At the CCPR meeting 1975 (ALINORM 76/24, para. 135) the view was
expressed that the practical residue limit of 0.05 mg/kg which was
suggested for sugar beets by the Joint Meeting in 1970 * was
inconsistent with the simultaneously established practical residue
limits of 0.2 mg/kg and 0.15 mg/kg for meat and milk and milk products
(fat basis), respectively.
In support of this view it was agreed that new data should be
presented to the Meeting. Such data have not been received.
Considering the question raised at the CCPR Meeting in 1975, the
Meeting confirmed that the residue limits for heptachlor in sugar
beets, meat and milk and milk products are based on data from a
substantial number of studies on the carry-over from feed to animal
products made in the years 1964-69. The limits are interrelated and,
in the opinion of the Meeting, adequately reflect the reviewed data.
The intention of the practical residue limit in sugar beets is to
discourage any direct uses of heptachlor in connection with sugar beet
culture, but at the same time to provide for the presence of residues
which might occur from unintentional uptake from soils previously
treated in crop rotations. In the course of time since these
recommendations were made, several uses of heptachlor may have been
phased out, and the risks of unintentional uptake my have diminished
to the extent that the present practical residue limit of 0.05 mg/kg
in sugar beets could possibly be lowered.
As however, in the opinion of the Meeting, such lowering would
not provide any further protection of significance and no further data
to support a decrease have come forward, the Meeting agreed to
maintain the limit until such data were provided.
ALINORM 76/24, 1975.
* This recommendation was erroneously omitted in ref. FAO/WHO, 1971a,
but was installed after the 1971 Meeting (FAO/WHO, 1972a).