibition. Carbophenothion inhibited aliesterases in liver by 50% at a dose level of 0.5-2.7 ppm and in serum at 6.0-9.3 ppm in the diet. For brain, liver and serum cholinesterase these levels were 17.0, 60.0 and 21.0 ppm respectively (Su et al., 1971). TOXICOLOGICAL STUDIES Special studies on reproduction A three generation (1 litter) reproduction study with 120 rats (10 males and 20 females/group) per generation was carried out.
The dietary administered doses were 0, 3, 10 and 30 ppm carbophenothion (95%, technical). Only the second generation was mated twice. The foetuses of these litters (F2b) were examined for possible teratological or embryo-toxicological effects. The parameters studied were: individual body weight, food consumption behaviour and observation of physical appearance of the parental generation, fertility index, the total number of live and still-born pups, the total weight of live pups per sex at day 1, 7 and 21, the lactation index, viability index and the individual grossly observable findings. In the F2b the number of corpora lutea of pregnancy per ovary, the number and placement of implantation sites, resorption sites and live and dead foetuses were recorded. The foetus was examined individually and the weight, crown-rump distance and sex were determined. Necropsies were performed in 10 males and 10 females of the F3a generation at an age of 3 weeks. Approximately one-third of the F2b fetuses from each litter were examined internally, eviscerated, macerated and stained. The stained skeletons were examined for degree of ossification and anomalies. Mean body weights of the 10 and 30 ppm F1a females were significantly lower during the first half of the prebreeding growth phase. Significant decreases in the F2a growth period body weight data were limited to the males of the 10 ppm dose group and to the females of the 30 ppm dose group (during the first weeks after birth). The incidence of a hunched appearance was somewhat higher among the high-dose animals in all generations. No other signs of compound-induced toxicity were observed during the growth, gestation or lactation periods. In the F3a live birth, lactation and survival indices in the 30 ppm group were lower. In addition the lactation index (0-21) of the F2a generation was also lower than those of the control group. In all three generations significantly lower mean body weight of the pups was noted in the 30 ppm dose group, while in the F1a this effect was found even in the 3 and 10 ppm dose groups. Except for a higher incidence of treated pups appearing small in size, generally corresponding to the compound-related weight suppression, and a not-dose-related dilated pelvis of the kidney and enlarged lymph nodes found in some animals of the treatment groups, no clinical or gross pathological signs of toxicity were observed. The incidences of resorption were somewhat higher and the corresponding incidences of foetal viability were lower in the 10 and 30 ppm carbophenothion dose groups. A relationship between these findings and the decreased neonate viability is likely. No significant teratological effects due to the treatment were noted (Trutter J.A., 1976). Special studies on potentiation In a study in which potentiation of sixteen organophosphorus compounds with triamiphos was studied no potentiation in LD50 was found for carbophenothion. (Speyers et al., 1976) Acute toxicity TABLE 1. Acute toxicity of carbophenothion LD50 Species Sex Route (mg/kg) References Rat M Oral 37 Speyers et al., 1976 F Oral 12 Speyers et al., 1976 Pigeon Oral 35 Jennings et al., 1975 Quail Oral 57 Jennings et al. 1975 Canada goose Oral 29-35 Jennings et al., 1975 Starling Oral 5.6 Shafer, 1972 Redwing Oral 7.5 Shafer, 1972 In addition to the acute toxicity data, the acute toxicity of certain of the metabolites of carbophenothion to the rat are summarized in Table 2. Table 2. Acute toxicity of proposed metabolites and intermediates of carbophenothion in the rat. (Hoffman et al., 1976) Compound oral LD50 mg/kg b.w. desethyl-carbophenothion (sodium salt) >1000 4-chlorobenzenesulphinic acid (sodium salt) > 500 4-chlorobenzenesulphonic acid (sodium salt) > 500 4-chlorobenzene thiosulphate (sodium salt) > 500 4-chlorothiophenol1/ 316 4-chlorophenyl methyl sulphoxide > 500 4-chlorophenyl methyl sulphone > 500 4-chloro-3-hydroxyphenyl methyl sulphone > 500 4-chlorophenylsulphenylmethyl methyl sulphone > 500 1/ The values for 4-chlorothiophenol represents the actual oral LD50. One calf was given carbophenothion 1 mg/kg body weight by oral capsule. The animal developed diarrhoea and showed ChE inhibition of 77%. In addition the plasma tocopherol and carotene contents were lower (Hunt and McCarty, 1972). OBSERVATIONS IN HUMANS Seven members of a family became ill after eating tortillas made from flour contaminated with 0.3% carbophenothion. They all showed inhibition of serum cholinesterase. The level of cholinesterase inhibition corresponded to the number of tortillas eaten and the severity of the illness. The main symptoms were gastro-intestinal upset (vomiting, diarrhoea), salivation and lacrimation. Four of the affected people became comatose, but all recovered (Older and Hatcher, 1969). Values for potential dermal and respiratory exposure and for total exposure in terms of fraction of toxic doses were determined for 11 different pesticides during orchard spraying. The highest total exposure was found for carbophenothion and was calculated to be 1.12% (range 0.26-2.38) of a toxic dose-hour. Dermal exposure was much greater than respiratory exposure (Wolfe et al., 1972). COMMENTS Carbophenothion was previously reviewed and further studies to substantiate the marked species difference in sensitivity to plasma cholinesterase depression and an adequate reproduction study were required. In 1976 the temporary ADI for humans was withdrawn because the information previously requested had not been provided. Part of this information has now been received and has been considered together with re-evaluation of short-term and long-term rat and dog studies in which cholinesterase activity was determined. Present carbophenothion metabolism studies confirm and extend the studies previously reported. Results show that carbophenothion is readily degraded both in the rat and the goat, primarily to water soluble products, which are excreted in the urine. None of the oxygen analogues of carbophenothion or its sulphoxide and sulphone were detected. The acute toxicity of the major metabolites of carbophenothion was considerably lower than that of carbophenothion. From both the data previously reported and the present data it is clear that plasma cholinesterase inhibition is the most sensitive criterion in both short- and long-term studies in rats and dogs. In a two-year study in dogs 5 ppm or 0.125 mg/kg bw-day was not a no-effect level with respect to plasma cholinesterase inhibition. In a 90 day experiment in dogs an effect was found even at 0.04 mg/kg bw/day, while 0.02 mg/kg bw was a marginal no-effect level in this respect. In a two-year experiment with rats 5 ppm in the diet (0.25 mg/kg bw/day) caused an inhibition of RCB-cholinesterase after 13 and 26 weeks. A three generation reproduction study including a teratological study revealed a no-effect level of 3 ppm equivalent to 0.15 mg/kg bw. With respect to the lowest no-effect level this study has no consequence for the calculation of the acceptable daily intake for humans, the most sensitive criterion still remaining is the plasma cholinesterase depression in dogs. An extreme difference in sensitivity between humans and dog is noticed in the reported cholinesterase depression studies. There seems to be an indication that 018 mg/kg/ day for 30 days did not result in cholinesterase inhibition in humans. However, 1 mg/kg bw in a calf caused symptoms and severe cholinesterase inhibition. The Meeting decided to allocate a temporary ADI for humans at a lower value owing to the marked species difference in sensitivity to plasma cholinesterase depression. TOXICOLOGICAL EVALUATION Level causing no toxicological effect Rat: 3 mg/kg in the diet, equivalent to 0.15 mg/kg bw Dog: 0.02 mg/kg bw/day ESTIMATE OF TEMPORARY ACCEPTABLE DAILY INTAKE FOR HUMANS 0-0.0002 mg/kg bw RESIDUES IN FOOD AND THEIR EVALUATION No new data were evaluated. Since the Meeting allocated a temporary ADI, the previously recorded guideline levels were converted to recommended temporary maximum residue limits. FURTHER WORK OR INFORMATION Required (before July 1979) 1. Further studies to substantiate the marked species difference in sensitivity to plasma cholinesterase depression. Desirable 1. Further elucidation of the nature of the terminal residues on crops, particularly as regards the reported possibility of the presence under field conditions of photolysis products. REFERENCES FAO/WHO (1973) 1972 evaluations of some pesticide residues in food. AGP:1972/M/9/1; WHO Pesticide Residues Series, No. 2. FAO/WHO (1977) 1976 evaluations of some pesticide residues in food. FAO/APG: 1977/M/5. De Baun, J.R. and Menn, J.J. (1976) Sulfoxide reduction in relation to organophosphorus insecticide detoxification. Science, 191, 187-188. De Baun, J.R., Finley, K.A., Gruwell, L.A. and Menn, JJ. (1976a) Metabolism of (Phyenyl-14C) carbophenothion in the lactating goat. Stauffer Chemical Company, Report MRC-B-54, Mountain View, California, USA. (Unpublished report) De Baun, J.R., Hoffman, L.J., Rose, J.H. and Menn, J.J. (1976b) Metabolism of (Phenyl-14C) carbophenothion in the rat: Urinary metabolite identification. Stauffer Chemical Company, Report MRC-B-61, Mountain View, California, USA. (Unpublished report) De Baun, J.R., Rose, J.H. and Menn, J.J. (1974) Metabolism of 4-chloro-(U-14C) thiophenol in the rat. Stauffer Chemical Company, Report MRC-B-50, Mountain View, California, USA. (Unpublished report) Hoffman, L.J., Ross, J.H. and Menn J.J. (1976) Metabolism of (Phenyl-14C carbophenothion in the rat: Blance and tissue residue study. Stauffer Chemical Company, Report MRC-B-62, Mountain View, California, USA. (Unpublished report) Hunt, L.M. and McCarthy, R.T. (1972) Effects of some organophosphorus insecticides on vitamin E and other blood constituents and on the apparent inducement of diarrhoea in neonatal calves. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 8: 297-305 Jennings, D.M., Bunyan, P.J., Brown, P.M., Stanley, P.I. and Jones, F.J.S. (1975) Organophosphorus poisoning: a comparative study of the toxicity of carbophenothion to the Canada goose, the pigeon and the Japanese quail. Pestic. Sci. 6: 245-257 Older J.J. and Hatcher, R.L. (1969) Food poisoning caused by carbophenothion JAMA 209: 1328-1330. Shafer E.W. (1972) The acute oral toxicity of 369 pesticidal, pharmaceutical and other chemicals to wild birds. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 21: 315-330 Speijers, G.J.A., Verschuuren, H.G., Van Logten, MJ. an Van Esch, G.J. (1976) Onderzoek naar de potentiƫrende werking van 16 organische fosfor verbindingen en carbaryl. Intern Report N.I.P.H. 36-76 Tox. (Unpublished report) Stanley, P.I., Brown, P.M., Martin, A.D., Steed, L.C., Westlake, G.E., Howells, L.C. and Machin, A.J. The avian toxicology of carbophenothin. Pest Infestation Control Laboratory and the Central Veterinary Laboratory, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. (Unpublished report) Su, M.Q., Kinoshita, F.K., Frawley, J.P. and DuBois, K.P. (1971) Comparative inhibition of aliesterases and cholinesterase in rats fed eighteen organophosphorus insecticides. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 20: 241-249 Trutter, J.A. (1976) A three-generation reproduction study in rats with trithion (technical C). Hazleton Laboratories America, Report submitted to the World Health Organization, by Stauffer Chemical Company, Mountain View, California, USA. (Unpublished report) Wolfe, H.R., Armstron, J.F., Staiff, D.A. and Corner, S.W. (1972) Exposure of spraymen to pesticides. Arch. Environ. Health 25: 29-31
See Also: Toxicological Abbreviations Carbophenothion (ICSC) Carbophenothion (WHO Pesticide Residues Series 2) Carbophenothion (Pesticide residues in food: 1976 evaluations) Carbophenothion (Pesticide residues in food: 1979 evaluations) Carbophenothion (Pesticide residues in food: 1980 evaluations) Carbophenothion (Pesticide residues in food: 1983 evaluations)