PHOSPHAMIDON       JMPR 1974


         Phosphamidon was considered at the Joint Meetings in 1965, 1966,
    1968, 1969, 1972 (FAO/WHO 1965, 1967, 1969, 1970, 1973).

         The Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues requested the Joint
    Meeting (Alinorm 74/24, para. 150) to make further proposals for
    specific tolerances for fruits and vegetables in addition to those
    already proposed.


         Data on a number of fruit and vegetable crops were available to
    the Meeting. They are summarized in Table 1.


         On the basis of the available data, the Meeting concluded that
    the existing tolerances for fruit and vegetables should be deleted and
    replaced by the specific tolerances shown below.


         The following tolerances are recommended to replace the existing
    tolerances for phosphamidon on "other fruit; cole crops" and "other
    vegetables (except root vegetables)". They refer to the sum of
    phosphamidon and desethyl-phosphamidon, expressed as phosphamidon.

    TOLERANCES                                         mg/kg

    Beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts,
    cabbage, carrots, celeriac, green
    peppers, peas, spinach, cherries,
    peaches, plums, strawberries                      0.2

    TABLE 1  Typical phosphamidon residues in fruits and vegetables


                          Application            Residue (mg/kg) at interval (days) after application

    Crop                  Rate         Number    0        1        2        3        4-5      6-7      8-11     12-15     16-27       Ref.

    Cherries              0.40 g/l     2         7.9                                 4.2               1.0      0.3       0.2         Ciba

    Peaches               0.40 g/l     2                           0.15              0.12              0.01                           ibid.

    Plums                 0.20 g/l     2                                             0.04                                             ibid.

    Strawberries          1.20 g/l     1         3.2                        1.8      0.8               0.7                0.2         Voss

    Grapes                0.50 g/l     3                  2.68                       1.5               0.8                0.25        Ciba
                          0.60 g/l     3                  2.7                                 1.4      0.4                0.2         Voss
                          1.00 g/l     3                  4.8                        3.0               1.5                0.12        Ciba
                          1.20 g/l     3                  4.8                                 2.8      0.6                0.3         Voss

    Lima Beans            0.28 kg/ha   5         5.2               <0.1                                                               Ciba
                          1.19 kg/ha   5         36.8     28.0                       4.0                                              ibid.

    Snap beans (pods)     0.29 kg/ha   4         <0.1                                <0.1                                             ibid.
                          0.59 kg/ha   4         1.0                                 <0.1                                             ibid.

    Broccoli              0.55 kg/ha   3                                    <0.1              <0.1                                    Voss
                          0.55 kg/ha   4                                    0.32              0.12                                    ibid.
                          1.12 kg/ha   4         3.4      2.1      <0.1                                                               ibid.

    Brussels sprouts      0.40 g/l     1         0.5                                 0.13              0.1                <0.1        Voss

    Cabbage (heads
    stripped)             0.28 kg/ha   2         1.8                                 <0.1                                             Ciba
                          0.56 kg/ha   2         3.6                                 <0.1                                             ibid.

    TABLE 1  (Cont'd.)


                          Application            Residue (mg/kg) at interval (days) after application

    Crop                  Rate         Number    0        1        2        3        4-5      6-7      8-11     12-15     16-27       Ref.

    Carrots (roots)       0.25 g/l     1                                                                                  <0.1        Voss
                          0.25 g/l     1                                                                                  <0.1        ibid.
                          0.30 g/l     1         <0.1                       <0.1              <0.1              <0.1                  ibid.
                          0.60 g/l     3         0.4                        0.15              <0.1                                    ibid.
                          0.60 g/l     1                  1.75     0.75                                0.13                           Ciba
                          0.60 g/l     1                  0.4      0.2                                 <0.1                           ibid.

    Celeriac (roots)      0.30 g/l     1                                                                                  0.1-0.16    Voss
                          0.40 g/l     1         0.25                                0.1               <0.1               <0.1        ibid.


    Ciba Ltd. (1967) Dimecron. p. 63-65. Basle.

    FAO/WHO. (1965) Evaluation of the toxicity of pesticide residues in
    food. FAO Meeting Report, No. PL/1965/10/1; WHO/Food Add./27.65.

    FAO/WHO. (1967) Evaluation of some pesticide residues in food.
    FAO/PL/CP/15; WHO/Food Add./67.32.

    FAO/WHO. (1969) 1968 Evaluations of some pesticide residues in food.
    FAO/PL/1968/M/9/1; WHO/Food Add./69.35.

    FAO/WHO. (1970) 1969 Evaluations of some pesticide residues in food.
    FAO/PL/1969/M/17/1; WHO/Food Add./70.38.

    FAO/WHO. (1973) 1972 Evaluations of some pesticide residues in food.
    FAO/AGP/1972/M/9/1; WHO Pesticide Residue Series, No. 2.

    Voss, G. and Geissbühler, H. (1971) Rate of degradation of
    phosphamidon and residue values. Residue Reviews., 37:133-152.

    See Also:
       Toxicological Abbreviations
       Phosphamidon (ICSC)
       Phosphamidon (PIM 454)
       Phosphamidon (FAO Meeting Report PL/1965/10/1)
       Phosphamidon (FAO/PL:CP/15)
       Phosphamidon (FAO/PL:1968/M/9/1)
       Phosphamidon (FAO/PL:1969/M/17/1)
       Phosphamidon (WHO Pesticide Residues Series 2)
       Phosphamidon (Pesticide residues in food: 1982 evaluations)
       Phosphamidon (Pesticide residues in food: 1986 evaluations Part II Toxicology)