TRIAZOPHOS First draft prepared by Mr M. Watson, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom EXPLANATION Triazophos was evaluated for acceptable daily intake by the 1982 JMPR (Annex I, 38) at which time a temporary ADI of 0-0.0002 mg/kg bw was established. A toxicological monograph was published after that meeting (Annex I, 39). Additional studies required to complete the toxicological data base were a carcinogenicity study, a teratology study in at least one mammalian species, metabolism studies in additional mammalian species (to explain species differences in acute toxicity studies) and mutagenicity studies. Further studies of biochemical aspects, a range of mutagenicity studies and teratology studies in rats and rabbits were submitted for evaluation at the 1986 Joint Meeting (Annex I, 47). After consideration of these results the temporary ADI of 0-0.0002 mg/kg bw was extended but the final determination of an ADI was considered impractical since no carcinogenicity study was available. The results of carcinogenicity studies in rats and mice and additional studies that were submitted to the present meeting are summarized in this monograph addendum. EVALUATION FOR ACCEPTABLE INTAKE BIOLOGICAL DATA Biochemical aspects Effects on enzymes and other biochemical parameters Groups of 10 male and 10 female Wistar-derived rats were fed dietary levels of triazophos at 0, 3, 10 or 200 ppm for 48 weeks. The treatment period was followed by a withdrawal period of 7 weeks during which all rats received untreated diets. Cholinesterase activity in plasma and red blood cells was determined in all rats at weeks 33 and 43 and during the withdrawal period at 3, 7, 14, 28 and 49 days. At the end of the withdrawal period all rats were killed and cholinesterase activity in the brain was determined in 5 males and 5 females from each group. Cholinesterase activities in plasma and erythrocytes were distinctly inhibited at 10 ppm and considerably inhibited at 200 ppm. Three days after discontinuing treatment with triazophos, the plasma cholinesterase activity in males had returned to normal. In females (which were more severely affected during the treatment period), this recovery was observed within 7 days. Recovery of cholinesterase activity in red blood cells took much longer. Values were generally similar to controls after 2 to 4 weeks recovery at 10 ppm and after 4 to 7 weeks recovery at 200 ppm. There were no inter-group differences in brain cholines-terase activity at termination (Til & Leegwater, 1974). The acute oral toxicity of triazophos (dissolved in arachis oil) was determined in groups of female rats, and the effects of different antidote therapies were investigated. Antidotes were injected intraperitoneally, 1.5 minutes after dosing with triazophos. Different antidotes (atropine sulphate, atropine methylnitrate, pralidoxime mesylate and obidoxime) were tested alone and in combination, but no attempt was made to investigate optimally effective doses of antidote. From the results of this study it may be concluded that atropines raise the LD50 of triazophos by a factor of about 1.5. The addition of pralidoxime to atropines does not increase the LD50 any further, but a combination of atropines and obidoxime raises the LD50 by a factor of about 2. There was some indication that the toxic effects of triazophos are longer lasting than the antidote effects of atropines and oximes and that repeated dosing with antidotes may be beneficial, although this hypothesis was not tested directly in the experiment. The study design of this experiment was inadequate to investigate the true effects of oxime antidotes on anti-cholinesterase poisoning induced by triazophos (Cohen, 1971). Toxicological studies Short-term studies Rats In a 4-week study, triazophos (purity 97.6%) was administered via inhalation exposure (nose only) to 4 groups of 10 male and 10 female Wistar rats at concentrations of 0 (Control), 1, 5 and 25 mg/m3 for 6 hours per day, 5 days per week. An additional 5 males and 5 females per group were used for a 4-week recovery period after completion of treatment. There were no treatment-related clinical signs and the only death was associated with collection of a blood sample. Body weight gain and food intake remained undisturbed by treatment and haematological and biochemical data apart from cholinesterase investigations revealed no changes of toxicological significance. Depression of cholinesterase activity in plasma and erythrocytes was more marked in females than in males; males were affected only at the high dose, whereas females were affected at 5 and 25 mg/m3. A treatment-related depression of brain cholinesterase activity was, however, seen only in males at the high dose. Pathological investigations, including histopathology, revealed no indication of any reaction to treatment. The depression of cholinesterase activity was completely reversible at the end of the 4-week recovery period. The NOAEL was 5 mg/m3, based on the depression of acetylcholinesterase activity in brain at 25 mg/m3 (Bernstein et al., 1987). In a 4-week study, triazophos (purity 97.6%) was administered via dermal exposure (under an occlusive dressing) to 4 groups of 10 male and 10 female Wistar rats at dose levels of 0 (Control), 0.5, 5 and 50 mg/kg bw for 6 hours per day, 5 days per week. An additional 5 males and 5 females per group were used for a 4-week recovery period after completion of treatment. There were no clinical signs of reaction to treatment, no treatment-related deaths and food intake and weight change remained unaffected. Haematological investigations revealed no indication of any reaction to treatment. A slightly increased glucose and urea level was noted for males receiving 5 mg/kg and both sexes receiving 50 mg/kg as well as decreased triglycerides and increased serum alanine aminotransferase activity for males receiving the high dose. Cholinesterase activity was inhibited in plasma in females receiving 0.5 mg/kg bw/day and in both sexes at 5 and 50 mg/kg bw/day. Erythrocyte cholinesterase was inhibited at 5 and 50 mg/kg bw/day in both sexes and brain acetylcholinesterase activity was inhibited only at the high dose level. At pathological investigations, including histopathology, the only sign of reaction to treatment was a slight increase in adrenal weight in females treated with 5 or 50 mg/kg bw/day. All of the changes seen during the treatment period were reversible during the withdrawal period. The no observable adverse effect level was 0.5 mg/kg bw/day, based on the clinical chemistry and organ weight changes seen at 5 and 50 mg/kg bw/day (Thevenez et al., 1987). In a 13-week dietary toxicity study, triazophos (purity 92.6%) was administered to groups of 10 male and 10 female Wistar rats at dietary concentrations of 0 (Control), 1, 20 and 400 ppm. In order to investigate recovery from any reaction to treatment in a 4-week withdrawal period, an additional 10 animals per sex were added to the control, mid and high dietary level groups. There were no clinical signs of reaction to treatment and no rats died prior to the scheduled necropsy. A slight increase in food intake was noted for females receiving 400 ppm, although body weight gain remained unaffected by treatment. Hematological investigations revealed evidence of a very slight degree of anaemia in rats treated with 400 ppm. Investigation of cholinesterase activity revealed a dose-related depression in plasma and erythrocyte activity at 20 and 400 ppm and a depression in activity in brain at 400 ppm. Pathological investigations at termination revealed no evidence of any reaction to treatment with triazophos. All the changes seen during the treatment period were reversible during the withdrawal period. The no-observable-adverse-effect-level was 20 ppm, equal to 1.5 mg/kg bw/day, based on the inhibition of brain cholinesterase activity at 400 ppm (Tennekes et al., 1986). Dogs In a 13-week study, groups of beagle dogs received triazophos (purity 92.6%) by dietary administration at levels of 0 (control), 0.3, 9.0 and 270/180 ppm. The control, mid- and high-dose groups consisted of 6 males and 6 females, while the low-dose group was composed of 4 dogs of each sex. After completion of the treatment period, recovery from treatment-related effects was investigated in 2 males and 2 females from the control and mid-dose group. Severe cholinergic clinical signs of reaction to treatment were seen at the high dose. Two males and one female from this group were killed in a moribund condition on days 43, 81 and 55, respectively. The dietary level for the high-dose group was reduced from 270 to 180 ppm from day 33 onwards. Body weight loss and decreased food intake were seen at the high dose, but not at lower doses. Haematological and biochemical changes were seen in dogs receiving 270/180 ppm but these were probably secondary to the poor general health of these animals. Inhibition of cholinesterase activity in plasma was seen at all dose levels, erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase was inhibited in dogs receiving 9.0 or 270/180 ppm and brain acetylcholinesterase was inhibited only in dogs receiving the high dose. Pathological investigations revealed treatment-related changes only at the high dose. These consisted of muscular hypertrophy in the duodenal wall, degenerative/inflammatory lesions in the zygomatic gland and mineralization of the fibrous-muscular tissue of the left ventricular papillary muscle. Changes in cholinesterase activity in mid-dose dogs were reversible during the recovery period. The NOAEL was 9.0 ppm, equal to 0.29 mg/kg bw/day, based on the severe effects, including mortality, seen at the high dose (Bloch et al., 1986). In a 52-week study, groups of beagle dogs received triazophos by dietary administration at levels of 0, 0.2, 0.4, 4 or 80 ppm. The control and high-dose groups consisted of 6 males and 6 females while the other groups were composed of 4 dogs of each sex. Treatment with triazophos at 80 ppm was associated with the sacrifice of one female on day 73 and the termination of treatment in a second female from day 106. Both of these dogs showed signs typical of cholinesterase inhibition (persistent diarrhoea, evidence of dehydration, weight loss). The withdrawal of treatment in the second female was followed by a progressive recovery, although cholinesterase activity remained below control and pre-test values. Apart from the two females from the high-dose group mentioned above, diarrhoea was seen in most high-dose dogs and a few dogs receiving 4 ppm while evidence of dehydration and weight loss was seen in an additional male receiving 4 ppm. Investigations of auditory perception, ophthalmoscopy, haematological investigations and clinical chemistry tests including urinalysis but apart from cholinesterase investigations revealed no changes considered to be of any toxicological significance. The assessment of plasma and erythrocyte cholinesterase activity indicated a dose-dependent inhibition for both sexes receiving 4 or 80 ppm. Minor variations in cholinesterase activity at lower doses were considered not to be of toxicological significance and brain cholinesterase activity remained unaffected by treatment in all groups. Pathological investigations at termination of the study, including autopsy findings, organ weight analysis and histopathological examination of tissues revealed no evidence of any reaction to treatment with triazophos. The NOAEL was 4 ppm (equal to 0.12 mg/kg bw/day) based on inhibition of cholinesterase activity and signs of reaction to treatment, including mortality, at 80 ppm (Allen et al., 1989). Monkeys Groups of one male and one female adult rhesus monkeys were given daily oral doses of triazophos (suspended in starch slurry) of 0.025 or 0.05 mg/kg bw by stomach intubation for 22 consecutive days. Behaviour, general condition, body weight and food intake of the animals was monitored. Blood samples were collected for determination of serum and erythrocyte cholinesterase activity pre-test, after each dose and twice weekly after the last dose for 6 weeks. Behaviour and general condition of the animals was not affected by treatment and food consumption was affected only in the male monkey receiving the high dose. This animal ate 40-45% less than expected during the treatment period, but intake returned quickly to normal after cessation of dosing. Body weight remained unaffected by treatment in all animals. Serum cholinesterase activity in animals receiving 0.05 mg/kg bw/day fell rapidly to about 30-35% of the initial value, with the maximum decrease being seen after 5-8 days dosing. After the last dose, activities increased continuously, approaching the initial value after 18-22 days withdrawal. At the lower dose, serum cholinesterase activity fell to about 40% of initial activity in the female and 70% in the male. Lowest values were seen after about 18 days dosing and values increased after the end of the dosing period; reaching initial values after 8 days withdrawal in the male and 15 days in the female. Erythrocyte cholinesterase activity remained unaffected by treatment at either 0.025 or 0.05 mg/kg bw/day (Scholz & Baeder, 1971). Long-term/carcinogenicity studies Mice In a combined long-term toxicity and carcinogenicity study in mice, triazophos was administered via the diet to four groups of 60 male and 60 female NMRI mice at dietary levels of 0, 6, 30 or 150 ppm. From each group 10 males and 10 females were designated for interim sacrifice after 52 weeks and the remaining 50 males and 50 females comprised the carcinogenicity study and were scheduled for sacrifice after 104 weeks. There were no clinical signs of reaction to treatment and although mortality at the high dose was slightly higher than in controls, this difference did not attain statistical significance. Survival at the terminal sacrifice was in the range of 46 - 52% in the control, 6 and 30 ppm groups and 38% in the high dietary level group. Food intake and weight gain remained largely unaffected by treatment and hematological parameters also remained unaffected by treatment with triazophos. Clinical chemistry investigations revealed treatment-related changes in cholesterol levels and cholinesterase activity. At the 12-month interim sacrifice serum cholesterol levels were increased, compared to controls in high dose male mice; a similar, though not statistically significant, change was seen at the terminal sacrifice in males treated with 30 or 150 ppm. At the interim sacrifice, serum cholinesterase activity was inhibited at 30 and 150 ppm, and erythrocyte cholines-terase was inhibited in males at 150 ppm and in females at 30 and 150 ppm. More severe effects were seen at the terminal sacrifice: serum and erythrocyte cholinesterase were inhibited, compared to controls, in all groups, apart from erythrocyte activity in males treated with the low dose. Brain cholinesterase activity was not affected by treatment after 52 weeks but at the terminal sacrifice a marked inhibition was seen in females treated with 150 ppm, though not in any other group. Pathological investigations at the interim and terminal sacrifices revealed no indication of any reaction to treatment with triazophos. In particular, the type and incidence of neoplastic lesions were those commonly seen in aged mice. The NOAEL was thus 30 ppm, equal to 4.5 mg/kg bw/day, based on the slightly increased mortality seen in animals treated with 150 ppm and inhibition of brain cholinesterase in females at 150 ppm (Donaubauer et al., 1989). Rats In a combined long-term toxicity and carcinogenicity study in rats, triazophos was administered via the diet to four groups of 80 male and 80 female Wistar-derived rats at dietary levels of 0, 3, 27, or 243 ppm. From each group, 10 males and 10 females were designated for interim sacrifice after 52 weeks, 20 males and 20 females for sacrifice after 104 weeks, while the remaining 50 males and 50 females in each group comprised the carcinogenicity study and were scheduled for sacrifice after 118 weeks of treatment. There were no clinical signs of reaction to treatment and mortality remained unaffected by administration of triazophos. Survival at the terminal sacrifice was in the range of 46-51% in the different groups. Female rats in the high dose group ate about 10% more food than control rats and this was reflected in an increased body weight gain in this group; otherwise appetite and growth remained unaffected by treatment. In general, treated females tended to drink more water than did the controls, this effect was most evident at the high dietary level but males remained unaffected. Hearing tests and ophthalmoscopy revealed no treatment-related changes. Haematology and urinalysis investigations revealed no indication of any reaction to treatment and treatment-related changes in clinical biochemistry tests were confined to the inhibition of cholinesterase activity. There was a dose-related inhibition of cholinesterase activity in plasma and erythrocytes at 243 and 27 ppm during the course of treatment. In females treated with 243 ppm a slight (approximately 21-28%) inhibition of brain cholinesterase activity was noted at both the interim (52 week) and chronic toxicity (104 weeks) sacrifices. Post-mortem examinations revealed no indication of any effect on organ weights but there was a higher incidence of nodular changes in the pancreas and small intestine in males treated with 243 ppm than in controls. This correlated with an increased incidence of focal or multifocal hyperplasia of the exocrine pancreas in treated groups. This change was seen in 9 males at 243 ppm, 5 males at 27 ppm and 1 male at 3 ppm, but not in any controls. This lesion was not found in any female rats from any group. The incidence and distribution of tumours remained unaffected by treatment; all the neoplastic lesions encountered were of types frequently seen in the strain of rat used in this study. The NOAEL was thus 3 ppm, equal to 0.17 mg/kg bw/day based on the increased incidence of hyperplasia of the exocrine pancreas observed at 243 and 27 ppm in addition to inhibition of brain cholinesterase in females at 243 ppm (Tennekes et al., 1990). Reproduction studies In a two-generation (one litter per generation) reproduction study, groups of 25 male and 25 female Wistar rats received dietary administration of triazophos at 0, 3, 27 or 243 ppm. Dietary levels were based on the results of a preliminary study (Suter & Terrier, 1989). Treatment was continued for a 70 day premating period, and throughout pairing, gestation and lactation for breeding of the F1 litters. Following weaning on day 21 post-partum, groups of 25 male and 25 female F1 animals were selected. Diets were fed to these animals for 125 days prior to pairing, and throughout pairing, gestation and lactation for breeding of the F2 litters. Clinical signs of reaction to treatment were seen at 243 ppm. Aggressive behaviour was noted in the parental generation during the premating period; exophthalmia, ataxia, tremors and dyspnoea were noted during the lactation period in the females of the parental and F1 generations and in F1 pups for up to 3 weeks at the start of the premating period. Three F1 generation females receiving 243 ppm died during the lactation period. Treatment-related reductions in food intake and weight gain were noted at 243 ppm, and a higher breeding loss was also seen at the high dietary level than in the control group. Reproductive index and general fertility parameters remained unaffected by treatment at all dietary levels and there was no evidence of any obvious teratogenic effect. Organ weights and pathological examination gave no indication of any reaction to treatment and behaviour, food intake and weight gain and pup viability remained unaffected by treatment at 3 or 27 ppm. The NOAEL was thus 27 ppm, equivalent to 2-3 mg/kg bw/day (Suter et al., 1989). Special studies on delayed neurotoxicity An acute delayed neurotoxicity study was performed in hens. Preliminary investigations of the acute oral toxicity revealed that the LD50 in white Leghorn hens was 7.5 (4.8-10.1) mg/kg bw, and that protection with atropine sulfate and 2-PAM methiodide raised the LD50 to approximately 50 mg/kg. In the main study, triazophos was administered twice, orally, at the protected LD50 dose of 50 mg/kg bw to a group of 20 white Leghorn hens, with an interval of 21 days between doses. A negative control group and a positive control group (TOCP 500 mg/kg bw), each composed of 6 animals, were also included in the study. Dosing with triazophos resulted in the death of 15 animals and the sacrifice of one further animal on day 38, despite symptomatic treatment with antidotes. Deaths occurred within 24 hours of dosing, 9/20 after the first dose and a further 6 after the second. Of the four hens which survived to the end of the study, two showed slight to severe signs of ataxia. In one animal signs were seen 7 days after the second dose and in the other 12 days after the second dose. These clinical signs were accompanied by histological lesions in the spinal cord (cystic dilatation in myelin sheaths and plaque-shaped decomposition bodies). Similar histological lesions were also present in the hen which showed no ataxia but was killed on day 38. Animals in the positive control group showed the typical neurotoxic effects produced by TOCP (Ebert & Mayer, 1988). In a further acute delayed neurotoxicity test, triazophos was administered twice at a dose level of 12.5 mg/kg bw to a group of 15 white Leghorn hens protected by an antidote treatment with an interval of 21 days between doses. A negative control group and a positive control group (TOCP 500 mg/kg bw), each composed of 6 animals, were also included in the study. All hens treated with triazophos survived and were killed at the end of the study. Cholinergic symptoms such as lacrimation and trembling were seen shortly after dosing with triazophos. Assessment of ataxia and histological examination of brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves indicated no neurotoxic effects of triazophos. In contrast, animals in the positive control group, treated with TOCP, showed the typical neurotoxic effects such as severe delayed ataxia or paralysis and histological lesions such as axonal swellings in the spinal cord and decomposition of the myelin sheaths together with reactive proliferation of the Schwann's cells in peripheral nerves (Ebert, 1989). Neurotoxicity has also been investigated via short term, dietary administration of triazophos. In a 20-day preliminary study, triazophos was administered to groups of five female white Leghorn hens by dietary admixture, at levels of 0 (control), 50, 100, 150 or 200 ppm. At termination, three animals from each group were assigned for pathology (preservation of tissues only) and two for determination of neuropathy target esterase (NTE) activity. All animals survived until termination, there were no clinical signs of reaction to treatment, and food intake, weight change, forced motor activity and NTE activity remained undisturbed by treatment. In the main study, triazophos was administered to groups of 10 female, white Leghorn hens by dietary admixture, at levels of 0 (control), 50, 110 or 250 ppm. There were no treatment-related clinical signs among animals receiving 50 or 110 ppm. At 250 ppm, restless and/or excited behaviour was seen in all animals and sedation in 2/10. One of these latter two hens died on day 76. At 50 and 110 ppm food intake was initially reduced compared to controls but was unaffected overall. At 250 ppm food intake was consistently reduced. Treated animals displayed a dose-related weight loss during the study. Examination of forced motor activity revealed no treatment-related changes at 50 or 110 ppm, while at 250 ppm, two of the ten animals displayed symptoms characteristic of delayed neurotoxicity. One of these died on day 76. Plasma cholinesterase activity was markedly reduced at all dose levels. NTE activity was not investigated. Patho-logical examination revealed no treatment-related macroscopic changes. Histo-logical examination revealed morphological evidence of short-term neuro-toxicity in the spinal cord and peripheral nerves in animals treated with 250 ppm. Similar lesions were seen in control and treated hens, but the severity of the lesions and the number of animals affected was greater at the high dietary level than in the other groups (Ullmann et al., 1991). Special studies on skin sensitization and irritation The dermal sensitization potential of triazophos has been tested in guinea pigs according to the Buehler patch test method. The induction phase was carried out by repeated dermal application of a 10% solution of triazophos in sesame oil. At challenge (using a 5% solution) no dermal reaction was seen and it was concluded that triazophos displayed no sensitizing potential in this test (Hollander & Weigand, 1976). COMMENTS In 1986 the temporary ADI of 0-0.0002 mg/kg bw was extended pending the submission of a carcinogenicity study. In a 52-week study in dogs, employing dietary concentrations of 0, 0.2, 0.4, 4, or 80 ppm triazophos, the only signs of reaction to treatment were associated with inhibition of plasma and erythrocyte cholinesterase activity. The NOAEL was 4 ppm (equal to 0.12 mg/kg bw/day), based on inhibition of plasma and erythrocyte cholinesterase activity and mortality at 80 ppm. Long-term/carcinogenicity studies in rats and mice at dietary concentrations of 0, 3, 27, or 243 ppm and 0, 6, 30 or 150 ppm demonstrated that triazophos has no carcinogenic potential in either species. In rats an increased incidence of hyperplasia of the exocrine pancreas was observed at 27 and 243 ppm and inhibition of brain acetylcholinesterase in females at 243 ppm. The NOAEL was 3 ppm, equal to 0.17 mg/kg bw/day. In mice, slightly increased mortality at 150 ppm and inhibition of brain acetylcholinesterase in females at 150 ppm were observed. The NOAEL was 30 ppm, equal to 4.5 mg/kg bw/day. In a two-generation reproduction study in rats at dietary concentrations of 3, 27 or 243 ppm triazophos, marked clinical signs, including mortality, decreased survival and reduced weight gain in pups were seen at 243 ppm. The NOAEL was 27 ppm, equal to 2-3 mg/kg bw/day. There were two additional delayed neurotoxicity tests in hens. In the first, atropine and oxime antidotes were used with a dose of triazophos about 7 times the unprotected LD50 of 7.5 mg/kg bw. In the group treated with triazophos, high mortality was seen and only 4 hens survived to termination. Among these 4 hens, signs of ataxia were seen in 2 hens and histological lesions were seen in the nervous tissue of 3 animals. In the second study, at lower doses (about twice the unprotected LD50), triazophos displayed no neurotoxic effects. A 90-day neurotoxicity study in hens at dietary concentrations of 0, 50, 110 or 250 ppm, was preceded by a 20-day preliminary study. In the preliminary study, at dietary levels up to 200 ppm, there were no neurotoxic symptoms and neuropathy target esterase (NTE) activity remained undisturbed by treatment. Histopathology was not performed. In the main study, cholinergic signs were seen at the high dose of 250 ppm and one hen (of 10) died on day 76. This hen, and one other, displayed clinical signs of neurotoxicity. Plasma cholinesterase activity was markedly reduced at all doses, but NTE activity was not investigated. Morphological lesions characteristic of neurotoxicity were reported in the spinal cord and peripheral nerves. The study report stated that lesions were more severe and seen more frequently in hens treated with triazophos than in controls. The Meeting concluded that it was difficult to interpret these histopathology findings since, most unusually, lesions were frequently seen in the spinal cord, but very infrequently in the peripheral nerves, of control animals. The Meeting reviewed the results of male and female human volunteer studies previously summarized in the 1982 monograph. A series of experiments had been conducted, including a three-week trial with 25 volunteers. The present Meeting agreed with the conclusion of the 1982 JMPR regarding that trial: a dose of 0.0125 mg/kg bw/day of triazophos was a minimal effect level with regard to plasma cholinesterase activity but was without effect on erythrocyte acetylcholin-esterase. In view of the uncertainty regarding the potential for triazophos to cause delayed neurotoxicity, the Meeting extended the temporary ADI, basing it on the NOAEL in dogs, utilizing a 500-fold safety factor. TOXICOLOGICAL EVALUATION Level causing no toxicological effect Mouse: 30 ppm in the diet, equal to 4.5 mg/kg bw/day Rat: 3 ppm in the diet, equal to 0.17 mg/kg bw/day (long term study) 27 ppm in the diet, equal to 2-3 mg/kg bw/day (multigeneration study) Dog: 4 ppm in the diet, equal to 0.12 mg/kg bw/day Human: 0.0125 mg/kg bw/day Estimate of temporary acceptable daily intake for humans 0-0.0002 mg/kg bw Studies without which the determination of a full ADI is impractical To be submitted to WHO by 1992: 1. Clarification of the potential for triazophos to cause delayed neurotoxicity through an acute delayed neurotoxicity study in hens combined with measurements of acetylcholinesterase and neuropathy target esterase inhibition in nervous tissue. 2. Submission of ongoing studies, including those on antidotes to acute poisoning. REFERENCES Allen, T.R., Frei, T., Luetkemeier, H., Vogel, W., Terrier, Ch., Vogel, O. & Armstrong, J. (1989) Triazophos technical grade: Chronic oral toxicity, 52-week feeding study in beagle dogs. Unpublished report from RCC, submitted by Hoechst AG., Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany. Bernstein, D.M., Luetkemeier, H., Vogel, W., Schlotke, B., & Terrier, Ch. (1987) Triazophos technical grade: Subacute 28-day repeated dose inhalation toxicity study in rats. Unpublished report from RCC, submitted by Hoechst AG., Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany. Bloch, I., Frei, Th., Luetkemeier, H., Vogel, W. & Terrier, Ch. (1986) Triazophos technical grade: subchronic oral toxicity 13-week feeding study in beagle dogs. Unpublished report from RCC, submitted by Hoechst AG., Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany. Cohen, E.M. (1971) Therapeutic effects of various antidotes against intoxication with the compound Hoe 02960 in rats. Unpublished report from TNO submitted by Hoechst AG., Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany. Donauber, H.H. (1989) Triazophos substance technical: Combined chronic toxicity and carcinogenicity study in mice. Unpublished report from Hoechst AG., Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany. Ebert, E. (1989) Triazophos substance technical: Testing for acute delayed neurotoxicity in white leghorn hens. Unpublished report from Hoechst AG., Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany. Ebert, E. and Mayer, D. (1988) Triazophos substance technical: Testing for acute delayed neurotoxicity in white leghorn hens. Unpublished report from Hoechst AG., Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany. Hollander & Weigand (1976) Testing for sensitizing properties of triazophos in the guinea pig. Unpublished report from Hoechst AG., Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany. Scholz, J. & Baeder, C. (1971) Report on a 22-day feeding trial with Hoe 2960 and rhesus monkeys. Unpublished report from Hoechst AG., Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany. Suter, P., Vogel, W., Armstrong, J.M. & Terrier, Ch. (1989) Triazophos technical grade: The two-generation reproduction study in the rat. Unpublished report from RCC, submitted by Hoechst AG., Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany. Suter, P., Vogel, W. & Terrier, Ch. (1989) Triazophos technical grade: Preliminary study to the two-generation reproduction study in the rat. Unpublished report from RCC, submitted by Hoechst AG., Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany. Tennekes, H., Janiak, T., Probst, D., Leutkemeier, H., Vogel, O., Westen, H., Biedermann, K. & Heusner, W. (1990) Triazophos technical grade: Chronic toxicity/oncogenicity feeding study in rats. Unpublished report from RCC, submitted by Hoechst AG., Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany. Tennekes, H., Horst, K., Luetkmeier, H., Vogel, W., Schlotke, B. & Terrier, Ch. (1986) Triazophos technical grade: subchronic oral toxicity 13 week feeding study in rats. Unpublished report from RCC, submitted by Hoechst AG., Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany. Thevenez, Th., Luetkemeier, H., Schlotke, B., Vogel, W. & Terrier, Ch. (1987) Triazophos technical grade: subacute 28-day repeat dose dermal toxicity study in rats. Unpublished report from RCC, submitted by Hoechst AG., Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany. Til, H.P. and Leegwater, D.C. (1974) Investigation of the recovery of cholinesterase inhibition induced by Hoe 2960 in rats. Unpublished report from CIVO/TNO, submitted by Hoechst AG., Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany. Ullmann, L., Sacher, R., Porricello, T., Janiak, Th., Luetkemeier, H., Biedermann, K., Vogel, O., Terrier, Ch. (1991) 3-Month subchronic delayed neurotoxicity (feeding) study with triazophos - substance technical in the hen. RCC Report 123214 of 13 June, submitted by Hoechst AG., Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany.
See Also: Toxicological Abbreviations Triazophos (JMPR Evaluations 2002 Part II Toxicological) Triazophos (Pesticide residues in food: 1982 evaluations) Triazophos (Pesticide residues in food: 1983 evaluations) Triazophos (Pesticide residues in food: 1986 evaluations Part II Toxicology) Triazophos (Pesticide residues in food: 1993 evaluations Part II Toxicology)