WHO Pesticide Residues Series. No. 2 1972 EVALUATIONS OF SOME PESTICIDE RESIDUES IN FOOD THE MONOGRAPHS The evaluations contained in these monographs were prepared by the Joint Meeting of the FAO Working Party of Experts on Pesticide Residues and the WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues that met in Rome from 20 to 28 November 1972.1 World Health Organization Geneva 1973 1 Pesticide Residues in Food: Report of the 1972 Joint Meeting of the FAO Working Party of Experts on Pesticide Residues and the WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues, Wld Hlth Org. techn. Rep. Ser., 1973, No. 525; FAO Agricultural Studies, 1973, No. 90. These monographs are also issued by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, as document AGP:1972/M/9/1. (c) FAO and WHO 1973 CONTENTS List of Attendees Introduction The Monographs Azinphos-methyl Bromophos Bromophos-ethyl Carbophenothion Chlordane* Chlormequat* Chlorobenzilate* Chloropropylate* Chlorpyrifos Coumaphos* Crufomate* Dioxathion* Diquat* Ethion* Fenchlorphes* Fensulfothion Fentin Compounds* Formothion* Methidathion Mevinphos* Monocrotophos Paraquat* Parathion-methyl* Phosalone Phosphamidon* Piperonyl butoxide* Pyrethrins* Thiabendazole Annex 1 - Index to documentation and summary of recommendations concerning acceptable daily intakes, tolerances, and practical residue limits, as of December 1972 ANNEX 2 - References * Addendum LIST OF ATTENDEES Members of the FAO Working Party of Experts on Pesticide Residues: Dr. D.C. Abbott, Senior Superintendent, Environmental Chemistry, Laboratory of the Government Chemist, Department of Trade and Industry, London, England Dr. A.F.H. Besemer, Head, Pesticides Division, Plant Protection Service, Ministry of Agriculture, Wageningen, Netherlands Dr. K. Glogowski, Deputy Director (Scientific), Plant Protection Institute, Posnan, Poland Dr. K.R. Hill, US Department of Agriculture, Analytical Chemistry Laboratory, Agricultural Environmental Quality Institute - ARS, Beltsville, Md., USA (Chairman) Dr. P.E. Koivistoinen, Director, Institute of Food Chemistry and Technology, University of Helsinki, Finland Mr. J.T. Snelson, Pesticides Co-ordinator, Department of Primary Industry, Canberra, Australia (Rapporteur) Members of the WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues: Dr. W.F. Almeida, Director, Division of Animal Biology, Biological Institute, Sao Paulo, Brazil Dr. V. Benes, Chief, Division of Toxicology and Reference Laboratory, Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Prague, Czechoslovakia Mr. D.J. Clegg, Head, Pesticide Unit, Division of Toxicology, Food Advisory Bureau, Health Protection Branch, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (Rapporteur) Dr. S.D. Murphy, Associate Professor of Toxicology, Harvard University, School of Public Health, Boston, Mass., USA Professor I. Nir, Head, Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Ministry of Health, Jerusalem, Israel Dr. H.G. Verschuuren, Head, Department of Biological Toxicology of Pesticides, National Institute of Public Health, Bilthoven, Netherlands (Vice-Chairman) Secretariat: Dr. R.L. Baron, Environmental Protection Agency, Perrine Primate Laboratory, Perrine, Fla., USA (Consultant) Dr. L. Ladomery, Food Standards Officer, Food Standards Branch (FAO/WHO Programme) International Agency Liaison Division, FAO, Rome, Italy Dr. F.C. Lu, Chief Scientist, Food Additives, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland (Joint Secretary) Dr. H. Marchart, Pesticide Residue and Pollution Section, Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Atomic Energy in Agriculture, Vienna, Austria Dr. M. Sharratt, Senior Medical Officer, Department of Health and Social Security, London, England (Consultant) Mrs. K. Tedesco-Zammarano, Plant Protection Service, FAO, Rome, Italy Dr. L. Tomatis, Chief Chemical Carcinogenesis Unit, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France Dr. E.E. Turtle, Pesticides Specialist, Plant Protection Service, FAO, Rome, Italy (Joint Secretary) Dr. G. Vettorazzi, Scientist, Food Additives, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland INTRODUCTION A Joint Meeting of the FAO Working Party of Experts on Pesticide Residues and the WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues was held in Rome in November, 1972. The general considerations, including the principles adopted for the evaluations and a summary of the results of evaluations on a number of pesticide residues, appear in the publication, "Report of the 1972 Joint Meeting of the FAO Working Party of Experts on Pesticide Residues and the WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues".2 Additional information, including previously unpublished summaries of data considered by the Joint Meeting in arriving at recommendations for acceptable daily intakes, tolerances and methods of analysis, is to be found in this document. Many of the compounds considered at this meeting have been previously evaluated in earlier publications. If only a limited amount of additional information on these compounds has become available in the intervening years, only this latter information is summarized in the pertinent monograph, and reference is made to the previously published evaluation, which should also be consulted by the reader who wishes to obtain a complete evaluation of the compound. Such monograph addenda are indicated by an asterisk in the "Contents", p. iii. If a large amount of data has become available since the previously published evaluation, or if the compound was first considered by the Joint Meeting in 1972, the pertinent monograph is reproduced in its entirety. As much relevant information as possible has been included in the monographs. This has been obtained from the published literature wherever possible, but other sources of information have also been used. Early and complete publication of the results of research in this field is very important, particularly of that part which could form the basis for estimation of acceptable daily intakes and appropriate tolerances. Publication allows the research to be scrutinized and criticized by scientists from disciplines not necessarily represented at the meeting. Data contained in unpublished reports, because they may include more detail than published work, are often acceptable. However, such reports must be complete and nonconfidential and indicate authorship. 2 Pesticide residues in food. Report of the 1972 Joint Meeting of the FAO Working Party of Experts on Pesticide Residues and the WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues, WHO Technical Report Series No. 525, FAO Agricultural Studies, No. 90. Two appendices have been included at the end of this series of monographs. Appendix I is a reproduction of Appendix I in the Report of the 1972 Joint Meeting,3 and gives the source of all the previous monographs of various compounds. Appendix II gives bibliographic data of a general nature. NOTE TO THE READER Any comments on residues in food and their evaluation should be addressed to: Plant Protection Service Plant Production and Protection Division Food and Agriculture Organization Rome, Italy Any comments on evaluation for acceptable daily intakes should be addressed to: Food Additives Unit World Health Organization Geneva, Switzerland 3 Pesticide residues in food. Report of the 1972 Joint Meeting of the FAO Working Party of Experts on Pesticide Residues and the WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues, WHO Technical Report Series, No. 525, FAO Agricultural Studies, No. 90.
See Also: Toxicological Abbreviations